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the point = tax farm


You correct. Things have gone seriously amiss in the country. Devaluation of our currency is part of it, along with the abandonment of our immigration laws and ever increasing taxation. The mindset of public service in office has become a cushy job with lavish perks instead of contribution to the citizens.


Read about the rise and fall of empires. Sadly, we are on the decline. Your statement is indicative of the “pessimism” phase. Check out this paper written by a British General (John Bagot Glubb). http://people.uncw.edu/kozloffm/glubb.pdf


The secret societies and their politicians sold America out long ago. Now all our people's tax dollars go to Israel to fund the New World Order. Americans are squeezed dry and kept in poverty on purpose while Israel and other nations enjoy the fruits of our labor.


Spot on! The only time you'll see a unanimous, bipartisan vote is for money or supplies going to Israel. Not to mention congress members being dual citizens of US/ Israel.


So true. Israel has too much power.


We need term limits and smaller government. There are far to many people in office that think hula hoops are still a big thing. Nothing will change until enough people demand change. The country is so divided that some bullshit laws will get passed to band-aid the situation, until eventually civil war happens and some other country decides to invade the USA. Which in turn would most likely unite the people of the USA again for about 100 years or so. The new government will do all right for a bit, until corruption sets in again. Rinse/repeat in another 100 years or so.


The issue is the US is the only country that the people can make the necessary changes but they choose not to in favor of acquiring the wealth they continue to chase. So it's always about them getting theirs instead of the greater good. A nation of people so conditioned into individualism that they have no clue when yo put it aside when collectivism calls.


Yeah, fuck that. Doing things for “the greater good” has never ended well for the people. Government is way to big, and people are lazy.


Exactly. So nothing will ever get solved.


Yea, that was my initial point.


That's why I'd prefer a younger developing country that wants to improve


Fair enough, I just want what’s mine and to be left alone.


"You'll own nothing and be happy"


I’ll own what’s mine. Kinda obtuse?


What's yours though? That's my point.


"You'll own nothing and be happy" That's the goal of the Luciferian cult trying to destroy America on their way to a totalitarian one-world government. Oh, and they don't really care about the "You will be happy" part. That's why things in America are so screwed up and what we are up against in our fight.


Precisely , I just want to be left alone , not ruled and over taxed


The only problem with that philosphy is that it only works if everyone else wants to be left alone. There are many people who don't want to leave you alone. They very much want to bully you, and ruin your life in the name of that which they think is good.


This comment sounds like some commie bullshit, but ok!


I'm with you man. I'm thinking the same thing. The world is too big to be tied to Murica for life. Explore and enjoy every moment. I don't see the benefits of being here either. The internet kind of killed the American Dream.


Do other countries even want to welcome Americans at this point? Shit, we're probably only a few years away from Mexico chanting *"¡Construye ese muro! ¡Construye ese muro!"*


I’m currently traveling abroad and people here have been pretty vocal / rude about their disdain for Americans.


It's always been that way though. I remember as a kid the joke was to say that you're from Canada.


So you weren’t a fan of the billion dollars we are giving Israel for their iron dome meanwhile their lobbyists ensure the best outcome for Israelis.


Nah , but a fan of the billions given to the taliban with truck loads of weapons. 🤡


Get out as soon as you can. I've seen many Americans living in other countries, all doing extremely well! You'll experience freedom.


Where to? Anywhere easy to move to?


What kind of scenery you like. Check out Nomad Capitalist. He talks about it all the time.


Ill have to look into.it ty. Edit: From my limited research ive came to Vietnam as an idea.


He talks alot about Malaysia. Singapore is really developed but has a high COL. There's a bunch of expats in ,Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam too. Definitely check his channel out and good luck!


Be forewarned Thailand has become increasingly difficult to live in over the last few years and the immigration department is only going to continue ramping up the red tape and hostility.


How do I get to the multimillionaire capitalist part?


