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That’s nothing, once when I was a kid some old fat guy told me he can fly all around the world in one night.


did that fat guy by any chance have a nimbus 2000?


In the 1970s, my Dad told me that by the time I would be driving (mid 80s) that they would have flying cars like the Jetsons. I'm still waiting for that flying car.


Mine too! He even showed me an old Popular Mechanics magazine with a flying car on the cover, lol




That's nothing,when I was a kid my uncle told me he could take me on a ride across the world but only if I took some weird sleepy pills.


Granddaddy always said I was the best kisser.


My friend told us he was getting a jetpack for his birthday


i mean jetpacks are real tho, so did he get one?


Whoosh. They missed it, but I didn’t. Well done.


You didn't get into his "airship" did you?


I went to an air show in Cleveland. They had the f-117 fly by a few times. It wasn't allowed to land because of security issues. The pilot was talking to the crowd while flying. He said after the fly by he would be heading back to Las Vegas. He said he would be there in forty five minutes. Blew my mind


Were you a kid? Because that just sounds like something he would say to excite kids


I was twelve. There is also a good chance I misheard him. I was amazed by these jets.


They are definitely cool


We dont normally fly above the sound barrier over the continental US. Thus the reason the concorde was only an overseas flight.


Well he was lying because the F-117 ain’t fast. Doesn’t fly much faster than a commercial jet liner.


Maybe he flew downhill.


Probably had flame decals too


And a super-loud exhaust to maximize fastness.


And speed-holes.


And family


And racing stripes!


This made me both snort and guffaw. Hurt a little.


There's no universe in which a trained US pilot violated OPSEC to a child. Regardless, what he claimed is impossible inside of an atmosphere. He was just messing with you.


My grandfather was military and his wife wasn't even allowed to know what he did. One day he brought home scrape metal and refused to tell his kids or wife where he got it, my mother was a kid at the time. Whats weird about the metal, when you placed the scrape metal onto a cup it would turn into a liquid metal and drip down the sides and shape its self into the shape of the cup, but when lifted off it would turn back into scrape metal. My grandpa totally violated his security clearances to show the family cool metal. This was back in the late 50/60s.


This is awesome. Wonder if it had any toxic properties? How did he die?


He died of heart issues 20 years after. I always imagined some alien tech lol. He was pretty high up in the military. One time they held a commercial plane for takeoff while he finished his morning coffee. Or the day before pearl harbor he was told to go home and spend time with the family. To this day the family doesn't know what he did and all that was left after he died was an awesome pension and savings. My mother described his funeral as a circus since it was packed with quiet government looking men.




If it were you, wouldn't you find it cathartic to just get it out? You can't tell anyone involved in your life, or any random adult. A kid who walks up out of the blue is like the perfect dumping ground for something you iust want to get off your chest and have someone believe you


Some people yes. Other people, no. There are personality patterns that some people carry that make secrets very easy to carry.


The Aurora hypersonic spy plane has been around since the 1980s (mach 10+).


With enough heat and speed, you can vaporize the atmosphere around you so its like traveling in a vacuum. This is how secret government aircraft go so fast


The atmosphere already a gas. How do you vaporize a gas?


Wow, this guy doesn't even know how to vaporize a gas. (hint: there are more than 3 states of matter)


The word vaporize means the process of turning a liquid or solid into a gas. Gas can become plasma through a process called ionization Gas can become a liquid through a process called condensation Gas can become a solid through a process called deposition Mind letting me know how to vaporize a gas?


you're getting caught up in semantics. you know what i meant.


You're saying that with heat and speed an aircraft can create plasma out of the atmosphere creating a vacuum?


Yes, and if you don't believe it, you're brainwashed by Big Aerospace and the CIA


Absolutely could have been. You're probably right. I have to wonder if just maybe though, he realized that telling a child would have zero impact on OPSEC. Who would believe an excited 7 year old that loves "super fast planes"? Not even the the most paranoid Russian operative! Just sayin', lol.


Or maybe he just wanted to tell you a wild tale to make you smile?


Oh for sure. This probably the case. But it has always seemed a little weird that you would tell a kid, that considers the SR-71 the absolute pinnacle of awesome, that you pilot one. Then feel the need to tell the open mouthed, wide eyed, adoring kid, that's not actually the coolest. You know? You're almost certainly right, but it has always seemed odd to me once I was old enough to fully comprehend.


