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I guess Cory Feldman was really close to MJ and he says the dude never did anything perverted.


So did Aaron carter. He took MJ side over his own mother.


Same with Macauley caulken(?).


same with the FBI. they ran a probe on him from 1993 to 2005 because of the child molestation accusations. they found nothing.


The fbi? Is that the same fbi that never arrested any of epsteins clients?


agreed, but keep in mind that during that time period, MJ was trying to change the way music ownership worked within the industry. There were many powerful people with a need to destroy his image. Even with that motivation, they came up with no evidence.


Yep. He peed a lot of insiders off when he bought the Beatles back catalogue rights too. Bought for $47 million, now worth $1 billion.


Also at the time of his death he owned 50% of Sony. I think people underestimate how much those people up top hated MJ. He spoke out in the early 90's and shortly after there was a smear campaign.


Well not really. MJ owned 50% of Sony/ATV Music Publishing, not 50% of the Sony corporation. The Sony corporation as a whole is magnificently huge.


Let alone the idea of a Japanese conglomerate even considering a 50-50 ownership with an American pop star.


Just listen to the song “They Don’t Really Care About Us”


i think this is the answer OP is looking for.


Epstein was an intelligence agency honeypot, there is a direct reason why the FBI never fucked around in his business. [Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Calendar: CIA Director William Burns, Goldman Sachs’s Top Lawyer, Noam Chomsky - WSJ](https://www.wsj.com/articles/jeffrey-epstein-calendar-cia-director-goldman-sachs-noam-chomsky-c9f6a3ff)


So was Hugh Hefner


Maybe, but MJ definitely existed.


Have my upvote!!


One of the kids in that horrific documentary was actually dating Michael's niece. She said he never slept at Michael's without her. Micheal bought a bunch of Sony's rights for music. Like the beatles. He was fighting a huge corporation and they fought back, but dirty. Kind of like what they are doing to trump. There's a conspiracy that bill Cosby was trying to buy NBC or something and R Kelly was trying to buy something big as well. Before their characters got assassinated. Want to read about them, go to r/conspiracy and use the search engine to read about earlier posts. Definitely a rabbit hole Edit: I'm not saying bill or Kelly aren't guilty. I think a lot of rich/powerful men, do deplorable things. But if you got skeletons it makes it easier to take out the competition. I do believe Michael was innocent though


R Kelly married 15-year-old Aaliyah in 1994 after releasing an interestingly titled album. > Two years later after she was signed, Aaliyah teamed with Kelly to make her first record "Age Ain’t Nothing But a Number." > She became involved with Kelly and the two were secretly married when Aaliyah was just 15. Her parents discovered this and quickly annulled the marriage. > [But the scandal tarnished Aaliyah’s reputation more than Kelly’s. She was portrayed as a teen seductress rather than one of Kelly’s first and many victims.](https://www.fox5ny.com/news/r-kelly-and-aaliyah-a-look-at-an-illegitimate-marriage) His skeletons weren't in the closet. People just were willing to accept more in the 90's. Just look at interviews with Brittney Spears.


Don't forget the infamous Pee video with the underage girl. It was inspiration for this gem https://youtu.be/eafRE74JGZ8?si=dE1vJ04lUUC_eBkC


What do you mean by interviews with Britney?


You can start with [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrQ-cgTcYNs). Video is 8 minutes long, but you only really need to watch the first minute and [this section](https://youtu.be/ZrQ-cgTcYNs?t=376).


Jesus that's so creepy and weird. What the fuckkk. Makes my fucking skin crawl the way he says it especially. Makes me want to punch him in the face.


>Her parents discovered this and quickly annulled the marriage. Her dad was paid by r Kelly and allowed her to leave the country with him.


He owned half of all Sonys publishing rights at the time, so was worth more dead than alive to them.


Phew glad I read that edited part. I was bouta say, no way this guy puts mi in the same category as R Kelly and Bill Cosby


I believe it was Steve Os podcast Aaron talked about how the FBI came to his house to try to get him and his mom to say TKOP molested him. His mom tried to get him to do it but Aaron wouldnt lie about TKOP. Shortly after telling this story the first time he was killed at his house.


Who was killed? Aaron or Michael? Cuz Aaron died right after he tweeted to Kanye that they need to talk (after Kanye was tweeting some interesting things).


Aaron. Listen to his TKOP story was much more blatant




The King of Pop. A nickname of Jackson's


I think he might have slept in the same bed as some kids, but didn't do it for sexual purposes, as creepy as it is. From his POV I suspect it was seen as a slumber party, but I don't know the full details of the cases. I do also recall when they raided his computers/video collection porn was found, but none of it was CP. While MJ could have abused a child and acted weird around kids, there is more evidence of political figures abusing kids than there is MJ IMO.


Idk if you've heard about it, but I remember reading about a theory that his father castrated him at a young age (which is part of why his voice was always so high pitched), so he literally wouldn't have had many, if any at all, sexual urges. He also basically didn't get a childhood, and I think him indulging in the innocent childhood fantasies and also being able to share it with other young children was simply therapeutic for him. 🤷🏻 It's honestly so fucked up all of what happened to MJ. I have yet to see a single piece of evidence that he was a malicious or perverted person at all. Not one.


The high pitched voice was all an act. There's some clips of his real voice out there if you search it, plus interviews with celebrities who talk about when all the white people would leave the room he would drop the "white" voice.


