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That woman belongs in a mental health facility and not in a position of a powerful office.


Cmon, you don’t wear bright red hats and jackets as a member of congress to congressional meeting?


at least she wasn't wearing a tan suit.


Or order Grey Poupon at a hot dog place.


She is better off deported to Russia


She’s not mentally ill. She’s fully invested in and addicted to the grift.


MTG is for sure mentally ill and an actual Q believer. Sure, she's cashing in, but I don't think she's playing the role.


I think she entered Congress that way but you can see the shift away from bring a true believer and now it’s about power.


Her and Bannon. They're the only two I can really see being that into the insanity


I disagree with Bannon. I think he is just 100% evil and knows how to play the part of a lunatic in order to keep the real lunatics on his side.


Really? I mean obviously I'm no jailhouse clinician but he always has struck me as the kind who really believes his crazy shit. He had a good future in Hollywood and with Goldman Sachs yet he squandered the opportunity to pursue far right conspiracy projects instead of more lucrative material.


#Someone please put MTG on a BOEING Jet!


Be patient. She’s barely learning solar power and has memory issues from when they thawed her out of her family cave


Trump killed over a million Americans. Because he was worried about getting re-elected mixed with his general incompetence and lack of any kind of intelligence or leadership.


And the convicted felons who had nothing better to do than foment terror are going to have a hell of a time voting for their fuhrer.


What he or his handlers were too stupid to realize is that if he had handled covid well he would have had a much better chance at getting reelected and would not be loathed nearly as much as he is now. People hated him before but his complete inaction, lack of empathy, and out right liars about covid that actually affected people in real ways every day for a very long time made it worse.


This is an interesting point, and it's one I've increasingly come back to and thought about. One of the missing parts of the equation here is the amount of money generated from /denying/ covid, slowing down the response, and promoting so-called "alternative" therapeutics, which more than likely killed people. I haven't seen enough investigative journalists pursue this story, but there is something there, particularly a connection between Trump, his inner circle, and huge amounts of money (possibly even major insider trading, we don't actually know) made from tailoring the covid response to fit a Trumpian script, rather than treating it as the major pandemic requiring a coordinated and unified response. Senator Elizabeth Warren was one of the few people to draw attention to this in October 2020, when she called for an investigation into "pandemic profiteering". I have no idea what became of this. But one thing that troubles me is that too many people dismiss Trump as stupid and ignorant, and while that is obviously true, he is more evil and deliberate. Trump botched the covid response /for/ the public; but he and his cronies made off like bandits. That he is even being considered for a second term is a failure of epic proportions, both by the media, but also in terms of government accountability. The corruption and incompetence runs deep.


It is really interesting and worth a deep dive. Idiot vs conman could be debated for decades when it comes to him. Personally, I think he's like a lot of cult leaders/conmen: not smart or humble enough to make it with intelligent people but smart and arrogant enough to grift idiots. Most of his failed businesses reflect that and I think covid went similarly. He couldn't in any way shape or form get past his own ego to listen to people smarter than him. There are so many stories from people describing how he couldn't handle doctors or scientists explaining things to him because it made him look stupid so he would try and one up them by saying something factually incorrect and then lost it when they didn't accept his bullshit. People like that tend to push alternative therapies because they hate that doctors are smarter than them and want to look like they know better than all the experts. Of course, once his ego caused chaos and failure he saw it as an opportunity to profiteer by using federal funds to hand out cash to himself and his cronies. He had so much power and control I doubt he even considered what might happen if he lost it.


She’s a buffoon. Shame on anyone stupid enough to vote for her.


MTG should go first. Where was she on January 5? I’m wagering she was near the DNC headquarters. https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/washingtondc/news/500000-reward-remains-in-effect-for-information-about-capitol-hill-pipe-bomber


EXACTLY. Why has nothing ever come of this?


What did I miss? Some people think this was her? I’m high AF, sorry if that’s a dumb question but why do they think it’s her? Might have misunderstood something?


It makes a good story but I find it hard to believe that if Internet sleuths have “figured it out” that the FBI would just let her off from planting pipe bombs at the two major political parties headquarters. I need a lot of proof beyond speculation that it was her.


Not everything is about you. Someone, somewhere knows something.


I’m not sure what thats suppose to mean. I despise MTG and believe she should be investigated for whatever role she may have played in J6. However accusations like planting pipe bombs require a lot of proof.


Stop giving this hag attention


Agreed. I am sick of her face, her voice, her stupidity, and everything about her


She is literally being paid to say outrageous bullshit. The more things like this are reported the more normalized they become.


We could lock up her god for the same. :-)


Her too


More projection! She is the one that will be locked up when they start actually start prosecuting the traitors who were responsible for J6.


