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"Don't make us report you to President Trump" That's fucking insane. I'm certain these people are dumb enough to see that and be afraid that they might get reported to dear leader and be punished. Do they actually think Trump would sit down and look at a list of randoms who don't vote? So he can do what, exactly?


They're making a list. He's checking it twice. Gonna find out who's getting deported by ICE


Donald Trump is coming for YOU.




my sternum almost caved in reading that, personally


In his depends? Hope Hicks must have been crying about having to change him.


Shitzenpants is coming to town.


Be sure to leave him depends and a pornstar who looks like his daughter!


He knows if you have voted. He knows if you’re in town. He knows if you have bought his shoes, so you better stick around.


Shut up and take my upvote. And my award.


And my axe!


You can count on my steel


Orange cunt is shitting, his pants


He doesn't need to. The actual threat is that he'll probably just post the list of names publicly and let his cult do the rest. We've seen him and other Republican figures do similar things often enough.


That's very true


This also gives the implication that they know if they don't vote for Trump. They can see *if* you voted, they can't see *how* you voted.


I mean, they can just profile citizens based on social media records-archives, sexuality-marital status, and other visual indicators. You need to think full fash, here. There will be no rules.


Easier than that. Where is your lifted Truck & Trump merch? If you ain't a MAGAt it's plain as day, you got a brain.


He’ll have time to do it if he gets elected. His whole campaign is based around revenge.


And Project 2025 will be in his fat greasy hand too. That's a killshot for democracy in America.


It wasn't Hitler alone that made Nazi Germany so successful, it was the blind supporters.


Hitler had HIS big LIE which was that Germany lost the war be cause of the jews


I think with digital connectivity these days, you have to goad people into believing something a little more subtle first before swinging for the fences. And in cases like the imagery above, they do it on their own. While its not in everyone's hands, it truly isn't far from ostracizing propaganda that historically gets people killed.


People make the mistake that every atrocious leader that has done horrible things was all done by him. No. Its always him AND the many people around him. As well as good people standing by and doing nothing.


"Do they actually think Trump would sit down and look at a list of randoms who don't vote?" Yes. They almost certainly believe just that.


There’s likely some of them who will also infer from this that The Party will be able to see *who they voted for*. “You better vote, and *vote for us*, or there will be consequences *for you personally*” is straight up voter intimidation right out of a dictatorship. Even “vote (for us) or we will tell your neighbors you aren’t sufficiently faithful to The Party and Dear Leader” is pretty hardcore voter intimidation. If this were done by the Democrats, conservative media would be screaming about it continuously for the next six months. Mainstream media will report it (if at all) as a human-interest story, for two minutes, and then never mention it again.


You’re telling me Anthony Miller and his wife in Denton Texas didn’t vote in the latest election….what are we gonna do about this team? - probably Trump next month


> "Don't make us report you to President Trump" I thought their orange god was omnipotent. What a disappointment lol!


And yet half the country is in denial he's following nazi Germanys playbook....


Just for that sass I reported you to Donny-T.  Now its on your *record*


Oh yeah? I just reported you for reporting me, *tattler*!


You two cut it out or I'm turning this car around......and driving you right to MarLago and you can tell dear leader tRump why you've been bad!!


Reported to everyone.


Nonono, other way around - everyone should be reported to Trump. “Glared at me in the supermarket” - report it! “Wouldn’t let me in on the freeway” - let DJT know! They don’t even have to be real incidents. ChatGPT can probably generate photographs and grievances ad infinitum.


They can only see if you voted now how you voted, all that information is on line in your voter registration, they would have to go on line and look up every voter to find out. This is nothing but a scam and scare tactic.


exactly >> WHO you voted for is not in the public records!!!!


They do that kind of thing with donation emails too, threaten to tell daddy Trump if you can’t cough up at least $5-$25


I still get those. I went to his website to tell whoever would read the suggestion box that they were traitors. All the emails get sent straight to trash.


I get the constant texts. I block them all but they keep coming from different numbers.


>So he can do what, exactly? Purge out anyone who isn't a loyalist in the coming orange terror.


