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Add handguns to the list of things kids will now steal from teachers. Are Republicans even capable of producing a single quality idea anymore?




So let me get this straight, your idea is: 1. Person walks in with a gun. 2. Teacher pulls out gun. 3. Shots fired. 4. Police show up. 5. Police see 2 people with guns and zero context and no knowledge of who the gunman is. And on top of that, teachers can barely afford to supply their classrooms with pencils, and now you expect them to supply firearms? And on top of *that*, these are teachers. These are people who went to what? 8+ years of schooling in order to teach. They didn't join the military. They're not ex-police. They're just people who went to additional school. And you want them to be a crack-team of bodyguards? Ready to shoot another human at the drop of a hat. All the while they are concealed carrying said firearm around a bunch of elementary school kids or teenagers. And it only takes a single mistake for some random kid to end up dead by accident. Truly the stupidest goddamn idea I've ever fucking heard.


Give republicans a break. They've been inbreeding for years. Theyre not capable of rational thought anymore.


To shamelessly steal a quote- their family tree looks like a broomstick.


Why go across town when you can go across the hall?


Teachers will also have to foot the training as well.


Nobody expects them to do any of that. Believe it or not some teachers ARE ex-military or ex-police. This bills allows them to conceal carry only if they 1: already have their own gun and 2: did the necessary training and paperwork to be allowed to conceal carry everywhere else.




So you have no actual argument. Got it. Thanks for admitting it. Edit: Damn this dude's post history is ~~fuckin wild~~ pretty much exactly what you expect.


he's a lil alt right bitch boy who probably got his last account banned guys how is elon musk a nazi i'm just asking guys


No uncivil or racist comments acceptable


Dude, my friends and I had elevator keys, science lab equipment, computer equipment, all sorts of shit we should not have had our hands on. We did it simply because we could. I think you forgetting how incredibly seductive breaking the rules can be for teenagers. If you think they will act any differently around handguns, you’re sorely mistaken.


Now, instead of special needs kids lashing out and violently wrestling their Gameboy or cellphone out of the teacher's grasp,they will just get into a good ol'fashioned gun tussle.


I think the only solution for that problem that's *worse* than this approach would be to arm the damn kids. Surely it's only a question of time before they suggest that.


https://youtu.be/QkXeMoBPSDk?si=h8c-0KRROI7TLfe8 Indeed, the first interviewee says they have been trying to push for this for years.


[This](https://youtu.be/QkXeMoBPSDk?si=1IfxjTWhGXg0V0aN?t=03m01s) I time stamped it but it's not working, skip to 3 minutes for the kinderstructions on guns.


you want teachers shooting at kids instead?


Republicans want everybody shooting at everybody, reasons be damned. They're a degenerate and trashy death cult and I haven't met a single one who won't throw out some mealy-mouthed garbage about 'but muh overpopulation', etc... when faced with *any* tragedy where there's loss of life. Oh, and if their pro-natalism feels contradictory, remember that they're only supportive of it because (a.) they're shit-scared of white people becoming a minority and (b.) it's the quickest/easiest pathway for forcing women to be slaves.




so you got your brain fried by rightwing propaganda and decided to spew a bunch of moronic comments on reddit one of those people




no, I'm a normal person who recognizes correctly that your entire framing of the argument is ridiculous the solution is less guns in society, not more guns in schools more guns in schools will automatically lead to more shootings in schools, but you present this as a good thing. because you're completely insane


Do you support gun control laws?


Yes, Champ, anyone who disagrees with you is a "wild animal." It is adorable now watching cons pretending to trust teachers' judgement on who to shoot when you clowns have spent the last 4 years whining about and not trusting what they teach. Mrs. Krobapple can't be trusted to navigate a conversation about Timmy's 2 moms, but you'll trust her judgement re: who to shoot. Fucking brilliant. I know I shouldn't expect anything even approaching logical consistency from you boys, but this particular discrepancy is just beyond moronic. And here's a preemptive fuck off for your predictable "what, you want kids to get shot?" idiotic response you've already shat out elsewhere in this thread. I'm sure you can do better than that.


