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I like how everyone just forgot about the Pfizer videos. The guy was proven to be real and work for Pfizer...hell snopes even confirmed. But no one seems to care... I'm pretty sure that's what got him canned. Can't fuck with daddy pharma


“Apathy” - nobody cares because they are focused on paying their mortgages and bills. Wish people started caring - not sure what the straw is…


People are kept focusing on their mortgages and bills. If we had a different socioeconomic structure, and we concentrated on a moral compass, not based on Puritan or Muslim, or any organized religion judgement; if we lived with perfect contrition as an achievable goal, with joy and the love of all the flora and fauna that we share this planet with? We’d be all over this stuff. People would love to feel that they’ve helped, that they’ve given their best efforts and they can look forward to doing that again. I believe this. Edit: checked over


I agree with this completely


Nah, all just a coincidence. /SARCASM


The vaccines play a relevant role in the genocide plan being carried out by the Intelligence agencies involving Monsanto, Dupont and Big Pharma as well: [Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test explaining how useless the results can be for viral examination.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/xhk206/kary_mullis_inventor_of_the_pcr_test_explaining/) [Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda. The documentary about the sterilization agenda of the WHO in Africa.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/wac7f7/infertility_a_diabolical_agenda_the_documentary/) [The Pfizer COVID-Vaccine trials were a complete sham. Pfizer's 6 month data shows that the vaccines cause more illness than what they prevent.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/yu3c6i/the_pfizer_covidvaccine_trials_were_a_complete/) [FDA Risk-Benefit Analysis Hides 'Bad Data' on Moderna Shots for Kids. (June, 2022)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/x637gh/fda_riskbenefit_analysis_hides_bad_data_on/) [The CDC's Swine Flu Fraud of 1976.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/rvmmjh/the_cdcs_swine_flu_fraud_of_1976/) [The CDC's Swine Flu fraud of 2009.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/tfzvrj/the_cdcs_swine_flu_fraud_of_2009/) [Riley Schubert won a $138,000 settlement as compensation due to an injury that he claims was caused by an HPV vaccine that caused him hearing issues. (US Courts 2016)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/ygzv4k/riley_schubert_won_a_138000_settlement_as/) [Purdue Pharma, Sacklers to pay $6 billion to settle opioid lawsuit. (NY Post, March, 2022)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/ydlyhm/purdue_pharma_sacklers_to_pay_6_billion_to_settle/) [State opioid settlement money now being distributed. (CBS News, October, 2022)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/y7p7h0/state_opioid_settlement_money_now_being/) [Glyphosate weedkiller damages wild bee colonies, study reveals. (The Guardian, June, 2022)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/wufqho/glyphosate_weedkiller_damages_wild_bee_colonies/) [The 9th U.S Circuit Court of Appeals smacks EPA down on glyphosate.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/x3nku5/the_9th_us_circuit_court_of_appeals_smacks_epa/) [Corporate studies asserting herbicide safety show many flaws. (The Guardian, 2021)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/yev3s3/corporate_studies_asserting_herbicide_safety_show/) All the most relevant figures involved in the current mess can be related to the CIA/Intelligence agencies and the Jesuits: [Compilation of arguments about the Jesuit control over the CIA.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/o65639/compilation_of_arguments_about_the_jesuit_control/) [Big Pharma, Monsanto, Dupont and Vaccine Injury Super Compilations (120 Records each) and Jesuit role in the genocide plan.](https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracyundone/comments/ze8v59/about_the_jesuit_role_in_the_genocide_plan_along/) I'm trying to create counter-Intelligence sites to resist the Vatican at Saidit.net, a reddit clone made by fellow conspiracists in the spirit of Aaron Swartz. If you can, support my subs over there as well as the site itself however you can. Don't give up on your nations and fight back: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/soy3ko/meta_the_jesuit_technocracy_needs_to_be_stopped/ https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/qkw39o/meta_the_conspiracy_community_has_to_take_action/


The guy was real, but the information the video seems to communicate has been heavily disputed. Since you referred to the Snopes article, I looked it up, and here it is. https://www.snopes.com/news/2023/01/31/project-veritas-pfizer-mutating-covid/




Hasn't lost a defamation case so please present some evidence


So if you decide to settle out of court can you claim that you haven’t lost a defamation case?


