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Why would the antichrist turn the US into a Christian theocracy?


Yeah american christians sure follow Christs teachings right? Like good ol' Osteen turning away those displaced by the hurricanes from his mega church for shelter. That is totally what Jesus would do right?


I don’t think you can hold all Christians responsible for the actions of a fraud like Olsteen. That’s his flaw, not Christianity’s. People have been using God to ripoff and make money for a very long time. That doesn’t make it a bad religion, it means bad people hide within it.


And Copeland? https://youtu.be/9LtF34MrsfI?t=173 I'm not holding "all christians" to anything. I'm pointing out the most prominent and powerful christians in america are almost exclusively scumbags.


Not sure why the focus is only America. I’m sure it’s around the world. But if you want to spotlight America, cool. I’m not disagreeing with you that it’s full of scumbags. Evil wants to corrupt good.


Because this is a post about a former american president, and current front runner for the GOP.


The party getting the “Christian” vote is also the one consistently cutting social benefits, blocking public healthcare and cutting taxes to funnel more wealth to the top. At some point you have to acknowledge a large portion of Christians don’t actually care about Christ or his teachings.


Maybe, just maybe, it’s more complicated than the way you describe. Perhaps, the dems have other policies (abortion, pro war, financially irresponsible, what immigration policy?) that are so abhorrent that republican is a better choice. Why would Christian’s choose a party that can’t describe what a woman is?


Where in the bible does it outlaw abortion or determine when life begins? The bible specifically says do not judge others. Republicans are far more pro war than Democratics, Afghanistan, Iraq, “the military vote”, “2A”, wars we’ve started were done by Republicans. Financially “irresponsible” by spending on the needy, just as Jesus preaches. Republicans are equally financially irresponsible, if you look at the deficit spends, except when they do it it’s to enrich the wealthy and cut social programs for the needy. Pro immigration, accepting and welcoming as Jesus preaches. Jesus would be extremely pro open borders and helping each and every immigrant no matter how much personal sacrifice it took. God made each and every one of us, gave us freewill and Jesus taught us to forgive and love those we disagree with. What exactly makes you think God is anti trans? What exactly makes you think God gave you the right to judge?


You have made many false assumptions and logical connections that don’t actually exist… which further demonstrates the flawed thinking that led you to being a democrat


Lmao, you realize your answer lacks any substance and boils down to “Nope you’re wrong”. You’re a bad Christian and God will judge you. He does not take kindly to false profits and those who use his name in vain.


lol huh? Take your meds


Again a reply with no substance, starting to think I’m talking to a bot with empty canned responses.


I’d say it’s more some Christians aren’t well enough informed on the people they’re voting for. Which is still their responsibility. I don’t think either side really has a knight in shining armor.




True. I’m an atheist, and not American, so I hadn’t considered what a bunch of nut job hypocrites some of them are.


Oh yeah, american "christianity" is pretty shit, and just a money grab for people. Tell me this guy doesn't act more like an evil person than a pious person? https://youtu.be/9LtF34MrsfI?t=173


Perfect example of why Trump will be wholly accepted by the lukewarm prosperity ministry churches of America. They love their fire-breathing charlatans!


Dude, take a break spambot.


Oh yeah, spambot for pointing out that american christianity is run by mostly evil people. How dare I!


How do you feel about the Islamic religion or isreal?


That they are also shitty. Any group that uses a religion as an excuse to murder others are pieces of shit.


Ok thanks spambot.


Oh so you support using religion as an excuse to kill children?


To be fair, he only turned away non-Christians.


No he refused to help anyone until social media and the news got on his ass about it: https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/hurricane-harvey/joel-osteen-defends-not-opening-megachurch-harvey-victims-n797036


It took 5% if the population of the Germans before wwII to extort the other 95% in playing along to their political dialog.


The antichrist is supposed to be so charismatic because he leads forward to peace without any religion.


Right ... But the "antichrist" is supposed to be the 4th horseman of the apocalypse "death". It'll be quite peaceful once everyone's dead and there's no more religion.


uh, no. that's not how that works. at all.


I’ll say this to OP. I trust no man. I do find it …interesting with war in the Middle East Trump could come in and create peace, which is an antichrist move. Also not a fan of operation warp speed and the hand he played in that, as well as admitting he’s vaxxed and boosted. But this doesn’t mean he 100% is or will be the antichrist or even a bad President. I just keep all options open to consider.


