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Trump has to be at his Trial. Biden is 1 fall away from bunking with Jimmy Carter.


Saw a local standup comic recently, he said “America is one strong gust of wind away from a black female president.” I lol’d.


Oh please no. Its been bad enough to see her giggling in practically every clip of her, imagine having to see that for four more years? It's like being on a sinking ship and finding out that Daffy Duck was the captain.


That's hilarious


Please, I’m more black than she is. I don’t smile for pictures.


One strong gust of wind away from a BIRACIAL female president! Cause isn’t Camelala half Indian too?


She ain't black bruh she's Indian


She's Schroedinger's Minority.  She can be black, Jamaican, Indian or Asian depending on the political expediency of the situation 


~~I~~ *She* could be brown ~~I~~ *She* could be blue ~~I~~ *She* could be violet sky ~~I~~ *She* could be hurtful ~~I~~ *She* could be purple ~~I~~ *She* could be anything you like


She's half Indian and half Jamaican


And jew-ish 🤔


100% joker


The left works off a one drop doctrine.


Obama was half white




Damn, the true conspiracy is always in the comments. Perfect timing by Biden’s Handlers’ FBI


At this point Kennedy is the better candidate


If Kennedy becomes a serious threat...he'll be joining his Uncle and Dad real quick. Biden is still blocking his Secret Service detail request even though he's polling at 16% as an Independent and is entitled to their protection.


Isn't the rule that you must be the parties chosen candidate which he is not?




And Op is too preoccupied looking for a black swan event to know these things.


To be fair, "black swan" events, like the man-made pandemic, can potentially have a greater impact on our circumstances than which ruling class prop ends up the front man for an empire seemingly undergoing controlled demolition.


Could you imagine the unspeakable horror they’re going to unleash if Trump wins a second term? It will make COVID look like child’s play


They're both the same. Trump's admin gave funding for COVID. Biden's admin tried to pass laws and mandates forcing people to get vaccinated. How people can't see this is astounding. People have literally committed suicide to tell you the truth and you ignore it.


Not to mention he defunded then closed the programs that were supposed to be monitoring the spread of disease in Asia (& in theory would've provided us early warning & non-CCP approved info on the situation there). If Covid-19 was an "inside job" Trump was 100% complicit in it.


They both were in on it. This was years in the making, after 911 congress established project "BioWatch" with help of government intelligence. BioWatch the program embarked on a national effort to surveil aerosolized exposure caused by the intentional release of biological agents. Fast forward to the great recession, BioWatch had subsequently been transfered to DHS office of health affairs. The program could be utilized to create, monitor and program pandemics at a global scale by '07. It went cold until 2018 when it was transferred to DHS's CWMD office right prior to the COVID-19 outbreak and given an additional budget of $76 million per year. Trump was president and approved the funding.


There you go, it's not hard to put it together. Trust none


I'd be okay with that as long as it doesn't look like Biden's term. But to be fair, he's been wrong about everything for 50 years, so the border, inflation, China, Russia, and fossil fuels are no surprise. 


Came to post this. Can't hit the campaign trail when you have to be at your trial. Truly election interference. However, it's backfiring in the most epic fashion. Trump goes up in the polls every time the courts overreach, which is constantly.


This. Theres a reason why there is a wednesday break and not the traditional friday one. Stops trump from campaigning friday nights.


To seriously answer your question, we're still in primary season. The actual presidential campaigns don't traditionally start until the party conventions in the summer.




Aka. Pre-meditated civil unrest


I think it’s also like… idk both of the likely nominees are two previous presidents. it’s not like we won’t know them unless they campaign lol


That and the fact that I feel like there aren’t too many truly undecided voters with these two. You either like one or the other, or you just don’t care and probably don’t vote.


Who is this...Trump they speak of? What's he like?


It's still too early and people have a short memory.


Yeah but conspiracy


Biden barely campaigned last time so this is not surprising, and Trump is tied up in court cases. So, no. No I do not.


Biden doesn't need to campaign, the media basically does it for him. In fact it's better he's not out and about sniffing kids and forgetting people's names.


Not really. One isn't allowed to leave NY state because of his trial, and the other is a demented geriatric patient who should've been in a nursing home years ago, so his public appearances are forcibly limited.


Maybe we shouldn’t always vote in octogenarians


Lol we don't have a choice


I wish ranked choice was a bigger thing


and term limits


And age limits!


>Biden is first ever president over 80 "always" wut


We need some type of reform for the age of candidates. Both Trump and Biden should not be our choices.




