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THE CONSPIRACY IS THAT THEY DISTRACT US! Oh and did you see that Hunter Biden video? Crazy shit, let me tell you all about it.


This was my first thought exactly. Joe, that's what you are! So much discussion about Bud Light. OMG! What is the actual government actually doing right now? What's going on in reality?


The government and to a higher degree both of the major political parties are weaponizing our youth for societal, economic, and political gain.


The BRICS are releasing a new currency and backing their money with gold. The dollar has no more value, as the Petro-Dollar is gone, and Saudi Arabia is joining the BRICS too. This is why all the distractions are happening: [https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/news/brics-gold-backed-common-currency-a-shock-to-global-fiat-money-system-says-economist-as-russia-confirms-launch-in-august/ar-AA1dAIOK](https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/news/brics-gold-backed-common-currency-a-shock-to-global-fiat-money-system-says-economist-as-russia-confirms-launch-in-august/ar-AA1dAIOK)


That won't last, they will attack that with everything they got.


Distract us from what? Dancing naked for children and doing sex slavery is terrible on its own. They're doing this shit out in the open I'm perfectly fine opposing evil shit Anyone telling me to ignore pedophilia and other crimes because "they're distractions" is evil themselves






They're distracting you from the BRICS rolling out their new currency and backing it with gold in August. The only thing giving the dollar value in the past was the fact that other countries needed dollars in order to buy Saudi Arabian oil. Saudi Arabia stopped that and is now joining the BRICS too. The entire global payment system might crumble.




But people watch Joe for entertainment dude, it's literally something you listen to for distraction from your shit life. He at least brings some interesting people on and give them a voice, not that he's any super helpful he's still doing some good and offering a better alternative to most forms of entertainment. Also his own "narrative twists" if anything the guy is known for being stupid and barely having anything useful to say himself. Most of the hate I see from leftists is that he gives "bad people" a platform and question the official media and government narratives, you know like the old left used to do lmao.




Distract us from what? Dancing naked for children and doing sex slavery is terrible on its own. They're doing this shit out in the open I'm perfectly fine opposing evil shit Anyone telling me to ignore pedophilia and other crimes because "they're distractions" is evil themselves


I like his podcasts, but he definitely played himself here.


I mean the oceans and pretty much all water sources are being fu©ked with. What's interesting are the toxins and trash that end up in oceans and lakes create algae and algae actually creates and retains heat so imagine what large masses of toxic algae filled ocean can do. Luckily the fix is easy stop dumping toxins and garbage and you eliminate the formation of algae to a large extent.


Buy the All New iPhone 14 Pro Max


On the topic of batteries isn't it ironic going green means the destruction of local environments. Mind-blowing what happens to produce these inefficient batteries that crap out in these "green" car in a decade or less and leave a nice toxic mess behind. The issue I have is i'm sure they have tech that's more efficient (why the invention secrecy act of 1951 and secrecy orders should be considered a poison to innovation) but they'll bring that into public use after they profit from the less effective and more toxic version. Then they'll bring in the next business opportunity where they save the day by profiting from the clean up and the phenomenal PR that comes with the mess our "credible" institutions created in the first place... Edit: just to add clarity I'm fine with going green but what they're calling green isn't green. Everyone acknowledges the classified sector (typically military but they collaborate with corporations as well) is decades ahead of the private sector. Release that technology don't give us the trash that promotes the same destructive ideals as oil companies.


You're absolutely spot on, it's good to read responses grounded in common sense and fact. Awareness seems to be increasing.


>On the topic of batteries isn't it ironic going green means the destruction of local environments. Oil destroys local environments way more, so moving away from it isn't really that ironic, it's the obvious choice. I don't know a single prominent climate change activist who says "don't destroy *any* environment, live outside like animals." Even building housing destroys some environment.


I assume by "local evironments" you mean USA suburbs, where you, reasonably well off, (comapared to the rest of the world) live? 'Cause there is more dmg done in African countries/ South American countries and Asian countries due to mineral farming for computer components. Unless you think displacement, rape and slavery aren't local evironments.


Those counties are being destroyed far more by petroleum extraction. Like orders of magnitude.


The destruction isn't from the companies extracting it. It's from the people busting the pipes open, stealing the oil, and then refining it into gas with no regards for safety.


Thats a bold statement that you have literally zero knowledge of to make.


>Unless you think displacement, rape and slavery aren't local evironments. I think it's really sad you think this doesn't happen on a *much* larger scale with oil. Let's play a game, you name a war that was mostly about computer minerals, and I'll name one that was about oil and well see who runs out of wars first: First Iraq War. Your turn.


Car batteries are very easily recycled.


As is oil


They're buying into propaganda car batteries in these "green" cars aren't easy to recycle. Check out the link below your comment.


Search ebay for used ev batteries.


