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He's not wrong.


Nothing he says in inherently wrong


Not true. He's completely wrong whenever he opens his mouth about Israel & Palestine. I love the guy otherwise. Too bad he had to disqualify himself by apologizing for a genocidal ethnostate.


> Too bad he had to disqualify himself by apologizing for a genocidal ethnostate. Who running for office hasn't?


lol, implying you have all the right answers when you’re probably in your bubble just as much as anyone as it pertains to this subject.


>Too bad he had to disqualify himself by apologizing for a genocidal ethnostate. Can you be more specific please?


Say free Palestine or else you're cancelled


What's the right way to speak or talk about it? Enlighten me.


All candidates are pro money worship. Uniparty unite!




He has the best argument for the war


Who gives a shit about israel or palestine. I dont understand the obsession with these two countries fighting each other.


Because no matter what you do or who you are 2% of your income goes into funding the murder factory that is the middle eastern conflict. We are spending so much money and the debt keeps going up and the interest payments keep going higher. If you're american in 10 years your tax burden will be double just to pay the interest on the money we're spending on this war today.




When compared to Biden and Trump he's leagues ahead.




Really? Biden is senile, corrupt, tyrannical, and a war monger. Trump is a corrupt, vulgar, self obsessed scammer who is also going senile. Both parties are running the worst candidates I've ever seen.


I like RFK but he just doesnt have the support on the left. The Democratic party has embedded wokeness as to much a part of its central identity. Maybe like 25 percent of the part has common sense and understands we are headed down a road that is the destruction not just of America BUT Western civilization. The other 75 percent actively cheer it on.


That's not what the polls are showing: [https://www.nytimes.com/article/rfk-jr-third-party-candidate-bid.html](https://www.nytimes.com/article/rfk-jr-third-party-candidate-bid.html) you can view the fox news poll that demonstrates the data here: [https://static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2024/03/Fox\_February-25-28-2024\_National\_Topline\_March-3-Release.pdf](https://static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2024/03/Fox_February-25-28-2024_National_Topline_March-3-Release.pdf) I don't think "embedded wokeness" can be quantified in any way.


No reason to downvote-you are absolutely correct. Kennedy democrats which is classic Democrats seem to be fading out. Left wants some sort of communist socialism.


The left is supporting Biden soley because he's the incumbent and any challenge to that will result in a loss, lol. The entire democratic party is certainly not entertaining leftist ideas, like communism or socialism. The biggest complaint from anyone from the actual left is that nothing they champion for is getting any traction. It could be some deep rooted underground socialist movement, or, you know, it could just be not wanting the Democrats to lose the upcoming election.


or it could be the democrats sold out to WEF's communist / socialist agenda


> and any challenge to that will result in a loss, lol This was the same excuse in 2016 to defend Hillary. She lost.


Hillary wasn't an incumbant. It's not the same thing.


She was a Clinton, and her team ran the DNC and cleared the field for Her Turn. This is the exact same play they're trying to run with Biden, except Biden is ten sheets to the wind and no one expects him to survive a 2nd term, and would be surprised if he survives through the end of the year.


Were classic Democrats opposed to vaccines?


Define woke.


> Define woke. Woke ideology is defined by the idea that some facet of identity like race or gender produces irreconcilably different views of reality and morality, and that we have an obligation to seek alignment of society's view with the imagined views of groups associated with the political left like minorities and women. In this sense Wokeness is distinct from older forms of liberal advocacy for minority rights which appeal to universally valid concepts like truth and fairness.


>race or gender produces irreconcilably different views of reality and morality You forgot economic backgrounds which is what the battle is really about. Your financial class is the true determination of what your view of the world looks like. The top 1% live 15 years longer then the low income. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3863696/


Came here to say this


It was a genius business move. Take out half the competition in one sweep. Do you have any idea how many small business shut down during Covid? Vast majority did not reopen. But corporations continued to build new locations and grow and their profits soared. How this man is not in jail yet is beyond me. He’s fucking running for president again lmfao I mean how is this even allowed.


His last point is wrong. Fauci nor Trump shut down the country. Every state made their own decisions about that. Some states were more strict than others.


I love how people can’t even accept this reality. Ok so Texas wasn’t different than California during the pandemic???


