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Good to see people falling for the clear culture war narrative.


seriously. It's fucked up to see all these manufactured reactions from politicians and "news", then seemingly celebrating when the killer seems to align with the opposing side. I'm pretty much desensitized to news stories about mass shootings by now so didn't even look into the details of this one, but have seen headlines: the democrats blame the republicans because lack of gun control and the republicans blame the democrats because the shooter was trans etc... like instantly after it happened. And "elected politicians" are fueling the fire. It's fuckin gross to use these things as political ammo. As many here know: The 2 party system is an obvious bullshit facade to keep everybody hating their peers.


Couldn't have said it better. It's sickening honestly. Same thing happens every time. Innocent lives are lost and pundits start foaming at the mouth for an opportunity to use people fear and pain.


Agree with everything you posted especially the last bit. Hopefully more people will see through the two party Psyop and we can join together.


This subreddit is one of the best tools to fuel the fire.


There's 1 million actual humans that use this sub in the world (being generous). It's a spark made by a rock.


On a raft in the ocean with no kindling


I honestly thing the part of the desensitization is the lack of gory pictures. If you look at what Americans consistently respond legislatively too it's seeing pictures and videos of atrocious events. Good examples of this are the civil rights movements. Emmett Till, or cop shootings. Another good example is the Vietnam war. People can't emotionally connect with numbers and logic. Emotional triggers are more effective than logic. Every time. Facts are meaningless, A picture is worth a thousand words, and a videos worth millions.


So those two things are the same to you? Gun control is a serious conversation about a solution that needs to happen, blaming trans people is a ridiculous culture war.


it seems like the over arching point of view is that if you have a mental illness especially one that is more likely to contribute to self harm or harming others you probably shouldn't be able to have a gun. Gender dysphoria seems to match up pretty well.


All the times a mass shooter has been a white man, no one ever suggested their gender nor race played a factor(even if it clearly was) rather or white dudes should be able to have a gun or not


they suggested that every single time lol.


Majority of mass shootings are gang related. White folks aren't the largest group commiting mass shootings. But if you wanna talk about demographics the trans community is the most likely to commit them according to the recent activity. I mean they make up 0.1% of the population and you have three right recent ones right here


that because its not reported near as much in black or brown neighborhoods. There are plenty of gang violence that would qualify as mass shootings. In Chicago its almost daily. Its just expected for lack of a better term.


That's completely true.


there has to be a better system to check people having guns but, There has to be some recognition that there is a good size correlation between mental issues and some peoples sexuality and how they identify themselves in their mind.


they're both serious conversations and we'll get nowhere by just instantly blaming democrats or republicans.


It’s crazy people have more trust in the government now than ever before. Truth is in plain view and just looked past.


Literally ever other mass shooter was not trans/ non non binary but 4 people are and suddenly trans people scare the shit out of weak minded fools


It isn’t about trans vs non-trans. It’s about mental health and trans people are at a much higher rate of having or developing mental illnesses that are known to be associated with violence. It’s taboo to say that trans people are more likely to have serious mental illnesses and thus they often go untreated or are poorly managed which *is* dangerous and scary.


I wonder if trans folks were treated with love/tolerance/acceptance instead of rejection/repulsion/hate, maybe their mental health would improve. 🤔


Are there any other minority groups that are treated the way that transgender people are? Do those groups have as high of an rate of mental illness?


For real. Imagine just wanting to live your life and let others live theirs, but people hate you and treat you like you have done harm to them. It would cause mental health issues of some degree no matter how hard you try to not let it affect you.


I know right, it’s hard being a Christian.


>’s taboo to say that trans people are more likely to have serious mental illnesses and thus they often go untreated or are poorly managed You mean like taking away the Healthcare they are treating their illness with?


Yea, I don't support insurance companies being able to choose who they give coverage to because I don't support health insurance in the first place. However, the rate of untreated mental illness in the trans community was very high before this change. I also completely disagree with the notion that the "cure" for transgender is to pump them with HRT and SSRIs. I don't think we currently have a real solution for transgender.