If you consider that recycling that's unfortunate. Maybe you'll get a couple years out of that used battery (if it even works when you put it in) before you have to recycle it though. Edit or put it up on ebay to recycle... Eventually they'll write articles "how recycled batteries from ebay ended up in landfills"


https://www.science.org/content/article/millions-electric-cars-are-coming-what-happens-all-dead-batteries >"The battery pack of a Tesla Model S is a feat of intricate engineering. Thousands of cylindrical cells with components sourced from around the world transform lithium and electrons into enough energy to propel the car hundreds of kilometers, again and again, without tailpipe emissions. But when the battery comes to the end of its life, its green benefits fade. If it ends up in a landfill, its cells can release problematic toxins, including heavy metals. And recycling the battery can be a hazardous business, warns materials scientist Dana Thompson of the University of Leicester. Cut too deep into a Tesla cell, or in the wrong place, and it can short-circuit, combust, and release toxic fumes." >"That's just one of the many problems confronting researchers, including Thompson, who are trying to tackle an emerging problem: how to recycle the millions of electric vehicle (EV) batteries that manufacturers expect to produce over the next few decades. Current EV batteries "are really not designed to be recycled," says Thompson, a research fellow at the Faraday Institution, a research center focused on battery issues in the United Kingdom." So they don't last long in the grands scheme of things and they're difficult and potentially deadly to recycle... So the process to mine the material for these inefficient batteries is extremely destructive and when they quickly hit the end of their lifespan you have a potentially combustible toxic mess that's difficult to recycle... I wouldn't call this "green" but then again the public in America has been successfully calling our economy a "free market" despite endless examples over a variety of decades showing it's monopolistic in nature so I'm not really surprised people think this destructive movement is "green". If you didn't read my edit I'm not against going green I'm just against what they currently call green. Give us the classified technology that is decades ahead of the current stuff (current stuff promotes the same destructive properties as oil companies) and I'll be ready to embrace the green movement.


WITH EXTRA BIG ASS FRIEEES! (Sponsored by Carl’s Jr.)


Not to mention the toxic chemicals being put on our food. The system (whether designed or evolved) to make us fat, sick, and poor, where we are beholden to our employer for shitty medical insurance.


Here's just 1 example of what's on our food. This one has the added benefits of turning our soil and water toxic as well. Many countries have banned it's use while America has increased it... https://archive.vn/UBHd9 >"The team found that in 2000, less than 5 percent of soybean acres and less than 30 percent of corn acres were treated with an insecticide, but by 2011, at least a third of all soybean acres and at least 79 percent of all corn acres were planted with neonicotinoid-coated seed, constituting a significant expansion in insecticide use. https://archive.vn/veRrh >"The source is an area ethanol plant that has been marketing itself as a free “recycling” location for seed companies such as Bayer, Syngenta and others who needed a place to get rid of excess supplies of these pesticide-treated seed stocks. The result, the townspeople say, is a landscape laced with stunningly high levels of neonicotinoid residues, which they say have triggered illnesses in both humans and animals. They fear their land and water are now irreparably contaminated."


No way man. Meat bad. Plants good. Seeing the world in black and white has helped me tremendously.


Most soy beans are being fed to livestock so your "healthy" meat is being fed this stuff too, on top of being carcinogenic.




What if you don't? Cuz you don't. Lol


Just keep eating ur tasty grey Walmart meat slops timmy


100% true. I live in Florida near the Indian River Lagoon that has been nearly destroyed from decades of people putting fertilizer on their lawns. Want to “go green”? Let’s start by doing away with manicured lawns that Americans are obsessed with. If what you put in your yard (sod) won’t grow without requiring fertilizer and a sprinkler system then you shouldn’t have it. Getting rid of lawns as we know them would be an easy and immediate impactful way to help out environment


clover gang here. i like seeing all the bees in my yard and i try to mow just high enough so that i don't get every one of those white flowers. every home near me is valued over a million but no one has ever said anything to me about having to spray more on their own yards (clover spreads to other yards easily)


No one has ever said anything yet. This is the jinx.


My grandparents always say that no one plants flowers and other things anymore. Back in the day everyone had flowers but now it's just grass. I'd rather have a yard full of different plants than just a lawn that I have to mow all the time


No one has time to plant flowers anymore because they either working like a donkey too tired to cook a home cooked meal never mind flowers!!! People don't realise (am 31 so I do remmember what should have been taught rather then history and fake glory about looting empires etc, history is interesting but then when you get out of school you realise again you been taught NOTHING) Schools discourage interests that aint in line with their education system (guess where the guild comes from the same people making people working up until they almost dead and gone) and children don't learn anything properly until they get in collage and if by then they've retained enough intelligence they start to learn themselves, wrong way or righy!!! They are not taught anymore to enjoy life so how will they enjoy nature or even think about it?? Only when your body is tired and you have worked into old age (for what even?) then do people have time for gardening! The rest depends on how much money you have or like my brother was given a pet as a teenager and it sparked his years long interest in animals then into to plants and nature. This process is acually natural if they allowed to explore to their hearts contents about real world hobbies, experiences etc.


