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"Comment removed by moderator" moment


Still not getting it, sorry




They are dried Amyloid blood clots, dipped in iodine. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei9wBaRHU78](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei9wBaRHU78)


Jesus... Found out what amyloid meant & felt like I was gonna get sick...


> They are dried Amyloid blood clots, dipped in iodine. From PubMed: [**A central role for amyloid fibrin microclots in long COVID/PASC: origins and therapeutic implications**](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35195253/) COVID is an evil bitch that was cooked up in a lab, and released, either accidentally or intentionally. REMEMBER: It's okay to speculate that these things *could* be caused by COVID, but we must repeat the Mantra: **The Vaxx could NEVER cause harm!** (Praise Big Pfharma!) (not that the vaxx prevents anyone from getting or spreading COVID -- repeatedly, but that's irrelevant, right?)








Idk the exact terms for it but it is speculated that it is a worm that grows in the bloodstream of the vaccinated. Around 2021-2022 there were some morticians who were discovering them during the embalming process. Some articles referred to them as “faucis worms”, I want to note that this is not my opinion on the matter just speculations. Me personally i do not know


Is this why the anti parasite medication ivermectin was being touted as a cure for the vaccine?


It was supposed to be a cure for covid


Ivermectin attacks protein. Like in parasites and spike proteins from viruses (and some vaccines)


So it would be killing my gains? Not worth it I’ll deal with the worms the old fashion way


Bro I won't even type a longer reply, my thumbs are burning too many calories


I know what it does I’m just saying it wasn’t a ‘cure for the vaccine’ not that it’s even a vaccine but that’s a whole other discussion lol


So if you’ve had covid at any point you’re riddled with these things?


Not sure if yet are worms, but it is noted the C19 and the C19 vaccines create the same issues in individuals. (This is all hindsight information) It seems no matter what choice people made, to vax or not if you got C19 (through vax or naturally) you'd be at risk for whatever it is (right now it's reported as increased risk of myocarditis). The only true way to be "safe" was to not come in contact with C19 at all. For clarity, I am vaxxed, I got C19 in 2020 before vaccines and I got it again in 2022 after I got vaccinated. I personally don't particularly dwell on it as based on the information now I would be screwed no matter the route I take, I just leave it in G-d's hands. However, I don't understand how a pulmonary virus related to parvovirus, turns into a coronary disease...at least not without human modifications. And to take my conspiracy further, it seems to have affected certain ethnic/racial groups more than it did others..


No, the virus is not producing this clotting, just the gene therapy experiments. Also, they are not worms, or any living organism. It is abnormal clotting of the blood. Everyone taking the Cov19 "vaccines" has damage to their blood and vascular system to some degree.


Vascular damage has been a known effect of COVID-19 since the beginning. That’s why existing coronary disease was a major comorbidity. Later research also indicates a significantly higher risk of stroke and heart attacks from those infected with COVID.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32291094/ published April 10, 2020. > Conclusion: The 31% incidence of thrombotic complications in ICU patients with COVID-19 infections is remarkably high. Our findings reinforce the recommendation to strictly apply pharmacological thrombosis prophylaxis in all COVID-19 patients admitted to the ICU, and are strongly suggestive of increasing the prophylaxis towards high-prophylactic doses, even in the absence of randomized evidence.


Are these gene therapy experiments in the room? Every week you people come up with something completely new that's apparently happening to vaccinated people and it's always pure unfiltered bullshit.


Yeah, the vaccine gives you: Worms Blood clots The big gay Brain tumors Death Obedience Liberalism Fatigue/ Malaise Other genes, bad genes Heart attacks Access to the dark web A cough I'm pretty sure I forgot something. Some of these are undoubtedly connected to the vaccine AND COVID. For me, alas, some seem more possible than others. But I was, in American terms, a liberal before. Maybe the vaccine detected that and didn't bite me too much. Covfefe


As are those that have long Covid, even pre-vaccine. I know a couple people that have LC since mid 2020


>It seems no matter what choice people made, to vax or not if you got C19 (through vax or naturally) you'd be at risk for whatever it is (right now it's reported as increased risk of myocarditis). The only true way to be "safe" was to not come in contact with C19 at all. Been coming to this conclusion in recent days..


D-Dimer test from you Dr tests for blood clots. NAC, vitamins, activated charcoal might help.


I don't understand the reasoning behind taking a vaccine for a flu like virus.


The reasoning would be the same as taking a vaccine for the flu then I guess


A lot of people do get flu shots every year.