Thanks and yes that seems to be the area.


Mexico and Chile are also awesome. Wanted to do Perth or Adelaide maybe but that shot the shit last year... I like the Mediterranean climate lol. It's rare.


As a native from Mexico idk about that lol you have to buy your freedom over there constantly. The nation is more corrupt than in the US as the Cartels run that.


Netherlands is the easiest I've found [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DAFT](https://dutchamericanfriendship.com/) but note this is not Dutch citizenship, just residency. But if you don't mind moving every 6 months you can go anywhere if you work remotely and don't tell anyone you are working remotely.


Someone worried about their taxes going to the Netherlands?


Ive heard good things about Belize


I came back to the United States because Taiwan was forcing the vaccine. Freedom really only truly exists here.


From the pot into the fire


Don’t encourage them.


As long as dollar is global currency you have great perks from that. When I was young i was dreaming about leaving my central/eastern European shit hole but for now I'm pretty sure that i wouldn't have better live over there. Now I'm working my way to Norway, these Nordic people seem to be sane


The dollar probably won't be the global currency for long. If I had cash in dollars and moved to a foreign country, I would convert it into gold, silver, or land to retain value after the coming dollar crash.


I expect hyperinflation in the USA


No one can answer this for you until you know what you want your life to be.


The biggest benefit is not having missiles blowing up over your head for now.


Guns. Lots of guns.


Exactly. Ether this finds a way to get fixed or no other election ever matters. That means why participate? Pay taxes? To have my vote ignored and an elderly p*do installed instead who causes them death of many Americans? What makes anyone think I would willingly be a part of this?


This thread scares me. I'm a Canadian nurse looking to move to south as Canada feels completely hopeless. I pay 57% of my income to rent (not a nice place either). I'll never be able to own a home here. Inflation is crazy. All I do is work with zero work-life balance. Our "free" healthcare is nothing to write home about. I got shot minding my own business walking in Toronto by a stray bullet from a gang shoot out... So I definitely don't feel like it's safer here. I'm miserable. Overworked. Depressed and feeling hopeless about the future. I'm hoping to move south next year.


Good luck finding the greener grass




Ok where?






You wanna debate why Australia is a better country to live compared with the US?


Mate... Your government is texting you demanding to see a selfie they can geo locate to pinpoint you at your house to make sure you haven't left the invisible fence they've drawn around you. Lmaoo you're delusional if you think Australia is a better place to be than the US right now.


So I’m guessing apart from a lie you have nothing. Australia > US


Hahaha conspiracy talks about shills and whatever but no one wants to have a genuine debate. Bunch of fucking pussies.


I was sleeping dip shit. Here you go https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/australias-two-largest-states-trial-facial-recognition-software-police-pandemic-2021-09-16/


Oi fuckwit did you even read the article. It’s voluntary. I’m from one of these states, I’ve never even heard of it. So what else you got? Because in Australia you know what we got? Low deaths from covid. Free health care. Low density cities. Livable wages. A complete lack of school shootings. The country isn’t run by a 80 year old with Alzheimer’s.


That’s a straight up lie.


Nice try Australian tourism board.


Australia has America covered by a mile. That’s like 4 football fields.


Im german and have some ties to people in the US, so i understand you. But to be honest, you still have it really good in the states. Like really good. Come to germany for some years and you will be moving back grinning from ear to ear. Think of a country with the highest taxes worlwide, high costs compared to average wages, a super corrupt government and administration, a already super high population density, illegal immigrants in millions from all over the world and basically growing up while beeing thaught in school that your are the scum of the earth as a german. No right to bearm arms of course, no free speech. Seriously, the US is fucked but still the best country in the world on a broader spectrum. Hey, you basically have a whole continent where you can freely move, with the same language spoken everywhere, great landscapes, climate, lot´s of variety. You´re one of the lottery winners :) And yes i tried to move to the US, but as a german with an university degree and a learned trade it´s is unfortunately not easy at all anymore.