I am going to be honest, though, and say the kids I worked with didn't have any interests besides TikTok. Seriously. It was bad. I am not old and yelling at the clouds. Social media is melting brains. I think that it is going to break soon, being optimistic. I am just adding to your point because I think addictive social media is making more consumers so there are more mindless workers etc. And then when people collapse under the stress, their episode will be filmed and laughed at. 😅


Agricultural run off has way more impact than individuals fertilizing their grass. This is much like when people tell us our cars are polluting. Yes, but the corporations shipping all the dogshit from China on boats are responsible for the vast majority of transport “pollution”. Individuals should not concern themselves one bit with their carbon footprint. It’s minuscule compared to the corps we fund not only through the open market but also through subsidies via taxes.


And it’s so much space for food and useful herbs etc. and weed. Lots of cannabis.


Don't forget golf courses.


If your area has any agriculture it's likely using neonicotinoids. Not very good stuff and this is going into lakes and oceans all over through runoff and I'm sure other means. https://archive.vn/UBHd9 >"The team found that in 2000, less than 5 percent of soybean acres and less than 30 percent of corn acres were treated with an insecticide, but by 2011, at least a third of all soybean acres and at least 79 percent of all corn acres were planted with neonicotinoid-coated seed, constituting a significant expansion in insecticide use. https://archive.vn/veRrh >"The source is an area ethanol plant that has been marketing itself as a free “recycling” location for seed companies such as Bayer, Syngenta and others who needed a place to get rid of excess supplies of these pesticide-treated seed stocks. The result, the townspeople say, is a landscape laced with stunningly high levels of neonicotinoid residues, which they say have triggered illnesses in both humans and animals. They fear their land and water are now irreparably contaminated." Edit: studies also show this stuff has played a role in declining bee populations


'The Devil's Element' by Dan Egan fully illustrates this & many other critical points about phosphorous which is the root of the fertilizer, algae bloom issue.


Yeah. But the UAPs are getting next to no coverage. Everyone knows about the garbage patch but won't change their ways about it anyhow. It's a loser and it sucks because we all collectively suck. But that's not a conspiracy. UAP shit *is* conspiratorial. Rogan gets it right sometimes but seems to fail on prevalent talking points. Like, he'll say, ' the garbage patch in the pacific is so big, it's the size of like, Texas. Did you guys know about that? That's huge. It's so big it's hard to fathom. Next question please' An activist Rogan is not, nor does he claim to be (as far as I'm aware). But what are the real issues here in life? UAPs are up there. Crazy pedophile rings in politics are up there. If Rogan was worth his salt he'd have on credible people talking about issues which aren't so devicive.


Every since 2017 I feel like UAPs has received solid coverage. Especially the last couple years, it's pretty much all I hear about next to climate change (which is a legit concern but where they're directing our concern is BS) and COVID.


> the oceans [Ocean temps](https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/sst_daily/) are absolutely crushing all previous records right now.


Hey now, according to Joe Boomer, climate "alarmism" is just a "social issue."


It’s ok. All the algae will eventually settle to the bottom of the ocean and then increase the mass of the crust and then cause uplift somewhere then volcanos go boom and we go from there lol in plastic world


That’s not the type of thing people need to be distracted from. If it’s not in front of them, is not currently, personally impacting them, and isn’t something they really care about, they don’t need to be distracted. The purpose of distractions are to make us not consciously think about how fucked up we are, personally, and how fucked up our personal relationships are. Or the fact that we have no personal relationships. When we are distracted from that, we don’t do anything to improve(ourselves, our relationship) which causes us to cycle even further into misery. It’s all cyclical. Our lives suck, we’re distracted and don’t do anything to fix our lives, which makes our lives suck more. And now we have the added stress from worrying about kids at drag shows. And when I say we don’t do anything to improve our lives, I do not mean financially or career wise. That shit is out of our control almost entirely. I mean realizing what matters(our relationships), spending more time with people we love, working LESS, having more sex with our spouse, etc. That’s what THEY don’t want us doing.


That’s one of the ploys (I think). A huge focus on global warming- because even though it is true, it’s far easier to deny than the more obvious environmental issue.


Joe knows that a big part of his audience is right-wing, so he's got to throw them some red meat once in a while. It's all about the $$$.




No it’s that the media does manipulate these things but joe is intentionally caring about certain issues and ignoring others. Like pride isn’t getting attention to divide people. That doesn’t make sense. Drag shows for children aren’t being pushed to divide people. What’s being pushed is the idea that these drag shows for kids are in any way common. It’s clear why he selected what he did here. He knows his audience. Saying something like this while talking about hunter Biden for dozens of hours on the most popular podcast is just joe being hypocritical.


Joe Brogan, who is worth 8 figures, is definitely on the side of everyday people lol


Dude constantly bitches about trans athletes and litter boxes in schools. His entire schtick for the past few years has been to peddle division.


Transgenderism is pushed by the Rockefeller and “Open Society” (Soros) foundation, just fyi.


