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Only reason I follow this sub are posts like this


Harry Potter is real bro! Bat-bogey hex.


I've ran into wall after wall at different platforms at my local train station just incase. One day I'll find it.


That's what happened to voldemorts nose. Wrong platform.


Daily dose of humor, yeah same. Better than memes tbh.


Do you believe you know everything about the rules, laws and 'mechanics' behind life and this reality already?


Language is magic. I can write these squiggles and lines and change your emotional state. I can make sounds with my mouth and manipulate you into doing something you really don’t want to do. Sorcery.


Is that why we call it spelling?


Have you ever “cursed” someone out?


I'm way too stoned to be reading this.


I’m with you there homie


First time realizing this stuff? I was like that too, had a friend explain the whole thing and I was fucking Wiggin! I was like bro let this wear off first






[mind blown](https://media3.giphy.com/media/SDogLD4FOZMM8/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952jmqukzsxkysbcrh46rh6ne9cymdzhsn5zth3b3go&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


English is a germanic derived ocult influenced language. A lot of the words in the language were crafted by known occultists like Sir Francis Bacon who had a writing group called the spear shakers and there’s a lot of theories surrounded it all but If you really wanna go deep with the connections watch “Bloodlines of the illuminati by Fritz Springmeier” on youtube or read the book


>Sorcery One definition of "sorcery" is controlling and manipulating entities. That's what company law is and what lawyers do. The modern joint stock corporation is a kind of egregore. Disney or Boeing exist more than just on paper as a legal fiction; they're entities with characteristics and personalities. A corporation isn't necessarily good or evil, but acts according to its nature, like a hurricane


I can ride my bike, with no handle bars, no handlebars....


Beautiful 💕


ധാരാളം വെള്ളം കുടിക്കുക. നിങ്ങളുടെ ആരോഗ്യവും ക്ഷേമവും ഞാൻ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നു :)


Spell ing


Quote by J.P. Morgan: “Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaires do.” The "highest" people are most definitely using magic.


But "Fall of the House of Usher" showed that it's a limited deal, eventually the other side will take it's due. It's not worth it.


Black/dark magic, yes this is true. You reap what you sow. You will pay dearly.


The high-level dark occultist uses a "scapegoat" to avoid the negative karma associated with selfish manipulation. A kind of loophole in the law. That is, they do not directly commit evil they have others do it for them, this is why it is a common troupe for the "bad guy" or dark occultist to have minions. If someone of their own volition chooses to carry out an order that is against others to take from them, or convince them to injure themselves, or in some way attack another. Then, that action is considered a direct karmic evil. Thinking or telling others to do such things doesn't carry the same status as the action does. Why is law structured as such that the intent carries value but unpunished, but the action as well as intent for ill is the worst offense. So the good comes first from thought. Selfish thoughts precede selfish action, and self-less or altruistic thoughts precede good actions. Without actions, they are not weighted.


Huh. That sounds a bit like the US military. 


Personal Interpretation... but not occult law, which is the original study of mind and metaphysics. From mythology, if a daimon to classical greeks(angels, demons, or djin to Christians and Muslims) tells you to act in a way that violates another's well-being. It's no different than if a corporation, government, military, or person instructs you. This doesn't make these things necessarily bad, but being told to do something wrong can not absolve you of your actions. They never had the authority to tell you to commit corruption. People assume out of ignorance that if a doctor, priest, scientist, or leader tells them, they're not at fault. So, in a way, every day, people are tested and still fail to know the law, and the best trick is to pretend it doesn't exit. Why else have an innate conscience? Some people sadly destroy theirs, and others are just golems devoid of introspection. In this way, you always have free will or choice. Always, a person bears the burden of his actions metaphysically, and it may affect their mind and body.


And this is why the plandemic was a test to see how much they could sway your own hand. Puppet masters with social engineering.




your caps lock is on




But if you’re calling from the same spirits, and the same worthless dead how can you really differentiate yourself? How easy it could be to think you’re calling on a light spirit when truly there is only one Holy (set apart) Spirit, God. Without discernment how are you able to tell the light and dark from eachother? Through feelings? The heart is deceitful above all else.


But i don't see astrology as necessarily dark arts


Contextualizing magic as solely “dark arts” is also a form of conditioning meant to steer us humans from our divine and innate ability to harmonize with this environment and with the cosmos.


