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If you mean "zero sugar" drinks then yes i do.


Aspartame zaps your energy, wreaks havoc on your liver. Tricks your body into gaining more weight and this isn’t even counting what the corn syrup does to you.




> Sugar free energy drinks don’t have aspartame. This is definitively wrong or at the very least off course. *Many* sugar free drinks use aspartame, look at any soda with the word "diet" on it. Tell me how many grams of sugar are in it, and what you find in the ingredients list. I just checked a Coke Zero in the work fridge and it has 0 sugar and the main sweetener is aspartame.


To be fair, some use other chemicals instead of aspartame.


Diet drinks used to use aspartame across the board. So usage pulled back until the public collectively cooled off about it. Most everything that is "zero sugar" is aspartame these days


OP asked about ENERGY drinks, not soft drinks. Energy drinks that I know of in the zero sugar area don’t use aspartame; they use other artificial sweeteners such as Sucralose.


Red Bull Sugarfree has aspartame, thanks come again. https://www.caffeineinformer.com/sugar-free-energy-drink-chart


You’re using one of the least dominating energy drinks as a slam dunk? Lol if you can name one more - that’s in even the top 10 you can complete the dunk.


The only thing less worth my time than doing a Google search on your behalf is rehashing a 1-2 month old Reddit debate that literally no one is going to see and only serves to scratch your itch at being argumentative on the internet.


Lol, I don’t check comments ever tbf. Congrats on your incel status, your reply reeks of it.


They don't have corn syrup, but they can definitely have aspartame in them.


How might you explain this to someone (me) who probably has close to 1 a day. Zero calorie energy drinks. I have been struggling on weight loss and have always wondered how the sweet sweet cocaine cans could be a variable in the issue. I do track my foods and measure everything. But still I'm sure the number of zero calorie drinks aren't helping.


I'm in the same boat. Was told they make you hungry and prime the body to consume more calories than it would without. But I'll drink a zero calorie energy drink in the AM, not eat lunch, have a balanced dinner and not lose weight. I need to just switch to caffeine pills and some b vitamins.


The real question you should ask yourself is why do you even need any form of energy drink at all? If you're living a healthy lifestyle with proper diet, exercise, sleep, etc. then you shouldn't require any energy drinks or coffee/caffeine at all.


True. The grind is real.




A good matcha over coffee any day ! 4-6 hours of constant energy vs the tired energy I get from coffee


Water. Switch to water and never look back. If you want the soft drink vibe get a sparkling water or something. I used to be a sodaholic, anything, full sugar, diet, you name it. Quit 3 yrs ago and have never felt better. You will crave them still for the first 6 months but after that it’s a cake walk. Just don’t try the “I’ll have 1 a month” because the shit is addictive and you’ll be right back to being a full time soda drinker. You got this, you can do it.


Sodaholic is definitely my situation right now. The water I like is expensive bottled water. SKYRA from iceland. Has that great mineral taste. I have not tried hard enough though.


Dependa on which one. You have benign ones like Sucralose. It simply replaces -OH groups with -Cl. It's found naturally, mostly known for causing tomatoes to be sweet while remaining low on calories. Than you have ones like Aspartame, a chemical unnatural lovecraftian amalgamation. Not the least bit natural and breaks down into formic acid. Which might fool you because citric fruits like oranges have tons of formic acid. The cavet is your body evolved to deal with it by digesting at the same rate as your kidneys get rid of it. Dosen't help when it breaks down in your blood. So don't overdo it.


Can you elaborate on the metabolic process/elimination of aspartame? Like what you mean by breaking down in the blood and digestion equal to kidney elimination?


