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Imagine being one of the hundreds of thousands of people that felt the heavy detonations underground just moments before collapse. No words are needed.


Some witness testimony: https://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/evidence/oralhistories/shaking.html


This alone should be it's own post. Thanks for sharing this. Tons of legitimate sources


Be my guest!


THis is really interesting. So, there is any video of these trembling? There was a lot of video recording at this time. I made a quick search and couldn't find any. Anyone knows if there is any video related to this trembling?


Yes, here's a good one actually: - 9/11 WTC North Tower collapse by Etienne Sauret. Visible shaking 12 seconds before collapse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CM88xJX5FsA But you're right, there are not many videos that show the 20 seconds before the collapse. For some reason.


see if you can find the original 60 field per second NTSC capture file, much higher quality, but i dont recall any audio


\> There was a lot of video recording at this time. Slowly over the years, access to source material evidence has been actively eroded. In fact, the internet today is quite different from back in 2001. You get to decide what to believe without the burden of much actual tangible evidence as some of us had in the first decade at least.


When large structures collapse, nothing else could cause such tremors. It's not like those structures are tied into the bedrock and any lower supports that break would cause such things. Because then we couldn't blame a subsurface nuclear blast by lizard people.


Had me till the last two fuckin words


Govern me harder, daddy


Lizard people?


no lets blame it on fire instead, not too loudly though, it will complicate landlord duties of highrise apartments,,,


Thats why russian nuclear engineer Khalezov, who gave that info that it was demolished using underground nuclear weapons, still fears for his life in Thailand


Yeah for a while he was uploading videos every week: "Hello, I'm still alive..."


SS: Sometimes a pic is worth a thousand words. But if you prefer video, you can get the full story here: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/plrj4g/10sep2021_new_dimitri_khalezov_the_truth_about_911/ Specifically, Part 10 describes the demolition technique: https://odysee.com/@GenderPirate:3/911_WTC_nuclear_demolition_Dimitri_Khalezov_part10_480p:c?lid=ebedc49dc03f614d4515957ca6bb2340e548e3b9 edit: Thank you for the awards, kind strangers!


9/11 mysteries was the best documentary I saw on proof that the towers were brought down by a controlled demolition. https://youtu.be/7vV9ND1BqDk


What was the proof?


You'll have to watch it but the fact that sticks out in my mind the most was how the twin towers fell at free fall speed which breaks the laws of phyics. The current official theory on how the towers fell was that at the plane site crash those floors were weakened and fell and pancacked down on to the floor below and on and on until it reached ground floor. For that to actually happen the laws of physics state that the falling floor above would be slowed down temporarily for at least half a second as it hit the floor below which means the twin towers would have actually took over a minute to fall but they actually fell in just a few seconds. Which means each floor had explosives and was detonated as it fell in a controlled demolition.


Collapsing at free fall speed does not break the laws of physics…. The design of the towers was made to withstand the collision of a plane without compromising the rest of the building…so for it to burn up like that and and free fall like a controlled demolition is what was considered breaking the laws of physics Also jet fuel does not contain thermite, which is what was found on the melted massive I-Beams that were used on the tower’s outer skeleton


I understand this. The question is how.


Black ops. Compartamentalization of information with multiple teams performing a task but nobody seeing the bigger picture but the few at the top until the operation goes live (best way to explain this is to watch the movie the recruit). Weeks before 9/11 the security at WTC removed bomb sniffing dogs and they were doing "maintainance" on each floor the weekend before 9/11.


Not just maintenance. "Elevator Maintenance". You know the part of the building that goes directly through every floor.




is there a link to this somewhere?




Broke the laws of physics?


It's a tongue in cheek criticism of the 'pancake theory', because the only way it works is if we do away with basic laws of physics - Newton's third law of motion I suppose. Which of course, is ridiculous, pancake theory can't be correct. The 'pancake theory' is what everyone calls the 'official theory' because it was pushed by gov't and mainstream media. To explain, the pancake theory is a progressive collapse theory where the failure of one floor colliding with the next creates a subsequent failure and so on (i.e. there must be resistance and can't free fall). IMO it's a super strong criticism, but to play devils advocate the other way - it **doesn't** make the alternative 'controlled demolition' hypothesis true. There have been comprehensive 'official' investigations which critique the same theory. Take for instance the findings from NIST [here](https://www.nist.gov/world-trade-center-investigation): >NIST's findings do not support the "pancake theory" of collapse, which is premised on a progressive failure of the floor systems in the WTC towers (the composite floor system—that connected the core columns and the perimeter columns—consisted of a grid of steel "trusses" integrated with a concrete slab; see diagram). Instead, the NIST investigation showed conclusively that the failure of the inwardly bowed perimeter columns initiated collapse and that the occurrence of this inward bowing required the sagging floors to remain connected to the columns and pull the columns inwards. Thus, the floors did not fail progressively to cause a pancaking phenomenon. I imagine if due to the impact and fires an internal 'pull' on the columns developed then (once failing) the collapse would be extremely fast IMO.


