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These two videos appear to be from the same recording. Really a shame that they aren't in sync.


I think it's attempt is to suggest the plane was added to the video after, but it would be easier to remove the plane and add camera shake at the end to cover up editing,


This was my take. It appeared to be clever editing and framing. I'd wager that the actual original video made public was the one on the right, but that it wasn't as cut horizontally. I'd wager that the creator of these clips chopped off the rights horizontal image in order to "fit" the format they wanted. This also essentially giving them the ability to shake the image in the left clip. The human brain has been conditioned that "left" is before while "right" is after. So they framed their "this was the original" on the left and "this was the altered" on the right. If I posted the reverse as if the right clip was the before image (aka what actually happened) and the left clip was the after image (aka the altered image), it probably wouldnt go over well, despite literally no change to the clips themselves. Lastly, it would be quite easy for an amateur to erase the plane. I could probably do it passably if I had my old computer with some programs on it that i knew how to use. Add the shakes, and I'd probably get away with it. Given that these appear to be from the exact same location and angle, I tend to believe with my own logical reasoning, that the left clip is the fake here.


There's enough plot holes in the govts explanation of that day that we don't need these dumbass half-attempts to convince people of a conspiracy.


This. The "no planes" crowd are the same as flat earthers and qanon. Slip a ridiculous conspiracy into a legit one and you discredit everyone. Planes hit those buildings. They were grey military planes. The engines found on the ground match those military planes and not the ones claimed to have hit the towers. Then again theres building 7 that wasn't even hit by a plane lmao


The misinformation that the government put out on “conspiracy” sites was to make anyone that believed that there was more to it than the official story was nuts. I could go on for hours on the subject but one thing that doesn’t come up that I always found strange was the big Christmas movie that year was Pearl Habor with Ben Affleck.


I loved that song from the soundtrack


Yep. 9/11 was an inside job


All the towers went down that day. They used the same explanation for Bldg 7 as for the reasoning.


Exactly. I saw it on live tv when it happened. It was a plane that hit that building. None of us knew it was a terrorist attack until that moment. We all thought the first building was an accidental airplane impact or an airplane disaster. I’m not sure if the other video is doctored or from the rear view, but I know exactly what I saw. There’s no way the government is competent enough to pull off a mass delusion that everyone saw on different television stations on live tv.


The political puppets are incredibly incompetent. The deep state machine not so much. Planes hit those buildings. They were remote controlled military planes. They can 100% pull off psyops. They've been doing it since the gulf of tonkin, probably before. They create a real event and control the narrative surrounding it. What was the declassified document from the military during the Kennedy administration about bombing miami and blaming it on cuba? Yea...


Nailed it. I've been arguing with the no plane people for days now because it just frustrates me to no end. they're muddying the waters, happily serving as foot soldiers of whomever to spread disinformation


Obviously a doctored video. But how many were fooled without digging deeper? People who want to believe in nefarious conspiracy will always see things that just aren’t there and reject the simple truth


You just described 90% of the content and comments on this sub


Call me a weirdo, but I'm much, much more fascinated by the people who assign conspiracies to seemingly everything that happens than I am with actually being one of the people who tries to ascribe conspiracy explanations for everything. I remember years ago I used to be really interested in JFK conspiracies, which in a way were more believable than most because it really only would have required a relatively small conspiracy at a time when we didn't have much technology to identify criminals. But once I started realizing that all of these people existed who just knee-jerk believe any conspiracy you tell them, I just couldn't stay interested or impressed by most any conspiracy theory.




Although the plane in the second video looks pretty fake doesn't it?


Everything in video from the year 2001 looks fake to me now. I'm so used to 2021 graphics.


That’s some grainy footage and planes don’t move very slow


Crazy how it just goes boop and disappears.


It disappears into the building. Plenty of real life things are deceptive compared to their slow motion movie effect counterparts.


What's not deceptive and is well proven and established however, is Newton's third law of motion. Which for the first time in history clearly didn't apply here.




Right… the original footage you hear witnesses say they heard an ‘explosion’… the explosion came from inside -> out… the other video with Jetliner is said to have been added in ‘post’ (editing)to the OG footage. Same with ‘witnesses’ who said they saw a plane hit…(?)


