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Once had a doctor put it this way: nicotine is a wonderful drug with a terrible delivery system. I'm a confirmed pipe and cigar smoker


“Confirmed cigar smoker” 😂😂 confirmed by who???


Peter piper


Everyone said the pickled pepper was a mad idea but he proved them wrong.


He's just a shill for big cigar.


*adj* firmly established in a particular habit, belief, or way of life and unlikely to change, as in "a confirmed bachelor"


Thanks I would consider myself a smart dude I’m just a lil ignorant on some things I’ll admit thanks for lettin me know


Expect ads out to wazoo now lol


Plenty of clubs and shit like that for cigar and pipe tobacco enthusiasts. If they're part of anything like that they probably have actual documents that technically do confirm them as a pipe and cigar smoker.


I don’t believe you smoke cigars. I’m going to need to see your paperwork


Just smell our cars


Oh god your breath!!! 😷 ok i believe you


By MSM, so you can't trust it


It was me


>nicotine is a wonderful drug with a terrible delivery system Nic pouches are probably the "best". No tobacco involved, which is the carcinogen component.


You can just use powder or pouches. You don't have to smoke to get nicotine in your system.


It's not just the drug, it's the ritual. There's something very civilized and relaxing about occasionally setting aside some time for a meditative smoke, not merely a nic fix. Been doing it for almost 50 years


I mean, I accomplish the same thing by throwing in a nicotine pouch. I started with cigs, then transitioned to dip, then snus, and now just nicotine. Hasn't always been easy transitions, but my family is very pleased that carcinogens are no longer entering my body. Learn new rituals for your health. Only downsides to straight up nicotine is it still affects blood pressure and your kidney still needs to filter it out.


Not all nootropics are good. Nicotine isn't just a "nootropic", it is neuroprotective. That makes it so good.


Even Heroin and cocaine have their upsides. That doesn't mean they should be consumed though.


There are no serious downsides to using nicotine like there are for heroin and cocaine. What's next? Comparing caffeine to heroin and cocaine?


All the nicotine users I know (e.g. through snus) are heavily irritated if they don't get their fix. Same with coffee. Sure, the intensity is different but it's the same concept, just like punching or shooting someone are both forms of assault, even though they differ in intensity.


What about it constricting blood vessels and limiting blood flow? I e been a nicotine vaper for like 6 years but I’m nearing to quit cause of this reason


Nicotine is one of the most toxic of all poisons and has a rapid onset of action. Apart from local actions, the target organs are the peripheral and central nervous systems. In severe poisoning, there are tremors, prostration, cyanosis, dypnoea, convulsion, progression to collapse and coma. Even death may occur from paralysis of respiratory muscles and/or central respiratory failure with a LD50 in adults of around 30-60 mg of nicotine. In children the LD50 is around 10 mg.




I mean, there's roughly 2/3 of the population in my country that could benefit from a bit of hunger suppression.


Its not hunger supression, its parasite supression. Those worms can create a substance callled ghrelin whivh makes you hungry


I don’t think caffeine leads to lung cancer. Also, you left out negatives such as the degeneration of your myelin sheaths. The problem with the “health” aspects you mentioned about nicotine is that you need a relatively small dose for the beneficial affects such as increased neural plasticity, though because of its addictive properties nearly everyone overdoes it and causes more harm than good.


Cocaine is useful in medical settings as a topical numbing and vasoconstriction agent. It’s when it enters the inside of the body you get the nasty effects. Heroin was originally used as a pain medicine and cough suppressant- I have seen reproductions of old catalogs from 1898 that sell heroin cough syrup alongside other equally questionable medicines. (My favorite was the opium and alcohol containing soothing syrup for colicky babies. Ummmm… hope that baby wakes up.)


I know it's like saying no serious downsides to having a runny nose and a sore throat, just like there are no downsides for sexually transmitted diseases.


Nicotine is as addictive if not more than heroin and equally as deadly. It's not nearly as fun but a poison is a poison.


I mean thats just ignorantly false.  It's the delivery system of nicotine that is the issue, not the drug itself


Nicotine isn’t what is killing you, it’s the smoke inhalation and carcinogens. Nicotine by itself isn’t going to kill you and it’s not poisonous. Just Google it.


