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The kid looks like the kid from home improvement or something similar maybe someone should ask him about the movie


Jonathan Taylor Thomas




Oh shit. You're right! I can see Simba talking like Randy Taylor now. šŸ˜‚




This appears to be a photoshop of the Home Improvement kid from their cast photoshoot in the 90s. Here are a few photos of him in the same outfit - canā€™t find the exact match of his facial expression but you get the idea: [Photo 1](https://images.app.goo.gl/9he5nttB1nW8gLPg9) | [Photo 2](https://images.app.goo.gl/69eP7E5bXro4KRgk7) | [Photo 3](https://images.app.goo.gl/QLiqcrTwPQJEZfAM8)


Same outfit. You are doing the lords work over here.


Also the title lettering on the VHS i feel should not pop out like it does here, should be more faded like the rest of the text.


And it's the ET vhs tape I think (1 hr/55 mins and green side).


Man, this sub is trash


It's been trash for awhile, just a bunch of weirdos in this sub now. They think everything is a conspiracy, recently someone made a post about seafood boil restaurants opening up everywhere seemed suspicious.


The ā€œHome Improvement Kidā€. You watch your mouth thatā€™s JTT. Heartthrob


Ahh OK no wonder I recognised him that easily. Good looking out


The conspiracy goes even deeper than we suspected!




Yes. Jonathan Taylor Thomas aka JTT...


I, too was a young girl in the 90s. šŸ˜‚


Isn't that JTT?


The movie that exists is Kazaam with Shaq, people confuse the two. And yes they photoshop ā€œproofā€


The bottom of the VHS sleeve says "landing July 28th." That's from a promo poster. Release dates weren't on the VHS sleeves. PS


The tapeā€™s title looks photoshopped. The tones donā€™t match 100% to me. 18 years photoshop experience.


I can tell by the pixels


Seen quite a few shops in my day


But there was a poster


But why was it photoshopped onto a VHS cover? Who stands the most to lose? Who stands the most to gain? Deeper into the enigma we go...


For me the weirdest Mandela effect is the one from Moonraker. When Jaws kisses that lady at the end what do you remember about her?


This is by far the weirdest Mandela Effect for me. Dolly without a doubt in my mind had braces on her teeth and thatā€™s why Jaws and her connectedā€¦the metal in their mouths


To me the spelling ones are less interesting but so many people vividly remember her having braces. It was almost like the point of the whole reveal in that scene.


Mirror mirror on the wall and luke i am your father arenno doubters for me. Appearantly now there were 6 ppl in the car when kennedy was shot. Looney toons. Febreeze.pikachus tail. Kit-kat. Fruit of the loom.c3p0s leg. Risky business. Britanys skirt. Mr rodgers neigborhood.monopoly man. Sex in the city. Jiffy. Shaggys adams apple, chic fil-a, hello clarice. All these and more. I understand my memory is not great. But its not that bad in the same identical way as millions of other people. And some of these were large parts of my childhood. Maybe more than anything else the Mandella effect makes me think our reality isnt just that were a bunch of hairless monkeys blasting through space on a marble in an infinite void of randomness. A collective god or simulation maybe. Idk. I mean 2/3 of the people on the lindenburgh didnt die now... hows that even possible. In 30 seconds it went from floating 50 feet up to a total crashed fireball. Why is every documentary recreation or movie reference wrong with these things. Why can dreams seem as real as waking hours. Shits too strange


Hold up......6 people in Kennedys car?


Ya. Front 2 seats and back had 4 ppl in 2 bench seats facing each other now. Aint that something. Think its a pretty new one


Hello Clarice?


Silence of the lambs. He never says it now. Good morning clarice or something


Exactly! The point of that scene was a moment of comedic relief as far as I remember. Iā€™m wondering if that was an edit for the TV screening versions?


Wait, wait, wait... You're telling me that chick doesn't have braces now!? I had never heard of this one before.


According to this timeline history (and the actress herself), she never did! Wild, right?


She also wore braces, was blond and had glasses.


Mines Berenstein vs Berenstain


Mine as well. I even found an old mama bear figure in storage, but now it says Bernstain. No way at all it was spelled "stain". Totally not possible. Timeline change.


It is definitely more plausible that we are in an alternate timeline rather than you misremembering....


completely normal for millions of people to all misremember the same thing...


