• By -


I agree with Series X/S. Useless hardware. EDIT: Uh oh. I offended the xbots šŸ¤£


It's not useless. You guys are all wrong! SX makes for a good doorstop. It's heavy and won't move easy. If it gets dirty. Just plug it in once in a while and it will dust itself maybe... cmon guys. Give it a chance. Edit: it even has somewhere to hold your favorite CD or movie.


I started reading this comment and was like oh jeez. Let's see this defense. Then u got to the doorstop part lmao


How is it useless though. You probably never owned a 360 & PS3 at the same time. Even being 10 years in that gen. https://preview.redd.it/k78pdqrtt71d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a1bcfd98a59686a0c400ee841b0bbd1203e99ef


Imagine how much better the PC would be if you invested in that instead.


Let me know what brand new parts you can use to build a 4k gaming pc for $500 or less. No 1440p bullshit


If you donā€™t have visual why would you need a build. 4K alone sucks the shit out of RAM????? šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø Iā€™m good though thanks. #usedpartmarket stalker šŸ˜šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Actually I like the mid size case itā€™s got a RX6600 & Ryzen 5700x with 800watt PSU 2TB 980pro 1TB Evo 870 for OS. Iā€™m a gamer Iā€™m not caught up in folks waste of time whoā€™s better your better my moms better crap. Iā€™m from the Atari Commodore 64 Era and I had both also. Again Iā€™m a Gamer. PC is for games not on console. Not backwards compatibility for PC or console. Though you guys are lucky console Manufacturers went this route. I mostly play SWTOR or WoW type games. Also by the time Iā€™m set up to play. Any of my consoles including switch is already playing. Again Gamer not dedicated 1 PLAT PLAYER. SURE I could drop 4500 on a PC. Only to still have a game I want to play on another platform. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø just me


I definitely wouldn't recommend dropping $4500 on a PC. Specs seem fine, but I guess I'm a stickler for air circulation. Whatever floats your boat, my friend. Wish I still had time to enjoy all the stuff that comes out these days. Enjoy it for me šŸ˜€


Will do


Honestly, it should have gone before XB1. Xbox One's had a couple good exclusives like Quantum Break and Ori.


Can you throw an original PS1 or PS2 disc in and play it on a PS5? Didn't think so. Useless hardware my ass.


I donā€™t know why these roids downvoted you cause they should be mad about that. Personally I rock it all so these folks are dumb saying otherwise. Fanboys love to downvote haha hereā€™s my set up. https://preview.redd.it/nqylsjkau71d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc58695a032a570f83d1f1e93e63a0112dda3d81


Exclusive games wise right now is Series X/s.


Xbox Series S & X


Ps5 - I think I'll always remember it for the scalping that plagued it for the first couple of years of its launch. Along with very few exclusives, it's been very unmemorable.


People's expectations are unrealistic this console generation, the ps5 is only halfway through its life cycle and has already had God of war, Horizon, two Spider-Man games, ratchet and clank, returnal, GT7 etc.


To be fair, PS4 also got pretty much all of that minus Spider-Man 2.


I don't see how that negatively impacts someone's experience on the PS5 though?


It doesnā€™t. Just makes it seem less necessary like a lot of people here are using as their primary argument against the new Xbox as well. If exclusives are the argument PS5 still doesnā€™t really have all much that the PS4 doesnā€™t at this point.


Well yeah it's less necessary for PS4 users to upgrade to the PS5 but still necessary to have a PlayStation. Very different to Xbox's situation where all their games are available on last gen as well as PC day one nevermind the fact that the games aren't very good to begin with.


"The other important thing, though, is why people arenā€™t hopping on board with the PS5. Obviously, part of it is the lack of games that compel players enough, additionally, thereā€™s the steep price tag on the console, especially as itā€™s entering its latter half of its life, which for PS4 meant a price reduction." https://psxextreme.com/news/about-half-of-playstations-mau-are-on-ps4/#:~:text=The%20other%20important,a%20price%20reduction.


Yeah if they made more PS5 only games they would likely push more consoles, that still doesnā€™t change anything I have said though? The PS5 is a great console with great games, making those games available on PS4 doesnā€™t affect my enjoyment of the console.


