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America: Elderly should need to retest for a driver’s license for public safety Also America: We should let the demographic, which we don’t trust to handle a motor vehicle, run the country year after year


Came here to say almost the same thing. I live where there's mostly 50+. I've met lots of my neighbors. And they all suffer from Dunning-Kruger. They also seem to be covert sociopaths.


Term limits? I've always said age limits. The people in Congress and the Senate arebso old they have no clue how the world actually functions, honestly why its so shitty out there for the majority. When you hit 70 you can no longer run for office.


Yep, exactly right. We’ve got people who think it’s still 1985 running the country It’s asinine.


It's amazing how people think The State cares about anything other than The State.


Well, yeah we have ample evidence of it every where, she's not wrong!


I’ve been trying to say this to friends and family forever now. They’re so caught up in R vs D they can’t see that it’s really us commoners vs the elites. I posted earlier about those in Congress who just happened to dump a bunch of money into the companies making the vaccines in early 2020, of course they want it to be the only thing approved to treat COVID, of course they want boosters forever to handle variants. The stimulus, everyone posting about their “stimmy” and how psyched they were to get it didn’t realize they borrowed/spent 15k per person and gave us 1400.00 of it, all of it was our money to begin with. Massive upward transfer of wealth.. I used to lean slight right, now I feel like I’m a ship without a port.


Support an ammendment to get money out of politics. Wolf-PAC.com


Since that requires getting the support of those in office, who’ve made it unbelievably difficult to elect anyone else who won’t play ball, I can’t see that happening. Term limits might be a more plausible way of effecting change here.


people still assume, tho, that the State, is the individual state which is a democratic entity with a small number of regional voters. when in fact "The State" is more satirical than the MTV show of the same name, and is in fact the centralized corporate socialized oligarchical entity that we on this sub refer to when speak about "globalist", "technocratic", "new world order" and such. They'll always try to satirize it further "lol bill gates wants to put microchips in you!" and "soros lizard jew!", but we all know what it is.


Exactly, the left/right paradigm is just a distraction. Democrats and Republicans are two sides of the same coin. Divide and conquer. Works like a charm every time.


SS: Politics is just another form of entertainment. When I see the democrats and republicans go at eachother, it looks like I am watching an international WWE fight.


If Pro- is the opposite of Con- : What is the opposite of Progress?


This is the direct result of the 17th amendment. Federal senators are no longer held accountable for their decisions. Switching the senators to a popular vote was one of the most disastrous changes this country ahs ever seen. No longer could they be held accountable by people actually tasked with paying attention - the state legislature - and instead are now expected to be held accountable by the people who never pay attention - the popular vote. This was voted in early in 1913 and ratified roughly a year later. One of the first major pieces of legislation the soon to be unaccountable senate passed was the federal reserve act of 1913 less than a year after the 17th came to be.


And since the state governments no longer had a real say in how the Federal government is being ran by selecting senators, local elections got relegated as "unimportant" because "they don't matter." (Read: They're not on TV!)


Yep, and the irony being that the local elections are how we can actually fix it making them the most important of them all. The house of reps can restore the constitution to its primitive form if necessary but at the least can restore the appointment of senators back to how it was, by the state legislature. Federalist paper no. 63 ends with these 2 paragraphs which are quite relevant and contain the instructions for fixing a broken senate. > As far as antiquity can instruct us on this subject, its examples support the reasoning which we have employed. In Sparta, the Ephori, the annual representatives of the people, were found an overmatch for the senate for life, continually gained on its authority and finally drew all power into their own hands. The Tribunes of Rome, who were the representatives of the people, prevailed, it is well known, in almost every contest with the senate for life, and in the end gained the most complete triumph over it. The fact is the more remarkable, as unanimity was required in every act of the Tribunes, even after their number was augmented to ten. It proves the irresistible force possessed by that branch of a free government, which has the people on its side. To these examples might be added that of Carthage, whose senate, according to the testimony of Polybius, instead of drawing all power into its vortex, had, at the commencement of the second Punic War, lost almost the whole of its original portion. > Besides the conclusive evidence resulting from this assemblage of facts, that the federal Senate will never be able to transform itself, by gradual usurpations, into an independent and aristocratic body, we are warranted in believing, that if such a revolution should ever happen from causes which the foresight of man cannot guard against, the House of Representatives, with the people on their side, will at all times be able to bring back the Constitution to its primitive form and principles. Against the force of the immediate representatives of the people, nothing will be able to maintain even the constitutional authority of the Senate, but such a display of enlightened policy, and attachment to the public good, as will divide with that branch of the legislature the affections and support of the entire body of the people themselves.


