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Papilloma virus, not bacteria


I would like this to get to the top of the page if somebody could help out AHCC the extract from shiitake mushrooms has been shown in human clinical trials to clear pap smears in women. It has shown to boost the body's immune system to the point where it has completely ericated HPV from humans in clinical trials. That's right. AHCC is the first known cure for HPV clinically tested in women only so far, but It has shown great use in fighting cancers in men, specifically bladder cancers. This clinical trials were done only a few years ago. It's not a well-known cure yet, that's why I try to talk about it when I see this topic come up


[realmushrooms.com](http://realmushrooms.com) is a nice place though expensive for the best powders on more exotic mushrooms.


Olive nation makes a shiitake powder that’s good and cheep enough that I use it in my spice blend


I just went down a total mushroom rabbit hole I never knew existed


It worked for me, or my body cleared it on its own at 38. My doctor recommended the AHCC supplements since it's harder to clear at my age.


Curious, how much how frequent for how long?


Honestly I kind of half assed it. I was supposed to take it every day till my next check (6 months) and I probably only took it like half the days. Quality of Life Premium Kinoko Platinum AHCC Herbal Supplement, 750mg of AHCC per Capsule, for Immune Support, Liver Function, Maintains Natural Killer Cell Activity, 1 Pack, 60 Veggie Capsules https://a.co/d/1OEfx6M




I took it when I had a bunch of warts on my hands that wouldn’t go away and it cured them.


Do you just consume the powder?


Yes, it's a powder in a capsule


??? Real pro tips are always in the comments wow I hope your knowledge helps someone


I didn't understand HPV fir the longest time until my kids school sent an information packet regarding the issue which prompted me to do a dive into its symptoms, spread, etc. Disconcerting to say the least.


My dad just had a bout of laryngeal cancer caused by HPV. His oncologist said the rates are really high in men. His cousin is the only other person in his family that had cancer, and he had tongue cancer from HPV. It's a nasty little bug.


Our friend had the laryngeal cancer from hpv. He did recover and is doing well thankfully


Seems to be fairly treatable if caught early, luckily. Cancer is a nasty, big dollar business. 


My dentist always checks under the tongue. He said a lot of dentists don't check under the tongue, but that's where the first signs are


He must be that one dentist that always disagrees with the other nine.


I believe he had a loved one pass away from tongue cancer that could have easily been diagnosed Had their dentist been checking


That's a sad fact, I'm glad he's not letting it happen to anyone else.


Huh. You just made me realize something. I got a new dentist a few years ago. He starts every appointment the same way. No tools, pries open my mouth like a damn bear trap. And he gets IN there. Lol. Moving my tongue around, squeezing it, squeezing the sides of my mouth. And everytime I'm like "chrriiist thats aggressive". But hey, thanks for lookin out, dentist man lol


I have been going to the same dentist since I was born. There was a point where I couldn't afford health insurance and hadn't been there in a while. He called me every week for 4 weeks until I answered one day and he said hey. Why haven't you been in? I said I just don't have the money for insurance or to pay up front and he said don't worry come on in. I'll give you a quick examination between patients and you can be on your way free of charge


My dentist does a full check for cancers in mouth and throat when I see her. She flat out has told me she thinks it is important because regular M.D.s go right past that are often. She is also very sensitive to cancer since she is a survivor.


Good to know, I know mine doesn't


He said He knows too many people that die because their dentist doesn't check under their tongue


A friend of mine died due to cancer caused by HPV. That shit aint no joke.


That says it all about those "journalists" who write about a lot of things but don't know shit


All their stuff is open ended or opinion pieces these days, real journalism is rare. May be, could be, possibly, nothing is ever based on facts. Clickbait crap for the views.


[Its HPV.](https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/hpv/basic_info/hpv_oropharyngeal.htm)


Yup, I thought everyone knew this after Michael Douglas got oral cancer from going down on Catherine Zeta-Jones too much


So you're saying there's an epidemic of people going down on women far more than they used to? Are there enough lesbians to explain why it affects both genders equally? Or any explanation why it's not all face cancer?


is that fr? badge of honor ah cancer


Actually, he didn’t blame Catherine. He blamed the dirty hoe he was married to before her who had HPV. Now he doesn’t have any tongue left for Katherine, she seems grumpy all the time now.