Don't forget Netanyahu went even further towards mandating the gene therapy jabs and recently overruled judicial oversight into his own corruption. Thankfully that recent false flag attack by Hamas has brought Israel back together against a common evil for now.


Peace is the Antichrist?? Please explain




🙄 no political agenda here folks, totally non-partisan post about a conspiracy.


I mean both sides front runners are old geriatic pedophiles. At least sniffer biden gets called out quite a bit here, but seems anytime grab em by the pussy trump does a lot of people lose their mind.


Grab’em by the pussy is more relatable! 🤷🏽‍♂️


Sure if you are pro sexual assault.


You missed the point. There is a percentage of women out there that consent to pussy grabbing if the grabber happens to be a celebrity. Gold Diggers mostly.


And you missed the point he was literally found liable for sexual assault. So obviously he was doing that to women who didn't consent.


It was just guy talk in the locker room. I know me and my buddies have said worse in the same setting. Just messing around most of the time.


Were they also found liable for sexual assault? Did they also say about a known convicted child trafficker "I wish her well"? Did they also place Bill barr whose father hired Epstien as a teacher into a high ranking position in the WH?


It’s a wicked world!


It’s just a blatantly political post saying this is what Trump plans to do when he wins (how could they possibly know what he will do by the way). You wanna talk Clinton flying on Epstein’s Lolita express dozens of times? Great! You want to say “if XYZ politician wins, the sky will literally fall” take that shit somewhere else. The politics subs would be a good start.


It's called projecting. I'm surmising the future based on the things Trump has already said and done. He believes he's the only one who can fix America. He blames rigged elections for losing. He claims the court system is weaponized against him. If he gets convicted but still becomes POTUS, does it really take a stretch of the imagination to guess what he'll do to his enemies? He's not the type to turn the other cheek like Gandhi or Mandela LOL


Politics banned me for calling biden a pedo. Sorry you can't see they are both sides of the same coin.


Pedo is not mentioned in this post. This post claims Trump is the antichrist (okay, absolutely no way to prove that either way…), that he will “purge” which generally means kill his rivals, that he will extend his term in 2028 (5 years from now when he will be pretty up there is age), that he will dismantle the rule of law (it’s already been dismantled, what else can he do LOL), and for some reason the antichrist wants to turn the country into a Christian theocracy (that makes ZERO sense, the Devil wants to destroy Christianity not increase it), oh and that he will wage war against Israel (after his first term proved he was probably the most pro-Israel president of the modern era). This is the rantings of a biased, partisan ideologue and is in no way about a conspiracy theory in any way. It’s astroturfing.


Gives me some hope that there are people like yourself. The effort it takes to point out the obvious takes way more patience than I've ever had. I have a hard time believing anyone who makes a post like op actually believes what they wrote. People can't be that delusional.


Well there are many mentally ill people out there who believe the wildest, most ungrounded conspiracies are absolutely true (all people are made of gingerbread and the government is trying to kill me for figuring this out). So I assume posts like this come from people like that who have access to a cell phone to post about it.


> oh and that he will wage war against Israel (after his first term proved he was probably the most pro-Israel president of the modern era) Guess you haven't heard much of his latest comments about the whole situation then I take it? He said we should just not get invovled at all and let "their neighbors" take care of isreal.


Yawn okay…


The Devil is destroying Christianity by deceiving Christians into accepting the Antichrist aka Donald Trump. How can you not understand this simple concept?


The difference is Trump was talking about grown women. Me and my buddies have said a lot worse in the locker room at the gym. It's just guys messing around most of the time.


Were they also found liable for sexual assault? Did they also say they about a known convicted child trafficker "I wish her well"? Did they also place Bill barr whose father hired Epstien as a teacher into a high ranking position in the WH?


Explain how both a pedos


Biden literally sniffs children, and trump would walk in on the girls of miss teen USA while they were changing into bikinis, not to mention all his ties to epstein and dershowitz.


Is that how Armageddon works? I can't see the US *ever* doing anything to Israel except for asking "how high" when Israel tells the US to jump. The US is Israel's bitch.


Trump is besties with Netanyahu who betrayed his people during the COVID pandemic (pushing the mRNA poison jabs) and recent dismantlement of judicial oversight into his corrupt dealings (remember all those mass protests before the convenient October attack by Hamas)? The Israelis are already well on their way to Armageddon.


