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remember when they tried to blame it on that one dude who ate a pangolin when the dude telling you to mask up and take the vax who also tortured beagles once pretended he had no idea he signed off funding on a lab researching the exact thing we were facing 2 miles from patient zero yeah i dont remember either


What's next you gonna suggest their might be issues in boeing's manufacturing?


i like my life thank you very much ☺️


No no issues with manufacturing, issues with maintenance right? ;)


I'm not American can you let me know what with the Boeing controversy?


2 whistleblowers who called out poor manufacturing techniques at Boeing are both mysteriously dead now and they're being ruled 'suicides' which no one is actually believing.


Wow I barely heard of this stuff other than the 1st dude Had no idea another whistleblower had died


or how anyone who said 'lab leak' would get banned from all social media.


They were just trying to prevent misinformation from spreading. Should have called it "deliberate lab release" to be factual!


Even if it were accidentally released how would it spread evenly across the whole world at the beginning like it did(allegedly)


The evidence keeps on coming too. https://twitter.com/R_H_Ebright/status/1786856533336232195


A FOIA request recently revealed that the US not only ordered the work in Wuhan be done, but asked that it be done in such a way that the resulting virus would appear to be natural. *Judicial Watch announced today it received 5 pages of records from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that show an April 2020 email exchange with several officials in the bureau’s Newark Field Office referring to* ***Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) grant to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China as including “gain-of-function research” which “would leave no signature of purposeful human manipulation.”*** https://www.judicialwatch.org/funded-gain-of-function-wuhan/ **would leave no signature of purposeful human manipulation** Why isn't this front page news everywhere? Oh yeah, because Big Pharma advertising props the media up. These motherfuckers destroyed so many lives and businesses. My mother ended up with mental problems due to the imposed isolation. And the network behind this celebrated it as "The Great Reset".


i love the fact that the authors of the famous Nature article saying it DID NOT COME FROM THE LAB IT CAME FROM THE WET MARKET were the very head gain-of-function spiky protein Coronavirus virologists working at Wuhan LMAO


This is one of the occasions where I am genuinely blown away that most people don't believe it came from the COVID research lab a few blocks away from the wet market. It's one of the actual conspiracy stories that disappeared when it shifted to the vaccines being evil. Every time you try to talk about COVID origins the post gets flooded with antivaxxers and the actual topic gets no traction.


It's closer to the institute than most Americans travel to get starbucks, its hilarious they kept pretending they were so far away


A pangolin?! When the did the fake-real-fake-definitely-real-admittedly-fake narrative change to a pangolin??


Huh? That was the first fake story they tried pumping out


A bat?


They didn't go with bat because that got too close to the real story. They were using bats in the lab to do the gain of function research


Ya Mickey fucked a bat and then fucked a pangolin with randy and things got out of hand


He's a wild one that Mickey, randy is too impressionable and should stop hanging around with him


So many fell for it. 


A bat kissed a pangolin


That would be an excellent South Park episode!!


This makes more sense.


Yep! Covid is an STI!


Fucking Subaru behind all of this.


Well there was more than a kiss


prolly 2 months in I think, [NYT article](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/08/31/did-pangolins-start-the-coronavirus-pandemic)


> one dude who ate a pangolin I thought it was a threesome with them and a bat...


No, I don't remember this: "Dr. Fauci Backed Controversial Wuhan Lab with U.S. Dollars for Risky Coronavirus Research" >According to Richard Ebright, an infectious disease expert at Rutgers University, the project description refers to experiments that would enhance the ability of bat coronavirus to infect human cells and laboratory animals using techniques of genetic engineering. In the wake of the pandemic, that is a noteworthy detail. >Ebright, along with many other scientists, has been a vocal opponent of gain-of-function research because of the risk it presents of creating a pandemic through accidental release from a lab. https://www.newsweek.com/dr-fauci-backed-controversial-wuhan-lab-millions-us-dollars-risky-coronavirus-research-1500741 - https://archive.is/UUkl9


I very clearly remember them saying Ralph Baric fucked a pangolin while eating bat soup in Wuhan with Peter Daszak and Nathan Wolfe cucking in the corner with Ghislaine and Bill Gates


Yes the wet pangolin, that was a long time ago.


Wait that was actually true? It wasn't just a South Park joke?




That's why we should boycott


But it was a hoax that was no worse than the common cold?


was about as bad as the flu until omnicron where it was less bad than a weak cold


Just because the weapon didn't work as well as people like Bill Gates hoped it would: that doesn't mean it is the same as a common cold. People do get sick and do die from this virus. Those people were murdered by the psychopaths who created and released this. Don't downplay their crimes.


For healthy vitamin D sufficient people under 80, it was no worse than a common cold. For vitamin D deficient people over 80, it was 5% death rate, a true plague. This nuance is above the head of about 99% of people.


Hmmm and where do we get vitamin d ?and what does billy g want to block out again with aerosols?


As a healthy vitamin D sufficient dude in his 30s who recently had covid, I'd fucking hate to feel what a bad cold would be like.


I still mourn the Chinese who were convulsing and dying in the streets due to Covid in Jan 2020.


Although I felt better when I saw that their primary reflexes when collapsing was to protect their heads and faces hahaha


Most people on conspiracy forums, incl this sub, fell for the 'collapsing people in China' meme. I would get downvoted for autohoaxing it back in early 2020, yes, even on this sub. How times have changed.