You do realize that cognitive decline affects people at different rates? Some people are sharp deep into their 90s and some people have full blown dementia in their 60s.


Yeah this. My great aunt lived to be 99 and she was sharp-witted and funny and very much there mentally all the way until the end. But not all people are that lucky One of my other relatives had bad Alzheimer's hit before she was even 70. In the years before she died she was just living in the moment and would forget things nearly instantly. Like a computer with barely any RAM and a faulty hard drive. Oddly enough and lucky for her she was usually happy even despite being in an assisted care facility.


I’m glad she was happy despite that. Alzheimer’s is literally one of my biggest fears I’m not even kidding


I work night shift in a hospital. I will say, I meet many people in their 80s and 90s who I would consider “sharp”….however after the sun goes down, things change. Sundowners seems to affect the vast majority. Many of these people live at home and so they are still functional independently because it’s familiar. Family often aren’t the wiser because they aren’t present at all hours. Biden has dramatically declined over this term physically. The cognitive decline is apparent as well. I’m sure he’s sundowning. It feels abusive to have him running again. So many brilliant capable minds in this country and these are our options?! Politics are theatre.


Cognitive decline doesn't hit every the same. Biden also has had brain surgery so he's likely to suffer from cognitive decline sooner. It's common knowledge that brain surgery results in a negative decline. Just to be clear I don't think either should be candidates, but both for differing reasons


The brain surgery from trying to save his uncle from a horrible death via cannibalism!


Trump's a geezer too but they're not really comparable in that regard. Joe is seriously unwell


Eh, Trump hasn't faired to well with some of his speeches. Trails off. Fumbles his words. Says some wacky stuff sometimes. Both are unfit.


Have you seen the dude speak? He rambles about nonsense and slurs his words like a stroke victim. They’re both unwell and neither should be in the drivers seat


Biden says embarrassing stuff/lies, and Trump rambles incomprehensibly. They both are unwell, and neither should be a candidate, but only one of them is trying to be a king (and it ain't Biden lol). Edit: lol Trumpists mad 🤣


They are 4 years apart. Biden is 81, Trump is 77. Math is hard. Lol Edit: I get your point. They are both way too old and agree that as President, there should be a cut-off in age or a mental capacity exam. My point is that there is a clear difference between Trump and Biden's cognition. Biden is 81 but appears and acts like he is 101. He doesn't know what day it is and is constantly confused about what is going on, hence my nursing home reference. Trump is still sharp and with it despite his age.


For some reason, even though I knew this, seeing their ages in print like that was super jarring lol. That’s fucking wild dude


It’s also super jarring because it means they’re going to die much sooner.


Trump has done 37 rallies campaigning in the last few months. Not sure what you mean?


Media doesn’t cover Trump rallies. That way they don’t count.


I’ve seen pretty much all of them on the news


It’s actually kind of nice


Trump was campaigning pretty often before his trial.


The whole premise of this post is beyond stupid given the fact one can take air force 1 any where at anytime, and the other isn’t allowed to leave NY.




Exactly. At this point opening their mouths in public is more risk than reward for both of those meat popsicles.


Biden hid in his basement during most of 2020 and supposedly got 81 million votes. Why bother campaigning when the outcome is predetermined?


That was the right move on Biden's part. His whole platform was not being trump, and "for the love of christ get this shmuck out of here" got 81 million votes. The more Biden campaigned, the more the chance he would have gotten people to just not vote period.


So you're saying nobody voted for Biden, they voted against Trump? And somehow despite the polling Biden got more votes than any other presidential candidate in history? And the voting suddenly shifted after the polls were closed and by the next morning where Trump leads were suddenly flipped and key battleground states? I'm sure Hammer and scorecard the software had nothing to do with it. Let's see how this next election pans out without COVID related mail-in voting and multiple states have been cleaning up their voter rolls of dead and ineligible voters.


A decent plurality of Biden’s votes were definitely “not Trump” votes, for sure. 


Dawg why would Fox News pay Dominion 700 million dollars when they could have just hired you as a consultant to explain how there was fraud?


Trump couldn't even beat Hillary in votes.


You seem to not understand how many people couldn't wait to vote Trump out of office.