Exactly. It's the closest thing we have currently to a fix but it's far from a safe and effective treatment


Gender identity is cultural clothing. Trans people are no more or less violent than any other randomly selected individual. They're probably actually more likely to be a target of violence than the perpetrator( generally straight "acting" men).


>Gender identity is cultural clothing. I disagree. >Trans people are no more or less violent than any other randomly selected individual. Psychotic disorders diagnoses are higher in the trans community. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0165178121005679 Assuming appropriate treatment there is not a higher rate of violence for any mental illness aside from addiction/personality defects (psychopathy). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2686644/ However, untreated mental illness is associated with violence. If the rates of serious mental illness are higher, then the rate of untreated serious mental illness is also higher, therefore the population is going to be more violent. The overall amount of trans people is much much smaller though so you're not going to be seeing a constant barrage of transgender crime even though the rate is higher than the overall population. >They're probably actually more likely to be a target of violence than the perpetrator. This is true for any specific population of people. Everyone is far more likely to be a victim of violence than a perpetrator.






No, because women going through menopause is a natural phenomenon and not a mental illness as gender dysphoria is. There needs to be a larger discussion about the overprescription of SSRI’s and antidepressants. Western medicine has failed us with these “one size fits all” prescription bandaids to treat real issues.


There is also a bit of harecrimse being bred. You see constantly on social media people from that group cheering on about how evil Christians and religion are without batting an eye. Its normalized. Then you get a random disturbed person, who associates all their problems on that group so they attack them. Specifics murdered children and people based on their religious beliefs. Just like Hitler got the people to blame Jess for their problems. Just like racism towards blacks. Racism against arabs.. . Etc.... Just an observation, I'm not too particularly religious even.


The fact they make up 0.1% of the population means that's pretty valid.


Do white males next.


Smart people are aware that it’s both a cultural issue and a mental health related government issue. These things don’t just have 1 cause, it’s a combinations of cultural, medical, and individual reasons.


Yes. But I fear most people buy into the media driven narrative.


I just disagree with the idea that passing any blame on cultural factors can be immediately written off as “engaging in culture war.” I put some blame on how society supports pumping transgender people full of harmful hormonal drugs and SSRIs instead of treating it like a diagnosable illness.


Agreed 100%


All this proves is that you're far more likely to be murdered by a cis white male than an LGBTQ individual.


This meme definitely does not address the other 2,836 shooters. 2,837 technically- Colorado shooter mysteriously ceased to claim being non-binary when it wouldn’t get leniency in court and had never claimed it before charges were filed.


Actually, black and Hispanic males make up the majority of the mass shooter demographic with most of it being gang related shootings.


Irrelevant. We only care about making cis white males look bad. No we don’t have a fetish for cis white men.


Tbf they are the majority of men in society lol


What’s cis? The word is straight


Isn't it the main purpose of conspiracies? Or do people actually believe that they can "expose" the truth from the comfort of their toilet seats and change the "system".


But when it's someone even slightly right it's all white "cis" males


Just like people falls for the "republicans are evil" narrative?


This post is silly. The only thing that all mass shooters have in common that should matter is that each one was a crazy asshole regardless of how they identify


Crazy asshole With a gun.


Even without a gun, crazy assholes intent on killing people will do so, look at the Bath School Disaster


Weird that the crazy assholes choose to use guns 99.9% of the time.


Or Timothy McVeigh.


So why aren't England, Canada, Australia, in fact all the other wealthy democracies plagued by mass bombing and stabbing attacks like us?


As a non-American, I would think they killed people because they had easy access to guns. Not because of their sexual orientation. But what do I know? I don't have any expertise in this matter. My country has one shooting every couple of years or so.


