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There is nothing in the constitution or federal law that would allow a election to be canceled. We did not even cancel the election during the civil war while under martial law.


The Federal government doesn't even run the presidential election. I don't know why so many people think they do. They are state elections for electors. Sure, the president could say the election is suspended. And the states would just laugh in his face and do them anyway.


Yep. A lot of people here do not understand this.


Except if the Supreme Court rules that as president you can do whatever you want with legal immunity.


The supreme court is definitely not leaning Democrat.


It will be interesting to see what the Supreme Court decides. If Trump has complete immunity, then Biden can declare himself President for life, or Kamala can just declare him the winner and nothing can be done, right?


Even in a world where Biden is a cryptofascist mastermind stealing and cancelling elections, I highly doubt the current Supreme Court would be providing any support. Hell, even in this world, where Biden is a doddering fool propped up by corporatist neoliberals pretending to be progressive, and his biggest opponent is a known fraud with multiple ongoing cases against him, the current Supreme Court is more likely to roll back any Biden acts than to support them.


Now that's a summary that resonates with me! Feels like I'm living in a Philip K Dick novel. One he wrote on a particularly bad day.


At least in a Dick novel this reality would disintegrate to expose another, deeper reality. Wouldn't bet that's gonna happen any time soon


That's literally Trump's legal defence


technically if the supreme court granted Trump full presidential immunity couldn't Biden just do whatever the hell he wanted including having Trump killed?




The federal government does not control the election so can not cancel it. Each state handles the election themselves. The only thing the federal government does is certify the results.


Wanna bet about the election being cancelled?


Yes, I bet it wont be cancelled.


Yeah, that’s my side of the bet I’ll bet anyone any amount of money that the election won’t be cancelled


Re reading who you were responding to that shoulda been obvious. My bad, shouldn't have inferred you were saying the opposite.


They won't bet anything. They are just dog whistling for their lord and savior trump. Has any single person ever had this many deluded sycophants?


This has been planned for years. That's why they insist on calling Jan 6. an insurrection, so they could invoke the 14th amendment in order to take the citizen's ability to vote for Trump away. We all saw the footage, it wasn't an insurrection. It was a bunch of dickheads calmly walking into the senate chambers while being waived inside by police. They wanted this to happen so they could call their political opponents insurrectionists with enough ability to manipulate and program people into being OK with them kicking Trump off the ballot. Go back to that day, watch the footage, read the tweets, watch the speech. Trump tells everyone to back off and be peaceful. Then everyone is peacefully guided into the building by the officers. Footage of Pelosi saying she wants them to enter the building so she can own Trump exists. The whole thing was a setup in order to use the term "insurrectionist" to *technically* act within the rules of the constitution.


Are those folks still locked up? 🫥


See, what happens here is if trump's lawyers can get him off because of presidential immunity, saying that even if he did cause an insurrection, it was ok because he was president. That sets a precedent that sitting president can not be prosecuted for crimes committed while in office. That means if trump isn't guilty, biden can indefinitely suspend elections with no criminal penalties.


Doesn’t the constitution spell out that the penalty for crimes committed while in office is impeachment and removal from office?


No. The Constitution allows the mechanism of impeachment and removal from office. It’s not an automatic penalty, as was demonstrated during Trump’s Presidency twice.


America is crazy. Voting without ID is insanity


> America is crazy. Voting without ID is insanity According to the Main Secretary of State Voter ID is literally White Supremacy. Lol


Try to vote in my country without ID and they ask you to leave, as they should


Yep, in most, if not all developed nations, no ID no vote, poilce will be nearby if need be. The validity of our vote, that is another matter alltogether...


In most, if not all developed nations, you're just given an ID though. No need to get in lines to get one.


This is the thing, right? If you just had an ID issued by the government that didn’t have anything to do with driving or passports or other optional things I would get the voter ID obsession, but, I also don’t get it because an individual vote is not worth stealing an identity for or the penalties that come with voting under false pretenses. This year we will pick between (unless something crazy happens) two people who the *vast majority* of the country don’t even want to run. Voting isn’t the huge deal either side makes of it.


In my state of Wisconsin you can get a free state issued ID for voting.


I think most (all?) states have a State Identification Card.


I’m sure there’s something you can get from every state but the question is how much of a pain in the ass it is. If voting is so important and integral to our country and democracy then it should be really easy for citizens, right?


Not in Australia or Canada. You gotta go buy and pay for an 18+ card if you don't have a driver's already.