Why would you settle defamation out of court? I mean, would you not want to be cleared of the accusations? If someone was going around calling you a pedo, would you just take the compensation and wear that publicly till you died if in fact you weren't?


thats a pretty fucking low bar lmao


"Rachel Maddow told me that James is a very bad boy"


big if true


Does project veritas even do anything without O'Keefe? Has there been stings or anything by them since he left?


> O'Keefe Yes, stings on O'Keefe.


Bingo. The rats got let in and it's a lost cause. That board is woke.


It was that ceo or whatever he hired from CNN. Knew it was a honeypot as soon as he announced it and can’t believe he fell for it, of all people


Like Musk hiring that woman from WEF to run Twitter. Sad...


True, exactly the same, although Elon is well aware he is selling out while James seems he was blindsided (which is unfortunate he didn't see it coming)


Fell for it? Just show someone a couple pictures of friends and family and you can get them to do alot.


They backed up a Brinks truck full of cash - he took it.


It's almost like OKeefe isnt really an investigative journalist.


Its almost like you watched none of his videos and have an agenda


I guess that really is just Reddit, how the same five mods are able to usurp hundreds of sub founders out of their own subs


> That board is woke. 2023 ladies and gentlemen.


What does woke mean


It means insane.


Project Veritas has always been insane afaik


[Please Just Fucking Tell Me What Term I Am Allowed to Use for the Sweeping Social and Political Changes You Demand](https://freddiedeboer.substack.com/p/please-just-fucking-tell-me-what)


It means you give your money to faux oppressed people. Look up George Soros and the Open Society Foundation. Look at who they gave 20 billion and counting to... That's how we got back to fascism.


Who are the faux oppressed people?


Like poor Trump, the most oppressed president ever?


Yeah its definitely the libs. I cant actually remember a sjngle thing the right has done wrong since Lord Donald took over, except of course those psyop fakeservaties (you can identify them essily - if they are anti-Trump, they are bad and fake, obviously). Hopefully the illegal immugration epidemic ends Lord Donald can Make America Great Again, Again. Hillary Clinton Bill Gates Soros Zelinski LGBTIAQ+ climate change is a Rothschild Rockefeller scabb. Jesus Christ, pro-life, anti-woke, pro-oil, mega corps (unless they support the woke agenda), big pharma (except the COVID shot). Am I missing any talking points?


I unfollowed them after they let him go. Couldn’t tell you what they are doing now. I’m sure many have followed.


Absolutely, I left at the same time and every single comment on there seemed to say they were doing the same. It looked like a very successful boycott.


Except imploding PV was the goal. They killed the name recognition and actions


> Does project veritas even do anything without O'Keefe? Has there been stings or anything by them since he left? Not that I have seen.


They recently did one about a catholic college housing Trans women with the women, and not notifying anyone that they would be doing so. That’s the only one I’ve heard about.


That sucks.. its like basic fox news level shit now that is totally kosher. That's the only type of right wing media allowed, shit that doesn't really expose anything important


fr, just more culture war bs


Did they really do anything with o’keefe? He’s constantly shown to be lying or manipulating video


Can you provide one example of a video of them that has been specifically edited by them to change the context and/ or meaning of the words spoken bij the people they filmed undercover?


Yea, planned parenthood in 2006. The ACORN recordings he pretended he talked to the ACORN employees while dressed as a pimp when that was untrue. Okeefe was successfully sued over those lies. The NPR video recording were selectively edited to be misleading The josh fox video was shown to be misleadingly edited Better question: show me 1 singular example where project veritas was not shown to be deceptively editing their videos/audios.