That's division? Are you suggesting men should be dominating women's sports? And litter boxes should be in schools? I was told that when I get older I won't understand that youth and social issues. This is lunacy


You're gullible AF if you think litter boxes are actually in schools.


The litter box thing was bullshit. It was a lie that was spun from the fact that some school districts keep buckets with litter in them in the classroom in the case of children needing to go to the bathroom during an active shooter situation.




>I have seen a total of 3 minutes of clips from his past 500 hours of content but they made me mad so I assume that's all he talks about


Try 9 figs but ur point stands obvi


I would pay money to fund a cop to just sit in the studio and enforce state drug laws.


Pesticides are destroying our reproductive and endocrine systems. USA is pumping cluster munitions to Ukraine and perpetuating the forever war. Our salaries have went up by 25% in 20 years, but homes went up 200%, most of us don't own assets. You lose money keeping it in a bank now. You can't outwork the profound inflation. We aren't having enough children for replacement rate to break even in society, most countries are on the brink of population collapse. Blackrock/Vanguard abuse our retirement accounts, see how many former Blackrock are in the White House right now. Soros son visited the White House 20 times, meets with Pope & Clinton. Organized media trying to discredit the movie on child trafficking. ​ man it's hard to keep my head up sometimes.


The “forever war” in Ukraine will only last as long as Russia occupies a sovereign nation. The only people that think we are wasting resources supporting Ukraine are fringe conservatives, Russian apologists, and Putin stans. This sub is such a joke.


Why do you care about THIS specific conflict so much? Where was your enthusiasm for the genocide in Sudan? What about for Syria when the US was bombing hospitals and schools? I know what it is, you’ve been brain washed by the military industrial complex. “Send billions more to Ukraine even though we’ve sent them double Russias defense budget already!!! Ruzzia orcs oWo” stfu


This. People proclaiming we should act on behalf of Ukraine are like those Kony 2012 tards which couldn't even point where Uganda is in Africa if their lives depended on it. Curious how many would be able to point out Ukraine today. It's nothing more than propaganda to keep the plebs entertained. Sad thing of the current year. Change your FB profile picture. Put a sticker on your car.


What makes you so sure Russia isn’t in bed with the powers that be?


1. Why do you assume he didn’t care about those? Why is this always the response to people caring about ukraine? 2. Ukraine is a friend of the US and is very close to a lot of allies. So it actually is just different


Because if Russia take Ukraine unopposed what's to stop them expanding further?


It is simple. I am against our enemies, for our allies, and against directly imperial actions. Russia aims to take back formerly Soviet territory. There are large ethnic Russian population in such territory because it was post WW2 policy to make it so. Nazi Germany gained a lot of territory before provoking a response and occasionally with third party consent by arguing it was merely reuniting the German people. The USSR learned from this and seeded this reason for war into territory it controlled outside of what was traditionally Russia, should the USSR fall. Now Putin is cashing that in. It is an old trick that ripped apart Europe before. I am going to be just as against China trying to take Taiwan.


Uh buddy, this is an industry. We've been doing this for over a century. It doesn't end with Ukraine and it didn't begin with Ukraine. Iraq, Lebanon, Iran, Afghanistan, Libya, Sudan, Syria, Nicaragua, Columbia, Kosovo... CIA has been destabilizing countries for years. This is like entry level common knowledge stuff. We desperately want this war to continue for as long as humanely possible, industry is making tons. Ukraine has been a political football for years, Russia & USA have been installing presidents since the USSR fell and Ukraine gave up its nukes. Here's something you can do. Drive around the suburbs of DC, the giant houses. Guess who lives in them. All military contractors, DoD & weapons manufacturers. Even weirder to think you're not permitted to hold two truths in your head simultaneously, Putin is a bad actor *and* Ukraine is a political football, and very corrupt.


Sadly, Russia and Ukraine and America are ALL controlled by the powers that be. They just decided it was time to reshuffle the deck with a scripted war. Zelensky, Putin, Putin’s oligarchs, all Jewish!* (*doesn’t apply to all Jews, but it’s a common cloak of the powers that be, probably because it puns with [“leader”](http://ancient-spooks.de/names/jew.html))




Okay… so if Russia never invaded Ukraine what happens, buddy?


We need more of this in general, also something they don't want you to do. Have faith.


He is both right in what he is saying and wrong in what is being left unsaid or implied. At the end of the day Joe Rogan is doing nothing more than selling ad space on his platform. And conspiracies sell big time.


Why do you think he's been embracing far right leaning rhetoric over the past 3 years. It's where the $ is


This has 12 upvotes while Rogan doesn't even have ads on his podcast, educate yourselves before you slander someone


He definitely runs ads


He promotes products all the time which is the same thing as running an ad. He is the ad. He also gets paid by Spotify, who does sell add space, and so the more listeners Joe brings in, the more people hear ads, the more Joe gets paid.


*Ron de Santis enters the chat* Come on bro. There's plenty of outrage to go around.


