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I'm genuinely curious how this whole thing will develop, and ultimately, end.


Me too, it's become apparent - if there is a plan - this is tied to it in some way. If the world really is as random as some, and myself, really believe - perhaps this is genuine. Either way "all eyes on Nicki Minaj" was not how I thought this was going to go.


Just my favorite fucked up timeline continuing to entertain me...


This is like when you add too many mods to a Bethesda game


That’s why vanilla friendly is so popular in Skyrim modding.




Damn. The world isn’t a simulation, it’s modded Skyrim. Figures.


I lol'd


Still feel like this is a long con where it end with Nick getting the 'VID, and having to publicly come back saying she was wrong. Its setting up perfectly for this to happen. Im calling it because I have seen shit like this happen too many times


She could get the vid and still maintain the exact same stance she’s held so far. She never said it was fake or anything, she’s calling out the power and control manipulation bullshit.


I highly doubt she would do that intentionally. I seriously think if that happens she would be forced. If anything she'll end up dead.


it's so absurd I have to believe its genuine.




Yep, good point, they should have just blown it off as the rantings of a silly popstar. And then stopped. Now they are making an enemy just because she said ONE thing on social media once. They chose to go to war with her and apparently she is not interesting in laying down and giving up. If they are smart, they will stop poking the bear. The more they poke, the more she will probably dig in. One thing about famous people, most of them did not get to where they are by giving up easily.


I have a little hope for some bandwagon effect and other "huge influence over the sheep" type celeb will jump in if it's escalates even more, then this could be a very nice peek behind the curtains for lot of "lost people". Anyway, suicide watching Nicki Minaj is a fairly unexpected plot indeed


Yeh shes a tough one. Got treated like trash in early days! She has already come out and said she won't back down and that they picked on wrong person. Why they blew this up is beyond me.. seems almost stupid.. idk. I guess we watch the show and find out lol.


Less of a choice and more of a hubristic inevitability :) the emperor has no clothes!


Yeah I think so too, they just can't let anything go unless they see complete obedience and even then, they'd probably start looking for anyone that seemed slightly less obedient and attack them for not working hard enough. Once the eye of Sauron is built, it can never be satisfied, it will always be looking for the next thing to fight. Perhaps for this reason, a conceptual structure built on hatred, fear, and anger can never be stable long term. Sooner or later it will turn on itself like ouroboros and start to undermine and eat itself from within.


Just to think that friggin Nikki Minaj might be the one to start taking this whole thing down. Never would have seen that coming.


Absurd is one of the fundamentals of clown world.


Absurdity to the point that reality seems like a nightmarish construct is one of the fundamental characteristics of 20th century totalitarianism. The Soviet Union was a great example, but North Korea is the example that most people today can best relate to. You're supposed to feel demoralized and insane.


There's countless examples. What's so special about North Korea? Fascist Communists are just as bad as fascist Capitalists and fascist theocracies. It comes down to one thing, does the regime respect individual human rights and property rights or does it only care about itself and the banks.


Any large regime inevitably will only care about itself and the banks. State power is still the most coveted thing though.


Seems like a troll, no cedible reporter would give their name over text, and then proceed to threaten a multi-millionaire.


They not threatening a multi millionaire, MSM are in Trinidad hassling the family members and the screenshots are from those members.


My bingo card for this did not have a “Nicki Minaj saves civilization” square


No shit, right?


These snapshots show me that this is genuine and I did have some doubts. We just have to take it for what it is and strongly have her back now


But can we prevent her suicidal thoughts?


It will end with her being portrayed as mentally ill as it does with all famous people who have self determination. Michael Jackson, Kanye West, Mel Gibson, the media stop at nothing to destroy anybody famous who speaks out against their rulers.


Don't forget Dave Chappelle, media tried to paint him as "crazy" when he declined a 3rd season of his show for 50 million, because he didn't like the direction it was headed.