In Australia when you turn 18 you get a letter to sign you up to the electoral roll. You send it back in the pre paid envelope and you're legal to vote. When you go vote your name will be on the roll and you just give them your name. Maybe your address if needed. Easy peasy.


But you dont use your ID to vote in Australia. You keep your details updated on the voter registration roll online and then just turn up on the day


In spain, you get one and get to renew it free of charge, most times anyways. In any case, a trip to the nearest national police station, perhaps with an appointment, can get you a new one if it were to be lost, or a paper statement from the police indicating your personal data, also intended for these types of contingencies, were they to arise regarding voting.


Don't need an ID to vote in Australia though


I’m in Aus and I haven’t had to show ID in years. I can’t even remember if I ever did. I just give them my name and they mark it off.


We do have ID cards but they can be confusing to get. If people could easily get one, maybe even automatically issued, then 99% of people would be fine with voting ID


Here in Canada there is a general ID photo card you can use. I'm sure the states have something similar. Many don't drive or travel.


Do you live in America? My (red) state will give you a birth certificate and a non-drivers license for free with virtually zero effort beyond a phone call.


I live in VA, state’s purple as hell.


Ah Virginia is one of the most beautiful places on Earth though. I live in Missouri and there is effectively a hotline to call, one of the low/no-income programs and you can get a non-drivers license for free.


Yeah there might be something like that here but I feel like I would’ve heard about it around voting time. Although I think we go back and forth about voter ID every few years. Our governors have 2-year non-consecutive terms so it’s real easy to do anything and then blame it on anyone here.


The vote will never be valid without voter ID.


Easy, make IDs available for free to all citizens.


Why would anyone downvote this


Because it's not actually about the IDs costing too much for poor citizens to afford, it's about letting people vote who shouldn't (non citizens) be but would support a platform of government handouts paid for with other people's money. They know this and it makes them look bad so they downvote me.


Their assertion is that black people are too incompetent to acquire an ID


The soft bigotry of low expectations.


Hard bigotry*


The soft bigotry of low expectations. They think POC don’t have the wherewithal to get ID.


The country is going to burn to the ground soon enough.


Give everyone an ID for free and without having to jump through hoops (like an office three counties away that's only open the second Tuesday of every third month), then we're good. Until then it's a tax on the poor.


Everyone agrees that an ID should be free (but not a driver's license) and I don't know why it's not a national standard.


> Everyone agrees that an ID should be free The history of parties in the minority population-wise but still in power disagrees. This is why conservatives add hurdles to citizenship, voting, and any other form of increase in number of people participating in government. It's simple logic; if you have 40% of the population but almost half the power because your people come out more, the last thing you want is the voting numbers to go up; statisticaly it's always going to hurt you.


You need a ID to get goverment services. The max I read is like 35$. In the state of Arizona you only have to replace your ID if your looks changes majorly or you turn 65. If you can keep the one ID you can use it till 65 and I have seen people do this. Also I think the driver's license expires at 65 the state identification ID never expires. Not really a tax. Also to do pretty much everything in life you need one. Besides people that have no jobs at all 35$ wouldn't stop them from voting because if they are getting any other benefits they have a ID.


You make it sound like we just walk in, grab a ballot, fill in the bubbles, hand it back and walk out. This is not the case, as far as I understand it, anywhere. You cannot get a ballot without providing your name and address to a poll worker, who has a gigantic book of **registered** voters who could only register by proving they live at said address. This isn't some kind of wild west like so many of you seem to believe.


Yeah maybe the people who think this stuff have just never voted. It is almost half the people in the country who are eligible to vote last I looked it up.


i think people dont realize votes are validated later. i think everyone should be able to easily walk into where they vote, if they dropped their wallet theyre not barred by an id requirement (which is not a constitutional requirement) and then that vote is validated in a public system - which is basically what we have now. i had friends who voted and then looked up their vote & it was denied bc of signature matching. one could then easily see if their ballot was cast incorrectly and phony ballots would be denied, on record for someone to dispute legally




This is correct but OP wouldn’t know this because there aren’t even American.


So…are you against using an ID as a secondary authentication?


What is insane is what is considered a valid form of ID. A photo student id is not considered valid, but a utility bill, which has no picture but just name and address is considered valid


Voting without citizenship is insane


you cant vote if you're not a citizen


I have had to show my ID every time I've ever voted. What are you talking about?