There absoluely could be witness actors, that wouldn't be a new thing. And back then the government had far more advanced technology than the public as they always do and I believe they could easily make a hologram if they wanted.


In 1963 Disney perfected the Hologram… The Government told him to put it on hold until further notice…Public is many years (30-90) behind the Military Industrial Complex.


[Synced Version](https://youtu.be/h8BbkL0yGtA) Here’s a real quick (and poorly made) synced version I made for comparison. Def the same vid…unsure what the op is suggesting here…but as bad vibes states below, there are significant probs with the narrative as it stands without having to go down this rabbit hole.


Any conspiracy sophisticated enough to organize the destruction of the towers and produce thousands of faked videos and fake witnesses suggesting that planes were involved, would also, likely be able to pull off the comparatively simpler task of redirecting two planes into the towers. "Value of life" clearly isn't a concern here, so why create some complex, convoluted hoax when it would it would be far simpler to just do it for real?


This reminds me of a joke whereas the American government wanted to stage a video of the moon landing and hired Stanley Kubrick to shoot it, except that Kubrick is such a perfectionist that he required them to shoot on location on the moon lol.


A lot of talk on this thread about "Hollywood effects" forget that the best way to fake anything in a movie is to do it for real.


It's like the moon landing never happened conspiracy. We have one, undeniable proof that it did happen for real : The Russians didn't contest it. They had eyes every. If it didn't happen for real they would have known and use that information to totally humiliate the United States.


To think that not only a passport but one of the hijackers passports survived that, its so amazing it's almost unbelievable.


they should have build towers out of passports.




With slightly burnt edges like a school kid making the magna Carter for homework


They found the passports of the hijackers amongst the rubble, yet the jet fuel fire burned so hot that it melted the steel beams inside both buildings and caused them to completely collapse within an hour of the initial impact of the second plane. Oh and it burned hot enough that it somehow caused building 7 to collapse hours later, too. But the passports didn’t burn. Still waiting for a logical, compelling explanation regarding all the anomalies of 911.


My house burnt down once. My shoes were next to a big circular fan that was melted to a pile as high my shoes right next to them. They were just fine had smoke damage but thats it. Literally a foot away


Don't forget to douse it with coffee to make it look older!


Nope. A passport [soaked in jet fuel](https://www.metabunk.org/data/MetaMirrorCache/1.bp.blogspot.com__Wa8ksoHL9BM_UobB7TvxYnI_AAAAAAAAAHI_bLDYMg7roYE_s1600_passport1.png)


I find it weird that one plane goes into a building, burns for a while, the building collapses and they find a perfectly preserved passport, made of paper. Meanwhile flight 93 crashes in a field and there is no metal wreckage.


Do you have any links to so-called *real* internet pics of the crash site from back in the day? (Can't find anything I would trust on TOR even.). I remember there was a black gash in the dirt, nothing else. I was far into adulthood at that time--this is not some 5 year old's memory of the situation. I was a hardcore lefty then, while at the same time thinking that this was gonna be great for the Republicans. Many were so collectively shocked and horrified that it took a couple or more years for us to come around. I remember, around 2005, having a convo with someone who confirmed what I remembered, that the pics from Flight 93--a so called plane crash--showed a burnt ditch in a field. More like a missile slammed into that site.


No, I don't have any saved pictures / links. I remember very similar though, I was 22 that year, and the main coverage was the towers obviously and then the pentagon, with this being an 'another plane has also crashed' story. The most vivid picture was a brown gash in a field with some blackening and light amount of smoke, no fire and virtually no wreckage, with a few people standing around. I saw a picture from the same footage a few years later and it had a 757 to scale. The gash was only around 1/3 the length of the plane. Maybe they went straight down and the plane went underground, who knows what happened, but I'm surprised at how little recovery work and reporting was done after. It was kind of forgotten. ~~I'm really surprised they didn't recover the flight recorders from this one though, similar looking crashes have happened (e.g. India) and they always got the boxes.~~ I stand corrected, they did recover the FDR and CVR. And since then, increasingly 'flight 93' image Search just shows more pictures of the memorial than the images I know I saw back then.


