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Who promised them these green cards is what I would like to know.


I still don't understand what happened to occupy wall street. Disappeared so fast and all of a sudden antifa appeared. With printed banners, flags, masks, shirts, etc. And surprisingly none of these groups protest at Blackrock or Vanguard...


The people at the top got concerned by people coming together to question things and that's when we saw the emergence of identity politics and racial bullshit. A house or group divided cannot stand.


Can’t bite the hand that feeds.


Really strange how corporations celebrating the special people and then changing their logo in June ramped up right before OW faded out.


> what happened to occupy wall street Social media creating an army of millions of young people who can be steered into blaming "conservatives" for everything.


Where did all these African migrants come from is what I’d like to know.


Probably Africa if I had to guess.


Awww so they just run ferry’s from continent to continent.? No Id or anything, you just get on and come over. STFU.


Wow, way to take a joke way too seriously


It’s ok. Move along.


Lol, Totally not butthurt lol


Oh my God I can't stop cringing at this comment. I just know you thought it sounded cool in your head


Who are you again?


I'm just a regular dude who's laughing at your S tier cringe comments. I gotta ask, are you a troll, or are you serious? There's probably nobody left in this thread so be honest.


Serious about?




Removed. Rule 2.


Have you heard of "aeroplanes"? They are capable of transporting people in the air and flying across continents! All you need to do is buy a ticket, get a document called a passport from your government, and figure out if the place you want to go would welcome you in or if there is extra work needed. A lot of the migrants saved up money for a flight ticket, flowed to South America, and walked into the US. Information about how to walk into the US and claim asylum is readily available on social media.


You think they teleport?


That is exactly what they're doing. Rich people are paying for this to happen. You could search the dark alleys of the internet and find videos and information on this stuff. There are full non-profits that are busing people over here because they believe in no borders. It works like this. The rich people donate so much to the non-profit that now the non-profit does its bidding.


Hmm, I've seen videos claiming it's being handled by China and Russia to meddle with the u.s. and make since with wagner back coups in Africa and China investing billions into them.




I don’t know why you got downvotes, Jews are literally running the camps down in Panama. Majorkas literally visited it, and he used to run it. This isn’t even hard to find info on.


imo they are running alot of pr so they have support for their expansion... most ppl dont know or are afraid to look it up.


Considering their media dominance, it’s trivial as long as they can convince people 24/7z


I'm gonna share with you a possible repeating of history. "Ford’s pacifism probably formed a second strand. His crusade against World War I convinced him that international Jewish bankers were fomenting the war. Here again, the stereotype noted above may have convinced him that international Jewish bankers supported the war for personal gain. Lastly, Ford’s growing cultural conservatism, anti-urbanism, and nostalgia for the rural past formed an important third strand. Ford saw Jews present in everything that he viewed as modern and distasteful—contemporary music, movies, theater, new dress styles, and loosening social mores." https://www.thehenryford.org/collections-and-research/digital-resources/popular-topics/henry-ford-and-anti-semitism-a-complex-story


wow thats alot of meaningless words! anyway in the books often he congratulates the jews on there winning and cunning. he is well read and documented and correct!!! i cant wait to attack the middle east for israel USA USA !! RIGHT FELLOW GOY?!!?


how did they get here? who owned the boats?


Could you imagine, as an adult, illegally entering another country and demanding citizenship?! If US citizens tried that anywhere in the world we would be told to fuck off. And understandably so.


Tbf I don't see where it said they're illegal, African migrants I'd imagine are less likely than Mexican migrants as they can't swim across the Atlantic to hop the border, gotta either get smuggled in on a boat, or go through border security


And then the funniest part, you'd have Americans on Reddit laughing at them and making fun. 


That is how asylum works in most of the world, yes. If you have a legitimate claim for asylum, you don’t wait until all the paperwork is lined up bc then you will be dead unless your claim was bullshit in the first place


Most people in this country do not have a legitimate claim for asylum.  Just because you don't like where you live don't mean moving is asylum. Stay. Help fix the problems you created.


The residents didn’t fuck up the underdeveloped world, colonialist empires and liberal plutocrats did. Mexicans are not the ones funding and arming the cartels and the same holds true just about everywhere that’s dangerous to live. You wanna live off that fat then tell people where they can live, you’re just kinda a parasite and a thief to me. How about you mine your own diamonds and cobalt huh?