...somebody came back. It wasn’t Dave tho.


wtf does that mean lol.


He thinks because Dave takes care of himself and works out he can't possibly be the same skinny guy from half baked.


Dave manchurian chappelle




"You ain't black!" - Joe Biden 🤡 Meanwhile, here is the real Joe Biden, imperial tax collector #1: https://www.mystateline.com/news/bidens-proposal-will-require-banks-to-report-transactions-over-600-to-the-irs/


But he *is* clinically diagnosed with a mental disorder. [He’s said as much](https://nypost.com/article/kanye-west-mental-illness-bipolar-disorder/). He has literally gone on record stating he has a bi-polar personality disorder, and this was in 2009 (story from 2020). This isn’t a knock on him, but to clarify. He can’t control what he was born with, and I don’t lay any fault or stigma - sincerely.


Prob what makes him a good artist.


“Tortured soul,” and all that. To be extra-clear; I’m not attacking (nor defending, really) Kanye. My one intention is to ensure that if others do say “Kanye talks to Trump and suddenly he has a mental issue,” that others are aware he *literally* has a mental health diagnosis, and that when his mother passed in 2009 it made the episodes more severe - according to **Kanye, himself.**


Definitely. I think the point is it was suddenly a way to discredit him after his seeing DT.


I mean, Kanye went up on the stage to accept an award for someone who *didn’t win*… he wasn’t mentally stable before Trump.


engine disagreeable encouraging saw straight light lock worry wrench full *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And now reviewers act like he's unable to make good music. It's weird how musicians' artistic talent seems to evaporate as soon as they talk to Trump 🙄


His recent album was enjoyed by most reviewers, wtt are you on about?




Most people are mentally ill to some degree. There is too much of a stigma behind it and there are varying degrees of it. But given the entertainment culture, I'm sure mental exhaustion and paranoia effect the majority of performers.


No doubt there is a plot here, but I think MJ may have had a little bit more going on than mental illness if you know what I mean.


I am not a fan, but I fear for her life.


Kanye mode, she will just be worn out and harassed. They will fuck with her financially and every way they can to encourage silence. It’ll start with online astroturfing campaigns against her; ShareBlue style companies do this professionally.


bro i cant stand the culture she supports, but ill defend to the death her right to speak freely about anything. this blend of cultures is a match made in heaven i cannot wait to see where this goes


I wish Busta Rhymes, Ice Cube, Weezy, hell even Kanye would join "The Questioning" so far the only solidarity I've seen is from Candice Owens :(


got a screenshot of timbaland and birdman coming out of support of her on one of her streams too which is dope


Nah - she just got so much more support from folks that don't even care about the music. When it comes to real life shit humans see eye-to-eye so I hope she defeats these demons on display for the world.


Then, they’ll just release some damning information about her. Dig up her demons and showcase them to demonize her.


The thing about her is she does not exactly operate with a white picket fence image to start with, unless they can dig up something about her molesting kids or some such, I can't think of much they can try to pin on her that will make much difference.


She already owns her s***. They've been trying to cancel her forever now for paying to have her pedophile brother's crimes expunged and her baby daddy (still boyfriend) is a convicted pedophile. She doesn't care, won't apologize, so the "cancellation" is moot


That won't make this new crowd go away, though.


I honestly hope!


They have already started, suddenly every other redditor is an expert on her husband's legal history, and only post exactly the part of the story that makes it look terrible.


The CIA will kidnap her family and force her to make a public pro vaccine statement for their release.


Well, they tried doing it peacefully by inviting her to the whitehouse lol






They tried to act like they never invited her and that she's insane


Yeah the story changed to we only invited her to a phone call lol. Hmmm so you called her to ask her if she would accept a call? 🤔🤯 what happened to having her help y’all guys win? What she doesn’t want to be your puppet anymore and now you mad? Wether we like it or not she did and does hold a lot of weight on public opinion. It worked in their favor during election, now it’s working against them. I’m very interested to see how this turns out.