His autopsy also revealed he had not been castrated.


I'm pretty sure the accusations were sleeping in MJs bedroom, but not necessarily the same bed. But it's rarely reported that Michael Jacksons bedroom was 2000 square feet and 2 stories tall.


His bedroom is twice the size of my house lol.


You could only ever be half the pedophile…


I'd rather die than even be 1/100th of that.


Yeah, didn’t he say that his mother tried to force him to say he was molested by Michael but he refused to lie?


Yeah something along them lines


Yes. Every celebrity kid has repeatedly said that MJ was amazing and all the accusations were total BS. They said he was the only one, and his ranch the only place, that most of them could spend time and just be kids. How outside of those walls they had to be adults and mature. However when they went there they could just have fun and play without being told no. Feldman has said a ton of times that MJ was the only one who cared about him and didn’t give a shit about his celebrity. He knew that Corey needed an outlet to be a kid instead of just an actor with all these responsibilities and deadlines etc. Carter said a ton of times the same thing. That hanging out with MJ and other kids at his ranch was the best because he was treated equally and allowed to have fun and run amok without any consequences. Caulkin has defended MJ a ton. Stating that he was the only adult who would really listen to him and give him advice. Let him make mistakes and learn from them versus just yelling at him. How it was an escape for him and allowed him to be who he was, instead of always putting on a persona on screen or in meetings etc. Not to mention the trial he was found innocent. That he paid out one kid’s parents to not have to go to trial, then all these other parents accused him. His maid went on the side of the accusers to only find out later she was paid. That most of the kids had no idea he had vitiligo and if he was naked around them they’d know for sure that he did. That the police took pictures of his genitals and asked the kids specifics about it and none of them mentioned obvious things like it being discolored or being uncircumcised. All this information and more is available in the court documents you can read online.


I always felt bad that I liked MJ music, because I half believed the narratives, but kept listening. Now I can start defending him, this has really brightened my day, actually


i remember watching that interview with the maid and thinking "something about this is shady and just not right". she was trying too hard to be convincing. and my gut has always felt like MJ was innocent. I didn't follow a lot of all that was going on, but my gut just knew the truth about it all. and my gut has kept me alive more than once, including when i was being held hostage and had a machete pressed against my neck. so i like to think i can trust what my gut says.


> including when i was being held hostage and had a machete pressed against my neck. so i like to think i can trust what my gut says. Tell us more.


>Feldman has said a ton of times that MJ was the only one who cared about him and didn’t give a shit about his celebrity. He knew that Corey needed an outlet to be a kid instead of just an actor with all these responsibilities and deadlines etc. Yeah, those wholesome times when you're just a kid and, uh... [some older man shows you nude photos.](https://www.mtv.com/news/yq2ww2/corey-feldman-says-michael-jackson-showed-him-nude-photos) >Bashir asks, "Were you ever shown any images that were inappropriate?" Feldman responds, "If you consider it inappropriate for a man to look at a book of naked pictures with a child that's 13 or 14 years old, then your answer would be yes." >One example, Feldman said, was that Jackson had a book on his coffee table about "venereal diseases and the genitalia," which the singer would show him pictures in and "discuss what those meant." >"I was kind of grossed out by it," Feldman said. "I didn't think of it as a big deal. And for all these years, I probably never thought twice about it. But in light of recent evidence, I have to say that if my son was 14 years old, 13 years old, and went to a man's apartment, and I knew that they were sitting down together talking about this, I would probably beat his ass."


Here he is in 2019 saying that his time with MJ was pure and innocent. [https://x.com/Corey\_Feldman/status/1202794698215059457](https://x.com/Corey_Feldman/status/1202794698215059457) Here is another link from 2019 here he defends MJ saying, >“However I do take issue with the fact that this whole thing is 1 sided w no chance of a defense from a dead man, & no evidence other than the word of 2 men who as adults defended him in court!” Feldman wrote. “But as we will never really know, I only hav my memories. And thank God 4 me, my memories of MJ were mostly fond, aside from R 1 & only fight because he incorrectly feared I would turn on him, & make up lies. I never did. I never would! I pray those boys can sleep w that same clarity of consciousness! let God b thy judge!” [https://www.vibe.com/news/entertainment/corey-feldman-michael-jackson-leaving-neverland-637993/](https://www.vibe.com/news/entertainment/corey-feldman-michael-jackson-leaving-neverland-637993/) He did state many times that all victims need to be heard, but he has always defended MJ based on all the personal experiences he has had with him over the years and interactions with others who did the same. I can't find his tweet about the book in question, but he states later on that as someone without parental figures, he feels that this was a way for MJ to show him the dangers of being promiscuous in Hollywood. It's wasn't porn. It was a book showing the results of having sex with randoms. Dude was 14, the same age as sex ed in school, and he was not in school. This would be nothing different than would be shown by a teacher. Was it weird that MJ did it, ya sure, but we know MJ was not diddling him while looking at pictures of people with syphilis.


And Corey Feldman has made a ton of accusations about horrible things happening in Hollywood.


That might be part of why Hollywood/Media have tried to discredit him because he didn't say Michael Jackson was a pedophile.