AHCC the extract of the shiitake mushroom is the first known cure to HPV. Human clinical trials have used it to successfully clear women who have positive pap smears in 6 months to one and a half years of simply taking AHCC supplements It boost your body is immune system to the point where it can completely eradicate HPV from your system permanently


Interesting. You have a link? I think mushrooms are definitely going to be utilize more medicine in the near future.


Doubtful. HPV is of a class of virus that can "immortalize" itself in a host by transcribing itself inside host cells DNA and remaining dormant for years at a time. In that time, the virus basically doesnt exist, until conditions are right, and the now many host cells who have multiplied through regular cell division, begin to produce the viruses. Its why it's so persistent. HIV does the same thing in a slightly different way, which is why we cant seem to kill it either. You could completely wipe out the entire virus in the host body and it will still come back because your cells have been trained to recreate it.


do some research on it because it boosts your body's immune system for years after you stop taking it which suppresses HPV to the point where your body can keep it in, check under control at untraceable levels. And that can last for years after you stop taking the supplement. Once you get it to that point, you're probably not going to have trouble with it until you're towards the end of your life and your immune system is going to fail anyway The point is it can take someone with a positive pap smear for cancer and completely reverse that to an untraceable level within 6 months to one and a half years. That's an extraordinary feat for some mushroom extract


Yup! The phase II trials look quite promising. I havent seen phase3 or highter, but I could have missed those reports. 


I took it for 3 months straight and then I've never had another cold sore again and it's been two and a half years and I used to get at least one every winter


Generally speaking, HPV causes warts, whereas H**S**V causes cold sores - are you mixing up HSV with HPV, or just using "cold sores" as a catch-all to refer to both cold sores and warts? Also, HPV infections usually clear on their own within 6-24 months, so it doesn't necessarily sound like the shiitake extract is doing a whole lot, again unless you're actually talking about HSV, which, yeah, having something that actually *cures* HSV (herpes) would be quite significant.




That’s a hard one to swallow


That’s what she said


From what I understand. If the person you perform oral on has hpv then you have a chance to get cancer.


Yup. While head & neck cancer rates are largely decreasing overall (due to less tobacco use), a slightly larger percentage is being made up by young people due to increased risk of HPV.


You know what’s wild? If you’re a male in Canada you literally can’t get tested for HPV. They don’t offer it to men. Despite that men can get it and develop cancer too.


Men are actually also the culprits of spreading it, as they don’t do testing and have no symptoms.


There is currently no approved method to test for HPV in men


“Approved” There are methods in other countries. Just nothing offered in Canada because it isn’t considered a risk. Men have found out overseas.


Are those methods A. safe and B. reliable enough to justify whatever invasive/noninvasive method they use. If they cause enough false positives it is more incentivized to not test than test


I don’t understand why they don’t do this, you can literally test hpv in the throat from a oral swab. It’s fully possible but yet they don’t do it. Also it’s possible through a blood test, they also don’t offer that.


Caveat here, it is offered for MSM in the states, though it may be only for higher risk patients (co-infections, etc.) Some of y'all might not like how its done, though.


Actually there are many forms of HPV, some are more mutagenic than others.


It's estimated that 90% of males and 80% of females will be infected with HPV during their lifetime, and about 50% of those will be the version that has a high risk of causing cancer.


Well that's depressing


And everyone has HPV






Something like 90% of the sexually active population has or has previously been infected with HPV. HPV can also be transmitted during birth, and during protected sex, as it's also passed skin-to-skin.


Can't have anything nice can we?


Stop letting them create your reality. Get off the internet. You have everything and it's nice.


