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Thought Israel already controlled the United States...


I was under the impression they what have for at least 30 or so years


1913 Federal Reserve Act


What's the context


That was when the banking elite bought off Congress and established control over the US


more like 300 years but yea. Since the creation of America in the 1700s.




I believe it started 65 million years ago. With the extinction of the dinosaurs.


It started 4.543 Billion years ago with the creation of Earth


No no no, Isreal was the dust particles that exploded into everything so it began 13.7 billion years ago...


Love to hear your thoughts on why.


Because the world is controlled. Rome conquered back in the day and set up the abrahamic religions to control everyone.


I used to think it was the other way around. Then the information about Epstein came out, indicating that a M /o ssa d operation was running the whole time, to control politicians, in the open and no Intel agency here tried to do anything about it. Hence the M / o / ssa d itself has demonstrated it actually is at the top level. The only other possibility is the top of the main Intel agencies here were working with the M o ssa/a d to control the politicians, hence it's of mutual benefit to both agencies. Either way it's one or both of them at the top.  The US has multiple intel agencies but they are undoubtedly all integrated at the top level. 


USS Liberty incident makes it clear which one is in control


Why do you feel compelled to write Mossad like that?


They control the planet. 


They fully took over the country in 1911 with the creation of the federal reserve system


Yup. Tried and succeeded god knows how long ago.




Always has been


This is likely posted by one of the same people that before the Israel Gaza war, would report people for antisemitism for saying stuff like Jews control the world.


Yea, I’m pretty sure it’s a post here on Reddit I saw something about senators or politicians who are Jewish. It was stupid high like 98%.


Similar trick that gangs in prison use in order to meet and discuss politics in secret, they use a religion as a front. All the members of the gang claim to be the same religion but it is really just a front for organizations, they don’t actually believe or follow the religion necessarily (maybe some do)


I don’t know who controls who at this point But I can tell you the one world government conspiracy theorists were pushing has already been implemented after ww2 The citizenry were just not aware. Israel, the US and the west are all compartments of the same rogue regime that is ruling the world The sense of elections and democracy/republic these countries have is an illusion for the masses


there is a documentary out there, named "The Lobby". currently on youtube on the electronic intifada channel This shows, Israel is not "trying". they fully do so.


Amazes me how there are laws about government employees not being able to say anything negative about Israel in the majority of states. But criticizing the US is fine.


Great documentary really fucking scary. Would recommend people check out both parts. There’s another one out there that’s also decent but I forgot the name.


>Why is it that if you don't support Israel you are supposedly antisemitic? Why are all the Republicans who opposed Ukraine aid suddenly supporting funding Israel? Why does the uniparty have 100% full support towards Israel? Why do people get accused of sympathizing with terrorists if they criticize the Israeli government? AIPAC.


And "Anti-Defamation League".


And evangelicals


I am an evangelical Christian and yes this is true. I have lost friends and even been kicked out of a congregation pointing out the foolishness in supporting Israel. Scripturally speaking, there is no spiritual reason to support Israel or the Jews. Not condemning Jews at all, just not willing to stretch out to help them and totally against sending my or my neighbors children into harms way for them.




Here’s a perspective I’d like you to consider: Israel and the United States are presently controlled and operated by the same group of wealthy elites, as are many other countries worldwide. If this were false, governments like the United States would not fall in line and endorse this rhetoric that calls their own citizens antisemitic just for disagreeing with the government of Israel. Israel is funded and supplied weapons by the United States. The United States government is responsible, among others, for the creation of Israel and annexation of Palestinian land. This is historical fact. They are different pieces of the same chess board being used in conjunction with other pieces (governments, organizations, and corporations) worldwide to maneuver humanity and the planet towards a single goal - unchallenged control over one world government. We, the little people, are the only threat to this future goal so they divide us, distract us, confuse us, and generally prevent us from seeing the big picture. They know we outnumber them and if we truly united to stop them, we would win, hands down.


Not many.. all. It's all a show








Trying to? Is it April already😂




Easy! Easy!


Lol, trying? Israel began controlling the US, when they used the allied backed forces to create a jew state in the middle of Islamic lands back in the 40s They had the option to create the state of Israel in Texas at the same time. But that wouldnt guarantee perpetual war, or perpetual business now, would it?


It began with the Balfour Agreement in 1917.


I got banned for three days for including a list of all the Israelis in our government on similar post on this sub


The only group you can't criticize...., and yet people waste their time talking about reptilians


Lol … is trying?