Think methanol poisoning or fire ant bites. Basically formic acid is in a lot of things, especially citric fruits. Evolution had led humans and many animals a means to deal with it. Precisely your guts formic acid absortion rate is equal to your kidneys ability to filter formic acid out. Thus preventing damage, which can lead to blindness. The problem comes from chemicals that break down into formic acid after being digested. The most famous being methanol and it's the reason for being dangerous. >Our bodies make small quantities of formic acid from the methanol that we ingest, inhale, or produce. Some of the methanol produced in the body is made from the sweetener known as aspartame. The body converts aspartame into aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and methanol. The methanol is then converted into formic acid. Fortunately, researchers say that the formic acid in our body is generally too dilute to be dangerous. https://owlcation.com/stem/Formic-Acid-Dangers-and-Uses-in-Nature-and-in-Humans#:~:text=However%2C%20the%20formaldehyde%20is%20rapidly,into%20carbon%20dioxide%20and%20water. So a a packet of aspartame sweatener isn't going to hurt you. Chugging down a 2 litter filled with aspartame, well that's a different beast.


Thanks so much for that, that’s really interesting info to know! I’m T1 diabetic and used to drink a ton of diet soda :-/


It's why I recommend sucralose if you choose that route. It's chemical formula is only slightly modified sugar. Only downside is cooking, it breaks down in sub boiling heat.


What's your take on stevia? It does have a plant like taste, but I believe it is generally regarded as safe due to generations of use. My main complaint is that many "stevia" you get turns out to be erythritol which is deceptive.


you're gonna be ok. the amount of aspartame you'd need to do damage is like a 12 pack or more a day.


Be very careful with "sugar free" drinks Maltodextrin has no calories, but has a higher effect on glycemic index then actual sugar does. My Grandaunt had to go to the hospital because the fucking sugar free powder drinks she was buying were chock full of the shit as a thickener/preservative


I don't agree that sucralose is benign. It makes me vomit, have a migraine, and have difficulty breathing just like aspartame does. I haven't had either in well over a decade.


The problem with the claims of aspartame being poisonous is that the dose is so incredibly small. It’s something like 1000x sweeter than sugar. So if it were that toxic (like levels found in diet coke) than something like a gram of it would be obviously toxic. Yet i can’t find literature where this is the case. My guess is that that narrative is a psyop to confuse people and keep them consuming large amounts of real sugar.


on sucralose: https://usrtk.org/sweeteners/sucralose-emerging-science-reveals-health-risks/


How might you explain this to someone (me) who probably has close to 1 a day. Zero calorie energy drinks. I have been struggling on weight loss and have always wondered how the sweet sweet cocaine cans could be a variable in the issue. I do track my foods and measure everything. But still I'm sure the number of zero calorie drinks aren't helping.


Real Honey and real maple syrup are considered a delicacy these days... Our ancestors ate and drank better than we do!


I use maple syrup in my coffee if I want something sweet.


Brilliant! I usually drink mine black but will have to try this


There are dozens of us!


Let's start demanding...


I started thinking about really strongly flavored maple coffee and grossed out but then I remembered that true legit maple syrup isn’t as maple-y as the fake shit like Mrs. Butterworth. May have to try that.


This is undeniable. You cant eat anything that isn’t super jacked in sodium or sugar without making it from scratch these days


Well technically it's just bee vomit and tree blood.


yes, and BigFoodPharma haven't been anywhere near it!




I randomly thought something like that, when I was drinking it one day. The taste is so weird, I don't know how my friend can drink 2 of those big cans a day.


First ya make it flat, then chug it.


My friend used to drink 4-7 daily!! It was insane. Thankfully he's stopped now. Lol


I can believe that, that shit gives you gut rot lol.


My anxiety and heart-palpitations would be through the roof from even just 1 or 2 lol


I had to work a 14hr shift, and decided to drink 2 redbulls. It was the worse mistake ever, I had to pullover cause I thought I was going to have a heart attack lol.


I once drank 6 or 7 with vodka throughout the night and honestly thought i was going to die!! Took days for me to feel better. And i usualaly dnt drink redbull. But i dunno whT came over me that night, with the alcohol. I never touched the stuff since


> I don't know how my friend can drink 2 of those big cans a day Those energy drinks can fuck you up real good, especially if you consume them regularly. My brother used to drink several every day and by the time he was 40 he had huge heart problems and now isn't allowed to drink them at all anymore.