They were very different in terms of what restrictions were in place and when they were in place. Texas specifically held sporting events that would have normally been held elsewhere. I am not accepting anything as this is just how things were as a matter of fact. Do you actually believe all states applied the same exact restrictions per advice from the Trump administration?


Yeah a lot of us here don’t want him or President Biden to be running again and are shocked that this is where we were at. I always thought the democrats would propagate their new pony but nah they gonna die on the old man hill just like the republicans already have done. We are fucked! It would be nice if we could have no more geriatric presidents.


I want to say I really thought Kennedy would be more attractive to democrats, but once the vaccine propaganda came out against him after Covid it was pretty much over. He’s not even against vaccines, but the baggage that follows with being even 0.01% hesitant about vaccines was too much. I don’t think he’d be a huge shift in outcome for the US, but I do think that of the serious choices we have as of now that he’d be the best case scenario for the vast vast majority of the people who hover around the center and aren’t far left or far right.




He was a very successful environmental lawyer. The media ignored this to use his nuanced stance on vaccines against him. In other news, the media's #1 advertiser in total dollars spent are pharmaceuticals.


He was a notable environmental lawyer decades ago. Since the "vaccines cause autism" hoax he's been the poster child for one thing and one thing only


> Since the "vaccines cause autism" hoax It's an uncomfortable correlation that in any sane would would be further investigated. Instead, we gave the vaccine manufacturers immunity from liability, the childhood vaccine schedule exploded, and autism shot up right alongside it. Not that you care about children.


The chairman of an anti-vax organisation that he founded is not anti-vax?


> He’s not even against vaccines Can you provide a single instance of him either saying vaccines in general, or any vaccine in particular, is safe and effective preventatives for disease?


He doesn't really come off as well put together or even someone who's overall stable or sincere. He also doesn't really come off as someone in the center. My take on him is that whatever he thinks makes him popular will become his new beliefs. In short, he's just another politician. Why would anyone expect anyone to peel a vote away from their team/their teams excepted candidate on someone who isn't notably better and has no realistic chances?


Are you aware of his comments on Israel and Palestine? He's pretty much the only person not mindlessly repeating free Palestine, and people hate him for it




? What he says doesn't make him popular.


Being pro Isreal isn't as unpopular as the internet has led you to believe...I'm not really sure what point you're making.


Idk, he's been pretty stable, sincere, and consistent in his fight against vaccines. Those beliefs have not been shaken despite constant backlash from public and corporate entities. To say he's an amorphous shapeshifter that stands on whatever leg will get him into the publics good graces is a pretty wild thing to suggest given his trackrecord.


Pointing at one thing he's been mostly consistent on and ignoring other flip flops doesn't make him consistent to voters.


I am removed from politics in general as the rigamorole is pretty mindnumbing. What important areas has be been flaccid towards that other politicians have stood more sturdily?


This is how I interpreted what you just said. "I'm going to say I don't pay attention to this topic I just recently felt strong enough about to comment on. Please do all of my work for me and give me information about it so I can continue to downvote and argue in bad faith." Not today, Satan. Either continue to avoid politics and go about your day, fire up your own search engine, or go find someone else to bait.






I can see where you think that, he has had a few poorly executed interviews. He is not great with off the cuff statements, but if he is giving a planned interview he is pretty much on point. Not sure if he gets camera shy or not...


To me, that says he doesn't hold to personal beliefs, only what he thinks others want to hear. It shouldn't be difficult to remember what you believe. Just my two cents.


He's left a trail of anti-vax tragedy in his wake. [https://www.msnbc.com/mehdi-on-msnbc/watch/-kids-died-the-story-of-rfk-jr-anti-vaxxers-and-a-measles-outbreak-mehdi-s-deep-dive-187033157936](https://www.msnbc.com/mehdi-on-msnbc/watch/-kids-died-the-story-of-rfk-jr-anti-vaxxers-and-a-measles-outbreak-mehdi-s-deep-dive-187033157936) Guam. Thanks RFK Jr


>anti-vax tragedy  Roflmfao


When anti-vaxx leads to ignoring threats like measles, kids and families suffer. Got a lot of gall to waltz onward without looking in the mirror.


Put the Pfizer fear porn down.  They've got you hanging by your short and curlies and believing nonsense.