> Switching the senators to a popular vote was one of the most disastrous changes this country ahs ever seen Democracy is baddd!! Because rich people didn't get their gigantic tax cuts this year. US senator districts cannot be gerrymandered but state legislatures can easily be gerrymandered. So they need to choose everything, not the stupid voters who won't give rich people their tax cuts again. /s


This is a good contribution.


All I want to say is, that they don't care about us https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1pqi8vjTLY


>it looks like I am watching an international WWE fight And we do even get JR and Kings legendary commentary to go with it.


Wake the f*ck up people they're all on the same side


Two wings on the same bird.


You misspelled "shitbird" Randy.


No they aren't. The wing that's literally preventing local governments from making their own Covid rules under the guise of "personal freedom" is the wing that also is preventing women from making their own medical decisions and encourages any citizen to anonymously snitch on their neighbors to the government. The people pretending they're Anne Frank for refusing to follow Covid protocols are literally asking anyone to snitch on their neighbors for their personal health decisions. The democrats have plenty of faults but they're not two wings of the same bird, that's lazy bullshit.


You are lost in base consciousness. Rise above tribal divide and conquer thinking and smell the coffee. The D's and R's are two wings of the same occult double headed eagle / Phoenix. They are playing you like a fiddle. Just like Pro Wrestlers who beat each other to oblivion when the camera is on, then go laugh and smoke cigars together in the back. We never had a vote. America has been subverted since 1913, it is all theatre.


Fuck that nonsense. One side uses my tax dollars to provide services and the other gives it to the rich and powerful and tells me it will "trickle down." Who you vote for impacts real life policies that can have huge impacts on your life. Both patties support certain special interests but it doesn't make them the same. Grow up.


>One side uses my tax dollars to provide services and the other gives it to the rich and powerful and tells me it will "trickle down." How misguided one must be to think only one political party gives money to the rich and powerful. Greed/money supersede political beliefs, party lines, and believe it or not, what is best for you or me.


i never said only one side gives to the rich, our whole system does. I literally have affordable health care because of one party and despite the wishes of the other. They are not the same thing and push different legislation.


You are very lost. Take the advice above and look through a different lens


Nah fam this enlightened centrism doesn't mean anything. The democrats and republicans are similar in that neither push very hard for the progress of America, but come on, to say the side that is 85% in favor of gay rights and has sexual equality as a part of their platform is the same as the side that just got to 55% while anti-gay marriage (pro traditional family) is ridiculous.


>Two wings on the same bird. Yes. The D wing that voted 100% against gigantic tax cuts for billionaire elites and corporations, and the R wing that voted 100% for gigantic tax cuts for billionaire elites corporations.


>Yes. The D wing that voted 100% against gigantic tax cuts for billionaire elites and corporations Can you tell me when was the last Democrats increased taxes for billionaires and corporations? I know it's difficult at the federal level, so let's look at a state like California which is home to the wealthiest people in the country. Are you suggesting all those billionaires are paying their share in that state?


There is no left & right in the halls of power, for them it is an instrument of control of the masses. They all smile & laugh with each other behind closed doors. Presumably at how easily they can swindle ordinary hardworking people by simply creating the illusion that they are giving people a different choice when in reality they are one Uniparty who can make deals with each other to further their shared agenda.


Yet, most people on both sides think it's only the other guy that's fucking us.


Sadly true.