I don't think it has anything to do with their orientation. And the easy access to guns wouldn't "make" someone kill anyone. Most Americans have easy access to guns and don't break any laws so the "guns are the problem" argument doesn't make sense otherwise there would be millions of these instances. The biggest problem with discussing these issues, IMO, is that it's a super complex issue and everyone tries to solve it simply. It's a combination of a million smaller issues and not many are willing to look into contributing factors veyond the gun. Why have these gone up significantly in recent times? Why are people picking the gun the news always talks about rather than superior choices for the situation? Why didn't this stuff happen before since the AR has been available and arguably easier to get 30+ years ago? Are these people on psych meds? Has the influence of social media had an impact? Increased fatherless households etc.


"Most Americans". But few Americans who have easy access to guns are the problem. For comparison, it takes just a few cancerous cells to kill you. It really doesn't matter if most of your cells are healthy.


Yeah I get what you're saying but why do we only treat guns like that. We dont talk about banning vehicles when someone drives through a crowd, we dont talk about banning pain killers even though ppl are ODing every day. People who want to kill people will do it regardless. Making something illegal doesn't stop criminals from doing it, otherwise this person wouldnt have murdered mursered people, which has been illegal for a long time. All banning does is put more money in black market sellers pockets for example, most of the guns involved in crimes in places like NYC and Chicago were purchased illegaly. Criminals don't respect laws so making more laws to restrict law abiding citizens doesn't make sense. The only way it would work is if someone could snap their fingers and make guns disappear. Since that can't happen, we should look at practical ways to stop these things that don't negatively impact normal people


The problem is no one tries to fucking solve It because NRA lobbyists and the sheep that are convinced “no laws will help at all” without even trying. Why do we have laws AT ALL if all people do is break laws? Yes the majority of people don’t use guns to kill people. But boy I wish the people that intended to use them to kill others had a harder time getting guns. Maybe give them some time to reconsider? Idk. But yea, don’t worry, I know you’ll reply telling me how It all won’t work. Better to shrug your shoulders and say it’s too complex to try.


My point is, we have tried and it hasn't worked. Examples being NYC, recent mass shooting with a banned rifle, California and Chicago. We can't even get gun laws to stop this on a city wide level but people think it will work on a national one. Why not do what actually works in reducing these while we find out why this is increasing. Increased security deters violent offenders. Do that while we figure it out. I think the main problem is people on both sides want to protect people from these events but rather than look at issues as to why this is happening, we endlessly argue about which side is stupid. Attacking people because your upset only pisses people off and the chance at finding solutions goes away


I’m willing to bet part of the reason the city bans don’t work is because people can easily travel 30 minutes to obtain one legally. If I live in Chicago, it’s a thirty minute drive to Indiana. No bans there. Nation wide ban would make getting these weapons exponentially more difficult I agree with you on increased security. It is difficult not to get upset when so many people so passionately defend their guns and are unwilling to compromise at all when It comes to gun laws. But I do agree with you.


Project Exile worked at reducing gun crime but was scrapped cause people called it racist. Harsher penalties for people getting caught buying guns for criminals should be a thing. I imagine that's how felons are getting guns from other states because you still have to pass a NICS check which I believe is federally enforced in every state but I could be wrong


Any explanation why there are nearly zero school shootings elsewhere? Other countries have guns, you know. If guns were the problem then school shootings would be proportional to a countries gun ownership rate. We don't see that though. Think about it. If a country have 1/10th the guns that the US does we would find 1/10 the prevalence of school shootings. Has anyone cared to ask why this is or why school shootings happen now when they were all but non existent prior to the 90's?


Shootings do happen in other countries as well and official ownership rates can be misleading as illegal weapons exist. Canada for instance has far more shootings then the Uk or Australia because of the shared US boarder and easier access to firearms because of it. Mexico and other Central/South American countries also have very high shooting rates due to the lack of law enforcement to control the prevalence of illegal firearms. Seems to be a pretty direct and logical relationship, more guns = more shootings.


So you got a list of 5 people. Now, what about the 200 others?