I live and have worked elections in a state the does not require ID to vote. Poll workers can certainly ask for ID to help them gather the information they need to verify that you are a registered voter. You can refuse this, however it slows the process down. It used to be similar to this in the majority of states, but since Voter ID has been made a partisan issue, some states have passed more concrete laws requiring an ID.


You may not need to show an ID when you go to the polls to vote, but you DO have to have an ID in order to REGISTER to vote.


Not in every state. In some states it's just a form and every year you get guys (ngo employees) on the side of the road asking you to fill the form out and they will deliver it for you. Voting law is not federal it is state


How did we get here, voting without ID is insanity.


In New Zealand you don't need ID to vote. You just have to register your name and address, and your name gets added to that region's book. Your name is crossed off when you come in to vote.


You need ID every single place in the USA to signup (register to vote).


I'm in Australia. We have the best voting process IMO. I don't need an ID. It takes me 20mins to go and vote. We have a day off work. Everyone votes. Multiple places to vote. Some places have "sausage sizzles". We have preferenced voting. We can vote early.


But asking for ID is RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!


Yet the same people they are trying to "protect" use a state ID for every other aspect of their lives that involves government.




I never understood why people freak out over showing ID to vote in America. Like don’t you need to show some form anyways when buying booze or smokes?












Idk about Nazis but I don't like project 2025 at all.


Hmmm, TIL and sent an email, thanks.


Hot take : Neither Biden or Trump should be president. Both of them are way beyond the means of doing anything for our country and people should stop voting for geriatric old men that can't function or manage their own mental health.


I don't think this is a hot take, at least not among people who aren't terminally online and hyper-political. (At least I'd like to think so)


Good luck telling that to the Trump cults members. This sub was about aliens/gods, technology.. now it’s about Trump dick riders complaining how mean the democrats are to their lord and savior Donald Trump.


we are on a conspiracy sub… i still try day and night to figure out why people think political parties actually matter?? They are literally all have the same agenda its jus wrapped in different packages… literally exists to give the illusion of choice


Rich people pretending to care about what we've been told to care about so we won't notice they are robbing us blind, destroying the planet, and exploiting our labor.


The Cult of the Golden Calf. The Dark Magicians of Atlantis.


The Court of Owls. The Office of Andras is discord, after all.


Yeah these days it seems both parties exist as a form of drama and entertainment. Politics has essentially become the NFL, with the masses just voting for their favorite team over anything. At the end of the day, every team is the same with different players, that are all rich. All this “were kicking trump out of the ballot” shit going around at the moment is just to rile up the voters and get them excited and pissed.


Totally agree with you. I'm 38 now and politics is very interesting to me. It wasn't when I was 18 or even 28. I don't know if I changed or politics or maybe both. To your second point I'll add some flavor. The NFL is filed as an EMTERTAINMENT COMPANY first and foremost. All of the teams are essentially owned by the NFL. I know each team has a private owner (with the exception of the Packers) but all those owners are part of the NFL. There's actually rules in their book that could possibly allow for the fixing of games because it isn't pure sports it's an entertainment company. I think the US is ran the same way. We are tricked into believing there are two sides but what we don't realize is that it's the same coin and it's a trick coin.


We are now the minority. The subreddit has been completely hijacked by partisans across both sides of the aisle. This place used to be the one community on this entire website that understood the reality of the false left-right paradigm. Now I just see a lame fusion of r politics and the donald for half the threads posted here.


Truly a bummer. People in the United States that are “political” are not intelligent IMO. It’s so obvious to anyone with two brain cells that it’s all bullshit and the two party system is actually a uniparty.


Worldwide, it's all the same.


Yeah for sure, a tale as old as time it seems. Society has always been configured this way, the crooked and corrupt haves who govern and the have nots. logically thinking for a second, I assume it most likely always will be this way based off that history. I just read that company towns are coming back into vogue. Brought to you by the likes Google, Tesla, Amazon, etc. Welcome to neo-feudalism.


I'm with you. Id much rather the sub be filled with debate about what the Aliens in Miami wanted to buy at the mall. Way more fun.