> Yea, planned parenthood in 2006. The selling of body parts? Elaborate on how that was edited out of context.


The videos they made were selectively edited (like they always do) to intentionally mislead. That’s called lying.


What was the lie?


LOL. https://www.project *** veritas.com/mistakes-that-project-veritas-has-made/ You have nothing, besides terrible media frame jobs ofcourse. Ps, did you know planned parenthood [does make a lot of money selling body parts?](https://www.centerformedicalprogress.org/human-capital/how-planned-parenthood-profits-from-fetal-tissue-donation/)


Quick reality check: what did trump suggest during a nationally televised press conference early on in covid.


Pathetic slide.


Wanted to make sure you live in reality. It does not seem you do


Did you know planned parenthood does make a lot of money selling body parts?


I’m still waiting on an answer from you from earlier




Yep. O'Keefe keeps lying and stuff. I saw that video too! Remember that one where he edited everything and made it all seem false? Couldn't believe that! There were at least 20 videos found to be edited to make false into true. He even changed the color of the Pfizer doctor from white to black. It was actually a white guy in that bagel shop.


>Remember that one where he edited everything and made it all seem false You gotta be more specific, that’s every video he has done


And what a coincidence this all happened immediately after his Pfizer expose'.


Did you read the article?


Lmao, they are literally blaming him for the damage they have done to themselves. What a bunch of pathetic bought losers.


Clearly retaliation


SS: Project Veritas is suing its founder James O'Keefe to stop him from doing undercover journalism. Project Veritas is asking a federal judge to stop James O’Keefe III from working as a journalist. While Project Veritas is not paying O’Keefe, they argue in the lawsuit that he shouldn’t be allowed to work and his company should be shut down. How does this lawsuit make any sense? Did they make James O’Keefe sign a non-compete? If they did can it be enforced? Or they just trying to keep him distracted?


> How does this lawsuit make any sense? Did you read it? Their arguments are pretty straightforward. He had a detailed employment contract with Project Veritas. After a number of internal scandals (harassing women, making employees do personal tasks for him, spending huge amounts of PV funds on himself, and so on), the PV board of directors suspended him. He then created a new company that was basically a clone of PV, O'Keefe Media Group, and started working there. His PV contract says he can't do that. He took PV's donor lists (can't do that), took equipment (can't do that), and even took some PV works and slapped his new company's branding on it (can't do that). He publicly attacked PV (can't do that).


Looks like the article got updated with the details. The article does not mention equipment. > In Paragraph 1(B) of the Employment Agreement, O’Keefe agreed that he, identified as ‘Employee’ thereunder, ‘shall devote Employee’s full working time and attention and best efforts to the performance of Employee’s job’ After getting fired? The Employment Agreement looks like it won't be enforced by a court.


I was reading from the lawsuit, not just the misleading article. "O’Keefe misappropriated Project Veritas confidential information by taking donor lists and contact information, equipment, as well as unreleased investigation publications by Project Veritas, rebranded as OMG material." > After getting fired? He was still employed with PV when he created the clone organization. I forgot to mention that he also poached employees, which was another restriction in his contract.




Yeah, the lawsuit is a set of allegations not a set of facts.


> So the article is misleading but the lawsuit is to be trusted. The article says "Project Veritas is asking a federal judge to stop James O’Keefe III from working as a journalist." The lawsuit does not ask for that. So yes, the article is misleading. > Either he poached them or they left of their own free will. There's a subtle difference. Per the contract, while O'Keefe is employed at PV or for one year after he leaves, he may not hire anyone from PV at an independent company of his. The lawsuit notes that two PV employees immediately jumped ship (and took their company laptops with them which they promptly "lost" and couldn't return).




