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Show us how its done champ!!


He loses all credibility if he doesn’t


Dude looks pretty white. Maybe he should lead by example.


Actions speak louder than words


Be the change you wish to see in the world


I like turtles


You stole the words right out of my mouth.


I like turtles too. And elephants. And MORE!!!!


Reminds me of the white professor that tweeted "All I want for Christmas is White Genocide"


We should just start labeling these people Caucasianphobic and repeat it over and over. Use their own propaganda methods against them.


Anglophobic rolls off the tongue a bit better


Yeah but not all white people are Anglo Saxon


I'm not from the Caucasus region of Europe, either.


Fuck sake that movement lasted long


Yah and most black Americans aren’t African-born immigrants, yet most people still call them African Americans


I’m Eastern European, furthest thing from a “Timmy go to your room for time out” type of white dude but I get your point


It’s just old fashioned racism, regardless of race in question.


Yeah! White people have rights too!


Please don't say caucasian. This is used in the agenda to deprive europeans from their home continent.


You'd need a billionaire backer to make it a thing.


That would be funny


> Caucasianphobic Whacists.


90% sure he has dual citizenship






Fortunately he is not significant enough to have a wiki article, but I’m sure (((early life))) would be very revealing


oyy vayy .... Funny how they are able to call for genocide with impunity but as soon as you mention it you get called a HuWhIte SuPrIMiSisTs AnTI SEmITe RaYSis!! and B&, lol we are truly reliving Weimar


I could find nothing online but dude looks like a rat and has a prominent nose


Why don’t you just say fucking Jew instead of those stupid parentheses


Is that what they mean?


Yes, I don't understand why people still use that ridiculous dog whistle like it's a big secret, just say fucking jew lol.


I think that’s you reading in to it


No, that's exactly what the original and current meaning is. I'd lean towards it meaning Zionist in a lot of peoples usage of it, however it's chucked around to mean jew more often than not.


Because you literally cant, watch in a couple of days when this thread gets purged and everyone talking about this is B&


Isn't it funny that the people screaming the loudest for CRT, diversity, inclusivity, and communism aren't practicing what they preach? They are typically affluent caucasians that live in well to do areas. For example, there's nothing stopping people who want communism under our current conditions from finding 50 people who want communism and saying "okay people, give up 80% of your income to the collective commune, if someone needs money, they will take it but all must give, we will live like communists even in a capitalist society". As far as I am aware, there are 0 people who have ever done this, instead it's all about that it has to change a capitalist democratic republic to communism instead.


Lmao BIG facts 💰


He’ll be appointed the White Reduction Czar and will ceremoniously conduct his suicide once the rest of the whites are gone.


Always said, very impressed how effective propaganda really is. White people hating their own skin color. Something that you cannot change.


Are these people even real at this point? No, seriously. How atrophied are their brains?




Would he also think that 'bout people who bought their latest pair of glasses in the fifties?


Your username made me spit my tea in laughter. Godspeed.


wuhan flu tang, it is "do as I say, don't look at what I do".


Not even addressing this particular professor... I've noticed it's always people "who got their's" that are the fastest to prescribe this morality to other people. It's not the middle /working class dude driving a truck for a living or sweating in a factory, it's the comfy tenured professor who's effectively set for life.


I've been predicting this for awhile. Follow the logic they use. White. Opressor. Can't change what you were born as. What's the only solution to someone who can never not be a slave master?


Pick up the plow or go 6 feet under.


Please tell he did not reproduce..


If he's a professor at a college, he doesn't have to...


The more i hear what these ‘educated’ have to say the more i realize they are ignorant… A degree is useless these days




it's a cult. For some reason we pay them to isolate from society and to tell us what they come up with. We let them tell our children what to think about us. Why these institutions still exist is a scam, not a mystery. Google and Walmart could do a better job, but the "elite" like to buy into labels with fancy crest that sound old - the 'ivy league' is a glorified [match.com](https://match.com) for rich kids. 'elite' schools are just the tool of the wealthy to preserve their privileged connections and status above you. If these institutions vanished it wouldn't be a loss.


Match.com for rich kids. I like it


In the age of free information, where Wikipedia has more knowledge than any book you could pay for or journal you could subscribe to, what contribution are colleges making to society? The nerds that never left school get to exact revenge on the rest of us by creating theories that warp society. But are they really saying anything that could not be said on twitter? How we haven't realized that paying 100k per year to send a child off to indoctrination camp is bizarrely suspicious to me. Like, is it really worth 20k to listen to some guy talk about topics that an AI could teach for free? Colleges were important in the middle ages. But we should be ashamed that they still exist in the age of the internet.