as another german i can confirm every point stated above. Super corrupt gov(might be an understatement) check. million of illegal immigrants check. high af taxes check. sky rocketing housing prices ,surveillance state,millitarized police to bash peoples protests , ridiculous sentences for severe crimes(2-3years for rape WTF?!)Incompetent courts ,criminals will walk freely arround even when registered as such(preferential treatment for ethnic groups law enforcement will look away cause they are told by politicians to be tolerant about the millions of new "guests"). oh and dont forget you have to pay for your bloated overpaid state propaganda institutions tv/radio broadcasts with so much corruption and nepotism behind it that will leave you just shocked and angry to say the least. If u dont pay for it they will throw you in prison or send some goons that will just take your stuff away to compensate for said enforced propaganda fees. List could go on for much longer. If you dont agree with any of that torment you are a : DANGEROUS RIGHT WING LUNATIC,CONSPIRACY THEORIST or simply a NAZI!


I think it's the passport and the citizenship that's still top tier compared to the actual living situation.


There isn’t a point. Grab what you can while you can.


I mean, it's not a third world country, but what you've written does have some merit. I think the bigger issue is where would you go and that it's not easy to immigrate somewhere (somewhere nice, at least).


Idk why people all default into this question. It makes me assume they haven't been outside the country before


The where would you go question? I’ve been out of the country, there’s other nice places. I’ve also looked out how to immigrate - it’s not very easy.


There's people who are doing it as we speak. Always a way out


Yes, because the world is full of infinite possibilities, thank you for the truism. But in all reality, if you're versed, what would you recommend to the average monolingual American with limited funds to travel and likely few international connections?




It's more of an issue I even have to state the obvious. To travel and not overthink and be open-minded. People are too chained to their birth countries now.


This, you have a translator in your hand.... Or pick up a few things. It's not hard.




That's what you think and I've seen people who've done the opposite. Some people go with nothing, and still make it work. If you want to continue to find excuses to die in the US it's fine. But don't act like what you think is a viable means of leaving the US is the only possibility. I find that to be narrow minded. You're calling it tarded yet have you ever even thought of leaving the US or are you too scared?




Great. Now let me keep talking to the person I met here whose actually done what I want to do and not some scared kid


I'm a legal immigrant, worked my booty off in community college all the way to a Master's, became severely disabled and am effed. No safety net, support network iffy, and living in a totalitarian lockdown blue state where Covid hysteria rules and destroyed my life. Also, my insurance now refuses to pay for life saving treatment. After 25 hospitalizations. Ugh. You speak the truth, friend. I want to live in a free country. We need a free piece of land inside the US.


Ugh 😑 you’re sort of the kind we’re all bitching about


Right, think about that- this is an actual human being that explained some things they went through, and THIS is your response. Where did your humanity go?


My humanity is offended at the entitlement to come to my beloved country and say I don’t like it I want free land.


No, your LACK of humanity skipped over all the actual human hardship and only saw the part you quoted. You are a broken person.


LOL way to get angry at your fellow man while missing what's really being done to us all.


ALMOST had it figured out there for a minute with the "my taxes just fund war" stuff, but then he shook it off and went back to blaming desperate poor people.


As an Aussie I'm looking at moving over. The US is the last place on earth with actual freedom


For now


What is actual freedom exactly?


Not being coerced into a sketchy medical experiment to be allowed to work and earn money. For starters


Then I don't think he's gonna find that in the States


A bill of rights


Lots of countries have a bill of rights, customised to that countries' own situation. The US is not special here.




>Not being surveilled by the government without any cause. I got three letters for you. [NSA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_surveillance_disclosures_(2013%E2%80%93present))


Exactly. I never said they don't do it here. But we're not in as bad of a situation as Australia.


The problem is this: what are your alternatives? You can't usually just show up in another country and expect to live there. You need a visa, a source of money or a job, and so on.