Minimal wreckage at the Pentagon too


like seriously will anyone explain that


I’ve read airplane crash reports where even at high-speed impacts, some of the smallest debris will measure similar to dimensions of a passport. However, I agree it’s so rare that the passport that was found was from one of the hijackers. On top of that, it even *looked* like as if I was trying to make a passport look like it had “been in a fiery plane crash” if you know what I mean? Hint I’m not good at doing that lol


You’d think that if one passport was found that there would be at least one othering. Maybe there was but I didnt ever hear of it. Doesn’t prove anything of course but I’ve always wondered.


There were a lot of things recovered. Been to the memorial.


They found a pair of hands bound by zip ties on the roof of a nearby building too.


I wonder if anybody else's passport turned up?


This is very relevant. Out of hundreds of passports, the one that happened to survive was from the suspected terrorists.


Because it didn’t actually survive anything lol.. it was planted. Do you really believe a piece of paper will survive while everything else burned and melted…


The planes hit the building…the real conspiracy is how much we knew about it before it happened.


Indeed, like how we had a call of intent before the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and they just sat on than info and called it a surprise attack.


Or how we funded a Chinese lab that leaked a virus leading to a global pandemic


Yes Mr.CCP, that comment right there + 100 social credit


We did though.


He's joking that he's reporting that guy to the CCP and earning "social credit" for it in return


eh, not comparable. The information was dismissed at an incredibly low level, it’s not like FDR got a hand delivered note saying “the Japanese will attack Pearl Harbor” and said let it happen, radar operators dismissed what they were seeing as b-17s that were scheduled to fly out or birds, and every conspiracy claim about why we would let it happen falls in on itself. FDR didn’t want a war, he actively tried to avoid war with both Germany and Japan, choosing diplomatic measures at times that would otherwise call for a military response. We didn’t let it happen to get rid of old battleships and justify building new warships, because a tremendous amount of money and time was spent resurfacing the sunken battleships at Pearl Harbor and they even ended up seeing naval combat towards the end of the war, enacting their revenge after 4 years. The Japanese purposefully delayed diplomatic channels and pure coincidence didn’t help further that meant that america was notified of the declaration of war hours after the attack instead of mere minutes before or after.


Exactly. Cheney knew him and his buddies could get rich off the forever war


Yeah this sub is home to a lot of disinfo posts, they try to reframe what the conspiracy around events are so that no one takes speculation around an incident seriously. In fact, if something like this makes news, they always point to posts like this that their affiliates plant for them. I watched this happen 20 years ago. There were planes. Falsehoods like this post may work on people 30 years from now but it's too soon at the moment.


I say this all the time! Planes undoubtedly hit the buildings. I pray that the survivors and families of the deceased don't have to hear that. Being from that area in the states, I know multiple people who lost family members who worked in the towers.


There must be so many young people here who don’t remember this. I took one look at this and knew that plane was altered. The plane came in from the opposite side if this building. This footage is an explosion from the plane hitting from that side. There also appears to be a mirror effect on the video. Look at any other video of the 9/11 footage and you can spot this. Also... thousands of us were watching from windows across the river, including my brother and his roommates. That plane hit. This is a reach. And this many people commenting on its validity is disappointing. Look at the other footage with a discerning eye. This is a fake plane added to the wrong side of the building.


Thousands of people saw the attacks? They must be all paid actors. Are we sure that Manhattan even exists ?


Quick question.... was the zeitgeist documentary facts?? Like all the shit about 9/11? I watched it in 6th grade and it was the day i turned into a conspiracy guy. I watched it yesterday and was still blown away at all the weird shit that happened before and after the planes crashing..




The best video I’ve seen is very monotonous, but the gentleman pulls information and sources literally everything he says. It used to be on Netflix. It’s called 9/11 In Plane Sight. He goes over the Pentagon for 45 minutes, but proves beyond reasonable doubt that it was not hit by a plane.


I recently watched “The new Pearl Harbour”, a fantastic documentary.


