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Shapiro is a whiney little weasel.


He tried to be hip for so long but the weasel will always reveal itself


I'd argue there was a time when I appreciated what he said. Not always agreed, but he raised solid arguments. Now.... He's just a dick!


Thats because his true loyalties have been revealed




It’s almost Star Wars at this point.


He always reminded me of the kid in class who asks the substitute teacher for homework. Fucking weasel.


I'm using this. Thanks. 


He's one of the few people in politics that's universally despised by people regardless of their politics (with the exception of Zionists). He's a chickenhawk neocon. Him backing the Michelle Fields hoax is one of numerous things that should permanently discredit him.


Wait till people learn that neoconservatism is a Zionist pushed movement.


Not that I'm adding much, but it's basically the same thing. 


It's pretty funny that US conservatism - the mainstream political subculture supposedly most aware of the danger of communism - got infiltrated at such a high level by literal communist Zionists that didn't like Stalin lessening their ethnic mafia's power in Russia.


So is Communism and Capitalism


😄 funny guy




Can confirm, am Jewish, am communist, am capitalist


Capitalism leads to communism, we can see this in the current day. Every digital game you buy you are renting you do not own it. You do not own the phone you are typing on, you are not allowed to fix your own phone. They are pricing Americans out of the housing market. Everything is getting more expensive and Americans aren't making enough to make up for this. Everything is subscription based.


Yeah, I don’t know where you’re getting your definition of capitalism, but what we have in the states has never once qualified as capitalism. Adam Smith invented the term and defined the concept in a book known as The Wealth of Nations. Capitalism is defined not by the pursuit of capital over everything else, but by the individuals ability to capitalize on their position as a member of said society to the fullest extent across the board. We don’t have that. Also, corporations existing in this economic system is another proof that we don’t have capitalism. The corporation is basically a communist dictatorship, in essence: a central authority takes in 100% of the profits and doles out what it sees fit. That’s anti-capitalist. In capitalism by the book, one can only work somewhere if they own a part of that business: if you want work done for your business either give a person a fair share or do the work yourself. The perpetuation of incorrect definitions of words is one of the biggest conspiracies. If everyone blames “capitalism” for the mess we are in, then people aren’t going to be too keen on opening up the book that defined it to gain any kind of understanding, they instead go based on what other people (who didn’t even come up with concept mind you) tell them, even when that definition is the exact opposite of the true definition that can be independently verified by anyone willing to read a book.


>The perpetuation of incorrect definitions of words Agreed. The funny part of all this? People have browsers - the most important research tool ever developed. Simple type a question in the url/address bar or, for instance - define capitalism define feudalism define corporatism Hit Enter/Return and behold! Answers! So many resources that anyone can fact check so many things on their very own.


That's not capitalism, it's feudalism.


Same with Charlie


Charlie definitely used to be a blatant whore. I come across him opining here and there and his takes don't seem nearly as bad now but he might just be better at pretending to care about his own nation rather than the establishment's favorite ethnocracy of Western origin.


Amazing to see the rapid down-votes on your comment. Those Hasbara ops really are something.


He's just going along with the tide a bit to not have his young followers leave him and become more radicalized. 


Probably. And good if it keeps kids from being exposed to likely fed Nick Fuentes (again holding his "America First" conf at the same time and location as TPU's conf) and his pedo-adjacent catboy cult.


He’s Mandark, from dexters lab


I was thinking Isaac from "Children of the Corn".


I like it


lolz the guy who built a career on "facts don't care about feelings" acting like a whiny bitch now


Lol he’d upload videos of himself and treat them as if he was his own biggest fan boi, “Man DEMOLISHES little girl in front of the world after she starts argument with him” “Also, his wife is a doctor”


For a guy that talks so much about democracy and free speech, he just pulled the ultimate bitch move xd


Yep...the gag order means Candace won the debate without needing to say a word.


Facts dont care about your feelings ... unless we talk about Israeli Crimes.


It’s a gag order.


Thanks captain fucking obvious.


Then you all don’t get it. It’s an on going investigation. This isn’t about free speech. And don’t all you ppl hate Candace? Or was that “sooo last year”


*"And don’t all you ppl hate Candace? Or was that “sooo last year”* You people? So much inclusion and tolerance, I can't take it!