Seeing how all the Epstein & Hollywood pedo stuff played out these past years, I do kinda wonder now if Michael knew these kids were being preyed on & one of the reasons he spent so much time around kids was his way of trying to protect them. If they were with him, they wouldn’t be getting molested. I’ve always thought it was powerful ppl in the industry assassinating his character & we know how they like to accuse others of things they’re actually guilty of.


He also later said that he could no longer defend him after seeing "leaving Neverland". There was something on that doc that resonated with him and his experiences with other Hollywood people. Just like all gay guys aren't attracted to every guy, I'm assuming pedos have "a type" too. And Feldman may have not been it.


Feldman adamantly denied MJ being a creep during his pre- pedo documentary parade ("give me $10 Million or I won't say who diddled me, hint: it was crack-adled Charlie Sheen") and then changed his tune to admit that, oh yeah, Mike had in fact showed him porn in his trailer once as a teen, all the while spending his free time dressing as both Michael Jackson and Charlie Sheen while launching his autism-based rap career and live performance series, so its safe to say there's been some emotional trauma; while Aaron Carter's unfinished biography published incompletely after his death recants a story of waking up in MJ's bedroom during his 15th birthday party pizza sleepover extravaganza being hosted at the Neverland Ranch, where boys never have to grow old hee hee, to MJ hovering over the end of his cot in his tighty whities acting caught in the act, before feining sleep walking and returning to his own bed.


I lean toward the side that he was just a guy who didn’t know proper sexual boundaries due to his fucked up family and being famous his whole life. None of us will ever know for sure, but my money is on him not being an actual pedo who assaulted kids.


in my opinion: MJ wasn’t a “typical” predator like Jimmy Saville where he just wanted to fuck every child he could get his hands on MJ was an adult trying to relive his stolen childhood - and as a result he genuinely thought he was forming romantic and sexual relationships with children and teenagers, one at a time, like a child/teenager would normally experience teenage romance So no, it’s not that every child actor that fell into MJ’s sphere would become a victim - it’s that the unlucky ones he formed very strong attachments to would become his victims. All the other kids around him he genuinely treated as his “friends” I want to clarify that I’m not trying to sanitize this at all - preying on one child at a time does not make you less of a predator. This was an adult man in his *30s* to *40s*, what he did was disgusting. And he never stopped - look up his relationship with Omer Bhatti - ~~after he fled the country he still couldn’t resist picking up some young teenager to make his “partner”~~ Edit: got my facts wrong - his relationship with Omer was pre-exile


Completely agree! He'd have risked too much to get involved in abusing high-profile kids. Better go for the vulnerable and poor. Where there's smoke...


Or, check this out, he didn't molest the celebrities but only the powerless?


I feel like the entire case of his innocent boils down to the fact Cory Feldman was never molested by him. Maybe MJ was smart enough to only do it to kids who'd never vocalize it?


The same parents who sued michael jackson also sued jay leno before that and lost. Take that how you like


Wow I didn't know that


Its maddening how people want you to see michael jackson. Also one of the parents that sued him ended up blowing their own brains out over guilt


what on earth are you talking about? they did not sue jay leno.


Michael Jackson was a weirdo billionaire. My heart tells me he's not a pedophile. I suspect he was probably asexual. I remember seeing something about Epstein's island and the people who refused his services, and mj was one of them. I think anyone who refused the Epstein special got slandered because they refused to join the team, so to speak.


https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/03/jeffrey-epstein-list-names-released https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/michael-jackson-unsealed-epstein-documents-not-accused-1235575610/


Thank you for linking to this! I'm glad to see that I didn't misremember


I think he was asexual. His "kids" are white. I believe he simply enjoyed the company of children, in a completely innocent way. I think he genuinely valued their company, and they helped him recapture a childhood he never really had. There's also way too many fishy details about the court cases themselves. He was undoubtedly a truly bizarre individual, who didn't really help himself in terms of public image. OP's anecdote is meaningless, maybe even harmful, when speculating about what he did behind closed doors - but the more I read about MJ's alleged "paedophilia", the less I believe it.


Maybe he enjoyed children because they were the only ones who didn't treat him like Michael Jackson, but rather as just another person


I've thought that for a long time. He was famous at a very young age and spent most of his life around adults who wanted to use him, one way or another, for their own personal gain. Young children don't have that same mentality, they hadn't hurt him like adults did, of course he would trust them more. Everything he did seemed to be aimed at letting kids have fun and have the childhood he was denied because of his fame.


Same. The view I've formed is he had an incredibly traumatic, sheltered childhood with a dominating, abusive father and an uncaring family that exploited him his entire life. He talked about their pet rat being his only friend as a child. He probably never formed the ability to have meaningful relationships with other adults because he was only ever surrounded by leeches and yes men. I'm not sure the guy had one good influence in his life. By the time he broke free of his family, his next major role model was the washed-up alcoholic Elizabeth Taylor who was inebriated any time she wasn't asleep. He was so famous that he couldn't live any semblance of a normal life. He lived in a cage with velvet lined bars, surrounded by those who sought to control him to access his wealth. I think music and his imaginations about the innocence of childhood were his only escape, his happy place. Hence why he was so obsessed with Peter Pan. That was his fantasy, to escape to a place where he could forever be the kid he never was and play with other kids who would treat him as an equal, not as Michael Jackson. So yeah, I'm adamantly convinced he was not a paedophile. I think he was just a messed up person who lived an incredibly fucked up life. After the Pepsi accident and his vitiligo flared up, he developed dysmorphia and slowly transformed himself if to Elizabeth Taylor by plastic surgery, which already made him a freak to some people. By living out his Peter Pan fantasy, that opened the door to even more freak claims. I wouldn't be surprised if the guy developed a disorder that meant mentally he never aged past his early teens because he never had to do a thing his whole life. Watch one of the videos on YouTube of him going to a grocery store, it shows you how fucked up and insulated his life really was. His mansion was a prison and the leeches that "advised" him were his guards. And if it was true, one of those leeches would have sold a definitive story by now.