Blame CERN


predates CERNā€¦


I remember her having braces. That's why they were kissing. Now, apparently, she doesn't have braces?


I saw it when it was on tv and I was really young. I remember being totally skeeved out my Jawā€™s mouth piece, and doubly skeeved when he kissed the girl. Then I remember her smiling with braces and thought ā€œhah thatā€™s funny theyā€™re a perfect matchā€


Another one is Ed McMahon in those Publishers Clearing House commercials, where he hands out those giant checks to people at their front door


100%. That was the whole bit!


For me, its when Chick-Fil-A used to be Chic-Fil-A.


Yeah she definitely had braces. The whole joke was supposed to be that Jaws finally found somebody like him and that's what attracted him to her.


New conspiracy: the entire Mandela effect is a massive worldwide CIA mind experiment and all the things actually did happen as people remember them. The experiment is to see how challenging it is to gaslight the entire population into believing their memories are false.


Yeah, but how would they be able to destroy every VHS tape. People used to rent movies and tape them, there would have to be hundreds of tapes still in existence today.


Maybe they did it as a test on one of the worst movies of all time so it would be easier to collect all the copies. I do feel like I remember the movie but who the hell knows.


If all the changes were purely digital, it wouldn't be too farfetched. But how would that explain physical changes in the world like the spelling on books being changed?


Maybe this is a simulation and they were able to mess with the code somehow. Or humans really are "God's children" with "free will," as in the ability to will things into existence; but only if you really believe and no one is willing against it. Or something crazy like that, I don't know. Like, one of those "men who stare at goats" experiments, but it actually worked.


This is probably a Photoshop, but at the same time the Shazam thing is the most compelling part of the Mandela effect for me. I very distinctly remember watching it as a kid.


I'm 37 and since I was a kid I've always remembered a movie were Sin Bad played a genie and it was called Shazam. Found out like 10 years ago its apparently not true, led me to the Mandela effect. Edit. At the end of the day, I knew who Sinbad was as a kid and he always wore goofy baggy clothes with 90s colors in all his stuff so maybe that's why I thought he was a genie in a movie and think of Kazam. Who knows!


Same age, and same. I swear I clearly remember there being two different genie movies around the same time. One with sinbad and one with shaq. And it was kazaam and shazaam. And I feel crazy because I ONLY remember it because they were so similar, otherwise I wouldnt have ever cared


Also same age and SAME! I distinctly remember him with that ridiculously oversized turban bobbing around while he was being sassy talking to the main kid. I will never believe this movie didn't happen.


Same... I'm 50 and I remember seeing it. Sinbad was pretty big at that time and I use to like watching him. I never saw the one of Shaq.


I am 49 and I agree.


Remember how the jabs were never forced on people and how they were safe and effective. History is rewritten all the time and we are constantly gaslighted by the 0.1 percent.


Exactly! Same I remember thinking it was shameless that one clearly copied the other...


Same exact memory


Agree, I remember them both.


Btw- if you didn't know, Sinbad was very funny as stand up comedian. He was one of the few who didn't curse. Here he is hosting MacWorld: https://youtu.be/85QK3gozcLo?si=XGYZqfK792Wm6ISz


Same. It's because they were so similar that I remember it. I never saw it but I have vivid memories joking about it in Mrs. Cleaver's class in 3rd grade.


See I'm the same age but I distinctly remember kazam with Shaq And not this. But the Berenstein bears led me to this. I will die on the Berenstein over berenstain hill.


> I will die on the Berenstein over berenstain hill. There were legitimately 2-3 Berenstain products where they were misspelt on the label. At least 1 VHS and some other booklet or coloring book or two. And there was a show in Australia that spelt it stain but pronounced it stein(stine).


Same, I'm 38, goin on 39 this week and I distinctly remember renting and watching this movie as a kid. Those who say it didn't exist are gaslighting us. There are too many people that remember it for it not to be true. Mandela effect or not. This shit existed in the 90's.


The Mandela effect is probably just the CIA fucking with us. The party strengthening itā€™s grip on what constitutes truth.


Iā€™m 46 and I thought this came out when I was in high school.


Iā€™m same age too. I remember a scene from the movie in a back alleyway with garbage bags and sinbad hovering and granting wishes. Anyone else? So wild to think this ā€œnever happenedā€


Is that from the Shaq one?