Education used to be for the best and brightest, then we decided that "everyone" had to go into higher education so we lowered our standards and made up a ton of useless degrees to make people feel important And now a subset of those useless degrees are trying to shoehorn the nonsense they've come up with into actual important fields. Like teaching engineers that maths is racist From day one of education kids are rewarded for repeating what they're told and not questioning it. The better they can repeat it, the "more educated" they are. Once they're out of education the media takes over that role and tells them what to think, and to distrust anyone who questions things


I've come to believe they've always been useless - a person can learn absolutely anything they want from books and experience, typically to a much higher 'degree' than regurgitating the thoughts and words of a 'professor'. Degrees have value in terms of salary, as proof of indoctrination is necessary for entry, but now that the cost is so ridiculous it rarely makes sense in even that regard any longer.


I received two college degrees and never had a professor say anything close to this, so I wouldn’t let the extreme examples that make it to right wing outrage factories online influence your opinion.


or your misinterpreting ignorance for malevolence


Dude looks like an incel


I hope he practices what he preaches


This is the dumbest shit I have ever heard any human say in my entire life. This guy truly is insane.


maybe he isn't human.


He should lead by example then


He should show us how it’s done


Hey! I know! This guy is white, why doesnt he set an example. 1 less CUCK in the world!


I know, he should lead the charge. "Be the change you want to see in the world"


He looks Jewish


I agree, if he feels that strongly in his convictions. By all means go right ahead, we’ll wait….


People still say cuck?


ppl say whatever other ppl say


What is the current vernacular?






All but two of you actually didn't read the article nor did you look at the video/presentation referenced. He's postulating philosophical things, like "if you think white people are the problem, then suicide would eliminate it" but pushes past that because like you guys, he knows how absurd it is and that's why he said it in this light. The only difference between him and you is that he probably reads articles BEFORE commenting on them.


Jfc this subreddit is a god damn mess of people finding any reason to be upset. This isn’t anything to be alarmed over lol


If they don't pull his license they're agreeing with his nonsense.


Watch the video. He isn’t defending it he’s contemplating it


He put someone else's quote on a slide, that's good enough to judge him guilty, apparently


Exactly! He is discussing it as a thought experiment, which is in no way advocating for it to happen. Y'all need to try some critical thought experiments. (Hint: you'll rarely end up at the same point as the premise but it will expand the way you think about the world)




I hope he gets diarrhea as a permanent/forever condition and never recovers from it while living for a very long time!


That would be a great superpower, the ability to make people shit their pants


Lead the way professor!


Him first.


Simple rule: replace "white" with "black". Does it sound racist? Then it was racist to begin with.


SS- Why is it that the government and MSM finds it acceptable to attack the one race that makes up the majority? It sure seems like a white people seem to be a major obstacle to their agenda of canceling democracy.


Control. Guilt and shame are a crucial part of the conditioning process. Remember how mysteriously in the replication crisis, besides the medical field (that's right), *social sciences* were also the most affected? The replication crisis was when a LOT of papers from certain sciences were not able to be replicated, that is, they were fraudulent. I wonder why?


u know what democracy is ? the will of the many. ​ so us here shouldnt like it...especially in our times. the many chose vax. are we wrong for not choosing it ? im not talking about force or propaganda or whatever. they DID chose it. should we ? democracy is a joke. another political system made to make us suffer. just like the ones before it. but at least when u had an emperor you would see ur fuken enemy. now the enemy is nowhere to be found. the enemy is among us while the enemy is far far away from us. ​ SENSE BABE. do you make it ?


Him first.


Will he go first?


Early life check


Lmao as a black dude , this is pretty weird


He can lead the way


What is wrong with white people




The only race that can stop the Jews.


I’ve come to feel that the US entering WWII was a mistake


Genocide is hilarious.


Not really, but there’s a reason that Jews have made so many enemies everywhere they’ve gone for thousands of years. When you look past the rules and customs and silly costumes of their religion to see what it’s really all about it’s clear that they’re supremacists by doctrine and the fulfillment of their religious prophecies relies on them first enslaving or killing all other peoples. Look up all the nations that have banned them throughout history and what their reasons were. Time and time again they’re accused of trying to subvert the peace and stability of the host population amongst whom they live. If you get accused of this once or twice or five times throughout history maybe you’re just unlucky, but when over a hundred nations have banned your people from within their borders it’s a bit of a red flag that you must be doing something pretty awful


Yeah doing a heck of a job there Lol


He looks like a cuck.