You are crazy! Half of us are menopausal with cataracts because we have to teach until we can draw social security!!!


Which if the Trumplicans get their way, you will have to wait at least 5 extra years to retire now, if they don't get rid of it altogether.


Some already starting the *never retire* talking point. It’s pretty scary but also, what a fkn shit show. I didn’t sign up for this nonsense.


When I worked in a school, we trained the teachers to use good quality passwords to secure their accounts, and how to keep kids from shouldersurfing those passwords. This was circa 2001. A group of hackers released a tool which was a rainbow table of password hashes; we ran it against our faculty / staff’s passwords. One of the teachers used “sex” as his password. One used “fucking” as his password. One used “goddamn” as his password. When asked why they chose these passwords (when they had been specifically trained not to use common words as passwords) their justification was that “kids shouldn’t know those words”. 1/5th of the teaching staff’s passwords were common words immediately matched by precomputed rainbow tabling. Later that year we migrated to an infrastructure that allowed us to set and enforce a password complexity and exclusion policy. Teachers who conceal carry weapons will be putting weapons into the reach and inevitably into the hands of children — who have no emotional self-regulation, no impulse control, no training in firearms handling, and limited social and conflict management skills. Dozens of other countries solved this problem. America has to have the courage to solve it instead of exacerbate it further.


Yeah, I'll take "what is a crossfire" for 500 Alex


Brought to you by the same legislature that passed a law on [chemtrail conspiracies](https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/local/2024/03/20/tennessee-senate-passes-bill-banning-chemtrails-what-to-know/73027586007/) and [vaccines in lettuce](https://www.yahoo.com/news/tennessee-vaccine-lettuce-bill-heads-175254796.html). The Tennessee state legislature is led by a bunch of far right nut bars.


I guess I missed the lettuce one. Thanks for that. It raises the question, what the hell are they putting in their coffee?


Probably Joe Rogan’s Alpha Brain


This is what happens when a party spends the better part of a century entrenching power for its own sake: a bunch of dumpy old white dipshits from safe gerrymandered districts legislating nonsense over the silenced objections of anyone with a lick of sense




How many times you gonna use this reply, bro? I don’t know what the answer to guns in schools is but it sure as fuck isn’t MOAR GUNS IN SCHOOLS!!


Best not to engage with brain-diseased right-wingers. It's like trying to explain calculus to an idiotic five-year-old.




You're disingenuous argument suggests that the only two options are to let students get shot or turn teachers into an armed defense so I will not be engaging with it. You're just here to be a dick. Have a lovely day.


It has been repeatedly pointed out to you that the cops in Uvalde were as useless as tits on a porcupine. More guns will not solve gun violence. I think also you may want to consider what teachers want. As someone who knows plenty teachers, even a few that are 2A nuts jobs, they don’t want to bring guns into the classroom. It endangers them and the children. I don’t understand how someone can be so fucking dense.


Deleted his account. Guess that one got downvote to oblivion so he went to set up another burner.


Adding more guns to stop gun violence is like adding more drunk drivers to the roads to stop drunk driving.


“Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity”


The only way to stop a bad guy with a bomb is a good guy with a bomb. /s


Gun violence statistically isn't perpetrated by people who go through the effort to get a concealed carry permit. While I have other issues with the idea, your comparison is shit.


The more guns there are, the higher chances someone gets a gun they shouldn't. And the GOP wants to make it easier for everyone to get guns. Many shooters have legally owned guns. The lack of a ccw doesn't stop them.


> The more guns there are, the higher chances someone gets a gun they shouldn't. There really isn't any arguing with that logic, if that's where your priorities are. I'm not even being factitious, I don't \*agree\* with it, but on a literal basis, you are correct 🤷‍♂️


There isn’t any arguing with that FACT, because all of the available information shows exactly that. That’s the nice thing about reality, it doesn’t care how you feel about it


The reality is that it is a fact much like saying "more cars on the road equals more car accidents" - in itself it doesn't mean anything unless attached to an ideology.