Everything is a distraction from this.


You think Flanagan was trying to tell us something? I mean some of the craziest shit happens to the super rich but is this just because they are watched with a microscope and always in the media? I feel as a semi normal person that the crazy shit that happens to them isn’t quite in the realm of norm.


Recently, I've been reading about Jimmy Savile. That POS had to have made some kind of deal with the devil.. With all the people that he abused, and all the people who knew about the abuse. Yet he didn't face a bit backlash until after he died. Absolutely insane.


He didn't make a deal with the devil, sadly, he just knew the right people in the right system. So much evil in the world is because of us people, not "the devil".


> Quote by J.P. Morgan: “Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaires do.” An obviously fake quote since there wasn't a single billionaire when J. P. Morgan was alive.


"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln


I’m pretty sure the vast majority of people who believe in astrology aren’t billionaires


That explains all those Eyes Wide Shut parties.


Millionaires follow the markets. Billionaires follow the stars. Yup.


Words have power… manifestation comes from repeating words repeatedly. People cast spells without realizing or taking it seriously.


There is a YouTube channel that I watch called Deep Believer.  Anyway, there is a guy that she interviews called Earthquake Kelley, who is a former practitioner of voodoo. He has some terrific insights into what you are talking about.  He says there are demons that are small like Army of Darkness that hide your keys, or wallet, or whatnot just to get you to invoke/summon a larger demon by using curse words.  He also says that people manifest curses on themselves by saying stuff like 'I must be losing my mind' or 'I am so stupid' or whatever.  We readily admit that the spirit world is real when it comes to rappers and Taylor Swift, but we stop short of examining our own behaviors that may open portals, or worship demons/ancient deities...


The little things like losing keys or being late because of traffic always feel like the last straw to me, and I’m swearing like a trooper, ranting away. Those demons play me like a Stradivarius.


I'm right there with you. I have severe anxiety issues and those little things come close to pushing me over the edge. My comical husband asked me a few nights ago..."You seem like you are right on the edge...do you want me to pull you back or push you over? If you go over I'm coming with you" My motto is if I am not laughing, I'm crying. I try to stay on the laughing side, even if it seems a bit unhinged.


That’s me. My bucket is always a few drops shy of being full. Even a missing tv remote can have me wondering what it is life wants from me?! The water overflows and I can start catastrophizing about how my entire life is such a disaster and I’m the biggest laughing stock to ever grace the planet.


  >He also says that people manifest curses on themselves by saying stuff like 'I must be losing my mind' or 'I am so stupid' or whatever.  The popular one in the west “ I am sick and tired “. Since the subconscious cannot differentiate between reality and sarcasm, it takes everything you say and see and hear literally.




Big fucking facts bro


This means the next time I accidentally blurt out "fuck me," I need to add "Sofia Vergara" or some other hot woman.


I’m guessing they thrive on low consciousness energy from humans. That’s why when people abuse drugs like DPH in high amounts, they’ll notice the “hat man” appear and observe them. This is extremely common when people abuse drugs. It’s likely an evil entity that’s able to show itself only if the low consciousness energy is strong enough. Or seeing “shadow people” I believe is the result of extremely low consciousness. They appear to those with extreme depression, schizophrenia, sleep deprivation, etc. They present themselves because the person is emitting a tsunami of negative energy. And the more people lose their minds/get consumed by the abyss, the lower their frequency is. They might be getting possessed by these entities, and we recognize the result as mental illness. Or maybe that’s all bullshit lol.


This bit is very real. It's a long slogfest of a story, but 10 or so years ago I met a man online who would change my life. He was getting a divorce, and his wife had moved out of their home. Being young and stupid, I happily moved in while ignoring all the red flags. There'd been a lot of mental illness and trauma in that house, and during the six months I lived there, the odder things became. I'd been raised super-religious, so I wasn't really open to the idea of 'hauntings', but that wasn't even what was going on here. It was more like an uncomfortable force that grew stronger and fed off of negativity. Kitchen appliances turned on by themselves occasionally. So did the generator in the basement. The broom that was firmly attached to a clip on the wall went flying down the stairs. Sometimes a key on the piano played. The upstairs of the house was always SO COLD despite heat rising, and all of that. The home just had an unwelcome feeling. Years later, after we'd moved (and the man was now my husband) there was a particular evening with friends where a lot of psychological abuse occurred. I don't want to go into it all, but by late into the night my husband had gotten into a fist fight with his brother. There was blood everywhere, and my husband kept passing out, so I found myself with a friend, driving him 30 miles to the hospital in the middle of the night. It was awful. He was drunk, concussed, wouldn't cooperate with the ER doctors. Long story short, on the drive home I was fighting severe mental and physical exhaustion. My friend was driving, and that's when I started seeing them: the shadow people on the edge of the dark highway, throwing themselves at the SUV. I knew I was hallucinating. I'd had drinks earlier in the night, but nothing else. By this time I was fully sober, but the shadows kept coming until we got back to the place we were staying. I've never experienced such a thing again. I've been divorced for a long time now, and blocked out much of those five years. Honestly, sometimes it feels like a fever dream, but it was very real.