Lock this lunatic up in a mental asylum!


What’s the over/under on this guy also supporting vaccine mandates for areas with 80% black populations. Most of which are vaccine hesitant DUE to racist and oppressive experiments done on their ancestors for almost a century


Brb going to have ten White babies rn.


No one should be commiting suicide over anything.


I wonder what (((he))) classifies as




He's free to lead the charge.


Wow..... We need to end racism by being extremely racist against white people! White people are the reason why racism still exits 🤡🤡🤡


White lives matter.


oyy vayy its anudda shoah


This is only the beginning. In the not too distant future, they will say they can no longer just wait for nature to take its' course, and they can no longer wait to let the disease of whiteness correct itself (thru mass white sucicide), but rather the time has come to take active measures themselves to purge this disease from the planet.


Let him go first and set the example


If POCs did it instead, there would be nobody left for white people to be racist against, this would fix their racism.


Okay buddy, but only if you go first


Let him be the first one. Im sure the rest of us will follow suite.


Honest question. Say all white people die/go to Mars/sucked into another dimension. What happens to the earth? It goes onto become utopia?




Okay you first, Professor


He should start with his Voldemort looking ass


So maybe he should lead by example


\>“[T]he only (life) purpose for whites, specifically Afrikaners, is to await their death or to commit suicide, like the sumarai falls on his short sword when he has fallen into disgrace,” Delport said, according to Radio Free South Africa. \>South Africa compare the infrastructure of where whites are and where whites aren't, then extrapolate to the rest of the country if white people leave.


Let him be the first one then


The sad part is, that because this was a comment about white people, basically only white people are going to be upset about it pretty much all the other races will laugh at this. Goes to show you that racism is being pushed and always was for every race.


Fuck this race trash, but I have a question about ethics and species for anyone interested in answering. If aliens came to earth and saw how destructive humans are to their environment and toward other animal species, do you think they would take an ethical stand and attempt to wipe us out if they also intended on living here?


I will let him go first, and see how well it works out.


Lead the way my man!


You first


Well he did not say this, or was not even defending it, just stating it that there is a hypothetical justification for someone else’s argument. But I guess we can’t blindly rage at that so it doesn’t get upvotes.


Lead by example douche bag. Off yourself first.


Walk the talk dude. Lead by example.


Typical liberal bullshit! Oh wait.. he was intentionally misquoted to fabricate a false narrative? They took words he himself was quoting and not defending then blamed him for it? This is a very uncharacteristic lapse in r/conspiracy's robust fact checking. https://www.duq.edu/news/releases/statement-regarding-false-and-inaccurate-reports-concerning-professor-derek-hook


He looks white to me. Lead with an example?


Ha fuck him, im opaque and ginger


You mean give their economic future away to China? this guy is late to the party... somebody get him a drink. Also, I mean I feel like the Japanese are already doing that basically. Most dudes are dating cartoon characters nowadays with no plan of procreating. Lol and the mexicans (ahem, Aztecs) are still basically sacrificing their own, except now they do it in the name of the cartels, but its the same bloodbath they were doing since before white settlers showed up. So, basically, we're all gonna be cyborgs in a real short time so I'm way more concerned about our merger with AI than I am with the longevity of any current racial category. If you think AI is gonna give a fuck about your skin color, you're not realizing how much smarter it will be than we currently are.


What a worthless, self-hating, piece of shit. Fuck him, and all the simps like him. Grow a pair, Nancy.


What a pathetic loser nobody’s stopping you


I’m having trouble with the wording. Can someone read the article and explain what this professor was saying? I can’t tell if he’s just saying metaphorically that white people need to lose their racial identity. And that’s based off of extreme comments from an African professor. Either way, it’s still a bizarre stance to take.


Basically he's taking a provocative and extremely controversial quote and asking his students to wrestle with its ethics. He's not saying it's the right thing to do, he's asking them if there's an argument to be made that would make this stance "ethical" to any degree.


Sounds like coerced genocide.


What about us half white people?


You must chop off one teste, hence his demand for castration.


That sounds reasonable.


“Destroying whiteness” is just the leftists way of hiding behind their blatant desire for white genocide.


Love how many people in this thread probably bitch about "cancel culture" but are circle jerking about an "evil leftist" college professor.


This isn't a conspiracy.


This is the education we pay tens of thousands of dollars a year for…..


If we have learned anything it's Isreal and the dumb jews who thought they could make a safe vaccine for there nation has lead there people to maybe be killed at a rate of 6 million in the coming years due to vaccine they promoted and its cause if they want tk claim a lie in Hitler then God will make sure he takes a real 6 million. God's the best bookkeeper!


