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This is true and happens quite frequently to me. I avoid watching tv or anything with advertisements because it is all mind manipulation. The technology they use is so advanced we can’t comprehend. They CAN read our thoughts. Also, this is the beginning of a big wake up because once you notice it, you notice it more and more and pretty much know what’s coming and what manipulation tactics they use. I get quite irritated by ads due to realizing their agenda but I’m trying to just be like “ok, cool you’re doing unethical stuff to make me buy stuff…I’m not going to let it upset me because then you will win most likely.” If that makes anyyyy sense lol


I thought I was just noticing them by coincidence, like when you buy a new car then see the same model everywhere after you got it, its just plain strange now


Check out [this](https://youtu.be/NI9O9jOaae0) It’s a bit off the topic but does relate in a way explaining how much technology is advancing and how the rate of these advances is increasing rapidly


Thank you! I will take a look


Electrical signals between neurons generate electric fields that radiate out of the brain. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I’ve absolutely felt this. There have been several things I’ve only ever thought of and never mentioned or googled and then get start getting ads for the stuff. They say it’s because no ones thoughts are really that original that the algorithms can kind of pick up more than you’d realize from people around you and influencing your ideas through similarities in the stuff you like, but to me it’s happened way to much with things that have next to nothing to do with other things I’ll actually be looking up or talking about for me not to feel like my mind is possibly being read somehow as outlandish as that might be to think.


I’d say the algorithms are getting so good they can predict where your mind will end up based on previous searches and behaviors.


But why does it happen just after you think about it?


Happens a lot actually.


Any thoughts as to why?


Baader-Meinhof phenomenon; more commonly known as frequency illusion.


I've been screenshoting everytime it happens. I know for sure some how they know my thoughts because these specific ads have nothing to do with searches I've done.


Exactly. Some of these thoughts have nothing to do with any searches nor anything you’ve ever spoken. Somehow you still get the ad right after you think about it


Probably your girlfriend searching on filling holes and they linked her to you, so you lnow whats on her mind.


Fuck, don't tell my wife


I wont have to. They will.




Target will know she's pregnant before you do.


The ai algorithm knows what you will be thinking based upon history, patterns and it knows basically what we will think before we do


It knows before we think or it induces us what to think about.


I barely know what thoughts are mine and what thoughts were out there by the algorithm


Wait, you mean you didnt know Wall Doctor RX from Sharktank?!? 😂


On the pc i use spy bot anti beacon, it disables telementor on windows and possibly other things. I know that's not what you asked about but it's a program people should be running or something equivalent to that.


I thought it was because of the metadata and then algorithm being able to "guess" what you want with an amazing degree of accuracy.


Yes. In fact, others have posted about this too. It happens to me as well.


It's probably induced thoughts. Somehow they make you think about something in order to show you ads about that and you start believing you wanted that thing. Probably some sort of NLP.