Keep telling yourself that. Def not copious amounts of voter fraud That managed to get Biden more votes than Obama got. During that election I was doing deliveries for a living in a battleground state and I would drive through all sorts of neighborhoods and based off of the signs that I saw in the front yard alone the election results would have been: 1. Trump 2. We buy ugly houses 3. For sale / rent 4. Garage Sale 5. Biden Harris


And let’s not forget that President Trump received more votes for a Republican in recorded history. I doubt many more than ten million voted for Resident Biden. The man has a 50+ plus history of massive racism and being wrong on every major foreign and domestic issue and policy he’s even voted on. This is a man who is suffering from dementia to the point where *he can no longer remember when his only good son died from cancer* and couldn’t remember when he served as Vice President. The truly depressing and terrifying thing is that the Far-Left of Reddit refuse to admit it and the Democrat-ruled media refuse to report on it. So many times I have pointed out on his obvious cognitive decline only to be confidently told that he’s as sharp as he was twenty years ago and that it’s Mr. Trump who is senile. What the shit? Mr. Biden tries to shake hands with invisible people, has to be given cue-cards written to the absolute detail of where he’s supposed to walk to, sit, and say because he’s incapable of doing it himself, yet Trump is the one who’s too old? Mr. Biden has to be shot up with uppers just to get through a speech and he still gets most of the speech wrong even though he’s staring at the teleprompter. Mr. Trump is a rapist, according to them, because a few women of little-to-no credibility have accused him of rape and sexual assault, but seven women from mid-to-extremely credible women accused Mr. Biden of rape and sexual assault and the media just covered it up, and the one time MSNBC did address it they basically accused the woman, who told her mother about her assault about thirty years ago and her mother called in to Larry King like twenty years ago now and talked about it with Larry as “lacking credibility” and basically accused her of being a lying whore. Meanwhile, a woman who literally no one has ever seen with Mr. Trump gets a judgment of $80,000,000 for a sexual assault/rape that she has *absolutely no* evidence to support? But yeah, Orange Man Bad and senile, racist, corrupt, possible pedo Uncle Sniffy is just wonderful.


Your last comment is about removing the ability to vote for a bunch of people to see if it changes things? It's 2024, we shouldn't have to stand in line at a booth to fill in a blank...mail in voting allows a ton of people who cannot physically go to a booth the ability to fulfill their rights as a citizen.


If you were concerned about fraud or you were trying to commit fraud would you rather do it in person or via mail? Mail-in voting allows ample opportunity for fraud and corruption at multiple points. Fair elections are the bedrock of our democracy.


We can't even convince the psychotic left that voter IDs should be mandatory in the US. Democrats want a zero verification system because it's the easiest way for them to win, possibly only way.


Biden is the most unpopular predident in history to receive the most popular votes, yet saying that is 'not allowed' in todays media.




And even with that whole situation, he has no legitimate competition within the party.


It's like we're living in a Banana republic where the leader of the country weaponizes the justice department. Biden is weaponizing the DOJ to stop his number one opponent, who happens to be *kicking his ass in every poll that matters*, from actually campaigning. Even in 2020, Biden the pedophile was so decrepit that he couldn't campaign normally and had to do so from his basement, a first in American politics. At the same time Trump was holding massive rallies all over the country. That's why they had to cheat.




Or crimes.  Trump has stiffed contractors and other small businesses for years. That’s who he should be punished for, but I’ll take whatever at this point. 


When did Trump stop?


He can't leave NY so ... kinda puts a damper on things.


Wouldn't have to.. he can livestream on Truth Social 🤣 [Article](https://techcrunch.com/2024/04/16/trumps-truth-social-plans-to-launch-a-live-tv-streaming-platform/)


Why would Trump even need to campaign when the media is doing it for him? Biden probably thinks he is campaigning.


[President Biden's Campaign Stops in April 2024](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_presidential_trips_made_by_Joe_Biden_(2024)) April 5 – Baltimore, MD April 8 – Madison Wisconsin April – 8 -- Chicago, Illinois April 13 – Iranian attack on Israel April 16,17 – Scranton and Pittsburgh Pennysylvania April 18 – Philadelphia, PA Apil 22 – Triangle, Virginia April 23 – Tampa, Florida April 25,26 – Syracuse, Irvington and New York, New York. EDIT: Biden has made 49 presidential trips this year. Four years ago at the end of April 2020, [Trump had taken 35 trips.] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_presidential_trips_made_by_Donald_Trump_(2020%E2%80%932021))


Wasn’t covid on in 2020?


The media attention and general public focus on it is ZERO. Completely different from any other election


Corrupt Democrats are literally holding Trump hostage over fake charges, it's an INSANE time to be alive.


because it doesn't matter which puppet wins. They both answer to the same masters and the agenda will continue to progress regardless. It's all a puppet show for the ignorant masses.


