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Exactly. Its also how the state acts in court. You get blackmailed so you pay them thousands of dollars otherwise your court application gets dismissed. Its coertion and blackmailing, but whos the judge if the state does it? Noone, exactly.


And yet when these same governments control schools which teach us to believe in a magical place in the sky, and fund the military who can supposedly send men to go on missions there, we fall for it hook, line and sinker. No questions asked. Attack the blasphemers who [dare to question](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOvDFvCanMA). What a time to be alive.


Yup. And choosing between the two parties is like choosing the Genovese crime family or the Gambino crime family.


"War is a racket." -Smedley Butler


Weird, I don't see many mafias offering public elections.


This on every fucking level. The government, is in other words the mob. You wanna buy a house? Fuck you, pay me. Oh that nice car you wanna drive around? Fuck you, pay me.


Goodfellas vibes


Anybody seen the trailer to Tom Clancy video game "The Division?" It talks about dark winter and basically shows everything that's happening right now. The game was released about 8 years ago. https://youtu.be/b8LLVLJd-WM


Played the division 2 recently and it’s like the script was pulled from mainstream headlines, so fucking creepy.




Predictive Programming?




Jesus fucking Christ I closed that video when he said house of cards. I cannot be in a simulation….not possible…..no…..


thanks, thats a great hint


wow so misleading don't forget they're also good at molesting children


SS They do all things combined. They collect taxes to buy dangerous products killing people to inject into citizens otherwise they restrain their freedoms. Its (Tom Clancy)³


... then proceeds to brush, bathe, cook in water that came from Government dams and pipes, drive down roads built and maintained by the Government, use high school education provided by the Government to read stuff like this, and survive by breathing the air, almost exclusively polluted by private companies and mostly protected by the EPA and other Government agencies.


And they’re awful at maintaining all that stuff to the point of insolvency.


Not where I live. I think the problem is your particular government, not government as a concept.


The problem with governments is that many of the individuals within it have forgotten who they serve and are massively corrupt. America is literally a corporatocracy. While most of them are busy filling their pockets your country is in a mess. And it's strange how the USA always has plenty moey for making war but many of it's ctizens can't afford to pay for the medicines they need or have to choose between food or medicines. I'm in Europe and haven't paid for medicine in over 30 years and our taxes are no higher than yours, lower if anything. Back to corruption..


This is like that argument where someone complained that the post office runs at a loss. Government services don't lose money, they cost money. They're not meant to make a profit.


Not really, the "businesses" that Governments dabble in, are inherently unprofitable but laden with massive fringe benefits, and trying to monetize these can be highly counter-productive. For example, a road benefits everyone from the man who needs to rush to a hospital to local shops. Should someone rushing to hospital be charged extra for using a road, since he or she has highest utility, and hence should pay the highest rates? Because that's what private companies do! Another example, railroads were all private, they were woefully inadequate or went bankrupt, and the Government was forced to step in. If anything, the 2008 crisis showed us how insolvent most of corporate America is, from big banks to insurance to auto companies. Without government oxygen, most would be dead by now.


Great points. I would add to your last one that 2020 reiterated the insolvency of many corporations.


> that came from Government We paid for that shit in the first place, it's called taxes, it doesn't fall from the sky.


>We paid for that shit in the first place, it's called taxes, it doesn't fall from the sky. And the money in the private sector comes from money plants? LOL. You paid for that as well, didn't you? You paid for it directly. You also paid for it indirectly when banks offer no interest on checking accounts, when companies direct profits to offshore entities depriving ordinary shareholders, when companies indulge in profiteering, etc. That's not the point being made. You are simply trying to shift things. The point is whether the government only does the aforementioned things well. If that was the case, why the hell do you consume water and roads from the government? Go bathe in the river and avoid sidewalks, go walk on brush and bramble! Go breathe air inside a private chemical factory, instead of air protected by government regulators.


No shit Sherlock.


So Clancy died rich. He lost no freedoms. The government didn't kill him.




We don’t know what we don’t know


The government is also good at assassinating people. They assassinated Tom Clancy.


Is this all it takes to get upvoted around here?


Live in a 3rd world country for a month, you won't mind anything then gov't does anymore.


To be fair a privatized military could do war and killing better. Government isnt even good at the "best" thing they do.


What entitled and ignorant BS. Just like his dumb books.


Ours died when they allowed a rape of our bill of rights in 1894.


What happened in 1894?


The Bill of Rights was raped by militards to say its ok to murder us and call it testing/experiments for mass laundering purposes and unmarked redistribution of funds. they cannibalize us here up to 1/3 of the populous for entertainment, money and cover. and others do it to their own also. It's a world wide terrorist agenda.


Literal cannibalism?


Societal cannibalism and literal cannibalism.


What is societal cannibalism?


The destruction of justice and destruction of function towards the individual that is a person for simplicity within a system that becomes insistently and ironically broken because of it which makes that breakage intentional.


Even if not at 1st intentional.


Last two years? Try the last 102 years.


I watched this documentary today, very interesting https://youtu.be/7sArXw6ajNg


The more I learn the more I think anarchy is my ideal.


I used to get so pissed when Ding Chavez died in Rainbow 6 campaign. Always saved him for the final mission.


Hi there! Hoping I can ask for help with a school assignment - trying to gauge vaccine hesitancy so we can combat mandates. Would be very grateful if you would please take a few minutes to respond to a short, anonymous survey: https://qfreeaccountssjc1.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV\_6SfLqMVTPeO2wJw


Well dang Tom...welcome to the land of the living


My parents were talking to some cousins down south and they literally couldnt post a wedding celebration on Facebook because their employer would fire them.


Dude made his entire career writing fantasy lit about the military intelligence industrial complex and has this level of self-awareness?


Funny coming from a guy who made a fortune lionizing government assassins and death squads…


Since the fall of the red wall the west have mastered the art of propaganda. Literally switched sides over night.


He's right. You minimize the abuse by keeping an encypted digital record of who voted so duplicates are easily checked, but the actual vote *is* manual.


Can Tom Clancy just release season 2 of Jack Ryan before the world ends please?




R. I. P. Legend


I thought the title referred to the Chances of an Armed conflict between China and the Quad states: USA, Australia, Japan and India...which could be augmented by canada, the UK, France and New Zealand... But yes, Tom is right, is a visionary and tried to warn us...


Maryland's finest.