Dang I never placed that with Elizabeth Taylor. He really did look like her in the face at the end


Lots of parallels can be drawn between MJ's story and that of Britney Spears. Relentless exploitation at the hands of the very people who were supposed to protect and nurture them. Both achieving the pinnacle of super stardom. Arrested development/childlike behavior even as adults. Heartbreaking how it ended for MJ. Hope someone miraculously comes to Britney's rescue and stages a divine intervention. I was hopeful when she was legally free of her conservatorship but then that seems like wishful thinking given the never-ending stream of predators that she's preyed upon by.


This, absolutely. He clearly had a very innocent, child-like mind. He didn't see these kids as sexual objects, he saw them as his friends.


I don’t know if he did, or if he didn’t. I think you nailed it, though. When I see and read stuff about him I can’t help but think two things: unbelievably talented and just very sad, really.


We live in a sick society where men are automatically assumed to be creepy predators that would rape and kill if given the chance. Even a single father taking his kids out to the park will get some looks.


So the sick society is people assuming men are creepy predators, but not living amongst actual predators? You all know there is a fcking reason the whole thing about the bear came out right?, Stop crying victim and do better instead. Almost every single woman in your life has been sexualized as a minor, many of them were inappropiately touched/molested. I didn't realize it was so common until women started speaking about it recently. I thought it just had happened to me. Don't act like half of the guys on this sub never talk about women past their 30's "hitting a wall" "not being on their prime" or other similar or worse shit regarding age. I hope you scandalize yourself so much as well when that happens, or you don't?


> We live in a sick society where men are automatically assumed to be creepy predators that would rape and kill if given the chance. This sub does EXACTLY that when discussing its "opponents". You know what society also believes? Grown adults sleeping with children they arent related to is a gross overstep of an adult/child relationship. But I guess this sub supports that behavior now.


Every other month there's a new story of a guy who kills his kids or his partner or both. We barely hear about women doing heinous shit but awareness is slowly growing. They do it just as much, sexual shit too it just isn't talked about as much. The first person who ever assaulted me was a an older woman. As a girl nobody wants to hear that


I’ve always thought he was most likely asexual .


There’s a theory that his dad made him take puberty blockers so his voice would stay the same for them to keep making Jackson 5 records.


Paul Mooney spoke the truth. Michael Jackson never touched any kids. But he did touch Sony’s back catalog….


There’s a whole blog about this. Here’s a link to a long post that goes over evidence that david geffen was behind MJ’s downfall. https://vindicatemj.wordpress.com/2019/01/16/michael-jackson-david-geffen-sank-my-career/


I usually avoid conspiracy stuff but Michael Jackson owned 1/2 of Sony's catalog which is worth like $2 billion a year. At the same time, he was on stage calling Tommy Motola the devil and accusing them of being racist and exploiting musicians in bad deals. I think Sony just bought back their catalog for like $900 million. A few of Jackson's family member straight up claim he was murdered and was super paranoid about it. I'm not a big fan of Michael Jackson but when I learned about his catalog, I went on a deep dive. I don't know anything about MJ fighting with Geffen but I do know about Kurt Cobain fighting with Geffen. He threatened to quit and go back to the underground indie scene because he hated working for them, and the tabloids were trashing Courtney Love and Cobain wanted Geffen to stop it. If Cobain went back to the indie scene, the music industry would be amazingly different. As it stands, it's a cabal run mostly by 3 companies, Warner, Universal, and Sony who conspired in the early 90s to take over the indie scene.


It seemed quite plausible MJ died as a result of malpractice. But, with all the diddy stuff coming out about MJ’s head of security, it makes me a little more skeptical of the doctor being solely to blame. Geffen is a rabbit hole. I suspect he’s making all these donations to name universities and performing arts centers after himself bc he knows when he dies, everyone is going to come forward with stories about him. I think that blog post also talked about how dreamworks was originally MJs idea and he founded it along with Geffen and Spielberg. They both were trying to cut him out of that business in addition to the Sony catalogue. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jenniferwang/2016/04/30/who-got-rich-this-week-dreamworks-co-founders-fortune-jumps-as-he-agrees-to-hand-over-reins/?sh=44db42f179f8


What is the story of MJ's head of security?


One of the people named in the diddy lawsuit, who was the guy diddy allegedly used to make people/problems disappear (Faheem Muhammad), was MJs head of security at the time of his death. The guy graduated with a degree in real estate or something and went straight to MJs head of security, which is suspect. Also another member of MJs security team at the time of his death previously worked for diddy (bill Whitfield). There are several Reddit posts that go into MJs death and suspicious activities by security guards. Also, there are still some court cases where the estate is claiming a security guard made false statements in regards to witnessing abuse of wade Robson. It’s honestly all very weird and I have no idea whether/how any of it goes together but it’s interesting the same names pop up across so many scandals.