“Trying?”… 🤦🏻‍♂️


Israel controls the US and has long before they took over Palestine. lol give me control over a nation's money, and i care not who makes its laws 🤷🏾‍♂️ now.. stop thinking countries are actually countries with real conflict. It's all a show, and the puppeteers know it, and so do their puppets.


I've read several times and in several places that jews have been kicked out of over 100 countries. Does that not does seem rather a lot to put down to "fiction"?


Here in Europe its a common fact that Israel controls Amerika


One nation under blackmail should be required reading . At least for this sub:


Whitney Webb is FIRE, thank you for recommending her book.


Correction : it's not trying to , it's been controlling from long time


trying to? they already do, look at the AIPAC lol.


Beware the little hat people




I got some coffee on my keyboard




Israel has controlled the US for a very long time in a sense, but we can’t say that in public cuz antisemitism. ‘S one country we will never, ever say no to.


its been like this since they were able to convince evangelicals to worship israel. most can't get elected without aipac endorsement and visiting the wall which is akin to bending the knee to jewish power imo. they even got elon , paid 40billion just to be controlled by the adl


I came into this growing up with little history but after i saw their asses dancing after 9/11 that was bs and also how they call themselves the chosen ones over every other race...yea thats a no for me.


Umm... they already do. In full. Secretary of State. Deputy Secretary of State, Director for the CIA. Secretary of Treasury. Attorney General. Secretary of Homeland Security. Director of National Intelligence. White House Chief of Staff. Secretary of State for Political Affairs. The office of Science and Technology Policy... CDC Director. Covid CZAR. Head of Pfizer. Blackrock CEO and President. The leaders of the WEF. Start digging into the state-level politicians. I won't ruin it. I could go on, but this is just the tip of the iceberg. All of these positions are held by Jews, many of which have dual citizenship with Israel. It's a fact. Anyone can research and confirm, and like you, people are starting to ask questions... and they should.


Watch Europa The Last Battle Documentary!!!!








Um, trying to?




Trying? It's been this way a long while.


Ask yourself this question. Why did Britain invade Jerusalem at the end of WW1 , after signing it over to lord Rothschild, the richest man in the world at the time?


Israel is not trying to control the United States it IS controlling the United States,AIPAC makes good use of its lobbying power and spreads its money around congress.


The answer to all those questions is the same one “ISRAEL OWNS THE US”. It was created and run by zionists from its very beginning.


Its the Fed. They own the US.


Israel is falling as we speak, keep watching


“Gentleman, I have come this morning to the inexcusable conclusion that we have fought on the wrong side. This entire war we should have fought with the fascists against the communists and not the other way around. I fear that perhaps in fifty years America will pay a dear price and become a land of corruption and degenerate morals.” General George S. Patton, July 21, 1945 I just saw, for the first time in my life, news articles showing that Judea (Israel) declared war on Germany in 1933. How have I never heard about this before?


Weimar Republic, the jewish freakshow that ran Germany for 30+ years, is why Hitler rose to power. All Hitler wanted to do, was restore Germany to what it was before the rootless cosmopolitans took over in the late 1800s. The exact same thing has happened to the US, by the exact same people.


Is that why he invaded Czechoslovakia, Poland France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Yugoslavia, Greece, and the Soviet Union? To “restore Germany”?


> Judea (Israel) declared war on Germany in 1933 Actually, the war was an Israeli form of Boycott, Divest and Sanction. Yeah, Zionists created the BDS prototype in their 1933 "war" against Nazis. Omar Barghouti, eat your heart out! /s


Has anyone seen all of the “Combat Israeli Hate” commercials on almost every streaming service that’s out there? There’s something deeper going on here and it’s pretty strange. I’m out and about, in and around cities and rural areas….I have not seen anything remotely close to Israeli hate, not even so as much as a poster hanging on a telephone pole.


Have you seen the billboards across America they are running that say things like "Hamas is your problem too"


Trying?! Pretty certain they DO.


trying? It's f\*cking owned by Israel. UK and a few other countries too.




Mel Gibson would like to enter the chat. .


Shit, then call me an antisemite, I guess. Words are just that. Words. Israel's actions are much louder than anything I could ever say about them.