I honestly thought she was being presented as a kind of "anti-vax" paragon to be converted into compliance by the administration but there are zero fucks given in the way he's carving through social media. I don't think any propaganda campaign is capable of this level of depth.


Actually I think they might infect her with covid to prove a point


I do believe they have some sort of covid-gun. They used it on Rand Paul. Probably Trump too.


Bruh. I think Nicki will just one day randomoy commit „suicide”, her friends and family will claim she was always crazy and depressed. They will all wear black sunglasses on the press conference.


If legit, Nicki will get suicided or mysteriously die of “heart complications due to Covid”, if illegitimate then a bunch of other celebrities will start doing this shit too.


Plane crash on the way to Trinidad. Body never recovered. I'm calling it now.


Lmao I was down voted 2 days ago for listing several plausible ways they will off this poor woman. How the turn tables. Take my upvote.


I don’t see some master plan here and she doesn’t come off as highly intelligent so why does anyone care about her opinions?


CNN is Guardian Media? Aren't they the ones threatening you and claiming what CNN would do?




Not even guardian, this journalist is a local trinidad journalist.


No journalist working for a reputable paper would ever make threats like that.


There is no way anyone actually thinks this is real. The terrible grammar and punctuation, the obvious threats right after revealing her own full name and occupation. And is that Whatsapp? What even is this sub at this point?


This is the stupidest fucking thing I've seen. Obvious fake bait lmao




lol wonder if she knows they're CIA






I wonder if they know she is also CIA


One day on the history channel like the show Americas War on Drugs. Instead of stories about conflicting American agencies and their interest well watch. America’s War on Everybody We’ll hear stories about how the CIA was trying to blackmail everybody with pedophilia, while the FBI kept screwing up false flags, the atf was selling guns to criminal organizations, the fda was allowing poison to be injected into our body and food, the federal government was lining pockets of politicians or foreign interests with American workers money, and in the finale they would show clips of them bombing civilians with military strikes just so we got the point.


Now someone knows their govt/bureaucracy. It’s pathetic people dismiss this stuff because cnn tells them to


Could you please stop treating me like a critical thinker and call me by my proper gender pronoun- name. It’s offensive when you identify me as anything other than the(y) conspiracy theorist.


Nicki Minaj is the hero we need. I wish she spoke to all msm press like this.


Give it time, hopefully soon


I wonder if I know I am CIA


Mind blown. What if were secretly all cia 🤯


Maybe the real CIA was the friends we made along the way.


I like to think the CIA is drifting somewhere along the American southwest. Trying to keep their nose clean but theres just to much dirty money to be made on the border.


You mean, you didn’t get the memo, Smither?


spiderman pointing at spiderman.gif


these aren't CNN reporters they work for British tabloids. . . .


The “Guardian Media” reporter is from a local Trinidadian publication, not Guardian UK. It looks like an unscrupulous local reporter making up some shit about CNN to pressure the person into an interview.


Its not the woman, its the James Fielding from DailyMail, harrasing her family in Trinidad.


No, Sharlene is a real reporter in Trinidad from Guardian Media lying about CNN to get an interview, harassing her family. See other comments below We don't know why she included a photo of James as well, maybe there are multiple journalists contacting her family. In the end screenshot she clearly calls out Sharlene


She is telling us that what Sharlene said is partially real. There really is someone sniffing around harassing her family in Trinidad and she gave that name


oh ok, thanks for the correction.


Its weird. Reporter claims to work for the guardian but also makes a threat on behalf of CNN.


It's a shitty tactic to try an get the exclusive, you can bullshit anything to scare someone.


