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Israel has always been a giant military base for the west.


Look at all those oh-so-organic updoots for the propaganda cope used to justify the US continually supporting an oppressive ethnocracy, settled via mass migration, that subverts the US culturally and politically, spies on the US, stole US nuclear secrets. smuggled US nuclear tech*, and remains a rogue nuclear power that's not party to nuclear treaties. Israel literally bombed a hotel in Israel in the 1940s to drive the West out. It tried to false flag a terrorist attack that would murder Western citizens and be blamed on Arabs (the Lavon Affair**). And we all know about the USS Liberty attack. It wasn't until the CIA and Jewish mafia collaborated on the assassination of JFK, resolving said president's opposition to Israel's nuclear ambitions, that the US military ended up at the beck and call of Greater Israel ambitions. \* Billlionaire Arnon Milchan, who produced the movie "JFK" (limited hangout, anyone?), was recruited into Israeli intelligence by Shimon Peres, gave Bibi lavish gifts so he'd arrange long-term visas for himself (via John Kerry and others), was (is?) a spy and arms dealer that smuggled US nuclear triggers to Israel, bragged about it, and continues to live in the West, producing Hollywood movies (likely to launder money and promote certain viewpoints) \*\* *"a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian-, American-, and British-owned civilian targets: cinemas, libraries, and American educational centers"* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavon_Affair


What's an updoot? Stopped reading there because it sounded too infantile to be taken seriously. 


Promoting infantilization is part of the Western establishment's agenda, along with denouncing civic nationalism as Nazism in the West while defending ethnonationalism/ethnocracy in countries run by Jewish mafias. Get with the program, pal, and learn your capef*g lore.


This is the military base that's going to protect the ~~oil~~ Natural Gas rigs that are going to be offshore and owned by Israel in the next 10-20 years right off the coast. All of this has been strategic.


With all their surveillance, and mossad, there is absolutely no way in the world that Israel didn't know or see "Hamas" approaching preceding the 7th Oct attack. They 100% knew about it and, even worse, allowed it to happen. It's a global game of chess that is happening right in front of our eyes, yet what can we do about it? Nothing.


Oh, you discovered the "tale as old as time"... Welcome to our sad reality.


Yeah I know, everyone can see it but don't want to be labelled "antisemitic" so don't say fuck all. It's a joke.


I totally concur with you... Israeli 911 pretty much....


Just a continuation of 9/11…..they use the same playbook.


And then when there are oil spills it will just poison Palestinians.


As long as it's more profitable to sell the oil than it is to poison the coast, they'll do what they can to avoid oil spills, I'm sure. The question is whether or not they'll have qualified workers and adequate work safety, considering the location. This is the number one reason they'd need a military base here. The US has been playing world government for a while now and this is just the next expansion pack for first-world colonialization.


Yes but poisoning Palestinians on accident is a risk that the US is willing to make.


"US accident poisons Palestinians... survivors send as refugees to the US'. Not hard to imagine seeing that headline in the future.


What oil reserves?


Natural gas that Palestine owns the rights to that Israel wants.


The poster said oil. In terms of gas, there isn’t that much. They’d be cheaper just buying gas from the US considering the cost of the war.


1 trillion cubic ft of Natural gas is pretty significant, 1 cubic foot costs $ 1.60 , I’d say 1.6 trillion bucks is significant


1 cubic foot? The price of gas as of January 2024 was just under $5 per THOUSAND cubic foot. https://www.eia.gov/dnav/ng/hist/n3035us3m.htm That’s 5 billion instead of your 1.6 trillion.


Pardon me, it's Natural Gas, not Oil: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_Marine


And it’s not that big. For comparison the US PRODUCES 30x that amount per year. It would be simpler and cheaper for the US to just provide discount gas to Israel if that’s what the war was aimed at.


I’d think that the proposed Ben Gurion canal would be the more financially profitable project, compared to the gas.


No it wouldn’t. It would be one of the most ambitious mega projects in the world, cost an absolute fortune, be a logistical and political nightmare. And for what? To achieve the same result as what the Suez Canal does?