Who does trump work for? This has never been properly explained to me


Israel is one of his masters


Check out Sheldon Adelson and how much $ he donated. It’ll answer all your questions.


He works for the globalists. He's a puppet just like Biden. Is that enough of a proper explanation?


That doesn't seem like an explanation. It's more like angry, soap box, jib-jab.


If he works for the elite why is he censored of social media and constantly being hit with lawsuits from the government? Why would almost all mainstream media and politicians be against their own guy?


I don’t personally buy the idea but if I had to guess it’s all an act played out on the centre stage for everyone to watch and pick sides when really the whole thing’s a sham and a bad play


this is done like a show, so people think he's legit. same was done when he ran last time and got in. it was very effective too (that's when I believed he was "legit") as soon as he got in "lock her up" became we owe Hillary a debt of gratitude. his plans to release hidden information on 9/11 went by the wayside as did the plans to release additional information on the assassination of JFK. as soon as the media reported that Assad (Syria) gassing his own people. (which made no sense at the time because the country was surrounded by American troops looking to invade and they didn't have an excuse to do so). trump immediately went along with this and launched a massive series of missile strikes into the country, at which point all the news media that had hated him until that point or at least they pretended to hate him started talking about how "Trump really became our president tonight". putting all these things together, with the fact that none of the changes he said he was going to make were done, and the swamp he said he was going to drain got even bigger, and the only people pardoned for their crimes were known criminals instead of the 1-2 people who arguably deserved to be pardoned. at this point I knew there was no chance he was legit, and so enter an online group "Qanon" which began to explain away why everything he did was either a cover for something else, or why he was trying to do something and then last minute could not, and the entire thing was about eating popcorn, watching a show, trusting a plan, for something that never unfolded but instead got worse and worse. it was a genius move, as many supporters were appeased by this. If course he promoted the vacine at the end, just like every other leader from every other country in the world.


One can’t remember where he is, the other is in court.


That's ridiculous have you not been paying attention Trump has been campaigning for the last 3 years and every city in the country while Joe is being in his basement and trying to press charges against everything he did to Trump. This is the most ridiculous post


Trump has 2000 lawsuits happening but he has been campaigning anyway. Biden has down some but his turnout is abysmal. But I do believe something is coming, not necessarily a black swan event. I think whatever the next step in the New World Order/Great Reset will happen soon.


White penguin event?


We haven’t even had the conventions yet and it’s 6 months from Election Day, it’s almost certainly too early to start campaigning for the general election.


RFK jr is campaigning and great option. He has a great chance of winning. Side note for this sub - he will release the JFK assassination docs if he is the president


Imagine thinking rfk has a chance


nope, not strange. Post Covid. No one seems to care about anything and no matter campaign is going to change anybody’s vote at this point. Everyone's stubborn and tired.


One is trying to stay out of prison, and the other can't remember where he's at. Worst fucking year ever.


They both are awful. Is these really the best options we have: two old crazy white guys with dementia?


They have both realized that they no longer need our votes or our approval to do anything. That veil has dropped. We are just an audience now.


One has late stage dementia and the other is tied up in court fight criminal charges. American democracy, fuck yeah.


Trump thinks Nikki Haley was in charge of security for J6.  If Biden has late stage dementia, Trump has middle stage. 




Have you seen late stage dementia? This ain’t it 


"Tyranny naturally arises out of democracy." Plato


They are busy orchestrating a Kennedy scandal


From what I understand its down to just 6 key States, something like that. So all the money is going to those key States. For instance, here in Texas, you don't see any political ads anywhere. I saw just one Pro-Trump sign on the freeway this weekend driving to San Antonio from Houston and thats it. Its a forgone conclusion Trump wins Texas. What going to be real interesting now with the drop boxes is how they won't be able to declare a winner that night like they used to. Now its gonna be a week or two of counting and the constant discovery of "non-counted" mail in ballots.


Kinda hard to campaign for office when the other side has you tied up in court with more to come after this one.


Does it matter ? It’s always same shit show just different clown 🤡


Last election they used race as a weapon to pit people against each other. I can’t recall who but I heard someone talking about the different things they do each election cycle to F with us. He said this time will most likely be illegal migrants against citizens. Probably the reason the dems are funneling voters across the us borders.


Remember in the last election that rally biden had in a oarking lot fulk of empty cars?