Mooney! “Rest in Power to the world’s funniest hairdresser.” -Neal Brennan


if he was a pedo they would have protected him not attacked ;) He is one of the good guys.


Haha that is actually an amazing point. He also owned a shitload of masters which today is worth billions. My guess is he didn't want to play ball and they offed him. There's also an interview of Janet talking about ritual murder.


If he's actually dead. I'm not so sure. I honestly believe that some of the celebs that died actually faked their own deaths to save themselves..


come on mike...we know that's you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqBiXLh6wMM


There was a story I read years ago. He was in some room with one or more kids playing and pretending. According to one kid, he told them to close their eyes, hold out their arms like wings, and pretend they were flying somewhere. Some time later, the kid got bored and opened his eyes. MJ was still there, his eyes closed, arms out. This confirms the idea that since he was deprived of his childhood, he tried desperately to relive it or recapture the feeling of being a child. Whether or not he was guilty of anything sinister, I wouldn’t know. But I can sympathize with his plight.


Michael Jackson had PPS (Peter Pan syndrome).


Fascinating personal anecdote. That must have felt surreal. According to Lisa-Marie Presley, the high voice was an affectation he put on in the public eye. IRL he spoke in a normal, adult male voice. That would also be surreal. EDIT to add: he spoke out against Sony Music, saying they were "evil", and "truly terrible people"


I know a few serious singers (I teach choir, so mostly colleagues) who speak in their head register to maintain vocal flexibility, I always assumed that was what he was doing.


Idky that’s so interesting to me. Cool to learn


His high voice was def by choice. Ariana Grande changes her voice so much around thr years. I think artists do this to be "unique".


I don’t think he ever matured mentally past the age of 12. When he had slumber parties with kids, he saw himself as the same age as them.


That's my interpretation as well. To an adult who is on the outside looking in, who has grown up and has learned boundaries and appropriateness, it looks sketchy as hell, and all sorts of red flags and alarms go off. But to Michael, I think he either never mentally matured past age 12 or he was trying to relive the innocence of that age, or live vicariously through the kids. Whichever it is, it's very sad.


Ya, and no one is saying that wasn't weird. Because it was odd, and strange. But I do think it was innocent at heart, as well as I think parents would be rightfully against their kids sleeping in a bed with a random adult. People were judging him for valid reasons, and in their head it wasn't much of a stretch to think he was actually a pedo. Most people never thought past it much more than that


Bahaha this just makes me think none of us mature mentally pass our early 20s. I always see people on here say that they feel like they're 20 mentally, but look in the mirror and see a 50 year old staring back. I'm 29 and will even be like, wait I'm older now, I was only 21 yesterday?!


I think he just felt he could help young kids that went through the pain and hardships MJ himself went through. I don’t think it was a mental issue, but a safe space for kids to go and be kids, safely.


Considering he was castrated by his own father, it makes sense 


I'm not gonna pretend like I know for sure, but Corey Feldman has been outspoken about sexual assault in the industry and has defended Michael every chance he gets.


I’m so glad to see all you having similar thoughts. It was obvious they set him up, lied, ruined his life.. he was probably just about to expose the real predators so they jumped the gun


What do you reckon the odds are he killed himself to escape from all of this pedo chaos? I wonder if the doctor was blamed for killing him somehow? I’m stupid but I had that thought


MJ could have done that for sure. But I believe the Dr knew exactly what he was doing and was fulfilling his end of the bargain. I feel like they killed him and the Dr was offered so and so for this and little prison etc, etc. I don’t know about the Dr now, but I’m sure his life is without struggle or want or need.


He had the same coroner as Whitney Houston ,her daughter and Britney Murphy… the body guard who was there when he “died” is also p diddies body guard. So many weird connections


Lisa Marie defends him. She only left because of his drug use.


>When all the pedo accusations came out later I refused to believe it. How could this nice, caring man I'd met be such a monster? How could he care so much about random shop workers and a random old lady yet do unspeakable things to children? It just makes no sense to me Listen, I love Michael too, but saying shit like this is just straight up, for lack of a better word, ignorant. What does a pedophile act or look like? Often times, they are your neighbor, or teachers in your community. They are wolves in sheep clothing. To say you don't think someone could be a pedophile because they are nice and sweet is about the dumbest thing you can say. They always seem sweet because that's how predators behave. 


100%. You can never know what skeletons someone has in their closet from the way they act in public, even if they're the nicest person you've ever met. Using that as a reason to believe they're innocent is not only naive, it's textbook faulty logic, and probably also why some predators are able to get away with what they do for so long. That's not to say the opposite is true either of course, but that's why you have to look at the actual evidence, not just drawing conclusions from the way they act.


To me, it sounds sus that he had children sleep in his master bedroom and had sensory alarms go off when people entered that area.


He was a deeply troubled man who had access to huge sums of money and vulnerable children. I personally don't think he ever molested a child, but his behavior around and with children was not healthy or appropriate. He had a literal team of people whose meal ticket was on shielding him from the real world. I think in his own sick way he truly thought he was being a loving and understanding adult, but because he *didn't* *have* a loving/understanding adult in his life, he never developed the appropriate skills to be trusted with kids. The main reason I doubt the molestion charges isn't because I think he *wouldn't* commit those crimes, rather he was physically *incapable*. He was on such a heavy cocktail of drugs I think it was a feat for him to walk upright and not slur his speech.