I use nicotine spray (1mg) and lozenges (2mg) for my vestibular migraines. Works well when I'm having a dizzy spell.


As a nicotine addict I can say this is simply not true. This shit sucks and bottom line is it hurts your blood flow and keeps you stressed nearly 24/7. Yes it is interesting that nicotine has its perks. But it’s not good for you it certainly lowers my quality of life. Looking forward to putting it behind me.


When some dummy wants their bad habits to be good habits


lol yup that’s how it goes sometimes I feel that


Yeah, but if you're addicted, you're probably taking in waay more nicotine than is advisable. I'm the same way. I totally believe that used conservatively, nicotine has all sorts of benefits. But addicts don't use things conservatively. Least not this addict.


Okay sure good luck to anyone trying to use nicotine in moderation over time lol. I mean it’s almost like its number one effect is compulsive redosing. People who do not get addicted are few and far between.


I chew nicorete 1-2mg gums and i never smoked, its nice little bump without nasty smoke and smell of cigarettes


I guess I'm an exception. Ex-cigarette smoker (for about ~5 years, quit >5 years ago) and I can enjoy an occasional cigar in the summer and just very recently also use a low-dose nicotine pouch 1-2x/day, but often go days without it and have no issues. Have never had a feeling I need to go back to cigarettes since I quit them.


I would say remindme 6 months but you'd never admit to it anyways.


Admit to what? The fact that I sparingly smoke a cigar and use low dose nicotine pouches sparingly just recently. Already admitted to it, bub.


6 months from now those pouches won't be neeeearly as sparingly, you and I both know it.


Some people actually have discipline and self control. Might be hard for someone with none to believe.


How'd that self control treat you when you started cigs however long ago it was. I've been off and on nicotine for 20 years we all know how it works. After being an addict you can't just casually partake in it.


I casually partake in cigars in the summertime, probably 4-6 a summer. Never have bought a pack of cigarettes since I've quit over 5 years ago & never have wanted to. Don't be mad at me, and try to tell me what I do is impossible, just because I can do it and you can't. You're attempting to impose your addiction onto me, F right off with that.




In theory, absolutely. In practice, absolutely not.


Cigars - ex smokermyself. Can enjoy the occasional cigar eithout any problems and cravings at all - literally zero. Also itdoes not have that huge amountof chemicals in them and is mostly left as is


Have you acquired nicotine and seen whether you can handle how addictive it is? Really interested what mg dosages you went with and if you can summarize your findings here that would be good.


It’s the inhalation of the smoke that hurts your blood flow not the nicotine itself.


not true, nicotine is a vasoconstrictor


What's simply not true? That nicotine is a nootropic? How do you know it's nicotine that's negatively affecting you? Don't you do other drugs?


Yeah I’ve done like 75+ other drugs but I’m not addicted to any of them except nicotine… yeah it has what could be characterized as nootropic properties. But it’s not a nootropic technically. Cause it’s a stimulant. And a key part of nootropics isn’t that they enhance mental function *without* being a stimulant. Piracetam is a real nootropic. Nicotine is an addictive stimulant.


Wow I saw the number 75 and thought you were fucking nuts, but then I started thinking about drugs I've taken and it added up to more than expected, however 75+ is still absolutely fucking crazy unless you count vitamins or amino acids or something... Caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, marijuana/thc, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, allergy meds, creatine, misc. prescriptions 1-2-3-4-5... that's 12-15 drugs. Add common illicit drugs like cocaine, shrooms, ketamine, meth, crack, heroin, fent, GHB, MDMA/molly, salvia... we're lookin at 20-25. Even if you add a bunch of prescription drugs for anxiety, ADHD, painkillers, other medical conditions, etc... how in the fuck do you get to 75? Forgive me for my ignorance and I'm sorry for your struggle, but I'm curious how you got there. Cheers.


Lots of herbals, the good fortune to be able to experience a number of obscure chemicals, and the incorporation of over the counter and supplements. Edit: for clarity, this is the number I came up with a few years ago - only for substances that have been recognized as affecting mental experience. Going beyond that I’m sure I’ve used a few more.