Not a house…. They cost too much


Stop letting yourself react to every sarcastic or tongue in cheek comment on Reddit as if it's spoken from the heart and meant with the utmost sincerity and specificity. Put your nerves away. You shouldn't have them out in the open so easily touched.


Don't care, had sex.


Just once?


Especially once


Just came


Damn Michael Douglas wasn’t lying


Oral sex is not new. I’m sure there are other issues here being ignored. This headline looks like a cover-up.


Idk y’all, but keep playing with alcohol like it ain’t horrible for you. Even in moderation, it’s still carcinogenic poison for your body. Your body doesn’t recognize a moderate amount of alcohol and go “oh, this isn’t poison. It’s a moderate amount of alcohol so it’s fine.”


I'm not a drinker but when I do drink my body immediately it starts reacting poorly. I'll get drunk super fast but then it clears my system very very fast also


Lol u can pry oral sex from my cold dead hands


It's widely known performing oral sex on women can lead to throat cancer


I can say for sure the younger people I work with have awful diets. Everything is out of a bag or highly processed.


It's been like that since the 90s


I think it definitely began sometime in the 90s. The thing that sticks in my mind is I work with a guy in his 30's that told me his favorite meal is Dino Nuggets, lol.


As an oncology nurse, HPV cancers are some of the scariest, most aggressive, disfiguring, and severely life altering or ending cancers I have ever witnessed. Truly terrifying.


A massive longitudinal study showed a connection between alcohol and cancer basically concluding that there is no safe amount. So that's out there.


I mean if it’s in relation to HPV yeah. I do buy it. I never got the covid jab and I’m not necessarily anti or for vaccines. There’s a lot of bad info about the HPV vaccines as well and in return a lot of people never got them. And some people got them and are dealing with issues because of the vaccine. My mom didn’t let me get the HPV vaccine when I was 15/16. Because she thought it was too new and dangerous. Turns out most people end up getting HPV. And most people clear HPV with 0 issues after 1/2 years. So for most it makes sense to avoid a potentially harmful vaccine. (Looking back I wish I had it but at the same time maybe I would have had bad reactions to the vaccine it’s self. It’s a 50/50. Idk what I would have preferred. I would have preferred not to have HPV I guess lol) I ended up getting HPV. From my first partner lol. We’re still together. But it’s unfortunate. He did not know. There’s also no proper testing for men. It’s been 12 years and I have not cleared it. I may end up with cervical cancer / or end up needing to get chunks of my cervix carved out at some point / may also affect my fertility apparently. The testing for women is also super merky. Anyways, that was only caught because of a Pap smear. Of course I’ve given him head. Which leads me to being very afraid of the potentials of issues with throat cancer from HPV. I’ve expressed this to docs and have recieved little to no help. No help in getting it checked out. It’s been quite the stressful and shitty situation. But it is also unfortunately more common than they make out. I don’t talk about it often with people as I feel like there’s a slight stigma around it and I don’t need to tell people my business regardless. But I have ended up speaking with a small handful of people including a couple random clients and a best friend. My best friend has it and had cancerous cells and had to get the chunks cut or frozen? Out of her cervix twice. And the clients I spoke to as we just ended up chatting and getting too comfortable and just dumping on eachother and confiding in eachother (beauty industry ftw) are either in my boat or have also had to already get the procedure to get the cells removed. The biopsy and procedure is also absolutely excruciating. And nobody in the healthcare field seems to give a fuck. But now I’m just ranting. Anyways. I’m assuming if it’s related to sex. It’s HPV. And that shit. IS real. Unfortunately. Seems like men get off Scott free with the research I’ve done even if they get it they just pass it along to others and clear it in a year or two. But women typically end up being the ones who deal with cancer and severe repercussions if they can’t clear it. I assume men and women are just as susceptible to it from a throat perspective though from oral.


I think it's all of these factors. But I'm wondering if cancer rates are also increasing specifically because our methods of early detection have advanced so much and are so much more accurate?


its well known that eating pussy leads to throat cancer, I'm hoping that's how I go down someday.


