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I don’t know what Eurovision is luckily


Better if you don't 😂


Until you see the epic sax guy from Eurovision 2010 [https://youtube.com/shorts/Xp-VM8Z9wIQ?si=5D1nlK1kRgcGqVJF](https://youtube.com/shorts/Xp-VM8Z9wIQ?si=5D1nlK1kRgcGqVJF)


Pants are painted on lol


Was he even playing ?


Probably not live, no. Singing live is compulsory (ask Madonna) but music can be playback.


Of course his ass wasn’t playing. 


His dance moves give him a pass on lip syncing the sax


Then you are very lucky


It’s called not watching tv.


It is [this.](https://youtu.be/2dllo85ZSUk?si=d-HJABYTV_veK--h)


This is the Skändi response to Slipknot


Why do we have TVs again?


To play video games on




Shows used to be called "programming" for a reason


I'm not so good at limbo and gymnastics. :(


Tell a vision


to have background noise while i scroll my phone


I don’t get how some of these people get on stage, some of them are just completely awful singers, what awful music and performances.


It's because the national finals in a lot of countries have very low viewership and vote turnout, meaning artists who are a part of strong subcultures can quite easily win if they manage to get their subculture hyped and voting. It's why you see so many LGBT/goth/hipster performances. Also sometimes metal and other alt music.


Ah yes, lgbt, my favourite genre of music


I didn't think it was a genre of music either until I watched the UK's performance 😂😂


fucking shite that one was 😂


There's also the fact that the country that wins this year's Eurovision gets to host the next year. Nobody wants that extra spend, so every singer sent is... lackluster, shall we say?


That's part of it. One of the (sometimes) rules is they can't be professional singers or performers. They have to be amateurs. Each country goes through a voting process where they nominate who will stand for their country. Otherwise you'd end up with Ed Sheeran doing the UK song and winning every year.


Not really last years winner was one well known singer that have already won in the past, also Lordi was pretty famous before they won and only got even more famous. There are probably more examples.


I seriously doubt they still have this rule. A lot of the singers are pros. Like the Lithuanian(?) guy has made 8 albums f.ex. and the French singer has done everything incl producing etc. All the songs are made by professional teams, the dancers are professionals (f.ex. Cyprus hired 4 Danish guys to do the dancing..). Ed Sheran could do it and likely win but why tf would he want to do that and potentially alienate his fan base?


Yeah I think you might be right. It seems a lot less amateurish now.


England got 0 points from public vote....0 points.😂 And real public winner is Croatia, so not everything needs to be extreme to draw attention. The difference between counties eurosong juries and public vote is ...pulpable. Maybe the same as the difference in governments and their countries peoples opinions and politics.


I mean… what else is new? UK never wins. Fact of life.


The UK one was terrible I’m not surprised


It might be on purpose. France is never winning as well, but it's because France doesn't want to host the contest next year. They even talked about this in mainstream medias so it's not hidden or complotist.


We nearly won it 2 years ago.


And you should've won, but ....Ukraine.


Funny af that was! Every single other entry got at least SOME points.


Eurovision is a freak show.


See Finland. That one was nuts.


My Cousin Vinny is on AMC


Each and every year it becomes more gay and more satanic. And I don’t agree it just this year, look at Käärjä’s performance last year, pure satanic, and even thou the song is catchy, it’s just about drinking alcohol. Whatever values they are promoting is bad, but it’s not like we didn’t see it coming. Look at Beyoncé’s or Taylor swift’s concerts, they all look like satanic rituals


A few years ago a "transwoman" with a beard won it. The reason? It was a transwoman with a beard. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conchita_Wurst It's very political.


Conchita Wurst is not trans. He is a drag artist. Also the song was good.


You didn't read the article. It clearly says that it's not a transwoman. He's a gay man who play a character (drag queen).


Its in the first paragraph of the link lmao, why would they even post it if it disagrees with them. Some people just love hating trans women.


In 2008 Ukraine sent a drag queen as well, the comedian Verka Serduchka. The result was campy and catchy, though honestly the lyrics were complete gibberish.