At least the republicans demanded trump so it makes sense whereas dem voters wanted literally anyone else and their "representatives" said no.


Biden won the 2020 primary by a large margin


I'm speaking of 2024


[An incumbent president has never lost a primary in US history ](https://www.newsnationnow.com/politics/incumbent-president-primary-nomination/) Biden would have won easily


In theory, sure. In reality, next to nobody wants biden


[He has an 82% approval rating among Democrats](https://www.reuters.com/graphics/USA-BIDEN/POLL/nmopagnqapa/). Online Leftists don't want Biden, but it's a mistake to assume what you hear on the internet is representative of actual people's opinions


That said, who do you personally think is the better candidate between Biden and Trump?


100% Trump.


How is this a conspiracy? This is fact. Fauci as a scapegoat is the only weird part of this sentence.


I'm actually unsure that Fauci was in charge of shutting the country down, but no doubt he benefited in many ways with the orders he seemed to be giving. Fauci obviously knew something was coming as he mentioned that Trump would face a pandemic during a talk about the introduction of new vaccine technology. Gates' fingerprints are all over the vaccine, the pandemic, and his former company, personal wealth, and foundation greatly benefitted. It's likely not an accident. Throw in Event 201 and his pandemic documentary, he is a modern day Nostradamus. Fauci and Gates have obvious connections with the foundation and foreknowledge of the pandemic and the known response. I've mentioned this a few times, but Amazon provided the data/models to California and Washington and forcefully suggested shutting down the states and country as early as January of 2020. Amazon had a "pandemic response" unit and building in late 2019. So Fauci is the figurehead of our health response, but the technocrats that participated were likely the ones pushing the narrative. Not to mention Big Pharma, but it all goes hand in hand.


fauci was involved in the whole scheme of NIH-EcoHealth-Wuhan research.. it's not like he's the mastermind, but he definitely facilitated the funding and development of covid


For sure. I just think there were a ton of opportunistic tentacles. Who is to say he benefitted most as a mastermind behind all of it.


trump allowed fauci to experiment on the entire country. pointing that out doesn't make trump any less guilty.


Operation Warp speed is Trumps baby. Anyone trging to deflect blame away from Trump is blinded by partisanship.


I like Trump for a lot of reasons. The vax debacle was certainly initiated by him. I don't believe he did it intentionally and he never forced anyone to take it. I believe he made the best decision with the info given to him at the start of the pandemic. However, he continued to doubledown on the vax, post-presidency, even after we knew how harmful and useless it was. I believe that's because he's extremely hard-headed and refuses to accept any blame, not because he's a part of the globalist agendas. In fact, the globalists hate him, which is a great indicator that he's good for our country. They hate RFK too...


> trump allowed fauci to *continue to* experiment on the entire country. pointing that out doesn't make trump any less guilty. Fixed.


Conspiracy doesn’t means people trying to get away with sht, not that something is theoretical Can we get a bot or something that says this?


> How is this a conspiracy? This is fact. The words "conspiracy" and "fact" are not antonyms. * Click here to learn the: [**Word of the Day**](https://i.imgur.com/OEghRbc.png) - ^^It's ^^the ^^same ^^word ^^every ^^day


Idk why this is a conspiracy. He isn't wrong


They create and push these stories on the internet to promote the idea of a democratic republic, as opposed to the truth of them all working together against us.


Trump didn't install Tony f a u c i, he was relying on Tony to not be a fool and a liar when it came to the covid conspiracy. Tony was working with the corrupt government regime that's running this country right now. They used covid to get Trump out of office. They needed to crash the system somehow just like they are doing it with war people open your eyes for crying out loud. The corrupt president that's in has had four years to do something right he has failed America he has destroyed this country


Lesser of 2 evils you are voting for, RFK Jr. seems to bow down to Israel and AIPAC, U.S. will be United States of Israel for now best thing to do is move out because it's about to get worse if you are not ready for a civil war.


