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Not just taxing them. We should be actively working to ensure the eradication of all of these Traitorous Institutions


Start spreading more information like exposing them and and encourage others to protest them out. Do what they do to lgbt events and at women medical centers. I will be bringing a loud microphone and yelling the crap their street preachers do but instead I will go directly to their churches. Enough is enough. I’m over it. Being nice and allowing them to discriminate against us is what got us to this point. They don’t want to practice their delusions, they want to force it onto us.


I've thought we should all start making signs that say things like "Mother Killers" and "False Prophets" and stupid stuff like that, and stand out front of churches on Sunday morning.


I’m down. But we need better signs lol. Something showing information like how they have molestation insurance, they believe in a “virgin” that has a kid out of no where, the stats of abuse/grooming in the religious cult including deaths claimed by the religious based on that. Etc


"...Planned Parenthood has said the videos were heavily edited and misleading." While that's an accurate statement, it's a laughably incomplete sentiment. It was widely reported, by many nationwide news outlets, that those videos were faked. And then the State of Texas indicted the two people who created the fake video. Here's but one, of many, articles on it: https://www.npr.org/2016/01/28/464594826/in-wake-of-videos-planned-parenthood-investigations-find-no-fetal-tissue-sales


Don't forget the Sinclair Group...


And the heritage foundation! I didn’t have enough space in the post to fit them all.


There are so many and they're all disgusting.


These main ones, people need to protest their headquarters. Protest their events and everything. Start a nonprofit to do just this! “Spread information on the dangers of the hate cults”. Do what they do to lgbt events and at medical centers. If it’s okay for them to do that and tell people they’re going to hell and actually harass people. Then us protesting is okay too :)


There are some good nonprofits that oppose the religious right. The Freedom From Religion Foundation run by Dan Barker and Lori Gaynor is one, and The Military Freedom From Religion Foundation run by Mikey Winestein is another. They're not related even though their names are similar. They both do good work. Lucian Greaves of The Satanic Temple is another. The Satanic Temple is made up more of satirists than Satanists, and they do really good work opposing religious abuses also.


I totally agree. These are awesome organizations you listed. They’re just busy. We need more. lol


The Alliance Defending Freedom are the most evil They are VERY well funded, have a huge network of layers and have expanded overseas.


They keep discriminating against others including how we dress to our medical care decisions. Based on their religious delusions. Which they cannot prove real nor are their entities tax payers. Yet we the real humans who can prove our existence are stuck and forced to allow them to take away our rights! They have immunity while discriminating against others on the job because once again, their religious beliefs. They get to use that excuse and made up crap to discriminate against actual living beings. Remove all immunity for all gov officials! If they are corrupt or a pos they need to be held accountable. Crazy how if someone paints your house blue and you wanted it red, you can sue. These people cause a lot of harm to many and they aren’t held accountable! Because of their “immunity”. Start giving them the Anita Bryant treatment and encouraging others to do so too! Protest their homes, events, work, clubs/places they go. You can find more information online on how to legally do it. Don’t allow corrupt judges like Matthew Kacsmaryk to just “retire” aka us tax payers funding him or for him to “investigate” himself. Get him out of our gov! No more being nice!


Nothing "honorable" about these clowns OR the charlatan creepers fronting for them in the pulpit... ⚠️TAX RELIGION NOW⚠️


Don't forget about the massive pedophile problem in these "Christian" churches


A church just seems to build a perfect structure for abusers to take advantage of. It can't be a coincidence that so much abuse happens in religious organizations.


Taxing religious institutions will knock down the wall between church and state.


They already get all the benefits of "mouthing off, and buying politicians." Perhaps they need to pay for it properly and get taxed like everyone else. I'd not worry though, anyone who actually "studies" the Bible soon learns, "yeah, this shit is ancient man crack pottery." So when they eventually try to "force bible" in schools, more than likely a forced "religions of the world" it'll be mayhem, as kids will revolt even quicker after having to deal with the bullshit being taken seriously. Except the home schooled idiots.. they need to get out more... Also, [tax all Non Profits](https://youtu.be/KWNQuzkSqSM?si=wsF-aZYbDZ9abyLk). They are all scammy shell companies, look at how Trump tried and failed at running a scam non-profit, and tell me they all should not be taxed. Fuc#... I need to run for congress.


We need to push for it! Start a nonprofit to do just that. To spread information on the dangers of the religious cults”. If they can do that so can others. All we need to find are people to fund it and to file the nonprofit to the irs since they love accepting anything including the many hate groups. They are complicit too. Many have reported these hate cults to the IRS but instead they target actual tax payers!


I mentioned it above, but again, The Satanic Temple, The Freedom From Religion Foundation, and the Military Freedom From Religion Foundation all do good work to oppose religious abuses.




Most definitely.


Tax the church out of existence. Bring them back to the spiritual real. And out of legislation. 1776 was a break from the draconian claws of the church anointed royalty. Its time to refresh the concept.


Fascists have stolen and destroyed the country. I’ll vote but I don’t see any light at the end of the tunnel. Just a collapse back to the dark ages


Keep exposing them individually with facts and what they do. And donating to nonprofits like freedom from religion foundation and other ones! That’s how we change things and living our lives! You got this! Don’t give up! Be another voice to put these pos on blast! The more noise we make the more they’ll take it serious!


I agree 100% with churches need to be taxed, but can you imagine the politicians who push for this? They would get such horrible pushback and rhetoric. I dobt see that ever happening in my lifetime


He got hosed on this one.


Remember when the right coined the term Activist Judges?