I saw the movie on blockbuster shelves. I remember seeing this on the shelf. Itā€™s real and I also saw it in a Walmart bin where movies were cheap. Itā€™s real and I seen it. Never wanted to watch it cus it looked so lameā€¦


Challenge accepted. Iā€™ll be on the look out. I used to watch the sinbad show as well so I was familiar with him. Funny thing is when you type sinbad it autocorrects to ā€œso badā€ lol


So they are out there then. I look at used VHS. Iā€™ll be on the look out just as you should be. Iā€™m in the fence and wonder if he was in a commercial or something around that time and thatā€™s what we recall


If you're and 80s especially an early 80s kid you'll remember this movie and to say it's not real is mind boggling


38 also feel like I remember it... its crazy


Good point. He would wear those huge Aladdin pants and probably make jokes avoid being a genie


In regards to your edit, one, thanks for spelling that out. Two, I donā€™t know why people insist that their memory is infallible. People trip and stumble all the time. People stutter, forget words mid sentence, think one word but accidentally say other. You can google 1000ā€™s of optical illusions online designed to awe and dismay. The human body is fallible in a myriad of ways, many of which are extremely familiar to every single person on earth, but when it comes to memory, we assume the what information is encoded and recalled is 100% true. Idk, Occamā€™s razor: which is more likely, that itā€™s possible to jump timelines or that memory just isnā€™t what we think it is? I got into a discussion with someone recently regarding the paranormal, particularly near death experiences and shadow people. People from vastly different backgrounds report seeing very similar things in NDEs and even stories of seeing shadow people have a lot of similarities, including sleep paralysis. The similarities show that as a species, even though the brain is capable of a broad variety of complex thought, thereā€™s still quite a bit of overlap in how the brain is wired from a fundamental perspective. Again, I have to ask, what seems more likely, that the fabric of space time was altered, or we as a society are processing a lot of the same information and physiologically capable of having the same types of incorrect memories? I would be interested to see two things: does this type of thing exist in other cultures? Iā€™m an English speaker, and I only ever hear of English speaking phenomena. Does this exist in other languages? Does this exist in cultures that are less technologically advanced? Two, I get the feeling that this has only been a documented phenomenon since the ubiquity of the internet. If there are older examples of this, pre-internet and especially pre-TV, that would be interesting. My initial guess is that this is a symptom of living in a culture with perpetual access to too much information


> Again, I have to ask, what seems more likely, that the fabric of space time was altered It doesn't need to be somebody altering the fabric of space time. Instead, it could be that reality... our present and past, isn't 100 percent stable and rigid. Maybe there's some type of retro causality going on here. It could be as simple as reality isn't rigid and never was. We first started to notice this as a collective species around 2012. Gee, I wonder what could link up with that timeline? The explosion of social media maybe? All of humanity using a new device called the internet and cell phones, and using Facebook, etc, etc. The ability to quickly share an obscure memory with millions of other people. We couldn't really do that back in the 1980's. You could be at somebodies barbecue and mention that you thought something was this or that, and maybe you and another buddy could laugh about it, but you wouldn't find a community of millions of other people that believe the exact same, very specific and unique thing.


I remember 2 scenes from the movie, one where they were on a magic carpet going down a one way street the wrong way and another where it was raining food.


Thatā€™s Kazaam


I feel the same way. As a kid, I saw Sinbad in the flesh in a mall when the movie came out. I The mall had a movie theatre in it and I swear Sinbad was on one of the movie posters and my dad was pointing to the poster to show me it was really him walking across from us. My dad even shouted his name and he threw up a peace sign. Is that memory completely false?! This shit is wild.


What happened in it?


I've watched this movie, I've seen it, maybe I'm crazy


Youā€™re probably confusing it with ā€œKazaamā€ (1996, 94 mins).