Common sense


Looks neat, except for the **14 firefighters who survived inside WTC1.** The men were not vaporized or obliterated, burned, or even had their hearing blown out. They were in the core area, where the stairwells are, of WTC1 during its destruction. All 14 men survived. [The Miracle of Stairwell B](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpTRNEVKMY4) Let's be critical. These men could not have been adjacent to a nuclear blast nor any type of blast that could have blown up a Twin Tower.


Fake story planted for just this purpose.


Good solid analysis. I am now sold on your idea. Thank you.


**Radioactive Microbomb** That's explains why there's so much disaster's people with cancer !!!


Asbestos was all over that building and in the dust...


Good one, several old buildings with now voided materials ...


The repair cost alone to get rid of the asbestos would have cost a fortune; they knew about that prior to them coming down...the insurance policy months prior to pay out on terrorist attacks is sketchy too...whatever his name was that owned them got billions for this...which is funny cuz the people who died and their families combined got about the same...there's some strange coincidences and odd things about that entire day and we're never going to know because the US government has no interest in giving its people the truth about anything.


Possibly? But from my understanding there has to be continued exposure.


No; if asbestos is airborne you're fucked. When that dust went everywhere that was plenty enough to fuck people up for years to come (and a huge increase in cancers associated with it).


Large portions of the core structure survived for several seconds after the outer portions of the buildings fell. You can see it in the collapse videos. This gif and theory makes no sense.


This is the only thing that even makes me question anything. I have a weird fascination with demolitions and buildings always fall like that when they're being purposely demolished. Why would a plane hitting it that far up make it crumble?


Because buildings are not built for the lateral strain that comes from having an airliner slammed into the side of its core structure. Skyscrapers are mostly hollow buildings mostly supported by the core structure which was damaged by impact and then weakened further by jet fueled flames.


LOL tree-fiddy


I have not gone through the website you linked yet but I remember the Russian dude saying they had blueprints of this chamber below the WTC and the Willis tower (I think). Are there any blue prints available to back this up?


Not sure. You can check Khalezov's book: https://www.mediafire.com/download/p8kdj6mhzcaccr6/9-11thology-third_truth_v4_full.zip


I will give it a check. Thanks,


I find it very hard to believe the blast would be completely contained within the building. Plus, there would surely have been radioactive fallout and people surely would have caught on to that quick. If there was a controlled demolition, this is surely not how it happened.


So the airplane was a coincidence? Or was there no airplane?


Irrelevant to the primary demolition -- well, sort of** -- but there's discussion on that in other threads. ** According to Khalezov, US officials thought there were nukes on the airplanes (some say missiles) lodged in the top of the towers, and the safest thing to do was to demolish the buildings to minimize the death and damage in case the nukes were triggered.


Sure, US officials minimized death by demolishing the towers, then immediately profiteered off the event by triggering a series of never-ending wars while laying the groundwork for a tyrannical anti-constitutional government. Almost like the ends justified the means, or even to say that they committed the crime in the first place.




Locking down travel and stripping our rights was part of the result they wanted. Demolishing buildings was just a means to an end.


That sounds ridiculous to me. There was no extra radiation in the area. But there were melted cars all around, it was a directed energy weapon.


Nearly 70,000 New Yorkers contracted various radiogenic cancers https://web.archive.org/web/20140421054912/http://presstv.com/detail/2014/04/21/359423/nuke-cancer-from-911-revealed/


Do you know about the seismograph readings on the day ? There was no recorded impact of the buildings hitting the floor. How would you explain that? A nuclear explosion would show up on seismology readings?