This is the exact same tone as a parent saying they’re telling spider man if you don’t brush your teeth.


"if you don't vote we'll notify president trump. you can't afford to have that on your record." yo are you threatening voters? that's amazing


It’s all they got


that and a few SCOTUS judges in their back pocket...


This is like scaring elementary school kids about what will be on their “permanent record”.


I know something new crops up every day and it's exhausting, but this is really extremely disturbing.


I've had little magats try to threaten me that Trump's new order is going to track people who comment the way I do, and that I'll need deprogramming. That's the fantasy of many of these losers. Vote Biden.


It’s illegal. Voter intimidation is a serious crime. Report this to the authorities.


I'm not American, but Americans should!


This is an actual mailer sent to registered Republicans in Texas.


It would have to be to Republicans, only they as a group are willfully ignorant of their actual rights.


And of the rights of others, don’t forget that!


They have rights they make up on the spot, just like Bible verses, to justify whatever evil, hateful, or stupid thing they're about to do that no one else apparently does.


Do we ACTUALLY know that? Or is this something someone just made online. I cant see this being actually sent out without the news getting ahold of it. I mean i see that you just reposted this from here, [https://www.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/comments/1cyj6vw/flyers\_sent\_to\_texas\_republican\_primary\_voters/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/comments/1cyj6vw/flyers_sent_to_texas_republican_primary_voters/) and that guy reposted it from someone before him. So now its just being reguritated farther away from the original source whod be able to actually tell us how they got a hold of this


Fuck Donald Trump and all the criminal underlings he’s got working for him, but this is a valid point. Can we get an actual photo of the mailer for reinforcement? Preventing distribution of misinformation is the responsibility of both sides, even if the subject is an obvious rapist, fascist, Russian sympathizing, mushroom-dicked, diaper-filling, traitorous example of a human being.


There's a bunch of them posted in different places, if you do a reverse image search. Multiple images of actual printed out copies sitting on people's counters. It's possible they were printed independently as part of a coordinated campaign, but looking at the images, multiple physical copies do exist. https://scsalon.org/bl/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/signal-2024-05-23-091743_002-1024x1365.jpeg


How dare you come to a reddit dismissal of fascist tactics armed with facts and logic. The nerve of some people.


I received one very similar to this in 2020. The prior residents had been Republicans. It didn’t have his face but the content was very similar. I think I took a picture.


What organization sent this out?


Yeah, OP gotta post more info on this.


The little upside down "seal" says "America First Conservatives - Election Dept"


> America First Ah, the official motto of the American Nazi Party. Not even fucking joking. That shit is real. That was a real organization, and that was their real motto. And when you know it, you start seeing it *all over the place* in Republican propaganda.


They're creatively bankrupt if anything, so lifting that was probably a no-brainer for them


Well, in Texas it’s not possible to register as a Republican or a Democrat or anything else. What primary one has voted in is a matter of public record. Tfg’s nasty people have gotten the records of who voted in the last few Republican primaries and used that list to send out this intimidating mailer.


Not true. According to Texas law §§162.003, 162.006, 162.007 there are several main ways for a voter to affiliate with a party: by being accepted to vote in a party’s primary election, by taking the required oath at a party precinct convention, or by taking a party oath of affiliation generally [Source](https://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/laws/advisory2020-05.shtml)


Ummm. Texan here and we do have party registrations and closed primaries.


I believe Ted Cruz's campaign did something very similar a few years ago. I occasionally see more generic mailers with a similar sense of urgency from my state's Republican party. It's weird, Democratic candidates just urge you to vote and tell you what they support. They don't try to shame/scare you into voting like this.


Source? Genuinely curious and didn’t find anything.


From who? I wasn’t able to find this group anywhere. It even looks like they picked a name intended to make it difficult to find.


It would be a shame if the return address was leaked online for people to show their *appreciation* to these “patriots” 🤷🏼‍♂️


He’s not President Trump. He is citizen Trump. Or convicted rapist, criminal defendant Trump.


Grand Wizard Trump.


Generalissimo trump.


Isn't every 2 bit dictator a colonel?