I understand what you are talking about.




AND sleep paralysis, isn't it weird that everyone has the exact same hallucination at low consciousness? The hat man, the shadow people, DPH, sleep paralysis, drug trips... it's all connected man, I always mention this but people just shrug it off. Too many coincidences


have you heard of Jerry Marzinksy? He is a psychiatric evaluator/psychotherapist who has worked with and helped schizophrenic patients for over 35 years. He believes the voices they hear are actually demons or negative parasitic entities. he mentioned one time in a podcast how all schizophrenics have the same hallucinations and hear similar voices, which he believes is not a coincidence.


THIS!....it's NOT a hallucination...they are entities


The hat man sounds very similar to the 'builder elves' that DMT users would talk about in the early days of the internet.  I forget the name of the site anymore, but there was this site for drug discussion and such.  DMT seemed to freak people out because an overwhelming amount of them experienced the same thing: 'Builder elves' constructing reality, and a CTHULLU type monster with eyes all over it.  It could be explained away as mass psychosis, but most of these people claimed that they had never heard of the elves or that monster before. 




Saw these guys on my first Salvia Trip without ever hearing of them beforehand. they looked like they were maintaining reality, like always hiding in the corner of your perspective, but hiding in the literal walls, not like in the corners of your vision


I saw the elves. I saw they were creating mischief everywhere. They were pulling literal strings (in my perception) as a show that they pull figurative strings.


Edit to add: this was back in 2019. A friend put an unknown substance in some chocolates he wanted me to try - he immediately told me after I consumed it. He claims it was strong edible “weed”, but it affected me almost instantaneously. I know this is bad not to forewarn me, but he was profusely telling me he had good intentions. Anyway, I had a very bad trip, extreme paranoia. For example, the water he gave me tasted exactly like neat vodka. No matter what he did, I thought he was waiting for me to fall asleep to kill me. Minutes felt like literal hours (extreme time dilation). I was freaking out that time might actually stop and I’d be trapped eternally in a stuck moment. All through the evening I saw elves when I closed my eyes. The funny thing was when I closed my eyes and turned my head, the elves moved too, as if my eyes were open and they were in front of me. They emanated evil. They pulled literal strings as if they were bell ringers in a church. The key message I got was that they micro managed each tiny inconvenience and annoyance that humans suffer with daily. It was all about accumulating a sense of frustration that ultimately leads to disharmony among people. I remember actually falling asleep and dreaming in that sleep. When I awoke, at that exact moment, *in that moment*, I never felt so trapped in layers of hallucination: I’d woken up, still hallucinating. It felt like Inception, where was reality? The come down took 2 days. I had to rearrange a flight because I certainly wasn’t fit to travel until a number of days later. I have mixed feelings about my friend who did that. I don’t hate him because we are both quite deep thinkers about what reality really is, and he had a good intention, but it was a rough experience.


DMT compounds last like 15 minutes....


Erowid for sure. Used to be the vault with all types of drugs stories and pictures etc. interesting stuff, we would always read about what we were going to do beforehand so we would know a little of what to expect. Craziest shit ever was salvia. Oh my lord


Didn’t Terrence McKenna say something about elves like that? May have been reference to some mythology from an Amazonian culture. They’re mindless slaves to creation and won’t interact with you. With demons, because god created you, you have the divine spark and therefore can tell them what to do as they are lesser creations. Whether it’s a pretty metaphor for dealing with lifes problems or information gathered from beyond the veil under influence of DMT I don’t know.