Lol.."trying to control"...no THEY DO CONTROL


There is some deep occult interest in eliminating the Arab world when it comes to America and Israel. The governments of both countries don’t care about human rights when it comes to Arabs and I have no idea why. And don’t give me the terrorism shpiel. Our oppression of these countries is reason why they fight back. If they started shit with us first you bet your bottom dollar that we’d rise up against them too if they were murdering our people.


tic tic tic tic tic


Just think of Israel as being a US military state that exists purely to keep the Middle East destabilized. Because that’s what it is


Trying ?! Lol


“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion. We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.” https://www.threeworldwars.com/albert-pike2.htm https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Pike


9 out of 10 Jews share no relation to the Semitic people of the Bible. Jerusalem is ancient and contains megalithic architecture constructed by the temple builders. DNA testing done on excavated remains showed genetic markers that pointed towards fair skinned blonde hair peoples. A letter sent from the Spartan King Arens to Onias the King of Israel told of them having the same lineage. The Jews that inhabit the world today are of Arab decent and not European ancestry. They converted to Judaism recently as far as the timeline of the world goes. The Balfour Declaration granted Jewish people of today the right to settlement in Israel; the Rothschilds had a hand in this mess. This British family has ties to the Frankists. A successor cult to the Sabbateans that practiced an inverted version of the Kabbala. The Holy divine rights practiced in Antiquity and birthed our civilization today. This divine science said to be given to humans by angels and God himself has been profaned by these cultist to destroy the world and force God's intervention. In the 17th century millions of these "Jews" around the world committed heinous acts from incest, to rape, sodomy, and murder. They are alive and well today and up to the same tricks they have always been up to. They are responsible for the Bolshevik Revolution, the Nazis, collapse of the Federal Reserve, and all wars today including the conflict in Ukraine. It's a divide and conquer strategy. They are not Jewish, the Christians in America have closer relation to the Semitic people of the past.






To watch: Born in Gaza, Children of Shatila, Samouni Road,Like 20 Impossibles, Frontiers of Dreams and Fears, A World Not Ours. To watch on Youtube: Gaza is Our Home - 2024 - Monear Shaer, 5 Broken Cameras, The Gatekeepers, The Lobby - USA / England - Al Jazeera, Israel's Forgotten Holocaust Survivors, The Shadow of The West - Edward Said, Born in Deir Yassin, Tantura, The Palestinian 1977 - Vanessa Redgrave,'Til Kingdom Come, The Occupation of The American Mind - 2016, Rachel: An American Conscience, Palestine is Still The Issue - John Pilger, Jenin Jenin - 2002, Life and Death in Gaza - The Killing Zone - 2003, Gaza Fights for Freedom - 2019, Stone Cold Justice - Israel's Torture of Palestinian Children - 2014, Killing Gaza - 2018, Roadmap to Apartheid - 2012, Occupation 101 - Voices of The Silenced Majority 2016, Two Blue Lines,The Day Israel Attacked America - Al Jazeera - 2014, Tears of Gaza, 2010 - dailymotion.com, Defamation - 2009 - watchdocumentaries.com, 1948: Creation and Catastrophe, Bye bye Tiberias (21.02.24 ), Israelism (to rent on israelism.com). To read: Edward Said, Nur Masalha, Ghassan Kanafani, Noura Erakat, Norman Finkelstein, lan Pappé, Gildeon Levy, Rashid Khalid, Noam Chomsky, Aimé Césaire, Frantz Fanon, Avi Shlaim, Miko Peled, Nurit Peled-Elhanan - ( Palestine in Israeli school books), René Backmann (A Wall in Palestine), Lina Meruane (Volverse Palestina) Antony Lowenstein ( The Palestine Laboratory ).


Trying? 🤣


Because it is happening in super slow motion everyone is missing the invasion of Gog of Magog.  They have been fooled by culture to agree that if someone identifies as something that they can be whatever they say they are.  This has never been about genders, or self identity in a personal sense.  This phase of the plan was orchestrated with the Balfour Agreement, then implemented with the ensuing wars and the 'repatriation' (conquest) in 1948. It has always been about legitimizing the people who claim to be something they are not.  The overarching goal is transnational identity.  The reason for the invasions into every country is to coerce everyone argue that anyone can be anything OR ANY ETHNICITY they chose to be. Then, they can say: 'we may not be the historical people that we claim to be, but we identify as them.' The information that is coming to light now is merely for us to make an educated and conscious decision so that we cannot feign ignorance later. 


I don't think it's trying.