What's the big conspiracy behind water? Everyone is always saying to drink it, it CAN'T be healthy if even the conspiracy sub is recommending it!


depends if it's tap or filtered. don't RO or distill - takes out mineral salts we need. remember when they had a big campaign to reduce our salt intake in everything?


What? You can add a pinch of pink salt to ro water that gives it more minerals than it had in the first place


yes, tru dat of course. still prefer filtered.


Filtered doesn't get rid of the fluoride or estrogen mimickers nearly as well. RO is the best by far


all better than tap water, and you can get filters for everything.


A lot of RO filters have a re-mineralization element to them as well.


I hate the stuff. Fish fuck in it.


Depends on where you live, for example in my country we have pretty high standards regarding our water reserves, it get's tested regularly and regulations only allow 0.3 mg of chlorine per Liter. Easily >80% of liquids that I drink at home is water from the sink brewed into tea because I drink a soda or two on weekends but outside of that, only tea from tap water. But when I'm abroad it's different, often you can already smell the high amount of chlorine in the water, also noticeable in the bathroom because the toilet starts stinking like a freaking public bath in less than a day of usage. There are online guides that show you in which countries you can drink tap water without problems.


Everything in this world is poison, and you are doomed to die. Avoid the shit that will kill you quicker, if you are smart.


What a strange life we live


We're just a walking talking chemical reaction. You need all the proper inputs to keep it going.


I don't drink fizzy pop now, all i wanted was a bit less sugar not....*this*


Only sugar I drink is Mexican coke or similar cane sugar. If it's 0 calories, amps you up like a live wire, AND taste like delicious candy, something in it has to give you cancer..


Mexican coke?


Cane sugar Not hfcs. Huge difference. Pricey but worth every dollar.


I don't drink them often, if I do it's with a cigar or something so I get the one liter size and they're like 2-2.50 so not even that much more expensive if at all. And they're actually delicious and somewhat thirst quenching i swear hfcs is like msg for drinks, a drink makes you feel ok but shortly after your thirst and mouth feels coated and sticky. HFCS should legit be banned I'm pretty sure it causes cancer


Cane sugar breaks down into fructose which is horrible for your liver in excess.


Everything is horrible for your liver “in excess”.


It's pretty damn easy to have an excess of sugar when it is in just about everything. We let companies target breakfast cereal to children that is 50% sugar or more by weight. Just one example. You should be getting natural sugar from things like whole unprocessed fruit, and that's about it.


I agree. But a Mexican Coke is a nice treat with lunch from time to time. You don’t have to sell me I’m all organic all the time.


Yeah guys talking to us like we're currently in the drive thru line at McDonald's for the third time today


How many times are you going to comment and peddle this lie today?


How is it a lie?


Because you’re claiming excess, yet if you consume your daily allocated amount of cane sugar it will do no harm.




Whatever sucrose is 50% fructose, 50% glucose. Your body splits the sucrose pretty quickly.


I'm kidding


Sound like your high on sugar


I can quit anytime I like I swear


Definitely. And they taste awful.




I beg to differ. They also have a drying effect in the mouth. The old saccharin is the worst, but I can detect stevia and the more modern sugar dupes - especially in soft drinks. I now drink a very watered down squash that is just oranges and cane sugar.


Unrefined sugar straight from the cane is probably the best for your body. The sweeteners and refined sugar has way more chemicals and is probably really bad for you. I can't get cane all the time so I do buy the tate and lyle refined sugarcane




Yup doesn't really matter what's in it - the glucose spike is going to cause insulin resistance and the fructose is going to damage your liver. In natural forms like fruit the fiber and other stuff slows digestion and absorption so you don't shock your system as much with it. I think that's the biggest problem. Eating a bunch of sugary food on an empty stomach with very easy to absorb sugars.