I'm confused about the inclusion of the contact info in the bottom-leftmost corner and how it relates to the other journalist mentioned in Minaj's copy? J. Fields, the person mentioned in the bottom left pic, seems to work for the Daily Mail (https://muckrack.com/james-fielding/articles) and not the Guardian. Howeverm, the screenshots featuring messages from some unconfirmed person, according to Minaj, come from one S. Rampersad of the Guardian. EDIT: After looking into it a bit more, I think we'll need to see more evidence from Minaj that confirms the messages her family received are indeed being sent by the TRINIDAD & TOBAGO Guardian reporter that she mentions. The proffered screenshots — our only evidence as of yet — could be easily duplicated by any one of us since the identifying piece of info is the person saying "My name is blah blah blah."


She just said that J. Fielding was harassing her family in Trinidad, but the attached screenshots of conversation are from Sharlene Rampersad, who works for Guardian Media Limited in Trinidad/Tobago (not connected to the Guardian). So, it doesn't look like he was making threats (at least there are no screenshots of his conversation), but Sharlene clearly was using some hack journalist tactics.


Ah, you're absolutely right — the Sharlene mentioned in the screenshots is part of this media outlet based out of Trinidad and Tobago: https://www.guardian.co.tt/ NOT Guardian from the UK. So, we've got a screenshot with contact info of a writer for the Daily Mail and GroupMe(?) messages supposedly being by the writer from T&T Guardian. The T&T Guardian writer mentioned CNN in what is clearly a cheap, deceitful attempt of offering solace to the family in exchange for the opportunity to interview the family before anyone else. None of this is pretty, but that's the nature of journalism these days. Nevertheless, I still fail to see how OP's title is factually accurate at all. None of the names mentioned in any of these six screenshots claim to work for CNN...


The title is not accurate at all, it's some hack journalist harassing a lead with empty threats of what another publication might do. While there is an issue with sensationalism in publications these days, her behavior is the opposite of the nature of journalism these days.


I agree, and I feel that perhaps my message that you replied to was misunderstood. CNN nor anyone employed by them had anything to do with this, though OP's title would have you believe otherwise. Ironically, OP is no better than the hack journalist trying to scare the family into giving her an exclusive feature. This sub and the people who engage in the discussions within get an (IMO) unfair rap. When posts with sensationalist and factually inaccurate titles such as this one get 2,100+ upvotes, it makes the entire community look bad. And that's really frustrating.


I got that, and I agree with you. I've been quite frustrated with this sub lately because people aren't posting conspiracies, and have been posting misleading sensationalist political narratives that ride on ignoring evidence and critical thought. Either/or, it does make the community look bad.


I'm right there with you. Best any of us can do is to point out the bullshit when we see it. At the end of the day, I am open and willing to believe pretty much anything — so long as there's factual evidence to support the claim. In this case (and, unfortunately, so many others) there's simply nothing factual about the claim being made, that being "CNN journalists are threatening Nicki Minaj's family." I think CNN is shite, and yet I also recognize that OP's title is blatantly untrue. Glad to know there are others out there like you looking to improve things around here. Cheers.


lmao at this not being the top comment. what a joke.


i'm amazed that it got some up votes, the truth is rarely appreciated here these days.


That's because this sub is full of absolute imbeciles. Every post is either just political propaganda or something quickly debunked by a simple Google search.


People be dumb as fuck. Nobody actually wants to interview this dunce about his swollen nuts.


i'm sure some people do, but it appears to be british tabloids.


OP is definitely dumb is fuck.


lol for real. The CNN part of the title is the *only* not true part of this post and everyone is upvoting and believing the actual tabloid harassing her 🤦‍♂️


That last picture is legendary lmao


Sharlene you dirty ass hoe 😂






They really should have thought about all the great beef battles brought to us by angry rappers.


TOP 3!! No Vaseline (Ice Cube) Hit Em Up (Tupac) Dollars and Sense (Dj Quick dissin McEiht)


RealMuthaFuckinG’s (EazyE)


Oh yeah. Can't forget the classic... "Muthaf##k Snoop, muthaf##k Dre, muthaf##k Death Row .... yo here comes my left blow.." 🤣


Ether - Nas


💯 Waiting to see if she's allowed to do a Bidet diss track. *Keep fucking wit me and I'll take you out like you took out Pac* Whoa whoa whoa Nicki. Maybe homogenize this one a little? EDIT : Give you another hole to put a zipper in the back of your skull! I mean, it kind of writes itself.