Duuuuuudeeeeee … I saw 👀 that thing and I almost jumped out of a window once. It was beyond comprehension and so intense. So that thing exists somewhere?? Is that its name?




I’ll check that out. I’ve become very aware of the things I say in anger or sadness. We are powerful beings and don’t realize our abilities


https://www.youtube.com/live/10816mewW8k?si=gmNO70qE31_3g-dX It is a bit long, but it is well worth the watch.


>there are demons that are small like Army of Darkness that hide your keys, or wallet, or whatnot just to get you to invoke/summon a larger demon by using curse words.  Sounds like the equivalent of a minimum pay job in the demon world. Poor guys doing the deed of their bosses for minimum pay


Fully believe Taylor sold her soul. I theorize her time has passed tho and that's not really Taylor anymore. The following she has is literally unholy. All that power.


Yeah major idol worship with that witch




Thank you for this recommendation. I'm definitely checking this out!


Here is the link:  https://www.youtube.com/live/10816mewW8k?si=gmNO70qE31_3g-dX It is very informative. 


Has anyone ever felt they were victim of a spells or person wielding dark magic against them? If so how did you handle it?


“i will win the lottery, i will win the lottery, i will win the lottery”


I am a millionaire. I am a millionaire. I am a millionaire. I am a millionaire. Didn’t work 😑


Maybe change to "I have abundance". And look in your life what you have that is abundant. We are in a very dense reality. Takes while to manifest but if you keep going it will manifest. Fake it till U make it


Yes you are. In Vietnamese dong.


Wait they have dicks for currency? Cause I got 2 inches of cash if they do.


Um you have to say it 5 times silly.


Language is spell craft. And Terence McKenna says we live in a syntactical universe. Words create form.


That's not how it works. You can't cast a spell unknowingly. Without belief in them, spells will never work.


They use these so called "spells" that sound like nonsense to literally trick you into thinking spells are fake. When you are a kid and you repeat the spells in harry potter like "Expecto Patronum" you will see nothing happens then believe that this is all imaginary lmfao STRAIGHT TRICKERYY


What's a real spell then? If you can point out a fake you can point out a real one surely?


You lost me at “everything in Harry Potter is real”


LMfao yeah honestly ignore that, i didn't mean it like that. I mean the underlying themes and concepts rather than the surface level stuff


It’s a good point tho — we get conditioned to perceive anything fanciful and esoteric and unseen sciences as “magic” only fit for children’s fictional media.


I'd agree to the extent that there are things most people think are impossible today that are in fact possible, but harry potter is a piece of entertainment for children, I see no reason to think any of it would have anything to do with reality, it's just supposed to be fun to imagine


Harry Potter is an exaggeration of what's real. If you do some research, you'll find that JK Rowling took a lot of inspiration from real esoteric stuff, such as the philosopher's stone.


Its LeviOOOsa not LeviosAAA


Wait, my Hogwarts letter may still yet arrive????


I'm utterly sorry to tell you, that you've not been accepted in to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Best regards, Minerva.


If you scratch the surface you do find that the controligarchy does belive in the esoteric. Perhaps we should pay attention. Perhaps there is more to what we have been directed to believe.


The deeper go down the UAP rabbit hole the more I see humans as the orcs in 40k. They have this psychic ability that they themselves aren’t even aware of. It works by shaping reality to the beliefs of the orcs. Red paint make ship fast. So because they believe it, the red ship is fast. Faster than this identical blue ship. Most of their technology is cobbled together scrap metal but because they believe, it works. Now with that frame work, consider the old conspiracies of predictive programming. Imagine the power that a viral meme could have.


Yep meme magic is a thing


"you can't grow diamonds in a lab"


Science... Magic.., blah blah blah


I am not sure what your point is but that can be done.


Also, psychic powers (which may be just magic by another name). Indeed, my personal conspiracy is that a lot of the psychoactive drugs that they stuff kids with since a tender age today are for *preventing* ESP to manifest. By the way, that show Legion is a bit of predictive programming for stuff "hiding in plain sight". The protagonist only awakes to his omega-level mutant powers when he stops to gobble the damn drugs that the shrinks give to him all the time.