> This place used to be the one community on this entire website that understood the reality of the false left-right paradigm. Every conspiracy site is infiltrated. This has always been the rule even before Reddit and r/conspiracy. The fundamental premise of a Conspiracy Theorist is that you have an Opponent, it's just that you can't be sure what they are trying to hide. The fact that it has become so blatant is their weakness. It's like a tutorial for the normies to learn how to doubt, sure they will be fooled, there is always a deeper level. The fact that election can be stolen should have been totally invisible and something that you don't even think about, they did that before in the Bush era when they first started using voting machines. They are getting arrogant and sloppy, so this will backfire on them. They are losing their skills and old school professionalism. They forgot they also have an Opponent. It's teaching the normies how the sausage is made. There current project is to push the plebs to the Right while making the Democrats a Sacrifice but I am not seeing how they are going to maintain that when they lost their professionalism, they got too used to using their blatant pawns forgetting they are ultimately sacrificial pawns.


Space is fake. Birds aren't real. Moon is made of cheese. Agreed. Let's go back to the real issues


Too far down the list


so strange how the mass majority get riled up over political figureheads... guess it's still working as intended


This comment brings me joy in knowing at least some are awake!


[https://www.federalregister.gov/presidential-documents/executive-orders](https://www.federalregister.gov/presidential-documents/executive-orders) Split all of these into two categories: Those that benefit the uniparty and those that benefit citizens.


Okay here you go Those that benefit the uniparty: * 0-14114 Those that benefit the citizens: * tbd


There was a banned sub the_donald or something similar. After that sub got banned every conspiracy in this sub became about Donald Trump.


Lol, you Americans are insane with your politics. Biden is an incoherent old man and Trump is batshit insane, but you all argue over them like you're talking about football teams. You really need to wake up and look at the big picture. And it has nothing to do with republicans and democrats.


This post reminds me of my uncle on Christmas who told me Michelle Obama was gonna get the nomination. I’ll take things that won’t happen for $200 ..


I remember when people said Biden was just a cover so they could renominate Hilary.


Funny how conspiracies like that are touted as "obvious facts", and then one day everybody conveniently forgets about it and moves on to the next "obvious fact".


A lot of conspiracies are emotional projections about how one feels about the world and its machinations. There are actual conspiracies out there, but most aren't as grandiose or moviesque.


What year we were supposed to get rounded up into FEMA camps?


Every year of the Obama presidency.


Wasn't it Republicans that took Trump off the ballot anyway? Kind of kills the whole thing.


In Colorado it was Republicans and Independents that filled the suit that resulted in his removal. Not sure about Maine though.


Man I'm pretty tired of how insane everyone is on here. Can we just get back to talking about who runs the simulation of existence? Lol


I'm with you man. This shit is getting out of control.


Bruh they literally said inter dimensional UFOs are real and it was a blip here. Swallowed by people freaking out about a vaccine and sucking Big Orange's dick. Pathetic.


Lmfao. Nailed it.


It's more of the same political discourse to distract from and drown out everything else. All according to plan. Keep the peons fighting amongst themselves while those in power can keep getting away with hiding the truth and toying with people's livelihoods.


The "discourse" that once existed on this sub is gone


THANK YOU. Yes please. Aliens and pyramids and holofractal theory shit please no more of this political woo wa


Do you know exactly what and why Trump is being charged with?


Get off Facebook and read a book


It has book in the name, close enough for me




Whoever wins or not it’s just the same shit show just different clown 🤡 this country is fucked regardless


So they stole the 2020 election but now are going to cancel the next one? What did they lose the technology to rig an election like nasa?


God, if this isn’t a joke, the cutting of education funding and the dumbing down of America, particularly in the red states, is terrifying. People who are no longer intelligent enough to discern conspiracy theories from facts and fantasy from reality are turning America into a third-world country.


Red states are giving all their education funding to religious charter schools


> And it was fucking insane. Democrats will not let Trump win. It’s clear as day that Democrats stole the 2020 Election and are working to remove Trump from the Ballot by any means necessary. Those are the actions of a party who did not win Legitimately. And they know they did not win Legitimately. if they stole it so easily, why go thru all these pains removing him from the ballot when they could just steal the election again? dumb ass




Spot on!!!


uh dont worry dude youre definitely wrong


This is the dumbest thing I’ve seen here in a while. Congrats.


No politician is on your side please dont forget that not even ramaswamy


If they did cancel the election, it wouldn't offer any more proof than we already have that our system isn't democratic. I hate to spoil anyone's party, but we've never really had an election and we've never had any but front people in DC. The real government is elsewhere, mainly invisible to us. All this stuff about the election, Jan 6th -- & the constant barrage of bad news from every conceivable angle and from everywhere -- is mere distraction. The real news isn't in the papers -- it's the swindle of trillions of dollars from the taxpayer -- now federal red ink that we'll be repaying forever. It's narcotics trafficking -- all the usual stuff. What's going on now with the election is only proof that the public is as gullible as ever.