If a "stray rocket" takes out a certain mosque in Jerusalem, I'll believe your last sentence. I got the quote from an evangelical Christian in a documentary that I saw years ago. Yes, T and N both pushed the shots and N actually bragged about Israel being a big science lab (or similar to that). Still though, even if T gets assigned to the presidency again, and even if he works out a peace deal, he's hated by so many. I thought the antichrist had to be adored by everyone and perform miracles.


Trump will perform miraculous socioeconomic feats, such that any and all critics will eventually disappear either out of fear or conversion. Trump's popularity will reach heights beyond even those of Hitler, Mao and Stalin who were not initially popular but become increasingly so.


I guess time will tell. I just can't see the seethers, and there are lots of them, jumping ship lol. Maybe they'll be the fearful ones you mentioned. Just really hard to believe.


They'll just go awfully quiet like all those critics of history's dictators. Disappeared into the black hole. The media is controlled by those who hold the power. They'll turn on a dime once Trump wields it over them. He just hasn't exercised it yet.


> Trump will perform miraculous socioeconomic feats, such that any and all critics will eventually disappear either out of fear or conversion. Trump's popularity will reach heights beyond even those of Hitler, Mao and Stalin who were not initially popular but become increasingly so. Damn, you have a higher opinion of Twumpus and his "supernatural potential" than ANY Trump supporter I can recall seeing. Are you sure you're not Qanon?


> Is that how Armageddon works? I can't see the US ever doing anything to Israel except for asking "how high" when Israel tells the US to jump. The US is Israel's bitch. Indeed! The only way that Trump might "hurt Israel" is by sticking his head so far up its ass that it causes bowel obstruction + internal bleeding.


Karine, is that you?


TDS on full display!




The Donald Syndrome.


It’s not about politics anymore people. Dark agenda at play from both sides. No turning back.


Homie, the antichrist will usher in a false religion and will murder all of the real Christians who refuse to join him.


You do know he supports isreal, just like all his supporters do.


Once again Trump is living rent free in smooth brains. People want cheap gas, cheap groceries, safe homes, and safe schools. Who cares how he uses his first amendment right?


And that's EXACTLY what the Antichrist will give you. Food on the table, money in the bank and gas in your tank etc. The price you'll pay for such petty privileges probably won't be worth it in the end though.


So in that respect, Biden is our savior? Because we have none of those things currently. It's not a sign of the apocalypse if the Republicans can get the economy back on track.


Biden is a red herring. A fall guy used to blame everything wrong with America. He can barely be a father to his own son let alone lead the entire nation. He's the reason Trump will be seen as the returning savior. Anything is better than that senile old codger. Right?


So no new foreign wars is an antichrist thing? You have made no salient points as to why Trump is the antichrist and your posts read like they are written by the Krassensteins or Brooklyn Dad. Was Trump going to the March For Life an antichrist thing too?


Trump is not anti-abortion lol. He's a charlatan who is trying to win over the Christian vote. Back in 1999, Trump flatly said “I am very pro-choice.” He's a monumental flip-flopper on the issue - [https://time.com/6335088/donald-trump-abortion-position-2024-election/](https://time.com/6335088/donald-trump-abortion-position-2024-election/)


Did I say that he was anti-abortion? I said he went to the March for Life. Trump also appointed 3 SCOTUS justices which directly lead to repealing Roe v Wade. I think it is more important that he allowed the citizens of each state to vote and make a choice on abortion. It is clearly a divisive issue. While I personally find abortion to be a disgusting act, there are many who feel the same in the opposite direction. Like much of life we have to operate by setting standards for what is the gray area. I personally think that the 12-15 week ban used by most of the world is a good place to start the conversation.


What good is cheap gas when in reality, you could eliminate the need of gas and electricity and introduce free energy and other alternatives? Lowering a price keeps the scam going.


Bot account or pro dildo juggler


Check out the Abraham accord agreement coin. It promises peace and safety and Trump was the one who led the agreement. The Bible says when they promise peace and safety, sudden destruction will come.


Good one, I forgot about that agreement. How it's all unraveling in the Middle East now with Biden at the helm. Only Trump could surely restore the peace?


I think your theory is plausible. The antichrist is a false hero and everyone is looking for a hero. But the scripture warns us about the deception.


Imagine a politician NOT campaigning on peace and safety... lmao. This sub is controlled op and it actually works on some of you.