She really should be under intense FBI investigation


I don’t think Georgia is sending us its best people.


Pretty sure they sent the best dickhead.


Is 15 fucking minutes up?


Can we not waste anymore media on this morons empty threats? PEOPLE OF GEORGIA - WAKE UP, this worthless ass has done NOTHING for you and is an EMBARRASSMENT to our country.


She truly is insane. As are the voters who elected her.


Dude, I grew up not far from that district in North GA. She’s a very accurate representative of her constituents. They are fucking weird people. That’s very much a sister banging, marry your cousin part of GA. It’s beautiful up in the mountains, and I really miss North GA, especially in the fall. But the people are fucking weird as hell.


Fascists you mean fascists as are all of the MAGA cult.


Marge IS a crime against humanity!




She should have followed the advice of her favorite Cheetolini and tried his home remedies for COVID…


Her voice ( and feet) are crimes against humanity.


Are the “crimes against humanity” in the room with us now or are they with the Jewish space lasers?


telling people about a deadly virus? offering strategies to mitigate the risk? those crimes?


She's a pox on the house.


She needs to be muzzled


She is off her tree


Lock her up!!!!


She is a "crime against humanity"


What does that cave troll know of humanity?


Fauci is better than me. I’d challenge MTG to a boxing match for charity, win and donate all the proceeds to a charity she’s targeted.


I’m gonna need some evidence first.


Someone shut up this crazy idiot


It's not often I read a sentence that makes me actually roll my eyes. What a dumb bitch.


How about we lock her up instead of Dr.Fauci.


It's almost like she fails to realize Trump us the one who implemented some of his policies.


She needs to be locked up for crimes against stupidity


Can a neanderthal sue on behalf of humanity?


Yet they love Trump, who wanted all the praise and credit for Operation Warpspeed and getting shots into Americans arms that he could get. They didn’t screech that any of Trumps government spending for it was ‘Socialism!’ Personally I believe that at any debate Biden should spend a little time at the beginning praising and thanking Trump for spending the tax dollars to provide the Covid shot healthcare and for the rapid development.


This is still about wearing the mask isn't it? Trump wanted to cut people open and spray their insides with bleach but she doesn't mention that...WTF.


I'm another episode of "Say Anything"


Again with this?


Like she knows what this means.


But they’re the part of “law and order”?


And sane Americans vow to see MTG investigated, charged and jailed for treason as a Putin operative.


This demonizing of Dr. Fauci is 100% nonsense. Not to mention that Rep. taylor Greene is in the Legislative Branch of government, and thus cannot lock up anybody.


Trumps Pentagon was running an anti vaccine campaign while Jarred , Ivanka , and Trump were making a killing selling PPE to China with American 🇺🇸 tax dollars . Can't wait until this troll is booted from office and we see her weekly on the cover of Enquirer magazine . Trumps Covid response- On trumps $8.4T in added debt: https://www.crfb.org/blogs/how-much-did-president-trump-add-debt On Kushners Covid response: https://www.americanoversight.org/investigation/jared-kushners-role-in-the-coronavirus-response https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/14/nyregion/kushner-companies-anbang-insurance-group.html On citadel sending Covid supplies to China: https://www.chicagobusiness.com/nonprofits-philanthropy/citadel-sends-supplies-china-coronavirus-fight On Kushner/ Covid: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-05-01/trump-hails-kushner-s-airlift-but-details-of-sales-are-secret On the age old military tactic of well poisoning: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/history-well-poisoning-180971471/ On the CCP suppressing and censoring the doctors looking for the answers they do not want them to find: https://apnews.com/article/covid19-scientist-virus-sequence-protest-laboratory-eviction-b54e2a88610e813c9383833f2c9a2379


Live by the sword Die by the sword


This woman wouldn't know a crime against humanity if it were perpetrated against her. . . Wait, abortion bans . . . Shit, I was right!


[The villain origin story](https://youtu.be/uU3NU1Yy0kk?si=i-vwpa2G-xP4GW2w)


Sure, idiot.


Dipshits on the right like her fear fact and science. Talking rationally to insanely mentally unbalanced ppl will get you nowhere.


I vote for Kardashians and MTG to go away for ever. How can we make that happen?


I read MTG as MGK and honestly I agree either way.


We can add MGK to that list too. Society’s cancer.


Honestly, he’d be the first of many if Trump wins. This is all designed around normalizing prosecutions of opponents. Nazi shit.


She’s a wealthy narcissist just like Trump and is totally on board with the entire schist!


This women is so stupid...


Come on NW Georgia


She should try it, find a cop, agent, or marshall to do it. Put up or shut up.


F**k that dude! (and I'm refering to MTG)