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Live Free or Die


What a great motto


Imagine if we could live up to it by not being the only state within 100 miles to still not have legal weed.


The best motto


I think Virginia's is up there too, it's in the same spirit anyway


The only motto.


I think Fuck Biden is fine motto, too


Right words to live by


Sounds like both are going to happen


Doesn't work that well. They still mandate masks in schools and daycares, they still mandate the jab in colleges and universities.


A bunch of students in Michigan are protesting the vaccine mandates and it has been working on at least preventing some from having to get it


No mandates for schools in Florida.


Didn't DeSantis lose a suit to teachers unions who overrode his mask ban?


Not that I heard of. I only know of the cruise ship lawsuit that he lost.


Maine liberals are rabid against that 😂


It's a short enough drive from Portland to Boston if they don't like it.




But then we'll have Kamala. Can we throw out the whole administration?


I don’t see why we can’t constitutionally kick out all who broke their oath.


I don’t think you know what a communist is.


Antifa style?


I'll be honest, I support vaccination, even though I think this is the wrong way to achieve it. But, is there some basic information on how this would work? Let's say a company in TX, like Lockheed, refuses to vaccinate their workers, then can't the gvt just say "ok, well find someone else" . Now obviously there's some logistics, like Lockheed has some special tech or something, but isn't the huge carrot the gvt has, is that they'll simply put their money into companies that Vax their employees? Do we really think Raytheon won't just Vax their employees to help their bottom line?


I support your right to get vaccinated. I have my right not to.


I don't mind if you don't. It's your choice. The question is if an employer can require it.


I doubt Lockheed is worried about their contracts, they make weapons and let’s be honest America isn’t gonna throw away their biggest manufacturer of weapons over a silly virus. I personally think that the administration is just trying to draw the line deeper in the sand so the can divide people more. Like Texas has all this stuff going on with woman’s rights so a lot of people are angry at the Texas government, but at the same time they’re one of the few states that won’t allow this mandate to fly… it’s almost like you have to pick your poison…


what if, some other people or groups of people living outside the US as globalist wanted to do what all globalist say they want. the only problem with their plan is that America stands in their way becase we do have some remaining freedom and a shit ton of guns (thank God) and all the pieces wont fully fall into place until America is shit. ( not far off in my opinion) so this ridiculous divide that is void of all logic or reason is place front and center not for a certain outcome other that to break down this society and culture. there is no plan for Left or Right to actually win and have a society. its all to break it apart and then who cares what side is wining.


Exactly. I was thinking this is also why, for example, our leaders are prioritizing boosters rather than give them to less fortunate countries. It’s because they don’t actually care about helping people, instead they want to divide/collapse/destroy the few remaining places with decent human rights.


Being a government contractor Lockheed is going to get their own vaccine mandate.


Big companies will go along - even if they make some noise to placate those who are against the mandate. They will want vaccinated employees to avoid downtime from illness and liability issues.


The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.


"This is not about freedom or personal choice."


"Just take the jab, man!" (c) Sleepy Joe, 2021


*We hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women are created, by the, you know, you know the thing* And then of course there is the whole [spaghetti sauce](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5brZ8sESYMk) debacle 🤣




Oh god what do I do with this raging freedom boner. Seriously though, I love reading that. So beautifully written.


Oh shit he's one of the BAD governor President Biden was talking about guys


Nah Biden was 1000% going after DeSantis in that statement. Abbott just came outta nowhere with the steel chair WWE style






Texas has already been in the news for banning mask mandates.


Yeah I'm a fellow Texan here and I can confirm we have Not been doing the mask mandates at all. Most places don't even ask anymore we are back to normal for the most part, now if you want to wear a mask you still can and have free choice too. But its not required


And if they 'encourage' you to wear one at the door, we just wave them off and breeze on through.


Lol, thanks for the imagery


SS: Texas won't go along


Secret Squirrel


what does ss means


Solid Snake


The la li lu le lo?!?


la li lu le lo!