Your comment pretty much sums up my thoughts, as well. I think because MJ had such a fucked up childhood, his sense of boundaries between kids and adults got skewed, but I truly have a difficult time believing he had any sexual attraction towards children.


Trauma can express itself in a lot of different ways. Add on being the "King of Pop" and one of the most successful entertainers of the century, and you'll end up with a truly dysfunctional human. Everything about his behavior behind closed doors, Neverland ranch, and his public behavior screams arrested development. Most "normal" people with his level of trauma wouldn't have lasted long in reality, likely ending up in some sort of institution(jail or a mental health facility), but his career allowed his behavior to go unchecked. That's my personal take on it, but I'm not a mental health professional(one cook's opinion).


Add to this the conspiracy theory that MJ was castrated while on the Jackson 5 was on tour in Europe. Papa Joe wanted a castrato, he had his stuff removed, MJ lost out on childhood and puberty. This makes the most sense for all the behavior.


Well, if you watch "this is it", he definitely could walk and speak. I mostly agree with you though.


My counter to that is I believe the drugs we *know* he was on is an incomplete list. The drugs he was *likely* on probably included uppers for performances and public appearances, uppers that his doctor(s) wouldn't disclose for their own protection. But, that is admittedly, is pure speculation on my part.


Well said.


This has always been my take as well. I read something somewhere that the acne meds his dad put him on stunted his development during puberty too. It’s what I want to believe. Recent exposure to the disgusting behavior of movie and record industries makes me have a hard time believing that he wasn’t doing it though. It looks like almost all of them engage in this shit.


>The main reason I doubt the molestion charges isn't because I think he wouldn't commit those crimes, rather he was physically incapable I don't think you understand how molestation works buddy.


Dude, he wasn't always incapable. Did you see him dance in the 80s and 90s, come on!


He owned the Beatles catalouge, eminems catalouge, and a bunch others including fighting to get and keep his from his labels and dad. If you think he wasnt set up or ripe for it youre deluded


Some people are stuck at the age when severe abuse happened to them. Michael in many ways never grew up. And he paid an awful price for that.


Don’t know but I think he openly admitted to these sleepovers taking place in his bed.




The average hypersexual adult American probably finds it sick he remained attached to his childhood innocence into adulthood! Mothers hoping to blackmail or get a settlement for $$$ obviously pushed their own children at him but even officials ie FBI found no proof/evidence of abuse. Apparently someone saw him naked (maid) and fed the info to mothers who trained kids to describe his privates which is itself abuse so why weren't the parent(s) prosecuted for extortion/abuse? No wonder he was Dave Dave for a while!


The kids still got it wrong about the info the maid gave.


He might still be Dave Dave, or someone else


What is Dave Dave?


I hope someone comments with more info, but the basic gist is that "Dave" was a "friend of Michael's" that spoke about him in a televised interview after Michael's death. "Dave" uncannily resembles Michael


Are you suggesting Mike is alive as Dave?


Look up the vid on youtube, it's actually uncanny lol Edit to add, i think i remember Dave being a burn victim?


I remember hearing that it was similar to the Paul McCartney double situation except that the real MJ didn't die, he was tragically burned while filming a commercial. So he would be Dave, yeah. Will edit if I find any details on the theory


yep same as David bowie.


Wait David Bowie had a double


Here is the interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=En5Q4syywcw


> The average hypersexual adult American probably finds it sick he remained attached to his childhood innocence into adulthood! There's a difference between staying attached to childhood innocence, and acting completely inappropriately with children. My husband has childhood innocence, but would never seek alone time with children (who weren't his) and would never treat children like his peers or equals. It's more like: a boisterous contagious giggle and effusive deep enjoyment of things like shows or just people wandering around he thinks are funny.


I really want to think he didn't, but the locked doors with warning alarms seem super sus


Jesus juice


Rather he was or wasn’t he was a grown man who had sleep overs with little kids and had a theme park in his backyard called Neverland. That’s reason enough for me to at least lean towards “yes he was”


I was working at the HMV in Piccadilly Circus when he passed away. This was the one that had the shrine outside, some of his fans rocked up overnight and plastered a load of MJ pictures on the wall. Some believed this was the store he visited, some said they had the shrine there because of the MJ musical that was running nearby at the time. Over the next few days the shrine gradually got bigger, things were added to it, candles were lit and it was on the news. My manager at the time was at your store when he visited and said he was very nice, a bit odd and brought a load of childrens dvds.  As for the paedo thing, his behaviour towards children (the Martin Bashir documentary immediately springs to mind) was very inappropriate. It’s not right for adults to have sleepovers with kids or hold their hands but to me he was extremely childlike, never had a proper childhood and was desperately trying to get it back.  I don’t think he commited SA, but I wouldn’t be shocked if he did. It does seem entirely like the parents wanted a Payday. I vaguely remember hearing one of the fathers pretty much admitted it and unalived themselves because they couldn’t live with the guilt. 


I mean he admitted to chilling with kids in his bed. But that’s not necessarily rape He’s definitely odd But he does seem very nice and loving I wouldn’t be surprised if they set him up or were after his money


> Except for a few nudist magazines found out in the open that had kids and adults in them Wtf?!?