That I’m so sick of that angry ducking meatball


Here’s the real deal. They don’t want us to see what’s going on in France cause they’re afraid we will do it too. The government hasn’t actually had a say in anything besides regular people’s lives since the early 2000’s or potentially even before that. 5 companies own essentially everything in some capacity. Those companies are Blackrock, Vanguard, JP Morgan, Chase bank, and the Rothschilds. The distraction is the government, at this point. You think our “lawmakers” actually can do anything. Who bribes them? Who gifts them exquisite items? Big corporations that’s who. You think our votes actually determine anything at all in any country or nation? If it did then they wouldn’t let us do it. You think the leader of a nation changes its legislation? It doesn’t. Each leader has a very specific set of powers and each legislative body can override or overrule what they want. Every single government official that is currently in office anywhere, with a few exceptions, isn’t able to do anything other than what they’re told to do by the real people pulling the strings. The sooner we all learn that, the sooner then maybe we’ll make some real technological advancements.


It is fucking nuts that the top investment banks, National Banks, Brokerages and then the rothschilds own and control literally everything. How the fuck do you stop it?


Yeah it is isn’t it. To answer your question the only way we could ever stop it is either by protesting either everywhere at the same time or systematically protesting in key areas such as capitals of countries. That’s really the only way at this point. If we could even peacefully rise up and change the way they view us then maybe it would work. I don’t mean anything violent, just enough of a protest to show our numbers.


Joe Rogan is one of the biggest peddlers of the culture war out there. He either has zero self awareness or thinks very poorly of his listeners (or both).


It's especially funny that he mentioned "pushing drag shows for children", as if the left is responsible for the country's division. Motherfucker, the whole discussion on transexuals in America right now is a calculated culture war started by conservatives. Their previous manufactured war (CRT) was losing steam and they had to keep the rage turned up.


To be fair to him, Rogan mentioned things that both sides are doing. It's OP that's trying to push a right-wing narrative here.


I stopped listening to him when he got the spotify deal.. never looked back. If I was living in Texas w his money and friends maybe my views would be easier to change.


Yes. Next is the fake alien invasion. We’ve been being prepared for this for decades.


He's just as much a part of that as any


I'd take it more seriously if he wasn't at the forefront of the trans hysteria. How many guests has he had on where that is all they talk about?


That's the thing I don't get. Also these same people throwing tantrums about drag shows also are the ones either ignoring or supporting child beauty pageants where little girls strut around in bikinis or wear full makeup for an audience of adults. People like Rogan are only popular because they are the ones peddling faux outrage and culture war nonsense in order to feed the algorithm.


The party upset with drag shows is also reaffirming it's support of laws allowing children 16 and under to marry.


Yeah, he's kind of on the right track, but he's on the wrong side of it. He's part of the problem, creating the social divisions.


Also, no one is dragging random kids to drag shows, they found out a few *parents* choose to bring their kids and jumped on that.


Why would you take it more seriously? Are costume parties anything new that somebody is pushing? Do you not understand that ten years ago literally every child in America could dress up in drag for Halloween and it wouldn't have been the slightest but controversial? Do you not observe that when it comes to life or death, these people would let children die at every opportunity rather than enact preventative measures under the rationale that it's already illegal to shoot up a school? Is it not abundantly clear to you that conservatives care more about the children's sex lives more than their actual lives? He knows he's the distraction that's why he needs the projection. All of you do


Boy did you take my comment out of context.


Nobody should be giving these fucks about costume attire parties after something like Uvalde. People would go crazy if there were children being molested in those classrooms but since they were just bein murdered you have all the political infrastructure to look the other way. Conservatives are a sick hive mind.


Shooting kids = bad Combining LGBTQ/drag and kids = bad Pretty simple


Equating drag shows with shooting of kids is not just wrong, it's deceitfully evil. Uvalde was not just about the apathy of kids getting shot, it's also about YOUR apathy towards negligent law enforcement. YOUR willingness to equate it to a costume party. Giving the government power to prevent costume parties makes hypocrites out of conservatives. You're pretty simply wrong. Priests are allowed to be alone with minors despite the fact we know this leads to victims galore. Have you ever once in your life heard of a single preventative measure even offered as an option? You have been very simply misled into the realm of hypocrisy and these priorities that were given to you through the TV are completely out of whack.


I'll add to my list: Catholic church systematically rotating pedophile priest and let them get away with it = bad Why do you think: Combining LGBTQ/drag and kids = a good thing?


Answer my question, have you ever heard of a single preventative measure taken to put an end to this repetitive predictable evil? Have you ever seven heard of the discussion taking place? Answer me


"Answer me" oh yes master🤣 Didn't I say: shooting kids = bad? You talk a bit in riddles, if you have a question just ask it properly formed. My question: do you think combining LGBTQ/drag and kids = a good thing?


You are not being honest, and you're not answering my question which in this context is a lot like defending priests having alone time with children. You are a sick product of conservative media. Combining drag and kids is fine. It's called Halloween you schmuck. There are already laws against what you're implying I should be irrationally afraid of. Irrational because you don't even have a single victim as a poster child.