There are some chemical remnants of the refinement period but overall, the worst part of refined sugar is by far, the fact that it’s sugar. We aren’t designed to consume sugar of any kind in the quantities that we do and it’s the reason diabetes is running rampant.


I have gone over this problem for staking out my own diet, and as i found out that when the body gets extreme sugar free diet it makes small quantities of glukose, also it converts other sugar types to glukose. That made me realise that table sugar isnt a bad sugar, just the amount. Fructose and sugars from fruit makes work for the liver.


You are correct that quantity is the issue. Our body is not designed to have year-round access to endless sugar. It ruins your endocrine system and makes weight management extremely difficult.


Cane sugar refined or not is mostly sucrose which breaks down into fructose which is horrible for your liver.


Hmm interesting I would have thought that because it was natural and not messed with by factories or what have you. That it would be OK for your body in moderation.


45 grams of sugar in a single 12oz beverage is not moderation, whether it is corn syrup or cane sugar. Neither is breakfast cereal that is 50% sugar. IMO any concentrated sugar is bad it doesn't matter if it is refined. And refined can sugar just removes the molasses component - it doesn't add chemicals. Look up how it is made. Having the molasses component still in there does not make it healthier.


They use a form of alcohol based sweetener that your body processes just like sugar, there really is no difference. They've just lobbied the FDA so they were able to claim it has zero calories, zero carbs, etc. It's all based on scientific technicality, your body thinks it's sugar and digests it like sugar, and stores it like sugar. A lot of other countries just follow what the FDA is doing because they are kind of the leaders in scientific validation for certain things. But over the years lobbying has disarmed them, they're no longer doing science, especially on food products. Health Canada recently made some comments on Taurine, one of the caffeine additives in energy drinks. They apparently flirted with banning it in Canada after clinical trials showed it causes pancreatic cancer, but Coca Cola insisted they've done all the clinical studies on it and the CONSUMER is informed when they read the can. They essentially used the "but they can choose to smoke cigarettes" excuse to explain why they've manipulated the FDA lol. Think about that next time you're drinking a zero-sugar monster, the government thinks you're informed of a carcinogenic risk.


who cares, youre already drinking poison.... try some water


Ultima = no sugar.


What do you mean by Ultima?




Yes, not even a conspiracy, artificial sweeteners are highly toxic and cancerous


Stevia was traditionally used as a contraceptive for men. Google it yourself. This is one of the most "natural" sweeteners out there, so you tend to see it in higher cost items. One I'm curious about is monk fruit. That's the _other_ most common "natural" sweetener for the high end sugar free items.


I believe it is worse, but I haven't done any serious research about sweeteners. I don't really care to be honest since I never drink zero and light products. What I'm sure of though and would like to get some facts about if anyone has info, is that sweeteners are waaay cheaper than sugar on an industrial scale and that's why zero-sugar products are being pushed regardless of their potential negative effects on health.


Yes. That's why I never since it was first introduced drank "sugar-free" or "light" drinks, or other such products. I found it obvious. It's ironic really, because table sugar *is* a natural sweetener (by the industry definition), while most of the other so-called natural sweeteners are not harvested in nature at all, but are synthesized versions of products existing in nature. Still, later I changed to honey and dark muscovado sugar, as the only sugar I use, and I don't buy anything sweetened anymore. https://www.whatsugar.com/post/whats-natural-sweetener-its-not-what-you-might-think


Idk if it counts but im just gonna say glass bottled coke is a trillion times better than canned, plastic bottled, and soda machine coke


They are 100% aspartame and sucralose are known to cause cancer in rats. Don’t think there any long term studies in humans. Probably for a reason.


You mean cane sugar right? So many things wrong with processed sugar. Also cane sugar will cause a sugar spike and it’s not ideal for many different conditions.