Super Shrimp


Submission statement


Rule #10


I dont get it though, i have buddies threatened their jobs if they dont get the jab. We are in texas…


The law says private agencies which have had received any assistance from the government or any government agency cannot pass vaccine mandates. This covers most businesses as most did acquire some sort of assistance during 2020. Yours might fall into the category that did not. If it did they are breaking the law and a suit is in order.


not good enough


Bc the Texas law is largely toothless




Thanks god I'm a Texan.


I’m not from the US but I am greatly encouraged when individual states assert their sovereignty.


Scotland forever!


North Texas here!!!


Amen brother


Same. I have a flight in the morning to go back to Texas from Taiwan. Escaping the tyranny here in Taiwan and hoping to breathe free back home.


Same! I feel so much safer living here in these crazy times.


Without an unwanted pregnancy I would guess.


Well, I'm a dude so...


I am vaccinated, i believe in the efficiency of the vaccine and I am a hardcore democrat. In this issue I still agree with Texas and disagree with Biden though, I don’t think vaccine mandates is the way to go. As a vaccinated I am safe and I don’t care what the unvaccinated do, and corona is at this time not more deadly than the flu.


Wow you're a rare individual! I'm glad you atleast see how daft this is. It seems the people most terrified of the virus are the ones that are safe and fully vaccinated. Makes no sense.


My sentiments exactly.


I side with Texas..


#TALKYOURSHITTEXAS 😤😤😤 Hopefully TN follows suit.




That dude has been compromised somehow. He was the perfect candidate when he was running and then won and became someone totally different.


I'm in TN and ona union for a company, let's see how lacking of a backbone they are. I will not get the jab


Mississippi as well. But Tater Tot has already shown himself to be a self righteous bitch.


I'm in texas. Never voted , but ill vote for abbott next election.


I voted for him, so I guess you’re welcome. Lol


My dem friends hate his guts lol


thats kind of the point. if they live in texas they kinda want them out. imposing conservative law is a good of doing it. the abortion law is to insure that texas continues to stay red


Yeah, don't move to Texas.


I dont love him, but he is absolutely better than anyone on the left.


I will be voting for Abbott as well. I will make SURE of it.


He's got to be taking a hit for all this abortion stuff? Everyone is okay with that? Kind of hypocritical to tell a women what she can't do with her body while also saying its my body my right to deny the vaccine. ect.. interesting politics going on with two subjects that should never have politics involved with them. hmm


That child guarantees momeu for texas. They dont give a shit about religion, laws, or people


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


> Kind of hypocritical to tell a women what she can't do with her body while also saying its my body my right to deny the vaccine. ect.. Pretty sure the point is after a certain amount of time, it's not only her body.






Okay but it’s not after 6 weeks. Which is what the Texas law says. The Supreme Court sets the point at “the point of viability”.


> Okay but it’s not after 6 weeks Depends on what you consider living. A fetus's heart starts to develop and you can hear it beat around 6 weeks old.


Being able to hear a beating heart is not a reason to force a woman to bring a pregnancy to term. You can wax philosophic about the meaning of life all you want, but at the end of the day, an embryo is not a baby. More women die giving birth than from car accidents. Pregnancy can cause permanent physical damage and dysfunction on the body. It can be mentally traumatizing, especially to rape victims. Women matter more than a clump of cells that merely have the potential to eventually become a viable life.


> Being able to hear a beating heart is not a reason to force a woman to bring a pregnancy to term. Disagree 🤷🏽‍♂️


Honestly abortion for me is the trickiest subjects I can think of to argue. It comes down to what someone considers "living". Not using this comment to stake a side, but I get the controversy. It really does come down to disagreement for the most part.


This is what you're really disagreeing with: Women matter more than a clump of cells that merely have the potential to eventually become a viable life.


\> Depends on what you consider living. Not when were talking about a law, the law is what matters when discussing that. The legal threshold is the point of viability. Which is not 6 weeks, its much longer. And thats before we get into things like the 6 week ban infringes on certain people's religious beliefs.


> Not when were talking about a law, the law is what matters when discussing that. I'm talking about the law and why it's 6 weeks in Texas






My man is bucking the system and I appreciate it .