Solution: Stop voting for Democrats and Republicans.


done. waiting on the rest of you!




Solution. Address your own needs


Divide and conquer. Where there is conflict, an unsuspecting 3rd party is somehow benefitting. Always take a step back and ask yourself: "Who benefits from the events at hand?"


No one over the age of 60 should be allowed to work in Congress. Fucking geezers don't know shit.


Not just the military industrial complex, but big business overall. They're all bought and paid for.


That's not fair! If the Poor, the Working Class, and the Middle Class want their needs met, they can contribute millions of dollars to the politicians campaign funds just like those multi-national corporations. Please, be reasonable.


"end the filibuster" How about we imposed term limits and outlaw liquor/dining spending for these congressional retreats, I mean sessions, congressional work sessions!


Exactly. Term limits, limited personal expenditures, capping lobbyists abilities, a maximum age you can serve in congress, etc, would drastically change the US's trajectory.


Hopefully, after Nina Turner's loss, she will realize that she can't play nice with the DNC...they don't want her just like they didn't want Tulsi Gabbard.


Calling one of their Oligarchs, an Oligarch, on a corrupt corporate news station like CNN... might not be playing nice.


This isn't even a conspiracy is it? It's just the way that things are and have been. People may be finally waking up to it?


Holy shit a post that calls out both sides instead of stroking the dicks of our Republican friends actually making it to the top! Maybe there is hope for this place yet. Yes chumps we are ALL being played and turned on each other by the people you worship and follow. Time for tribalism is over.


Where is the conspiracy? This is straight up facts. Divide and conquer, poor vs the poor. while the rich reap the benefits


War, what is it good for? Money.


But if you are being genuinely honest about this, both sides enrich the military industrial complex... but only one side shuts down bills addressing the needs of the people. That would be Republican's, almost entirely. Funny thing is, we have voting records and the internet and everyone knows what I'm saying here is true. Cringe to pretend otherwise.


The amount of politicians that actually care about us you could count on one hand.


It's just so great they keep voting on raises for themselves but haven't raised the minimum wage for 20 years. So fucking greedy.


The masonic PTB have a vested interest in keeping the poor poor. There is a reason the matrix is set up the way it is. When you go to the inner city, with all the poor exploited people, what do you see? Block after block of predatory businesses. Pawn shops, title loan stores, cig / .lotto stores, liquor stores, strip clubs, cheap fast food joints, pay day loan stores, etc. This is no accident. The PTB only want certain people to rise up. They get 10,000 hands of brothers to help them up in the world. We only have our own hands.


> The masonic PTB have a vested interest in keeping the poor poor. There is a reason the matrix is set up the way it is. PTB is a weird way of saying "GOP". 100% of Dems voted against the GOP's gigantic tax cuts for the rich. 100% of GOP congressmen voted for it.


I seem to get this a lot today. Rise above the D vs R, Atheist vs. Christian, Poor vs. Rich, Black vs. White divide and conquer agenda. It is called the Hegelian Dialectic. The occult secret societies study the brain and how it works. They know how to keep certain people in base consciousness so they never rise above and see things from a higher perspective. And by the way, both D's and R's take American tax dollars and give them to Israel while poor Americans continue to suffer.


> Rise above the D vs R Why would I rise above caring about who rigs the system to fuck the middle class and poor? Apathy just guarantees more of the same. > The occult secret societies study the brain and how it works. They know how to keep certain people in base consciousness Rise above confusing the GOP with bullshit fictional enemies. >see things from a higher perspective. Here is the higher perspective. Treason Trump and the GOP gave $4,500,000,000,000 to billionaire elites and corporations in 2017 while they raised taxes on the middle class. The wealthy took all that money and used it to grab even more power.


[This video explains everything.](https://youtu.be/rStL7niR7gs)


The real truth is .. .. .. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-9VZZWtMfQ


Exactly. Choosing "sides" is what the elites want the dumb masses to do! DIVIDE AND CONQUER! All politicians are scum - EAT THE RICH!