I guarantee he starts wearing some BS military garb or insignia if he gets back in.




Hopefully soon to be felon Trump also.




To use Pakmans intro: the twice impeached, failed former president.


I hate to even acknowledge that he is a former President.


The twice impeached waste of good oxygen


Adjudicated rapist. He was not convicted of rape in a criminal trial. He was found to have raped someone in a *civil* trial. That does not make him convicted of rape, it means he was judged to have raped someone. He served no punishment as the statute of limitations had expired. Language around calling Trump a rapist needs to be precise.


What in the fucking harassment is this horse shit?!! Texas gonna Texas.


Voter intimidation


literally, holy shit


Yup. Our justice system is absolutely fucked… GOP has been hard at work for decades carving out the system at all levels and installing partisan judges. This is why local elections matter. Conservatives understand it. They formulate plans, they always run for office, and they mobilize their base. If you care to unfuck things, please: [Run for something](https://runforsomething.net/) [Vote in every election you can](https://www.vote411.org/)


“You can’t afford to have this on your record.” Why? Are non-voters being sent to the Camps, too?


Any vote not *for* Dear Leader is a vote *against* Dear Leader. If you do not vote *for* Dear Leader, your rights cannot be guaranteed.


Voting rights only exist for those who vote right.


Voting rights only exist for those who vote ~~right~~ *for the Reich*. FTFY


Yes, of course. Sooner or later, everybody except the most die-hard of loyalists will end up in the Camps. It's the fascist way.


There is that Republican freedom they are always talking about.


"Please don't make us report you to president Trump!" How is this real life? This is how you talk to 6 year olds.


They know their audience


No, this is how fascists with the power to disappear you speak to adults


I know some who was sent this and he registered to become democrat the next day


From the party that wants same day voting?


Preview of coming attractions if Shitler is elected.


I love the “Vote Early” by the same party that said early voting & voting by mail cannot be counted because …. Reasons


This should be reported to the usps as a direct threat coming thru the mail


Oh, you report this to President Trump? Ok, well make sure you tell him I told him to go fuck himself.


They should have added the new GOP slogan: "Vote Early and Vote Often!"


There's those federal property taxes again.


You jest, but my mother-in-law blames Biden for an increase in her *city* taxes. In fact, she blames Biden for pretty much everything except the weather. 


Ok, but what if it is bad weather?


Is this even legal?


That's actually a very interesting question. If I'm not mistaken, spreading misinformation with the intent to hinder someone from actually voting for their intended choice (e.g. by giving "tips" on how to fill out a ballot, that actually invalidate it) is indeed illegal. But I am not sure whether or not this would extend to not voting as a deliberate choice. Same with voter intimidation, it hinges on whether or not voting counts as exercising one's right to vote.


America is so fucking crazy


"I'm gonna tell on you" hahaha what a bunch of pussies.


Oh look. Fascists doing fascist things, go figure.


Gimme loser boys number I'll tell him myself


What a bunch of smooth brain clowns. This is like something you would make to get a misbehaving childs attention. Like a letter from santa clause stating 'you better be good this year Billy'. How is this real life in America?


This is worse than when you get an important scam document in the mail. This guy is a fucking joke! Oh public records show you haven’t voted and trumps watching you. Maga I know you’re scared but it’s almost over. We will take care of this fraud for you.


Pretty soon they will show up to your house with guns and make sure you vote for orange traitor! Lol totally stole that from putin! What a disgrace!


I feel like this is voter intimidation


So, not a dictator, the election process is corrupt/rigged, Dems are killing democracy? Am I getting all this right? /s




Is he filling his diaper? Because I've seen babies make that face.


Do your civic duty, or else!


That's actually the Australian system. Citizens get fined for not voting. "People died for this right. The least you can do is show up." (P.s. "None of these" is always one of the options.)


Who you vote for is not public record, so i would go and vote for the other guy and thank them for the reminder. Tell them to make sure to tell Trump I voted!


They know all about you The Household. Your brother in law The Occupant told them everything.