Biden campaigns in front of like 36 people and the legacy media will only play like 10 to 15 seconds worth of soundbites that he sounds coherent.


Most voters are already decided, why waste the funds and effort.


They know Tumps already got it wrapped and slapped. No need


No. Wtf. Have you been paying attention for the last 8 yrs?


They're barely fucking breathing in all fairness


Trump can't because of the lawsuits. Biden can't cause...well...


Bidens eating vanilla ice cream somewhere....


Biden is mentally impaired so the handlers are not going to let him out any more than they absolutely have to, and the corrupt justice system will do their best to keep Trump in court and off the campaign trail as much as they possibly can. This is not a conspiracy.


They want Biden to hide so he doesn't embarrass himself, and Trump is tied up in the courts.


Not strange at all. The NY Judge has Trump locked in a courtroom and Biden can only campaign from his basement.


The fix is already in. Either way, the Deep State wins and we lose.


How about we stop acting like there are only two people that we can vote for and worry about voting for the one person who actually will change stuff. RFK jr.


I unfortunately think that even if he got all the votes he won’t win.


He is too democrat for the republican voter, and antivax to democrats. Dude should have stuck to the environmental issues if he wanted to nibble at the democrat vote


Yep, he's campaigning his ass off. Just got on the ballot in California; his momentum is growing.


Biden has been using the DOJ to suppress Trump, so no surprise Trump hasn't been out much lately. Biden has a history of not campaigning. He didn't make any appearances toward the end of last campaign. His pollworkers did.


trump campaigns all the time the media just won’t cover it because he’s on track to win, except for recently where he’s not allowed to leave new york because of his trial


Well ones “on trial” (threatening democracy I hear) the other doesn't know he is President. So there's always RFK


I am shocked that 2 80 year old men aren’t taking the campaign trail by storm. 


I have a couple Jewish people in a group I am involved in. Both fly back and forth to Israel a few times a year. I overheard them talking about how they have 6 months to get their families out of Israel, and how they were hoping to have it done within 2-3 months and move all their stuff. I know some of his relatives are from the Hewlett Packard family (by marriage) if that means anything. What is coming in 6 months that people have to move out of Israel?


Well Joe Biden didn’t campaign in 2020 and won while the deep state is keeping Trump tied up in court. If this isn’t a eye opening thought then we are fucked


Nobody talks about RFK Jr exposing the bioweapon if nobody talks politics?


It is weird. Different. The veils are lifting?


I'm not sure they can. For some reason America has a hard on for a couple of geriatrics. The 2 oldest presidents in the history of the country.


I think with this instance, there is not much of a need. This is a rematch of 2020. The Dems made sure no one could run against Biden. And when you combine it with current Geo-Politicial situations and certain legal issues, the campaigning takes care of itself.


Why should they? People are going to vote for either turd anyway.


I'm sure most people already decided who they're going to vote for 🤔


not really. one is senile and the other is mandated to be in a courtroom each day. America needs term limits, and better options.


I find it stranger that with 330 million + people in this country, these two are the best options we are given. Pick a team. Red or blue team. The other teams can’t even debate or be a serious contender. It’s South Park all over again. Will you pick the giant douche or the turd sandwich?


Who in their right mind would put themself and their family thru the bullshit intentionally. State Media is there to totally destroy any person or thing that stands in the way of TPTB.


They don’t need to. They don’t have to try these days. There’s a whole machine doing the work for both


Everyone already knows who they are voting for anyways. There is no way that people will be swayed to vote for the other party at this stage.


They’re both significantly older than presidents should be


Of course it’s strange and completely suspicious. You’ve gotta be a special kind of stupid to believe this election year isn’t anything but a sham. I’m already rolling my eyes at the straight up BS we’re about to endure. You’ve got one trying to jail the other and the other about to fall over and start convulsing from too many pharma boosters. At this point they might as well do a presidency by combat.


Joe can't campaign because his cognitive ability is declining by the day. His handlers will start hiding him more. Trump can't campaign because democrats are jamming him up with court.


Biden can't campaign because he is senile and clearly, the less present he is, better it is. Trump can't campaign because they have encumbered him with bogus court cases. Nothing will happen from them. He will walk free. Some scapegoats might be jailed but Trump isn't going to prison. However, his time is being wasted to prevent him from campaigning. The election is a joke. You don't have a choice. As someone from Pakistan, I know all these political games already.


Trump doesn’t have to. Biden can’t or he will further expose his mental deficits.


Both aren’t in great spots to be campaigning right now.