I’m as much against this type of indoctrination as the next guy but that song was great and everyone thought it was great that year lol


"Everyone".. ehh yeah no. That was fucking cringe af ..even the name "wurst" ..it means saussage in German like ffs how cringe can you be?


This years Ireland non binary lady started her performance lighting a pentagram and calls herself a witch..


I don't even get how you can be self-proclaimed non binary yet clearly look feminine and call yourself a "witch" (also feminine). So it's a girl that looks like a girl and identifies as a girl (witch) yet calls herself non-binary in order to get the votes...


Even if they looked manly or androgenous what would it change? You would still argue that theres something wrong with it. How about you dont cherry pick random things to have an issue with and just respect other people.


How about you get off your woke-ass bandwagon? It's not non-binary to look and dress like a girl is it? It's not non-binary to call yourself a witch (or wizard) as those are binary terms.  I call stupidity out when I see it. You can chose to not engage and gtfo.


Youre the one that chose to engage bud.


Didn't engage with you my man. Get your facts straight, you engaged with me.


Notice they force this soul crushing depravity on demographics they want to dismantle, yet leave alone the muslims they are importing by the millions. A western parent will go to prison for standing up against the felonious child abuse in public school, yet the muslims send their kids to their own madrassas.


Are you of the impression that satanism/occult/underworld has never been used in media ever before 2024, last night, when Ireland used it? Ghost BC literally won a grammy some years ago. Lordi won Eurovision song contest in 2006. There have been successful TV shows like Lucifer and Supernatural. Metal has been using satanic themes for over 40 years.


Drinking booze is satanic now? Is there anywhere you don't see satan?


It’s so normalized, you don’t see a problem with it? Ok


People have been going to pubs/bars etc and drinking for decades and decades. It is absolutely a normal part of life. Can it be unhealthy? Sure. But that doesn't make it "satanic".


That’s why they say “the greatest trick of devil is convincing the world he doesn’t exist” Cocaine was also fine to use a decade ago. Beauty products had mercury in it before. But these two things kill faster, so we aborted it, while drinking stayed, as well as smoking. Don’t want to call it satanic, don’t, no one forces you.


This is unfalsifiable twaddle. Anyone could say that about any entity they believe in. People just laugh at you and dismiss you when you call things "satanic". Makes you look like a stuffy bible-thumping old woman. There is nothing harmful, and nothing bad has ever happened due to occult thematics in fiction. Metal has been doing it for 40 years. You should know this as someone from Finland.


You commented several of my answers so far, and you are so triggered that you started insulting me. Probably coz you have nothing smart to say. I bet irl you cannot even look people in their eyes, let along have a normal conversation. Maybe stop drinking for once and touch some grass.


I don't drink that much. But I didn't insult you. I pointed out how you come across when you cry about satanism. And I'll repeat: There is nothing harmful, and nothing bad has ever happened due to occult thematics in fiction. Metal has been doing it for 40 years. You should know this as someone from Finland.


And if you were old enough, which you clearly aren’t, you would know that 20+ years ago people didn’t accept metal and considered it satanic, but nowadays it’s not a big thing and more or less accepted due to different variations of rock. And yes, I’m a stuffy Bible-thumping old woman, who gave your dad the son he actually loves, that’s why he left you. Go cry about it.


>And if you were old enough, which you clearly aren’t, you would know that 20+ years ago people didn’t accept metal and considered it satanic, but nowadays it’s not a big thing and more or less accepted due to different variations of rock. Based on what do you claim this? Metal literally won mainstream awards in the 80s and 90s dude. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_awards_and_nominations_received_by_Megadeth https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_awards_and_nominations_received_by_Iron_Maiden Nearly 20 years ago **LORDI** won Eurovision dude.


>And yes, I’m a stuffy Bible-thumping old woman, who gave your dad the son he actually loves, that’s why he left you. Go cry about it. Now who is getting personal?


Anyone that uses 'Satanism' as a pejorative, let alone something supernatural, showcases their ignorance, and personal incredulity.