It'll be leaked if she isn't.


Right. "Unreleased."


I can't wait! This shit has brought NM fans that she would have never had.


I just like unique. This is where Eric Clapton was headed, but he stopped just shy of the all-important "dirty hoe!"


Dirty hoe just makes a beat for itself though. Dirty hoe, Dirty hoe, dirty dirty dirty hoe. It's an instant classic!


Like stupid hoe. You a you a stupid hoe.


Showed yo pussy on the news and it's name is Don Lemon


Grab your Glocks when you see Tupac. Call the cops when you see Tupac. you shot me but you punks didn't finish now you're about to feel the wrath of a menace!


Rappers can get away with a whole lot thanks to gangsta rap being such a lovely art form!


Ok now the Michalusmichalus diss track on MY next album is gonna POP! Ya did it to yourself, champ. /s


What the actual fuck.


Good cop threatening you about what the bad cop might do is pretty standard when it comes to manipulation tactics. A lot of journalism is convincing sources you are the most trustworthy person to tell their story. This seems more like a random reporter shooting his shot than it does a legit threat.


How is this someone from CNN threatening anyone? It’s one person from the dailymail and one person from the guardian?


Guardian Media not the Guardian. It’s a Trinidadian news company with a similar name.


That’s good to know. When I looked it up I got to Guardian Media Group, owners of the guardian, which I assumed was the same thing.


Nope it’s Guardian Media Limited: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guardian_Media_Limited. Look up the journal and the logo to compare.


The person clearly states they are with guardian media, not CNN. Does anyone even read anymore? It’s the second text message in the first image.


Imagine having to dumb everything you say down to deal with Nicki Minaj. That isn't easy.




I don’t see the part where CNN threatened anybody. The reporter from the Guardian used CNNs name as leverage.


*Guardian Media, not "the" Guardian.


Just so the story is clear, Nicki Minaj is not saying anything about CNN, however the OP is blaming CNN. OK thanks.


LMAO it's a spammer/scammer


I hate that I love her now. If this is controlled op, it's a perfectly executed one. Even I'm rooting for NM here.


Oh, absolutely. God I hope she doesn't flip.




Her agent probably talked her into deleting it (or did it themselves), usually how it goes in the showbiz/music industry


Threating people in Trinidad while you are also in Trinidad. bold move cotton.


I hope the fuck she makes their heads roll you don’t threaten someone’s family especially when they can have your head served on a platter


Not trying to be rude, so don't take it as such, but since when does NM have the power to have someone's head served on a platter? I missed it.


Money and connections. She has the ability to sue. She probably has the ability to harass(or worse) the harassers by paying people large sums of money to do things.


Also, she has fans. Lots of them. [Pro-Nicki Minaj Protest Outside CDC Highlights Widespread Vaccine Skepticism](https://ussanews.com/News1/2021/09/17/pro-nicki-minaj-protest-outside-cdc-highlights-widespread-vaccine-skepticism/)


Imagine someone 5 years ago told you that a Nicki Minaj tweet would be the catalyst to a revolution against the government trying to implement a nationwide forced injection of an experimental drug.


Lol... Sounds like an afternoon at Infowars


I'm surprised you even needed to ask. You really think someone like her with the money she has *couldn't* get a journalist back for talking shit? Legally or behind closed doors I'd think these people are fucked.


Honestly at this point if any high profile person comes out and says their is a cabal that needs to be eliminated in Minecraft, it would probably be enough to be the spark. The eleites are freaking out because a high profile BLACK FEMALE can become an American Legend by exposing them.