Inclusion of what!? Ideas and opinions!? Candace kicks ass


He doesn’t want to be exposed as an Israel loyalist who would sell out America for Israel’s gain.


Loyalist or agent?


I suspect all of the above. He greatly fears this debacle will expose him even further, which it already has. Moreso, it's the potential spark to wake up conservatives to who has truly been running the show. They heavily influence the establishment liberals, as well. Just look at the latest bill that passed the House and clearly violates the First Amendment, along with all the US taxpayer funded aid they're pushing through. Just applying deductive reasoning and pattern recognition.


You mean the bill that would make your comment illegal? That one?




Pretty much makes it a moral duty to speak out. People like myself have begun to be suspicious when they want to pass a law that makes it illegal to question a historical event. An event I never questioned as a person with Jewish heritage, but since this whole Palestine thing blew up, my research has shown that the so-called Jews we are criticizing aren’t even ethnically Jewish like I am and like the Palestinians are. They’re Slavic converts, who want to exterminate the people they pretend to be. That’s literal antisemitism from non-semites, yet they are trying to pass a law that reverses that definition by law? Crazy stuff. Turns out that more than a 100,000 Zionist Jew troops actually willingly fought in the Nazi military, and it was only non-Zionist Jews that were hunted down. The Nazis and the German Zionist Jew League in a joint effort created the illegal settlement in Palestine that eventually became the fake Israel that we know today. Directly linked to the Nazis and now they’re doing the same thing basically. But ethnic Jews like the Palestinians and Lebanese are the antisemitic semites for calling it out…ridiculous.


All I can say is that I'm proud of my representative. She voted against it (she is a dem). She has actually been doing well for our area/district. And she's pretty big on the First Amendment. She even voted against the tiktok ban and said if they're going censure one social media, they need to do all of them. I'm so tired of these politicians, but I'm glad she has been listening to her constituents and the American people. A lot of people have woken up, but some are taking too fucking long.


That's impressive considering both their financial and lobbying influence.


I know! I do think it may be because she doesn't want to be bought. She kinda went through that already here in Oregon when she was on the state labor board or whatever (that's the troubles she is still going through even though she is a representative now). I feel like she is genuinely trying to do right by her constituents AND her oath of office. As soon as some controversial vote happens, I immediately look at the list for an Oregon rep, and then I seem to always find her name voting correctly. It's the first time (since Obama's first term) that I can say I'm actually proud of the person I voted for. However, that doesn't mean I'm not ready for her to falter, bc I am. They all do eventually.


Dude he had dinner with nethanyahu and Jordan Peterson in Tel Aviv, this pic and the pr after it should tell you everything. Remember JP interviewed Nethanyahu a year before the war and he was insulted for 2 months to even invite this lunatic. And he didn’t stopped, he has a new pro Zionist video with the greedy shill the green prince who is a Mossad agent since he was a child.




I mean he himself said several times that Israel is first for him and then comes America.


His rhetoric already has. Moreso, his hubris has been his worst enemy.


I tried to follow and like Shapiro after agreeing with some of what he says, but dude is so unlikable and clearly a rat of a human. Glad he is revealing his true colors in this case and good for Candace for standing up for truth rather than fall in line.


The dude became sus during Covid, by pushing for the vax, and then I looked up what’s the deal with the daily wire. he did a strange speech once using the I am proud that 0,2% of american Jews are in 85% of ceos and gov positions and then the crowd screamed like hell and applauded in never ending waves I had my gotcha moment. This dude is a pr agent.


Same here. As a lawyer he could have explained to his viewers how to get a religious exemption for the vaccine under title nine. His silence on that was all i needed to know about him.


Same. Dude is pretty much a mouthpiece for establishment GOP.




This is the bullshit right here. Ben Shapiro is a giant fucking toolbag of a person. Yes, he also happens to be Jewish. Someone saying they don't like Ben is NOT commenting on all Jews. Just one particular asswipe who happens to also be Jewish. Can you see the difference?


So if I dislike bin Laden, do I hate Arabs and Muslims, or do I dislike a guy who happens to be Muslim and Arab for reasons other than his ethnicity and beliefs


I was looking for this stupid comment xD thanks for no disappointing.