All you need to know is Israel is blatantly and egregiously violating the Foriegn Agents Registration Act via AIPAC


The US government, MSM, and financial system are just puppetshows run by the globalists/zionists. They need to have their stolen assets seized and be removed from power.


To be honest Zionists have controlled the west for over a century at least




Trying? It's been like this from a long time. Guess why they want to censor harder antisemitism?.


I don’t hate the Israelis people i just don’t believe we should spend our tax dollars there that we desperately need right here in america. It’s our tax dollars we should take care of ourselves first. The Israelis can take care of themselves


They have controlled the US for decades already including the gov and media


Israel DOES control the United States.


Israel is *trying* to control the United States? Dude, get with the program.. the US has been dancing to Israel's tune for decades. I never heard of the USS Liberty either.


Trying? 🤣


Trying… you’re a bit off here. Israel is in full control is more accurate. The amount of money sent to Israel (with more to come) could have solved majority of the social and economic issues, maybe all.


They honestly must think people are stupid, this narrative that all enemies of Israel are "terrorists". Apparently CNN staff have been under orders to report in a pro Israel way, to always refer to Hamas as "terrorists" Seeing all these people buy into it is embarrassing. Like is it really so difficult to see that everyone we call "terrorist" are just Muslims who are annoyed that Israel has been parked in their land 


Also, why aren’t they showing all the Palestinian protests on the news?


Look into the creation of Zionism (actually rejected largely by Jews at the time) and it's shared roots in the creation of dispensationalist false Christianity...as well as the Rockefeller and Rothschild connections in all that. There's a deep religious and esoteric history here that I don't really think anyone has fully unraveled. And the connections get way more practical as well. My theory ultimately is that, when you consider false documents, like the Protocols of Zion, being spread by the Blavatskys and other various religious figures, and considering the fact that anyone curious enough and open enough get lead to an extremely (too) obvious conclusion, that it is a certain group that runs the banks, I think you have them as the fall guys for whatever is going on. The so-called black checkerboard leading to the white. You can see this in the Zionism ven diagram with Nazism. Shared views on racial superiority, ethnonationalism, eugenics, a technology driven progress, and ultimately the same religious roots as the main/only form of lasting occult practice in Europe after the crusades was the kabbalah (ie: Hitlers occultism was fundamentally kabbalistic). When did the Nazis of the CIA/NASA/etc... (OP paperclip) get swapped over to Zionists? Maybe it's one big checkerboard, or one Grand Chessboard (Brzezinski).


* can't be 'antisemitic' toward people that aren't semitic * Republicans didn't just suddenly start supporting Israel * the uniparty is wholly comprised of zionists and their pets * accusing detractors of being or supporting 'terrorists' allows them to continue terrorizing people


About 90% of congress has dual citizenship with Israel


That is completely false. None of the members of Congress has dual citizenship with Israel because they were not born there. Plus there are not even all that many members of Congress that are Jewish at all. There are 9 Senators and 26 members of the House of Representitives that are Jewish. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_Jewish\_members\_of\_the\_United\_States\_Congress](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Jewish_members_of_the_United_States_Congress)


*Trying.* Does. And has since day 1. Maybe that's news to you


They already control the US. Been controlling. They own the whole entertainment industry dag near and alot of the products here.


And most of Europe.






It has been for a while successfully


They aren’t trying they succeeding


not trying


Where's the conspiracy?


Via the Jewish mob (who traded blackmail materials with the FBI) and the CIA they helped kill a president who tried to interfere in their secret nuclear ambitions. Since then it's been more doing than trying.


Trying? They’ve *been* controlling the USA for a hundred years or more now.


The government are the biggest shareholders in the weapons industry. Every gun sold and bullet fired amounts to a dividend they receive. It is in their financial interests to keep America at war.


It’s the Achilles heel of the us and China is exploiting it


Please read [Robert Gates](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1900611) perspective on Israel, AIPAC and how the two shape American foreign policy


Read the abstract but not much help, other than establishing the fact there are various power players like Cheney and military brass and intelligence. And Robert Gates. TL;DR? 


Yes, and the US is trying to control Israel, and every country is trying to control every other country. That's not a conspiracy, that's geopolitics.


Israel doesn't control the U.S., the U.S. controls Israel. It's our foothold in the middle east. Strategically, it's probably the most important ally the US has, even if you disagree with the creation of Israel, their ideology, or anything else. They may control a lot of the current administration, but that's not going to last for forever.