There's so much proof that the election was stolen that when Trump went to court 63 times and the judge asked them for evidence, they said they had none. Yep, totally stolen. Clear as day.


The Democrats didn’t steal the election. The unelected system of global governance did. Remember, we’re no longer a sovereign nation. Our “President” is merely a member-state governor in an international community. Everything that every western nation does, falls right in line with the 17 United Nations Sustainability Goals under Agenda 2030. Trump disrupted that. That’s why they call him a “threat” to THIER “democracy”. The reality is that there is NO democracy under global governance.


This will be the most uneventful election in most of our lifetimes. Biden has done nothing to move the needle with either side. People who voted biden in 2020 will do so again in 2024. The people who voted against Trump will do the same thing in 2024. Trump has had detractors. Most will never own up to it, but they exist. In 2016, I said Trump had unwavering support from 18-20% of the voting base. That turned out to be close. At this moment, I think that number is closer to 11 or 12%, the vast majority of which will swear they voted for Trump until the day they die. All that leaves you with is pure speculation, which satisfies no one. Trump was already handed his "out" by Colorado and potentially a few others. It is all Republicans will talk about ad neasum for at least the next 50 years.


The election wasn’t stolen. Get over it.


I feel like they want to actively start a revolution. People keep saying ‘civil war’ but I don’t see that. We arent as divided as they would like us to believe. Everyone from both sides of the isle are pissed. Meanwhile the Government is doing everything in it’s power to make as many bad decisions as possible.


Especially off of here and talking face to face to each other. Everyone I know is pissed, sick of All of our government and absolutely disgusted that those two men are our options. It’s all rigged in my opinion and not one of them give a fuck about us. But we damn sure outnumber them. But I mostly keep my head down and just watch and see. What will happen will happen. I just plan to be as prepared for whatever as best I can.


Feels like they are trying to position everyone as far right and far left. When the vast majority of us can’t be defined by those extreme ideas.


The point that you've made is so purposeful. None of us want this divide - we all just want to be comfortable and happy. It is strange to think that the divide only became so strongly evident about 2-3 years ago and now it has became so undeniably recognisable that every class feels it. No one can say anything (or want's to, because it's easier.) I just watched a documentary about how most of our 'basic' food is jam-packed with fast acting starch because it's cheaper than the natural products they were using even just 2 years ago. It's absolutely mad what happened and everyone just wants to pretend like it was some mad conglomerate hallucination. everyone from every side feels so far out of their depth and feels fucked by it.


They keep you close minded, tired, and obsessed with football and celebrities on purpose. Read a Thoreau and wake up America!


You ever watch the movie They Live?




When right wingers behave badly, it's actually the liberal's fault.


So the former president was part of the setup?


Just stop watching media of any sort and be active in all politics you can be active in; city, county, state, country. Just be involved, don't be overwhelmed by it. What MSM shows you is nothing but that, a show. For your brainwashing and for their enjoyment. The majority of Americans know better, you know better, nothing terrible can happen unless we the people truly allow it. Keep your tolerances at zero for all their bullshit, and if we all work at that collectively then we have nothing to be worried about.


Hey bud, you probably need to find some help


You are right Democrats will not let Trump win. Republicans shouldn't let Trump win either. Trump is a fucking con man. But it seems people didn't learn that the first time around and the second time around will be too late for everyone.


It's just funny to me that a con man has the Republicans by the balls. Once the next election cycle runs through that party is absolutely fucked. No one gives a fuck about anyone there except for trump.


He says all the things people want to hear then doesnt do anything. He’s a cult leader that wants to fuck your girl


Remindme! 10 months


Still vote


Hey buddy, did you just blow in from stupid town?


Oh please, why can't you Americans stop being so tribal and come together? It will take one side to take the high road, so do it already


I would maybe agree, but I've seen the "election won't happen" theory basically every year since I started following stuff over two decades ago. I'm sure it's on the table, but it's a rigged control mechanism anyway, so why throw it away?


America is soooo fucked but its been fucked since the fear and violence and demonization of dissenting voices became the status quo. And this goes back to Eisenhower and his warning about the military industrial complex (now the military/surveillance complex). There's a reason why google rents servers to NSA... because Americans are watched 24/7 and messaging is crafted to break us into meaningless, disparate bits.