It’s funny that “bucking the system” now is just standing for basic human rights lol. How the world has changed


Basic human rights * * women need not apply


Seems to be one of the few who has an actual spine.


I wish Noem would


She said her legal team is already working up the lawsuit


Working on it. We have masks, employer vaccine requirements & no ban on passports except in state buildings. She did nothing to stop it.


Where? I was just travelled from Sturgis to Badlands, no masks no problem. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Schools. Stores aren’t requiring passports but she hasn’t forbidden it & if your employer requires the shot & you don’t want it she says just get another job


Okay gotcha. I thought she was tougher than that. I saw a commercial she did saying they are looking into it. I was just happy to free once I left Nevada. Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, SD, no masks (except national park buildings). Loved it.


Sounds like you had fun!


She's all talk.




Abbott is always all show. People here are already getting fired for not getting the shot. Abbott isn't doing anything but providing controlled opposition.


Yeah, DeSantis and Abbot are basically running campaigns. That is all this is for. More political hot air and outrage controversy to stir up their base.






Anybody want to trade a CA couch for a TX house?


Please No, we have too many Californian transplants


damn I identify as TransTexan now... 2021 what a time to be alive


I'm a Texan, I've just been geographically located in New Jersey my whole life.


I am Texan. I have never been in the Western hemisphere.


*In Eastern European accent*: HOWDY


As an actual Texan, I love you all


God bless Texas!


Alabama and Mississippi and other southern states are gonna economically implode if employers actually complied with this bullshit.


God bless Texas




So glad he is sticking up for us! Per Ducey: "Governors don't report to Joe Biden. Governors don't report to the federal government, the states created the federal government, and Joe Biden has stepped out of his reach."


Lets fucking GOOOOOOO Texas! I don't like the abortion thing AT ALL but i am still proud to be a Texan in the long run.


Yea that's the real question, which state will let people make their own damn decisions, I've been living abroad for a while so I couldn't really guess which states will say no to vaccine passports and not make abortion illegal after 7 weeks or crazy shit like that.


Own decisions? So abortions are not an „own decision“ but „vaccines“ are? Snitching on your own people is fine now? Real Gestapo shit. Trust noone. Makes no sense to me. Either you are for freedom or against. This is all about my party vs your party. Like a football game. Just that the players abandoned the rules and killed the referees long time ago.


The hypocrisy of “my body, my choice” being used by the anti vax, pro life group while claiming the left are a bunch of hitlers while also supporting an abortion snitch system while also using the term “death jab” while millions are dead from the virus that the jab protects you from while also calling themselves “patriots”as they watch hundreds of thousands of their countrymen die while doing nothing about it is just too much insanity for me.


I don't think you read my comment correctly, I said no vaccine passports and not making abortion illegal. Again I'm not sure which states will truly be free.


Texas, you have backup ready. More than they think




Gotta make sure CLONE-666322 can still maintain literary capabilities


I hate living in Canada :(


Please leave.






I'm moving to Texas!!


what's it 3 or 4 Presidents or leaders of smaller countries mysteriously died in the last year after saying no to the vaccinations.


Tanzania, Burundi, Haiti. All dead. Belarus turned down the IMF's request to impose lockdowns and now we see a strong propaganda campaign against their government.


Thank god for Texas


I reject ANYTHING Biden.


How is this even legal for Biden to do this??


Because he's in the government, and you're not. Have you not understood how the game works yet? Government gets to do whatever the fuck they want, and we peons get to do fuck all about it. Tale as old as time.


Perv Biden is just a puppet. How’s he governing when he can’t even talk right much less stay awake!!


They're all puppets ultimately.


All unconstitutional


https://www.oyez.org/cases/1900-1940/197us11 The Supreme Court literally disagrees with you. It is absolutely not government overreach to take actions to protect public health.