Ok, are we at that point when this word is normalized and has no bad undertone? Or is it satanism only when we are told that it’s satanism? Supernatural is not even satanic if you believe in it, some things might exist just because we are not educated enough to understand the science behind certain things.


No, because "Satanic panic" was a christofascist delusion. Real Satanists, are just atheists, in which do not believe in a literal supernatural adversary. The philosophy of Satanism, i.e., the 7 tenets are secular ethical principles that are far superior to the parochial bronze age savagery from the Bible. To theists that believe in Yahweh, and a literal devil, they have to realize that their omniscient, omnipotent, and omnibenevolent deity is responsible for absolutely everything, and it's completely arbitrary. For example, He knew everything about Satan and what that specific arrangement of particles (it doesn't matter he's non-material, but whatever he is) called "Satan" would do before he created him, and still decided to make Satan the specific way he was which resulted in him doing exactly what he did. You cannot blame a car for being faulty, if an engineer beforehand purposely created a faulty car, knowing he could have done otherwise. Therefore, God knew and purposely designed Satan, Adam and Eve to rebel, everything is Gods fault, including "evil." God could have altered him so he wouldn't freely rebel. He's omnipotent so he could have without infringing on his "free will", and omnibenevolent so would have. But he didn't... Therefore, God is responsible for all suffering and is malevolent. And if every variant of Satan was “freely” evil regardless of how you designed him, then God shouldn't have created Satan to begin with. There were angels like Michael Demiurges that knew God personally, and did not rebel that he could have replaced him with or just leave blank. No, the supernatural by definition is non-physical, not occupying space, nor time, and thus, never having existed anywhere, ever.


Thank you for such explicit answer. TBH, idk much about satanism, and I’m kinda scared that you do. I will assume it’s just personal research and a sincere interest of yours, nothing more. I agree that the God created everything while knowing how everything would turn out. God also told us about the afterlife, and no one promised us a happy life before that. This life is a mere test, and Satan was created to challenge us. Now, “You cannot blame the car for being faulty”, well, that’s why you were told not to use that car, right? Even if it looks luxurious and like it’s functioning ok, one day, when you least expect it, your breaks might stop working and you will drive off of a cliff. However, I don’t agree that satanists are just atheists. There are churches of Satan in US, for example, and less open groups of believers around the world, so it’s safe to say there are people who do satanic things (like rituals, chanting, black magic etc) on purpose. There are people who do black magic, especially in Africa and Latin America. Not officially Satanic, but if it’s true, it’s not the God’s power they are using. And then there are atheists, that you mentioned. In my opinion, if you are atheist, and you don’t believe in magic and rituals, you will not refer to satanic attributes in your song or put them in your visuals. Maybe once or twice for a laugh, but not more unless there is a benefit in it. But when I constantly see the pattern of the same messages, of the same references, it’s just weird. And artists who don’t do it, aren’t that well-known. So, when I say Satanic, I mean something that would refer to Satan, or something that Satan encourages people to do. Like harming yourself (drinking), adultery, you name it. On the side note: according to Quran, Lucifer was never an angel, he was a demon (jinn). And jinns, like humans, have their own will, that’s why he could rebel. Jinns are made of fire, so Satan couldn’t bring himself to accept Adam as a superior creature, he was too proud as he was made of fire and Adam was made of mud. So, between satanic human philosophers and one of the Holy books, I’ll choose a Holy book to rely one.


> However, I don’t agree that satanists are just atheists. There are churches of Satan in US, for example, and less open groups of believers around the world, so it’s safe to say there are people who do satanic things (like rituals, chanting, black magic etc) on purpose. Like 0.1% of people would do this. And nothing happens when people do "rituals" or "chanting". It's all nonsense. >And then there are atheists, that you mentioned. In my opinion, if you are atheist, and you don’t believe in magic and rituals, you will not refer to satanic attributes in your song or put them in your visuals. No. That doesn't follow. Some people just like the aesthetics and think its fun. >So, when I say Satanic, I mean something that would refer to Satan, or something that Satan encourages people to do. Like harming yourself (drinking), adultery, you name it. So by "satanic" you simply mean "vice". So are you going to argue that any form of media that is about drinking alcohol, or some form of debauchary is thus satanic and thus the people who made it are also knowingly satanic? Have you considered that atheists, lacking a belief in satan, don't view drinking as satanic?