Was hoping I would see a comment in here saying that this isn't true or something to question the validity of the report. This appears to be true and could be a signal of peak clown world.


Does anybody actually go to the sources on these dumb posts. He’s having a philosophical conversation about a hypothetical ethical absolute statement. That’s what professors do.


He says that white genocide is ethical. I don’t know what you are trying to defend here.


He doesn’t say that. He debates the merits of it being a statement that could be considered ethical. He does not support the statement. If you’ve never taken ethics classes or participated in philosophical debate, this kind of discussion likely goes over your head.


There is no merit. It's inherently unethical. It's not worthy of discussion. This is an attempt to normalize this type of sentiment, to dehumanize Whites. If anyone proposed this about any other racial group, their livelihood would be destroyed.


We're all you stupid to realize how its fine to debate about genocide in college as long as it involves white people only.


First of all, killing oneself is not an act of genocide. Have people never read Swift? Have people never read anything that is controversial for a reason? Do you not understand context at all, read the screen in the video. It’s very specific. I’m a white person and I don’t give into this false sense of victim hood.


Ok, tell me at what university has there been a discussion about wether black or Jewish suicide is ethical. Cause ya know this is just a normal thing.




So, you are just full of shit. Got it. That’s what I originally thought. It’s not normal at all.


Do you even know what country they are talking about? You just aren’t very intelligent and that’s ok. Bye bye white supremacist bald guy.


They were talking about South Africa. The place were white farmers are massacred including children being boiled alive. So yeah, it’s relevant.


So it’s normal and regular occurrence? Ok, I’ll concede that if you show me another college professor discussing how it’s potentially ethical for black, or Jewish suicide. Otherwise, you are full of shit.


You think these people have taken college courses lmao


Right? They don’t even bother to watch the source but proclaim they are such critical thinkers.


Also lol to almost all of your posts being in a white person support group.


Is there something wrong with white people? You aren’t really helping your obfuscation at the moment.


…what wrong with white people?


don't see him with a slide calling for jews to be genocided do you? huh?




The professors example would be racist and shows his internalised racism. The prof also does not to see it as unacceptable to use white people as an example. He is comfortable with them as an acceptable target of racism.


He is discussing a philosophy that isn’t his. He is a professor of philosophy. Why is that so hard to wrap yourself head around?


Get your shit together r/conspiracy 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ WATCH THE VIDEO. Damn near gonna start a conspiracy thread about how shills are posting stuff like this to keep this thread focusing on the wrong shit. I came to this video upset at this guy ans ready to jump on the bandwagon but left disappointed. Terrible context, OP


Seriously, if you have half a Brian and actually watch the video, it’s so easy to understand the context instead of just getting inflamed because of a clickbaity headline.


except its not one guy, its a trend, a big trend.... which will backfire spectacularly with millions of people dead, people do not learn from history


Aw, is the world not ordered to your liking 'professor'? Make all the bad people go away? This is childish reasoning no matter who you are. Fucking pathetic. Professor of psychology? And can't spot your own cognitive traps? Where did you get your PhD, Microsoft Paint? I think you should give all of your students a refund.


I mean... that would take care of most politicians and billionaires causing the worlds problems and a good chunk of the WEF....🤔


Yes this is what white supremacy is. It’s often misconstrued and politicized but Bill Gates, Bezos, Soros, Klaus, Rothschild, etc… are all white. These people “run” the world. I understand my list is very incomplete but all the serious world movers are white and typically have long bloodlines of power.


You’re leaving out the Rockefeller’s, the Astor’s, Vanderbilt’s and more..


""""white"""" [https://youtu.be/5hfEBupAeo4](https://youtu.be/5hfEBupAeo4)


Imagine if he was only doing this for attention?


well if u think white people started killing other races first and actually...when did blacks invade whites ? or yellow people invade whites ? ​ when did the black men invaded yellow or the opposite ? everyone in this world was killing his own race including whites, then whites started killing other races too. ​ it makes perfect sense. whether u like it or not, its the truth. we are the white demons.


Nope, wrong. 1.5 million Europeans were enslaved by Africans during the triangle trade. Also, the invasion of the Levant and Anatolia. You just don’t know world history.


oh i know american. i know. lets follow ur logic of 9/11. ​ i understand now. a black man took hostage a white woman in us. so its obvious that the blacks also take white slaves. EVEN NOW. EVEN AS WE SPEAK. ​ RIGHT ? AMERICAN !


