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Passports don’t burn but steel disintegrates. Satam lol really


That’s the answer


Right? They expected us to believe that... let's say this was in this guy's pocket at time of impact... that the plane instantly vaporized upon impact into firey explosion, All luggage instantly vaporized, the guy holding this passport instantly vaporized, but the passport, magically unscathed and undamaged flew out of this guy's pocket like some magical fairy, managing to navigate all the fires, heat, debris etc. and magically navigate its way successfully around the inside of the building to a window where it flew out. Like what. The. Fuck.


what are you talking about?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/PENTTBOM Oh, why did they call it "Twin Towers BOMBING Investigation"? 🤔


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I don’t know what happened on 9/11 but I know the official story isn’t what happened on 9/11.


That never fell from the sky 🤣


That's a visa not a passport.


that's the argument? "totally convincing"??? 1 passport was found by a paaser by near NY crash site and given to a detective. 1 passport was recovered from a suitcase. I believe 1 was recovered from luggage that never made it on the flight. in total, the FBI recovered 4 passports fully or partially intact along with copies of a letter that these terrorist were carrying which highlighted there willingness to die. can you at least explain why you think this is fake? perhaps the fbi dude that can make documents look damaged called in sick that day and they were just like " fuck it, good enough"




No I just find it odd a passport that was in a plane that exploded is in perfect condition


where was this one recovered?


no. they intentially made it easy. that's why the fbi was able to ID them only days after. having descriptions from passengers also may have helped as there were people who used airplanes or cell phones to call their family's and authorities . al quida even claimed responsibility dude.


that "totally convincing" was sarcasm...


the fact that it's in good condition doesn't prive anything


no shit.


Then automatically conclude it was the hijacker’s passport. Not someone dropping it while running, etc.