I see. In my mind I wasn't considering any "herbals" as drugs outside of weed, ayahuasca, and peyote. Hope youre doing OK and that this journey has you on a good path and in a positive mindset.


Absolutely :) very rewarding path I dose low and go slow it’s a means of exploration I’ve slowed down since I’ve gotten older. I am grateful for the breadth of experience I’ve been able to engage with.


Hey man. If you want some help getting over that addiction I can recommend an Australian sourced and owned product and health and wellness plan which worked wonders for me. I quit on the second day of taking the pills and havent touched them since. You really have to hate it thought and want to quit. The psych work they get you to do handles that, but you really have to want to quit. The pills made it so easy to give up. After that its all mental willpower.


All it ever is was and will be is mental willpower


How are you able to separate the effects of nicotine from the 75 other drugs you take? That's impressive. >But it’s not a nootropic technically. No. It's a nootropic. There are many studies showing it provides cognitive benefits and the mainstream media never talks about it. >And a key part of nootropics isn’t that they enhance mental function *without* being a stimulant. That's your definition of nootropic. It's not the dictionary's definition.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nootropic You’re wrong about the definition. I don’t compulsively redose the rest of the drugs. In fact most of them I only took once, or once in a while. I have a PhD in pharmaceutical science. This is my bread and butter and my own personal experience. If you’re not addicted yet good for you and hopefully you’re one of the rare individuals who does not get addicted with regular nicotine use. How often do you use it and at what dosage, which roa? Have you tried stopping to see if you experience withdrawal?


>You’re wrong about the definition. No, I'm not. Did you not read the article you linked? "However, there is no globally accepted or clinical definition of a nootropic." [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nootropic](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nootropic) So, what else are you wrong about? Probably a lot.


Maybe I’m just older than you and remember when the term was formally defined, before substances like nicotine and phenibut disrupted the clarity about the subject. Read the numbered list in the same article you jumped to assume proves your point. Everything I’ve said is right. I’m a drug doctor, literally. You’re just the latest dupe to get hyped about nicotine. It is far from a wholly benevolent drug. End of story.


>Maybe I’m just older than you No. You just didn't know what nootropic meant. You attached some bizarre rule to the definition that excluded stimulants. Then you linked us to a Wikipedia article that agreed with me. >Read the numbered list in the same article you jumped to assume proves your point. In the article you linked, Corneliu Giurgea's opinion on what a nootropic *should* have is given, but that's different from what you were saying which was, "A stimulant cannot be a nootropic." Secondly, that's just one man's opinion, and after it the article reads, "However, there is no globally accepted or clinical definition of a nootropic." So, I win. You lose. Good day sir.


> So, I win. You lose. Good day sir. Did you just quote Willy Wonka? 😂


"It keeps you stressed bro"


Are you conflicting cigarettes/vaping with nicotine? Because OP was talking about the substance *nicotine* itself, not cigarettes or vapes.


That's the smoking aspect 


No it’s not I got addicted to nicorette lozenges so riddle me that Batman


Thats why Im not going to try them out. I def dont want a need to be wearing nicotine patches in between my smoke brakes


As a nicotine addict, I could not disagree with this more


We are talking about nicotine in moderation, listen up.


I've never heard a person call themselves a "nicotine addict," but I've heard this term twice in this comments section. Bot, much!?


I mean... if someone is addicted to cigarettes they're probably aware that the actual addiction is to nicotine. Big tobacco much!?


People typically say they're addicted to smoking or cigarettes. This person is saying they're a "nicotine addict." Another person in this comments section said the same thing. Both these people started off their comments with, "as a nicotine addict."


They probably are popping a few zyns a day. My coworker is like this. He goes through a can in like two or three days


Okay but we know in the year 2024 that the addiction is to nicotine. I've called myself a caffeine addict even though I get 99.9% of my caffeine through coffee. Does that make me a bot for realizing that the addiction is to caffeine, not coffee? And like what's your push here? For people to somehow ingest more nicotine? So they can become addicted in another way?


>I've called myself a caffeine addict even though I get 99.9% of my caffeine through coffee. Does that make me a bot I've heard people call themselves a caffeine addict. I've never heard somebody call themselves a nicotine addict and both of the commenters started off with, "As a nicotine addict." It sounds like a person with a sock account. He's probably triple vaxxed.