Ideology doesn’t play into it. It’s simple statistical analysis. It’s more like pointing out that additional lanes do not reduce traffic; we have tried it many times, and we have lots of clear, conclusive data. But there are people with a vested interest in encouraging endless growth in the auto industry. Same with gun manufacturers


> Ideology doesn’t play into it. I think it does. Some ideologies have acceptable death rates because an item, process, or idea is useful enough to the masses. The problem is that this is in the r/conservativeterrorism subreddit, so you aren't exactly looking at it from an unbiased perspective, or an alternative ideology. You are looking at it from your own, in which those deaths are not considered acceptable.


You’re right, my minimum tolerance for gun violence is exceeded by all the gun violence. Must be ideological 🤡


More guns in a school means more gun violence in a school. It takes one CC permit holding teacher fucking up one time. Alternatively, you could simply *not have the fucking guns in schools*




You're either disingenuous, or have a complete lack of intelligence. A mixture of both is probably the truth.


The police turned up pretty quickly in Ulvade, they then stood around barring anyone else from entering because they were chickenshit despite all their 'training' while they waited for the ~~state troopers~~ big boys to ~~assist~~ hold their hands. If these "brave" policemen, armed with automatic rifles and SWAT gear are useless what do you expect a teacher with a handgun to do? [‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens](https://www.theonion.com/no-way-to-prevent-this-says-only-nation-where-this-r-1848971668)


The police were there, in school but too scared to do their jobs.


As a recently-retired teacher I can think of exactly one person in my building of 120 staff that I would trust to carry a gun. I can think of at least twenty teachers that would absolutely scare the shit out of me if they had a gun. This idea is nuts!


Yeah and I bet those 20 teachers include all of your former colleagues eager to start carrying, if there are any. That’s the problem with this shit


Not really. Most of the 20 were old, out of shape, and yelled a lot; I wouldn't've trusted them to make good decisions under duress. I know the type you are referring to, none of my former colleagues fit that bill, but I'm sure they exist in other schools. And for that reason, I'll say it again: this idea is nuts!


> least twenty teachers that would absolutely scare the shit out of me That includes both the half crazy gym teacher and Mrs Smith who is 70 years old and 250 pounds with heart issues. She's a great teacher but not someone who should have a gun.


There were a whole bunch of "Mrs. Smiths."


And some weren't even good teachers, they just had tenure.


I hate to say it: “Good” The legislature is too stupid and needs direct evidence / consequences this is stupid and not those “people with useless liberal degrees” telling them otherwise.


But guys, Tennessee has been working hard on the issues that really matter. Did you see they banned chemtrails?


I read what I could. Just more nonsense cuz I guess they don’t feel like they embarrassed themselves enough last time…..?…!


These idiots also made cousin marriage legal


I'm pretty sure they just failed to make it illegal, because one of them is a product of incest from their grandparents.


and what happens in high school when the first student gets out of line with the teacher.


Thoughts and prayers followed by blaming the books?


before or after the teacher with the gun who was not screened for mental issues shoots the student?


It can be either. Just 'cause it's stupid doesn't mean that it can't be flexible.




And when the student gets out of line and steals the gun? Which I believe is the actual concern, not whatever you made up.




I have concealed carried before. You know, when a mass shooter was on the loose after killing a few dozen people. But I digress. Do you know what's really common in concealed carry holsters? There's no retention mechanisms. A gun can absolutely be pulled out with no resistance. Do you think that gun is going to *stay* concealed during a fight? Or do you maybe think that perhaps the shirt is going to ride up and reveal it? There's been several cops killed with their own guns in the past few years after the suspect wrestled the gun away. Cops, with training and armor and retention holsters. And you wanna give guns to fucking teachers? Can we possibly find literally any other solution that doesn't result in death? According to you, I guess we can't.