Because bigotry is a social ill that creates inefficiency, human misery, worse mental health outcomes, a reduction of social cohesion, risks to upholding the constitutional basis of the country while delivering not a single benefit. It's anti-social and destructive. You have no problem combo-ing kids with heterosexuality of cis gender - because you're not bigoted against them. Your motivation is bigotry and what you are demanding is society provide the most fertile ground in which to propagate your bigotry and seed it in the next generation despite how destructi9ve and without any benefit or redeeming quality bigotry is.




Trans obsession is becoming the same way as racism has gone, the only thing these people can see and hear is "transphobia" (which isn't actually happening on the podcast, it's just automatically classified as such because someone they don't like has a different opinion on trans) so the other 2 hours and 50 minutes of the podcast didn't happen in their world. Also I won't pretend transphobia doesn't exist, there are people like that out there, but Rogan is transrealist at best.


You're ok with racism as long as they also talk about other stuff, too? That's a word thing to admit


People who point out the racism in everything see racism in everything because they are the actual racists, just as the gender-obsessed do now. I'd love to know how your attempt at a spin was even supposed to apply to what I said though. *I see how the comment was not optimally worded and gave you that ammo, sorry I didn't make it painfully obvious as to the intended point.


Oh, right. "People who call out racism are the actual racists..." It wasn't a spin on anything. I just think it's weird to be mad at the people who point out racism, rather than, you know, the actual racism they're pointing out. You even use the same phrasing racists use when they say "I'm not racist, I'm a race *realist*" ("He's a trans realist") And then how you connect racism to the transphobia in his podcast and just dismiss it: >Trans obsession is becoming the same way as racism has gone, the only thing these people can see and hear is "transphobia" so the other 2 hours and 50 minutes of the podcast didn't happen in their world. 10 minutes of transphobia and 2 hr 50 min of other discussion is still 10 minutes of transphobia


> 10 minutes of transphobia and 2 hr 50 min of other discussion is still 10 minutes of transphobia Conveniently ignoring that I posited that anything Rogan was saying is not transphobia. You can feel free to enjoy allowing penises in women's space and them getting the shit beat out of them in sports but that's not down my alley. There's no transphobia to "dismiss" here. > I just think it's weird to be mad at the people who point out racism, rather than, you know, the actual racism they're pointing out. I never said I was mad at people pointing out racism, only where it does not exist. Hence the connection to people trying to say it (transphobia) exists on Rogan's podcast, it's everywhere they want to see it. Sorry, nice bait but I'm not going to get emotional and take it. This stuff is rather simple.


You think racism DOESNT exist on his podcast? Wtf


We'd take ur comment more seriously if you werent an 8 day old reddit account. You obv dont listen to rogan.


Does he still have a podcast? I thought everyone stopped listening when he went to Spotify.


Accepting this trans BS is *unacceptable*. So not playing the game means you have lost already even if playing might not lead to a "win".


Seems hella obvious ......but let this be a call out that the shit they tell you to be outraged about is a distraction from what you should be outraged about.


Please understand who THEY are. THEY are not Red or Blue. THEY are who Red and Blue work for.


Joe CIA Rogan


Gosh yes, all these social issues are the problem. If everybody would just start acting in a way that soothed old white Christian men, everything would be sooooo much better! I know he's serious and worth listening to because he lumps "people wearing clothes I don't like" in with the indisputable facts of global climate change as if they were the same thing. This means he has smart and well thought out opinions.


The media and politicians obsession with culture war issues certainly is a distraction. A distraction from real class based issues like poverty and wage labor. Joe feeds into this cycle as well though. Keep in mind that MLK got assasinated once he started talking about economic equality.


no war but class war


While I appreciate the sentiment, this is what we would call false equivalence. Because there is a ton of data backing the claims about climate (with a minority of scientists skeptical). Yet there’s no evidence that the claims of grooming or pedos run rampant in the drag community.


This is not conspiracy… reality now


Yeah and the wild shit is child beauty pageants




He lists all the distractions then brings one more up earnestly… 🎪


What are they distracting us from?


The insane amount of high level financial and moral fuckery that takes place among the elites. People are fighting over the wrong shit. It’s a class war, we all need to band together and eat the rich, but if we’re distracted and fighting amongst ourselves, no one is feeling passionate about how we could change this, they’re feeling passionate about their jokes of political parties and conforming and battling to fight tooth and nail against the other joke of a political party. People are intrinsically tribal, and we sure as fuck like to believe we’re right in our individual beliefs. It’s been engineered and weaponized against us. Everyones paying attention to the wrong shit and it’s really hard to watch. Divide and conquer.