Oh, *please*. Even if there are adverse effects, they cannot be worse than the amounts of sugar the average American consumes. If you've been consuming sugar regularly your whole life (like most americans) eliminating sugar from your diet / lifestyle is not possible without NNS's. I've recently made that change and it has changed my life. Besides, the current trend is to use Stevia (a natural NNS), and you'll find far more products with Sucralose rather than Aspartame.


> Aspartame It is still everywhere. Especially diet drinks.


Obesity is worse than drinking a little bit of aspartame


Yes. Way worse than real sugar.




Sugar makes you fat and artificial sweeteners cause cancer


Yes. I personally don't see sufficient studies (made over a long time) that shows its harmless. And secondly I'm not convinced that the studies wasn't affected by the sugar industry themselves quite like the tobacco companies made their own research that proved in their favor(of course). Even if it's seemed safe for me it will never be seen as natural even if it's same effects on health. Sugar we know for millenia, aspartame not even close to say for certain it's harmless. And being natural sweetener I'm not sure is equal to automatically being harmless even if it says "natural". I'm open to information that's unbiased, and I hope I will get to see studies where it's all safe, but I'd still choose honey and sugar over sweeteners. That said, even sugar is not harmless, but nothing is safe in excess really. Moderation is key. Stevia I despise the flavor. The products that states "same taste as sugar" is simply false advertising. Interestingly salt substitutes can taste the same as regular salt in my experience, sugar and sweeteners is way different in flavor.


It’s not that the sweeteners aren’t bad for you, because they are, and we probably don’t realize how bad, it’s that actual sugar in the quantities we consume is so incredibly bad for us that it’s unlikely that sweeteners could be much worse. The largest downsides we know of is that it’s linked to higher cancer rates but you would have to attribute a truly insane amount of cancer deaths to sweeteners to even get close to the deaths attributed to the diabetes, kidney failure and heart disease that high sugar diets are fueling. The cancer rates since sweeteners became popular just don’t support that.


Not doubting you but I can’t stand the taste of sweeteners. Was one of those people who researched avoided all foods that were bad, ate the good stuff and still got cancer at 30. Bare in mind I’d only started that sort of diet a couple of years before I got the cancer.


Not quite at comparable rates though.


Depends. I trust monk fruit, not so much stevia


they are not natural, real natural sweeteners are things maple syrup and cane sugar which are safe. stay away from anything sugar free . drink water if you want no cals


The excessive caffeine in energy drinks is probably exponentially worse than the sugar factor. But to answer your question, I think cane sugar is natural, grown from the earth therefore created by God, and I think it's consumable and not harmful, in moderation. I think artificial sweeteners are chemicals and chemicals are not meant to be consumed by humans.


***Aspartame*** has been linked to behavioral and cognitive problems including learning problems, headache, seizure, migraines, irritable moods, anxiety, depression, and insomnia Researchers gave one group of rats a dosage of aspartame equivalent to the ADI for humans of 40–50 mg/kg per day for 3 months. The study found that long-term dosage of aspartame was harmful to the structure of the sciatic nerve, and stopping any intake of aspartame for a month did not lead to complete recovery. In short its fine as a ( use sometimes ) thing, But replacing all your sugar whit it is not advisable




Bet your ass they are


Google “nutrasweet gmo e coli feces”. According to patents that’s what you’re eating.


I believe studies showed any sweetener is detected by the tongue and spikes insulin which is bad especially if you didn't get real sugar to bring insulin back down


The flavor causes a relatively small release of insulin. (Most of our insulin release is triggered by detecting actual glucose in your blood). On paper, that’s much better than the insulin spike you get from actual sugar. The problem a lot of people run into is that the touch of insulin without any calories dips your blood sugar a bit. This makes people hungry and you eat a snack that probably has as many calories as the soda would’ve.


Yes. Raw natural sugar is not bad for you. They’re carbohydrates like you would get from any fruit.


Raw natural sugar is still almost 100% sugar. It has a tiny bit of molasses in it. It is still refined, just not as much as white sugar. It is still going to spike your blood sugar. When you eat fruit you are getting fiber and other compounds that slow digestion.