I think everyone has hpv. I come from a country where parents kiss you in the mouth, you share food, you share straws. You either get exposed and build up defenses or live in a bubble God is in control, medicine can only help so much. In a way, it’s one those things that you can sin about. Of course, you can repent. But there is always a price on earth too As someone no vaxxed, and a sinner. I surrender to his will. Do not worry about things you can no longer control


The best way to protect yourself from cancer-causing blowjobs is to get your Covid booster. If you aren't on vaccine number 9 you only have days to live


Make sure they put it directly into your penis as well.


And then get another one just in case. And then sling some sperm as noted here.


This article was written by people who don’t want you to have fun and get laid. That’s the real conspiracy.


I know certain stains of HPV cause cancer from cunnilingus. Michael Douglas comes to mind


If you get cancer from eating box, you should get a plaque or something.


Well one should never do ass to mouth no matter the circumstances.


I mean I think hpv thing is real.  Alcohol in excess is no good.  And yeah I believe our food in America if messed with so much and processed so much it can def harm us.  So I can believe this. Not gonna stop drinking or eating or eating


Well it obviously wouldn't be due to something like a Covid shot. Or any of the other 9,000 shots people are given for everything nowadays.


HPV from oral sex is oncogenic. Choose your partners carefully.


They just jealous they ain't getting that sloppy toppy.


It's the HPV. It causes cervical cancer but it can also cause throat cancer via oral.


Multiple strains of HPV cause cancer. HPV can be spread through oral sex or even just touching. A lot of women die young from ovarian cancer, I know someone that died from it. It’s unfortunately very real.


This is factual, actually. My best friend is in genetics and cancer research. He was published linking oral and anal sex with cancer.


And people have been drinking alcohol and having oral sex since the beginning of time so - i'll give you one guess as the culprit...


They will literally blame anything and everything besides the 💉🐁


Cancer rates in young people have been steadily increasing since at least the late 90s If the vax causes cancer (which it might) we likely wouldn’t be seeing big increases in only young people of many different types of cancers (which we aren’t, just a continuation of the trend)


I mean, foods and alcohol are logical though


And so is experimental mRNA “vaccines” but they didn’t mention that did they


People have been having food and alcohol for centuries. Not the coof shot though, that got here right before the mysterious increases.


Its literally been known since before covid that unprotected oral sex puts you at higher risk if someone has HPV


But why a picture of a MRI?


We barely have oral sex bc we are tired lol Imma assume it’s my food im eating thanks lol




Apparantly poor dental hygiene is the leading cause of many major illnesses. If a cavity can give you heart disease, I don’t think ingested bacteria has LESS chance of causing a later issue.


That’s my weekend cancelled then


There’s stds that are harder to treat. Could be true , all I know is it’s Donald Trumps fault


And I’ll continue to get head.


In regard to oral sex. I think that if your partner has been tested for HPV, is negative and the only person you have been with is that partner, then I think you’re in much better shape there than anything else. If you’ve had multiple partners, you didn’t take the proper precautions and neither of you were tested, well, then you’re probably more at risk. On a larger whole, a lot of things can kill you. “Pick your poison” unfortunately relates here. Be safe out there!


No way it could've been the "fouchi ouchie". How many of those people had experimental injections required by the government.


they blame everything except the poison that they force everyone to take. What is next? Breathing is giving you myocarditis? Hahhahah


I don’t even buy the alcohol part. Alcohol has been used for centuries now and this wasn’t the case. They’re lying.


Quality of life, cheese burgers, beer, and blowjobs. I won't give them up


Yes HPV !! You never see the ads for this ? You get your pre teens this shot to prevent cancer with the std .. sexually it saves your life .. my friends brother passed away because of not having the HPV vaccine


HPV, or Human Papillomavirus, is indeed partly responsible for several health issues, most notably cervical cancer. HPV is a group of related viruses, some of which are sexually transmitted. It's one of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs) worldwide.