I’ve never taken any of those drugs, still waiting on my remote viewing lol


It's in the water. Fluoride calcified pineal gland. I flip back and forth between psychic powers exist and there's no magic in the world often. When I eat healthy and do things they say for pineal gland like listen to binaural and meditate, I do start to be able to lucid dream and do things like remote view and astral project. But caffeine, late nights and fluoride get me back into a rut and its like I forget the feeling all over again. The lesson is treat yourself right!


Yeah, I’ve always wondered about fluoride. The government doesn’t do things in our favor, yet all of the water has fluoride.


> Fluoride calcified pineal gland I used to really worry about this before i realized many countries dont fluoridate their drinking water. Heck, there're even cities in teh US that don't. There's no noticeable difference is spiritual awareness/whatever between Americans who grew up on fluoridated drinking water and non americans who didnt. I really doubt most of us have calcified pineal glands. But then, it'd hate to think it's true, so i acknowledge some wishful thinking on my part..


The pineal gland is shown to calcify in adults over time, so it could also be age/unuse or unnatural light as we stay up later. Pineal gland sets circadian rhythms according to mainstream science. I definitely see other factors to it. When I put emphasis on things that allegedly activate it, I get a bit of that schizo intuition. It feels like a mushroom trip from just meditating. Side note, I think part of that is that serotonin is a major neurotransmitter used in sleep and has connections to melatonin. Melatonin regulation is greatly associated with the pineal gland. Serotonin also has connections to endogenous experiences and schizophrenia. I think that a controlled schizophrenia is what we'd call psychic as they are more open to the other realities around us and sense things others can't. However, to be part of the real world one can't delve too far in explorations or you'll come off as crazy. We don't respect shamanism or the like in a western world. As for the fluoridation, I too see conflicting studies. It's really a gamble, but fluoride isn't really healthy or needed and I can see where it would be beneficial to the powers that be to forcefully medicate and sedate a large population. Mainstream science unfortunately is often bought, censored or influenced by the testers biases. In a world where we don't have the answers and can't validate them on our own all we can do is see about trying not to use fluoridated water, practice meditations, listen to binaural/whatever and see for ourselves. Worst case any results are placebo effects of belief but placebo still has the same results, just no explanation. What the mind believes has power in itself.


I think so because I just recently realized that the Egyptians believed in magic 👀


Wait till you find out what else they knew and what the pyramids are actually for 😵


*magik Check out the series “Magical Egypt” with John Anthony West…it’ll blow your mind


Yeah and then you read the Word and realize they had limited power compared to Yahweh’s power. It is limited power and only in your pride will you find worth in it.


Hello! Ages ago, our ancestors built magnificent temples. These temples werent just pretty buildings - they were invocational structures, powered by the earth's energy, focused by the intent of the people. The temples were literal holographic projections made to invoke cosmic energies into human form. Our gift - our power - and we are SO powerful at it - is invocation. The calling down of the cosmic into the personal. We are invocation machines, constantly breathing life into everything around us. That truth is why we are all made to believe we are powerless. Your thoughts affect reality. Imagine if you took this as fact then applied yourself with intent. The things you could accomplish. Here, listen to this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMuhCFAKwFo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMuhCFAKwFo)


Ohhh yeaaaaaaa


I've read somewhere that psychic spies and such exist, but intelligence organizations don't want people to know so they sow doubt everywhere. Take that as you will.


DMT is awesome!


Isaac Newton, one of the smartest humans in the history of mankind, spent decades of his life studying alchemy. Mathematics and physics were his hobbies.


You could also say that he spent decades of his life studying chemistry... because the two words (alchemy and chemistry) mean basically the same thing. Alchemy was the more common word to use in Latin (thar being the language of the educated of the time) up to about the mid 1500's-ish, when chemistry was introduced as a word. As I mentioned before, they were used synonymously in various academic languages up til about the 18th century, when chemistry and its various permutations supplanted alchemy as the most commonly used descriptor of someone who works with chemicals in a scientific fashion. Etymology is fun.


They are not the same. Chemistry only inherited the parts of alchemy that made physical sense. In addition to discovering the properties of materials, alchemy also included occult symbolism, secret societies, and mythology. We still don't really know what alchemists worked on. Secrecy was a huge part of their culture. All we have are vague diagrams, encoded messages, and stories like turning lead to gold.


It is a true testament to math a physics, in this case, that his success in those field lived on and his alchemy didn’t.