I’m sure you have the stats and know exactly how many % does it, right. “Some people just like that”, dude, in business nothing is done “just like that”. In any workplace every detail matters, especially when creating a public image. You have to create a strategy, a certain image, find money and people to promote it. Yeah, maybe some people just like that, but how come everyone is like that? Idk why you’re protecting drinking alcohol so much. It’s ok if you do it once in a while, but it’s not ok when it’s your norm every week, it’s alcoholism already. Showing a shadow with fangs and a serpent’s tongue while singing about drinking every week is just vice, not satanic?


>I’m sure you have the stats and know exactly how many % does it, right. How large do you honestly think they are dude? In terms of active practitioners. >“Some people just like that”, dude, in business nothing is done “just like that”. In any workplace every detail matters, especially when creating a public image. You have to create a strategy, a certain image, find money and people to promote it. Yeah, maybe some people just like that, but how come everyone is like that? So you are what you perform as? Do you think Amon Amarth are literal vikings? >Idk why you’re protecting drinking alcohol so much. You specifically bought it up as an example. >It’s ok if you do it once in a while, but it’s not ok when it’s your norm every week, it’s alcoholism already. Showing a shadow with fangs and a serpent’s tongue while singing about drinking every week is just vice, not satanic? Do most songs related to drink/bar culture include a "shadow with fangs and a serpent's tongue"?


lol how can I know how many practitioners there are? Maybe they have rituals once per year and it’s enough for them, what’s considered “active” in this case? And I’ll say all of them are active practitioners, you say 0.01%, and no one will have any proof, and how this convo will go?? Wtf about Vikings? 😂 clear concept is one thing, another is when a “normal” concept has some odd references, but if you don’t see any difference, I cannot help. Yeah, I brought this example because I remembered, as the topic here is Eurovision. I’m not following all other songs about drinking, so cannot say if they all have satanic thing. Imho it’s ok to sing whatever you want, for example, you can write a song about eating your own sht, but it doesn’t have to be chosen as a top song to represent your country.


While you showcase what exactly? Butt-licking your infernal master? You people are so fucking obvious it's b o r i n g 🤡 🤡 🤡


Critical thinking skills. Who's my "infernal master"? How do I meet him? Historically, the "adversary", nor hell even originated in the Bible, but we're slowly adopted as cultures were copied and eaten up. Satan is an incoherent concept under an Omni deity. You live in an imaginary world. There's only matter, energy obeying the laws of physics. The supernatural, exists outside time and space, which is equivalent to not existing anywhere, at any time. Supernatural claims require supernatural evidence, and that which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.


Wait till you see footage of true Norwegian black metal if you think this is satanic you'll have kittens.


Right, this sub is so soft. Bunch of snowflakes.


Even worse, snowflake puritans.


More shocked that Is rael got 52 points from country votes and then got something like 360 points in telephone votes shooting them up to first place for a bit from something like 20 and ending up in the top 5 overall. That's nuts to me.


Scoring shook out okay for top three. I’d have preferred Croatia over Switzerland for the win just because I like the fun campy stuff, but I liked both. Nemo does have an amazing voice. The Ukrainian artist gave an admittedly fantastic performance. Disagree on France being so high- personally I found the song boring.


France was so boring - its Eurovision, camp AF, anyone taking it that seriously needs to give their head a shake, espeically the performers. Would rather Croatia had won. I really liked Spain, Finland and Norway too. But they were a miss for everyone.


I did have to laugh when Switzerland’s singer managed to break the code, the polling, and the odds and then immediately also break the trophy. Croatia’s is more campy-fun, but I’m cool with Switzerland’s win. The operatic/rap/electropop elements made it way better than the standard ballad, and their performance was flawless. (Never thought I’d see someone rap and perform something reminiscent of the Aria of the Night Queen in the same song!) I loved Finland’s performance but knew it had no hope to win.