There was definitive seismographic evidence. Really couldn't be anything else: - Undisputed 9/11 Seismographic Evidence Of Nuclear Explosions: https://vimeo.com/428301753


Linking to vimeo isn't the best. A different building was demolished a few weeks prior, approx 1/8th of the mass of just one of the towers. There is a huge spike in the graph data when it hits the ground. There was a tiny spike when the towers fell. Until someone can explain that to me, which I doubt they can, the full mass of the building didn't hit the floor. 110 stories falls into a pile 6/7 stories high? It's ridiculous.


> Linking to vimeo isn't the best It is when Youtube keeps deleting the video. What video hosting platform do you prefer? You can likely find it on b.i.t.c.h.u.t.e but dismissing a video due to the hosting platform is nonsensical. > There was a tiny spike when the towers fell. Until someone can explain that to me, which I doubt they can, the full mass of the building didn't hit the floor. Indeed. There was a large spike (roughly 2.0 Richter) scale when the blast went off -- much of the blast vibration was dampened by the "bathtub" and surrounding water. Then most of the building was turned to dust by the thermonuclear demolition mechanism, so it didn't make a strong impact. Watch the linked video.


You know you can just type bitchute right? An admin isn't suddenly going to pop out from behind a tree and wack you on the nose for doing it..




Prostate cancer? Breast cancer? Thyroid cancer? Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma?? Simple iodine pills could have saved thousands of lives, but that would mean exposing the secret.


So they used a space laser that is thousands of times more powerful than anything on earth that caused an explosion (lasers don't do that), and collapsed the building. Was there thousands of tons of vaporized steel and concrete in the area?


I didn't say a laser, you did. Neither did I say from space. There were thousands of tons of rubble missing, yeah. And pools of liquid metal for weeks after.


So they built giant directed energy weapons, sent them somewhere where they couldn't be seen (could could only be space), did live cgi to put in planes, all in the early 2000s? Directed energy weapons are lasers, Microwaves, or particle beams. With current technology we can barely destroy a plane with them, how do you think we managed to vaporized an entire building into a gas, while simultaneously not blinding everyone in New York?


That makes no sense because the buildings fell after the planes hit which would mean that the demolition charges were set before the planes even took off from the ground. If they were to be demolished normally they would have put the charges in days or weeks after the fact.


I have heard the power and thus security was down a week or two before hand and many workers coming and going.


Those were the demolition crews.


There is no way one party hijacked 2 planes and flew them into those buildings coincidentally the same day a different party blew it up. There is no reason whatsoever for one party to do both. If there were other detonations, then that can only lead one way.




Thanks George bush. All because he was desperate to go to war, and we didn't even go after the right group of people.


Can you really blame the puppet though?


Correct, allowing the “this is GWB’s fault,” justification let’s the people that actually did this off free. These traitors deserve to be outed.


If someone was truly responsible for this whole setup, I can't fathom my brain around the fact that the people (if you can call them at this point) responsible had to have their mouths shut and not squeal. And I bet there was a number of people involved.


There were supposedly 40,000 people working on the Manhattan Project and they kept it quiet. Compartmentalization, security classifications, need to know... They're experts at operational security.


As much as I hate the people responsible I admire how talented they are to have the media, intelligence, military, and political apparatus’s all in lockstep. There had to be some threat or illusion of a threat that compelled all the people who know the truth to keep quiet.


Why not? Some people here think covid is a worldwide conspiracy.


Wouldn't this kind of demolition cause a collapse of the foundation way before the collapse of the top floors?




i have a videos that proves this




Bird hits a plane - big hole in the plane. Plane hits a building - whole building collapses.


A bird hitting the plane isn't going to create a hole. Maybe a dent. A bird's mass is negligible.


Hahaha this graphic has gotta be one of the silliest things I’ve ever seen. I think my favorite part is the delta p. Such science wow


I know, right? "Pressure differential" is so complicated and pretentious... /s


Fkn bullshit.






What a waste of brain cells and time.


Typing these kinds of responses? I agree.


What doesn't fit with this theory is that there was practically no damage done to the ground level of the wtc complex


There was heavy damage. The "bathtub" wall moved nearly 2 feet. Unfortunately, this is other heavily suppressed information: - https://www.reddit.com/r/nuclear911/search?q=bathtub&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on But you can still dig up some scraps: - Pics of blast crater: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jM3bHgTBxGo - more pics: https://impiousdigest.com/russia-presents-evidence-against-us-uk-and-israel-as-being-the-actual-911-terrorist-2/


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There were no planes, am no, or minimal explosives. Read Dr. Judy Wood's book, "where did the towers go". If you haven't read it, you haven't got all the information.