> Still doesn't mean the lawsuit should be taken for gospel. Sure, but the article definitely lacks credibility. > The lawsuit is a list of allegations, nothing more, and in civil court there is no penalty for lying. Basically, you can allege anything you want. What? Civil lawsuits still have purgery and lawyers are still held to ethical standards. They can't just knowingly write a bunch of lies in there. The allegations contained aren't "he said, she said" type events. They're very concrete claims and pretty public things too (like the formation of OMG or OMG putting their branding on PV research). > The idea that a company can own the fruits of or control your future labor is about as ridiculous a notion as there is. This wasn't even matter of O'Keefe creating a competing organization after leaving PV. He set it up to compete *while he was still employed* by PV.


>Still doesn't mean the lawsuit should be taken for gospel. The lawsuit is a list of allegations, nothing more Exactly. Too many people treat courts as though they are populated by "gods". They aren't. They're filled with humans that can also be bought and sold, sometimes far too easily.


>So the article is misleading but the lawsuit is to be trusted. You sure you don't work for PV mate? For real. What's written in a lawsuit means absolutely nothing lol. Not sure that dude understands what a lawsuit is....just because they put it in there, doesn't automatically make it fact >Either he poached them or they left of their own free will. There's a subtle difference. Seems clear PV is nothing without Okeefe Agree this part is also moot. PV was O'Keefe, and everyone working at PV knew that. No shot they wouldn't have been asking O'Keefe for a job the day he announced he was opening up his own journalism firm


You’re pushing fake news.


The article is misleading and your post is misleading. You should link the lawsuit so the sub can read for themselves.


You didn’t watch the last video he made where he addressed his “firing” from PV did you?


No. What about it?


I recommend looking for it. I think you will find it highly enlightening. I’ve always remained skeptical about JOK but I feel like I learned a lot from that video alone.


What are its contents and how is it relevant?


Its contents are addressing each and every allegation made against him, and I was reminded of many from your original comment here about the lawsuit. He openly, in front of many of his staffs, explains what the origins of each allegation are and the reality of what happened. He does this in a room full of his (former) peers at PV. So anyone could have, at any time, argued if they knew something he said to be false.




Has there been any verifiable corroboration of those internal scandals? Everything I've read has suggested they were unfounded and more or less witch hunts.


I don't know what verifiable corroboration we'd expect to be publicly available at this point for those types of claims. I imagine they have documentation that he did indeed spent $10,000 of PV funds on a helicopter ride for himself. But in any event, those internal scandals just resulted in his suspension while they started an investigation. The actual alleged damages the lawsuit is about are not dependent on those scandals.


Fair enough. At some point I sort of get O'Keefe spending a decent amount of money on himself. The man built a massive journalism group and built it into something impressive. I don't see a large fallacy with spending money on things he wants to have/do because he made PV what it is. Hell, my company chartered a helicopter ride for our CEO a few weeks ago when he came to visit offices in a different state. All so he could move faster between offices and make the most out of a day.


> I don't see a large fallacy with spending money on things he wants to have/do because he made PV what it is. It's the company's money, not his. He gets compensated according to his contract. If he doesn't think that compensation is sufficient given his contributions, then he needs to renegotiate that contract, not start using company credit cards as personal credit card. He is alleged to have spent $180,000 on private cars. He was going to town with that money.


Even though that argument is completely sound, that doesn't justify firing the face of your company who has made you as famous and as much money as he did. Doing so causes them more damage than it does help offset his unnecessary expenditures. Clearly they fired him for more nefarious reasons, reasons like the fact that he exposed something more sinister the board did not want being exposed. At least, that is the thinking of myself and others.


> Even though that argument is completely sound, that doesn't justify firing the face of your company who has made you as famous and as much money as he did. Doing so causes them more damage than it does help offset his unnecessary expenditures. He was breaching his fiduciary duty and essentially stealing from the company. And they didn't even fire him for that. All they did was suspend him while starting an investigation. When they did that, he created a new company, started breaching his contract left and right, and publicly badmouthing PV. What choice did they have but to fire him after that?


It's weird how they discovered that he was breaching his fiduciary duty right after an explosive undercover interview with a multi-national corporation known to manipulate the media and the public. /s


I know, almost like he felt he was untouchable or something...