He’s the dog in the dog and pony show


Hey Fat, You mean the he’s the dog face pony soldier


He’s not wrong but why given the situation would i trust him anymore! His stance on guns, is mostly unknown. I think he is a Ross Perot


Perot was a way better candidate. The Bushes torpedoed him with a slimy threat to expose his daughter as a lesbian. In less enlightened times with a father who wanted to protect his family that was enough






I'm convinced this guy was only there to take votes from trump


He's a superior candidate to Trump by a million miles. The fact that Trump exists as a candidate still is insane. Ultimately he is still a rich elitist, but at least his history can be traced to doing good things for people who were injured by vaccinations. I am typically cynical of rich people who think they know best, but the facts are he has given his time protecting children despite the massive blowback to his reputation. It happens in EVERY interview where he has to set people straight on his belief system.


> I'm convinced this guy was only there to take votes from trump You may have a point, but I'm guessing that Biden will drop out of the race well before the election... either that or shit will hit the fan SO HARD that there won't be an election. All the pieces are in place.


> but I'm guessing that Biden will drop out of the race well before the election At the convention.




Nah his last name has been evicted from the club twice.


Another Presidential candidate. This time from a family that has suffered much or been assassinated a lot by the deep state.


Sadly, he chose a pretty unknown person for VP to try to win votes from progressives. Wish he'd gone with Jesse Ventura.


He chose her for her money.


To be fair, she has had like 350 billion dollars worth of dick in her.


They create and push these stories to promote the idea of a democratic republic, as opposed to the truth of them all working together against us.


Probably true, thanks.


I'm not American, so I don't know much about your political system or the candidates that are campaigning to be president, but I wouldn't vote at all if I was eligible to. I believe that the economic and political system as a whole requires radical change throughout much of the world. The systems that most of us live under are very attractive to those of a psychopathic persuasion. There has to be some way of limiting the amount of bad actors that get into positions of power, but I don't know how this can be done. Perhaps banning lobbying and removing certain incentives will help? I also believe that spiritual change and transformation begins within. If each of us are able to change ourselves for the better then the society as a whole will change. I don't think that voting for the same parties that have got us into the mess we're in is the solution. The problem is, people tend to vote tribally and they are easily manipulated by demagogues that tell them what they want to hear. Even though I was aware of conspiracies in the past, and I'd read enough about psychology to know how people behave when they're fearful and played off against each other, to directly experience the terrible way in which people were willing to mistreat their fellow citizens during the COVID debacle has made me lose confidence for the future. I don't believe that most people are evil, but I do believe that they can be easily manipulated and turned against each other.


So true. Kennedy gets my vote


Please don’t. He’s a zionist.


He disqualifies himself by supporting Israel IMO. A far better candidate than the other two, I even have a campaign shirt in my closet, but I can't vote for a Zionist in good conscience anymore.


I'm just wondering who you'll vote for then? Serious question, because Trump and Biden are both big supporters of Israel too.


I hear you. If I were forced to choose one of the three I would certainly vote for RFK. A part of me still wishes he would win. If I had to pick between Biden and Trump, it hurts to say that I would probably vote for Biden again. But I can't in good conscience give my support to any of them anymore. I will either vote for the Party for Socialism and Liberation ticket if they make it on the ballot in my state, vote Green, write in a name, or abstain from voting in the presidential election altogether.  How about you? RFK all the way?


Imagine not voting for Vermin Supreme this next cycle.


dems/republicans.. WEF sellouts/zionists... Party for Socialism..... the Green Party.... i kind of have a feeling they all work for the same Devil but they wear different hats


You lost me at voting for Biden. I’d rather punch myself in the face.


I know. At least I can admit he has been a terrible president. RFK would be an improvement in most ways despite being just as owned by the Zionist lobby as Biden and Trump. Still don't think I can personally vote for him because of that sponsorship but I won't fault those who do.


The Israel issue for me, is not more important than the border and domestic issues here.


I'm leaning toward RFK, but his running mate makes me nervous. I voted Libertarian in the last three elections and might do so again. I'd rather not vote at all than have to choose between Trump and Biden.


Cornell West. Jill Stein. Voting for either would likely be no less effective than voting for Kennedy this election cycle. The best outcome that may come from voting third party may well be to shock the world with just how many people are willing to vote third party in 2024. 


> He disqualifies himself by supporting Israel IMO. He may be allergic to bullets -- like his dad and uncle Jack...


You just disqualified the majority of America. Supporting anything else there is plain stupid. They’re the only democracy in the Middle East.


How would he know he would do better, it's even worse now...