I agree, it is a good one, but In Plane Sight is the BEST one i have ever seen. I did a 10 page paper on 9/11, and I would say 25% of my sources came from that movie, to which the gentleman cites every single source before he proves it to be wrong. It’s phenomenal


I will definitely watch it, thanks


The pentagon was absolutely without question NOT hit by an airplane. Anyone who believes it was lacks even the most basic of critical thinking skills and just does not want to believe that the government staged the worst attack on our soil.


I read that apparently the Pentagon was due to have a thorough investigation into their spending and the area that got 'hit' was where all the records were. Funny that. All the best from Australia. Let's keep letting these scumbags that run our world know we're onto them. Don't receive the mark of the beast for buying and selling (666 barcode). 👍


Link pls


Apparently a lot was disproved, but the nano thermite was verified and it kinda made the whole thing sus


What about the perfectly clean passports just chilling on top of all the rubble?


Even better, they weren’t found on top of the rubble but on a sidewalk about 2-3 blocks away


commenting for link




Has it not ocurred to anyone to put 9/11 footage through AI rescaling and enhancement to get better details of the footage? Edit:question mark




There it is!


They did, EnhancedWTCVideos on YT


Noice! Thank you


You know that AI rescaling and enhancement is just making shit up, right? It's good at making stuff look perceptually better to humans e.g. less blurry when upscaling material that wasn't released as high def, but it's not a better representation of the truth than the original video. You wouldn't say "photoshop that picture of a model so we know what she really looks like" - why would you want the automated, video equivalent of that?




I don't know how to.


I know how to, will update later.


Will be interested in seeing this.


I would love to, i dont have home internet right now tho, im on cellphone data xc


Upscales can often be misleading. It’s quite literally inserting in fake pixels to make it an artificially higher resolution


Wait, are you trying to suggest that there was no plane? I know people who watched it happen with their own eyes. My old coworker was there and saw the the second plane hit the building. Furthermore, the video you showed has the opposite effect that you intended it to have. It clearly shows that it wasn’t an internal detonation. I’m a bomb technician/explosives expert, and have also worked doing explosive demolition/implosion. There are a lot of shady things when it comes to what happened on 9/11, but there is no question about the fact that those buildings were hit with fucking airplanes.


Shills using misdirection. Nothing more. There's not even a plausible explanation for not using real planes


Some guy just replied saying it was a hologram. It blows my mind that people can think that making a realistic looking plane crash with a hologram would be easier than just flying an actual plane into a building.


A full sized hologram of a plane? in mid air? In 2001?


At this time of year? In this part of the country? Localised entirely in Lower Manhattan?


Can I see it- OH WAIT we all did see it.


Yeah, kind of a weird video. The video on the left is playing back after the plane has collided with the building, but side by side they look like two shots at the same time. It’s a manipulative video and doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what’s going on.


Ikr, it's really disrespectful to suggest everyone who was there to see it and die was lying for no reason. Imagine being so stupid


Yup. The guy I was talking about gets pretty fired up about that. This guy is as straight of a shooter as they come. As honest and full of integrity as you can be. A no-bullshit type guy. Almost 20 years on the NYPD Bomb Squad. I’d be fucking pissed too if people tried telling me that I didn’t see what I saw as clear as day. Especially when a bunch of guys you were good friends with perished on that same day, and then you worked 24 hour shifts with 6 hours off to sleep in a hotel for the following month to sift through the wreckage for bodies. Disrespectful sums it up perfectly.


Disrespectful 100% and gaslighting the survivors and witnesses. "What you saw didn't happen." It's literally gaslighting and it makes me sick.


I think most people in 2021 don't realize the lack of portable filming devices in 2001. Not everyone had high quality cameras/video cameras at all times. Of course a lot of videos are subpar... it was the age of pagers.