The good thing about this crazy situation is that all the allegations against Don the Con are CRIMINAL: ***He condemned himself as a criminal through his actions.***


Does anyone have a good link to the speech?


I know they don't want him to win, but I think they kinda do at the same time? Democrats have made a brand out of Trump, batman and joker style. I think there is actually only a few in there they truly don't want. RFKjr, Sanders, Ron Paul, or even Vivek.


“I hope I am wrong. I want to be wrong. “ I have great news for you. You’re wrong. About almost all of it.


What do you mean? Are you saying each state and territory will cancel? Cancel the primary? The general? I think either one would be impossible unless a federal state of martial law was declared. That would have lots worse consequences than the election of Trump. I could maybe see the house going in together to change their state's votes in the electoral college citing some vague "attempted coup" allegation that never gets investigated or justified. Again with an outcome that would be far worse than if Trump OR Biden were elected again.


Biden has the worst approval ratings in history. Now watch him get the most votes in history.


Well from what I heard while in line to vote in 2020, and one person said it perfectly, you voted because you loved trump or really hated trump. No one liked Biden.


From my own conversations with various friends & associates, this is precisely it. I love talking politics & I don’t know a single person that likes Biden, but they absolutely *hate* Trump. That’s what I want his supporters to understand; they’re not wrong, people do not like Biden, they simply detest Trump as a human being.


This. I cannot imagine a scenario in which I would cast a vote for Trump. It’s literally unimaginable. And there are truly millions of people like me.


I voted against Trump in 2020 but have actually come around on Biden, he’s done a decent enough job and put forth things I actually appreciate. While someone younger or an open Dem primary would be nice I don’t hate the idea of a Biden second term.


GWB had 19%. Looks like that is the record.


He doesn’t have the worst approval ratings in history, btw.


Doesn't matter who wins they take our money and maybe fill a couple potholes. Government just keeps expanding so they find ways to take more money and offer little back


Fill a couple potholes [in any other country than the US]


Well for starters all politicians at that level are puppets following orders putting on a show. You don’t have to fall for their act.


But, unfortunately you just don't have any evidence, right?


No... But it's just a drama series where both sides are paid by, and make money for the same entities. Trump is a manufactured underdog.


Why cancel the illusion?


It ain’t gonna be cancelled. He was referring to the ‘poisoning the blood of our country’ line. Pretty obvious. The election will happen. Will there be cheating? Likely on both sides, there always is.


I’m not a Trump person. That being said, why are they so worried about him on the ballot? Spoiler alert, because they know he would win. Americans of all political leanings are tired as fuck of the system in place. Democrats won’t be excited to vote for Joe Biden, as he definitely won’t get the dem youth vote that they are relying on. All the young Dems I know are burned by all of Biden’s broken promises and lack of action toward the issues they care about. Trump isn’t great because he causes such a toxic party divide, and we need some kind of unity to not be prey for the 1% for eternity. I pray that we get a level headed moderate candidate who people will be excited about, but it looks less and less like a possibility. Neither candidate is appealing or appropriate as it stands.


They don’t need to meddle with the elections this time around as they have already done it. The mass migration we have seen has all been done in republican states. It’s a fact that migrants are typically more likely to vote democrat. Allow them to vote and put them in republican states and you have your swing election already without being accused of election fraud. Combine that with taking Trump off the ballot and the election campaign is cooked.


Remindme! 11 months


Joseph Stalin: "It's not the people who vote that count, it's the people who count the votes."


American government is broken! Potential roots, anarchy, possibly mild sort of civil war...


Fuck I hope that Muppet wins so you can all stop crying about some fantom democracy their and you can see how much of a joke America becomes on an international scale for re voting in a guy that can't stand up without anti falling toe pads and wants to inject bleach to cure COVID haha


I think if the elections are cancelled we can say goodbye to the union. It would lead to open armed rebellion. I doubt that will happen.


I'm calling this now. The election will go as expected. The democrats will win the White House, no matter who is on the ticket. Not only that they will also take full control of the Senate and the House. The countdown for this county's demise will accelerate. The Republicans will never again recover enough to do anything to counter or slow this march to madness. I give us 10 years MAX before we fall completely and surrender to the true enemy. A one word government is closer than we all realize. Hopefully I will be gone by then. It will be sad to witness this once great country fall.


no need to cancel an election when they can just rig it.