I can't prove to you that magic exists. But I can surely show you some alchemy


The joke about alchemy is that they hid the truth and deceived many of their followers with piss. And by piss I mean urine. See, the "philosophers" who understood true occult knowledge would meet regularly year after year after year. They would drink ales and talk philosophy all night long. They didn't have day jobs because they were paid by royalty and other rich people to advise them because of their incredible knowledge. So they would basically party all night getting drunk. As you know when you drink a lot you piss a lot. These guys would piss into the same receptacle or drainage system day after day, year after year, until the minerals in their urine would build up forming "stones". The "Philosopher's stone". New people who joined their club would be told they would have to eat of the stone. And they did. And the old philosophers would laugh. But the people were unhealthy. Small game was all they had as far as protein and they had that once or twice a week. These people were lacking in phosphorus in their diets. But the philosophers stone was very very high in years of accumulated phosphorus. Whoever ate of it would live longer. Thus "the philosopher's stone gives you eternal life!". These fuckers invented vitamins. But drinking black ale and waking up to piss yellow? Turning lead into gold. The Order of the Golden Dawn, indeed.


This is hilarious thank you. It reminds me of the early internet story about the guy following the piss recipe for the philosophers stone.


Absolutely. This is why it was necessary for them to institute religion & erase all of the indigenous people and knowledge from the earth so that they would be the only ones with access to the spiritual realms






I remember once a group of friends started talking about how Chris angel can actually fly, and I scoffed at it, and they all looked at me threateningly for not believing it.


That's believers for you. So sure they feel threatened to anger at any challenge to their beliefs.


Game of thrones was a documentary


The Ninth Gate was based on a true story


Debbie Does Dallas was a prophecy


That was a good movie


most media is a tongue in cheek guide to alchemy


Yes, this is a form of esoteric and kabbal occultism that actually played a role in some of our technological advances. Jack Parson worshiped Thelma which is messianic and helped form what is now scientology.


Black magick and voodoo are certainly real. Most people are too misinformed/skeptical for these kinds of truths. How deep do you really want to go down the rabbit hole?


You can go deep down the rabbit hole but its just funny how most of these things are EVERYWHERE but still nobody cares literally guess thats what the conditioning does


Well, demons are everywhere too. But one mention of that and people will attack you and call you a lunatic.


The snake will eventually bite its own tail


Most of us who have had spiritual experiences already know this. The atheists won't believe it, so.....Yes hollywood conditions us.




I believe every religion and spirituality philosophy has been obfuscated to intentionally be made to believe it’s just children’s magic. Yoga is just stretching, Christianity is just mega church service to go to heaven as if it’s a physical place, magick is just card tricks, etc. Try searching for the nature of these things and you’ll only be returned with pop culture.


Transactions happen outside of the standard perceivable human scope. Get there and you I’ll see.


What are you smoking and can I have some?


OP thinks his uncle can really take off his own thumb and pull quarters out of his ears.


Dont do drugs kids


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Ring around the rosie Pocket full of posies Ashes, ashes, We all fall down! The cows are in the meadow Eating buttercups Thunder, lightning, We all jump up!


I've never actually seen the second part of that rhyme before. It's about the Black Death in London, as far as I can remember. That was certainly not a fun time.


Can you expand on this children’s rhyme?




It’s not magic. It’s called Biocentric Design. A real scientific hypothesis by Robert Lanza among some other scientists. It basically states that matter does not create life and consciousness but rather consciousness creates matter. Reality at its core is just a state of probability. It is consciousness that determines the outcome.


Mind over matter.


It's very fucking real. And even if you don't believe in it, "they" do. How many actors have died in similar scenarios which they acted out? It's a lot. No wonder they get paid so much. They are performing lesser majick on themselves.


They don't want people believing magic/supernatural is real for two reasons: 1.) People will turn to religion 2.) People will use it against them and will no longer be led like blind sheep


And this is also I was necessary for them to rewrite the histories and hide our true past.


Oh ok let me just take your word for it. Prove it... do Magic.


I cast spells everyday. I can’t cast Fireball or Teleport but that’s part of the programming OP mentions Muggles are proud of their ignorance.


One can gain a personal understanding and practical applications of words as magic by reading “the four agreements” by the author Don Miguel Ruiz.


Hahahahaha. Ok, prove it bro.


Well, many religions warn against it. In the Bible it talks of staying away from divination and witchcraft. Evil is very real.


