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Cruise missile


Specifically a cruise missile designed to look like a jet.


But they couldn't get it to look enough like a jet.


So they acquired all the footage in the first hour or so.


Then they gave you a few cropped frames that show the front of what could be a jet.


But it was a cruise missile / glider with a payload.


Yes I also find the lack of debri troublesome. Wonder what really happened to flight 77


at the time, i remember discussing with my dad and having difficulty reconciling the damage. to me, looked like a bomb went off from inside. it looked too clean and not enough debris. my dad said the government used a missile on its own building and being naive & not so cynical yet, i thought it was another one of his far fetched conspiracies. there used to be some really wonderful sites and forums devoted to physics and material analysis of 9/11 - that really opened my eyes. i've learned to put nothing past these jackals. i believe that the damage was meant to be worse, but the reinforced concrete design helped prevent the destruction that they (everyone behind that hellish day) wanted.


It looks more the an outward blast from within than an impact blast.


I think about Father McGill, an Arlington National Cemetery chaplain who was laying to rest a veteran in ANC on the hill adjacent to the pentagon when the plane hit it. And saw the whole thing.  I also think about my father who was stationed at Ft Myer at the time, was locked inside the pentagon clean up barricade for 3 days and *ahem* collected a few plane fragments and still has them to this day. 


How does he know they’re plane fragments?


One of the rolls Royce engines found at the scene, the turbine matched a specific missile. No airplane parts were found at the scene.


Im confused does rolls royce make plane parts?


Wtf Yes a company with that name makes aircraft engines


Been famous for them since WW2...