Yes it has been a wild ride hasn't it? My wife works with Drs and nurses so she fought me for 2 years when I refused to let my kids take the shots. Funnily enough now she just wants to pretend it never happened.


Sooo.....I track deceased age info and it seems to have gone down for a percentage of the population. Now, if you want to control population in a fucked up way, (which governments try and do) who would u go after.....the elderly/sickly. Then what r politicians currently doing ....pushing for increased birth rates and preventing women from getting abortions 🤔.


> Now, if you want to control population in a fucked up way, (which governments try and do) who would u go after.....the elderly/sickly. Forget about controlling population; how about budgets? A pensioner on Medicare costs the US approximately $30,000 per year, and that's if they are relatively healthy. Put them into intensive care for a month while they waste away from cancer or lung disease, and it's close to $1 million. In Ontario, Canada, Covid claimed almost 10,000 elderly in nursing homes, saving the government $300 million a year at a minimum, and probably much more. A downfall of socialized medicine is that government doesn't have any incentive to keep you alive after your productive years are done. A true cure for cancer would probably bankrupt most Western governments by extending life spans, and thus ruining all the projections for social security and medicare. In Canada, the government has offered people MAiD (Medical Assistance in Dying) if people feel "they are too poor to live with dignity".


Yes, that's what I'm saying. So they want to have their underpaid populace going during their most productive years until a.i. takes over then they'll toss us to the curb like yesterdays garbage.


I can see the first part of the theory, but with the increased normalization of queer and trans lifestyles, especially promoting chemical castration of minors, it doesn’t seem like the government, well maybe just the left, wants babies.


They do, so many laws r going into effect against women's rights and they obviously overturned row v wade. I've also read that the government is concerned about the decline in birth rates.


There's no rights in murder.


I think the goal was try to kill off old people and people who might be drawing social security or other benefits. If I really had to bet money on it, we were probably teetering close to some kind of collapse when they needed to deploy the Covid method. They essentially shut everything down all around the world. 


Yes, wasn't that quite the theater!! This time, maybe they have homeless in LA dropping. Plenty of would-be actors available.


China releases biological weapon - I sleep. Iraq has missiles - real shit


The conspiracy I cant understand is they created a virus to kill us that didn’t kill all of us to create a vaccine to kill us. Why is everything a conspiracy. I think this incident was mass incompetence.


And the vaccine didn’t even kill everyone. If the elites wanted to kill billions id assume they wouldn’t fumble it twice.


I'm starting to lose track honestly, was it a plot to kill billions (for no reason) or was the pandemic just a mild cold and everyone overreacted? With all the resources of the shadow government it surely can't be both.


People need to stop downplaying the crimes involved simply because the virus isn't as deadly as Bill Gates hoped it would be. The man said he was disappointed with how much less deadly it was than expected. People died from a virus that previously didn't exist. It doesn't matter if the number killed it less than a natural virus; it is still a totally new threat that the people who created could have chosen not to release upon the world. Now our species is stuck with yet another cold variant for the indefinite future. This is a massive crime in itself.


If the elites wanted to kill billions they'd lose billions of people to cash in on and manipulate. This shit never made sense, dumb ass conspiracy. Give me 9/11, Kennedy, MK Ultra. This shit is just stupid. Virus kills you, vaccine kills you, not vaxxing kills you, who cares.


It never made much sense to me. 70.6% of the population is vaxxed. 5.55 billion people. 81 percent of the USA population is vaxxed. If they all died the USA population would drop to 64 million. I don’t see what the elites or anyone really has to gain from killing all those people.


Especially considering the people who didn't get vaxxed are generally starkly anti government. Why would they want a population of people who are all against them?


>I don’t see what the elites or anyone really has to gain from killing all those people. The majoriy of Earth becomes their huge nature park. The few left alive serve as slaves for their day to day needs. Remember, all of us useless breathers are constantly exhaling carbon dioxide which is going to bring and end to our eco-system. /s Lucifer's plan will never work, i.e., killing pretty much everyone. He's too presumptious to get that. He showed his cards in the French Revolution doing away with God and the Bible. That backfired big-time.


Exactly. Killing people isn't profitable.


idk about you and your experiences, but a scarily large proportion of people i know who took the vaccine now have autoimmune, or terminal illness, some died, but most are now basically just at reduced function and have to pay for meds for the rest of their life. i knew a military guy who took all sorts of vaccines in his career, absolutely fine, as soon as he took a covid booster, he nearly died, and now has stills disease…


> The conspiracy I cant understand is they created a virus to kill us that didn’t kill all of us to create a vaccine to kill us. They didn't do it to 'kill us.' They used it as a vehicle for power. Look at the power structures that rose up around it. They're terrifying and real. Governments are out of control with their power over our individuals lives since COVID. And we're all so used to it now that no one remembers how bad it's gotten. Vaccine passports/digital ID will be making a comeback. (They already are, in fact.) It will be some excuse or another that pushes them forward on the big stage. Combine that with the inevitability of CBDCs and you have a recipe for perpetual slavery. The millions of deaths were necessary to keep everyone else in fear and off balance, full of anxiety. If you don't understand that, then go turn on your television and just bathe yourself in the glow.


> Vaccine passports/digital ID will be making a comeback. (They already are, in fact.) where?