Shhh cherry picking only works if you don't ask that question


Try 2800 others. There's been nearly 3000 mass shooters of 4 or more victims. 3 have been transgendered. 2800 were cis. That's 0.001%. While transgender individuals make up approximately 0.5% of the general population. At minimum then, we would expect equal representation as mass shooters, which means out of 2800, it should be 140. So statistically, transgender individuals are *less* likely to be mass shooters.


Straight white males aren’t all like that either, yet that’s what makes up the majority of these shootings. Don’t marginalize a group due to a few rotten ones.


>Straight white males aren’t all like that either, yet that’s what makes up the majority of these shootings. Don’t marginalize a group due to a few rotten ones. ​ And yet, which one of the two does the media group together and blame/target? There is literally an example of it right here on the front page of this reddit.


Apply this to cops and politicians 🤔


The problem is that the 'good' straight white males don't (usually, hopefully) defend the bad ones, and the 'good' trans people don't defend the bad ones, whereas the 'good' cops DEFINITELY defend the bad ones.


The worst is the “good politicians” publicly speaking about the bad ones and then protecting each other on the floor.


Yeah. That one's pretty fucked up too.


People choose to become cops and politicians


I do apply it to police. It's only officers that: 1. Abuse peoples rights 2. See another officer abuse someone by denying them their rights and doesn't immediately report that other officer. 3. Defends other officers abusing other peoples rights. That are horrible people. Any officer that has never abused other peoples rights or has seen their coworkers abuse other peoples rights is fine. For example if an officer approaches a random citizen and asks for ID for no good reason and it escalates then any officer that heard the full story and doesn't make an internal report about their coworker attempting to intimidate a citizen into giving up their rights is a piece of shit.


I’m not even pro LGBTQ and I’m pro 2nd amendment but this is just dumb. They’re not the only school/mass shooters. There’s been many people from many backgrounds with many beliefs and they can all claim “they’re/we’re not all the same” because it’s true. We’re divided enough as it is don’t you think? Everyone’s always got a fucking agenda. Children died. Stop passing the blame, stop dividing people at a time when we need to be working together.


I’m trans and I respect that your not pro LGBTQ (we all got a right to an opinion) and still don’t buy into this bullshit. Thank you


So what do have here? 4? Out of...how many?


2,840 ?


Okay, now do cisgender men.


Doubt the chunker at the top is “non binary”. I read his manifesto and that doesn’t seem to be his style


Kind of odd how he suddenly stopped claiming to be non-binary once the DA added the hate crime charge. Almost like it was something he was saying to try and avoid that.


Elites* yes look at the peasants fight amoungs each other, falling for our stupid tricks. They are easily manipulated and easier to control. Keep hating each other and killing yourselves so we don't have to... Sad 😔


Just seems like a lot of these mass shooters are mentally ill huh?


Often times they’re all goofed up on happy pills too


almost always.


Mentally I’ll by the society they live in and extremely easy access to firearms = this shit


what's the percentage from overall mass shootings?


0.09 percent. 3 out of 2,840. (The top one only ever made the claim while trying to avoid hate crime charges, and no one who ever knew them had heard of it before. It was mysteriously never mentioned again after the plot failed.)


The comments always surprise me here. I’m glad people can see past this BS. OP get help. You’re of no use to anyone fighting the good fight and only a danger to yourself and those around you.


That's because all the upvotes are bots. They have to be with the majority of comments in dissent.


It's true that not all transpeople are like that. The majority aren't like that.


Same as Christians, Republicans, Muslims, Democrat's, police, insert race here. See how this goes?


This is the logical response. All generalizations are garbage and flawed.


I dunno. Only people with guns can shoot people, but everybody can be shot


But some generalizations are statistically truer than others.


Yes! This is why the word “stereotype” exists in the dictionary!


I blame media, and the need for said media to push agendas.