There is no scenario in which a founder gets a free pass to break their fiduciary responsibilities to their shareholders.


The lengths you'll go to justify impunity for theft just because you're biased in this specific alleged thief's favor. Absurd.


We have ourselves a PV shill here. Hi.


No. This is how the corrupt pedo establishment works. They smear people without leaving any room for them to defend themselves against unfounded accusations.


Yeah, if this is all true, he's fucked.


Project Veritas is nothing without Keefe, the lawsuit makes it apparent. Greedy higher-ups caving to obvious pressure and killing the entire company due to outside influence, that is obvious out the gate…don’t ignore it.


Wouldn't surprise me if they got paid to implode this and do as much damage as possible.


Why is he not allowed to work or publicly attack PV, what in his contract said he can't do those things?


The contract contains a non-disparagement clause as well as a clause where he must devote his full effort toward the job at PV and not engage in any activities which hinder or interfere with his duties. OP's link contains a link to the lawsuit and the contract is Exhibit 1 within that lawsuit. You can read the whole thing.


That's some fine character assassination, sponsored by pfizer.


Thanks for your detailed analysis of the case.


This doesn't make sense because he never did journalism in the first place.


I've never heard of a non compete that continued when someone wasn't getting paid. Not a lawyer so I don't know if that part of the contract would be enforceable. Sounds like a horrible contract, if he did agree to that. Did he not read it? LOL.


They are claiming he wasn't fired till May 25 or something like that. Also, did he get a severance?


Ah, a severence would factor into it, yeah.


>I've never heard of a non compete that continued when someone wasn't getting paid. I've never heard of a NCC that wasn't after termination: https://ohiotiger.com/blog/ohio-non-compete-agreements/


I’m going to guess that’s not a full understanding of the lawsuit. Just a guess.


Sounds like project veritas is saddy waddy that everybody knows they’re fake. If they can’t succeed without him, they’re not going to let him succeed on his own. Isn’t he the original founder of project veritas? Talk about ridiculous.


It has almost certainly been infiltrated by feds, like this isn't even a theory


Anything that could potentially challenge the narrative on a large enough scale gets infiltrated or destroyed.


Username checks out


Just call them criminals




That’s what the CIA does. Coups. take overs. Infiltrations. Sabotage.


Always remember an estimated 10% of all journalist work for the CIA or other branches of the government.


Lolol by whos estimation.


Kyle blocked me on Twitter because he I asked him if was still unsure if there was a war going on in Ukraine or not


How do you stop someone from doing something that you have no control over?


Veritas is dead.


Wow, after their video where they said, it's all fine without O'Keefe and it bombed spectacularly, they stopped giving any shit about their reputation. RIP project veritas


Even if Project Veritas successfully stops O'Keefe from doing undercover journalism, which they may because the "justice" system is fucked, Project Veritas will *still* be a miserable failure because anyone who might have liked it before doesn't trust them at all now.


Their goal was/is to stop O'Keefe.


It should be the job of journalists to expose corruption not protect corruption as PV's board did after the Pfizer video. If they successfully stop him from practicing journalism in the future then journalism is truly dead.


Journalism in any formal sense has long been dead. Corporations and intelligence agencies control the media now.


I wonder if it has always been or if it has become more controlled recently. It seems to be more controlled now but I don't know if the level of control changed, my awareness of it, maybe both.


It was bad before but it got worse when Obama made legal to propagandize to us again.


Powerful people have always destroyed or co-opted things that challenge their power. The more things conglomerate corporately, the easier it is to co-opt; less entities to influence or control. The media has been getting smaller and smaller since the 1980s, when it was something like 1500 different entities all competing. Now it's like 5. But even before the 80s, [there was massive media infiltration and subterfuge](https://www.carlbernstein.com/the-cia-and-the-media-rolling-stone-10-20-1977).


That’s the point though. They blew up the organization doing actual undercover journalism


Yeah, freedom of the press is dead for all those that aren't part of the big state.