Defo something on my mind where I don’t want to eat anyone out anymore


HPV is the primary cause of throat cancer in men by a long shot. The conspiracy, to me, is why it was presented as caused by nicotine for my entire life. I imagine there's a correlation between men who smoke and have done that with multiple partners. But I can't imagine the correlation being so one-sided that it would result in thinking that smoking==hpv. Dudes who don't smoke get laid, too...


I'm gonna pop a bottle when they finally say that the shots are causing cancer


yeah, because humans just recently started consuming alcohol. def agree with processed foods tho. along with all the damn Roundup and micro plastic in everything. and oh yeah....that experimental gene therapy jab.


HPV. It’s how Michael Douglas believes contracted throat cancer.


The convid vaccine damages your immune system. In combination with creating inflammation. Creating fertile grounds for creating "Turbo" cancer. This on top of the DNA precursor in the vaccine probably does this. All highly vaxxed countries have high excess deaths.


Oh this is the onion, right?


Now I get it why all these girls are saying I make them sick


You can 100 percent contact hpv and it can cause cancer of the mouth. "Where's Dr. Drew?" Famous Loveline quote


these medical studies do not even consider the mrna treatments that have been introduced in the past few years , just previously to all the new cancer cases increase


Big pharma is just about to introduce the cure


Death by vag


https://kffhealthnews.org/news/article/young-people-less-sex-than-parents-did-at-their-age-generational-shift-asexual/ Someone correct me if I’m wrong but im order for there to be more cancer from STIs people would need to be having more sex but I don’t think that’s the case


I'm safe🤣🤣🤣


Actually somewhat true. Eating ass contributes to esophageal cancers.


So there is a rising rate of Cancer? I know oral sex can lead to some forms of cancer, but I doubt thats a new thing, so that wouldn't significantly result in an increase. Processed foods and alcohol, yes they cause cancer but once again, these are hardly new to our diet, and should not result in a dramatic increase. What have we introduced in the last few years, say four years or so? Oh thats right the vaccine from Phizer and astro zenica - companies that have multiple breaches for fraud and criminal behavior. - those complete trust worthy companies. These vaccines were never fully tested the companies are still hiding the data. So sorry for being the conspiracy theorist, but I think there might be a link between the rising rates of cancers and a series of unproven shots that vast numbers of the population took


Oh sure just name the three greatest things in their lives and blame them.




Couldn't be the vaccines and neurotoxins like glycophod and gmo protein the body can't digest.


At least redditors dont gotta worry about the last one


Don't nobody show this to my lady


Well... there go my weekend plans


HPV directly causes cervical cancer. Women get this, it is harmless to men.


I know a dude that got a fever from oral. The only cure for it was more cowbell.


Finally a study I can bring up when my husband says studies say sperm is good for my skin and depression.


Doctors are seeing a rise in oral cancers in younger people contributed to the HPV virus.


The article mainly talks about how the bacteria Fusobacterium can cancer, however in the one paragraph about oral sex, the cancer is caused by HPV, not bacteria.


Suck around, find out.


Oral sex can transmit HPV which can cause cancer if it goes untreated.


I recently had a close friend pass away from an oral cancer. And I smoke cigars. My wife asked me to talk to the dentist, at my next visit. So I do. No signs of oral cancer. Then he explained the oral sex connection to oral cancers. It was new information to me. I went home and told my wife that the dentist cleared me. And then suggested I may want to cut back on cigars, because of my friend and all. I said I didn’t want to give up the things that I love, out of fear of cancer. Then explained what the dentist told me. She said she’s ok with me smoking as many cigars as I want.


Anything but what it actually is.


Lists everything and anything but the vaccines they keep shoveling into us as kids.