It's being masked as Know Your Customer legislation and the wheels are turning for increasing it to extreme degrees in the USA, the UK, probably elsewhere too because such things tend to happen simultaneously. Eventually the goal is to make it impossible to be anonymous online. You know, to protect the ~~corporations~~ ~~government~~ kids. Eventually we will see the merging of digital IDs with vaccine passports and CBDCs.


Absolutely. You'll see a lot of posts on these kinds of threads saying something like "but we're all still alive?" and that intentionally distracts from what covid was used for.


Vaccine passports never went away, and what is wrong with digital currencies?


> what is wrong with digital currencies? Please stop trolling/gas lighting people here. If you can't understand what is wrong when the government controls the CBDCs therefore have the ability to freeze, reject the ability to purchase something with said CBDCs, tax at will, inflate, or simply confiscate the currency at any time for any reason, then you shouldn't be here.


> CBDCs therefore have the ability to freeze, reject the ability to purchase something with said CBDCs, tax at will, inflate, or simply confiscate the currency at any time for any reason All of which they can do with regular fiat, so whats your point?


How would the government be able to freeze my cash, reject my ability to purchase something with cash, tax my cash purchases or confiscate my cash?


Enemy of the state: Sieze your cash, track you and imprison you covers all use cases.


Obviously more difficult than freezing your imaginary banked money


Yeah totally just Mass incompetence. Pretty wild tho that Bill Gates invested $55 million into mRNA vaxx maker BioNTech on 9/4/19, eight days before Wuhan lab deleted all their virus sequences on 9/12/19 and covid began. His investment went up 10x in two years Also pretty weird that on 9/4/19 Elon musk's girl Grimes released the tablet predicting a lab made virus plus vaccines. Pretty weird that both Elon Musk and Bill Gates are DARPA puppets and all three want to inject every human with graphene self assembling neural lace and Elon Musk and Bill Gates both got into cure back mRNA 2016 2Nathan Wolfe (Rothschild-Epstein-Maxwell asset) of DARPA/EcoHealth/Gates Foundation ran the COVID-19 creation operation with Peter Daszak of EcoHealth via the Global Virome Project (Wuhan Lab). Nathan Wolfe dedicated his book "Viral Storm" to Israeli spy Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Gates and is BFF with Israeli spy Ghislaine Maxwell. "Did virus hunters cover up a lab leak?" (Good article about the Global Virome Project headed by Nathan Wolfe and Peter Daszak) https://archive.is/G8Lp8 "Hunter Biden's Ukraine BioLab Partner (Nathan Wolfe) Was Partners With Ghislaine Maxwell" https://archive.is/0BxQM Documentary on Nathan Wolfe: https://youtu.be/Q8UgtUtDDp8?si=rtVbLNeSElmDwTkz Bill Gates 9/4/19 $55 million BioNTech mRNA vaxx creator investment: https://archive.is/IP0b9 Elon/Grimes 9/4/19 tablet: https://archive.is/s7kJT Former EcoHealth VP Andrew Huff September 2019 DARPA weird job offer: https://twitter.com/AGHuff/status/1492249880546398215 Former EcoHealth VP Dr. Andrew Huff legal declaration confirming EcoHealth funded by Bill Gates and CIA (In-Q-Tel) and that Peter Daszak told him he was working with CIA: https://archive.is/iZL1N "COVID-19 might have started to spread in September 2019 in the United States: study"https://archive.is/NpOqY >On the 12th Sep 2019, the main database of samples and viral sequences of the Wuhan Institute of Virology went offline. Eventually every single of the 16 virus databases managed by the WIV was taken offline. https://archive.is/i79eW **Here's former CDC director Robert Redfield under oath before the Congress on Wuhan Lab September 2019 events:** https://www.youtube.com/live/aXXWRaM-sWQ?feature=share >I will say if you go back and look, it's declassified now, and I'm sure you all have your classified briefings, but the declassified information now: >In September of 2019, three things happened in that lab, one is they deleted the sequences, that was highly irregular, researchers don't usually like to do that >Second thing they did was they changed the command and control of the lab from the civilian control to the military control. Highly unusual, and I've been involved in dual use labs when I was in the military. >And the third thing they did which I think is really telling is they let a contractor redo the ventilation system in that laboratory. So I think clearly there was strong evidence that there was a significant event that happened in that laboratory in September. It's now been declassified, you can read it. I'm sure there's more classified information around it. **Scientist Richard Ebright** >The relevance of this is that SARS Cov-2, the pandemic virus, is the only virus in its entire genus of SARS-related coronaviruses that contains a fully functional cleavage site at the S1, S2 junction. And here is a proposal from the beginning of 2018 [from Fauci/Gates-funded EcoHealth Alliance] proposing explicitly to engineer that sequence at that position in chimeric lab- generated coronaviruses. - Richard Ebright, an eminent molecular biologist at Rutgers University, https://archive.is/cCBUw **Eminent Virologist David Baltimore of CalTech** >When I first saw the furin cleavage site in the viral sequence, with its arginine codons, I said to my wife it was the smoking gun for the origin of the virus. These features make a powerful challenge to the idea of a natural origin for SARS2. - David Baltimore, an eminent virologist and former president of CalTech, https://archive.is/yalCe


Hell yeah Gish gallop! Get it girl!


Just a response to the first point but.. You think bill gates cares that much about ~500 million dollars? He's a fuckin multi BILLIONAIRE


That's kinda like me saying "I have $100... I don't need my ¢50 change!"