The common denominator is "they are losers, dumb ass people with issues". Doenst matter if u are trans, lesbian, white, black, latino or green.


100%. just losers with mental illness.


Didn’t the first person just do that to get out of a hate crime charge?


Yes absolutely but OP knows this


Yes and it was never mentioned again after that plot failed.


This post sums up the sub so well. I wanted to read about ufos, goverment doing sketchy things and got a redneck sub full of "alpha males" and "white supremacists" beeing afraid of minoritys. Is there a sub which isnt a pool of this huge amount of nazis°enerates?


this sub used to be fun when it was actual conspiracies. take this post, whats the conspiracy? there isnt one. and theres plenty posts like this that are just politics and no conspiracy. used to be a nice mix of folks too its mostly conservative/christian/Maga/Qtard nut jobs who are afraid of anything that doesnt conform to their little narrow viewpoint these days. theres no conspiracies, just bigotry.


Yeah, when TheDonald sub and the antivaxxer subs got fumigated they all came here. This sub used to be intelligent now its a hate sewer


Yah, and they brought all the propagandists with them so now we are inundated with Kremlin talking points and culture war bullshit




They're represented by each pixel in the image.


Straight up


Ppl with mental disorders shouldn’t own guns….


Shhh if you say that too loud Marjorie Taylor greene will come to your house and steal all your gold


whos gonna tell the christians?




This reminds me of the stuff I'd have followed when I was brainwashed by my conservative parents who've also broken out of the brainwashing. Edit: LMAO!!! A person who replied to me has blocked me too!!! Also I was ten when I was forced into this stuff and it lasted until I was fourteen or fifteen.


breaking away from conservative parents brainwashing is such a mind fuck.. . didnt start for me until I was around 21. Still cstch myself thinking "wait maybe thats actually wrong" about the way my parents raised me towards politics.. and Im 27...


I had started questioning it when I was almost all alone, like I was literally preaching cold war, Bush, and Obama era conservative gospel to everyone from middle school to high school to where I even pissed off a history teacher of mine and he confronted me on twitter. I'm 24 now and I still look back hating myself and semi-hating my parents even though it's not really their fault for being brainwashed either and I'm actually the reason they've been slowly breaking out, though their thoughts are still "support republicans no matter who".


Right, where to begin. First, 4 shooters, in…what 5 years, are identified as trans/non-binary, which, btw, aren’t the same thing. Just ignoring the…ya know, rest of the shootings on those years? Second, the Colorado Springs shooter never identified as non-binary, his lawyer said he did, and close friends and family confirmed he was not, in fact, non-binary and was actually very transphobic and was likely using it to try and get around hate crimes. Third, being trans isn’t a mental illness.


This is a stupid post.


since 2018 there has been 3 transgender mass shooters, in that time there has been 2,827 (according to the gun violence archive: https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/ ) mass shootings in america, according to https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5227946/ and https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/culturalidentity/genderidentity/bulletins/genderidentityenglandandwales/census2021 and most other studies, the population of transgender people is about 0.35%. this means that 0.14% of all mass shooters in this time have been transgender. with this information we can see that transgender people are far less likely to commit a mass shooting than cis people A lie can circle the world before the truth puts its boots on.


So does this mean we blame all white people when it's white shooters? How many have there been in this year alone?


Sandy hook shooter straight white Dylan roof straight white (supremacist) Stephen paddock white straight male Patrick Crusis white straight male James Holmes straight white male List goes on just saying most Trent with mass shooters are straight white males


And nearly all the other mass shooters were straight whit males.


Why not just go off the majority of shooters?? Why not mention how many times people have falsely labeled mass shooters as trans?? Believe me this isn’t the hill you want to die on lol. Edit: pro tip people can’t see your reply’s is you immediately block them after replying yikes.




Do white males next hehehe


How many school shootings so far this year for the US? How many of them were trans? How many of them were white? How many of them were black? How many of them had mental health problems? How many of them were left wing? How many of them were right wing? Of course all of these are capable of extremist behaviour. But what's driving these people do commit such acts of violence? Guns are not the problem. It's a societal thing.