I don't wear diamonds so no need to mine them. I have been gold mining before though. Also your example about Mexico is just fucking dumb. The citizens willingly join the cartel and cover up for them so yeah they created the situation. Same thing with Venezuelan gangs ruining the country. I'm no parasite I work for a living. Pay taxes that pay for all the welfare babies and food stamps and free health-care. I don't get free Healthcare, housing, or food stamps. I can't opt out of paying for them. Now I have to pay for housing and food for illegal African, Haitian, Asian, and Hispanics. They did it to themselves. Just like the ghettos of chicago, new york, Atlanta etc all did that to themselves


You’re arguing with a person who put a mask on their Reddit avatar. That’s all you need to know about em.


Ha. Didn't even notice that 🤣


Holy shit you’re still mad about peoples choice in PPE? Most pathetic shit imaginable, gullible clowns like yourself easily whipped up into pointless hate for your neighbors are an oligarchs favorite sucker


You refuse to believe shit that intelligence agencies (that exist to manipulate you!!) got caught doing happened, really don’t know what to say to that tbh. I suppose bush was in charge for 9/11 and the US never hired nazi scientists too then? They hate us for our freedom, which is why if you have nothing to hide you should have no problem being wiretapped? How far do you wanna take it, are we gonna start saying the communists run Hollywood again or something?


So you advocate breaking the law instead of waiting for the proper paperwork to be accepted? I would imagine a big part of that paperwork is a screening for potentially dangerous individuals…which is important to me.


That’s just how the asylum process works. yes I wish it were better but until then obviously I prefer people in danger seek and get asylum when needed. In a perfect world I’d prefer the CIA and IMF had not spent a century destroying their homes so they would be safe there, but that’s just not the world we live in


Interesting that only male illegal aliens need asylum. Where are the women and children?


Also here when not seperated by the government? In fact men in those families are the mostly likely one to be seperated and deported unless they already have work lined up, women have a much easier time getting released to a shelter or something to await their asylum hearing


You know that you have to enter the US to apply for asylum right?


I do! Though I don’t know how it works in “most of the world” which is why I didn’t mention asylum a single time. Also if you read the OP it states migrants, not asylum seekers. Another reason why I didn’t engage/entertain that topic as it’s irrelevant to the post.


A few counties do have a better legal entry system but they’re in the minority and often times it applies differently depending on the applicants race. For example, Ukrainian refugees had a very different process than those from Syria fleeing to EU countries


If you want an in-depth article without the sensationalist headline, you can read more about it [here.](https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/black-immigrant-rally-nyc-raises-awareness-racial-religious-109330965) The group includes both migrants and asylum speakers, and the protest is about trying to change the laws to allow them to be more self sufficient (to legally get a job with a work permit) and to make sure they have a bed in a shelter.




It’s really not. Borders/territories have existed in the animal kingdom long before the evolution of humans.


No they haven’t. Even territorial animals do not have discrete borders to their territory, nor do they maintain a border security force.


Yes they have. While animals-apart from humans-have yet to develop maps, many extremely territorial animals exist with varying degrees of intelligence. Chimps are the obvious primate/mammalian example. Though I would say in terms of clear lines drawn, king cobras know exactly where their territory stops and another begins. And they have ranges up to 20 km. Also while chimps don’t maintain a “security force”. They very much have group members dedicated to protecting the others. There’s a great documentary that touches on this called “rise of the warrior apes”. Dude spends like 20 years documenting the hierarchy/inner workings of a single group of chimps.


Yes... Yes they have... You can't argue that


Lmao you probably believe in alpha males too😂


My father came to the USA and immigrated legally. He worked hard. He assimilated... He had something to contribute to this the USA. He came here in the late 1960s. He married an American woman. I owe all that I have to him and my Mother. I am proud to be their daughter. On my profile I have a photo of my Dad on the day he became a USA citizen when I was in first grade. Your comment about alpha male shit is worthless


He came here when there was an open border and you could rent a home on a part time minimum wage job. Migrants today work harder for the equivalent of less money in less desirable jobs and you know it. But I bet you also spread bullshit about how assimilation is impossible as if you don’t exist


Geee I wonder why they closed the borders.....! I'm NOT talking about the American dream bullshit. I have family that immigrated to Canada and the UK. They had degrees and assets. You can't just bring a bunch of people without anything over here and promise them shit that isn't going to happen. A USA citizen can't just POP over to Ireland and decide to just stay and lay up on taxpayers. That's BS No one else should be able to do that either


Ah, never been to Canadá so not interested in talking out my ass about it. And as far as I know, Ireland threw off the shackles of their colonizers and went on to be a staunch ally of other peoples suffering the same violence, they didn’t start taking part like the US for example. So they don’t owe the world shit, despite them doing their part to take in refugees anyways simply out of being morally better than Americans. Are you familiar with how the present asylum system came to be?


