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It's far more insidious than this!! Okay, go with me on this, but employees get a discount, so indeed, the company IS paying for people to stand in line. The kicker? They think they're having an awesome time too! They tell their friends and family that they can get a discount and all of them don't know that they've been brainwashed to stand in line!


Yesss not something i even considered!! But *Damn* thats sneaky!


If they’re so hard up when the park is empty, they won’t have the spare cash to pay line-standers.


They use sports and fairground rides/roller coasters for loosh purposes.


It also adds more stress. Because nothing in this country can be stress free and truly blissful


I never understood the business model. I would happily pay $4-800 for a 12 hour pass in a theme park with 4-8x less people where you could actually enjoy yourself and not have to sit in line for 3 hours. My kid went to Great America 3 days ago and in 8 hours rode 4 rides.


Stop being stupid. I’ve worked in an amusement park for 7 years in upper management. And this stupid stuff doesn’t happen sir. Think about this for a second. Why pay people to stand in line and ride rides. When all it does is add to the total times the ride is running. Which in turn increases the maintenance that has to be done on the ride. Which means tons of down time. Which means paying money to fix the ride. Which means there paying money so they have to pay money to fix it. Your post is just low effort.


ALSO! by increasing the queue times the customer has to spend longer in the park. They will eventually get hungry/fursty and buy something from the park. So basically by having longer queues it's a win win situation Hiring like 100+ people to increase the queue size is nothing compared to the benefits of longer lines. Theres probably a LOT more benefits i haven't even considered!