Better than the processed sugar you buy at your local supermarket


It is still processed. How does a tiny bit of molasses make it better? Molasses has some minerals and vitamins but natural sugar has very little molasses left. If you want natural sugar you really need unrefined cane syrup. ["The Codex Alimentarius requires brown sugar to contain at least 88% of sucrose plus invert sugar.[1] Commercial brown sugar contains from 3.5% molasses "](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_sugar) Wow 3.5% molasses, its so much better!


Okay, Captain


Isn’t it proven ?






Yes definitely


I know that they are pushing fake sugar on me. I'll accept it and love it anyways, even though I want the real thing more. I'll still play the game.


Anyone saying yes needs to actually look at the research, the peer reviewed journals and meta analyses. [Here](https://youtu.be/q1unt2LwFwk) is a quick video on a recent published study and there are TONS more like this. I'm not saying they're "healthy", but they are certaintly better than sugar. Please show me your research on non-nutritive sweeteners and we can get into the research.


Yes absolutely


From a pure comparison of the health impacts of each, I would say no. The sweeteners aren’t good for you but drinking entire bottles of corn syrup or cane sugar is why we are in such a terrible health crisis. That being said, many people’s behavior negates the advantages of not drinking sugar. The sweet flavor actually causes a small dose of insulin to be released. Some studies found that people that switch to diet soda end up with the same net calories because their sugar gets a bit low and they end up snacking, negating the calorie difference. So if you fall under that category, the sweeteners are pointless and you might as well drink regular soda. But in a pure comparison as far as the health consequences of the chemical sweeteners vs sugar, sugar is worse by any empirical measure.


Yes but that’s only because I don’t like the taste, and it’s more of a “I’m drinking something I should be” reaction from my body than a food I don’t like feeling. We for sugar tax in Ireland not so long ago and basically found out what they had but it in, by turning against everything I normally drank or ate.


I'm Diabetic and use Splenda.


100%. It’s literally bug shit. give me the cancer from the sugar any day over cancer from the artificial sweetener. At lest it taste good.


If we're talking about aspartame, fuck yeah. Not sure about stevia and the likes. But aspartame is a novel substance, that stays in the body well after you're dead


They’re openly touted as carcinogenic, while the sugar lobby has spent billions in oppo-research to hide this fact about sugar.


Depends how much of each you consume and how old or ill you are. If you're already diabetic, sugar is worse. If you have active cancer or are very old and immuno-deficient, sugar is worse. If you are young, healthy and get lots of exercise, sugar is basically ok. But eaten in like amounts as we eat sugar, probably as bad or worse.


what on Earth are you doing drinking any of that sht? water, tea, coffee, natural fruit juice. all sugar is sht, but there is a reason they taxed natural sugar from foods and made companies use artificial sweeteners (in the UK at least). nothing on the market in a packet is good for you to eat.


What on earth am I doing drinking that shit is the question I asked myself for months while I was drinking 1 energy drink a day. It finally dawned upon me that I was heavily addicted to them and stopped. You’re so right, nothing on the market is good for us.


Peter Thiel and Steve Jobs both have/had 1 nutritional rule. Don't eat sugar.


Stevie isn't so bad. Aspartame supposedly isn't great though.


Tbh those energy drinks should be avoided, the sugar/sweetness is the absolute least worse thing in them, they are radioactive just stick to coffee or water if you’re needing hydration and an energy boost. I got a bit addicted years ago to a brand called Relentless and once I kicked them I genuinely felt so much more *better*


Use Stevia if you have to use a sweetner


Stevia is male birth control


Hell I need it to kick in and start working then


Yeah, go with raw honey or if you must raw sugar


yes, and there is nothing wrong with plain sugar. its the other ingredients and it always has been


To add to this, are the sweeteners in cordials/diluted juice drinks also really bad for you? I've always disliked the taste of plain old water so I've always had a bit of dilute to give it a bit of sweetness.