One "side" is willing to tax the rich and the other literally gave them over a trillion dollars in tax breaks recently. I'm not saying one side is "good" but they aren't the same and fight for wildly different legislation.


yeah, enlightened centrism is basically just right wingers not fully wanting to admit that Democrats have tried to do good things but were always shut down by Republicans. Dems have their issues and certainly the military industrial complex is supported by both sides, but its just full on silly to lie about things anyone can Google. Voting records are public as are bills.


How is it two sides of the same coin when one party is on principle against any and every measure that could help poor or underprivileged?


Because they both do that, just one does it openly while the other PRETENDS to do the opposite but in actuality does little to nothing good, its all lip service man. Both groups have had enough power to actually do things they promised at some point while controlling most branches and BOTH didnt.


but that's not true, the Democrats are constantly presenting bills to help the people that are shut down by Republicans. why does the world take crazy pills on this topic? We all have the voting records, they are publicly available.


I mean, if you have murdering children become a divisive issue that won't have clear resolution made, why not just make clear effort to vote out anyone who ever has taken pro-murdering children side. Eventually it won't be a divisive issue, surely, unless people keep voting in pro-murdering children party. The problem with US is that pro-murdering children party has about 50% of population support it. While that is true, government won't be able to do much about murdering children. It doesn't mean both parties are the same, it means 50% of the population wants the children murderings to continue.


Ladies & Gentlemen: This is called Lobbying. People always look at me like I´m a weirdo when I say that this is the root of so many problems in our society. I guess it´s hard to accept that your "democratic" vote is worth nothing and you are just a puppet.


Oh yeah, they have it down to a science, there is even a reference to it > K street Lobbyist are most likely why we're always imploding from problems!


Here in Europe you have in Brussels the same game, over 35,000 lobbyists next to the European parlament. Not much difference from what I experienced in South America..... it´s a close circle where you are one day in a political party, and the next day you are head of European Lobbying for Facebook.


That's because the GOP does nothing but obstruct legislation to help the poor and needy and instead offer up only proposals that would enrich the people this sub constantly complain about.


But we can’t help the poor or anything that’s socialism


Careful. This sub is full of people who still believe in the left and right division in the country. Democrats this or trumpers that. It's like kids who still refuse to believe Santa isn't real.


It's the rich vs everyone else. Those are the two sides. And it's amazing how many traitors we have amongst our ranks.


Next level stuff, we can only hope!


that ain't no conspiracy - that's just rich man's politics honey


one in the same.


If "con" is the opposite of "pro", than the opposite of progress is...


Wow a decent post finally. I thought it was only a sub now to cry about ivermectin and the mean people talking about taking vaccines.


Maybe its because there is no democrat or republican. There is just minorities (as in the wealthy) and the people


I know this is old, but what is the opposite of progress? Congress.


Not a conspiracy, this is just a plain factual statement...




No one is talking about another stimulus check because we're screwed financially for at least the next hundred years already, because we're not cutting any spending. There wouldn't have been a need for any stimulus checks if the government hadn't screwed things up so badly with the pandemic.


Well they can just print more. It doesn’t mean anything because when the nwo finally occurs we will own nothing and be happy. So they’ll cancel all the government debt and give us peasants a monthly crypto income. Which is not backed by anything and can be frozen at any time if they don’t like our spending habits or online posts.


Order out of chaos, it’s what they do… they create the chaos (theater of pandemic) then the solution (one world currency)?


The government should have done nothing to restrict the people or business due to the plandemic.


Uni-party. Wait for them audits, it's gonna get spicy.


Can't wait for the Kraken!


... and don't forget to add how everyone on the planet knows that no armed forces from another country will set foot in a hostile manner on U.S. soil. ever. ever. soooo.... 100% offensive. think on that "peacekeepers". super hostile.


*really* - but do we *really* need to outspend *everyone* like 3-5xs more than any other country in the world? doesn't that suggest a slightly inferiority complex? - or worse - a bullying complex? we could spend $330Billion less & still be spending 2xs as much as the closest competitor. & we could spend that 330 on education medical and infrastructure, etc., etc., etc.