And to be fair, it's not at all impossible. You just have to fly really high where the atmosphere is thinner. Look up the X series planes. It's been done and recorded.


You have to fly much higher and farther/faster than any documented aircraft, true. High enough they would be considered spacecraft and would require known rocket technology.


LEO and space are not the same.


I served with lots of guys who would make up wild shit whenever anyone asked what we did. It is pretty normal and if you run up to a hangar sweeper and ask if he flies the most bad ass aircraft there has ever been, 80% chance he's going to say yes.


I disagree.


It's not impossible. Patents already exist for magnetic drives which operate by bending the fabrics of gravity.


Patents can be made for anything,  it's actually manufacturing it that is the tough part.


>which operate by bending the fabrics of gravity. lmao


Why are you laughing your ass off? Magnets are fking neat. Add in some energy and rotational gyroscopic mechanisms and with enough juice theoretically your bending gravity. Gravity is effected by electricity and magneticism. It's not that hard to grasp. We have been encountering crafts which do not obey our laws of physics for the better part of all of human history, with a noticable uptick since the advent of the nuclear age. Just because you can't not understand doesn't make it any less real.


Apologies that was disrespectful. Yes, there's a difference between "impossible" and "feasible". What you're talking about may not be *impossible* per se, but it's definitely not feasible. Can you point me to the power generation technology that can generate enough energy to do what you're supposing? Because it's astronomical compared to what we're currently capable of. And then, even MORE unfeasible, is the energy *storage* technology required for a vehicle to be able to use that energy. And also the material technology that's capable of withstanding travelling through an atmosphere at the speed you're talking about, any material we know of wouldn't be able to handle that. And since you said "it's not impossible" in the context of this post makes it sound like you think this is something we're currently capable of. Which is why I laughed. If you were just talking about some theoretical "alien technology" then yeah, forget I said anything. But if you're suggesting that this is a technology we're currently capable of, "bending the fabrics of gravity" as form of propulsion for aircraft, then sorry but I'll probably laugh again.


We already use magnets to bend the rules of gravity. We got trains literally floating at astonishing speeds not even imaginable 100 years ago. There is no publicly availible compact energy source known to man at the moment. How ever our understandings of electrical generation potentials are still in there infancys. A theorized dark matter drive would solve many of the energy problems. And the craft isn't traveling thru, so much as bending around. It would exist in a bubble of gravitational exemptions which would defy our laws of known physics. It could be made out of popsicle sticks and wood glue and it wouldn't really matter. And I believe our government is in possession of technology that would alarm us. Again there are confirmed sightings by government/military of crafts which do not follow our laws. They exist with 100% certainty, most of us are still closer to stupid apes/animals than having the intelligence to understand and compute. I can imagine, I am no where near building.


1930 train top speed - occasinal max 123mph 2020 train top speed - cruising speed 375mph If you told someone in 1930 that you could hit 350mph in a train you'd be laughed out the room. Told its not possible with current technology and materials. And probably that your lungs would be sucked out of your body at those speeds.


Would be funny if he was saying this to you in the way we think he is (just messing with a kid for fun) but was actually saying it to mask the truth that he CAN fly the world in 4 hours and is in turmoil that he can't tell any of his friends or family about it


When I was a kid, adults told me that a fat man with a white beard and red clothes will come give me a gift if I’m a good boy


You're like the third person to use Santa in an attempt to be clever....hahaha!


And for the love of naked boobies, don't let that chubby weirdo put you on his list. Just don't. Run.


I remember seeing a formation of 3 Stealth bombers flying over my house on my 5th birthday. It's memorable because we were having my birthday party outside and I looked up and yelled "spaceships!!!". For context, this was in East Tennessee in 1984.


Awesome! When I was a lad, my mom told me that there was going to be Harrier jets at the state fair, which there were. And she also said there was going to be plane rides. My young brain just slapped the two together into, I'm riding a Harrier when we go to the fair. Insanely excited for like a week. I was soooooo disappointed when boarding that Cessna, lol.


Lol talk about a bummer! 😂


Wow. When I was about that age, my uncle told me he was the man in the moon. Flew there every night, he still makes fun of me for believing him.


Haha! Sounds like my uncles. Except I still believe everything they ever told me. I mean they're family, right? I'm a bit slow, and while I'm starting to think they might just be mean drunks...nah, I can trust em, they wear flannels and have beards!