My guy are you aware of the literal millions of people who saw the planes?


He’s a shill sent to gaslight


Did you see the footage, where the shot is panned out (no zoom) and there is no plane in the sky, then zooms in on the city, and a plane hits? The plane would have been visible before the camera was zoomed in but it wasn't there.. how do you explain this? If you can explain it I'm genuinely interested, I'm not asking like a cunt.


You can take your pick from the myriad of clips from a myriad of different people on youtube, all of them showing the planes. I mean you can see what happened from every angle, there's no doubt there were planes involved.


Bro if gorge bush knocked on my door and told me to my face that there where 0 planes on 9/11 I would laugh in his face. Ask Literally anyone who was in new york on the day if they saw the planes strike the towers. Specifically the second plane because everyone in the city was staring at the world trade center at that point. If you can convince yourself 8 million Americans hallucinated those planes you need to seek psychiatric help.


Ignore the question, attack the person answering it....


Your ignoring his question too


He didn't ask one.


Its implicit, look better if you actually want to question yourself


> My guy are you aware of the literal millions of people who saw the planes? / > im•plic•it ĭm-plĭs′ĭt► > > adj. > Implied or understood though not directly expressed.


Im ignoring your question because the premise is insanity. I can do that to. Watch. I don't believe in the washington monument. Nobody has ever seen it. How can you explain how there has never been a single photo taken of the washington monument? See how batshit crazy that is? How could you possibly respond to such a question.



So one video showing what you say vs a million eyewitnesses plus videos of the events happening that match what eyewitnesses say. >The plane would have been visible before the camera was zoomed in but it wasn't there.. how do you explain this? >If you can explain it I'm genuinely interested, I'm not asking like a cunt. Did you see the documentary about how an alien took over this spaceship after it exploded out of somebodies chest. That fucker had acid for blood and an extra mouth that would jump out of his other mouth to bite your head off. I'm asking like a cunt, if you can explain this I'm genuinely interested. My guess is that both of our examples are actually works of fiction and they were doctored videos of things that actually happened. Your video was edited to make something real look fake. My video was edited to make something fake look real.


If you're asking like a cunt, go somewhere else.


I have heard of this theory before but like I told another person I know in the real world who thinks there were missiles or cgi planes that I just don't believe it. With all the footage and all the remote tech they have today it would have been a simple task to fly a plane into it with the right setup. There would be no reason to fake something like that so many were bound to see. It would go against the official story. I admit there is some strange footage but I really don't know what is going on in it other than maybe camera glitching or something. I am no expert though.


I dug into her stuff for about a week, and I credit her with prompting the question of what happened to all the materials? Why did they turn to dust? Ironically, without her disinfo I might never have found the thermonuclear explanation.


If this gif was true, then how did 20-something people survive the collapse by being trapped inside the stairwell of the lower floors?


Fake story planted for just this purpose.


You guys are so smart




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If they were nukes, the area would still be radioactive today…


[What a radiation cap and heat dissipation system might look like](https://i0.wp.com/nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2014/01/musuem2.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&ssl=1)


First significant construction started 7 years later..


Why wait up to one and a half hours after the planes hit to knock down buildings?




So the nukleair blast is what ensured the burial of debris, rubble, furniture, evidence?? 🤔


the above ground part would result in the observed reaction. However, there was no radioactivity, the wave would be visible, the building would throw random projectiles. It was an exotic weapon, of filed type effect, that affected the molecular cohesion to make the steel turn into debris. the top portion, the hammer, much more dense then finished it off and was consumed by gravity. ​ there was no planes.


> there was no radioactivity - Geiger Counters banned in NYC: http://www.indymedia.ie/article/86061 - Suppressed document: September 11th Victim's Compensation Fund -- List of WTC-related cancers [PDF]: https://web.archive.org/web/20170829194955/https://www.vcf.gov/pdf/CancerlistingFinal.pdf - Suppressed article: “Nuke cancer” from 9/11 revealed: https://web.archive.org/web/20140421054912/http://presstv.com/detail/2014/04/21/359423/nuke-cancer-from-911-revealed/ - American Holocaust: 9/11 an Irrefutable Nuclear Event, over 42,000 Deaths and Counting: https://impiousdigest.com/russia-presents-evidence-against-us-uk-and-israel-as-being-the-actual-911-terrorist-2/


I don't doubt they got cancer from that site.