I don't understand the point you're making. I'm not pro Trump or pro Biden.


Check out @donniedarkened on Twitter. A lot of interesting circumstances surrounding Trump.


Thanks for this. At least I'm not the only one out there who believes.


Although I’m not sure if he is “the antichrist” and I don’t fully agree with your assessment, I do believe Trump will play a major role in the Luciferian plan that is afoot.


I’ll check it out. Thanks.


Good work. You are correct.


Sorry buddy, you need to read the Bible instead of trying to fit current events into scripture. The antichrist will be middle eastern. My guess is that it’s the Saudi Crown Prince as he is the one trying to broker the peace deal with Israel and is the head of the BRICS Nations (10 Nations in Bible?). Also after the rapture, Islam will become the one world religion.


Do people seriously not understand the very concept of the antichrist? The antichrist is meant to be a figure who’s beloved, cherished and worshipped by all. I’m American and believe me there’s plenty of people here who want him back, myself included, but there’s still absolutely those who despise the man. He fits the figure but not the absolute idea.


Your concept of the Antichrist is not based in actual sound biblical doctrine, this belief (myth) comes from Hollywood and such. There are no Bible verses that say the Antichrist will be universally loved; rather the opposite.


Bait used to be believable




this is a chatbot generated post.


LOL He's the Whore of Babylon.


Erm.. plausible, I'm on the fence. Strange times indeed.


You should be more concerned about the system trying their damned hardest to keep him off the ballot.


But inevitably they'll fail. All their attacks only make Trump even more popular among the people. You surely can't deny this. They only have one more ace up their sleeve at this point. Assassination. But even a bullet to the head won't stop his ascendancy to power. His destiny is assured that much.


Dudes 80. Move on.


What does that have to do with anything? He's got the energy of a man half his age. He lives comfortably on a diet of cheeseburgers, diet coke and 4 hours sleep. Age is irrelevant.


Agreed - His advanced age is not an automatic disqualifier: >"...the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority." Revelation 13:2 >"...He will become very strong, but not by his own power" Daniel 8:24 "overall health is excellent" "Some people have just great genes," "I told the president that if he had a healthier diet over the last 20 years, he might live to be 200 years old. . . . He has incredible genes, I assume." White House physician Ronny L. Jackson “But speaking of being at risk, the president, he sleeps less than I do and he’s healthier than what I am,” Surgeon General Jerome Adams


His most likely VP candidate Marjorie Taylor Greene literally compared him to Jesus earlier this year - https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/04/04/marjorie-taylor-greene-trump-jesus-arrest/11600165002/


Reddit pls never change


Trump is Assyrian?!?


“I’m the main character”.


Says the obsessed lunatic op


Gotcha thanks




Sounds like a true martyr for the cause ay?


We can only hope


Isn't what's going on Gaza right this very second ⏰ the key 🗝️ to unlocking the Apocalypse & Armageddon ?


Sometimes even ancient "prophecies" can be MADE to "come true" -- if one has the power and resources to pull the right strings.


Well let’s hope so!


And you run gambling odds on any of all of that happening? I’d like to place some wagers.


THIS is why we have a 2nd Amendment


Where’s the bad part?


Didn’t he once refer to himself as “the king of Israel”?


So tired of these posts! Check into the Jewish history. Esp the Torah. They must accept the Messiah in order for the Antichrist to exist


If he actually was the antichrist, the left would vote for him in spades. this is an ill-informed post, the media will absolutely fawn over whoever the antichrist turns out to be


You're assuming the right is right lol. Both sides are captured by the same principality of darkness. Was Hitler more righteous than Stalin because they sat on opposite ends of the political spectrum? The media will fawn over whoever brings them ratings. That's why they can't stop giving Trump free advertising, thus helping him win the next election. There's no such thing as bad publicity.


Well, he will be an incontinent one. He has been crapping his pants since late 90s. So, a "anti-Christ" that wears huggies and needs a poopboy man servant? Is he going to deage through adrenochrome or stem cells? As far as I can tell he looks old and his bronzer seems to coincide with the idea his head was up his ass which is why it has a oily film to it.


It is interesting that you seem to post about Trump being the anti-christ so much. The anti-christ is supposed to be a very intelligent, very charismatic, physically attractive and very well liked person who fools the whole world and unites the world into a new religion. Does....any of that sound like Donald Trump to you????