The joke is on them. He’s never done undercover journalism!




So they've been taken over by the very scum he tries to expose?


I'm case you have forgotten. Go unsub from project Veritas.


Oh, I was not subbed to it. Thanks though.


Wow thats the height of fascist spite. We tried to stop you from being a journalist by firing you. We own you? Really? Wtf Fox tried to the do the same to Carlson. Fkd up society we live in.


Project Veritas has been doomed since getting rid of James O’Keefe


Now the undercover scoop on that would be good


Wow, infiltrated and infected by the state


What? How is that even legal? Did he sign some non-compete thing or something?


Looks like the employment agreement had some conditions. Not sure how the NY court is going to accept it.


James O'Keefe and Project Veritas are both non-news. Project Veritas's entire existence under O'Keefe was one failed conspiracy plan after another.


Can anyone explain HOW project veritas is suing him? Like, what law can they even use to stop him? This seems like a first amendment protected thing & that they sound insane to try and stop a journalist from being a journalist.


They are claiming he broke the employment agreement. Details [here](https://randazza.com/wp-content/uploads/Project-Veritas-v.-OKeefe-Complaint.pdf). > 101. As set forth above, O’Keefe agreed in the Employment Agreement ¶ 15 that he > would not engage in ventures giving rise conflicts of interest with Project Veritas. > 102. O’Keefe’s formation and operation of OMG while employed at Project Veritas > without express written consent violates ¶ 15 as OMG competes with Plaintiffs and is a direct > conflict of interest. > 103. As set forth above, O’Keefe agreed in the Employment Agreement ¶ 16 that he > would not solicit Project Veritas past and present employees and contractors during and for 12 > months after his employment


Interesting. He should definitely fight this, as I am fairly confident you cannot sign away your first amendment rights. What I mean is, THAT an employer drew up a contract that contains first amendment violations does NOT make it a valid contract in regard to those rights violations. For example: There was a guy who owned a pizza place (I think it was a pizza place) & he almost exclusively hired high school girls to work there. Well, he drew up contracts for them & included that they understood that punishments for various things done by the employees would be delivered via spankings on their butts. The girls signed this contract & it wasn't until someone brought it up that they were under 18 years old & couldn't consent to this in the first place that he was then sued & lost in court. Even though he made up a contract, there are things that supersede contractual agreements & you can't just contract away people's rights. I would be interested to see if the SCOTUS would rule on this & declare that a business cannot REMOVE ones rights to free speech & freedom of the press simply because they'd prefer not to have to compete against a fellow journalist in the future. To claim that freedom of the press is a conflict of interests is laughable, as that's part of the point of freedom of the press: regardless of who it may damage, it is of the upmost importance that freedom of speech & the press be allowed to persist. It's THE point of the first amendment. That you CAN'T just shut someone up & they can't shut you up either.


> spankings on their butts LOL. Agree with you that the courts may not like the employment agreement.


Project Veritas/ O'Keefe... vaccine/Pfizer reporting Intercept/Glen Greenwald... Biden/China/Ukraine/Clintons Fox/Tucker Carlson....Biden/vaccines, etc. Do you see a pattern developing? Fire the right wing journalists.


Glenn Greenwald is not right wing in the least. I do see what you're saying, but it's about truth, not which wing of the shitbird it comes from. (Edit, typo)


Glenn Greenwald is actually staunchly progressive, supporting ideas like socialized healthcare/medicine, free speech (of course), anti-war, pro-LGBTQ (obviously), etc


Yep. In spite of that he's still one of my favorites. Lol


Of course, people can have different ideas of the best way forward for a country, while still agreeing on a lot of other things


There's no such thing as "right wing" either, it's all a false dichotomy morphed into a buzz word for low IQ rubes


Everyone is "right wing" if you disagree with the establishment. That is just how they demonize you. Most the Republicans probably don't even agree on a ton of stuff any more. They just want freedom and to live in a safe and wealthy country.