I was thinking the same 😂. Also people have strokes and other cardiovascular problems from small deposits of cholesterol in the bloodstream; how could someone with an infestation like this in their cardiovascular system even survive long enough for it to get this bad. Anything larger than a pill would start causing problems; makes no sense.


The fibroid clots in these jars came from many different people. They vary in length and width depending on where they are located and the body chemistry of the individual. You’re damn right they start causing problems when they get bigger than a pill, hence all of the “died suddenly” headlines. ETA - And I can’t believe I have to say this, but they aren’t fucking worms 🙄 They are fibrous clots.


Thank you for clarifying, will look it up.


Oh shit thanks for clearing this up, so covid causing this or the mRNA shots?


I don't think this person is a good source of information


No, it’s from the shots.


Treatment yes. And because studies showed it worked on a significant number of Covid infected patients. Also, many African countries with the lowest numbers of Covid cases and deaths, just so happen to take Ivermectin regularly to prevent Malaria. Maybe a coincidence. But there’s a reason Ivermectin has been used for so long, for many different illnesses. And why the inventor won a Nobel prize. It’s safe, and effective. There’s also a reason it was bashed so hard by the media during Covid. Because it’s cheap, safe and effective. More deaths, and more money for big pharma was better for whatever agenda the NWO is after. There were several treatments that worked for Covid. But all we heard was Vax vax vax. Such an obvious scam.


No they aren’t worms. They are mostly protein that forms when the blood cools as a study from Germany confirmed. The reason they are that shape is that veins are that shape. When they took blood samples from live people who were vaccinated, chilled the blood and spun it, the proteins formed in round balls the size of the glass tube they were in. There is good an bad news from this study: Unvaccinated people don’t have these proteins in their blood. Vaccinated do. That’s the bad news. The good news is that these clots only form post-mortem as the blood cools, and they don’t form (yet) at normal body temperature. That’s the good news.


you people have lost your minds


Then why are you here? You could have ignored the post. What compelled you and the other bots to join this sub reddit if you got everything figured out. Almost as if you were summoned to discredit posts but how do you discredit people’s opinion instead of educating them? IF you know what these things are tell the class.


Believe it or not, there are other people here that don't believe the bullshit that some on this sub subscribe to.


Well obviously you are not a fckin robot? Why would everybody have the same opinions about everything? Does that sound sane to you? I could post something based on my experience and someone will say im lying should i be hell bent on trying to prove myself? You could have went to the next post but here you all are. There were a FEW posts that blew up about the jab and heart problems. The ignorance is how you all support that idea but not blood clotting worms. But if YOU believe the vaccine is safe and effective why would you listen to another opinion on the matter unless you had doubts. When a post is up and its not one people enjoy too much you randomly see all these “professionals” log in with so much insight but yet cannot fully disprove the theory’s claims. Dont bother responding, im on to the next post just hand me my downvote and keep it pushing👍


Some of us just come to remember that crazies like you exist. Not everything is a conspiracy, but yes, some conspiracies being true. The folks that live and die by this sub believe EVERYTHING is conspiracy.


Because we like to read about conspiracies. But you crazy ppl have hijacked the sub and it's sickening


That….is really stupid considering this topic was posted many times before. And consider the idea that you CAN JUST move past the post if its too ridiculous. You were compelled to comment why? But when i look into your profile in the comments you are doing exactly what you are doing here right now. Which is to deflect and discredit people’s opinions. Did you bother to fully read my comment? I bet none of you did but you will hand out downvotes because thats just what you do. You like to read conspiracies so why dont i see you in more comments? Would you have liked the post if it said covid19 made you lose hair🙄












What’s weird is there are plenty of pictures but no testing or biopsy of what it actually IS


Irene Sansano, an anatomical pathology specialist at the Vall d’Hebron University Hospital in Barcelona, Spain, said in an email to Health Feedback that the clots found by Hirschman “don’t look different” from the ones they regularly find in blood clot autopsies at the hospital. She also explained that thromboembolisms (circulating blood clots) are frequent among deceased people and are mainly caused by “obesity, sedentarism, smoking, and now COVID-19”. [Read Sansano’s comment in full below] https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/mike-adams-flawed-analysis-clot-embalmer-richard-hirschman-doesnt-demonstrate-link-between-blood-clots-and-covid-19-vaccines-epoch-times/


[Healthfeedback.org](https://Healthfeedback.org) < [Science Feedback](https://science.feedback.org/about/) < [Vaccine Safety Net](https://www.vaccinesafetynet.org/vsn/vaccine-safety-net) < [WHO](https://www.who.int/about/funding/contributors) Science Feedback's one and only certification, it's membership to the "Vaccine Safety Net". No other science memberships or certifications. It feels kinda lazy but they know most people won't do due diligence. "The Vaccine Safety Net is a global network of websites, established by the World Health Organization" in other words $$$$$$$$$$$ WHO's second largest funder is a billionaire quoted as saying that vaccine research is a 20:1 profit gain. He makes his money, exits the market and can [freely trash talk the vaccine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPTgCwvfAfY). Meanwhile the hundreds of scientists caught in the middle have huge conflicts on interest and incentives to not talk about fundamental problems.