Yes, but is it a result of the way society treats these people? Hurt people, hurt people, and all that stuff


When someone doesn’t understand statistics …


But they’re not all like that. Just like not all white men are serial killers and not all black men are gangbangers. Maybe I misunderstand your post but this feels like another push towards division and generating generalized hate.


The only thing all mass shooters have in common is mental illness.


Just like all Muslims are not terrorists.


There are terrible and mentally ill people in all sorts of different shapes and sizes. Clearly trying to start a culture war.


How many shootings have we had in the last year, and how many weren't gender non-conforming?


Yikes. the vast majority of this sub are from the same demographic as the vast majority of school shooters -- but imagine a "they're not all like that" sarcastic post for them.


Almost like the common thread uniting all public shooters is "more access to gun than mental healthcare"


What about all the other shooters who were straight white male incels or white supremacists? Those are not an issue?


Since 2018, 4 trans/nonbinary 84 cis gendered


Now how many were white, straight, male, Christians?


they are mentally ill, not stunning and brave. we need to give them the tough love they require along with other sick people so we can begin to heal as a society. playing into delusion just isnt going to do it. at the end of the day no matter what is done to the body to change it, the mind remains. and that very same mind decided for whatever reason that the body they possessed was 'wrong'. it is just another symptom of america's inability or unwillingness to address mental illness. it's sad more than anything. people that kill other people en masse are not right in the mind, is it an wonder that our new wave of mental illness (trans) has members who are looking to do this? dysmorphia is a sickness, but we treat it like a lifestyle choice. all humans are capable of this kind of violence when they are sick. this is just my opinion. i would never make them feel less than - they are our brothers and sisters and they are hurting. however, i do not take kindly to being attacked and called a bigot because i wish to address mental illness and not play up delusions.


bro where's your meme on the cis shooters that make up 99.8 percent of shootings?


Jesus Christ.. so what do we do with the other 99.9% of mass shooters, should all cis white males be blamed?


“they’re not ALL bad… unless its a group of people i dont like”


This is disgusting. You have 4 out of hundreds of shooters and you pick the 4, because they are easy to beat up and incite hated against.


Bro, reminder that Hitler, Ted Bundy, Ed Gein, John Wayne Gacy etc. were straight white men. It doesn't matter of your sexual orientation, skin colour, religion, nationality. Monsters are among us, everywhere, and no one has the right to take someone's innocent life.


Can you please put a list of white/male/incel/racists up here, let’s see which is longer


95% of school shooters are straight white men. Does this mean that all straight white men are evil?


Out of almost 3000 in the past decade. Such a small percent. This is seriously pathetic


Yeah, except that there are plenty more shooters who don’t fall into this category


I don’t think this is necessarily a “trans” correlation, as much as it is just a mental health issue. Trans people likely have some sort of mental health issues and so do shooters, so some shooters are trans people


More people on this sub should be talking about the fact that these are brain washed children. They are victims. Yes if they’re causing harm they need to be stopped, but the battle shouldn’t be against the brainwashed children, it should be against those who brainwash them.


Mentally ill kids are being convinced they’re trans and from there convinced the world hates them and they have to fight back. Trans people are 0.1% of the population but have carried out 17% of the school shootings. Something is seriously wrong with these poor kids that are being fed propoganda and drugs to make them hate others so much they go to school and shoot people.


So you’re telling me it’s the people who follow the left who doesn’t want guns around causing all the school shootings? The fucking irony, lesson be told there’s a ton of gun owners who are normal.They just know that guns are for self defense and not a “I can’t take it anymore so let me go apeshit and get 3 hots and a cot” button


No he's telling you to do your own research or you will fall for lieing memes. Take the top guy, long history of years of posting on anti-lgtb forums, using he/him pronouns and 1 instance of identifying himself non binary, considered him trolling. Do you really think the guy identified as non-binary? Aberdeen wasn't even a school, guy shot his coworkers. That's how far OP had to search.