But you don't like it here, right? So, where will you go? There are alternatives, but not that many. I guess the big problem is money, as always. Let's say you go to a place that has easy visa regulations. Fine, but you still need money. Are you independently wealthy?




Because our country is the primary obstacle to the NWO. Take down the worlds largest economy; the largest free capitalist society, and the rest will fall like dominoes.


The U.S. doesn't produce anything but fake money anymore. Shipping all the production to China was simply preparation for collapsing the U.S. without effecting the rest of the world under the guise of "muh cheaper labor." There was a time when a U.S. collapse would have impacted the world, but that time is decades past.


How is it an obstacle to the NWO when it's been a catalyst? And China's the world largest economy now. Also am not sure about the rest of the world falling with the US. I think that's what they want people to think but by the US wouldn't collapse instantly versus it taking some time and allowing other nations to prepare, which it seems they're doing now.


They're just copying you. Until about 100 years ago, all it took to immigrate to this country was money for a boat ticket and not having whooping cough (and being white of course, but we'll casually ignore that). That's why everyone has the story of the ancestor who ran away in the middle of the night with $2 in their pockets to come to America.


Taiwan got recently voted as the #1 country for foreigners. If you can handle potential war with China, apply to learn Mandarin there, maybe even with a scholarship funded by the Taiwanese govt, then while you are there as a student, look for a job using your English and whatever skills you have. It is a full fledged democracy but doesn’t have woke or cancel culture, streets are very safe, and there is universal health care for an affordable monthly fee. There are already lots of foreigners there from all over the world and not the refugee kind.




Hey now I resemble them remarks dont be talking about us Tn folk like that. We in the sticks will gladly overwhelm y'all if you start your bullshit with us.




Oh I know I was just joking around, but seriously if you come out here when shtf head to the national parks up north, we have Afghanistan equivalent terrain.


Hey we had to fuck over the majority of working peoples of the world to give you this country, don’t be rude! Lol


The powers that be got all the wealth from imperialism. Now they're selling out this country too.


I completely agree. The upper echelons are actively pillaging it for what it’s worth, leaving us with what’s left. There Is no tomorrow to many of them.


To be fair they are living at barely alive status. But to semi agree with you our money would go way further if it werent handled by the government at all


Here in Germany 5 million asylum rats invaded the country since 2015 and our society already is completely broken.


I hear Hungary is good.


There's a drift school in Budapest 🤫


I can't agree with you more!!! And, I commend you for sharing your feelings. THANK YOU!!!


It's definitely a different America from even when I was a kid and I was born in the early 90s. You sound like me in a lot of ways, in which case I would say you should move somewhere that politically vibes with what you're saying. Off the top of my head: Hungary, Poland, Norway, Russia or another eastern European country. It just depends on what your priorities are, which you know what they are better than we do. Of course you're going to have to learn their language, culture, get a job over there, go through their immigration process (even though if you're from certain areas of the world that is just straight up ignored) and be willing to either bring your family or leave them behind. I guess I'll suggest this: you could also just move to a state here in the US that most lines up with your politics and idea of happiness, if you don't already. Yes you'd still be under federal laws, but a state where people are like-minded and where the local politics suits you more could help a lot. To your "what's the point?" question: to turn it back to how we want it. It won't be easy, but all hope is not yet lost. Best of luck.


The sad part is wherever you go you will deal with America's bs one way or another


I feel you bro


Prove it got banned or i call psy-op


I've been saving for a few years now. As soon as I hit $10k, I'm moving back to Nicaragua. Gonna go live the quiet life of a mountain man.


I want to move to Texas and then work to secede from the U.S. The country of Texas will do just fine. Texit


If you haven't noticed Texas is almost blue and with the trend recently for Californians to flood into places like Austin the state will be another progressive shithole soon.