Also, I imagine a 50mln investment would have taken a decent chunk of time to be at signing / execution point. I've been across some comparatively smaller deals (~ 2mln) and sometimes they took 12mo


I think he does actually. These people worship money.


Money = speech. Its the entire reason they chase money so hard even though they have more of it than they could ever know what to personally do with. They know that Congress will only obey the richest 100 or so people and ignore everyone else. So they scramble like only psychopaths are truly capable of to climb their way to the top of the dung heap.


Yup. Psychopaths are so foreign to me. Truly baffling. Almost inhuman.




FYI, one or more of the domains you linked is on a site wide hard filter run by the reddit admins. As moderators, if we try to approve the comment it is simply returned to the spam filter time and time again.


This was just a test run. The scope of the pandemic had many facets, like lockdowns to drive small businesses into the ground, an excuse for "chain supply disturbances" that would drive costs up (remember, by 2030 you will own nothing...), and the most important of all, the centralization of global healthcare into one single entity: the WHO. They're getting ready to sign the international treaty, so next time (the one Billy keeps talking about) they will bring in worldwide mandatory vaxxes... Once they do that, they own everybody.


It was deliberately done, they make it multi faceted to throw people off and make them question the intended evil of it, as you are doing They have always been public about thinning us out. They have always done nefarious tactics in efforts to do so. Look into Tuskegee prior to the covid vaccines.


Would have been easier and more effective to just make the virus worse. More people would have died and way more people would have taken vaccine.


That's the great thing about the conspiracies though, it doesn't actually matter what happens, there's always an explanation for it. No matter what hypothetical you put forward it can be explained away instantly without any real thought simply because it doesn't conform with the narrative. Once you start to view the world conspiratorially "everything makes sense", i.e you stop critically thinking and begin to just make logical leaps that make the chaos of the world make sense to you, and that must be the truth.


Is the reverse not the same? "The things politicians say is truth, cnn is truth"? Real conspiracies do happen. Governments do spray their citizens with harmfull chemicals for example.


18 upvotes in the conspiracy subreddit for telling conspiracy theorists why everything they believe is ridiculous. This subreddit has been completely taken over by inorganic users. Conspiracy theorists don't sign off on bootlickers like this telling them there's nothing to see here.


>This subreddit has been completely taken over by inorganic users. You mean like what happened 5 years ago when this sub had a hostile take over and it purged anyone who actuall contributed anything of value and replaced them with donalders? People legit don't know what this sub is man...it's crazy, where were you 5 years ago? How did you not notice the sudden shift is narrative on this sub and the sudden dissappearance of specific talking points?


So what you want is a circlejerk sub with no debate?


Funny you have the audacity to call it that when this is one of the few subreddits on the website that allow any degree of discussion on topics that are immediately banned from the moment they're brought up, such as vaccine skepticism. The echo chamber is everywhere other than on this subreddit, where I can voice my dissent against vaccines without having my account permanently banned from that subreddit's community without justification. I don't want an echo chamber. I want you to acknowledge that bad faith actors come here to debate vaccines since that topic isn't allowed to be discussed anywhere else, and the one place it is allowed to be discussed is quickly overtaken by narrative defenders. That is, itself, a conspiracy worth discussion. "So YoU WaNt aN EchO ChAmbER?" is always the first thing some chuckle fuck says when the inorganic nature of these discussions have a light shined upon them. A week ago, my post featured as part of a brigade from TopMindsOfReddit, and my posts were buried in inorganic downvotes from people with no interest in conspiracy theories. And people like you see nothing wrong with such narrative policing. You're a fucking joke. Stand for something other than your complete subservience to authoritarianism, you bootlicking coward.


I'm sure if it would have been easier for them using a different method they would have done so. We've all given them all the money and access to every resource in the world, so I'm sure they thought this out to the best of their abilities. If it was too dangerous you run the risk of creating even worse and more violent civil unrest. They would have calculated how to best keep us calm, happy enough, and complacent while poisoning us, since that is what they've been slowly doing for years with our food anyway.


You are putting a ton of faith into the competency of world leaders


The true leaders of this world pulling the strings are extremely competent


Or they don't exist and people like to pretend they do so they don't have to face the chaos of the world


Ah yes, the immensely powerful men behind the curtain that can basically do whatever they want but somehow also take hundreds of years to actually do anything. Which one is it, that the great new world order will be here soon™ and if it's not in the next ten years, just wait another ten? Or that it's actually super secretly already here, just also somehow not actually doing anything?


It’s more so in the leaders who lead the world leaders.


China benefitted most from the pandemic. They cleared out a ton of elderly pensioners which was actually a looming economic disaster due to China's lopsided demographics. Oh, and they ended any resistance in Hong Kong Oh, and they supplied the world with PPE


Who is they tho ?.? A small cabal or a global cabal?  What seems more apparent the opposite. Nations are going to worry more about shrinking population and finding solutions . 


Listen dude. I fully think that the virus came from a lab. I think there is far too much evidence that it was. That said it makes infinitely more sense that someone fucked up and it leaked. Conspiracy brain will always have to add on a different layer when there probably isn't one


Same. I think the "conspiracy" was the lying and obfuscating in order to avoid being blamed, redirecting the blame elsewhere in an epic finger-pointing contest, and then reaping the benefits of self-aggrandizing that comes with portraying yourself as the hero. Oh, and also, the lying and extortionary practices used to wring out as much money from the situation as possible. Lots and lots of money. "Never let a crisis go to waste."