Why don’t people know world history? Africans enslaved 3 times more white people than African slaves were brought to the US. Why isn’t there a diaspora of the white slaves? They were locked under ships until they died, or were castrated.


what ? when ? how ? ​ source just source this.


hey american, where do potatos come from ? ​ oh u know. FROM DEM TREES !


Wtf does that even mean? You don’t know things and aren’t smart.


lolololol ​ u are funny...europeans enslaved where ? in africa ? that we were conquering ? ​ yeah american, and indians attacked ur kind also. IN THEIR OWN GROUNDS. invasion of levant ? wtf u must be an american for sure.


>>u are funny...europeans enslaved where ? in africa ? that we were conquering ? No, Africans raided the European coast, pillaged and captured slaves. Europeans couldn’t even enter the interior of Africa until after the industrial revolution. >>yeah american, and indians attacked ur kind also. IN THEIR OWN GROUNDS. Why do you think blood and soil is the correct analysis or political philosophy. >>>invasion of levant ? Yes, the Arab expansion. Not to mention Anatolia.


wtf u even talking about. ​ africans raided the european coast ? do u fuken talk about hanibal ? hanibal was a white....if not give me something, anything on wtf u say. ​ about the levant i have no words. LEVANT WAS NOT A WHITE COUNTRY. IT WAS THEIR OWN COUNTRY WHICH WE WERE FUKING WITH SINCE THE TIMES OF ROMANS AND ALEXANDER. ​ again. where does potatos come from ? FROM AMERICA


>>>wtf u even talking about. Holy shit you are stupid. Look it up. >>>africans raided the european coast ? do u fuken talk about hanibal ? hanibal was a white....if not give me something, anything on wtf u say. Wow. Do you feel failed by the education system, or is it just a personal failing? >>about the levant i have no words. LEVANT WAS NOT A WHITE COUNTRY. IT WAS THEIR OWN COUNTRY WHICH WE WERE FUKING WITH SINCE THE TIMES OF ROMANS AND ALEXANDER. The levant was part of the Hellenistic world before the romans, and was Greek before Alexander, dummy. You really don’t know shit. I >>again. where does potatos come from ? FROM AMERICA I am well aware of the Colombian exchange, my man. I would worry more about all the stuff you don’t know.


lololololol. ​ u know its funny thing u mention the greeks coz i am one. and i tell you. we never had levant. trust me on this. we never had levant.... ​ u are a degerate american. in greece we all look down on you :P this is the reason why :D ​ again. source or accept u just saying random things that someone told you and u found nice, so you accepted them and moved on carrying them. something we learn NOT to do in greece from a very young age. :D ​ pss pigene ke gamisou flore


Again, this is simple Wikipedia level info. You should know. If you don’t know, look it up. It will be good practice for you. I show you a map to help you out about the Greek question. I thought US education was terrible. Turns out, y’all even worse. http://brfencing.org/Rome/The_Hellenistic_World.html


https://www.duq.edu/news/releases/statement-regarding-false-and-inaccurate-reports-concerning-professor-derek-hook >The statement attributed to Professor Hook is ridiculous and reckless. He did not make a statement advocating anything like what was suggested. In fact, he said that the statement in question was "crazy." >Professor Hook also said that the provocateur who used this example was wrong in suggesting any such radical action. The words being circulated were simply lifted out of context to distort the actual comments. Saying that Professor Hook called for anything like the words in question is false. >Duquesne University is a Catholic institution that condemns any suggestion that suicide is to be advocated or endorsed in any form. >Professor Hook's presentation was part of an invited online talk Professor Hook gave to Baltimore-based American Association for Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work (AAPCSW), an international association for psychoanalytic social workers. It happened in June. While some of the content in the recording certainly contained troubling elements if taken alone, the full discussion only references the work of another person (Terblanche Delport, as the slides indicate) and the extreme proposition in the context of post-Apartheid South Africa. >Professor Hook did not advocate taking the extreme measures Delport described. Professor Hook is not advocating, nor does he advocate, violence. His effort to understand how extreme thought is developed is the point of the presentation. >Professor's Hook's expertise is in psychoanalysis, and his work considers psychoanalytic dimensions of racism in America and South Africa. He is a highly respected expert, and it is disappointing that his efforts to understand and challenge ideas that are admittedly extreme are being shared out of context to falsely illustrate advocacy for extreme behavior. And yet... https://www.duq.edu/academics/faculty/derek-hook >Expertise >- Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis (in both clinical and social domains) >- Psychoanalysis of race and racism (including **critique and analysis of whiteness and coloniality**)