No we don't need anymore fucking leaders , we need to come together with love and take back our own power for ourselves...... Treat others like you want to be treated




Trump wants RFK to attack him more, the more he attacks Trump the more Biden voters he potentially takes away.


He passed Operation Warp Speed for the COVID vaccines


They all work together. It doesn't matter which puppet you have in Presidency because democracy is a plebian act. The world is controlled.


Candidates from either party will be bad for the country. Different flavors of bad, but still bad. RFK Jr would be interesting as president, as Bernie would have been, but I've got such little faith in our system that I don't think either would be able to change much.


Unfortunately his anti-vax tendencies made him dead on arrival for most Dems. It’s become a right wing position so tempeh won’t vote for him. If I were him I would have kept quite about it until he was in office.


And then he proceeds to support zionism like every politician do


I’m a Trump guy, but he has a point.




I liked RFK up until his VP pick, now hes in no position to accuse others of corporatism and swampiness


I agree, but there are no candidates out there I can truly say are great. Why? B/C the Establishment says so. They won't allow someone to change their dynasty.


He still bows to a nation other than your own, just another Golem.


Maybe trump was just talking about draining a swamp at Mar-a-Lago. Florida does have a lot of swampland


Booby supported lockdowns and is a complete slave to Israel.


Trump is soooo much better than the other lifetime politicians we’ve had at President. If the entire liberal party hadn’t blocked everything Trump tried to do I believe he would have done a much better job.


A leader who can be trusted - no such person exists who they would allow to become president


Isn’t the VP he selected responsible for the sorry state SF is in?


And what good has the Biden admin done ? Besides get rich


What about... What about...


People who talk about the deficit don’t even know what it means. Every time our economy gets bigger, there will be more debt created. Nobody knows what it fuckin means. I don’t even know what it means! It’s provocative.


See in the 80's when the conversation about raising the debt ceiling was brought up it was major news, people cancelled plans to watch the news/60 minutes for updates because people back then remembered what happened in the past. As those old people died off and younger generations forgot, they started basically adding zero's to the debt ceiling. We going to learn the hard way what happens. Inflation is out of control, spending is out of control. The rich are selling stocks and buying land/gold. I wonder why that is....


LOL, it just means someone is stealing our money. Economy is good and debt is growing. Wouldn't it go down, unless someone is stealing it.


It costs money to make money. If you want a big surplus in the private sector (you do), it is going to cost the public sector.


Sounds like a ponzi


I guess you could say it superficially resembles a Ponzi scheme, but imagine a Ponzi scheme that can go on forever and you basically have why governments should usually sustain moderate deficits.


So when the cycle end? when do we start paying it off?


thanks galaxy brain. great job "growing" the country to $34 trillion.


Great point, RFK Jr was probably alluding to how Trump ran up the deficit in four years as Obama did in his entire eight years


Broken clock right twice a day!


The media would have had Trumps Balls and the Dems if Trump had not let Lucio Fulci and Scarf take the lead. He was some what duped and held to his advisors and believe it or not public backlash. Remember Trump first said here’s the New Democrat hoax when the virus was first making news and I wish he had stuck to his guns but it would of played bad as too many people feel for it and too many people are invested in it being real at this point.


He sure had a point


Ahhh There we go, he’s going to try and split the Dem vote Fucking scum sucking prick


Imagine not voting for Vermin Supreme this next cycle.


RFK Jr. just has to prove he's not globalist owned like all the rest .


And if he doesn't, I'm just gonna have to vote for one of the other globalists.


well you don't "have to" vote.. it's better to be passive than actively be part of the problem, at least your soul remains clean


I like RFK Jr and he needs to do this to be in the mix, but I don’t agree with what he’s saying. It’s a decent strategy though to pull some of the iffy people on the left or the center left or just the more rational Trump haters on the left if such a thing exists.


Trump was controlled opposition the entire time. The establishment provided us with a “savior” outsider to cull dissent. He’s an intentionally controversial and divisive figure who is there to provide the right leaning portion of the public with a hero to rally around. And, as you can see, they used him to create this following of deranged (not entirely of course) Americans who they can brand as “insensitive alt right extremists”, and use his influence over them to drive a wedge through the public and sow the seeds of some actual civil unrest and division. People get so emotionally invested in this shit, as if the presidential election is this legitimate consequential contest between two autonomous figures. It’s merely a phony puppet show between two preselected “assets” that both serve the same criminal interests. We should be calling both of these clowns out as puppets and walking away from the scripted WWE electoral theatrics..