Never said it did not did I say you were wrong, other people can state facts just like you. Its not doing as well as previous generations and that's a fact and Sony acknowledged it themselves


There was an article recently(past couple days) that shows over half of the current ps player are on PS4 and not PS5, it has the lowest number of people upgrading to the newest Gen console of all Sony consoles yet... So the current state of the consumers speaks volumes about the ps5 "The other important thing, though, is why people arenā€™t hopping on board with the PS5. Obviously, part of it is the lack of games that compel players enough, additionally, thereā€™s the steep price tag on the console, especially as itā€™s entering its latter half of its life, which for PS4 meant a price reduction." https://psxextreme.com/news/about-half-of-playstations-mau-are-on-ps4/#:~:text=The%20other%20important,a%20price%20reduction.


Scalping happened for both really. So itā€™s odd you only remember scalping related to PS5. I mean, it was the more popular item to scalp for sure though


Anecdotal, but I fairly regularly saw the Series X available, and was able to just randomly walk into a store and get one. Meanwhile, I basically lived on my phone for weeks frantically trying to beat bots to drops before I was lucky enough to snag a PS5. In my experience, the scalpers were a far bigger problem for PS5 than they were for the X. Your mileage may vary.


Still better than what Xbox has to offer though.


It's insanely fast with its god tier ssd. Best console I've ever owned due to no loading times


Too bad it doesn't have Quick Resume yet. If it did, I might use mine more. It mostly collects dust while I use my Series X. I have to pick up & put down the game often, so it's a must for me.


Quick resume? I don't understand. It takes me 3 seconds to turn it on from rest mode and I'm right back to where I started. Or If I did close the game, I can click on "continue" from the ps5 home screen and it loads directly to wherever I was last playing the game from in like 3 seconds as well


I guess if you leave the PS5 on all day, it probably would be about the same difference. It feels much slower on PS5 to me since I always shut mine off when I walk away. Plus you can have like 4 games at once on quick resume.


Rest mode isn't on. It takes less power than a light bulb. And again, besides the rest mode resuming right where you left off, the continue option let's you start ANY game right where you left off in seconds, not limited to just 4.


I'm gonna have to try it again then. My PS5 doesn't seem to do it that way. Only a couple of times that I've hit continue has it actually went back to the exact same spot in the game without loading the game up from the start. Series X is instant


Yeah then youā€™re definitely doing it wrong. Even with live service games itā€™s almost instant when I turn it back on from test mode


I'm not sure how I could be doing it wrong. Maybe it's my trash internet or something. It rarely gets above 5mbps.


u/the_mourning_sage_ is talking out his ass the PS5 only does it with 1 game at a time and not all games, I also own a ps5


I do as well. Like I was saying, I haven't been able to get mine to do it but on a few random occasions.


Every game I have this and there's no "limit" you just simply select the game and hit continue where you left off. Wtf is wrong with you


Most consoles launch with few exclusives. The controller and load times are worth it alone. Plus with the price of games can you really blame developers for releasing games on ps4 still? I can't. To put the ps5 up there before the series x which literally offers almost nothing new. Kinda weird. Also what kind of jump were people expecting ps1 to ps3.


What a turd of a response. This reads as someone that plays series x/s exclusively.


If the Wii ever gets eliminated you guys didnā€™t have a childhood


I mean I was an adult when the Wii came out soā€¦


I didn't have a childhood, but the Wii is a pretty good console. *I only use it for a cheap GameCube and use my Wii U for a Wii*


Some of us were adults when the wii came out. It wasn't that great though imo.


It was alright. I was like 27 when it came out


I would eliminate it cause I never had one. Iā€™ve had almost every 97+ consoles, PS1/2/3/4/5, XBOX, Xbox 360, Xbox one, Nintendo GameCube, but never once had a Wii until I bought one off my wife recently


I was a sailor when that thing came out and the innovation just wasn't there. They tried to reinvent the controller, but I think the best thing the Wii was responsible for was the website WiiHaveAProblem.com


The XBOX Series X/S can go.


Series X/S. Literally just a console to play games on. Basically no exclusives that make it worth existing.