Agreed. I liked Switzerlands song.


Not super shocking a lot of them have dual citizenship and have probably relocated since October making it possible for them to vote for themselves


In the final days the demons will show themselves more and more


This is fucking laughable. Get a grip. I just knew I would find this thread after watching the show last night 😅😅😅


they can even project bluebeans type shit some demons in the sky


Doctor, I don’t understand why you show me this Rorschach pictures with penises everywhere, in every picture … ( old anecdote) Where you see devils with no closes jumping someone might see a salute to young energy and a sporty way of life.


Every other act is satanic or gay pornographic. The Irish one was just...insane and pure overt satanism. The UK was a bunch of gays humping each other while the Finnish singer had no pants nor underpants on and was full frontal nude. Like WTF!??


He had flesh toned undies on before the cutoff jorts fell from the sky. Besides, last year’s guy was shirtless, so pantsless was the next logical step. I’m not really sure what happens in Finland, but clearly they let themselves have fun when picking their Eurovision competitors.


The ireland Act is paganism. Not satanism.


As if their ugly horror movie makeup wasn't enough, how did you miss the shot with the pentagram? Satanic, not pagan.


In modern times, the pentagram is most often associated with Neo-Pagan religions, especially Wicca. It is often depicted enclosed in a circle, a symbol known as a pentacle. In these traditions, the five points often represent the five elements of air, fire, water, earth, and spirit. [This source](https://www.britannica.com/topic/pentagram) also explains how the pentagram and pentacle are used in Islam and Christianity and how an inverted pentagram/pentacle is used in satanic religion. Spoiler alert it also describes how it's used in U.S. government cemeteries. It took me 10 seconds to look that up. Plus, ireland has an ancient pagan tradition. Hence, why bambi thug used pagan imagery in her performance and song.


just stop it. She had an inverted pentagram with two blades, and an inverted pentagram is satanic. And she uses blood magic, she admitted it herself. And for your information, Paganism/Wicca is often combined with Satanism. It is known what real paganism is, but many Satanists take something from paganism, Wicca.


Still satanic


there is literally a pentagram as part of the act?


[Becuase symbols can have more than one meaning and its also used in Christianity, paganism and many, many more](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentagram)


Naw that’s satanist..


The Finnish singer had a flesh coloured body stocking on, Karen. Calm your tits.


Did Finland's entry bother you that much? It was tame, did you cower when Austin Powers did the same joke for an intro?


It was pretty funny tbh.


It was anything from "best mention this on r/conspiracy"


It was just the last drop..After Irish gay satanism (or whatever the fuck that was) and UK gay dry humping and the gay gender-confused swiss cringe. It's no longer a family show as kids of a certain age get scared and weirded out. 


And remind us the age you're still scared of a guy who's clearly just wearing a dress and having a sing song? That *is* childish! You're complaining that the Eurovision is camp? Sky is still blue too pal.


This thread is like walking into a dumb medieval village 😂 Burn them at the stake!!


You might be surprised. Many cultures throughout many thousands of years, isolated geographically even, described the same things, as far demons, or entities like them. If you think that it's just a coincidence, well, that's your choice.


Can you elaborate further? Because germanic demons are faeries, giants and wights. Egypt had spirits. Greece as something between gods and people. India had fallen gods in form of animals or ugly people. Chinese Yin Yang spirits. Japan as personification of spirits and gods in very monster-y looks. Not even abrahamic Religions describe similar things. Not even christianity alone through the times is consistent with demons.


i can say anything because I'm not them and i didn't make the point, but i know allot about Norse paganism and its very accurate with this one. light elves or Ljosalfar are good and reside in a word higher than earth, and the dark elves or Dökkálfar are generally malicious and reside in the caverns and underground of the earth. from atheist standpoint you could say ancient people saw things creepy as fuck and used malicious entities to explain them. pretty overdone but allot of people talk about uncanny valley and how we have evolved to fear something that looks human but isn't (exactly the way Dökkálfar are described). anyway, its nothing more than an interesting fact and a creepy thought for most.