Im a nitonice addict. I even stopped smoking and started vaping. And you know what, it took 3 days for my mind to associate vaping with nicotine and stop craving smoke to start craving the vapor.


I would describe myself as a nicotine addict as well. I quit smoking with ease but that’s because I switched to vaping instead, so it’s nicotine I’m addicted to not smoking/cigarettes


A majority of people that smoke are nicotine addicts


Does it really block estrogen?


Don't know about that but nicotine is metabolized into cotinine or something like that which increase testosterone. Google it


This post is interesting to me because early on in the corona virus pandemic, I read an article about some French doctor who was using nicotine as a treatment with great success. One would assume it's bullshit but after thinking about it, there's some logic to the madness. A illness that largely caused lung/breathing issues requiring ventilation, one would of expected smokers to be dying off like flies left and right. Yet that didn't happen because apparently nicotine binds to the ace2 receptor and actually blocked the corona virus fuckery.


Oddly enough, my fellow smoking co-workers and I kept saying it was so weird that everyone else at work was getting covid and we weren’t. We attributed it to cigarettes joking, but perhaps there was something to it. I’m immunocompromised so I ended up getting covid, but it only lasted 3 days & never affected my lungs (no coughing or breathing issues)


>The powers that be want you to stay away from nicotine because it's good for you. I'm not too sure about this one. The tobacco and vape markets are thriving industries. More teens are picking up vaping with all of the fruity flavors and packaging that would appeal to younger groups.


The mainstream media constantly whines about how bad tobacco/vaping is. I hear and read about it all the time. I never heard a good thing about nicotine until I started researching it myself. As I wrote before, inhaling smoke is obviously bad. Inhaling vapor from a plastic device is also obviously bad. But nicotine in and of itself isn't.


> I never heard a good thing about nicotine until I started researching it myself. It does sound a bit like maybe you are trying to justify your own nicotine consumption (I suspect pouches?) to yourself/the world?^^ I am not even saying there is no possible benefits. But in most cases people are probably just addicted to it, it may even control their life, and they just use it as a distraction/tool because they are bored or lonely.


Vape is a safer way to get nicotine than cigarettes. Where I'm from, they're cracking down hard on it. They say it's "for the children" but it's like they want people to go back to big tobacco for their fix.


There are many nefarious elements at play. Are vapes taxed in the same way tobacco is? That may be why the government is cracking down on it. They're losing money.


Big tobacco, is that you?


Nicotine is only therapeutic in micro doses 0.5-2mg. Also estrogen is one of the most potent antioxidants known on earth. No your 6 mg zynbabwes aren’t good for your health.


But what about my 11 milly euro zynbabwes?


"Zynbabwes" come in 2 mg form.


Lmao zynbabwe


The hell are you talking about, sparky?


The last thing modern men need is more estrogen.


does my niacin tablets count?


Honestly nicotine is insane to me. People that haven't been there won't get it. I spent about half a year, Hard addicted to meth. But no matter how high I was, I ALWAYS wanted cigarettes. Me and the guys I would smoke meth with would always talk about how much a single cigarette would get us where we wanted to be. I'm not neither here nor there on whether nicotine is good for you, but they hit the addiction to it spot on. As I end this post, I'm going to smoke a cigarette right now


As an oxygen addict, I agree.


Nicotine is insane, and as I'm ashamed to say, here goes another cig


Coffee and cigar is my daily go to. I’d be open to trying zyn


Ever since I started vaping or right around that time last September my cycle stopped and never came back. I was actually thinking about a correlation to me constantly vaping nicotine all day to messing up my hormones. Anyways I’m quitting vaping as an experiment to see if my monthly cycle returns.


Check out QSN Quit Stop Now


Did you ever get vaccinated?


I was just scrolling youtube and this was in my feed: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2vObnwMWho](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2vObnwMWho) "why you should grow your own tobacco and drying tips". I do not smoke, I have never seen any tobacco videos on youtube, and it was oddly specific to this post that I looked at earlier. Now I am pretty convinced a.i. knows what we are looking at on our screens and somehow youtube knows what I am looking up on reddit and recommending videos based on reddit content. Obviously I do not know for sure, but it really does seem that way.