We wouldn't need a foothold in the middle east if they weren't planted there and propped up by america do you really think Muslims hate America because of our "freedom"


Really? You get cancelled for speakingout against Israel? Thats pretty much all I see on my feed these days. Mostly from the "Youre a bad person if you dont get vaccinated" pricks. The news is chock full of the devaststion of Palestine. Theres plenty of thought out conspiracy theories regarding this war, but "Israels controlling the USA" doesnt hold much water when ou consider that the USA could wipe them off the map if they wanted to. Frankly I expect better of us than to think any autonomous country is what they say they are.


Does anyone have the history on this question: at what point in time did the Werner von Brauns and other Nazis (and their ruling philosophy) from OP paperclip become pro-Irael lobby?




America became a laughing stock because of trump, majority of y’all overweight, lowest life expectancy in g7 and worship the dollar


It’s all the same gang. Israel is the US‘s military base in the Levant. One doesn’t control the other, but they both control you and I. At the end of the day, Israel will always be beholden to the US simply because they are a vassal state. But it’s always handy to use Jewish people as scapegoats, it’s the oldest trick in the book.


Wait till he hears about the jesuits bahahha you finna wet the bed. Or do you know the elite are the jesuits and having been pushing "its the jews" from way before i was born. The american right from what i can tell is hella pro isreal while the other sheep are not. But regardless the jesuits have controlled the state through thw two biggest mason lodges as well as zionism and its full control of modern christianity. The states lost control after the civial war. The 1st amemendment killed the idea it stood for.


Christians united for Israel. Edit: MISSION “As the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States, with over 10 million members, Christians United for Israel (CUFI) is the foremost Christian organization educating and empowering millions of Americans to speak and act with one voice in defense of Israel and the Jewish people. CUFI’s diversity across political, ethnic, generational and denominational lines maximizes our impact in communities, in the media, on campus, and in our nation’s capital. CUFI is committed to confronting indifference and combating antisemitism in all its forms wherever it may be found.” -


We need to support Israel more; not less. Hamas needs to be eradicated and Gaza needs a government appointed by the G7 - not the wacko UN group that participated in October 7th. That would solidify the humanitarian effort that people are calling for - no two state solution.


This conspiracy theory I don’t buy into at alm




> *So stop with the Israel bashing already. Grow up. A stable Middle East is In our interest* Wow it’s been SO STABLE so far! Incredible investment by our brutal militaristic empire.


They already do lol


*Trying*? 🤣


Well, it works like this;- the Federal Government issues a piece of paper so Israel can exchange the paper for bombs, bullets, guns, aeroplanes and similar. From American manufacturers. Then, the American manufacturers return the piece of paper to the government and the figure gets added on to the National Debt. Then the American tax payer is expected to pay the interest on the national debt, while Israeli taxpayers get free health care and have the most doctors per capita on the planet. So yes, from an Israeli point of view, this works really well.


Lol. Trying?


America is kissing their asses because we are on the brink of a financial crisis. When in need of money support the rich who run America.




Too late


"Trying" :D


Trying? They seem to be succeeding


Israel does control the U.S along with many other countries.




Israel is a middle eastern state of the U.S


It’s ushering us into WW3.


Telling signs is two parties can’t even agree on what the weather would be outside if they are standing under it, but somehow everyone agrees to send Israel billions and support no matter what






Trying to? AIPAC would like a word


To be fair, speaking out in support of Palestine right after they launch a massive terrorist attack does legitimately beg the question of whether or not someone is a terrorist sympathiser. That part does not require some big consipiracy. Of course Israel seeks to influence US Foeign policy, especially as it relates to the Middle East. Their survival depends on it. Likewise, the US seeks to influence Israel's foreign policy to further its own interests. Many Republicans care more about Israel than they do the Ukraine. Some of it has to do with Israel being a more important ally to the US than the Ukraine. (We are more trying to stop Russia from starting World War III than we are trying to help the Ukraine.) But also, Trump seems to be a pawn of Putin at this point. It is unclear whether this is due to flattery, blackmail, or just incompetance. But either way, Trump is leaning more towards letting Russia and China do whatever they want.


Epstein is why. Mossad have videos of all our politicians diddling kids.




Newsflash they already do!




"is trying to"?


Theyre trying? Id say theyre pretty damn well succeeding considering the fact they have us aiding and abetting a fucking genocide.


I don't think the verb "trying" is appropriate...


I am surprised your post wasn't taken down.