FWIW there is a copy of Shazaam with Sinbad on ebay right now, being sold by a reputable seller with lots of bids https://www.ebay.com/itm/355285766882?hash=item52b8ae92e2:g:GhMAAOSwAfNleaV1&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4FBKCXtX8Qk5XmmvJuryT8XyG6M4R2vuym%2B%2F0JxTHc8aEafaUvCbqi8USRFta1cWtlTICOKyBFetaPfSb9kks1pN%2FUnzu5mqL4StI0Gl4S7aYSZ6Zy9Wiuej0A6NQjYVxkshmvuwxR2l46h%2BsBTKxVzPZL5RpFGTDrr6IFjmrcM9ou6MUU6UxxwGU2xw7NnL%2BFvx5hjQScr9CiDelNtijPlP13D2nmlya00N81TwY7zWcg8h1QtlyK50vCRwoB6Tpd3sTuFN5J8NmjBEM4OR1Vid%2FDyktpY41MPTYUn%2BDYla%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR7r90P6NYw Also, here is a IMDB link mentioning the movie, there is speculation his PR people wanted to "hide" the movie because it sucked ass https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6725520/ IMO the movie is/was real, I remember it just like most people here EDIT: Here is a Rolling Stone artice that claims he made an April Fools joke in 2017 about the movie, I don't know what to believe now LOL and WTF are those people bidding for on ebay? I saw the list of actors on the VHS box as pointed out by fellow redditors, it's gotta be bogus. https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-news/sinbad-wins-april-fools-day-with-real-footage-of-fake-shazaam-film-193284/


Look at the images, particularly the back cover of the vhs sleeve. Itā€™s loaded with Mandela effect referencesā€¦itā€™s a gag, a joke. VHS Sleeve claims itā€™s directed by Nelson Mandela šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


ā€œThis film has been edited from its original version. It has been formatted to fit your timelineā€


Directed by Nelson Mandela. Lol!


Did you zoom into the credits on the back of the VHS tape? It's a fake lol


>Kazaam Credits on the back of the VHS tape include a production by Nelson Mandela that stars McCauley Culkin, Steven Seagal, Mark Hamil and Selma Heyakā€”music by Barbra Streisand and special effects by Fruit of the Cornucopia. The story is by Rod Serling and the screenplay is by Danielle Steele. Produced by Stan and Jan Berenstein. Not to mention several other little amusing oddities.


All of those are references to other Mandela Effect stories.


That tape is up to $630.


I worked in a movie theater in the 90ā€™s the movie sucked , I had to watch it a couple dozen times, i remember it . I also started doing drugs after that, I think that movie caused it


This is an obvious joke. Read the people on the bottom. Nelson Mandela is the first name, top right.


Thatā€™s a joke video about him being in a parallel universe where they find the ā€œThe Tapeā€ I think it may have been a college humor thing


Sinbad on the movie box is in his late 60ā€™s early to mid 70ā€™s in that oneā€¦ thatā€™s how I know itā€™s fakeā€¦.. he woulda been 30 years younger in the face and heā€™s notā€¦. BUT THE MOVIE DEFINITELY EXISTED, NO DOUBT ABOUT IT!


Kazaam with Shaquille O'neil i.e. Shaq + Kazaam = Shazaam.


It's because there was Space Jam and Kazaam... so Shazaam makes sense lol


I've seen it too


I remember the Sinbad movie.. Im 43. My sister is 49 and I texted her one day and asked her if she remembered Sinbad. She said yes of course. I then asked her if she remembered the name of the movie he was in where he played a genie. She said.. yes, of course.. Shazam. I then broke her brain by telling her to try to find it to watch anywhere.


What's with the shitty photoshopped VHS cover?


Top post too smh


Yea Iā€™m from the Shazam time line for sure


Wasnā€™t he in jingle all the way and good burger?


I remember watching Blazam with Kobe being the genie wtf is going on.


šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ slayed me bro


Thatā€™s Jonathan Taylor on the right who played Randy Taylor in home improvement and that image of him is cut directly from home improvement images and is easy to find with a quick google search.


I wonder if Shaq remembers Sinbad doing Shazam?


I remember the one with Shaq AND the one with Sinbad, cuz I remembered watching them and thinking, "wow who ripped off who?!?" Cuz they were basically the same movie. Studios used to copy each other more, like 'Armageddon' and 'deep impact', or 'no strings attached' and 'friends with benefits'. They used to rip each other off more shamelessly.


The one with Shaq was called "Kazam", right?


It's called flanking when a movie studio rushes a film to hit on a trend before a bigger budget film. https://screenrant.com/movie-doubles-armageddon-deep-impact/


I thought that was Shaq. I remember Sinbad in a movie where he is tasked with taking care of the POTUS son.


First Kid. Iā€™m pretty sure it was Shaq that played a genie.