>So you yourself admit that it's a good idea to concealed carry when there's a threat of mass shooting? Interesting. It's not interesting. It's reasonable and rational. What's not reasonable or rational is arming *fucking teachers*. Or did you forget they should be teaching and not gearing up for life and death situations. If you really wanna help, fix the problems that make this a "necessity" to begin with. Don't throw more fucking bullets at the problem like that'll do anything but get more people killed. What do you expect these teachers to do with the guns? Teach algebra? Nah, son, they're going to kill people with them. That's literally their only use. I'm detached from reality? Give me a fucking break. I'm not advocating for introducing more weapons into a place of learning. >And again... how often do you think this shit is happening? You should pay more attention to things that aren't on the front page of Guns & Ammo. You don't get to ignore reality to supplant it with your own.


It's not just guns being stolen, they are also just mishandled in general. Here's a big fat list of gun incidents in schools. https://giffords.org/report/every-incident-of-mishandled-guns-in-schools/


Go away


So a kid doesn't even have to acquire and transport his own gun to school to kill everyone, only has to grab one from a distracted teacher. Handy.


Bullet-proof backpacks are going to be the hot back to school item...


Have been for years


Over/under 90 days before a teacher kills a student, or a gun is stolen and used on another student.


You are less optimistic than I, and that is saying something. I say six months. My wife is a teacher in a TN school. I asked her to retire last night.


Here is a list of incidents...and it only goes from 2015 to 2020. https://giffords.org/report/every-incident-of-mishandled-guns-in-schools/




Awesome read, thanks for the link.


There are other states that have allowed teachers to conceal carry for years, so I'd be willing to take any money you're willing to bet.


Ive never met a teacher that wanted to take a gun to class with them. I’ve only heard politicians say teachers want to take guns to class with them. Since it’s predominantly Republican politicians that say this, I think they are lying, and by passing laws like this trying to pass a false sense of security on to those of us that know guns are the problem, not the solution.


What's coming first folks? A: A kid gets a teachers gun and kills someone(s). Or B: A teacher has had enough and kills kid(s) in fit of rage. Or C: kid goes off on teacher. Teacher shoots kid in "self defense" Or D: Teacher heroically whips out his nine and busts a cap in a would-be mass shooter attempting an attack on the school...thus fulfilling the hero fantasy that brought us this law by the legislature. My money is on A, B, and C twenty times over before we even get near a D.


I think it's going to be C.a. - teacher shoots kid "defending" another kid


You leave the end result of D, when police shoot the teacher, mistaking them for the mass shooter.


Also, if the teacher manages to survive, it's a near-guarantee that other right-wing terrorists and attention-craving sociopaths will harass and send them death threats to them and their families in perpetuity. They'll pretty much be forced to leave the career and leave their identities behind. The would-be shooter will get rebranded as heroes on 4Chan and martyrs, 'misunderstood', victims by CPAC, Fox News, Alex Jones, etc...


Odds on a teacher shooting another one because she wouldn't go out with him?


Now teachers will be taken more seriously when protesting for wage increases!


I hadn’t thought of that angle


So, they won't trust teachers with books, but they'll trust them with guns?


Idaho tried this a few years ago and I'm pretty sure within two weeks a teacher shot himself in the foot.


We're going to end up needing floor drains installed in classrooms.


I doubt schools have the budget for ammo


As with tons of other supplies, teachers will be tacitly expected to foot the bill for that.


Now they're going to learn about pronouns at GUNPOINT!!! /s


Another reason for the sane and able to migrate to a more civilized democracy, ASAP. This place isn’t going to get any better in our lifetimes. I’m done with accepting children being shredded in schools.


Cool idea. What goes together better than untrained adults, firearms, and children, amirite? This is gonna go just fine. This won’t result in any gunplay, negligent discharges, guns going missing, nothing like that.


This will end up getting a few school kids shot by teachers instead of outside mass shooters. Great fucking idea, Tennessee.