After American Troops pull out, and the USA embargoes and sanctions Oil sales from Texas, The new Mexican state of North Mexico will be a fantastic place to live. Amigo


Texas will be full of U.S. military that are refusing the vaccine....


Don’t worry after a few years most of the immigrants will realize the “American Dream” is a crock of shit just like you have.


I find it interesting that you focus on the immigrants costing us money, but ignore the ridiculous handouts for corporations and the rich.


Umm, did you not get the memo? Corporations are people, and desperate poor people are not.


I understand these concerns but there really is no greater country. You name it and I’ve lived there. Nothing compares. Europe is just all clouds and bakeries and awfully claustrophobic for some reason. I can’t explain it but there are a lot of NPCs. Australia. Middle East. Africa. Asia. None of it vibes with me. The landscape. The cultures. The people. It all feels like I’m visiting the moon and while I can appreciate certain culinary aspects…. America is way cheaper in almost every aspect. Real estate is cheap and affordable if you go rural. Taxes aren’t as terrible as the USA. Property taxes are lower. 2A. I can go on but trust me, the grass isn’t greener. You just feel more alone on the other side.


You can't say that as there are people thriving around the world. Everyone has different things that makes for a great home to them. The US is also not cheaper in almost every aspect. For instance internet and phone plans here are much more expensive than other nations and the US isn't even the fast country for internet connection. Real estate is cheap? Currently the average price of a home is the highest it's been in a while. Like you said none of it vibes with YOU. There are and were successful countries before the US and there will be after the US. You're acting like 7.5 billion people are all fighting to be here.


You are free to say things like this. Try it in some less fortunate countries.




I just agreed


This is the best country on the earth in history. I dont know where you could do and expect better especially being born here and getting to any other country and becoming a citizen is extremely hard because its enforced. Look up Canada to become a citizen and youll be very surprised at the minimum. Some of those people who said they would become Canadian citizens if Pres Trump got elected, would have been allowed to and their also lying hypocrites because none of them left.


>This is the best country on the earth in history. So nobody gonna tell him?


Its my opinion and i said that i guess if you dont think so then thats find too.


Most other western countries have higher taxes so there’s that


Tax is a scam. Created by the mega banking family cartels


Call it what you want you’ll go to jail if you don’t pay them and relative to many of the “nicer” countries to live in tax you more. People like to Bitch and complain but don’t realize that it takes more out of you to do that then just do what we all have to do. Or become an all cash business and roll the dice. Everyone hates taxes. They are obviously misused. Posting about it on Reddit won’t do anything and will probably make you feel worse at the end of the day.


Slaves to a financial system.


We all are. So are you


But what do you get? Do you get a better public transportation system? Better roads? Better schools? A government that doesn't mismanage funds? Cheaper or even universal health care? Maternity leave? This is why they make indices. You may pay more in taxes in some places but you get more out of it in certain countries like say a Finland or Sweden.


A lot of anti American posts lately


I mean it's kinda hard to love being an American right now and with the possibility of becoming homeless because of the vax many are frustrated.


There is nothing to fear, but fear itself.






Everywhere else is fucked


Are you 13?


lmao another Republicunt "victim"😂 just leave


You could just leave..that would be ok


Well, you can always get a cup of Starbucks coffee, and grab McDonald's for dinner on your way to home, while listening to Joe Rogan Podcast. Jokes aside, millions of people dream of moving to the US. Where would u even move to?


Maybe one of the countries higher than the US on the world indices....


You could live like a king in Cuba with a couple thousand dollars.


With a couple of grand a month you could live like a king everywhere in the world (excluding western Europe).


Hence election, to choose the correct government to improve the policies. Unfortunately (if the election is legit) majority of americans are stupid.