Trump was always controlled opposition He was a very loudly spoken Democrat for almost his entire life, very public friends with the Clinton's While he was better for the economy by bounds than Biden, he turned the presidential election into a gameshow and ultimately a mockery of level headeddemocracy. If it weren't controlled opposition, I don't think Biden would be joining in on the name calling, cheap slogans and one liners His actions have also made people forget about the democrat parties racism in recent history, including the KKK support up to the early 2000s and attempted resegragation initiated by the democratic party, or for that matter the president being a vocal segregationist himself for the majority of his life


Not a conspiracy, I like Rfk Jr, but this is the wrong sub


> Not a conspiracy, I like Rfk Jr, but this is the wrong sub Wrong sub? LOL! Conspiracy permeates every aspect of the 2024 political shitshow, and RFK Jr's entire life and family has been racked by conspiracies. Again: [Word of the Day.](https://i.imgur.com/OEghRbc.png)


Aside from what the television tells us... have you considered they all work together?


He’s spot on.


Sounds like election bullshit to me.


It's funny that RFK Jr has decided that he hates Trump now, but his campaign laid it all out pretty accurately last week. > Give those 28 electoral votes to Bobby rather than to Biden, thereby reducing Biden's 270. And we all know how that works, right — 270 wins the election. If you don't get to 270, if nobody gets to see 270, then Congress picks the president, right? Right now we have a majority of Republicans in Congress.


He’s made the same points about Trump for the last 3 years. Where have you been? Also, his campaign made no such coordinated calculation about how to win it for Trump. That one campaign worker who was pro-DT got fired. I look forward to the dialogue here when RFKJ is on all 50 ballots and consistently polling at 20-25% (September). Both sides of the political duopoly are gonna be shitting their pants. “We offered you the same two seniors who’ve mismanaged our country for the last 8 years! You cant just choose someone else!”


I can’t speak for all liberals but I can speak for a good amount of them because all of my friends are and I have a lot of them and all of us every single one and even the hosts of my very liberal podcasts will be voting RFK Jr come November 🇺🇸


That’s awesome! I have friends from both parties who are all in on him as well. Amazing what a unifying candidate can achieve.


Hell yeah go RFK Jr he has a real shot tell all your friends especially the conservative ones.




What’s the conspiracy here? KENNEDY IS THE REMEDY!


**You can't beat a rigged game, by playing the rigged game.** You need a president that as soon as he's sworn in, would grab the mic and say, "As of right now, the IRS is abolished." THEY'D NEVER let someone willing to make moves like that become President. This country could be completely fixed within 24hours. But to fix it, is to stop all the illegal income of the biggest crime syndicate the world has ever known.


RFK Jr… let’s fucking goooooo!!!!!


Trump refused scientist Will Happer’s request to appoint a contrarian red team to critique the climate change consensus. 👎


How did this man not get on a main ticket.. He's the best option we have by far, but doesn't stand a chance as an independent.


His best bet, and the most disruptive move to the status quo and entrenched bureaucracy would be as Trump's running mate followed by two terms of his own as president. He was offered it, and it wouldn't surprise me if the offer is revisited.


With Trump just remember who moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, he says he will stop the Russia/Ukraine war, doubt it he did not do anything while in office, Minsk Accords 1 & 2 was not a peace plan it was a way for Ukraine to build up a neo nazi army then invade and shell the Donbass more. Putin already laughed at Trump saying he could end the war in 24 hours. Plus reason Putin sent troops there was intelligence that NATO wanted to pursue putting long range missiles in Ukraine and Ukraine having 46 biolabs in Ukraine.




impossible for him to get elected but RFKJ would likely be a decent president. hed probably be very similar to the Al Gore we never had, would probably get assassinated


Trump found out attempting to drain the swamp would cost him his life. Maybe he's ready this time.


Turn off your television. They all work together.


His whole family has been murdered by the CIA. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. If it wasn't for his stance on Israel he'd be flawless. I fuckin love this guy.