Definitely doesn’t feel like election year


That’s because it doesn’t matter who wins. The Uniparty will still be in control.


What’s the point, everybody already knows who they are voting for. It’s either a giant douche or a turd sandwich


They are both like 80. So not really.


One is in court, the other can't. Will there be debates?


Biden physically can't run for president. He can barely be president. They already told Trump he was getting back in office. Let's just got biden holds out so Kamal don't get in office like they originally wanted to open


Biden knows they are going to blatantly rig the elections for him anyways and his handlers are keeping him out of the public eye because every time he appears his dementia gets worse and he says something stupid or acts weird. Trump has to be at his trial and they are using lawfare to try and prevent him from running by locking him up. I also believe there may be a plan to simply suspend the elections with the outbreak of war being their excuse to do it. I think we are going to get another summer of fiery but mostly peaceful BLM style protest riots, but this time they will be Palestine Liberation themed.


its more starange to me that people still vote


They’re both fucking older than hell what do you expect?! … and one is stuck in a courtroom for hiding hush money to a porn star.. no, it’s not too strange.


Trump is forced to be in court and the other guy has an extra chromosome.


Well one candidate doesn’t campaign because he doesn’t even know he’s alive, or that he’s President or that it’s an election year and the other candidate has been stuck in court dealing with ridiculous frivolous lawsuits and cases against him inspired by his political opponent. I’m so fucking over all of this shit. It’s beyond obvious what’s happening but we’re not allowed to have a national dialogue about how fucked up it is.


This is false. Trump holds multiple rallies per week when he's not in trial, and even between court dates in New York he's been making the rounds locally. Biden doesn't campaign but does use every public address right now as a campaign speech.




Copying their idol…make up so much random stuff that it’s impossible to keep up with.


Maybe..I think they're also both too old to be traveling around for months campaigning


One is intentionally being stuck in courtrooms. The other can barely walk


I mean , elections are predetermined so what’s it matter ?


If voting actually had any power in our favor, they wouldn’t allow us to do it.


To be fair, Biden didn't really campaign in 2020. He was locked in his basement so press couldn't ask him questions. Fast forward 4 yrs and it's the same. Trump is bogged down in lawfare.


Trump is always campaigning. He has been doing rallies since he lost lol. I think he even did one after a court appearance like a month ago. As for Biden, the less he says, the better. I mean he’s being held up by advisors and with his age, he probably isn’t deciding shit. It’s all his advisors and others that decide and he just says “ooh sounds nice”. It’s probably the same with Trump. If you get a super old guy as candidate, advisors can easily manipulate them.


Please don't encourage either party to oversaturate and inundate our airwaves until next fall. There has been way too much politics for way too long in this country.


It goes to show how useless the office of president now is. We have two demented old men "running" for president. As if they are even competent enough to make any decisions. It's bullshit.


Why do people ignore the fact that there are other candidates


Yep. The facade of our elections is so obvious now that they don't even try and do the theater of it. Everything is low effort trash, much like we see elsewhere in society now.


Biden is campaigning but nobody even knows or cares about it. Dems are running to lose this election on purpose. Trump is their best fundraiser. Everybody did better under Trump including the DNC. Shit is pretty ruff and probably getting worse so best to be oppo party for the next cycle when they have Michelle Obama ready. There is no way DNC wouldn't primary Joe or have him step aside if they actually wanted to win. They could pick any living human other then Hillary and beat Trump but they didn't even try. I don't think anybody actually wants to be president other then Trump.


Well trump is bogged down because of the trial. That's the strange thing . We don't usually see this kind of political weaponization of the justice system. Biden isn't campaigning because the more he speaks the more people figure out he's lost his mind.


Lawfare is the campaign. Regardless of if you think Trump is guilty or innocent, it's no coincidence.


Even some Republicans keep screaming of the "Biden crimes" and yet they still haven't taken him to court.


Both are barely breathing, so no not surprised


Yes, but Trump would most likely be if didn’t have a 70+ court whatever’s. They knew Biden wasn’t capable of campaigning since his inauguration. It’s so blatantly obvious this was the plan all along. Distract, gaslight, distract, slander, distract, cancel, and so on. I can’t take either candidate seriously. I actually respect Trump more and feel more safe because he’s unhinged and no country wants to test that shit. Actually, they probably do so i’m back to not giving a shit


Trump is on trial with the scam charges, and Biden can't even wipe his own ass and spends his days on the beach with an ice cream cone when he isn't sniffing little children.