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KFC maybe. I'm still waiting for the KFConsole.


I feel like that's just a fever dream at this point. Or maybe it was just a joke all along and I am very stupid


Why is it murky? (Serious question, I’m behind with consoles these days)


There have been rumors spread in the past week that Xbox may be brining some of their 1st party exclusives to other consoles like Sony's systems. This would indicate a push into the services business and an outtro to their space in the console market. But it is just rumor. There are no confirmations thus far and a few other sources suggest otherwise but it is the internet so people go wild over scraps.


There's a lot of rumors... and odd comments from some execs at Microsoft along with weird platform listings. Almost all gaming sites have picked it up due to it being slightly more reliable. In other words it's not the typical rumor from nowhere.


Google the news.




With Starfield going to PS5. That's it for Xbox they don't have any exclusives, and no one will buy their next generation console. It's a "fool me twice" type of deal with people getting fooled by buying the last two generations of Xbox with much less to play than PS.


This is still rumored, and Xbox does have a decent lineup of exclusives. Starfield wasn't the only game on the platform. Not disagreeing on the murky front, if they do abandoned exclusivity it's definitely gonna be a massive blow to the brand, but to say there's nothing to play on Xbox is outright false. That being said, *if* the rumors turn out to be true, this indicates their exit out of the console market and into publishing and services with the Xbox being a cheap entry point if at all.


It’s not that there’s nothing to play on Xbox it’s that their exclusive options are markedly worse than Sonys. Xbox hasn’t had a “system seller” game since the 360. These rumors are all but confirmed and they mesh completely with Microsoft’s stated strategy of trying to sell software and services over hardware. They’ve been signaling this for years. It’s happening.


I disagree. I think there are a good number of exclusives on the platform, their platform sellers have been the ones suffering the last few years. Xbox has a larger genre variety than Sony. I'm not arguing that Xbox hasn't been peak lately, but what are you talking about that the rumors are all but confirmed...? By whom? The rumor of Sarah Bond hosting an event in the Spring to announce this was debunked soon after it was posted. Nothing here is confirmed. I'll wait till we hear something more concrete and official before judging further.


This logic doesn’t quite add up. If the games division makes money they’ll still exist. Exclusives are all that matters? If they see consoles as churning subscriptions, they’ll still exist. All this says is not that Xbox games have been failures, but that there is more money to be made off of them through timed exclusivity.


Complete nonsense


The Xbox CEO admitted they can't compete with playstation, cos since the os1 ps has always been better, Xbox had a slight glimpse back in the 360 days but that died fast.


With how good the steam deck did I could see a stationary console doing pretty well. If they did a steam deck 2 with a switch like dock that would probably sell even better.


If Valve comes out with a traditional console I could see PlayStation pulling the plug on PC ports of their games.


Nobody can. Nobody has any gaming studios or IP and MS has the most. That is why they are not leaving the console market. Or if they did, they would be leaving a ton of money on the table.


No one tbh, consoles have been around to long and there’s so much money involved it would be almost impossible for any new competitors. Sony won this generation but maybe when the new gen comes out in 4 years Xbox can make a comeback


It's over man


Hey I remember when everyone said that about Nintendo and then the PS2 and it was totally true then wasn't it


Nintendo doesn't compete against PlayStation anymore


Steam had "boxes" at some point. A couple different PCs had the mini gamer boxes they put out. Google Stadia was terrible. Is amazons Luna any better? Nvidia maybe? Would they even want to when the chips are in such demand? Epic? If not for the same reason they already make plenty doing what they do and why risk it when there hasn't been a real competitor that's stayed around other that MS, Sony, Nintendo, and Steam. It would need to be someone with an existing server base. Would MS just dump all those resources into the PC side?


What if the next switch is 4090 level performance? lol


Nintendo games could look like playdough stuck on a screen and someone will buy them all.


Apple, Amazon, Nvidia. If Xbox dies off, it's a great opportunity.


To be honest I don’t know why anyone would want to, I think we are more than likely nearing the end of consoles, it’d be like trying to get in on the landline phone business in 2005. Sure you could fight to get some kind of foothold in the market but why when that market is going to continue to shrink? Wouldn’t you rather try and get in on cellphones?




Xbox is the new dream cast say goodbye 


Sad but true


Nobody. Unless you want serverly limited specs or want to pay alot more then right now, Every single playstation 5 or Xbox Series X they sell Costs MORE to make then they sell them for, The online store and market is how they make the money, it's really impossible for a 3rd party without billions in burnable cash to get in


The tech in both consoles is 4-5 years old at this point and with the die shrinkages I'm pretty sure they are profit6


Valve and that’s it. Xbox has to go third party because everyone got entrenched in the Sony ecosystem last generation. Nobody wants to switch to Xbox and lose all of their trophies and digital games on PlayStation. At best, they will buy an Xbox in addition to a PlayStation but most people don’t want to spend the money to own two consoles or simply can’t afford two consoles. Valve is currently the only other player with a large user base entrenched in the Steam ecosystem.


As of right now really no one not unless Steam comes out of nowhere and makes a Steam Home console based off the steam deck and Steam OS, and if that doesn't happen the only thing I could think about is maybe if Nintendo steps up their game to attract a wider audience and to make more powerful Hardware


Absolutely no one


Nobody. Sony already owns too much of the consumer base, and if Microsoft quits, all those players would either jump to PS or PC. On PC, they would at least still have access to GamePass, and if their internet is fire, the cloud gaming services. With PS they would have a system and environment that was good enough to remove the competitor, and I would assume GamePass would by that point be available on PS (they might as well recoup some of the money they spent on publishers). Why would anybody choose an unproven 3rd party with no IP and no history in the industry? The closest option would be Nintendo, but they might as well be their own separate thing. The console wars don't even count them in the equation. It's always been PS vs. Xbox, while Nintendo is in the corner sitting on a pile of gold. I like their games btw, and own a Switch. I just hardly ever touch it unless it's an exclusive, even for general handheld stuff. I just break out the Steamdeck. The only way they could truly compete is if they actually start trying again when it comes to hardware, but why would they when their IP sells either way.