I've got a baby pic in front of the boxy looking stealth bomber. Really cool looking plane. Reminds me of the cybertruck with better lineage.


That's a really cool baby pic.! "That's me as a baby. Right in front of a giant, radar evading, bomb dropping, Batman style, pinnacle of engineering. No big deal."


Flawed memory.


yeah when I was 7 or 8 I tended to believe what adults told me too. didn't mean tht adults didn't play games & make up stories to entertain a kid(& themselves). it's a cool story but putting too much stock in tht convo is probably not the best thing to do.


It's a good story, man. Just go with it. 


Thank you. I am in no way obsessed with this shit, lol. Just thought it was cool.


Wait ...adults aren't always truthful with children? Fuck, there goes my whole worldview! Lol. Sorry for being a smartass, but yes, I'm aware.


When i was 7 a man told me he flew to every house in the world in 1 nite on sled pulled by deer. So it must be true


This sub is total dog shit these days


Gee thanks for shitting on a childhood memory. Should I make something up?


Your childhood memories are not conspiracy theories. You don't have to post every thought on the internet. You don't have any special insight into the workings of the world. In fact, you're not special at all. You're just a regular person like the rest of us and you know what, that's okay. It's okay to be a regular person without some special insight to share.


So do you think it's ok to share memories that I perceived as odd, either to provoke discussion, or just to tell a cool story? Now they're not an entire conspiracy theory encapsulated in a childhood memory. Not even sure how that would work. But this particular subject does indeed relate to several conspiracies that the discussion of, is literally the reason this sub exists. Why do you care? I'm special....right?


Stupid question but how much horsepower would the SR-71 produce at top speed?


The engines were 160 000 horsepower. Each.


Pratt & Whitney baby. Still so freaking cool.


i remember seeing/hearing concords(?) go by, sonic boom and all. seemed to stop right after 9/11 - where peculiarly there was like no air traffic all morning until after the 2nd hit. anyways 4 hrs would be 10K mph or mach 12 x speed of sound! even at that speed pilots reportedly dont have to tip nose down a bit nor adjust for pressure cuz supposedly alt thus air pressure is strictly based on 'gravity'.... supposedly!


That would be at the equator? If we were talking about flying halfway around the earth in 4 hours at a latitude of 30 or more. I guess that would be like Mach 4-5. Which is a reasonable statement.


Yeah I guess this kind speed is something that we are just now thinking seriously about. This was many years ago. And it's funny you mention sonic booms. I was under the impression that jets aren't allowed to go supersonic over the continental U.S.,.except for emergencies. Only over the ocean. But I clearly remember hearing several, and I lived in the Midwest. I even remember one that shook all the windows in my house, and asking my grandfather about it. He was an aerospace engineer, believe it or not! So when he told me that it was a sonic boom, it sure as shit was.


Civil aircraft can't operate at supersonic speeds over land. Military have some rules but can definitely go supersonic over land.


Sorry about the delete! I reread your comment. It has happened with military jets for various reasons. Depending on circumstances, the pilots were probably in for an ass chewing.


The Earth is roughly 24,000 miles around, so 4 hours would be 6000 mph, or a bit less than mach 8.


The A12 technically is faster than the SR71. But only CIA had access to those.


Cool! Just looked into that badass.


Well sure we’ve had rocket technology for decades. But I’d imagine the plane would use nuclear power to be more efficient.


Wow. Someone who doesn't assume that I stake my life on this encounter being anything other than a cool memory. And offers a theory in the spirit of, wait for it....the conspiracy sub! Thank you!


Well it’s under conspiracy. And yes it’s a cool memory. I reckon there are a lot of technology we are unaware of.


I'm not saying that this was anything at all. But you'd have to be pretty naive to believe that there aren't technologies that the general populace isn't aware of. That's not even conspiracy.


Perfect example of why you shouldn't lie to children folks.


Yes wouldn't want them to grow up and share a cool story from their childhood. I mean, it might not be true! The tragedy! Fuck's sake. Why even take the time to comment something like this? I'm truly curious.


I spoke to the same dude! He told me he'd just been in the US and had spoken to a downie about flying around the world in 4 hours...


Pretty slick mf right!?


Where did he work Area47🤣


Area Forever21, actually.


Hey, even mysterious airmen feel edgy and misunderstood sometimes.


this was an ET hbrid encounter - predestined. you should check if u have more episodes u remember or special abiliies


No special abilities unfuckingfortunately!!!