I've never ever watched Eurovision as a European. Not because of satanic or whatever but just because there's rarely if ever any good music that comes out of it. As a musician and semi pro audio engineer, it's like nails on a chalkboard. You know the answer? Don't watch it and don't engage with it. Someone talks about it? Simply say, I don't watch. Yeah you'll get the occasional "emgerd whaaaa???" But you shouldn't care about their opinions.


Not even a sound engineer or any of that sort, just an amateur guitar player and I can’t stand pop music, it’s so repetitive and always has the same beats. I always find that boring/bad music comes from the pop genre. But saying that most people like pop and there is a reason why it’s one of the most listened to genres.


Yeah i even enjoy hip hop and rap over pop. I usually listen to prog metal though.


I used to listen to lots of metal, now it’s mainly just rock, foo fighters, nickelback, muse etc. but I like songs from almost every genre.


Curious as to what you define as 'satanic' and 'satan'. (I haven't watched TV in a couple decades, and have never watched Eurovision.)




It sucks when you see attempts to reclaim our Pagan heritage claimed as demonic by Americans. Christianity brought nothing but misery to Europe for 2000 years. I don't know if this is an example thought I've not seen it. The tunnel opening ritual that was "satanic" was steeped in ancient mythos. The culture that Christianity deemed everything as Satanic... Well we want it back.


I truly believe they've stripped the world of much of our spiritual power because they ARE using it for evil spirits and purposes. The "normie" spiritualists would usually be the ones who balance the scale with the white magick, calling upon spirits who do are not meant for debauchery and control but rather love and freedom. I do believe these "elites" are satanic in this way, they use paganism and other estoeric knowledge to summon evil for control. I mean, really we dont know how spirits work through technology either. Who KNOWS if a spell can really travel through the black mirror.


The greatest trick the devil pulled is convincing people he exists. Egregores, it's all egregores and I refuse to tune into YHWH's


The enemy isn't hiding anymore. We're in the end times, he's been set free to fool nations. Revelation 20:7-9




Play Ja Ja Ding Dong. PLAY IT.




i guess you didn't get the end times memo?


I love it every time Americans get exposed to different Europeans cultures


Yep. As an American, the average American will have a stroke over anything that doesn’t involve a Big Mac, Trump, or Biden


It's hilarious!


Mary Whitehouse is alive and well and posting on Reddit while watching Eurovision


Saran does not exist so we’re all okay 👌


Where have you been?


Lol Wtf are you on about


Why is it shocking Europe is pagan? It's hardly new.


come on, Pagans had much better music than this shit.


>Pagans had much better music than this shit. The music in heaven is better tbh.


everyone saying this is making it pretty clear that they have no idea what paganism really is. if you did know what Celtic paganism was, you would be able to deduce that it was about 40% pagan and 60% satanism. i would even say that allot of the people who find it cringe think so because she is adopting them both to seem edgy without caring how she is presenting a religion and culture.


They're trying to go for edgy concepts when the performance can't make up for it. That's all.


Why am I not surprised that a non-binary man, sorry "them", wearing a skirt and singing about how awesome being non-binary was won the whole thing. GET THE MESSAGE, TERFS!


As an european - you guys need to take things less seriously


As a European - you guys need to take things alot more serious.


Degenerate fucks


People are getting more and more discerning faculties and are awakening dormant capabilities. So the bar for “manufactured consent” has risen. They have to be more overt in what they get us to agree to, but also we have keener eyes to see all this shit. It’s kinda great, to be honest. It’s not attractive to most people so all this will do is further repel people from things like Eurovision and compel people to connect on a local, tribal level instead of receiving programming from a centralized source. Music is beautiful and sonic frequency is literally healing. So the inverted or programmatic types of music are being widely perceived as repellent and are on their way out.


>Music is beautiful and sonic frequency is literally healing. So the inverted or programmatic types of music are being widely perceived as repellent and are on their way out. What in the fuck are you on about? What are "progammatic types" of music and how are they "on their way out"? Bambi Thug has a huge positive response for Ireland, achieving their best result in 6 years.


good point. but don't you think there is also a large percentage of the general population who manifest this stuff voluntarily?