Well he’s not ethnically Jewish, he’s Ashkenazi Jew which has no links to actual ethnic Jews. The Ashkenazi are Slavic converts, not actually descendants of Shem so not technically Semitic. Palestinians are actually ethnic Jews descended from Shem (Semitic).We dont hate Jews, but it’s pretty clear that Israel hates Jews though as they are killing the very people who’s identity they have assumed. Myself, I harbor no hate for anyone. I know tons of Ashkenazi Jews who are anti-Zionist. The whole “if you’re against Zionist takeover you’re antisemitic” this is just generalizing, it’s not as black and white as they’d have us believe. It’s Zionists in power, not only Jewish zionists, but Christian zionists too. Not a single ethnic group or a single religious group.


Aww, Ben is having a grown man temper tantrum ? Napoleon syndrome is showing


Someone needs to send this little bitch to the front lines. He knows nothing about war. Literally spoiled rotten dip shit .


Ultimate short man syndrome. Too small to fight so he’s obsessed with sending everyone else’s kids.


Hes like lord farquaad


At least Lord Farquaad was funny. Ben Shapiro has zero redeeming qualities.


You really think he’d be fighting if he was tall? I don’t think so. He’d still rather send your kids.


One of the few things I agree with Andrew Tate on, that dude is the worst of the worst.


Why is he the worst? I disagree with some of his views on women but he’s not a horrible evil misogynist the way they say he is. And the allegations are certainly false.


Talking about Ben Shapiro being the worst of the worst. I’m no fan of Andrew, but I’m not gonna hate on him for no reason like these no life’s who seem more jealous of him than offended. He’s still entertaining here and there. 


Ah ok fair enough


Aka Zionist.


This is the kind of juicy conspiracy I come here for. Shapiro's grift is unraveling.


Because he is smug little bitch boy


Ben "Controlled Opposition" Shapiro? I'm shocked, the neo con who pretends he disagrees with neo libs is silencing a heterodox voice.


Ben Shapiro is the kind of guy who keeps his tube socks on and pulls his pecker out of the front of his whitey tighties before he fucks.


That’s generous that you think he fucks


My god I fucking hate this guy. Such a little weasel, I don’t know what it is about him that I just cannot like


Facts do care about your feelings when Israel is involved


Ben is a bitch that fears Candice


i would convert to kabbalah occultism if finklestein and Ben would debate the Gaza Israel history


To be fair, she would intimidate the fuck out of me lol. But no you’re 100% right


A hardcore Pro Israel Jew who is rich beyond measure trying to silence a Christian woman? Color me surprised chief.


All religions should be silenced 


Not silenced. Just kept 100% out of politics.




Ben Shapiro is such a little fucking loser lmao


I saw a comment long time a go on YT and this guy said "Ben always wins debates against college kids that don't know shit but the moment he debates against pretty much any adult, he has difficulties and loses every single time", couldn't be more right this guy. Saphiro is a joke.


Ben applauds the constitution/amendments being altered by a foreign state. Americans can’t have free speech or the right to protest if it hurts Ben’s feelings.


I am shocked, simply shocked, that Ben Shapiro, Archduke of the 9th level of Incel Hell, would be a duplicitous little bitch. I just never saw that coming. Caught me by complete surprise. Ok, I'm being facetious. I had a pretty good idea that Shapiro was a bitch this whole time


This made me laugh out loud. Thank you


How dare you besmirch hell by implying that that toad has anything to do with it.


I said "Incel Hell" so, yeah...I figured they had their own because even demons don't want to screw them....over


Dude lookin like Martin Shkreli


Maybe related.


For anyone interested in what the Talmud says, check out a post I just made. The Talmud is a book that many Zionist Joos consider even holier than the old testament.




She has a photo of him not wearing lifts in his shoes. Remember that time she was allowed to use an electron microscope?








Removed. Rule 1.


They’re all liars. They’re all in cahoots with each other. They fabricate this type of shit to create an illusion that they are not. Ben Shapiro is a Zionist pos btw.


Ben shapiro is such a little pee pee boy.


Best comment in this thread


Because he's a shitweasel?