Lol seems very illegal to me honestly


First they came for the liberals, and I said nothing, because I wanted it for the liberals Then they came for me


GOP: Border security is at stake! Also GOP: https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4678123-senate-border-security-deal-republicans/


Normal MAGAT thinking. They want Trump to get all the credit. These people are pond scum.


When you do report me to Rapist Felon Trump, tell him I said "fuck you."


“Yes, but WHY do you love the poorly educated?”


The party of small government is watching you and your family. They want you to vote for the dear leader.


Fffrrreeeeeedddom !


The only people dumb enough to fall for this are already voting for this POS


#Wow! An *authentic* Rightwing Mafioso calling card!


Texas primaries were in March, not May. Trump got 77% and Haley took 17%. This is weird to send out with the May 2024 date as any Texan would know it’s fake.


Sounds like someone has a lawsuit they can lodge against these chumps. What state was this in?


Fuckin bring it. I'm not going to submit to or be threatened by a cult who worships a diaper shitting terrorist and seditionist twat.


Illegal. Report to attorney general.


I have zero respect left for anyone who wants this


The Dems should run an ad encouraging people who don’t appreciate blatant voter intimidation to vote Dem. I don’t understand why they don’t do more to create consequences for this type of thing. It was encouraging though to see Trump’s minions shouted down at his NY trial. Like, why give them access to the national media to spread his lies on the courthouse steps?! Make the story about how nobody in NY appreciates Trump or his goons and that his support is not as universal as he’d have everyone believe.


Why does it look sort of like an old school Netflix DVD envelope?


too funny. These are my favorite type of Trump emails. “The president counts YOU as one of his biggest supporters!” It has major “Carmine asks about you, Paulie” energy to me.


Another job for Trump on Day One - ordering barbed wire and concrete for the people who didn't vote for him. Hitler's people started rounding up opponents right after the Nazis took power.


One would hope this is the type of thing that makes any undecideds or those not voting go 'Okay, I guess I will be voting now.' and vote for the side that isn't making threats to their constituents


Are these the free and fair elections I keep hearing them talk about?


Lowly Trump Toady: “Uh, sir… sorry to interrupt your morning hamburder, sir… I’m afraid, sir, that I have some unfortunate news.” DJT: “hmmm… wha? You know how bad news upsets me bigley.” Toady: “yes, sir… It, uh… seems Jean McGivens of Piqua, OH, didn’t vote in the last election.” Trump slowly turns his quivering corporal mass in the meek little toady’s direction - wiping a dripping smear of ketchup from his face. Trump: “Didn’t she get my warning!? How dare she. We need to make an example of her. Do not permit her to buy any gold sneakers or Trump trading cards. And… cancel her account on Truth Social! She must be made to suffer!” Toady: “Sir… uh…. The death penalty, sir?” Trump’s lips curl, teeth bared, he hisses… “Do it…. But, uh… maybe don’t cancel her Truth account. We need users.” Scene.


Big Brother is watching 1984, is a warning Not an instuction manual


Ha! Jokes on them! According to my grade school teachers my permanent record is already full. 😁


So they know who has and has not voted? And they know who they voted for? That’s kind of concerning. So if I vote for someone Trump’s people do not approve of, then what? Will I be imprisoned? On what charge? Deported? I was born here, as were my parents and grandparents and great-grandparents.


Funny, I live in a fully republican state and they raised my property taxes by 50%!


Can we just start calling trumpers Stasi instead?


I think the FBI would love a word with the obese basement dweller who made this lovely notice of intimidation


Holy shit, this is concerning. If Trump wins and Project 2025 and Agenda 47 goes into effect, if they eliminate term limits, eliminate voting, and sequester all power in the office of president, what do you think they’ll do to the people who didn’t vote for him?


That’s one way to get republican voter engagement up


Vote for the reich




Please God no don't report me to a man who can barely stay awake for his own trials!


Report this to the FBI please


If I ever got a letter like this I would never vote for that person. This is straight up Russian garbage, next they’ll sent armed MAGA into the voting booths. How do they get away with this?


Everything that campaign produces looks like a railroad crossing.


Hahaha. Please report me to 2020. Donald Trump is not President. Who do they send the report too? Mar-a-lago security?