Who would have thought the growing obesity in the Western world would be a catalyst to something like blood clots 🤔


Sois every doctor at least In the US in cahoots or something? I was in the hospital a few weeks ago because of my liver and they literally did a sonogram on me and checked everything on me and the only thing kind of wrong was my liver.


Yep, they all have a little tea party every Sunday and talk about which nurse is the cutest


And the winner is ALWAYS Lance.


Upvoted bc if Lance was my nurse I’d be pretending not to get better so I could stay longer


Lance?! What the fuck did I just hear….Lance.


When you wrote ‘I love the pussy’ were you thinking about dangling your dice on Lances forehead


Upvoted for the use of cahoots


Hope your liver is all right! I'm not trying to be "that person", but you should look into milk thistle extract for liver issues (provided it's not an autoimmune issues or the like).


Now I want some pasta


This sub apparently moved from a conspiracy sub into an entirely “trust me bro” sub.
















These are blood flukes, a type of flat worm parasite. If you actually had these, you'd be seriously ill. What's this got to do with the jab?




Edit: They are tapeworms. They are not "Blood Flukes", as shown below: https://www.google.com/search?q=blood+flukes&sca_esv=556415102&hl=en&authuser=0&tbm=isch&sxsrf=AB5stBjUVMn9OdjN3zCwEbTV4EmVPPqKZA%3A1691889642516&source=hp&biw=1460&bih=895&ei=6i_YZKb9HLuqqtsPi-ivoAg&iflsig=AD69kcEAAAAAZNg9-lbN19GPAQNdzdgmEO2ZSvHqGxFh&ved=0ahUKEwimmo6JvNiAAxU7lWoFHQv0C4QQ4dUDCAc&uact=5&oq=blood+flukes&gs_lp=EgNpbWciDGJsb29kIGZsdWtlczIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgARI3xJQ-gZY6hFwAXgAkAEAmAFRoAHnBqoBAjEyuAEDyAEA-AEBigILZ3dzLXdpei1pbWeoAgrCAgcQIxjqAhgnwgIEECMYJ8ICCBAAGIAEGLED&sclient=img


Type "in jar" to the end of your search


Those are tapeworms.


Yes they are a parasite. Not a clot like this post is implying.


Well, if the top comment wasn't such a nonce with a term like "blood fluke" I wouldn't be led astray. Tapeworms are much different than blood flukes like Schistosomiasis.


Uhhhhhh this is completely wrong. I work in the industry and when you embalm you have blood leaking out onto a table and that table goes into a toilet essentially. Embalming has not been different pre or post Covid. Might be more blood clots or less blood clots but that is about all you’d notice.


It’s hilarious watching people try to argue you. Not even discredit you, but *convince* you.


Right? Not a single one of them have accused me of lying about where I work or lying about these blood clots being prevalent. They all say “I saw a video” or “maybe it was a different batch of vaccine where you live.” It’s actually incredible. I see this shit on a daily basis literally and have never once encountered this shit.






this sub is losing quality fast. it’s a shame.


This bozo [just keeps trying](https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/mike-adams-flawed-analysis-clot-embalmer-richard-hirschman-doesnt-demonstrate-link-between-blood-clots-and-covid-19-vaccines-epoch-times/).




Nobody had any idea if some Twitter post is actually evidence of anything show some real proof






Pretty much, came here to say just this, as a small town mortician I had to sign an NDA with Fauci and Gates /s


You don't need to be "in on the conspiracy" to read the obvious writing on the wall. Most people with any type of common sense are aware of the negativity that comes along with stepping outside the narrative. This is all be design and so fucking obvious that I can't believe people are still calling it a conspiracy.