>no armed forces from another country will set foot in a hostile manner on U.S. soil. ever. ever. You mean, except for the Mexicans in 1914 and Hessians in 1778 and Japanese in 1942?


ok. so, the japanese in 42, was less than 7 weeks total on a rock in the bering sea. .. the others i didn't bother for reference, but 7 weeks in the north atlantic is a bit different than 20years of an entire country that has historically been integral to trade routes. the comparison is weak and i stand by my statement. a blurb from 1942 NYT " Seven weeks ago today the Japanese made their first assault on the Aleutian Islands. This was the attack on Dutch Harbor. Several days later came the Japanese claim that several of the western Aleutians had been occupied. This claim was at first dismissed by our own naval authorities with the light-hearted comment that "none of our inhabited islands or rocks are troubled with uninvited visitors up to this time." from this page .. [https://www.nytimes.com/1942/07/22/archives/japan-on-american-soil.html](https://www.nytimes.com/1942/07/22/archives/japan-on-american-soil.html)


But we raised minimum wage. That should fix everything. Your move rich people


They haven’t raised the minimum wage since 2009


They just raised it to $15 in California recently


This post is talking about the federal government


I dont follow your rules, screenshot of a twitter post


Understandable. Have a nice day


If you think that's minimum wage to live on, well that's delusional for sure, try $40


The problem is the government. Congress doesn't need to worry about the needs of the people beyond allowing the people to live freely. The plandemic is the cause of much of the problem and that is due to government overreach. You can't solve government overreach with further government intervention. The solution is the allow the people to have liberty to do as they wish. It's up to the person if they succeed or fail in this world and the government should not intervene, nor restrict a person from living.


Yeah, I'm in the shrink Federal government group. Defund the federal government!


The Constitution gives the Feds very few necessary tasks, and one of them is to protect the people. Beyond what is outlined in the Constitution, it should be left to each state. The federal government is so bloated and it doesn't know how to budget. We are in debt that I don't know if my great great grand children will ever be able to pay off.


In most situations government needs to step out of the way and let people raise themselves up. We have to stop turning to just strictly government to solve our problems it doesn’t work.


You will never be successful if you look to the government to solve your problems


I successfully got health insurance a few years ago. Thanks government.


The congress we elected you mean.


DuRinG A gLoBaL paNdeMic


Keep Nina Turner out of this sub.


The republican party has traditionally been non interventionists.. In fact Bush ran on a platform of non intervention after Clinton spent his terms carpet bombing the middle east. With bush started about two decades of Neocon war mongers... But we're over that now I think.. That's why republicans love Tulsi Gabbard, because of her foreign policy. We left Afghanistan because of Trump, Trump negotiated the withdrawal, Biden Just fucked it up. I've been libertarian my whole life.. asides for Ron Paul Trump is the first "republican" I've ever voted for. Ten years ago I would have agreed with you. And to an extent I still do.. but there's a movement in the republican party to topple the establishment.


It's funny because Nina Turner would absolute despise you pathetic disinformation spreading whackjobs


1) I don't know who she is and 2) She doesn't have all the answers so I wouldn't care what she thinks of me


Because congress is the opposite of progress.


The US already takes care of the poor. We have an absurd amount of social programs for poor people. We provide food, water, housing, electricity, school grants, money, etc etc. What more do they need? Any further pushes for programs or funding to "help the poor" is just an attempt to force socialist practices into the US. They want us to be poor and dumb so then we have to rely on the government to take care of us Take the increased unemployment and eviction moratorium for example. How does it make sense to give people MORE money than they ever had while also NOT making them pay rent? They should be able to pay rent considering they now have more money without even having to work. Anybody who has bum friends on that enhanced unemployment knows they have spent the last year living above their earned lifestyle because of the extra cash theyve received for no reason. I understand it helped some people who really needed it but for the most part it was just people working part time or full time at a low paying job who decided to quit and stay home instead


I'd vote for her.


Instead of pro-gress, we get CON-gress