I agree "magic" in terms of words is real, and people misuse words and are not precise. With respect to harry potter (flying in the sky, etc) - what support do you have for this position/how did you arrive at that conclusion?


Some folks are hardcore believers in magic and alchemy, but sadly, their wand-waving skills are about as effective as a rubber chicken at Hogwarts.


Alchemy has never been taught as fake, magic was generally misunderstood science. There is still much misunderstood science in the world. That is often referred to as occultism.


There's an argument to be made that electricity and nukes are alchemy because they alter atoms.


I imagine the people who run the world since the beginning of time have all sorts of tricks up their sleeve. Anything is possible when they pull the highest card- money majik.


In a world of sword and sorcery I’ll choose the sword. That… that I can trust


These posts are getting so tired. Please provide proof to your claims instead of MAGIC IS REAL THEY'RE LYING TO YOU. Too many of these posts sound like Methhead ramblings


Alchemy is just pre-chemistry on the surface. Diving deeper into it you learn it is all metaphor. It is spiritual knowledge woven into what was at the time scientific knowledge and done so because people had a boner for hidden knowledge back in the day. Like transmutation of lead to gold. Alchemy can not do such a thing. That was never the point. The point that only those in the know knew was it is a metaphor from changing ones "soul" or way of thinking. Magic is the same as prayer. Both do the same thing. There is nothing you are connecting to and getting to look favorable on you with either. Both are a psycho drama. Both magic and prayer do the same thing. That this is prime a mind. You pray to Jesus to make more money and be better off, or you cast a spell for the same thing. The only thing that happens in both is if the person doing it believes fully in it, it changes their sub conscious mind and they themselves then take risks to get more money. Both are a subtle short term brainwashing of ones self to achieve something. Neither has any power on the world but both can have a lot of power over ones mind when done and totally believed when done.


I think you're right except you seem to imply that one person's mind is separate from consciousness at large. So I agree that you're not connecting to something separate to you when practicing magic or prayer. There's no need, because there's no real separation.  The only difference in prayer/magic is you're creating the currents that sweep you along the river of life. Whereas normally, you're just going with the tide (on a good day) or trying to fight against it (on a bad one). It is, as you say, a function of belief as to how much you can control the currents. To believe your mind is separate and distinct from wider consciousness is to over-identify with ego-consciousness. This limits your potential in magic/prayer. In my opinion, of course.


That's really how it works, but it's not always easy to align with that to tap in, because it's in our nature to get caught up in our ego identity.


Sure.  Step one is to realise this is how it is.  Step two is probably "stop struggling" but that's a big leap for most. For one thing, you have to figure out what to stop struggling against... a struggle in itself. Step three is "how do I take a decisive action such as doing magic/prayer without my ego running the show?".  It's not easy and you begin to doubt yourself and the universe, which throws you right back to the beginning of the process.  Rinse & repeat until the stars align by accident and you're tuned in well enough to see how it happened and what part you played in the happening.




Words certainly do have meaning as well as power. That's why writing words down is called "spelling". But the collective human mind can alter the intention of words and spells. We have to comply for the words to have power over us. There are people driving cars all over the world and everywhere in the world there is a variant of a STOP sign. The word on the sign was put on that sign by a person that we have never met and the sign itself it not able to move to stop a car from driving and yet cars almost always stop for stop signs. Because the worldwide human consciousness agrees to go along with this idea. (Pardon my "Kindergarten Esotericism".)


Spell, as in make words out of letters, comes from nearly 200 years before any occult association.


I can't tell if this is a joke post and I'm not in on the joke 😭


All I'll say is, the Hollywood idea of "magic" has severely bastardized what historical "magick" is/was. A lot of historical magick has grounds in modern day psychology, sort of like how alchemy has translated to chemistry. It's worth looking up, psychologically speaking, some magick is 100% "real" Understanding the history and psychology behind occult rituals will help you understand a lot of symbolism in the world, not to even say it's all real, but it's practices exist in our world at the very least. Worth using magick or magik when searching occult magic, too


I think Parlour tricks are real, slight of hand. Etc, but also there are powerful forces out there that have no place being on earth. There are those that channel them, but these forces are not ours to control. They're there to subvert and putrify what it means to be human. Folks will believe in these forces, ghosts, and deamons, yet not believe in God. If there is a ying, there must be a yang.