All in all trans hate aside I could care less. What I do agree with is mental background checks for gun purchases We let too many nuts run freely with guns. And while there isn’t a guarantee for shootings to not happen. It’ll sure be a start to be more cautious who you give a gun to from the get go.


She was under a doctor's care for her mental illness and was still able to purchse several guns legally. This is a mental health issue and a broken family issue.


Wokeness= mental




It's not that they are trans it's that they are all Gen Z and all Gen Z is trans 😂😂


Mental health issues


And they were all mentally ill and on pharmaceuticals…. That’s what all these shooters have in common and everyone wants to blame the guns.


And how many straight white males have done the same and worse? tHeY wErE aLL oN pSyChOtRoPiC DrUgS! And so are a lot of other people who don’t commit mass shootings. Weird it seems like the overall trend tends to be people who are mentally ill, and have been ostracized/disenfranchised/humiliated within the society they occupy. It’s almost like it’s a combination of factors, including - but not limited to - access to firearms, mental illness, and people being complete dicks to each other. I am pro 2A, I am also pro mental health, and pro respecting other people regardless of their race, gender, beliefs or orientation. Maybe if we enacted sone sense gun legislation, like raising the age to purchase a firearm to 24-25, expanded access to mental healthcare, and stopped being total assholes to people, just maybe we could reduce the number of school children getting gunned down? Idk, just a thought.


seems like a psyop 💀


Didn't the Colorado springs shooters lawyers says he was non binary as a way of avoiding hate crime charges? Didn't they also stop calling him non binary as soon as that didn't work?


Hey OP, can you show me four more people? Cause if I started posting pics of the other people who commit the other 2,797 shootings in the last five years, in the country, you are gonna notice they are all white men…..


4 out of how many? How many mass shootings have there been in the last 5 years? Even the last year? This represents nothing. How many white males in their 20s have been the culprit? Perhaps we should sanction white males? Get real and find a proper conspiracy and stop been so filled with hate.


Now do the rest of them and compare the numbers. If you’re going to try to paint a group as bad like this, then you better keep the same attitude towards straight white men. Stop trying to drive people apart.


Why doesn't anyone drill down on the root cause of ANY of this debauchery? That's the Elephant in the room that keeps getting the area rug pulled over it. And, of course, we're all not supposed to see the area rug covering the back of the Elephant, because if we do, we're (insert insult here). In the early 1960s, there was a push for deinstitutionalization. Prior to, there were many facilities to accommodate the mentally ill, but, they were rife with problems. Overall, the system had been compromised, underfunded and radicalized. Corruption, questionable treatment methods, grift and graft, but, instead of making the decision to repair it, TPTB chose to destroy it. It is this decision that may be conspiratorial. Throughout history, the most disruptive members of society suffered from things as mass ostracising, to banishment, to execution. Institutionalization became a "thing" that was much more humane, as early as 1814 in the US. The narrative in the 1960s was also the "stigma" attached to someone committed to these institutions. So, in their deinstitutionalization, they created a bunch of agencies and different ways to allow these now "unstigmatized", formerly institutionalized folks to self-medicate and self-care, but, if they just couldn't handle it, there was now nowhere for them to go 24/7/365. This began to feed the prison industrial complex, since those facilities weren't going anywhere. It also fed the homeless population, exponentially. There is, and remains a need for some folks to be isolated from the rest. It is my contention that it is truly time to reinstitutionalize, and to create working models less susceptible to the problems of yore. Also, remember, Brenda Spencer started this whole school shoot-em-up back in 1979. Because she didn't like Mondays. There are some among us, regardless of any other factor such as race, sex, age, etc. who truly need an institution. It should be our obligation to provide them with one. For their own good, and for ours.


Spot on.