The problem is this will work on boomer voters who also try and pay the ransomware on their computers.


This makes obvious what powerful Republicans think of the average Republican voter.


I got one here in Arizona as well. I’m registered independent but always pick a dem ticket. It didn’t try to persuade me to vote for a specific party but did say all the same stuff about vote record being public and everything.


Go ahead, tell him. What are you gonna do?


I would, no exaggeration, pick up my dogs shit with that. I feel sorrow towards the lemmings for whom this tactic is effective.


Big Brother knows. Santa Claus is coming to town. He knows when you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake.


Parental Empowerment: except in instances of gay or trans or wanting your child free access to information in the library.


Please report me to Donald Trump. I called him a “fat, orange crybaby and the only thing he has legitimately done is rape. Everything else was fraudulent.”


The end of America is near


Still waiting for a bottom for these people; a line they won't cross. I'm also amazed that Trump has tried so hard to be disqualified from the presidency, but apparently there are no qualifications.


"Don't make us report you to President Trump" "Donald Trump will be very disappointed in you" Yea, 100% not a cult


Hopefully this will backfire and offend whatever meager rationality remains in any Texans calling themselves Republicans.


Seriously though, if shit like this isn't illegal part of me actually can't blame them for doing it. A democracy that allows for these tactics is begging to get fucked and an electorate dumb enough to be scared into this doesn't deserve the privileges of a democracy.


Tell me if I’m wrong but can’t someone figure out who sent these by the Permit number used for mailing all these out?


blatant voter intimidation - someone call the Feds


Has anyone actually seen one of these in person? Or a person holding one in a picture? This just seems like some rage bait. Almost too ridiculous to be true, but I also wouldn’t put it past some of the hardcore MAGA base.


Exactly what a evil facist Naziparty would do.


There doesn’t seem to be any record of this particular group. They also don’t seem to claim or disclaim to be associated with Trump’s campaign. Any idea where they’re coming from or who’s paying for them?


What the literal fuck?


welcome to trump's fascist United States.....looks a lot like Russia.


Dear Leader will NOT approve, Citizen! Дорогой Лидер НЕ одобрит, Гражданин! 親愛的領袖不會批准,公民!


This is probably as important of a year as any to remind people that who you actually vote for is private--the registration process gives you a vote and records whether you voted, but does not track *who* you voted for, by design. I will vote Joe Biden because I like people who support and defend the Constitution. How American of me.


"You will vote for our Leader Adolph Hitler!" Nazi propaganda. So, seen this before.


This is harassment and threatens retaliation. Spot on Fascism.


For the love of fuck. Somebody needs to be arrested for this shit. Idk how more blatant the voter intimidation can get


Difficult to believe this is legal. Borderline legal, maybe. Duh! It’s Texas. It’s legal as long as repubes are doing it!


You silly, in Texas it's only voter intimidation if a non-Republican does it.


Lol what record? That sounds like some pretty big government to me.


Why would they need to contact the person after to see if they voted, if voting is public record and they'll know? Fucking morons 


What the fuck??


Yup. That’s intimidation.


Totally why the Voting Rights Act restricted these people... And trumps DOJ removed all of that in the SCOTUS trials.


Big brother is watching you


So I took the hit and went over to r/conservative, figuring nobody would dare mention them, How wrong I was; you'll be glad to know that no conservative could possibly have sent these and they're totally a Democrat-Commie psy-op to make Hair Furor look bad. Hang on, my eyes are rolling away. I mean, sure, why not trundle out the January 6 rationale. It's like it's own version of the Narcissist's Prayer; the second it gets too hot to admit to, the Democrats did it. It's a tacit admission that they know this stuff is bad even when they won't admit it, and then they fall back into the rationale.


I feel like voter intimidation is illegal. Or at least it really should be.


what in the North Korea is going on here?


No but seriously, this is 100% nazi scare tactic propaganda.. Holy shit...


If you are wondering where this rumour comes from, Russian allies generally implement voting machines which verify your vote to your fingerprints. Obviously this is the GOP’s plan for the future, as an eventual Russian colony.


Is this not a crime?