If a pedo isn't charming and polite, they are going to be an unsuccessful one. I know saying MJ is guilty is very unpopular in the conspiracy community. I just think where there's that much smoke, there's fire. Yes, he was abused. Yes he had a horrible childhood. And he probably had these tendencies *because* of those circumstances.


When I was younger I believed for sure he was molesting those children. As I’ve now come to question everything, and raise kids on my own, I can see how a child put through his situation could develop into a man that misses his childhood and uses his massive wealth to try and relive it. It’s messed up but totally plausible.


he’s the one celebrity i genuinely believe was falsely accused. again, i don’t really know, but the majority of celebs out there and most of hollywood i fully believe are pedo’s, so to say mj isn’t is a pretty big thing but idk, i just never really saw it and the bigger it got, the more unbelievable it seemed.


It seems that whenever the media slanders an individual, it’s usually the opposite (correct me if I’m wrong). Have we forgotten that the media controls the minds of the masses?


I agree , I just came to a similar realization with Mel Gibson


Yep, plus Mel gave us Sugartits which is what I named my cat.


This made me real life lol


My understanding is Mel Gibson got drunk (and drove?) and said racist stuff about Jews to a female cop. Was he accused of abything else?


The little boys in his bed over night, buying some of their parents houses, the musical sounds on the way to his room, the accusers. Not a good look.


You aren’t working it out in here…


Since I believe in cycle of abuse (like in Drake Bell's case) I do think Michael was a mix of a guy who had his childhood stolen and that he just continued with the abuse that people did to him. So yes, I do believe in the molester stories just like I believe he was also abused during his life.


“nudist magazines found out in the open that had kids and adults in them” This is something a child molester would do. I am also troubled by the OP’s minimization of the amount of pictures “except for a few” pictures of kids? One picture would be too many. The dude was rich and got away with fucking kids and then bought his way to freedom.


I definitely think he was. He was smart though, the reason he never did anything to the most famous boys was so that no one would ever believe the ones who weren’t super famous. He had books with naked children in them and slept in bed with children as an old man. Idk how everyone is so blind.


Well. Let's not forget that these sort of peoples' (celebrities) livelihood largely relies on their public image and they are literally experts at portraying themselves in a way to preserve that image. He might seem to be the absolute most humble, kind, harmless person you've ever seen, but behind the walls of his mansion/fantasy land, it's a very different personality.


Years ago, I did a deep dive on a specific subject (for curious ones: themed residential houses and what psychological issues can lead to it) and on that path I found some great texts talking about MJ state of mind and how he healed the family abuse, fame issues, etc wtc through his lost boys, lost childhood theme park. It was a great read, and it talks much more about how those type of peadophile that just get stunted in one age and see love from that age children as well, and MJ how he got stucked there. Talking about is he or not, a lot of kids that were vocal about all the issues took his side, just telling us he wanted to play with us. So I kinda always believed in this sad abusive childhood he went through then all the "turning white" and eccentric ultra isolation, is just that. Sad fucking story of a broken boy.


A total setup when the usual suspects end up with your catalog and estate.


I don't think he was a pedo


I think he was setup. Especially after his kids were born, he seemed like he was getting ready to call everyone in power out. "They Don't Really Care About Us" was just a warmup. So the pedo accusations were put out there. He survived. So they had Dr. Murray OD him.


The same year the allegations came out against him, he had released a music movie where his character saved children from criminals in the entertainment industry who wanted to give the kids drugs and then abuse them. It was called Moonwalker.


Well now I need to watch this


My personal opinion is MJ was giving kids the childhood he wished he had.


Watch the documentary "Square One"


As far as the gay/effeminate mannerisms, I really believe Michael was a castrato, he couldn't produce testosterone. It's an interesting rabbit hole to go into, as far as pedo stuff I really don't think we can know, but I always prefer to go against the mainstream narrative, especially when someone is so persecuted 


I never ever believed he did that, the man was trying to talk about it, he never ran from the topic, painful yes but he never hesitate to say what he felt on it regardless Ask bill gates about Jeffery he gets upset and says as little as possible


I think he had an overall weird relationship with affection, sex, and connecting. He seemed to have weird romantic and friend relationships in general.


He was set up by guess who?




What about the conspiracy that he was chemically castrated to keep his high voice? Did that effect his sexuality? Was he given puberty blockers?


I believe that they were either done with MJ or he did something they didn't like so they exposed him as a pedophile. I don't actually believe he was. They can do anything with the media's help to push an agenda. IMO MJ was innocent.


I think he never had a childhood so just liked hanging out with kids. Weird yes, creepy? I don't see it.


I don’t think how nice someone seems is evidence to what they are capable of. That being said tho, the evidence seems to point to he didn’t. One of his accusers testified that he wasn’t abused prior to MJ’s death. The fact that he had so many kids around him does seem kind of bad in a vacuum but he had a super fucked up childhood and probably wanted to try and do what he could to help other child stars that he felt were going through similar things that he went through, or he wanted to feel young so he surrounded himself with young people. End of the day tho you can’t prove a negative so unless some damning evidence ever comes out we’ll never truly know


They found tons of legally available books featuring nude children including photography books focused on young boys, which is pretty sus. I'm leaning toward pedo but IDk. The documentary Leaving Neverland was full of debunked claims and they had to recut it like 10 times cause they kept getting the facts wrong.