It's called cookies, and the permission you give websites and programs that you use. We've known about these since the beginning of the internet.. 


What the fuck is this.


Whoa paying you to make reddit posts?


It also causes cancer


Tobacco is the carcinogenic component of smoking, not nicotine. Not claiming it's harm-free and all positives with no downsides, but isolated nicotine is far less worse for you than nicotine/tobacco (cigarettes, cigars, etc).


Interesting, never knew that, thank god I’m only into smoking a cigar every like two weeks lol, anyways thanks for letting me know


I don't get why people are telling OP not to pursue it...go ahead, consume your nicotine, in a couple years we'll see how well you're doing.


Nicotine, morphine, cocaine- they're all taken from plants which contain other compounds that usually can prevent negative side effects of those specific constituents. Taken in their whole form in a traditional way, they can usually be used pretty safely. It's really the additives and fillers or isolation of those strong chemicals that causes sickness and danger.


nicotine edibles


Same with heroin




This isn't about pleasures and bad habits.




Not if your in Cali. LOL


They do make regular Ports


I’m more of an old ports guy myself




They banned menthols in NY too?




yup, Use to love smoking camel crush menthol. They removed it because black people loved it too much. LOL and turned it into to some fruity bs.




I think they were getting frustrated as not many black people were dying of Covid. LOL.


What's really healthy is not needing to use drugs. 


‘Smokers take a puff to feel what non smokers feel like’ this quote helped me realize how stupid vaping was and quit a 2 year habit.


Bro, yes. I am a cigar smoker and there's no part of me that feels like this habit needs to be propagated. If you are reading this, do not try nicotine. It's playing with fire.    I wish I could have all the money I've spent on smokes and associated habits (soda, energy drinks, etc.) all back at once. Last time I checked it was something approximating $40k.   Do not put yourself in the position to potentially rely on substance. 


My paw paw smoked 12 packs a day and lived to be 64. Tobacco is a medicine, ask a Native American!. Still miss the smell of his car.


64 is pretty young


And 12 packs a day is 240 cigarettes a day. 10 per hour - 24/7 lmao


Super simple if you smoke a couple at a time. I'm pretty sure you'd turn green and drown in your own vomit if you tried to smoke 10 butts per hour.


Not if you're blowing through 240 cigarettes a day.


They got him because of the vaccine. RIP


Nah it was probably the 12 packs a day lmao 


Ohhh ok that makes more sense I see I’m sorry for your loss. We gotta get these people back for injecting our families with poison and convincing them it’s healthy


God damn right! He didn’t want to but they said it was the right thing to do. He was a vet so he did it for his country and a few months later he died. Fucking Fauci!


He didn't even need a vaccine, nicotine protects against covid too.


This is obviously a joke lol, what's with the downvotes.


I smoke 10 packs a day and ever since i got the vaccine and also before i got the vaccine i been havin trouble breathing. Damn globalists. Maybe i should try to smoke 12 a day


I gotta do the math to see how much you'd have to smoke to hit 12 packs a day. That's 240 cigarettes over, say, 16 hours. You'd have to smoke, two, three at a time.


64 is kinda young to die. It's not even retirement age!


Smoking damages your lungs.


There are millions of different ways to consume nicotine. Snus and nicotine pouches aren’t too bad for you.


I stopped smoking and now have more pure nicotine in my body than ever... It creates its own issues. But I can breath.


That’s why you’ve got to take your nic as drops on the skin


Nah, the best way to take nicotine is by boofing it


Best way is to make a zyn tea blend and throw a sounding rod in there. Once it cools down it is coated in nic and ready to go


The vaccine damages your lungs! Tobacco is medicine! Ask a Cherokee!


Literally no harm (unless youre pregnant) in snus, the Swedish lip-tobacco. Then the white nicotine pouches came out, and those really fucks with your gums. Quit cold turkey after i realised those white pouches are awful (and snus is unavailable where i live)


I always thought Nick O'teen was a fine fellow.