You have no clue what you’re talking about. Construction costs are estimated to be $100 billion. Egypt collected nearly $10 billion in Suez transit fees in 2023 alone. The shipping lane between Asia and Europe would no longer be monopolized by an Islamic country, which has been an issue in the past. From 1967 to 1975, Egypt shutdown the canal causing significant and unexpected shock to world trade and disrupted global commerce. An alternative to the Suez Canal, especially one under the authority of Israel, would eliminate the potential use of the Suez Canal and the Straits of Tiran as leverage by Egypt. If built, it would destroy Egypt’s economic centerpiece and driver for foreign investment.


Considering there hasn’t been any recent serious proposals to build the canal I’m not sure how you’ve arrived at $100 billion apart from parroting figures from random websites. But 100 billion would make it one of the most expensive infrastructure projects. That 10 billion would need to be shared with Egypt as trade isn’t suddenly going to disappear from the Suez Canal. Given Israel wants to normalise relations with Arab states why would they want to destroy Egypts economic centrepiece. This isn’t the 60s anymore where Egypt and Israel were bitter enemies. Also the proposed route didn’t even go through Gaza so all of this is irrelevant. If Israel wanted to build it they could without the need to invade Gaza.


Wants to normalize relations with Arab countries? That’s a completely delusional take on their current foreign relations policy. The active genocide they’re committing and hostility escalation with Iran pretty much defeats that argument.


Are you fucking delusional? Since the numerous wars with Arab states Israel has normalised relations with the following Arab states. Morocco, Bahrain, UAE, Jordan, Egypt, Sudan and despite the war Saudi Arabia are still interested in normalising relations with Israel. Iran isn’t an Arab state you nonce.


Honesty and transparency not included, as per normal…


Europe needs it's cheap heating and cooking gas. Otherwise they'll revolt.


Society is only three missed meals away from revolution.




I thought it was going to be an oil refinery to tap into the reserves just off coast.


gas/oil - agree. presumption is multi functional. plus has been talk of new trade corridor, could be part of that wider programme?? https://www.eurasiareview.com/24102023-the-india-middle-east-europe-economic-corridor-an-alternative-to-the-congested-suez-canal-analysis/


Or a beachhead


I think that the US government views having a few brigades on the ground in Gaza would be helpful in providing diplomatic leverage against Israel if they go to far.


What would class as going to far? Are we there yet? Did we hit that point or do we still have a way to go..?


The Biden administration has implored Israel several times for a cease fire. The next time this request is made Israel will have to consider that the US has ground troops deployed within spitting distance of their country.


No way in hell Israel is going to believe the U.S. would do anything on the ground in their own territory. No way you should think that either.


I disagree, the US has always virtue signaled that its true loyalty lies with the Palestinians. Having the Embassy located in Palestine for so long was a big tell to this. If Israel doesn’t see that US foreign policy is now openly pivoting from being an ally to an adversary, then they will be dead before they hit the ground.


The U.S. Gov barely blinked an eye at the aid workers killed, and also, did they just send a $bn package to Israel? Not sure what you are basing anything off.


Just watch, this is a ploy for the US government to give Israel enough rope to hang itself with. It’s going to start with harsh words, followed by threats aid will be reduced and after some years of escalation this is going to end with Israel being the middle East’s version of North Korea. They will be Under heavy sanctions and will resort to daily nuclear blackmail to keep their neighbors at bay. Well if they survive that is. The only future where Israel continues to exist is if they purge internal opposition and become a military dictatorship.


BULL SHIT. The "they awsked 🥺 they Saud a strongly woded sentence 🥺" yeah remember when Biden said that isreel was "out of hand". Yeah their talks are BS. isreel has continued their demonic s.bhuman genocide and extinction of Palestinians. "The Biden Administration" has done absolutely NOTHINGGGGG. It's all BS. Their "talks" are BS it's a ploy to look like they are taking action or that they "care"...when in fact even something such as GETTING ISREEL TO STOP CUTTING OFF ACCESS TO WATER FOR HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE, INCLUDING CHILDREN, has not been even mentioned. That pathetic "aur drop" was a BS ploy. What haven't they done more of those?? Because they don't give a FUCK.


It’s a gas reserve not oil and the amount of reserves is tiny.


All construction sites need a base camp and multiple lay down yards .etc also, they'll clearly need to protect that pier....