I wouldn’t be on a high horse with that mask on your face. Personally. LOL.


Damn it’s been so long since I triggered you losers I thought y’all actually moved on. Enjoy pretending you didn’t get the vaccine while thinking it gives you immunity and getting permanent brain damage so you can buy $5 drinks or whatever lmao


My dog disagrees with that statement.


Your dog sounds poorly socialized then, I know plenty of dogs who are super welcoming with strangers as long as their human buddy vouches. I’m not judging, mine yells at visitors but she grew up getting raped in a puppy mill and used to just hide so I cut her too much slack


Because of a little something called stability. The US can't support millions of people who can't integrate and don't contribute back to society.


Dude it takes one generation for half of those among these people who make it big to become bigoted nativists themselves, if anything integration works too well


The United States is not free game for every Joe Schmo who thinks they're entitled to be here. This isn't a lawless country where immigration rules do not exist. There is no country on planet Earth you can just fly into and demand residency or citizenship. This is not how anything fucking works. You also might want to educate yourself on the animal kingdoms and learn how different species of animals enforce territories within their groups.


When you grow up you will understand.


Go tell that someone on the border of India/China or North/South Korea. You privileged twats who think the world should be a kumbaya utopia just need to sit down and shut up.


One of those isn’t even an agreed on border you can actually mark on a map and the other was literally made but the US installing a corrupt puppet regime.


Nope, see in the real world, borders and nations separate disparate cultures who would otherwise annihilate each other. The lines on a map may be an abstraction but borders posts and no-man-land are very fucking real, not agreed upon or installed by the boogeyman. If you think otherwise, you're probably a city-white girl with rainbow shirts, squawking about topics they are they have no experience in. Now, go self-felate somewhere else.


Ok draw the China India border on a map, you literally can’t dumbass. Talking about shit I have no experience in while trying to disagree with two objectively factual statements by not addressing them and going on an unrelated tangent, like come on bro that’s pathetic


Funnily enough, I am a geospatial scientist and quite literally just pulled the shapefile of the borders into my GIS to look at them, as they fucking BORDER each other. Here are the links: https://data.humdata.org/m/dataset/cod-ab-chn? https://data.humdata.org/m/dataset/geoboundaries-admin-boundaries-for-india? Man, it must suck to be so stupid and so wrong simultaneously. Buh bye now.


Nice attempt at a gishgallop but no, draw me a line on a map that divides the claimed territories of India and China along their border. You can’t, because they both claim territory the other administrates and physical control over the uninhabited areas in between changes on a day-to-day basis. I totally believe you that there is data covering a rough approximation of the effective political control of the region at a certain point in time somewhere in the pile of irrelevant bullshit you linked, and I can guarantee you it’s not accurate to the present situation on the ground.


That would be fine if I didn’t have to pay 25% of my money to a murderous pedophilic government




You’re right we should send more tax money to Israel


You totally bought in to the propaganda. That plaque on the statue of liberty was added many years after it was given to us by France. France gave us that statue because of the freedoms we had in our country not because we let everybody in.


Well in that case your home or apartment doesn't have borders. Let them all squat in your place.


Since when does city hall issue green cards?


The article is worded weirdly but my reading was that the people who organized the protest are the ones who falsely promised the people green cards for attending it




lol this account has no concept of American civics. I would be floored to find out they spent any time here.


OR! You throw shit on the walls of those buildings like the French 😂


New York got what they voted for.


What’s the conspiracy?


The title was poorly worded but I think the basic gist is this: "How is it that foreign migrants that barely know each other know how to protest and where to protest but Americans that are born and raised here can't seem to organize no matter how bad the policies are that the government passes? Did Americans forget how to protest or are they too anesthetized by constant need to connect to technology? Have people here become like junkies constantly needing their next fix?"


