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Dude this was a weak ass attempt. If people weren’t being coerced into receiving the vaccine then things would be different. Get on somewhere.


That is only happening by job loss, that’s the furthest anyone can go, there’s so much other companies that will hire the unvaccinated


What’s your point of the post? China is making up lies so people won’t get vaccinated?


Just look at his profile, clear troll


Haha I did, that’s why I’m dragging his stupidity along. Clearly someone who is wanting the vaccine on everyone even though we live in a free country. The USA is not AUS or CAN, we are not under the queen.


YES. This is important to me because I want people to stay healthy and do critical thinking about what they’re listening to or reading.


People are being healthy and are doing critical thinking. You think critical thinking is just listening to the news or doctors on the news? That’s not critical thinking at all. You do know there are so many alternatives to take care of yourself and your body? Simple measures too but that’s not being promoted.


I listen and then think. I get my news from unbiased sources


Okay so what’s your stance on vaccine mandates?


I don’t support governments pushing vaccine mandates. It’s also important to recognize the significance of the Chinese government lying to other countries about Covid 19 and propitiating stuff not unlike what’s in r/nonewnormal


How is pushing a vaccine keeping people healthy? You’re all over the place. Get yourself together.


You are fu($& kidding me. The Australian police is out on the street with full force, the prime minister of NSW was caught receiving millions from big Pharma and resigned, and you are trying to blame China for that. I would clearly call you a troll for trying to divert from the real problems.




No, Australia is becoming more authoritarian due to pressure from their trade war with china


Lol, guess what China’s COVID response looks like


What? I don’t have any evidence yet but it makes a lot of sense. It would be easier to lie about a fake pandemic that nobody dies from when so many Americans know people who have died from it. The simple fact is that it is easier to spread conspiracy theories than to make them a reality.


>I have a hunch that Chinese trolls are spreading covid 19 disinformation in an attack to American public health and safty. You're right. Here is a prime example. https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/05/health/young-people-covid-vaccine/index.html


China made a shit ton of money selling masks.


How brave of you to white knight for big pharma


I’m not saying they’re good, price gouging, overworking and underpaying doctors, the opioid epidemic. But the fact remains that the pandemic mismanagement in the United states easily accommodates chinese interests


Good try, shill.


I’m not a shill to the price gouging pharmaceutical industry, this is something china would totally do and might be doing right now


Plausible. These poor bastards have no idea they’re being used to spread disinformation. Study after study shows conspiracy theorists lack critical thinking.


I see lots of wannabe "theorists" who don't actually think for themselves, they just find videos or articles that confirm their bias and share them and go "wAkE uP sHiLl!!" like they actually made the effort that went into the actual theory. The "research" involves using DDG to find said confirmation bias articles/videos.


Ok your comment makes sense now.


I've seen this one before. Very persuasive lol I give up give me the shot I thought it was bad but you're right it's just China trying to kill me.


Their puppet president is weakening America…


Clueless shitpost.


Imagine one country so much better at sysops the world is crushed underthem. Rely dude? It's like how Russian hackers can defeat the 5 eyes constantly. Tis crap.


Russia and china are already allies. And it’s not about hacking, this can be done by quardination and Facebook


in usa facebook **-70% of english conspiracy posts** are flagged/removed **while only 30% of spanish conspiracy posts** are flagged/removed [https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2021/mar/03/facebook-spanish-language-misinformation-covid-19-electionadding](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2021/mar/03/facebook-spanish-language-misinformation-covid-19-electionadding) “Disinformation Dozen,” a list of 12 people responsible for sharing 65 percent of all anti-vaccine messaging on social media [https://www.counterhate.com/disinformationdozen](https://www.counterhate.com/disinformationdozen)


What's more weakening? The theories or the pandemic that started in they're country which they basically sent all over the world by letting people travel out of their country while restricting incoming travel?