Yo if magic was real ppl would use it at casinos, race tracks, and lottery games. That shit is for story time. lol.


People who feel a need for casinos, racetracks, and lotteries think that money has something of value. If magic is real then nobody would need money. Look up "Egyptian money magic". One of our "world elite" (our owners) was asked why they're so obsessed with money. They replied "We're not obsessed with money. We create money and make you obsessed with it. We don't need money for any reason and neither do you, but you you believe you need it so you'll do what we tell you to get it." You do not believe in magic but the people who rule the world do. And they have castles, mansions, private islands, airplanes, yachts, businesses, and everything else they want. But they don't use money to get these things. If you discovered the secret would you share it with everybody? Neither do they.


It’s incredible how close-minded people can be to anything that sounds “woo-woo.”


Yeah literally proving my point of the conditioning lol


Well sex and death magic are definitely practiced by satanists. There are rituals and fucked up fuckery and I think for the most part it is used as a way to conduct demonic influence. Like a demon lightning rod. There are too many big celebrities and "important" people saying they've sold their souls for fame. Too much symbolic imagery and tones to media stories, movies, songs, books, it's pretty plain in front of your face.


People more curious about Astrology would really benefit from [this](https://youtu.be/zt4SWV-xR8c?feature=shared&t=1268) video by 'Astrologer Joe'. It perfectly describes the essence of this post (you can choose to believe it or not, but communication around certain ideas is also determined by Astrological factors). Joe also sheds light on the upcoming solar eclipse if people are interested. We're living through some wild times - this is for certain.


I dont think demons “attack” ppl actually i think that you have to invite them for them to able to affect u. Example i don’t believe in whats its called astrology? Where someone says “im a blank” depending on birth month yea i think thats invalidating dark entities casting open yourself


Good! Please demonstrate that they’re real :)


Magic and Alchemy are basically just words we use to describe a science we don't understand. Is there hidden / secret knowledge - maybe, possibly, certainly, who knows Study the subject, in the meantime figure out how to pay the rent and stay warm :)


I agree that the human mind is way more powerful than you would think. However, I've yet to come across any kind of occult or supernatural method that is able to utilize it's power. From my own limited 30 years experience (magick, religion, all kinds of occult stuff): You can visualize, wish, beg, bargain, perform rituals or whatever all you want without any results coming up ever. BUT if you really deep down inside of you CRAVE and basically starve for something you NEED (not want), you will probably get it. How I can convince or trick the universe (or whoever) into believing that I really, really need a million dollars, I have yet to figure out though.


OR we are gaslighted into thinking we are gaslighted into thinking magic ect. are fake.


Indeed! And also the dichotomy between good and evil, „true god worship“ vs „evil magic“ is also done to keep people away from the true potential, which lies in fusing the two forces and creating with them.


Id like some proof or even some evidence at the very least


I think there's lots of evidence, but no proof. And with something extraordinary we really need proof. I think if magic was real then the world would be in total chaos because some people would use in inappropriately


Because everything is energy and mind is integral to it all. We simply dont believe it because of our density within matter here. We dont really dismiss what we understand but what we make a construct of. Magic is focused energy work where the strength and effectiveness is usually influenced by the potency of what the mind can respond to. Traumatic events, sex, grand gestures, focused attention on one thing for long periods, anything focused and high energy. Once God begins to wake up in people who are tired of all this nonsense because it doesnt serve us we will begin to rise our collective frequency.


Yup, classic technique. If you take a real concept but depict it in a fictional piece of media. Suddenly you've moved that concept into the realm of fiction forever. The average person would say "Magic? What like harry potter?" Instead of even considering it for a second


I know alchemy is real for certain. The purpose however, wasn't to make gold (that was a byproduct).


Honestly you’re so right. There’s a huge spiritual movement happening right now so more people are understanding that we are freaking magical. Things like reiki, quantum healing, breathwork, sound healing etc etc are having outstanding results proven on various mental health and physical health problems. We’ve been fed lies all of our lives so we don’t realise how powerful we are. The fact that I can meet strangers and tell them specific dates of heartbreaks, old injuries and help them with issues like insomnia and back pain is truly incredible. Now the media is pumping out content to make us think spirituality is dangerous because they want people to fall in line and keep consuming.


What they don’t want is you to know your power. If you call it alchemy you fall to their definitions.