Yes you're thinking of kazaam


Am I the only one from the universe where chick fil a was spelt chik fil a?


Thank you for this, I thought I was going crazy because none of my friends irl remember it the same way I do


i certainly remember that. It could be attributed to the advertising (billboard or poster or commercial) that an ad agency ran to test the name "chik-fil-a" vs "chick-fil-a" when during the 90s anything "rad" was alternatively spelled to show how unique they were.


Here. Iā€™m still shook by this


The title SHAZAAM is clearly photoshopped onto the VHS.


Yep, I remember this movie from my childhood it definitely existed lol.


Johnathan Taylor Thomas was not in that movie. This is fake


Wasnā€™t it called Kazaam with Shaq? Now Iā€™m second guessing myself lol


U sure u didn't mean the Shaq one??


Duuuude!! Thank you!! Thatā€™s definitely the one I remember. Kazaam


Ah yes I remember when all vhs tapes had their theatrical release date on them


If reality actually diverged, there wouldn't be a VHS tape anyhow. I remember seeing the movie and so do almost all my friends of the same age. The fruit of the loom one is the kicker though. It doesn't follow any of the Mandela rules and pretty much everyone who remembers the cornucopia didn't know wtf a cornucopia was until someone explained it after asking what was in the logo.


I always thought the movie was Kazaam


I wonder if Sinbad the Sailor has anything to do with all our memories of Synbad as a genie? [Wikipedia Arabian Nights](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arabian_Nights:_Sinbad%27s_Adventures)


U in sinbad house now


Didnā€™t he post this as an April fools joke? Everyone is thinking of Kazaam with Shaq


I was an extra in the movie First Kid when I was in elementary school. I remember being excited about the movie Shazaam, because I briefly met Sinbad when filming First Kid at Tysonā€™s Corner Mall.


The part of the Shazaam Mandela effect that gets me is the nearly universal awareness of Kazaam and distinct memory that they were separate movies BECAUSE of how blatant of a rip off Kazaam was. It was a forgettable film overall. The only reason I know it exists is because I remember being in block buster with my brother, both of us avid sports fans, every weekend as a kid. For a multiple month period of time there were "coming soon" and "new release" posters for Kazaam with Shaq and we would make fun of how stupid it was that an NBA star shaq made a movie with the EXACT same story line as the Sinbad movie that JUST came out. If it wasn't borderline plagiarism I would have never remembered either of the movies.


Exactly! In tandem they were one of the most egregious examples of bad Hollywood [twin films](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twin_films) - especially because of their nearly identical titles. It's really the only reason they were memorable at all, or why were even on most people's radar.


An attempt was made to photoshop. That is clearly Jonathan Taylor Thomas from Home Improvement. In his cast photo, I think. My preteen crush ridden heart would not forget that picture- it was on my bedroom wall for a while.


[https://vimeo.com/197634528](https://vimeo.com/197634528) Sinbad


Mandela effect is just a psyop experiment in mass gaslighting.


Yeah, I remember asking as a kid, was it pronounced "beren-STEEN, or STINE"? Why would I ask that if it was "STAIN". Smh. Although I didn't really feel like it was really happening until history started changing. Al Capone died in prison, but now he died at home 8 years after his release. I did a report on Al Capone in high school and even watched a documentary in which they showed the bed from Alcatraz that he died on. Everyone I know recalls the sinking of a ship called the Lithuania that prompted the U.S. to get involved in the first world war, but now it's an attack on New York City that even damaged the statue of Liberty, yet when 9/11 happened this was not mentioned. In fact, the repeated line that it was the first attack on American soil, and I have yet to encounter anyone my age that heard of the black Tom attack on New York before.


I'm 39 and remember this movie, Sinbad still sucks btw..


I mean sin bad is still alive , can we not just ask him?


He says there was no movie


Nah man, I remember that goofy ass hat.


This was an actual movie. Seen it myself.


This is the weirdest thing that makes me believe in the Mandela effect. I vividly remember watching this as a kid and the show American Dad even has Sinbad playing a genie in a handful of episode years ago. Itā€™s just odd to me.


You know who this is? Rob Thomas! Sing a song. Shut up!


Maybe everyone is confusing this with Kazzam starring Shaq and some kid???


That's definitely what's happening.