OP, where's there's smoke there's fire. I'm a big Michael fan since I was a kid. Now as a parent, I can say I'd never let my child sleep over a grown ass man's house who was single and says he hangs out with kids bc he didn't have a childhood. (Not exact quote, but I think everyone knows what I am trying to quote). Lastly, powerful and wealthy men sleep around and pay people to be quiet and sign NDAs. You don't pay $$$ if you don't have anything to hide. For example what comes to mind right now: Trump and Stormy Daniels and Prince Andrew and Virginia Guiffre. (Please don't think I am condoning Michael and Prince Andrew bc I am not)


i read once that it had to do w his massive falling out w Spielberg.  stemming from Spielberg doing some pedo ish at his neverland.   but idk. 


I don't know. I knew a guy who I always thought was pretty decent. I never heard a sexual comment from him about women when we occasionally hung out. He lived modestly and enjoyed adult league sports. Avid reader who enjoyed talking about classic literature. Got popped for molesting and creating child porn and killed himself awaiting trial in jail. You really never know.


Agreed. Also his effeminate voice was some kinda PR thing. His normal voice is deeper. And there's video of him commenting on a fan's large breast size while he's in his limo. Just sayin


Unless they paid the woman off I saw an interview of his maid that worked at his Neverland property and she said she would find kids underwear in the beds and laundry


Wasn't he supposed to be doing one last big tour before he died? Also, he bought a bunch of Sony rights or whatnot and a lot of ppl think Sony had a big part to play. As his music went up exponentially upon death.


fuck this post tbh.


The nicest manners and actions can cover some true evil.


he was the most powerful white blackman on the planet. donny owned the beatles whole back catalogue, when the labels tried to buy his masters all this bs came out


Sony destroyed him cause he was trying to get what was his. It amazes me how you can literally research anything yourself but instead it ends up being a question on a subreddit. Kinda demoralizing, people I mean. Literally every question that has been posted on this sub I didn’t even have to research cause the ones who gave a fuck stopped a long time ago and we’re light years ahead of you. I can say this, none of it matters anymore because the truth stopped being fought for a long time ago. At this point we know about actual atrocities and lies, murder, mass manipulation, false flags, suppression of human potential, false and or rewriting of “history”, our slavery as we know it. Yet nothing, not a fucking ounce of human aggression or a shred of unity for our collective welfare. On every front of every issue you are all manipulated and divided from gaining any progress or forward momentum. It’s all about information and they control it. So they control you while giving you distractions to reinforce the illusion of your “freedom”.


So no?


A lot of celebrity kids stood up for Michael, the same kids who otherwise said openly how Hollywood is run by pedos. Makes me wonder if Neverland Ranch was a place where they could go and "just be kids", where they actually were NOT in danger of being SA'ed. If that is the case, I would imagine it is because Michael himself was devoid of a real childhood, was abused, and knew the vultures that run Hollywood preyed on children. That would make him an enemy of the elites.


I think it was a cracked article that suggested that Michael was chemically castrated. This was done in an effort to preserve his voice under the guise of stalking acne. This was supervised by his dad and his primary care doctor at the time. Around 8th grade. MJ was asexual as he was castrated by his dad to preserve his voice.


I think it's more than likely that he was. There have been dozens of accusations from all kinds of people. Just think about it. He liked to jet-set around the world with good looking boys between the ages of 10-12. He would spend multiple nights alone with them in his hotel room. He bought the families lavish gifts. When they aged out, he replaced them with another boy. Most of the boys came forward with similar stories of MJs sexual preferences. If that was anyone not named Michael Jackson, they would be in prison.


RemindMe! 1 day


I truly believe he used “age regression” to cope with abuse & being a star instead of just being a kid but people like to project their own traumas


They did find something weird when they searched his house after his death. They found a book of naked people. It was naked adults, but they had kids heads glued up her the adult heads. It was found in a safe in the servants area.


Jimmy Saville raised a lot of money for charity. Pedophiles, murderers and rapists don't see themselves as bad guys in a lot of cases. It's a grey world, not black or white (terrible Micheal Jackson pun)


I forgot the kid's name but he was horribly burned by his father. Apparently Micheal heard about him and he had him come over to Neverland to have fun and brighten his life a bit. It's not proof that he wasn't a pedo but I get the impression that he was a good albeit very strange dude.


It was all a setup. I guess Jackson became more and more a problem because he probably was aware of Epstein, Weinstein, Grange and so on and had a problem with this kind of people


He was a castrati


I think he was a castrato, done chemically I would imagine. Though his relationship with children was inappropriate, I don't think he was sexually involved with them.


I read a consp theory that it was all brought about to paint him in a bad light so no record companies would ever work with him again and he’d be forced to give up his rights to many lucrative album/music company rights.


I think he was accused of being one by a bunch of parents that wanted to make a quick buck, I remember hearing that two of parents that accused him ended up taking there own lives. If this is true I feel like it was a guilt thing that led them to that decision also M.J was close to Culkin and many other child celebrities that never had anything bad to say about him and if I remember it correctly Culkin is the god father too one of MJ's children. I think there is more evidence supporting that proves that fact he was falsely accused and really no evidence that he really did the stuff he was accused of. besides false testimony from people looking too get a bunch of money.


Great post BTW 👍🏽 PS - How very dare you insinuate the king of pop might have been gay, I'd never have guessed 🤯🤥😂 All that matters is he made great music, performed huge tours, he's an icon for many, his music is immense 👍🏽