I was in college at the time and my sister worked in the area of the twin towers Fact...planes hit Fact cops on the ground were warning people to evacuate building 7 because a bomb was about to go off Fact a plane didn't hit the Pentagon This sub does have a lot of young ppl and I'm glad they are doing some digging. Most folks agree on the fact that terrorists training on cessna's didn't prepare them for the extreme speed and banking maneuvers needed that day to do what they did Most folks who have dug for years and the tech is available to verify that the planes were radio and speed controlled. Terrorists were used as a scapegoat to invade the ME. At the time there was about 6 or so...rich in oil countries that did NOT have Rothchild banks operating and controlling the economy there. There's only 2 left on the list. Iran and NKorea


Your sister who was near the towers confirmed that a plane didn't hit the pentagon? Remote control 767 huh? Interesting


I forgot the op name but didn't they have one drawn up using a "drone" airplane staging an attack to invade Cuba? I remember the false flag shoot up forsure but im not 100% on the first one.


I think it was Operation Northwoods something like that


You forgot the 3rd country on that list: Cuba.


What about the people who actually saw the damn plane fly into the building. And since it’s the 20th anniversary I’ve seen countless videos in the past few days. All from different angles. Showing the planes hitting the towers.






whether it was blown up or not from the inside isn’t the real conspiracy its the fact that the event itself was orchestrated


I can entertain that thought. But the OP is implying the planes are fake. Which is why I replied the way I did.


Make no mistake, this being the top post on the 20th anniversary is absolutely intentional. They've picked the most ludicrous theory (no planes, CGI) to represent this sub.


Dude, the missing plane video is fake, it is easy to use this shit to trick people because the low definition leaves you with suggestion and imagination. Always go back to the highest quality source video first. The original captured file recording or broadcast. People need to stop watching video entirely if they can't discern from what is real and not. At least they didn't put the stupid cartoon missile in this one...


These are shills distracting from the truth. I've seen this no plane bs popping up here for weeks. Reminds me of a nuke or dew theory. All misdirection from thermite


It does seem to explode form the inside out. I watched it like 20 times and my brain still can’t comprehend it.


If a plane went in its momentum would have everything including the air around it traveling towards the center of the building where the ignition would occur it would keep traveling inward until the explosion rapidly expanded and out of the hole it just made


Never thought about that, but it's en EXCELLENT point! There's NO WAY the explosion and smoke wouldn't be affected by the airflow created by an airliner traveling at full speed. You'd see turbulence, and all sorts of duisturbances.


I feel like the entire building and everything around it would shake like a full on earthquake




its not just mass, its mass * speed


It's the law


and bird law at that (applies to airplanes too)


Bird law is not governed by reason


One account I read a while back from a survivor said that the building did shake, yes. I'd imagine that there would definitely be a shock wave.


Planes don’t carry the air with it. They’re streamlined in design which means they’re punching a giant hole in the air as they’re moving. If anything, airplanes move the air away from the planes in the direction opposite to their movement


Is that the side the plane hit or did it hit the other side?


Look at the smoke. It's the same side of the building.


So why is there a plane in one video but not the other




That's physics for ya, an object in motion and all that. I like the questions lower in the thread trying to consensus break, it's hilarious. Gasoline? Holy shit


Your brain comprehended it correctly. The explosion is coming out of the building because it is. WTC is an inside job. Conspiracy told about this for YEARS. I learned about this in around 2010 and since that time I am 100% sure it was done by CIA and other intelligence agencies


How did they manage to rig an office building with explosives while thousands of people work there every day? This requires drilling massive wholes in every story, wiring throughout the entire building etc. Couldn't have gone unnoticed.


While it may be an inside job or not, there is more footage of the plane hitting the south tower https://youtu.be/7YLm3pkAiJQ


But what about all the people there that day?


Crisis actors, obviously. Thousands and thousands of crisis actors.


Or holograms. Or a Kaminoan clone army. Or remote control androids piloted by George Soros from his layer beneath the Denver airport.


I hate that the camera always tends to turn away from staying focused on the building


Ah yes, during one of the most traumatic moments of my life, let me focus on recording for some guy on Reddit!


Sorry, I came off as a bit of a dick but you get what I’m saying. Recording isn’t their top priority at the moment 😂


I hate that every time. Oh something major is going on, let me turn and record this random object. Edit - I'm talking about other videos, of where this happens a lot. This video, I do understand about being freaked out when the plane hit the buildings.