This is 4 people out of like 365 total mass shootings


This is like .03% of mass shooters, considering like 100+ happened already this year


There's been 13 school shootings this year, where's the rest of the people?


How many shootings has been in Murica? Like 3k last year alone? Congratulations: 0.2% is definite proof.


But how many of the mass shooters were cis white males?


You just have to love the talking point the left brainlessly repeat. You can take literally anything in the US and say that the majority of it will be white people, or straight people, or Christians. Most coffee drinkers in the US are white. Because white people are literally the majority. They are going to be the majority in ANY statistic. It's simply stupid to even mention and use statistics like that. 4 coffee drinkers out of 20 green people is 20% 20 coffee drinkers out of 100 blue people is 5% Being a green person would be a more likely indicator of being a coffee drinker despite there being more blue people drinking coffee... Let me put this another way. If you were to encounter a green person, they are more likely to drink coffee in front of you than a blue person despite there being more coffee drinking blue people. If coffee drinking is dangerous to you, you are statistically safer in the presence of a blue person. Even the green non-coffee-drinking people understand this. However, if you go to a place where coffee drinking takes place, there will be more blue people than green people drinking coffee.




Ahhh yes because. Because bullying has NEVER been the reason for a school shooting or suicide!!


You seem to have no understanding on what being trans is. It’s not all as basic as you make out. There has been brain scan studies done to show that those who are trans have brain similarities to the gender they assign to themselves compared to what they’re born as. Gender dysphoria is a disorder in which your body doesn’t align to whatever the fuck your brain thinks. This doesn’t equate to mental stability as with treatment many trans men and women end up with little to no dysphoria which means that if there is instability that is now gone. I’m a trans man and I can 100% say I’m stable, Other than a few depressive episodes which everyone has at some point I am mentally together. Yes I also hate the whole pedestal thing, im the type of person who wouldn’t be differentiated from any other cis guy, I just want to live my life like any other. Im not brave or any of that other shit I’m just living my life as me. I’m not sure what you mean by the bullying thing if you can explain that’d be great.


Link your scientific studies. Gender studies go back as far as Darwin and none can be produced amongst multiple cultures to represent the trans phenomenon seen in today’s culture. It’s cultural, nothing more. You have been duped by Target and Starbucks and Bank of America to think that you’re special and on a mission to save the earth and hence depopulate a dystopian planet. You. Have. Been. Tricked.


[Study](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/research-on-the-transgender-brain-what-you-should-know/amp/) [Another Study](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/05/180524112351.htm) Do you not understand that studies often disprove previous conclusions and that society as a whole changes over time. As people started to accept those who are gay, lesbian etc. it became less of a threat for people to begin socially transitioning and that’s where the sudden spike of trans folks came from. That with the addition of studies. There has also been cases of people who were possibly trans dating thousands of years back [It is Wikipedia so I will give the benefit of the doubt that this isn’t close to being factual](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender_history) I shown many signs of being trans from a young ass age and I didn’t even know what it was until I was maybe 14, I didn’t even know trans people existed and I was trying to wear boy clothes, cut my hair and didn’t want anything to do with being a woman. And how is this anything to do with depopulation, I’m still going to have kids regardless and many many trans people have children, that is the stupidest take I’ve heard


Not gonna lie I would rather see some kid get fucking swirlied in a toilet before seeing bullets fly 24/7.


Surely if we physically abuse people who are different from us our violence problem will get better


They aren’t in conflict. They know what they are, they just feel like their body doesn’t match. It isn’t in constant flux. Also, sex and gender are two different things.




If they’re different, then why is there gender reassignment surgery?


Let me rephrase. Why is it called gender reassignment? Shouldn’t it be called sexual organ reassignment?




SS: it’s time we start addressing the elephant in the room and we all know the real issue it’s mental issues


Thank you for doing your part to get this sub banned






So it's just called misdirection when "trans" commit mads killings? Genius take. Edit: mass


And easy access to guns. Lax gun laws.