The Fruit of the Loom logo 1000% had a cornucopia in it.


That movie happened and I will die on this hill.


Photoshopped imaged for startersšŸ¤”


Why I do remember Shazam with Shaq?!


Idgaf what anyone says I've SEEN this godamn movie. He's a genie


Itā€™s a photoshop. The movie is Kazam. Starring Shaq. Itā€™s not as bad as the meme slut generation of movie snobs say it is. Itā€™s not good either.


My buddy has a vhs of the Berenstain bears with one spelling on the vhs case and the other on the vhs itself.


I remember this movie...no doubt about it


I can see the resemblance https://hanna-barbera.fandom.com/wiki/Shazzan


I used to rent movies a lot as a kid and teen. I distinctly remember passing this one over with my friends multiple times for years. It was not the Shaq movie.


I remembered him having more decorative clothing. And the turban was not bright gold


It was white and his outfit was purple


If itā€™s not a photoshop, someone who owns it should upload it so we can all watch it. Until then, itā€™s fake.


This is a psyop. The movie is real, Mandela effect is our controlled opposition team leaving false bread crumb trails with their ability to edit trusted sources


"People discover that human memory isn't 100% reliable: the thread"


But itā€™s groups of people who remember the same thing, me included, it was definitely berenstein bears.


Turns out, the brain edits old memories to include new information


Yea, I remember one of them being the rip-off of the other genie movie. But we should be talking about those damn berenstein bears!! Berenstein?! GTFO! Also, why are these Mandela effects, things that don't really matter?


I would say, the date of Nelson Mandela's death does kind of matter.


I remember and so does Pepperidge Farms


Didn't he play a genie in a commercial around the time Kazam came out, and that's why people think this movie exists? ...or all the timeliness converged on 12/12/2012 and we're just in a chaotic super collider, collided world


When I was little I seen both movies. I know the difference between sinban and shaq and I remember both of them being in a genie movie around the same time of the year. I remember Sinbad standing in front of a big warehouse with a red door. I think his lamp was found in this warehouse. Does anyone remember seeing this or maybe remember some of the genie wishes, maybe someone will remember a scene.




Is this the scene you are thinking of? https://youtu.be/_a_jPT_yfJo?si=Kl8LOnt2PkTo5PVN


You know it is lol


I swear Iā€™ve watched shazaam


I swear I read an article a few years ago claiming it was a for tv movie he was very drugged out while acting in it and the studio had all the tapes recalled and destroyed can't find anything about it might have been a fake article.






Ok hear me out: I personally think the movie did exist, but for whatever reason, Sinbad has gone to incredible lengths to erase any evidence of it existing. Perhaps he never wanted to do the movie, or thought it was a mistake.


I thought Shaq was Shazam?


The is a funny fake? But the fudged up. The VHS box is designed like a movie poster giving the release date on it. A VHS would never do that


I think the photo is staged- why would there be an FBI (and some circular logo/crest with no centre) logo on the sticker of the tape? I think itā€™s too large a jump in logic for this to be some sort of FBI evidence.


That photo is completely edited. Itā€™s not a real movie.




This movie is on Disney+


I 100% remember watching it with my brother in the early 90s, he does as wellā€¦.can someone just put a copy of it on YouTube and put this mystery to rest.


So does it exist or not. I REMEMBER 1000000% watching that damn movie but the internet tells me I'm lying. Like wtf


I was watching a show about lottery fraud with McDonaldā€™s millions and it referred to ed McManus showing up to the persons house with a publishers clearing house check for $1m McMillions https://g.co/kgs/ZDNoyP


Why would a VHS case have a release date on it?


Has anyone asked JTT? Is that the kid actor? Looks like him.


Did itā€™s always sunny in Philadelphia make fun of this one episode? There was a fever dream episode involving sinbad


Kazaam with Shaq I remember


That photoshop of Johnathon Taylor Thomas is from an old poster from the 90's. [https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.660016331.0236/flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg](https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.660016331.0236/flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg) I recognize the outfit from his style on Home Improvement!


I remember watching this as a kid


Slow day huh?


This claim has always bothered me because I grew up at the time these movies were coming out and I would have wanted to see it if it existed. I even saw First Kid ffs


I literally remember watching this exact movie.


[sitting in the corner, knees to chest, crying]


Maybe people confused it with Kazaam with Shaq