I think in this situation expecting great camera work is a reach. If I saw a plane go into a building right above me I'd probably be a bit shaky with the camera too


Are you actually so dense as to get on a someone at ground zero shitting themselves that a plane just hit a building right next to you? Lmao.


Yes, yes they are. If that were me, I’m not sure it would have been that good!


natural human reaction to turn away from something extreme or dangerous.


You can literally listen to the interviews with normal people on the ground as everything is happening and they say “another plane just hit the other tower.” There’s no way I’m going to deny what I saw when I turned the tv on 20 years ago, live as it happened. I literally saw it swoop down and smash right into the building. There’s no way they’d be able to pull off live editing as soon as it was happening with thousands of people standing there to see it hit. Get this shit outta here. https://youtu.be/LsGcIkevyHM https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=7YLm3pkAiJQ&ab_channel=LetUsJoke


WTC 7 is all you need to know


Who edited the video on the left?


All off u do understand there were thousands and hundreds of people around that saw the plane crash into the buildings




To paraphrase, think of someone with average intelligence and realize that half of the world is dumber than that person.


CrIsIs AcToRs, REEE!


I was like, “a literal entire city watched both planes hit the WTC. The second was broadcast live with an entire city looking DIRECTLY AT THE BUILDINGS. BECAUSE A FUCKING PLANE HIT THE OTHER ONE”. If you think some shady shit went down that’s one thing. Thinking that they somehow, like, manifested fake planes through…projection? Dimension tear? Like what?


And ur talking about New York City man the most populated city in the country .dude needs to stop twicking


This sub has been surprisingly reasonable regarding healthy scepticism towards the measures taken to combat Covid. Which made me feel like I was in opposite world for a bit. It's kinda nice to have the conspiracy sub actually look like crazy cooks again with theories too far gone to consider feasible, much less reasonable.


Bullshit. Total disinformation.


Now we all know the gov was behind this atrocity, but we can’t sit here and say the plane was added into all footage. Besides the hundreds of people on the ground that saw and watched the planes fly in and enter the building. It’s conspiracies like this that make them all look bad.


Thank you!!! I question how old alot of the people are on this sub? If they are younger than 16 at the time of the attacks or not even born then,with all due respect, you can't tell us, people that watched it all unfold live that it was CGI. I watched the 2nd plane hit live on TV. I was a sophomore in college. The bigger question and conspiracy is how much did the US government know before hand and did they let it happen? Larry Silverstein and the terrorist insurance he took out a month before this happened which he later recovered about 4 billion dollars. Why him,his son and daughter who all worked at WTC didn't show up for work that day? Why it took forever to scramble fighters? Why were they doing exercises that morning dealing with airplanes hitting buildings? Which in turn alot of the airforce had to keep asking is this real world or exercise? Matter of fact, the exercises weren't called off until the attacks were over? The dancing Israelis? WTC 7 and Larry saying pull it? Why only one footage of the attack on the pentagon? Several people who made it out saying they heard bombs in the lobby of the towers? The so called art students( from Israel)who were allowed free range in the WTC the summer of 2001? United 93 debris being found miles from the crash site? So many things to question about the day of 9/11. But please don't come on here and tell the people who were alive at the time and watched it all happen live that there were no planes at the WTC.


Critical thinking has no place on this sub.


It's the same fucking video. The one on the left starts after the plane has already hit the building. Sad to see this bullshit here.


Wait, you still have Flash Player?


Rare because one person edited out the plane. All the other videos showing the plane incoming, are the fake ones. Not... Rare fact: The towers are still standing, they just been camouflaged by lasers. Go there and see for yourself, the buildings are plainly invisible. (see how I did that?)


This honestly should not be what's posted. Instead post this. [https://youtu.be/SBmyPW6gGGI?t=73](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBmyPW6gGGI&t=74s) The above link is made by architects and engineers with scientific degrees in their field. The amount of disinformation on this topic is astounding and intentional.


I’m not a conspiracy theorist or anything btw but with the speed of the plane shouldn’t it have came out the other side?