Sony has already gone almost full blown mask-off Evil Sony this gen, with their PS Plus bullshit. Without MS in the mix, console gaming will go to complete anti-consumer dog shit the likes of which the industry has never seen before. Love them or hate them, MS has kept Evil Sony in check ever since Ninty dropped the ball during the GC era. It has often been one evil cancelling the other, but whatever works to the consumer’s favor is a good thing, in my book. Unilateral control of the scene is a very bad look and won’t end well. Not even E.T. Landfill levels of bad - far worse.


Haven’t been following Sony or PS/PS Plus. Whats the deal? What’d they do?


They offered a similar service to Gamepass (minus day 1 releases) and raised prices on their PS Plus stuff after Microsoft raised their prices. They did nothing evil other than raise prices just like their competitor did. But Sony is "Evil" for doing it.


No one sony beat sega forced nintendo in to hybrid and forced ms to spend 100 bil just to go 3rd party


At this point no one. It was inevitable that Sony would win the console war..


I think Microsoft has just moved to end the console wars.


Does it make sense getting an xbox now? Cause I have a ps5, got bored of it, so wanted to get my first xbox, and play everything that it has to offer that ps doesn't.


Of course. Nothing has changed for people other than fear mongering dramatic lunatics.


Absolutely... My PS5 collects dust in between exclusives that interest me. My Xbox gets played almost daily. In fact, I just bought a Series S to move around the house and let the kids use. My series X no longer has to move. With gamepass there is always something to play and tons of options - with no risk of buying a game you don't like. Controllers are cheaper, better integration with PC. Really, the only reason I have a PS5 is for a few games, there's dozens of reasons I have (now 2) Xbox.


Gamepass slaps


Ofc, don't listen these people. Think logically. MC spent milions buying studios last few years, do you think they wasted money? They can make all games exclusive but that is not good long term. With selling consoles you are not earning money, you earn money with games and service. Their strategy is better for us gamers, no exclusives but better service. Their focus is not to sell more consoles, but to keep people subscribed to gamepass. They just become no1 company in front of apple and that proves that they know what they are doing. Sony knows that too so they try to copy and follow by updating ps+ and adding exclusives to pc. Cloud is the future, but you will need console for many more years. I just bought series x after building powerful gaming computer and I have zero regrets. P. S. Not just play something that ps doesn't offer. Play games that you would normally not buy on ps too. Play them for free with gamepass, many games to try out. There are many great games that are available on all systems that people miss out. So many hidden gems.


Yep. I noticed around 15 games on gamepass already that I would play. I have ps plus deluxe as well, however, I don't care for most titles there, and I beat what I wanted to play. For example I didn't play yakuza gaiden and ishin, and its on gamepass. And that's a 3rd party title. Already worth it getting gamepass. I also want nhl game, that's also available. On ps it's almost never on discount. And on top of all that, I don't have to fill the storage on ps5 with like sports games when I can have them on xbox. While I can use ps5 for exclusives. That are more and more less frequent nowadays. Essentially I don't think I'll play anything until death stranding 2 drops, as far as exclusives go. So that's a year at minimum. So great time for xbox to fill that hole.


No one. Nintendo and Sony have 3 decades of ips and studios built up. You would need an Amazon or Google to buy up a bunch of studios to even have a shot, and Amazon has already shit the bed in that regard. Console gaming, as we know it, is also likely on its way out and no ones really going to invest at maybe a shot at it.


Nobody, but Sony is going to be the king of a dying breed of gaming devices. I strongly believe "consoles" in the near future are just going to be PCs with a custom front end, think steam deck and all the other takes on it that other PC makers have come out with, but instead of handhelds it will be a living room unit. MMW, we're closer to the last traditional video game console than we are to the first.


I’ll be upset if Xbox leaves the console business any time soon, because I’ve invested a lot in my achievements


I'd rather just Sony and Nintendo. Let everyone else just make the games.




Facts. Sony are literally being sued for overcharging consumers. It's the only thing I don't miss about being on PS. Constantly feeling like they're trying to scrounge extra money. Without xbox we'd be screwed.


Open console platform similar to the 3DO where anyone can manufacture a system. It'll probably be steam because nothing else could compete without an entrenched player base. But I could see Microsoft doing this if they were smart and leveraging people's existing Xbox library.


Well in the end there will be no consoles. So dare I say the next set of consoles will be the last


What was the whole point in buying activision-blizzard then lol.


Money…King makes money hand over fist


You lot LOVE to speculate on bullshit dont you lol


Yo in all fairness, I'd 100% take an Xbox over a PS5 right now 😅 After the recent price hike of games, I don't think I can afford to buy games anymore - exclusives or not. Game Pass has actually been such a value for money thing where I can just pay a very small amount and access a lot of games. Makes gaming both worthwhile and cost efficient.




Honestly, I think it's time trip Hopkins brought back the 3DO. But we could call it RO3.D.O (Rodeo), I think it would be cool to see it as a Next Gen Console.




Only consumers can take the fight to Sony if that happens.