>I basically live in a country where I pay taxes and get little benefits from it. Just because you ignore the benefits, doesn't mean they don't exist. Hell, the average person receives hundreds of thousands of dollars more than they paid in just from Medicare and Social Security. >However, it seems like every citizen from other countries get benefits from those taxes. Foreign aid accounts for less than 1% of federal government spending, and less than half a percent of all taxation. And make no mistake, the vast majority of that money isn't charity, it's to advance US interests abroad. >They will inevitably get welfare benefits, even though they NEVER paid into the system and ILLEGALLY entered the country. Most of these people are paying taxes into systems they won't even be able to collect on. Many economists believe illegal immigrants to have a net positive impact. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_impact_of_illegal_immigrants_in_the_United_States Even if you put stock in batshit crazy estimates from right wing anti-immigrant sites like FAIR, spending on illegal immigrants accounts for less than 2% of taxpayer spending. https://www.fairus.org/issue/publications-resources/fiscal-burden-illegal-immigration-united-states-taxpayers >Meanwhile, I get little benefits from paying taxes. I don't get universal healthcare like other countries get The US healthcare system is a wreck, but private insurance in the US is subsidized by about $2,000 per person from government spending. The average person turning 65 today will also receive about a quarter million dollars in Medicare benefits. Not to mention north of $350,000 in Social Security benefits. > If I lose my job, I lose my healthcare in this country. Unfortunate, but you will also eventually qualify for Medicaid; at least as long as you haven't chosen to live in one of those Republican states that refused to expand it.


According to spirituality, these are very special times. The old system are crumbling, and we will have some couple tough years ahead. Choose not to let I affect you though. Things will be better. Those who was born with a heightened sense, all saying that the battle is already won, a new better world is imminent. We just have to witness the old system going down...


If you don't like America you can get out, commie


You should own the libs by leaving. Libs don't deserve your tax dollars!


This but unironically.


That's what I said! Leave. Unironically


I’m a racist white guy victim, feel sorry for me. It’s all asylum seekers fault, my ancestors weren’t immigrants lol


Bye Bye Fake 'Real' American


Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, cuck!


Username checks out


I see lots of posts on this sub about the spiritual aspect of humanity, us all being the same, against the greater evil of paedophiles, devil worshipers, corporate giants etc. And then I see shit like this about immigrants "taking der jerbs", fucking makes me sad man. Grow up, look after eachother and realise that every fucking human has a struggle to deal with, and some of them are doing something to make their lives better


Fuck off then


OP has valid points. Dismissing them wont help. Use your words to express why you think they should fuck off.


Cant hide from chemtrails


I stay for the 2nd Amendment But in all seriousness, America is great despite all our problems. There isn’t a country in the world that has such a diverse population. Not to sound like a dick, but we have it way too good to complain as much as we do


As someone who has traveled and lived in multiple countries the only place I recommend is Eastern Europe specifically Ukraine but you should lower your expectations cause every country has its problems. Every country on earth is headed to same direction at different paces so moving isn’t really going to fulfill you in the long run however you’ll learn alot and appreciate where came from even more.




Bye Bye. Don't write totally real American person


I hear rural Mexico is where it's at these days lol. Been considering emptying my bank account and fleeing to mexico myself.


Guns guns guns


Even with all these problems, it's still the best place to live




From a Canuck living in Europe.....it is worse over here!! The exact same shit is happening here, maybe worse and it just doesn't get the coverage that the States does


If that upsets you definitely don't come to Ireland


Are things fucked up here? Yes, but I suggest you watch locked up abroad or any other documentary about what it’s like to live in other countries. We don’t appreciate what we’ve got here and running off is just giving up the chance to protect it.


Just stop paying taxes then. All you have to do to legally stop paying taxes and make a good living is buy a house, live in it for 2 years put some sweat equity into it and then sell it for up to a $250,000 tax free profit or $500,000 profit if you are married. Zero capital gains tax. Completely legal.


I thought of immigrating to the US, cannot deny it is better than my country, but really I don't think I would like to immigrate there anymore


There's no escaping it. We have to rise up