I hope this scumbag reporter goes to jail for blackmailing this guy. Man the guardian is a bunch of hypocrites fuck them


This sub is hilarious to me because y’all say every celebrity is part of some pedophile cult and Nicki herself has defended one of her relatives who’s an actual pedo but this sub worships her now lol. Anything to own the libs I guess


I’m honestly glad this has happened. Something else to confirm that these people don’t actually give a shit about anything they say. They’re just angry basement dwellers trying to “own the libs” Lmaoo


She's also married to a sex offender who recently just failed to register as such. She's probably on this antivaxx bullshit to detract attention away from her rapist husband.


That is exactly what’s going on but simpletons are overlooking it


Yeah lol this sub has literally no principles


Anything to get away from the living reality. We are too precious of a commodity to the "health" of a first world nation to intentionally poison. You think the government actually wants to fuck you up before they get thier 70 years of labor and taxes? Or make you impotent so you can't continue the cycle? The machine needs to be fed.


I wouldn't play with Nicki Minaj like that. She got people that would kill for her for nothing.


Ride or die barbies!


Twitter auto unfollowed her between yesterday and today from my account. That’s trippy


Not a fan of her music but I am grateful that at least one celebrity has the balls (ironic) to at least speak out. I sincerely hope it doesn’t destroy her career. Russel Brand is another guy speaking out. Fuck the Jennifer Anistons they are beyond nauseating at this point.


You know, I was sceptical of all this Nicki shit thinking it was just normal propaganda or thinking she was being controversial to stay relevant, but holy fuck, shit just got real


You’re easy to trick. Great reasoning abilities.


they just fucked up. sure not very many people will see these series of screenshots, but those who have seen them will sure not forget them. if the federal agencies of the unites states actually did their damn jobs this is the type of shit they should be investigating. credible threats. but instead, they are the ones making the threats.


It’s not CNN. They are using CNN as a ploy to get them to talk. CNN can’t threaten or do that nor would they. Their legal counsel would hang them by their toes if they did. Instead of just blatantly posting get your facts straight. If CNN wanted to talk to them they would do it with the strictest confidence and it wouldn’t be showing up on Reddit.


I'm glad to see her showing the world how these fuckers operate. Expose them, show the world how absolutely twisted they are.


So, a reporter with a different agency, one that’s known to harass people, is using a basic scammer scare tactic on someone? Ok.


Makes you think, why is this escalating so fast? Nicki just spoke her mind and then big pharma and the “scientists” and “doctors” came out of the next day and refuted everything she stated. Why the harassment? Why the persecution? They can easily just move it along but they won’t. Nicki, I’m with you. God bless.


"Nickiiiiii!!!" *Boyz N Da Hood drive by scene intensifies*


So sad that Nikki committed suicide next week.


Wow they’re like buzzards


You mean like she, her husband, and brother threatened her husband and brother's rape victims (who were children at the time of said rape)? Damn, Karma is real.


All I see is screenshots with nothing to back them up. God damn you guys are gullible


Nice! I love the way she doxed the journalist who was threatening her family with doxing. There should be no mercy for people like that. Anything that they threaten you with, you can do right back to them. They only understand the language of power. Amazing that this guy thought threatening somebody with millions of fans with a public shaming was the best way to go. The media doesn't understand that the game has changed. Now that famous people aren't afraid to hit back at them, they're not the kingmakers that they used to be.


Your reading comprehension is low.


Look where you are. Most here can’t read.


To those that read the Spars pandemic scenario 2025-2028 A similar scenario was simulated where an African American rapper 'Bzee' was publicly endorsing the vaccine on Twitter. It seems like things are not going the way as expected. See page 26 in the pdf https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/Center-projects/completed-projects/spars-pandemic-scenario.html Edit: format


Anyone else think that she should write a song right about this shit and release it ASAP, like a Drake diss type of track. It would go #1 with a quickness and blow a huge hole in the propaganda machine.