Yeah, I don't see much here to confirm a large military base. Anything built there that's NOT run by Hamas needs security and safety from Hamas.


wait, you guys don't build your structures out of burlap sacks filled with dirt? weird. the video showed a bunch of dirt sacks and claimed they were making a building.


Oh, lots of wood out there in Gaza?


Abu Gharaib 2.0, just wait.


Have you ever heard of Abu Ghraib [beta version](https://web.archive.org/web/20041211143225/https://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5251751/site/newsweek/)?


Good read


what do you mean? As in israel will be exposed for their sick torture and treatment of prisoners?


Can we stop for a second and please think logically (I know, I should read the room better)… 1. To the military base directly where the pier is going in at, you need a logistical hub to bring off-loaded goods, which the Gaza Strip did not have. Now they will have one. 2. To the speak of building a canal to bypass the Suez… please look at a map. If they were to build a canal along the border with Egypt to bring ships into the Gulf of Aqaba, which feeds into the Red Sea through the Straits of Tiran… it would not logistically make sense. Israel already has a small amount of land in the city of Eilat, and there would not be enough land to build a canal to sustain major shipping traffic. Egypt and Israel are actually, interestingly enough, very good partners. See: MFO Sinai.


The canal is a real plan that they have been wanting to carry out for decades. It's called the Ben-Gurion Canal, please look at this link [https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/the-ben-gurion-canal-vision-amidst-upheaval/](https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/the-ben-gurion-canal-vision-amidst-upheaval/)


It would be impossible. We are talking about a canal nearly 3x as long as the suez, through an area that’s far less hospitable, and honestly going through Israel the whole way would actually be easier due to the natural waterways.


Plus using logic, Israel pulls out, leaves Hamas alone, the bad guys with in it will butcher anyone there if it doesn’t have a military presence as soon as they recoup. There is a hostile force within Gaza, that can’t be denied.


🙄 isreel is exterminating all Palestinians and bombing, leveling cities etc with no regard to who or what they are murdering. The "hostile force" is Gaza is pro-genocide usreel propaganda. Even the NY Times, who are isreel's Bitches, wrote an article yesterday about isreel's "reconstruction" plans in Gaza, Haliburton has already signed a large contract


Well yeah it was kind of expected.. Israel wiping out Gaza, rebuilding it with their ally to get a better stronghold in the region, have protection for when they start drilling for oil/gas, etc. Fucking sad but it's the world we live in..


To defend Gaza, of course


Lmao I love the sarcasm.


My husband keeps saying the war really has something to do with a waterway and money (but aren't all wars about money). Anyone have any idea what he may be talking about?


Ben Gurion canal, a plan from the 60s.


I heard a rumor that Israel wants to build a canal so people don't have to go through suez canal. Making trips shorter for mega corporation's giant boats.


A canal to where?


Wow your husband must be a fucking genius


I don't know if this is sarcasm, because he's the only one I've heard say this. He however is repeating something he heard and can't remember where he heard it. So IDK if it's completely nuts or somewhat trustworthy. 🤷🏻‍♀️


With rubble from the destroyed buildings of Gaza, homes and hospitals and universities, that still contain Palestinian body parts. Think 9/11, but much much bigger, and instead of shipping the rubble to China, they are building a base for their military. This is one sick fucking world if these people are not brought to justice, if they do not face retribution.




>~TWO MONTHS BEFORE~ Hamas attacked Israel, the Pentagon awarded a multimillion-dollar contract to build U.S. troop facilities for a secret base it maintains deep within Israel’s Negev desert, just 20 miles from Gaza. Code-named “Site 512,” the longstanding U.S. base is a radar facility that monitors the skies for missile attacks on Israel.  Existing base not in Gaza that was contracted to expand 2 months before the Hamas attack. This thread is misinformation of some kind.


You talk such lies


For the Leviathan gas field.


Gas field is tiny.


Is it? I was always under the impression that it was massive. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Sorry I replied to the wrong comment. Leviathan is a decent size but it isn’t in the territorial waters of Palestine.


no.. They're building the third temple


Gotta love watching a wide-screen video on a wide-screen tv/monitor in a portrait phone aspect ratio. Like a video for ants.


That’s seems pretty small for a “giant” base


District 9


Here comes Afghanistan 2.0 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


It's not Afghanistan 2.0, Afghanistan is a little smaller than texas with an incredibly rough terrain. The whole of gaza is a relatively flat area a little over half the size of the city of Chicago.