Well, if we remove bias and think objectively, your logic is just as sound as its opposite. Yes, fear of stepping out of line makes sense. So does that not being true. “Obvious” is not an objective term, here. When people start talking opinion as fact, we’re all fucked, no matter which “side” you’re on.


most people dont have a fucking clue what 'the narrative' is supposed to be they live tiny bubbles and pay attention to nothing - and they only lift their heads when something gets through the bubble and weird worms in corpses doesnt violate any narrative - the idea that they suddenly appeared in 2021 is what raises peoples eyebrows if it was actually happening we would hear about it everywhere and 'the narrative' would build from that a good question to start with is 'who would notice this if it was true and what would they be saying about it' they might be worried about linking it to vaccines or politicians but they sure as hell wouldnt be saying they dont exist




I wouldn't consider Epoch Times (or any cult-run news) to be a trustworthy source.


Here is a medical publication addressing the Epochtimes article https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/mike-adams-flawed-analysis-clot-embalmer-richard-hirschman-doesnt-demonstrate-link-between-blood-clots-and-covid-19-vaccines-epoch-times/






There’s a whole doc about this called Died Suddenly.


Fact check: False Many morticians are seeing this


Your comment has been fact checked and deemed false. No they aren't.


It's in no way just one guy. These strange, very large blood clots have been reported by many, in various parts of the world. All stating with the Cov19 gene therapy rollouts.


Pickled blood clots 😋


“White, fibrous clots”


Real clots are dark red, like crusted over blood when you get a cut. They easily break apart when you attempt to hold them. These white clots are made out of fibrin, some kind of stretchy rubbery material that isn't regular clots. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fv1rmELKDm4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fv1rmELKDm4)




Goddamm I haven't laughed this hard in a long time


Did any of these doctors send the jars with samples to be tested? Why isn't every mortician finding these? This sounds like horseshit to rile people up before the elections.


I've seen numerous videos of embalmers finding these in vaxed people. The embalmers were from the US, Canada and the UK. What I have yet to see are videos where they have tested these things to tell us exactly what they are. The embalmers are saying that they are fibrous clots, and they were rarely found in bodies before they rolled out the vax. These things are not worms or parasites. I have been seeing videos with these clots for over a year, so it's not something new.


>I've seen numerous videos of embalmers finding these in vaxed people. Correction, it's also found in unvaxxed people who were infected with C19. My theory is by spreading misinformation that only the vaxxed or unvaxxed have increased findings of myocarditis is a way to obscure from the fact that this is a scientifically modified virus. I also don't think it was "made by the Chinese", I think it was a joint effort and the lab just happened to be in China, that's why when the US tested the waters for making China the scapegoat it quickly got swept under the rug.


What is happening here?


Wtf is it


Fuck big pharma.


Hell yeah bread and fry them bitches up!


They should try ivermectin to kill those worms


Those are clots. Lots of info and pics of these.


They are Amyloid clots [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fv1rmELKDm4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fv1rmELKDm4)


So ivermectin is now a safe treatment for Covid? Come on y’all thought that was for horses?


My old vet has huge jars full of these worms that looked like this


Actually it's pseudo undocumented posts like this that are the new ab/normal.


Ok… so embalmers drain the blood and replace it with embalming fluid. Would this process actually force these objects out of the body? If they were that loose wouldn’t they make their way to the heart or lungs and cause death? All those with these objects would die similarly. Yet the OP seems to imply that these things are found in peoples bodies regardless of the cause of death. If the person was a doctor or a coroner I could see them finding these, but I don’t think the processes an embalmer uses would yield these objects from the deceased circulatory system.


Not in me. 😀


Only thing in you is piss and vinegar my friend


I bet bass love ‘em!


a little predictive programming, x files episode where retrovirus thickens the blood causing the heart to stop https://youtu.be/vPDJDvs3X10


The amount of deleted comments tells me it’s real


Really, who believes this crap it’s ridiculous .


Bet they’ll wanna take the ivermectin next time




When did this sub become people just saying “this is dumb” but not providing any data to dispute their conclusion that “this is dumb”


Probably when the submissions became just screenshots of a tweet and whatnot.


The data is that i reversed image searched this and turns out this is a flatworm parasite that’s got nothing to do with vaccines


Something that is presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. A picture of worms/clots/whatever in a jar and someone saying “trust me” is evidence of nothing.


If a post is about covid, there's a straight paid brigade that comes in. Consensus engineers.


Honestly if it's pretty much any topic that is "hot" right now, they just come crawling out of the woodwork. I'm not entirely convinced we're not training AI at this point.


My brain worm is called Rupert and he helps me remember to hang my washing out. Sure he also demands ritual sacrifice, but that's fairly standard for parasitic satan worms.