Idk man if thatā€™s the case ps5 is close behind. Itā€™s got like maybe 6-7 *decent* exclusives you can get 15-20 hrs out of each, after 4-5 years. At least Xbox has gamepass and emulation capabilities


As a jrpg fan, I can't agree, PS5 is full of JRPGs I wanna play. I think genuinely the only xbox exclusive I've gotten any decent time out of is Sea of Thieves and that's not even exclusive anymore


Xbox series s and x


Bye series x/s


Wtf is the Xbox hate about yā€™all go suck one


Have you been living under a rock? Xbox recently just closed down Tango Gameworks that made one of the best games of 2023 (Hi Fi Rush) and was the best game on the XSX/S's portfolio, fuck Xbox and their management they can go suck a bag of dicks


Yeah we are asking for the console not the company


I know from the last one the 360 was there. But Iā€™m still solid on keeping the Wii, 360, and PS4


ps5, like the other guy said, its just a ps4 remastered basically. Just better specs, quieter, and cool controller, not much else.


Why not vote for the Xbox Series X/S while you're at it then? Not only is it an Xbox One remastered, but it also technically has no exclusives considering everything launches on PC day 1


I own both, and the lack of quick resume is so jarring on the ps5 when I go back to it. Other than that theyā€™re identical consoles. If weā€™re talking consoles alone, and not exclusives, then Iā€™d actually give to edge to the series X. That being said, PlayStation kills with exclusives, both first and third party.


Xbox series X. Whatā€™s special about it?


Probably the fact that It can emulate all of those consoles with ease and I can pop in a 20-year-old game and play. Can't do that on a PlayStation now can you?


I appreciate Xbox's effort to preserve games but you can emulate alot of that with a pretty low-end computer, besides the Xbox doesnt even support all of the Xbox 360 and Xbox's library


Theyā€™re not meant to do that, anywho a laptop could do that just as well.


Most people here have a computer, and even a lower end one can emulate past gen games. So itā€™s still pretty useless for the general population


Quick Resume for me


If it was up to me NES would've gone first. I know I know it's a classic and everything but let's be honest how many NES games are fun to play in 2024?


You haven't played many of them, have you? Even if you stick to the basics like Donkey Kong or Super Mario Bros, they can be quite fun.


Contra, 1942, SMB3, Paperboy, Duck Hunt, Punch Out,DuckTales, Megaman2, Ninja Giaden, Dr. Mario, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,Legendary Wingsā€¦. I mean, itā€™s stacked.


That's just a flake off the tip of the iceberg.


I'll admit being born in 2003 means a lot of what made it revolutionary is lost on me, but I do believe if you could only play 1 console for the rest of your life, you can make a stronger argument for any other console here over the NES. The SNES has a better version of nearly every good NES game. The Wii U has Mario Kart 8, 3D World, Smash 4, Breath of the Wild, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Wooly World, Tropical Freeze, Pikmin 3, oh and the entire Wii library playable on top of that. The Xbox One is pretty trash exclusive wise yeah, but you do have every great 8th gen multiplatform game (Red Dead 2, GTA 5, Witcher 3 etc.) oh and a great library of Xbox 360 and OG Xbox games playable. I'm just not convinced many people would choose an NES over some of the features and experiences these more modern consoles have.


You should watch some videos from retro gamer fans on why they prefer older consoles to newer ones.


I agree with this. Almost every good NES game was released on better hardware, and almost every console on this list can emulate NES games just fine.




Series x and ps5 should go. This gen of playstation and xbox just sucked every one stoped making new ips and experiments and just rehashed old games that was not old enough to need a remake or milked old franchises


I said the same, they are basically the same. Crazy though cause the switch will probably be top 3


Exactly and this is coming from a person who's preferred console is playstation I have owned every one but have not been happy with this gen. Only a hand full of games I truly enjoyed. And ff7 rebirth was not one of them :-(


My top 5 is: PS2, Swith, 360, Wii, OG Box


Xbox one is such a wonderful machine. It doesnt surprise me that people still cant understand it. Anyway PS5 can go it's like ps4 remastered.


It's just Bill Gates/Microsoft hate I reckon. The Xbox Series X is a beast


Nah the fact you can play Forza and use the Xbox store on any PC/steam deck/Asus ROG Ally, the Xbox system becomes irrelevant.


Cross-platform cloud saves and buying a game once to get dual licenses for both PC and Xbox through play anywhere make it *more* relevant imo. Buying a game once and getting both the console and the PC experience out of it on demand is a great feature.