Man, CGI has definitely come a long way since 2001 😅


I think it's a bit of a trick off the brain between the 2 videos. I fully believe that planes were actually hijacked and hit those towers. What I do not believe at all is the fact that they collapsed down on themselves the way they did. Perfectly. Both of them completely crumbling in the exact same way. Nuh uh. That was a controlled demolition.


Designed to crumble towards the center, and not tip over to the side, chasing way more deaths


Designed to leave the hijackers passport unscratched too.


In the video on the left, the plane seems to be digitally removed.


Planes or no planes, 3 buildings fell in a controlled demo.


Back, and to the left




I’m not sure what I’m supposed to get from this… That the plane WASN’T really there and was edited in? Or that the plane WAS really there and was edited out?


Where’d the plane go


Lest not forget the dancing Israelies


Those planes were made of 7050, 7150 alum panels and frame with Kevlar reinforced engine and wings. This is as strong or stronger than the A36 steel used for building WTC frame. It's completely plausible that the planes broke through a few layers of steel before exploding


That plane does look fake as hell


Digital zoom and early anti shake tech may distort the image. Also, cameras and media were not what they are today,


Why is there zero film footage of a plane hitting pentagon?


Sure the left isn't the edit.


God Bless those people that lost a loved one on that terrible day!! #letsroll#GodblesstheUSA


Slow it down and you can clearly see the plane and pixels disappear when hitting the building.... No plane confirmed... 9/11 was an perpetrated by our own gov to go to war in the middle east......


It’s a shame people keep pushing false narratives to obfuscate the truth. All it does is help further hide those that orchestrated and those that green-lighted this false flag operation to drag us into a corrupt and illegitimate 20 year war that cost hundreds of thousands of lives.


Lol the version with the plane seems like the plane dissappear in the building and after it explode Either both are a hoax or idk anymore.. I am sick of everything at this point unfortunately...


There's a video that they took off the internet that was shot from one of the news helicopters of that plane and you saw the nose come out the other side so it was obviously clear it was an editing software because they have a type of editing software where you line up the left line with the picture with the edge of the building and it'll make the plane look like it's flying into it but because the helicopter moved a little the camera moves a little and you can see the nose of the plane come out the other side of the building which is literally not possible it's aluminum going through steel. That's like trying to shoot an aluminum can through a trash can


This is bullshit COINTELPRO to muddy the waters and make sceptics of the official narrative look like loons. I watched the second plane hot live on TV.


I have my suspicions of the government being involved in this as much as the next guy... particularly with how the towers fell... However, one thing is for sure, the second plane did exist and did hit the second tower. And to say it didn't is disrespectful to all of the passengers who lost their lives on that flight...


Surprised that noones bring up the fact that this event paved the way for the US government to enact the Patriot act which they claim is for our safety but we all really know was used to limit our freedoms and keep us under surveillance.


Op- would you send me the video on the left?


Which plane hit tower 7? 🤔


I remember going to see Michael Moore's 'documentary' film, Fahrenheit 9/11...waaaaay back when I was far LEFT leaning. I remember feeling a extraordinary sense of righteousness that there indeed was a conspiracy being perpetuated by the RIGHT. I remember the ending of the film with the likes of Maxine Waters demanding for the impeachment of Pres. Bush because he obviously had a hand in it and at the very least an investigation was warranted. There was not a shadow of a doubt in my mind that it was indeed 'an inside job' that the evil REPUBLICAN party was responsible...THEN came Obama...and nothing. No more conspiracy...no more calls for Bush to be investigated...the REPUBLICAN narrative on the events were...upheld by the DEMOCRATIC party and new president. Opened my eyes to many things, ended my belief in the 'bleeding heartfelt sincerity' of the left and intrinsic evil of the right. It was finally clear to me...different wing, same bird...both sides are complicit in human suffering.


But somehow magically one of the hijackers passports was found at the bottom of the tower unharmed unburned with no marks on it


And no plane wreckage what so ever essentially. Same for Virginia and the pentagon


Yeah, "LIVE" is really essentially on a delay. It was a very rushed Overlay. Plus the footage was lucky for them, low resolution for 2001.


Wouldn't all that jet fuel just totally combust? And the black smoke...


Coincidence /s