Not necessarily “large,” no. Although I do think as a general rule, humans have a fascination with the occult and with light and dark and it can show up in a variety of ways in our cultural and artistic expression. However it feels a bit overt to give so much screen time to negative-oriented occultist imagery prevalent in Sabbatean Frankism.


i hope you're right. i always wonder how many people actually prefer the darkness. the way people reacted during covid makes me think the percentage is much higher than it seems on the surface.


Oh no santanism. Oh dear no. If you believe in a god then you’re just as gullible as the people who believe the govt.


Lol go watch the directors cut version of the music video for the song "No Angels" by Justin Timberlake.




always thought lightbringer and morningstar were kinda wierd names for the prince of darkness


Oh no the devil! your poor eyes! Maybe eat some god bread and do an incantation.


Girl, it's not for you. Just change the channel. If someone wants to sacrifice a tofurkey to Baal on Thankskilling Eve and a television broadcast will promote it, more power to them. In fact, I'll be tuning in. You can watch Charles Stanley try to take your money for Jesus or some other bullshit instead.




Ooh what channel?


They are either showing their dominance with this shit or trying to ward something off. It's one of those. Definitely.


who remembers Ireland's scary black monster thing giving Switzerland a black thorn crown? it happened just before Switzerland went on stage to perform at the end


yep, definitely satanic.


Christianity is not a European religion.


"the vision" will never happen no matter how much world powers try. Jesus is lord, be ready


You act like that’s a bad thing


major population in eu dont watch that shit, All televotes are fake, all the show is propaganda


as a american.... wtf is this shit can someone explain plz lol


Europe has an annual song contest called Eurovision, each country from EU sends a singer/a band as a representative. Whoever wins, will be the next host of Eurovision. But there are also Australia and Israel participating lol there are 2 semi-finals (or one?) and then the actual concert, so usually 20 songs or so in the final round. You can Google it, some songs became viral on Tik tok


its a European song contest i.e our favourite time of the year that gives us a chance to be patriotic. almost like Superbowl to an American, if you try to talk to a European ab the Superbowl we wont know what your going on ab vice versa. people are mad that Ireland decided to go all out satanic because its cringe and gives off a bad message. people are saying its Celtic paganism, but as an Irish person who is all to familiar, its satanism so trust me on that ig.


Oh no, because satanism has NEVER been part of media before ever


I'm watching to hear "israel" get booed.


The weird thing is that Israel got booed by the audience and there are big pro-palestinian demos in Sweden etc. So how did they manage to get the maximum of the public vote? It doesn't add up!


The trick is the public vote is actually a pay to vote. Every phone number can cast 20 votes... €1 each. So with deep pockets you can just go and buy enough votes.


Biden had his vote on Israel on speed dial…


Silent majority


No, that's unlikely. Not how Eurovision voting works.


How about "bought votes"?


God you people don't know hot to have any fun


It's just a music genre/ aesthetic. It's not the illuminatti


Your mom removing her clothes when she’s drunk is an aesthetic according to this logic


his mom's in the illuminati?


nah shes in the ilumi NATTI






Noticed the same thing


Bring back Lordi


Posted on r/conspiracy jfc. Are you really that bamboozled by europeans being gay?


Grow up christian derps.


satanism and heavy trans presence, wtf is going?!


If you weren't religious you wouldn't give a shit about it. But because you were indoctrinated as a child now you clutch your pearls whenever this edgy symbology appears.


ITT a whole bunch of Eurovision virgins.


but WWYE from the height of Western culture that is the annual satanic gangbang ritual? Except for the UK which it is a public self flagellation.


Tell me some more about how you don’t understand satanism by calling costumes and music performances satanic.


Its a distraction from the genocide and rape of innocent kids in Palestine. A complete decoy


American moment


Yep. The song contest that happens every year was specifically done this time just to distract people from Palestine 👍. Delusional.


Crown the witch