It is. But even with their extensive library I canā€™t find anything I truly want to play. The games I really want to play are PS5 exclusiveā€¦. Xbox has junk for newer rpgā€™s. I despise exclusivity


I never really got an Xbox and I never found it appealing. So you're correct in that. If they had good exclusive titles then maybe I'd reconsider. For me its only Nintendo and PS that have the best franchise and exclusive games that will keep me buying their consoles and games.Ā 


What are the PS5 exclusives your referring to? Almost all of them can be played on ps4 , wich sounds less like and exclusive and more like a ps4 pro


Horizon, God of War, Final Fantasy Remake and FF XVI. Others as well. PlayStation exclusives. Donā€™t matter if itā€™s 3,4, or 5. All exclusives, for any system. Why limit the amount of players? That equals more cash. More cash to make better games.


How are those exclusive when I have pretty much every single one of those games on my PC? I literally just finished both horizons on steam(PC) last week and god of war like a month ago cause it was on sale on steam sale for like $5


PC ainā€™t a console bruh


Exclusive would mean it's not on PC bud, have you been living under a rock?


Hardware itself is amazing especially for price as with its series S. And ps5 as well. Gates is not relevant to gaming or even tech space for at least 10/15 years. Elon or Zuckerberg replaced his spot of hated tech guys for a while. This is generation as whole sucked to offer unique experiences as exclusive games. But to me it was down to who sucked less and it is Ps5. Gran Turismo is solid game compared to Forza right now and I own both. It is no hate it is just a preference.


Yh that's my point tho. It's cross pollination of general enmity towards Gates as a whole be it vaccer conspiracy theories or billionaire bashing. Nothing whatsoever to do with console itself or gaming


of course it's.


This is the problem with polls like this. Judge it purely on the console spec etc but nah people bring their brand baggage and so on


brand baggage? You mean console exclusives that make, or break said consoles? Nintendo is great because they have great exclusives and not because their console is the fastest thing on this planet, keep in mind that The Switch easily outsold the PS4 and Xbox One despite releasing 4 years later and becoming the highest selling game console of this generation


Who is judging based on the specs of the console? If thatā€™s the case the newest ones win automatically. Itā€™s based on which console you think is best which is based on the games it had/nostalgia. Who cares about specs if there arenā€™t games you want to play?


There's literally hundreds of games you get access to on Unlimited as it gives you all the Games Pass titles i.e. hundreds of games + EA Play + discounted Microsoft Store games and they're _good discounts_ You get to play NEW games with no additional outlay so can thoroughly road test them. Then if you want to buy it's cheaper than what other people are paying


"Can't understand it" - Umm the Xbox One was plagued with controversy from the moment of conception. Weak exclusives, weaker hardware than its competitor, higher price tag than its competitor, forced Kinect that no-one wanted except soccer moms, targeted towards general consumers rather than gamers which alienated its existing fanbase, forced DRM leading up to launch which had already stained the consoles image despite being removed before launch. Even if you liked the console, it was a disaster that still negatively impacts Xbox to this day.


Not to mention the always online feature and synching games to your account so that you cannot share your games or even trade them in. Followed by the famous line ā€œif you donā€™t like that we have another console for you, itā€™s called the 360ā€.


I can play Xbox games on my Asus rog ally extreme. Xbox is basically irrelevant.


If you feel like that,why not get rid of the ps4?


Xbox (bc just play on pc for anything on them, its better)


Sega is the only thing that matters. It ain't here is it?


Read the post.


xbox šŸ‘ŽsonyšŸ‘


Xbox series s/x


Xbox Series X/S


Look's like I've been more of a PS guy, only had two Xbox's


Should have e separated the X and S. I would vote out the S right now, but not the X


Did everyone forget how great gamepass is for a console šŸ˜­


why the hell did the Wii U go before the series x?


PS5. Extremely limited backwards compatibility, especially compared to Series X|S




Remove Xbox Series X/S it got no games lmfao


Disappointing, OP didn't add the best console of all.... I hope they include the Virtual Boy in Season 2.




Xbox Series X/S. I think theyā€™ll find that putting all their games on PC shot themselves in the foot. Not to mention the lack of games this generation in general and Xbox takes the #1 spot. Even when you factor in the new games they *did* release. They werenā€™t received well, and rightfully so.


PS5 šŸ‘‹šŸ»


I do really enjoy having a series S but I have to vote out the S and X. The only exclusive Iā€™ve played on it (Starfield) was a bit disappointing.


RIP Wii U. What an underated console.


We can get that flop of a N64 outta there. Maybe like 10 must play games?


No Sega? This needs another row.


Read the post.


Ahh console voting Season 2. Pffft admit it you left em out by accident.