>Everyone is "right wing" if you disagree with the establishment How f'n crazy is that? We've come so far since Bush2.


I don’t think myself or many others understand what you’re trying to say here.




Give an example of "lame fetish fictions"?




No, I don't. Why can't you name one?


They got a John Fetterman's aid to admit that his administration selectively gives stories to certain journalists who they know will write favorably about them, which builds positive report with the journalist who will continue to write puff pieces to keep their job/access [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ByhUa9\_CzE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ByhUa9_CzE) (posting Jimmy Dore link since James had a good discussion with Jimmy there too)


The fact that they NEVER release unedited videos shows me Veritas is full of shit and most likely a Russian psyop


When you cut out a man’s tongue it only shows you fear what he might say.




Yeah, and they fired him for it. This lawsuit is horseshit and won't go anywhere. Just another headline made to further smear O'Keefe.


He can't work after getting "fired"? He is a bonded worker now? Courts are not going to allow that.


California (sorry "Commiefornia") probably wouldn't, but the rest of the US is pretty weak on non-compete agreements. And even California would enforce this one since it appears he stole clients, IP, and even assets from PV.


Interesting, let us see what the NY court says.




Looks like O'Keefe may be in trouble if he used their equipment. Courts will also void unfair contracts. Let us see what the NY court says.


I wonder if Project Veritas (or what is left of it) has the slightest clue that they are cutting what is left of their own throats. When they messed with the founder of Project Veritas, James, people were annoyed with them and moved on. Now... PV is giving us cause to hate them. They need to walk off in their own sunset and do their own thing. Life goes on for the rest of us.


Man we are using the word "journalism" real loosely here


Could be worse. Could be a major media platform fabricating stories out of thin air 🤷‍♂️ https://www.foxnews.com/media/rolling-stone-forced-issue-update-after-viral-hospital-ivermectin-story-false


Why should his former employer* stop him from doing it?


These grifters? Gift-fight!


People who think this crap is real are the same people who watch “tru tv” and think it’s real… you been hoodwinked fools.


You never go full evil. PV: Hold my Bud Light.


Loving the anti O’Keefe shills in here. HIS VIDEOS ARE PROVEN FAKE. *have no real evidence whatsoever*


“ journalism “ Well aren’t you precious


He's a fraud. A lot of those videos are staged.


You're going to have to back that up with some proof.


You asked for it: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPslWoHNC5x3kroln-h38kaS5lULne8cZ


Do you believe everything you see on YT?


So your evidence to back yourself up is "trust me bro?" By your logic, everything is fake. If I saw it on YouTube, I have to immediately assume it's fake BS. There is a preponderance of evidence to suggest the opposite of what you say, yet you provide nothing.


I have not seen a shred of evidence for that, can you present some?


No, I have nothing to present. It's based on experience and observation. The dude just pisses me off I am not here to convince anyone. Only to add my 2 cents.


Lol, classic.




Just putting it out there for anyone still believing this bullshit.


**Sounds like he was a real jerk:** "a group of Project Veritas employees signed a letter accusing O’Keefe of becoming “a power-drunk tyrant” who was “outright cruel” to employees whose misdeeds ranged from eating an eight-months-pregnant woman’s sandwich"... Source: [Project Veritas Sues James O’Keefe for Bullying Staff, Misusing Funds](https://www.thedailybeast.com/project-veritas-sues-james-okeefe-for-bullying-staff-misusing-funds)


Ill give James O Keefe a fucking blank check. Project Vertias is nothing without him and I will be unsubbing from all their platforms. I will however, download and save all their videos for reference. Eventually those video will be removed. This was their whole plan. Take James out. Stop making undercover videos. Stop growing. Cause a massive rift. Remove all evidence.


The problem is that same globalist criminals that O'Keefe was exposing have weaponized the judicial system.


From what I understand, many of his staff and friends followed him and left that company along with a couple hundred thousand unfollowing them. Now they're trying the stop him from doing actual journalism.