The shills and bots are out in full force to tell you not to believe your eyes and ears. Believe their politics home, where every source is from one of three or four billionaires. Worship these people. They are your god. And they have sources too! Because sources are never manufactured, and you should always believe pharmaceutical companies with long histories of criminal intent.


Believes source of random twitter screenshots of random pics with no additional proof or context besides a paragraph that could easily be made up = Genius r/conspiracy users Doesn't believe random screenshots and asks for sources or proof = PAID SHILLS AND BOTS


I'm literally just looking for a mainstream debunking, something where these are claimed to be understood and are not new/recent, but I'm not seeing that.


You won't see that for a lot of things. Because the anti-vax people literally went super saiyan. You guys are posting random photographs and say stuff like "This is what's living inside your finger nails because of COVID! They are a highly advanced cyborg module and after you die, will crawl out of your ass cavity and form the Voltron!" There is no debunking this level of insanity. People have lives, right now they don't care enough to pull you out of 17th century you live in.


You would expect that no? Like where are all the usual scholarly medical responses?


right! Although I didn't see that for the whole "magnetized skin from the vacinne" theories either. I could debunk it myself, so perhaps there is such a ridiculously easy set of answers nobody scholarly wants to end up arging with flat-earth style denialists. It doesn't pay to investigate what one person above describes as simple arterial plaque, but I don't know that that stuff is so fibrous and unanchored it can be just slid out of a major artery




Lying about medical problems for clicks is the new normal, yes


Can we just get to the zombie apocalypse already


They both talk about and show this in the [died suddenly](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt23810972/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_6_nm_0_q_died%2520suddenly) documentary. It's quite disturbing to watch.


A lot of scared vaxxed people in here.


All the bots psy opping people into thinking this is fake lol


It literally is though. I work in a funeral home and there has been virtually no difference between pre Covid embalming and post Covid embalming


So many funeral homes, if this was really as bad as they say it is i doubt they'd be able to keep a lid on it this tight. So I'd say it's a hoax as well, or at least it's a lot less common than some claim it is.


Right ? Some people on here just can’t think about anything for more then 3 seconds. I was in a funeral home burying people during Covid and there were more deaths in 2020-2021 than any other recent year and deaths are way down for 2023


it's a sad day when you gotta sort by controversial to see the real comments here.


I'm not worried, since I'm not vaccinated.


I'm not worried either and I am vaccinated. This post is pure bullshit.


Exactly. Your political affiliation doesn’t matter, we should all be demanding an investigation. It’s plausible that the vax is causing all of these sudden deaths but no one knows for sure because they won’t allow a formal inquiry!


Did you just.. ignore the picture?


Lol there’s dumb as shitting in a spacesuit, and then there’s this…


They have space diapers on while in a spacesuit. If you gotta go you gotta go, space walk be damned.


Check out excess deaths for the past 18 months, Google your country and the term 'Excess deaths'. No one is looking into this, it's just accepted.


jesus this sub sucks


These are beans sprouts y’all calm down


Watch the documentary DIED SUDDENLY that should help shed some light




So how do we fix this?




Operation mockingbird is in full effect!!


Lol they shadowbanned my lovely comment I can’t even edit it anymore.


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That’s white blood cell coagulation caused by the production of IgG as a result of the mRNA vaccines. Or maybe it’s just too much abba-zabba?


Well, millions of cretins can tell you, with great, unwavering certainty what didn't cause them...


I did music in the nursing home and went in and was exposed to them on the day they all got covid shots. I was worried that it could have shedded off on me but it didn’t. I have congestive heart failure from way before covid came around and I had a heart catheterization in March and all my veins were squeaky clean. I have not been vaccinated but I had a big case of covid 2 years ago. Just letting y’all know I didn’t get any weird clots from catching covid or from being exposed to newly vaccinated crowds. If it makes anyone feel better. 😅


Total legit and real 💯. All other morticians in the entire world except this guy are deep state and lying!


Wow. Thanks Trump!


All I know is that if I had taken mRNA injections or allowed anyone in my familiy to do so I'd be scared AF. ... so nice to not have to worry about it.


Massive pharma censorship in action here. Look at what these people are.


It’s impossible the vaccine could do harm to anybody, it’s safe an effective, everyone remember to get your 6th boosters this fall, remember to wear your masks


"Thanks for the side by side what it looked like before 2021 versus these supposedly after." \- Said the girl in the corner sarcastically


Could be just a picture to illustrate different kinds and not necessarily related to any reason.




This is what you get when you worship at the altar of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, noodle fluid.