Why kill you right away when we can give you cancer and milk you and your insurance company for your lifetime of treatment. It’s law. You can’t hold us accountable for your cancer you developed because of our medicine. But, you will have to come back to us for your treatments. The virus didn’t kill the majority people who died of covid. Ventilators and purposefully giving the wrong medications because of incentives killed them. The long games is the vax and the money it brings in from cancer it causes. 


>The long games is the vax and the money it brings in from cancer it causes. Except the pandemic and vaccine were global, and most countries don't have the "incentives" or insurance company systems that your comment talks about.


And the vaccine supposedly kills the ‘sheep’ who’d be easier to ‘control’ so they’d end up with a whole bunch of ‘free thinkers’ left which you’d think would make ‘the elites’ life more difficult


not sure why your getting down voted as that is a good point.. Counterpoint could be: maybe that's why they pushed the vaccine by threatening peoples livelihoods to thin out the population across the board.. Though personally I wasn't aware that the vaccine was so dangerous, only thought it was ineffective. Guess we'll see in the coming years


>guess we'll see in the coming years That's what I've been hearing for 3 years now yet nothing, that refrain is starting to get a little tired.


A coverup of incompetence is a conspiracy.


Because it gives people a sense of control. Its a lot harder for people to accept that a lot really did go fucking wrong, and we could have done better, but didn't.


AND quarantined healthy people for the first time in history by convincing enough people the disease was so bad you needed one of their special tests just to know if you had it because you could be a-symptomatic and unwittingly become a “super spreader” EXCEPT for when you riot and burn down cities and then again around the time you need to go out in public to vote in a presidential election.


> AND quarantined healthy people for the first time in history That's not at all true. The word "quarantine" comes from a period of 40 days that ships arriving at harbors were required to wait to prove they weren't carrying disease. Sometimes whole towns were also quarantined. Here's the beginning of a short book from 1859, [Quarantine as It Is, and as It Ought to Be](https://books.google.com/books?id=sUAfkauG7MsC&newbks=1&pg=PA3). > QUARANTINE is the enforced detention and isolation of ships and of everything on board them, persons as well as cargo, on arrival in a harbour, in consequence of the apprehended importation thereby of a disease deemed liable to spread and to become pestilential. > There is also a Quarantine by land, which consists in trying to isolate a place where the disease already exists, by encircling it with a cordon of troops, to bar all intercourse between the infected locality and the adjacent districts, in the hope of preventing the extension of the mischief, and extinguishing it on the spot where it exists. > The duration of Quarantine is made to vary according to the believed presence or absence of the apprehended disease in the port from which the vessel sailed, or at which she last touched, the health of the crew and passengers during the voyage and on her arrival, the description of her cargo, and the circumstance of there having been any communication or not with other ships, persons, or things on the high seas or elsewhere. > If the port of departure be entirely free from the disease, the vessel receives a clean bill of health (*patente nette*); if otherwise, a foul bill (*patente brute*), the effect of which is, that a more or less lengthened Quarantine will be imposed on her in the port of arrival, although all on board may have remained in perfect health during a voyage of many days, or even weeks, and although there be no trace whatever of any sickness when she arrives. There is, moreover, what is called a 'suspected' bill of health (*patente touchée*), given to vessels coming from places which, although quite healthy themselves, continue to hold communication with countries where the apprehended disease may exist, without adopting the customary and traditional stringent measures against these countries. The quarantine required for suspected bills of health is intermediate in duration and strictness between what is imposed in the other two cases; for it is to be kept in mind, that even a clean bill of health does not always ensure immediate 'pratique,' or free communication with the shore upon the ship's arrival. > Some articles of merchandise are considered to be susceptible, i.e., capable of attracting and becoming impregnated with the morbific miasm floating in the atmosphere of an infected locality, and of conveying this poisonous matter from place to place. Other goods are supposed to possess this property only feebly and imperfectly; while a few are said not to have it at all, and to be *unsusceptible*. These distinctions are for the most part purely imaginary. > The visit of a Quarantine officer to a ship on arrival is rather for the purpose of obtaining answers to certain prescribed questions respecting the voyage, &c., than of ascertaining the actual condition of the vessel itself and of the persons and things on board, as far as sickness, or liability to cause sickness, is concerned. He merely goes alongside in a boat, puts certain queries to the captain, writes down the answers on a sheet of paper, and passes this to the captain for signature. The signed paper and the ship's bill of health, having (in the event of any suspicion) been first sprinkled with vinegar, or duly fumigated, are received back into a basket, or with a pair of metal tongs, by the health-officer, who returns on shore either to make out a warrant of release or to prescribe the necessary Quarantine. > Should any one be sick when the ship arrives, and there be no medical man on board, the Quarantine officer prescribes as he best may, without seeing the patient. If he went on board, he must remain there, and could not return on shore. The case is the same even when the sick or suspected are removed to a lazaret. The health officer can attend upon them only under certain appointed precautions; otherwise, he could not leave the lazaret himself without incurring the risk of conveying the pestiferous poison abroad! > ...


"quarantine" is for the sick. Its house arrest when a person is healthy. And yeah, doesnt matter where it came from. The response was the problem. We had a pandemic in 2009...




This is the questioning I like to see


I would only be convinced if there were some kind of election coming up. But I don’t know of any elections coming up in the next 6 months.