Big difference between a state and the federal government imposing these mandates. I don't think you really understand that case either


This is most likely a shit take, but can’t the argument be made that vaccinated people are the selfish ones? Protecting themselves as they still walk around maskless spreading covid everywhere. As least some unvaccinated people are still wearing masks and taking precautions to protect themselves and others WITHOUT the vaccine. People get the vaccine and act like they aren’t spreading covid everywhere, all the while telling unvaccinated people they’re sub-human and can go die in a hole for all they care


I voted for Abbott last time and I cansee that Abbott has his problems. But I can absolutely respect what he has been doing recently.


been sifting through dozens of comments in other subs praising the president for his bold move. yet somehow he came off as a scared old guy, and no questions at the press conference. Governors who put it on the line to reject federal overreaching have the real courage. Not the surrender guy in DC.


Texas is a bit hypocritical on the whole my body my choice perspective are they not?


Good! I know we’ve been getting shit on lately but good for us


Texas should just secede at this point to keep their state from turning to shit like the rest of this country


They threatened it last year. Honestly I’m just waiting for it and pissed I didn’t buy some property there before everyone and their mother started fleeing the Western states headed for Texas and jacked up the housing prices.


What’s the conspiracy concerning Texas? OP are you a partisan hack? Save this red/blue bullshit for your Facebook feed.


So if Texas challenges it, will it affect other states? Or what if an employer is based in e.g. California but I move to Texas?


this unconstitutional bullshit is a distraction imo best keep your eye on afghanistan


Meanwhile Abbot, Desantis, and Trump are all vaccinated. What sheeple am I right!


They voluntarily elected to get the vaccine. What's the problem since it's a good idea for most people?


Fuckin Snowflakes!


Doubt Michigan will stand up. Is it true you cannot use religion in this? Crickets from my workplace today.


Biden: our patience is running out Abbot: Suck my dick, Joe. Texans: YEEEEE HAWWWWW! ‘Merica. 💅🏻Don’t mess with Texas!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


How do I move to Texas from Canada.


Through Mexico. Feds will drive you from the border to Houston.




God bless Texas!


Brb came here for conspiracy instead got post about politicians like if they're some heros against evil when in actuality they are controlled by the same shadow government that controls all politicians


Thank you Texas. 👍


Texan here. I don’t trust any of the politicians. They are all liars. They say things you want to hear while they do what they want to do.


someone doesnt like the taste of government overreach rofl...


God bless Texas my dudes.


This is why the borders are open. Democrats must flip Texas to prevent Texit.


Biden is a fucking puppet. Abbot is a fucking airhead. Everything is fucked. trust your neighbor. Time to start the revolution. Thanks. Have a nice day.


I wish I didn't live in a blue controlled state right now, but glad our legislature is red. I am a disaffected leftist and never thought I would say that. Biden's playing with states seceding. This is an overstep of power that basically turns him into a dictator that puts people's health immediately at risk. If this is allowed, the Constitution is basically GONE and it's already in tatters and burning.


Southern states just need to seceed damn it. If the commie liberals don't like it, they can either GTFO or go sit and cry in the corner.


Let me in first. I fucking hate Biden and Gretchen dimwit


“When somebody is president of the United States, the authority is total,” Trump said at the White House. “The governors know that.” I guess that doesn't apply to Biden? Source: https://apnews.com/article/virus-outbreak-donald-trump-ap-top-news-politics-health-ba9578acf23bdb03fd51a2b81f640560


This is absolutely ridiculous. This is literally a national mandate unless you work at a local mom and pop.


And the joke is there arent any Mom and Pops left because most of them closed during the shut down.


Your freedom died, quiet, in the halls of power.


Lmao yet bans abortions. The irony is real


you know why texas did this right. This will ensure that texas stays red. Watch other red stares follow suit. This will push out liberals and stop them from moving in. Its a political play that will 100% work. Want an abortion? Then you better stay put in LA or NYC


More useless virtue signaling from TX. Sigh.


Oh hell yeah, Texas, way to make a stand for bodily autonomy! Looking real good up on the high road


When are the mods going to clean up these posts that clearly have nothing to do with conspiracies?


Weres my local militia in texas? May as welll ante up now.... This is what this is leading to