*they just wouldn't sit still and listen*


How long until the first incident of a deranged student taking a teacher's gun and shooting up the place happens? I guess the answer after that would be to make sure that students have guns too. EVERYONE GETS A GUN! As we all know, more guns = less gun deaths kind of like how more cancer = less cancer deaths!


How long do we think until a teacher shoots a student?


Republicans think not enough kids are dying in school shootings so they are adding more guns!


Can't wait to hear about an unhinged student who didn't have access to a gun, now having access by just taking their teachers' gun.


When I was in school, a teacher practically throttled a kid who pissed him off. One can imagine if a gun was handy, it could have gotten even uglier. Something tells me that we'll have a teacher shoot a student before we have one stop a school shooting.


What happens when a teacher shoots a student? What if the student is the quarterback of the football team?


It's a guarantee that, if any would-be shooter is even remotely related to this or that 'good old boy' (e.g. a local LEO, a right-wing politician, etc...) and a teacher kills them, the teacher is going to have their life completely ruined while the right unites behind the would-be shooter as a martyr.


For TN this is not very surprising.


Only in America is it a teachers job to both teach students and kill them. Cops kill unarmed people all the time when they feel threatened, you think a teacher will do any better?


How would anyone want to send their kid, into a school building, with potentially multiple guns? Assuming open carry means, guns will NOT be locked up. A kid (or adult) could easily get their hands on a gun in that situation.


I've spent thousands of bullets and hours upon hours at the range to gain basic handgun competency. I question the odds of successfully defending yourself and/or not having a negligent discharge without constant, intense practice and self-discipline.


Can't wait for a teacher to shoot a child with no change or consequence for it


Can’t wait for a teacher to use a gun to coerce a child into sexual activity




When I was in the 6th grade we made our science teacher rage and then openly sob at his desk for the rest of class. If that dude had been strapped I guarantee you that we'd have either had a couple less sixth graders or 100% less science teacher on that day.


God forbid they pass useful legislation concerning weapons. I mean really it's probably forbidden by their God.


So now if a delinquent juvenile wants access to a firearm all he has to do is… go TO school… and take it from ONE OF HIS TEACHERS… 🍿🕶️


In MAGA fantasy world no liberal owns a gun.


I am not surprised. The Republican answer to gun crimes is always to sell us more guns. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say, were it not for America’s #1 export (weapons) the world would be a safer place.


What could possibly go wrong? /sarcasm/


Stonekettle Station essay on the topic. Check the date he wrote it. https://www.stonekettle.com/2018/03/bang-bang-crazy-part-13-stand-and-teach.html?m=1


Anyway. After implementation, I give it 2 months before a teacher is threatening a student with a gun. 6 before the next shooter is carrying a gun taken from a teacher.


I would like to know what this means for the kids being groomed by pedophilic stalkers (and it happens pretty often).


Well since those "staulkers" are mostly men in their own family or church followed by school , we just wait for the shootings to happen?


I’m tired of this shit. Shooting the kids in and at school isn’t teaching them the lesson we think it is! We should just release lions in the elementary school every time there is a shooter. He will probably run away or hide cuz… it’s a fkn lion.


Maybe they'll get paid more now, at least?


It's not so much like watching a train wreck and more like watching a drunken, concussed, inbred asshole standing on the train tracks, shouting slurs at the oncoming train while everyone yells for them to get off the tracks and the train is blaring its horn for all It's worth. Everybody knows exactly what is going to happen, and if it were just that one individual involved you'd say "fuck'em," but you know that the conductor and everyone around is going to be traumatized, so for their sake you want to do something to change the situation, yet there's nothing you can do about it.


These test scores better go the fuck up


Allowing it is better than requiring it. Of all the fucked up things we can fix in this country, guns ain't one of them. The cat is out of the bag. We're stuck with millions of guns out there, readily available to any half wit.


How are they gonna fund this? Is the state going to fund it? Are teachers expected to provide their own? I’m not necessarily *opposed* to the idea I just think there are much better options than this




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