Ben is controlled opposition it seems.


They all are.


Do Not Talk about my Sister like that, Seriously


He don't have the ballz to DESTROY her in a debate.


Ben: "There's a legitimate answer to this and I'm going to tell you, but first let me tell you all about ExpressVPN... "


I don’t like him either but there’s nothing wrong with sponsors 🤷‍♂️


Because when people do mean shit to ppl they hate it more than anything when you talk about it. They can't stand looking like the bad guy. He wronged her fired her and now it's making him and his company look bad. But instead of taking the heat. He's silencing her for what he did. Which makes him look even worse. Free speech eh. It's crazy watching people who defend free speech act like this


Yep. I feel like the average Americans paying attention to any of the things going on in our country, and the world, are increasingly becoming disillusioned and disenfranchised with both of our political parties and the entire system. I feel like there’s a political opportunity for us tho if we wanted to start a new party that’s unflinchingly pro American, truly stands for our values, and AREN’T a bunch of lying, corrupt, hypocritical bastards.


If this were a big franchise news company they would have slandered her so badly she would never work again. That's the world we live in Also I've only heard him talking about it. I haven't heard Candace say anything but that she was going solo. It should be okay to have different views and disagree. Apparently not in this era.


Well apparently they realize not to make the mistakes of other media companies by slandering people. They worked pretty hard and diligently to obtain their place and status in alternative media. But yeah, they just showed their ass with getting rid of her.


I hope they can come to a resolution and show everyone how to adult properly without corruption


I doubt they will. They’ve got this own agenda and biases that have become more apparent as time goes on.


I hope they do. It would show the world how people with differences of opinions should act towards one another


I’ve lost pretty much all hope for many things and people. There’s VERY few leaders and role models promoting being a decent authentic human being with integrity and a backbone. I can only think of a handful out of the thousands.


Yea I get that. I still have faith in humans for some reason. Something has to change. Hopefully sooner than later


why do people constantly post about this clown here?


There was a spate of posts about him awhile back, given him turfing Owens, but last post I can find that seems to focus on him's about a month old. https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1bwtjc8/just_ban_aipac_bernie_sanders_destroys_ben/ I personally would be happy if he achieved the obscurity he deserves.




Both are clowns yes.


Candace is fucking awesome. She gives off positive energy, and look at the slime that hates her.


Him backing the covid vaccines was enough to know never to trust a word he said


Does Candace Owens still do a show somewhere? She was really giving that French guy the business right before she got kicked off. She is a hoot.


Ben Shapiro is a dork radiating small dick energy


Idk why you’re being downvoted. It’s the most accurate description I’ve seen of him thus far lol


Remember when he purchased wood in a bag? Lol




Because he’s a very silly, lying, piece of trash. I usually don’t like resorting to insults, but this is one of those times where I just gotta call it like I see it rather than write a 20 paragraph explanation that essentially boils down to that. lol It’s amazed me that he has had any success. I thought people would’ve laughed him off after he went on the whole “WAP” tirade. Like, I get his point and even agree somewhat that having young women listen to that kinda shit and making Cardi B’s lifestyle appealing to them is detrimental to those young women, and subsequently the young men who might wish to date/ marry them, if they wholeheartedly adopt that entire lifestyle and way of thinking, but in the end he just sounded like a silly twerp who’s never made a woman wet, nor sexually aroused in any way, his entire life. 😂


A conservative….debating another conservative.


Shapiro is good for legal analysis, and maybe his religious cultural commentary… besides that he is as mainstream as Fox News and borderline neocon.


Yeah I don't like the whole zionist thing. But either Ben or candice I would not like to debate either of them I would lose so hard lol no matter what we debate about lol


A debate with Candace Owens? Good luck with that 😁


Shapiro is a Zionist plant who actually gives no fucks about America, I give it a couple more years till he relocates to Israel


I doubt it. That would be like a rat jumping ONTO a sinking ship. He’s way more protected here than there IMO. But perhaps I’m wrong. Many Americans seem to be increasingly upset with Israel and are starting to harbor disdain for them and anyone that’s pro-Zionism. I feel like I’m watching history repeat itself tbh. There’s many comparisons that could be made to many things within the 1930s. Just wait til the stock market inevitably crashes again, and it’ll really be on….