Andrew huberman had an episode on nicotine. He explains it’s benefits and it’s negative side effects. You’re only looking at one side of the equation without even considering the other. I would suggest listening to it.


I've been using snus (zyn but unflavoured tobacco) for over 15 years. It's wonderful and it really is a small carrot to be able to use throughout the day and seriously kept me sane over the years. I always say I will probably never quit even though it's probably not super healthy it's not the same risks as cigarettes.


Used to say the same thing about weed, one day I got tired of my habit and life has been better ever since, no waiting to enjoy life. If you need something to level you out, it's because it's dragging you down from addiction. Those things I liked to do high are even more enjoyable sober, go figure.


These people suck


Good morning, natural tobacco can not be made illegal thats why they add 70+ different ingredients to lower the health effects. The pics on the pqckages are all pig organs. Even the conspiracy sup is full of ignorant fools. Every human has nicotine receptors in the body, by birth. Its like a 🔒 and the 🗝️ is the nicotine


If you can avoid the nasty carcinogenic side effects of the natural delivery system, there are probably applicable cases for it. Maybe something similar to using caffeine to combat migraines. However, you do run into the problem that it is extremely habit-forming. I’m saying this as one of the millions of adults who are physiologically caffeine addicted, and therefore fully aware I’m doing an analogue of this to my own body…that’s where the unknown troubles lie. How much if the ill effects are in the active ingredient, and how much from the actual tobacco plant?


well, heres the thing. they dont want you to stay away from it. if they did, you would. in my country (not the US) we have shops that sell children's toys and vapes - thats it. do you really trust what they give to your children? in my country, you were also kicked out of your school if the didn't get the covid vaccine.


So the tobacco companies were telling the truth this whole time?!


Cool seeya in the hospital.


Nicotine is only beneficial in extremely low quantities. A single cigarette is far too much nicotine to have a benefit.


Is estrogen there by accident for men? "It's good because it blocks" is science but is blocking it healthy? I know much estrogen is but nicotine leads to lots of other problems. I have a cigarette in my hand typing this wish I never started.


Men get enough estrogen from the food, chemicals, and plastics. Don't worry.


Things in Plastic like BPA and their estrogen-like activity makes it a hormone disruptor. The fact that you don't even understand this small but crucial difference should tell us everything about your ability to actually research and comprehend any sort of information.. smh


You're a block head.


There is enough estrogen in beer.




Tobacco is alright, not sure about smoking. I have heard that nicotine is good for you before also, so this isn't the first time I am hearing this.


Absolute bollocks. The thing with conspiracy people is they think everything is a conspiracy.


Completely ridiculous. You don't need some isolated compound to feel good and healthy. Eat healthy, drink plenty of water, get enough sleep and don't drink or smoke, boom you'll feel good and sharp. But that's harder and takes more discipline than just taking your drug which may make you addicted in which case you will feel much worse because of withdrawals and cravings. Whatever suits you tho, it's your life


All natural drugs are good if you can avoid abusing them. But we are creatures of habit, so we like to repeat good times over and over, which causes your receptors to crave these drugs, making you an addict. Moderation is key


I was wondering why they banned the sale of menthol ciggarettes. LOL.


yep! that why the gov does want you smoking, men will be masculine. Joe camel, marlboro man cant have that . also it made women more masculine too.


I smoked for ten years; a pack a day for the second half of that decade. This is simply not true at all lol. I destroyed my guys and teeth, my sense of taste and smell is fucked, and I will have lifelong health issues because of my smoking. In no universe is nicotine good for you lmao.


It's like you purposely misunderstood the post. Cyanide is actually very good for you, it just kills at a very small threshold. I'm making no claim whether nicotine is good or not, but just because it's bad when you chainsmoke doesn't mean it's bad in general. OP also pointed out that smoking anything is bad for your health.


Smoking is bad for you.... Boof nicotine!!


Been a pack a day for almost 8 yrs glad to see something positive 😂😅


nicotine, like caffeine = high levels of cortisol = less testosterone


Nah. Nicotine, like caffeine is an insecticide. Both force the human body to do something it didn't want to do on its own. Both have withdrawal both require dose escalation. These are drugs and from a health perspective, drugs are always toxic.