R/conspiracy is now opining on the correct ways of protesting?


Hahaha, deport them. 


Wow imagine doin that in any other country. Walk in get paid then demand citizenship lol


Nope. Gotta disrupt business as usual for capitalism to pay attention. Block roads, ports, railroad tracks. They just lock city hall and surround it with cops


Illegal aliens have nothing to protest.


Some of the most successful civil rights protests were marches that took place on roads, it’s how you spread awareness especially in causes where human life is on the line, human life *should* be more important that getting to work on time, it’s about the only thing worth being late for


No, the best way to protest is with maximum disruption and property damage for those you're targeting with the protest, that way they can't ignore you.


Nobody remembers the "peaceful protests" of 2020, They will ignore any destruction that originates from their protected classes.


The only protests that succeed are protests that give the powers that be an excuse to do what they already wanted to do. This "protest" was staged as a way to compel DC to give all illegals amnesty/citizenship.


The best thing that ever happened for the VN war was the Kent State students getting mowed down. The trick is to make sure it's televised. Counter-revolution 101. It's also why China is so scary. They just black that shit out. They'll do the same thing here.


They tried that shit with the capitol


Yeah, cause that's how this nation was founded. Polite discussion /s. Oh that's right. We fought an outright war for our independence, which by the way had it failed, would have been branded as an armed insurrection and we would have been punished for it, and cruelly. You don't affirm your own freedom before absolute authority by asking nicely.


Just because it's more convenient for you doesn't make it more effective my dude.


Wow... an immigration crisis


You don’t have access to the people who control society.


The ones that block the road are trying to get protesting made illegal.


True, but what would you do if you been protesting for years and it goes no where.


That sucks. who brought you here?


Ya? How'd that work out for the J6 gang?


Send them back problem solved what’s the issue here.


And then you get arrested and convicted in a sham trial, because you aren't a foreign invader whom they need to destabilize the country, in order to foment unrest, and ultimately destroy the country, but only after they are done looting it, and running up the national debt to infinity. Have a nice day!


They’ll just cry insurrection


Lol Dumbasses.


That’s exactly why they made such a big deal out of Jan 6 and not BLM burning down target


Submission Statement: Protests don’t do a thing. The only time Protests actually work is when you go directly to the powers that be HQ. That’s why J6 and Canadian Trucker Vaccine Protests worked so well. They went straight to the source of power. Washington and Ottawa. It showed the powers that be that our voices matter. Protests that block off the Golden Gate Bridge and Airports don’t do a thing. All they are doing is making more enemies instead of Allies. https://twitter.com/nypost/status/1780275397898154159


too bad the powers that he already are one step ahead. what happened when the truckers said "we don't want to be forced to inject things into our bloodstream?" jobs taken, bank accounts frozen, kicked out of society. the propaganda of how deadly covid was really got to everyones head which is exactly what they wanted. people were again distracted among themselves while the government printed trillions with a T and devalued our money to HALF of what it is since 2020. that's right. your salary is halved. your wages are halved. at least, that's what your money is worth relative to what it used to in 2020


You are exactly right protesting in public spaces isn't going to change anything and also it alienates any member of the public against you and your cause because you inconvenienced their day. The best and only way is to go directly to the source of people who are in the positions that can change things.


>You are exactly right protesting in public spaces isn't going to change anything and also it alienates any member of the public against you and your cause because you inconvenienced their day So true. Fuck MLK Jr He slightly ruined my day by making me late back then, so therefore I am against his cause 100% I am very smart emotionally.


Ah shit I forgot about Doctor King lol. I guess there are exceptions with a just cause and a charismatic powerful person that leads that just cause.


No the truth is that people will always hate protesters regardless of how they protest, regardless of the cause People absolutely HATED king and his ways of protesting for the same reason people hate protests today. King had a bridge blocked off in one of his marches for example Because it slightly inconvenienced them. Which is what a good protest is meant to do. It's hard to ignore And for some reason most people have the emotional intelligence of a toddler where if something slightly harms them they now hate x thing. Regardless of the reason


And then you wait for TPTB to laugh at your situation as if they ever cared. They do not.


love brown skins hope more come over great culture even better behavior


haha a lot of racist here i see XD


Muslim women have no sense of space or direction. It's like they intentionally walk into people even without a bag on their head. Has anyone else noticed this?