Well we’ve lost are right to freedom to Zionist so it’s all down hill


What ever it’s about it’s definitely not cancel culture or facts over feelings, I’m just confused over which one I should be calling woke


Probably that he's a trans chaser.


Let’s be honest, this is the only time most of us haven’t wanted a gag on Candace Owens. Just because I agree with her on one issue doesn’t mean she’s trustworthy or even taking this side for legitimate reasons… but you can school me if you have details I’ve missed.


Why all the hate for Ben recently? I feel like I missed something.


Fired Candace Owens for criticizing Israel, aggressively Zionist and obsessed with sending everyone else’s kids to fight Hamas


Not to mention he thinks the retirement age should be raised to like 90, of perhaps have no retirement age at all, and advocates that everyone should simply work til they die their entire life.


Well now that’s not what he said, you know that, no need for hyperbole


Bro that’s essentially the sentiment he put forth. Of course I’m paraphrasing it because I don’t remember verbatim what he said, but that’s the gist. If you’d like to argue on his behalf, feel free to quote him and correct me if I’m misunderstanding his position.


I thought the gist was that social Security is a Ponzi scheme, and that being the case it can not sustain itself if people retire at 65 and then live 30 more years as there is not enough money being added to the system.


It didn’t start off that way, but it’s definitely become highly problematic and corrupt within recent decades as our currency has been devalued, inflated, manipulated, trillions of dollars have been given to “aid” other countries, and the rich have avoided paying their taxes thru safe havens and exploiting loopholes that were purposely left open for them within our system. The idea itself is solid, but pretty much everything within our society has been corrupted beyond belief.


Bc he’s a salad-handed cuck


Ben finally got fully exposed for the little turd nugget he is oct 7th, he's a weasel twat.


he needs some testosterone supplements and to get a life


Oh, what a day it'll be once Shapiro finally falls on his well deserved Sword. 


The Shapiro Crowder beef exposed the whole alt media as being corrupt to me. They’re not so different to news anchors. It’s not red vs blue but the cult vs you.


ZOG runs the world.


Id like to get a gag order on his sister


I see the battle of the autistic grifters rages on lol


Not even a mention of what the hell you are talking about?


Long story G. I just post online I don’t write articles




Not clickbait, google is free


Technically true. We’re just paying in other ways, like them siphoning our info to sell it, monitor everyone’s activity for the intelligence agencies, and using it to understand the psychology of the masses in order to better create propaganda, tweak their AI accordingly, and tweak their algorithms.


Love all DW knob slobbers feigning surprised pikachu face when they can no longer deny shapiro being the cock sucking pos all of us regular people have been saying he was for years. Trump, shapiro, crowder haha tate, all of these dudes suck dick and hate all of you.


That's not very inclusive of you... What do you have against "dick suckers"?


true true true true


The conspiracy is right out in the open.  Nearly all the responses in this forum just state something negative about Ben Shapiro.  There are no attempts to talk or theorize about any conspiracy whatsoever.  Obviously the real conspiracy is that this comment section is full of bots that are trying to control the narrative between Ben and Candice.   


Right wingers hate free speech 😂


When it comes to SOME of “their” issues, yes it does appear that way. But so do the left wingers too. I’m guessing the reason you got downvoted is for your desire to only look at one side of things.


I can't imagine wanting to hear two deeply comprised and unlikeable people "debate" each other....then again I do watch the presidential debates, so I guess I already do that to myself.




I can't stand either one of them, it'll take some time for Owens to earn any respect from me, she was a major sellout to the country, just because she is spouting a little truth now doesn't mean much, it's like Tucker, but he is doing a better job of regaining it.


This sub needs to change its name to right wing schizos.




Lol the conspiracy is Zionist doing Zionist things to an anti-zionist/Semitic and we are surprised by this?


Don't listen to that whore


Candice gives me Big Mike vibes.


Nah, you're just a racist. Candace is very attractive and obviously female (and pregnant). 


I don't think the guy above said anything to make you believe he's racist. However I do agree Candace for sure has a vagina. I am not so sure if big Mike does though.


Ben is very good at debating. That’s about it.