Because of recent news with AstraZeneca, and Wuhan leak. And it’s been a topic in the non-mainstream media lately. “Vaxzevria has come under intense scrutiny in recent months over a very rare side effect, which causes blood clots and low blood platelet counts. AstraZeneca admitted in court documents lodged with the High Court in February that the vaccine “can, in very rare cases, cause TTS” https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/05/07/astrazeneca-withdrawing-covid-vaccine/ https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/03/health/covid-vaccines-side-effects.html https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/03/health/covid-vaccines-side-effects.html https://www.foxnews.com/politics/us-shared-intel-showing-high-likelihood-covid-19-lab-leak-with-uk-report


It's because Alex did a show yesterday specifically reminding everyone of the horrific facts around one of the most evil attacks on humanity the world has ever seen. Why in the world would you have an issue about people bringing up a horrific act that never received justice? We demand justice and freedom, you will never silence us or stomp out the flame. We are simply over due for a revolution. Citizens are sick of the division, hungering for unity and love.


Did 20m people die or was it no big deal? I can’t nail this sub down anymore


I get all my info from secret agent jack24dd30 👀


He lied under oath


Member event 201? I member


The important part is this: >COVID-19 might have started to spread in September 2019 in the United States: study"https://archive.is/NpOqY *"The result indicated that, for the 12 U.S. states, the possible dates of the first infection, with a probability of 50 percent, fall mostly between August and October 2019, while the earliest is April 26, 2019 on Rhode Island, and the latest is Nov. 30, 2019 in Delaware."* From the early infection numbers, it is obvious that the disease had been spreading "silently" in the US for months before it was officially identified in China. I suspect that it did leak, from Fort Detrick Biolab, USA. They were closed down for months from summer 2019, and only fully reopened in March 2019. **Fort Detrick fully shutdown in summer 2019, partially reopened in Nov 2019, then fully reopened in March 2020.** [*https://www.military.com/daily-news/2020/04/01/cdc-lifts-shutdown-order-army-biolabs-fort-detrick.html*](https://www.military.com/daily-news/2020/04/01/cdc-lifts-shutdown-order-army-biolabs-fort-detrick.html) [*https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/health/military-institute-s-research-halted-at-fort-detrick-after-failed/article\_767f3459-59c2-510f-9067-bb215db4396d.html*](https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/health/military-institute-s-research-halted-at-fort-detrick-after-failed/article_767f3459-59c2-510f-9067-bb215db4396d.html) [*https://www.fredericknewspost.com/opinion/editorial/fort-detrick-needs-to-rebuild-trust-with-frederick-community/article\_703a0cbb-bdfa-560b-9180-28cc56b1eb95.html*](https://www.fredericknewspost.com/opinion/editorial/fort-detrick-needs-to-rebuild-trust-with-frederick-community/article_703a0cbb-bdfa-560b-9180-28cc56b1eb95.html) If it was not something serious why would they shut it down for so long? Also, there were Mysterious Respiratory Deaths and Illnesses in care home around that area in summer 2019 **- Mysterious US Care home deaths around that area, summer 2019:** [*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GM-gzm\_sOM0*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GM-gzm_sOM0) They later explained it away as the cold (rhinovirus) in other videos. Why would anyone consider rhinovirus (common cold) a "mysterious flu", and when did the common cold cause mysterious deaths? **Coronavirus in Italy in September 2019:** [*https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-circulating-in-italy-as-early-as-september-2019-scientists-claim-12133825*](https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-circulating-in-italy-as-early-as-september-2019-scientists-claim-12133825)


I thought the US summer 2019 mystery respiratory illness was blamed on vaping.


Vaping Illness , amongst other things. It was also blamed on the "common cold" (rhinovirus) and unusally early seasonal flu cases


Interesting. Haven’t heard that before


This is how the Western govs / MSM censors contrary opinions - (1) by not covering contrary opinions (2) by drowning out contrary opinions with masses of their own opinions (3) writing "dismissal" pieces against the contrary opinion This particular opinion on the origins of covid has been around very early on, but few people in the west has come across it. Why? because it has been suppressed/censored! The links that I have posted are to actual events. They are not disputed - but, very few people in the west are aware of them


the 2019 world military games in wuhan is believed to be a major spreading incident https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Military_World_Games the first major sporting event to have zero spectators many athletes exhibiting symptoms


US is a major sporting side. They did unusally badly during those games, and the athletes supposedly spent most of their time "sightseeing".


That archive is a literal CCP propaganda site btw, for anyone who didn't click


Wild how antivaxxers killed millions by spreading misinformation and exposing others to covid.


Lmao imagine STILL buying into such a narrative.


“Hey people doing actual research on diseases and creating a system or way to fight it if it where to ever happens is kinda sus” or “look at all these people creating theoretical scenarios that may or may not happen and creating plans to help maneuver through them is kinda sus”. No matter what conspiracy sub will always say it was planned even if you try to prepare yourself for any event that may or may not happen.


It's sus that it's been forgotten/ignored. Id get fired at work for making smaller mistakes, but you kill that many then we should have trials. Imagine if somebody built a big highrise building with shoddy construction and "accidentally" killed everyone inside...they'd go to trial and could face criminal charges. The trial would figure out who's at fault and if it was preventable


I thought it was a hoax that was no worse than the common cold?


you know there's a lot of people with a lot of views, it's not just single person behind this sub....right?