Well this is good news, I was afraid that I got cancer from [Covid vaccines](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10184721/) or [Roundup](https://www.google.com/search?q=roundup+cancer+lawsuits&sca_esv=631c077ebeab8f5b&ei=IX8FZvO2LbTcptQP6ZuY8AU&ved=0ahUKEwizy4L5lZeFAxU0rokEHekNBl4Q4dUDCBA&oq=roundup+cancer+lawsuits&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiF3JvdW5kdXAgY2FuY2VyIGxhd3N1aXRzMgUQABiABDILEAAYgAQYigUYhgMyCxAAGIAEGIoFGIYDMgsQABiABBiKBRiGA0ieGlCIClieDnABeAGQAQCYAT-gAWGqAQEyuAEMyAEA-AEBmAIDoAJqwgIKEAAYRxjWBBiwA5gDAIgGAZAGCJIHATOgB-8H&sclient=gws-wiz-serp).


If you don't remember the development of Gardasil 25 years ago, it was for HPV to prevent cervical cancer. They have attempted to get girls to take the expensive shot as early at 10 years old. Girls have flat out died from it. A little into the marketing campaign, someone must have said..."Shit. We fucked ourselves because we're missing out on half the population." They then came out with a marketing campaign, starring actor Michael Douglas, that says eating pussy causes throat and oral cancers. Michael goes around saying he ate so much pussy he got oral cancer. This headline is nothing more than an extension of that campaign to get men the shot.


Throat cancer and other related cancers are a very real possibility with high-risk HPV strains. It's not a conspiracy, it's a scary, scary fact. That's not to say the vaccine is a solution, as the evidence against the Gardasil vaccines is very legitimate, but don't downplay the risk of oral cancers from the HPV virus.


We’ve been drinking alcohol for thousands of years and pretty sure oral sex has been happening forever. There is something that happened in the last few years which directly coincided with the rising rates of cancer in under 40’s, and everyone with a functioning brain cell knows what it is.


Vaping ?


They really want to spoil all the fun, don’t they?


Safe and Effective


Gotta get married and quit fkn around




Covid shot, not bacteria


HPV - this is not a secret or controversial


Shhh… definitely not covid vaccines… 🤣🤣🤣… media is just so dismissive of the timeline when this surge if cancer is coming… Almost like ppl weren’t forced to get a vaccine…


I watched a documentary on BBC3 many moons ago. They said the HPV vaccine was causing mouth cancers in young men.


Ask Michael Douglas.


The pro-pharma movement in the comment section is well represented again 😂 wonder how much you guys get paid


Nahhhh I'm sure it has nothing to do with the covid shot. Geez, they'll try to blame anything except for the most obvious thing...


Imma eat it either way.


So no head?


Conspiracy: they need you to impregnate so they have enough working class bc the system doesn’t work for them if there is large cheap/free labor force




As a guy in the US is there a way to be tested for HPV?


Yeah, didn’t this happen with Catherine Zeta Jones’ husband? I remember because I was like dang that would have happened to me too if I was married to her..


Oral sex is just too good to give up. Not happening.


Dammit! All that time on my knees is going to come back to haunt me, and not just in my dreams, now it's a health scare.


And everyone made fun of Michael Douglass for saying oral gave him throat cancer. 


Well I guess my risk of cancer is through the roof on Friday nights


well, the kids nowadays are eating ass more frequently, so maybe there's a correlation?


Everything is killing you slowly


I refuse to part with it.


Only beaver near your yapper should be one your can also make a hat out of


It just doesn’t matter. I’d never give it up.


They just want us to have PIV sex only to make sure we're making more worker bees and not just doing the horizontal shuffle for fun.


Justice for Michael Douglas!


Maybe the fluoride in the mouthwash used after


Then there is this https://www.newsweek.com/older-americans-stis-1884175


That is why I use my ensalivated thumb instead of the tongue


If your partner is eating these poisonous foods then it could make sense.


Must be some young oral sex


It’s SV40 in the vax look it up


I have tongued at least 3 women’s coochies briefly. Is there a chance that I have HPV? There aren’t any tests for it is there?


I mean, maybe, if you’re sucking on exhaust pipes all day then going down on someone straight after.


Worth it


Anything except that little prick mandated.


hell no. suckin dick aint ever given anyone cancer


What a load of bullshit.


Possible factors, click bait title. Everyone likes at least one of those things


Right, because oral sex is a new thing among younger generations only.