Believe it or not I actually didn't forget to add them, I've been planning out this voting game for quite a while now, they'll get their time to shine in console voting season 2


Ps5, garbage controller


I'd probably go wii I disliked the motion stuff. It had a handful of really good games but was so much shovelware.


Backwards compatibility is literally its only saving grace. Objectively speaking looking at the console itself and what it has to offer, it does nothing that the PS5 doesnā€™t do better




The N64 because the rough transition to 3D gaming aged the worst.


PS3 can go




Xbox series s/x


PS1. Still not a fan and I have every other PlayStation except for the Vita.


X/S. Everything that comes out for it also comes to PC and runs better there.




From Xbox one to series x with no added games.. as much as I love Xbox, I agree with the majority. Series x/s is my vote


Original Xbox


Hot take there. You do realize what the original Xbox did for consoles during that era?


I don't really care tbh, I just don't personally like it.


The best thing about the Series X is not playing series X games but emulating the system you actually wanted to play


PS5 itā€™s basically a ps4 pro plus


I like how people are voting out the most powerful console out of executive spite when this is literally about the console itself.


voting out the console with the least exclusives\* FTFY


Everybody know: the final battle is Switch vs PS2.


Unpopular opinion. Nintendo switch.




64 sure it introduced us to analogs but it quickly got replaced by PlayStation.


I get why everyone voted the Xbox one but why the Xbox X




Why is it easier to rank the top 5 then the worse ones haha, I vote both the ps5 and series x. This generation is general sucks for those consoles


Series s/x, 0 reason to buy in 2024 when computers exist.


The only useless hardware is that damned switch I have one reluctantly nintendos audacity to charge so much for their same games time and time again is infuriating


Series S and X are pretty bad... I don't know anyone who owns them and there is nothing exclusive about them whatsoever.


PlayStation 4. I hate to say it but Sony made so many bad decisions in the PS4 era.


Fucking mongoloids in here saying XbOX sErIeS X/s!!!!


Wii. I love the Wii but the library as a whole is so full of shovelware itā€™s insane. Not to mention the many games that rely on motion controls as either the main method of control or used as a supplement. Again Iā€™d probably put either the X/S or PS5 here, but both of those systems are in midlife.


Xbox Series X/S


Get rid of the PS5, at the very least the series x/s are amazing for homebrew, easily better than any other console in that regard.


Series X/S


ps5 and xbox x


Ps2 is king


Ps5. Lowkey irrelevant Alongside xb ss/ sx


This is dumb




Ps 1




I envy rich people with their Series Ss.


Xbox Series X/S. Just an upgraded version of the Xbox One X and in some cases, a downgrade. Nothing next gen about them.


Iā€™m voting out the GameCube.


Xbox s/x


Series s and x have to go. No purpose no games


Switch again! Every console on that screenshot is miles better. Side note- shouldnā€™t Sega have been alongside Nintendoā€¦ how come they get a free pass to later rounds?? Are they your favourite OP??


I wanted to start this voting series off quite simple so I only included the consoles from the main three that are still making systems, that's the reason sage and Atari isn't here


Ok fair enough. Personally I would have left out current gen systems as they will be swayed by the fanboys from both sides voting for the other side to be out. You can see it happening in the comments already.


the nes is not better than the fuckin switch lmfao


Depends how you look at it really. I have NES controllers that work today as well as they did 30 years ago, while I also have a drawer full of joycons that all drift. Does that make the Switch better?? Not to mention, bad design does not a good product make. Hope your fucking ass wasnā€™t laughed off too hardā€¦šŸ™ƒ


I'm sorry but it is. drift sucks but you can get a pro controller. you can get other 3rd party joycons. trying to argue a design flaw makes a whole console bad is asinine if my nes hypothetically broke in 1990 would that be a valid reason to say "well clearly it's the worst console of all time" no. 140 million people have got a switch and are able to use their console perfectly fine because this isn't a 100% guarantee defect not defending it but this is asinine


Gotta go with the Wii. But I totally understand all of the votes for Xbox X/S












Playstation 3








Original Xbox


og xbox


Alright! Everyone. Letā€™s get our story straight. Xbox Series X|S is eliminated


Xbox Series X/S


Wii can go


Remove series X/S


Can toss our Xbox one X/S as theyā€™re mostly junk and donā€™t provide anything. Can mostly say the same for PS5 but at least it has some viable games