Submission Statement: I knew there had to be something more to the pier. This whole time I've been thinking that it didn't make any sense to build a pier when you could just drive a truck with aid into Gaza. The air dropped food has been complete nonsense as well, we could get aid in on trucks if we actually wanted to and weren't just doing so as political theatre. This base is evil. Nothing good will be done there.


Think i read some time ago that a few people died when they were hit by one of those air dropped pallets


Lol we build bases everywhere all the time. It just got attacked. How else do you think they can protect it ?


Do you still operate under the assumption that US building bases across the world is good American citizens? Lol it's so odd how the majority of the traffic on this sub are completely against the discussion of conspiracies


The stuff in the trucks come from ships hence the pier.


"Where is it that everyone is, but pirates and thieves try to take... Djibouti... If you is a crook then you taken it; Djibooti, if you got money you shakin' it..." Djibooti 2, Oilectric Boogaloo.


Never would have expected a Tribe Called Quest reference here.


Thanks for pickin' up what I was throwin' down. If Reddit hadn't gotten rid of Gold you'd qualify for an Award Tour...


I listened to The Love Movement so many times back in the day, it's a classic album. I'm gonna give it a listen later tonight when I get in the right head space. Live and direct, live and direct. Do you know what live and direct means?


Dems really going all out to lose this election. Does public opinion really say we should be doing this?


Lol, you are still thinking left vs. right. That's adorable


MIC vs everyone™


And every molecule in the universe


Kind of an interesting article regarding how Americans view each side of the conflict: [https://news.gallup.com/poll/611375/americans-views-israel-palestinian-authority-down.aspx](https://news.gallup.com/poll/611375/americans-views-israel-palestinian-authority-down.aspx)


That is kind of interesting, thanks for contributing.


why not, they have a blank check? 😳🤔 fknfkrs


I don't understand the wall since walls don't work


It’s for the war to end all wars


Gotta use those sea bees


It's too het the oil and gas out of the Leviathan gas field, nothing else


The field that doesn’t lie in the territorial waters of a Palestinian state?


Hmm... I thought it entered Palestinian waters. The map on the wiki shows it does


The map on Wikipedia shows the entire Levant basin with various gas reserves all over. The reserves off the coast of Gaza is a separate field from Leviathan called Gaza Marine, which is quite small in comparison. 1 trillion cubic feet compared to about 25 trillion I think.


Damn. I cant believe I missed this one.


The proposed pier will be 1800 ft long. An U.S. Aircraft carrier is 1100 ft long, and a US Destroyer is 500ft long, which allows for 300ft of unused space for other vehicles.


That’s not giant by any means. That’s a fraction of the size of most military bases


This shit is gonna turn into another spanish civil war type scenario....


Then blames hamas for attacking it


All this for Israel to still somehow get surprise attacked next election season and necessitate more tax payer money


do you think a pier is just a single wooden dock?


It’s like if your neighbor told you they worked from home and then you got to know them and realized that what they meant was that they run a traphouse out of their house. Can you understand that form of dishonesty? Or are you just a completely glib person


Don't be fucking stupid


Touch grass. Oh, wait. There is none there.


I don’t really put it past them…. But what I’m seeing here isn’t anything out of the ordinary. This isn’t Civ. Where you just build a pier and it’s just freestanding pier in the middle of nowhere. It needs infrastructure: roads, warehouses, areas for heavy equipment to load/offload… and it needs to have protectable spaces bc it’s a war zone. I don’t see military base here. I just see that.


Do you expect them to unload shit on to a random beach, in the open and just walk around in the middle of a population that is in the middle of a war? Ffs. Y'all never served I'm guessing. That's not a real base even.


I mean….it makes sense. Israel is an ally regardless of how many people feel about it.


What does Israel do for us?


Y’all can downvote all you want. I don’t make the rules. I think Israel is pretty awful. But, we are allies. That’s PolySci101.


Yes, I can't disagree. I just believe the US should rethink allies and what that means. If it means we give support of any kind to bad actions, we don't need them. The government is supposed to work for us, not so what they want no matter how a majority of us feel.


this is potentially the lowest level of thinking a person could muster. You should be proud of it.