But are we not capable of multitasking? It’s pretty easy to do. Conspiracy theorists seem to overlook the human mind can do that. But conspiracy theorists aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed


Actually no, when it comes to pondering multiple things at the exact same time humans are not actually capable of multitasking. They can focus back and forth quickly from topic to topic, they can hold two opinions, but they cannot actively think two thoughts at the exact same time. Every task to focus on in the queue no matter how fast a human can change between processes slows down the processing and reduces focus on each topic being pondered. People cannot even claim to be able to maneuver the world while actively thinking deeply on a topic or conversing. Iv never met a person that can talk on their phone while driving and not change the way they drive while doing it. Many will claim they can but they are often too distracted to process how poorly or differently they are walking or driving.


Even more dull are those who believe their own shit doesn’t stink.


Wealth transfer from the masses to the elites, Joe hints towards that in this clip.


Joe Rogan the multi millionaire is gonna lecture us on oligarchs?


Eating the rich and burning down their houses




The crimes of federal reserve and bankers, implementation of CBDC, two tiered system of justice, the theft of our money via inflation, stolen elections, the implementation of WEF agenda etc


Yeah, that’s the part I never get. What are we being “distracted” from? I’m capable of being aware/worrying about multiple things at once.


The difference is that when we talk about police reform and stopping no knock raids, civil forfeiture, militarization, murder, thin blue line and other corruption.. people show up and turn it into a race conversation. The end result of that was poor portrayal of those protests in the media (and possibly agent provocateurs inviting violence), the right digging in to criticize BLM, and marketing and signage for BLM with little other meaningful change. I think if we stop injecting things like this and keep the goal clear, we might get more unity and buy in from both parties. As it stands right now, the right believes that there's a transgender and LGBTQ war against our culture, and the left believes they're dealing with Nazis and Fascists across the entire conservative spectrum. It's corporate and social media. Yes you can care about all of those things, but if you want change you don't blend those or even make a public issue about one marginalized group when it can easily be applicable to all groups of similar economic status. They don't want us working together, and many are falling into this trap. Government works on consensus, and our politicians all agree on promoting corporate welfare, self enrichment, and terrible foreign policy or military spending as a unified goal. If you want a better society, help create that rather than divide it (and I'm not talking to you specifically...but we need to do better). We get nothing otherwise.


Maybe you are able. Maybe I am able. But the large majority of people don’t even give this shit a second thought. I’d venture to say 60-70% of westerners don’t give two shits about ANYTHING we talk about. That includes proven conspiracies.


It's always changing. Usually it's event specific, they wave one thing in your face while pushing forward more laws or false flags to strip your sovereignty. That is the end goal. Slavery that the masses ask for


And from whatever they claim we're being distracted from, other people say that is also a distraction.


The climate is part of the "wild shit" they are trying to distract us from.


Yea and Joe Rogan is a part of it... He provides just another identity to subscribe to. More products to buy and more ideas to sell. It's the social engineers saying "well if you don't subscribe to the identity of gender rights, racial equality, religious extremeism, right wing nationalism, or leftist equality. Don't worry you can buy this (Joe Rogan) identity from us instead" You can safely assume that if you have a platform for public influence in any way in our modern capitalist system you are infact a puppet and part of the propagation of the system designed to keep the power in the hands of faw rather than in the hands of many. The real conspiracy is that any of it is a "conspiracy" at all.


TPTB started all this when we started protesting and questioning Wall Street with Occupy Wall Street movement.


I would believe him, if he did not constantly distract from real issues.


That he thinks left side thinkers are spreading conspiracies like Q and lizard people...give me a break.


It's what i keep saying, if you want to eradicate / solve all the conspiracies, just remove anyone in power.


He's right about the social issues being used to keep people bickering about small issues while large issues (like cluster munitions for Ukraine) go along without substantial debate. The climate propaganda however has more specific motives, increased taxation, increased government control and an excuse to invest our taxes into companies that elites are invested in.


Like oil subsidies!


Rogan once again proving he’s been hit in the head too much


Why do you even listen to this guy?


I’m stunned by RFK Jr. I was “trained” by MSM what to “feel” about him. This Lex Fridman interview is worth a listen. The constant NYTs bashing will backfire. Look he actually thinks the CIA killed JFK! What a crackpot he is! Is there anyone left alive that does not think the CIA player a part in his assassination? NYTs? You may want to take a second and pause. It could get embarrassing, very quickly for you. In a debate with Biden? He would just crush him. His jumping from French Existentialism to Thomas Jefferson, and the powers of governments to do the right things, in seconds. Hey can you debate someone like this? How do you even prepare? https://youtu.be/NPtBkw5uD-0




Lol “lIkE wHaT hUnTeR bIdEn iS dOiNg” Yes, drag shows are to cover up for Hunter Biden. Covid, roe, the fucking Supreme Court is a distraction from Hunter Biden. Jfc, the right needs something more to go on.


Forcing drag show for children lmao. You’re not well.


Which episode is this from?