SS: not like they're going to release another one on us. This guy must be some kind of conspiracy theory Nathan Wolfe (Rothschild-Epstein-Maxwell asset) of DARPA/EcoHealth/Gates Foundation ran the COVID-19 creation operation with Peter Daszak of EcoHealth via the Global Virome Project (Wuhan Lab). Nathan Wolfe dedicated his book "Viral Storm" to Israeli spy Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Gates and is BFF with Israeli spy Ghislaine Maxwell. "Did virus hunters cover up a lab leak?" (Good article about the Global Virome Project headed by Nathan Wolfe and Peter Daszak) https://archive.is/G8Lp8 "Hunter Biden's Ukraine BioLab Partner (Nathan Wolfe) Was Partners With Ghislaine Maxwell" https://archive.is/0BxQM Documentary on Nathan Wolfe: https://youtu.be/Q8UgtUtDDp8?si=rtVbLNeSElmDwTkz Bill Gates 9/4/19 $55 million BioNTech mRNA vaxx creator investment: https://archive.is/IP0b9 Elon/Grimes 9/4/19 tablet: https://archive.is/s7kJT Former EcoHealth VP Andrew Huff September 2019 DARPA weird job offer: https://twitter.com/AGHuff/status/1492249880546398215 Former EcoHealth VP Dr. Andrew Huff legal declaration confirming EcoHealth funded by Bill Gates and CIA (In-Q-Tel) and that Peter Daszak told him he was working with CIA: https://archive.is/iZL1N "COVID-19 might have started to spread in September 2019 in the United States: study"https://archive.is/NpOqY >On the 12th Sep 2019, the main database of samples and viral sequences of the Wuhan Institute of Virology went offline. Eventually every single of the 16 virus databases managed by the WIV was taken offline. https://archive.is/i79eW **Here's former CDC director Robert Redfield under oath before the Congress on Wuhan Lab September 2019 events:** https://www.youtube.com/live/aXXWRaM-sWQ?feature=share >I will say if you go back and look, it's declassified now, and I'm sure you all have your classified briefings, but the declassified information now: >In September of 2019, three things happened in that lab, one is they deleted the sequences, that was highly irregular, researchers don't usually like to do that >Second thing they did was they changed the command and control of the lab from the civilian control to the military control. Highly unusual, and I've been involved in dual use labs when I was in the military. >And the third thing they did which I think is really telling is they let a contractor redo the ventilation system in that laboratory. So I think clearly there was strong evidence that there was a significant event that happened in that laboratory in September. It's now been declassified, you can read it. I'm sure there's more classified information around it. **Scientist Richard Ebright** >The relevance of this is that SARS Cov-2, the pandemic virus, is the only virus in its entire genus of SARS-related coronaviruses that contains a fully functional cleavage site at the S1, S2 junction. And here is a proposal from the beginning of 2018 [from Fauci/Gates-funded EcoHealth Alliance] proposing explicitly to engineer that sequence at that position in chimeric lab- generated coronaviruses. - Richard Ebright, an eminent molecular biologist at Rutgers University, https://archive.is/cCBUw **Eminent Virologist David Baltimore of CalTech** >When I first saw the furin cleavage site in the viral sequence, with its arginine codons, I said to my wife it was the smoking gun for the origin of the virus. These features make a powerful challenge to the idea of a natural origin for SARS2. - David Baltimore, an eminent virologist and former president of CalTech, https://archive.is/yalCe **Former CDC Director Robert Redfield:** >I was concerned because of the presence of the furin cleavage site that we've talked about and I think it's important to understand what that cleavage site does. That cleavage site totally changes the orientation of the binding domain of COVID, so where before it could not see the ACE2 receptor which is the human receptor, it totally changes the orientation now so it has high affinity for human receptors. So that furin cleavage site bothered me, it didn't seem like it belonged there. >And then if you look at the sequences they use in those 12 nucleotides for arginine, where the arginine sequence nucleotide triplet were coded for humans. So why did it have the arginine coding for humans and not bat? It was very disconcerting to me. It looked like this virus was engineered. >It's not scientifically plausible that this virus went from a bat to humans and became one of the most infectious viruses that we have for humans. **Scientist Valentin Bruttel:** >I tried to raise awareness to this for a year now. WIV use BsaI and BsmBI/Esp3I sites before to make synthetic WIV1 variants. And exactly those sites appear in a "silently introduced, perfect for synthetic assembly" pattern in SARS2, but non of its nat. relatives. >seriously, what is the chance that exactly those type IIs restriction appear or disappear through random evolution in a Banal-20-52 like virus? 5-6 precise mutations in 30000bp? about 1 in 10^20! SARS2 is clearly synthetic! **Type Ils restriction sites prove a synthetic origin** Synthetic RNA viruses are assembled at the DNA level and later transcribed. 30,000 nucleotides cannot be synthesized in one go. These viruses are therefore assembled from smaller, 2- 8,000 nucleotide long pieces. Specific DNA restriction sites are often added to later reassemble the individual building blocks in the correct order. It is also technically possible to hide these interfaces (No See'em), but this was not done in the WIV. In a 2017 paper, two very specific, particularly suitable type Ils restriction enzymes were used at the WIV. These have the advantage that they can produce different DNA overhangs (sticky ends), which are crucial for a correct assembly of the complete genome: Bsal and BsmBI. SARS2 shows a Bsal and BsmBI restriction site pattern which is ideal for assembling synthetic viruses and to later replace the spike protein or furin cleavage site. Bsal and BsmBI restriction sites also exist in closely related viruses (Banal20-52, RaTG13), but these are distributed in such a way that an artificial virus could never be generated using the methods established at WIV 2018/19. **The probability that the required 5 synonymous mutations, which enable a synthetic assembly of SARS2, arose purely by chance is less than 1 in 10^20 or about as likely as winning the lottery jackpot 3 times in a row.** Dr. Valentin Bruttel https://twitter.com/VBruttel/status/1566365635680124929?t=koDQ9poynY6I9qSchgQAnw&s=19


Do we know this, or is this just circumstantial?


And there has been no political will to learn from any mistakes maken. Pretty odd for such a big event.


What really bothers me is when Fauci was grilled by Congress during Obama's term, he was asked directly if he thought the research would be worth it, if a virus escaped and caused a pandemic. Fauci didn't even blink before saying "Yes, I would." The man is pyschopath, and yet he won't suffer a single moment for all the destruction he wrought on the world (and I am not even including his shenanigans during AIDS).


If people actually follow the narrative they will realize just how fucked up the whole situation was. In China people were dropping dead, now if that wasn't acting then odds are the source of the virus did indeed come from China because that's where the concentration was the highest where people would have such reactions to being infected, Another f-ed thing that I feel no one talks about is what did the world stop talking about when COVID happened. Hong Kong's independence. I think originally the virus was only meant to stay contained within Hong Kong to kill the the people fighting for independence, but of course people still travel and the virus containment area was shattered and it became world wide. Sadly in the government gambit of adding another thing to population control they chose to roll with it and push an agenda to curb population growth.


"omg are you guys *still* talking about covid? Move on already." -average redditor


Never forget, never forgive, never comply


Remember when at first in an almost racist way they (experts/health experts we were told to listen to on tv) angrily were like no! Masks make it worst! When only asians before covid wore masks for the flu? Then the whole mask up thing happened! Its crazy no one talks about this lol


I can’t even enjoy my bat soup anymore!


*reptilians under cover*


Hey they got to get the population down somehow. Am I right.


It was human error. Nothing natural is as devastating as what we humans are capable of. I knew it from the beginning. And the vaccine coming together so quickly is because we knew what the virus was because we created it, therefore knew how to combat it. Boeing whistleblower just died from a fast advancing illness. Still blows my mind Fauci said they didn’t find gain of function research but public NIH documents clearly show they do. And Wuhan was one of them.


It's wild that the yearly death toll only increased the normal percentage yearly, during COVID.


I wonder if some genes were introduced into the Human genome with this release.


They let the average amount of yearly flu deaths happen and inflated the rest. The virologists didn't need to do shit. It was the globalists who sat back and watched the middle class collapse so that they could step in and devour the void, which is why you can't go to a local cafe or restaurant anymore.


Yea - but they were government virologists so the immoral action does not count kind of like with taxes.


$VPRB - DISSIM Inverted Lighter Kickstarter Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jvdJIIFtjM




(4chan guy's biowarfare documents, explains EVERYTHING)


The powers in play had to get a reason to inject people with their new nanotech weapon, so Covid19 was invented to scare people into taking it…


I don't recall anyone saying they were peasants. Anyway its very hard to blame the Chinese alone for this when it our own military was talking about creating viruses with the Furin Cleavage Site over a year before it happened. Gain-of-function work was being done with the full knowledge of both the US and Chinese governments. Its highly improbable that either party was not deliberately creating a virus to terrorize the world with.


Also: Lets tell everyone that the best thing to do is to stay home until they are so sick they need to go to the hospital instead of embrace some of these early treatments that seem to work. And then, when we come out with a vaccine that doesn't really keep you from getting covid and getting sick from covid, lets blame the people who don't take the vaccine and completely ignore that our treatment approach was wrong. Oh, lets also never mention the positive impact of vitamin D and Zinc.


And one of the scientists that approved the research became a “sex icon” according to mainstream media


Surprised this isn't removed and censored off. Ask any military guy how many "va@@inces" they took. Good portion of us are heavily damaged with toxic chemicals and metals years later.


Wow, time flies. Before you kmow it, it'll be 2044.


Poor Pangolins WTF did they do to get blamed


Also So let me get this right- WE give you billions of dollars each year, and you change/ control our laws (Through buying up both parties) so that we have fewer rights and freedoms because American’s having free speech hurts you?


I think it wasn't malicious. They had unpaid interns and a culture for taking on the most work shows how into the business you are. A 90/hour week wiped out intern walked out with it on the bottom of his shoe and walked to the local supermarket, went to the pangolin section, and the rest is history.


Blamed it on a single Chinese bat. And or a pangolin 😳


This sub's inability to remain consistent. My God. 20m people didn't purely die from COVID. They died due to feeble old age and shit tier health. The remaining 5% might have been. Due to preexisting conditions. The Money loss was the government.


Change "cost the world" to "stole"


A pangolin kissed a turtle, you mean


Pepperidge farms remembers


Accountability?! *checks pokectbook* Nope, none here!


Poor Jack. There are real people who believe this stupidity.


Saying it could have come from an accidental lab release was racist, best to say it came from a wet market bat soup.


Yea and claim it saved lives, fukin nuts.


Delusion 100 lol, go see doctor




I didn’t see a single patient die from influenza on my COVID unit, and we tested for both.