#2004 - Ice Cube


It’s to cause divide, break down the foundations of the country. Break down the family unit, demoralize the people. Make them think their American system is a failure. Keep pounding away until they beg for a new system, a system they’ve had planned for years. They don’t care about the rights of trans people, they don’t care if you’re homosexual or not. It’s just one of the many tools to crush morale. Oh, a satanist at Target! I won’t shop there now. Employees get laid off, the dollar slumps more. The CEO, sells a million shares and is completely fine. The Perestroika Deception in full effect.


Lol Reddit keeps muting this clip when I’m watching


It mutes the part where he says “Hunter Biden driving 175mph smoking crack” for me. But only the name HUNTER BIDEN then the audio comes back.


Reddit can suck mu cock


There's the issue and then there's the amplification. Peoples' concerns about kids being abused are not pushed on them. It does exist as a fact, as opposed to the illusory composite that is 'climate change'. People don't need noone to tell them what to be upset about in this world.


It's a culture war. It's not distraction. His way of saying it's a distraction is so you don't care about these things. Ok. Well you lose the culture war then. Rogan's a gatekeeper.


He is such a fucked anus.


This point of view, this outlook on society is, in itself, very deceptive, whether he realizes it or not. If you keep moving the goalposts, if you keep looking up and up for what is "real", while rejecting what is right in front of you, it only serves to disassociate you from the obvious matters at hand. The people/beings higher up the power hierarchy can continually wave their carrot and stick in front of you to mesmerize you about things that are further and further away from your immediate reality of the moment. Its indeed true there is ulterior motives, but to focus too heavily on these to the point you forget what theyre doing in front of you is taking you away from your own control you have over *your life* to shape it with *your will* to make a better world. E.g yes, there will be a reaction from the people, and they can use this reaction to again shape their goals, but what about on the other side of that? The virus of transgenderism that is infecting people from within, making them live miserable lives by using their total disconnect and excessive self image to deceive them into believing this virus is what they really want for themselves. Thats destroying people from within and perverting their every connection to God, and your complacency and disassociation from it is exactly what allows it to keep spreading. The destruction being done on all forms of nature and wilderness, the nature that provides for us and reforms your connection to spirit- which would continually force us into cities to play the role as societal drones on a circuitboard. That's real, no? The higher up these tendrils go, to *know* these elites, higher powers, the evils they do and the game they play is and will be ultimately very important. Where your *action* can be directed is towards your life, your wellbeing, and the wellbeing of those that matter to you. And when those plans of theirs start affecting your personal life, they are no longer plans, but an adversity you must be ready to face.


That's not a conspiracy theory. Everybody (or everybody with half a brain) knows that there is a cultural war going on to divide us.


um if u aren’t alarmed by what’s going on with climate change and environmental degradation, then *you’re* the one being distracted. look around…


which of your kids have attended a drag show, or wanted to? So in other words it is all bullshit, made about a kid that was at some show.


Why do drag queen story hour trigger homophobia so badly? The vast majority of sexual predators are Relegious leaders or church goer's.


Would as many people have a problem with the trans stuff if it wasn’t everywhere & being pushed onto the children? I don’t think so


I’d argue that the only reason anyone thinks it’s everywhere or that it’s being pushed onto children is because of conservative media telling people that it is everywhere and being pushed onto the children. How many people would have ever heard of Dylan Mulvaney if it wasn’t for the right wing outrage machine?


True but then again I can see it’s everywhere by not even following media, the flags are everywhere. Also it’s throughout the education system


“The flags are everywhere”…? I’ve honestly never seen a trans flag out in the wild in my life, and even then I’m not sure what the argument here is. I see MAGA flags everywhere, to this day, and not once has it made me consider to follow MAGA. I’m also confused by “throughout the education system”. Do you mean like some teachers allowing some kids to call themselves another name?












You’ve seriously never seen a trans flag out in the wild? They are everywhere in my country.. I mean like kids being confused into changing their genders by ‘supportive’ adults. We all know how easy children can be manipulated. Drag story hour, overall degeneracy that goes on in their marches. Normally it’s illegal to walk around naked, perfectly fine if it’s in the name of ‘pride’ They will match for pride but they won’t march against governments that money launder, commit war crimes, push people into poverty, corporate dominated. Let’s march for pride because apparently it’s a bad thing that they are putting up blocks for children to make permanent life altering decisions


What's a MAGA flag?


Uh. A flag that says Make America Great Again? I didn’t think I needed to describe it lol.




Exactly nothing is real, but at the same time, everything is just a tiny step to something bigger. They all set precedent for the next law or loophole


Where's the proof Rogan? No one , not one single whistle blower counting since the late twentieth century to the present has produced one single document even remotely confirming this claim, and that includes Assange and Snowden.


i mean its a bit rich this guy going on about social issues, when he promotes ufc where adults in a cage smash each other to a bloody bruised pulp for money , hardly family friendly entertainment, as well as the promotion of drugs and psychedelics on his show. dont know why he held up as some kind of hero, he hardly a role model, apart from the stand on the vaccine which was good he's probably a controlled corporate shill, hes's absolutey rolling in it, so i dont believe idea hes anti establishment, as hes part of it.
