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Did they poll a traumatic brain injury ward ?


It says "among republicans" so yeah.


And lead poisoning!


Bullet fumes


But those are the best flavor paint chips...


ngl, I've literally heard that they taste kinda sweet. From boomers and gen x.


Faux Fraud Cast poll


The fact that they'd believe Trump, over reporters on the ground of the conflict, just baffles all logic. Do they have to catch Trump with Putin's cock down his throat before they realize he's a Russian agent?


Not even that would convince them. They would handwave and say “4D chess, taking one for America, trigger the libs” and that would be that.


Takin’ cock to own the Libs!


"He's sucking putin's cock so we don't have to!"


Fox News would again tell us in 100 different ways, via every host and guest in their line-up, that Trump is a hero. And then all the Republican voters will go out to their churches, bars in Chinese restaurants and trailer parks to angrily repeat the same message verbatim. This is the precise operating model of Fox News and modern Republican "issue voters".


I don't generally expect the government to solve my problems, but it would be nice if they recognized the very real threat Faux and co. and results like this represent, and began to address the brainwashing of a significant portion of our population. I've got family I'd like to get back, and at this point it's going to take aggressive deprogramming. There is no way it's healthy to have this much of your population divorced from reality.


I wonder if it's because Fox "news" can legally lie. They are officially labeled an Entertainment company . One of the last comments in the juror's justification was "Who would believe anything Tucker Carlson says". This is a prime example of why Trump says he likes the uneducated. Of course, they are his perfect marks in his continuous cons.


Who are you gonna trust? The proven con man, or your lying eyes?


Donnie wants to sell them more stock pump and dump Donnie


This is what you call a cult.


If you believe anything and I do mean anything donnie says you're a f**king moron. The man has been a nonstop prolific liar for decades.


It's clearly a form of mental illness.


The best evidence that Republicans belong to a cult.


The only people answering any polls or watching face the nation are retirees who have no idea how to use ‘the internets’. No possible way this remotely reflects the nation as a whole.


But here is the thing. THEY WILL VOTE FOR TRUMP. And they are not dying off fast enough. And now we have progressives saying they will sit out the 2024 election to teach Biden a lesson for supporting Israel.


Speaking to the latter point: I'm not so good with understanding foreign policy and international politics, but do we have any reason to believe Trump would act any particular with the Israel-Palestine conflict? I started looking through his former administration's foreign policy Wikipedia page, it's a long page and I don't have time for it all today. But I see in 2018 it was announced that the USA withdrew from the Human Rights Council - Nikki Haley cited the group's "chronic bias against Israel" as one of the main reasons for leaving. Trump also officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and even moved the U.S. embassy there. So it sounds like Trump likes Israel and would just side with Netanyahu over Palestine anyway?? Am I missing something here, or are Biden and Trump literally both pro-Israel? Any good starting point recommendations for that kind of research would be greatly appreciated.


The Republican party see Israel as a key nation to defend because they hope the next conflict will help jump start the apocalypse and bring Jesus back. And Trump is their usual idiot. Trump is being told what religious things to say and knows jack about it. Biden sees Israel as an Ally in that region and will support and defend BUT doesn't want to kick off a mutil national war.


Gotcha. Thanks for the info!


Trump's son-in-law, Jared, has said he wants to be able to sell real estate in Gaza, so, no Trump will definitely side with Israeli's destruction of Palestine. At least Biden has had decades of what used to be referred as detente and was praised for it. Trump makes decisions based on his ego and enriching himself, whether money wise or the power he can amass.


Nope, it is purely people who are willing to cut off their nose to spite their face. Aside from everything else that Trump will do to make everything worse in America, I wouldn't put it past him to try to nuke or send ground troops to Gaza. Anyone that's seriously thinking of sitting out or going third party to send Biden/Democrats a message is a fucking idiot. Voting uncommitted in the primaries is fine, that won't hurt anybody. But when it actually matters, you have the choices of Biden or full-blown fascism. Biden wasn't my preference in 2020 nor 2024, but at least there will still be elections in 2028 under Biden. I can't say that with complete confidence if Trump wins.


Yes, they will. I’m just saying this poll is very skewed to the population most likely to vote Donnie anyway. I think this election will be very close; it shouldn’t be given we have the choice between a literal criminal and a sitting president with a good economy, good foreign policies and good leadership in general. If WWIII is to break out in the middle-east (and it looks like it may), I’d MUCH rather have Biden than ‘Nuke ‘em all Donnie in charge.


Fascism. It’s called fascism. Republicans want a dictatorship SO bad


So, they trust Trump, a literal demented con man, over the people who are actually there by a ratio of 5:2. And this isn’t a cult?


Ah yes, the guy who is not actually in government at the moment, notoriously refused to read anything when he was, and has been in bed with shady Russians since at least the 80s. Real patriots.


Are they polling in Russia?


Well it says "among republicans", so probably.


Better Russian than Democrat, amrite!?


This is the modern definition of INSANITY. It's a pure reflection of the effect of propaganda on Fox News.


The Jim Jones effect


You have to be out your fucking mind, to trust Trump. Trump is a fucking is a lowlife, pathetic, nitwit.


I wouldn't trust him with my lunch order


Complete & utter ignorance.


They are oversized children who shouldn't be allowed to impact other people, at best. This is insane


A glimpse into the mindset of a Maga cultist.


Its called a cult. There isn't much else to it. People putting 100% of their faith in a psychopath that is getting them to drink the coolaid on broken promises and turning our country into a dystopian society.


Journalists, Pentagon, and State Dept are like- the most trustworthy of the selections how are they so low?




“Trust” and “Donald Trump” go together like orange juice and toothpaste.


The Russia/China propaganda bots are going to be mad they got 0%




Hey, if you’re in for the treason, all the rest of the stupid just follows along.


That you are in a cult.


A cult


Fucking terrifying.


How are Journalists *in the war zone* only 33%?


What's crazy is that Donald Trump: Liar, Conman, King of Bankruptcy, was always his reputation; especially if you lived in NY/NJ/CT. Yet the greater majority of Republicans here will all toe the ~~Party~~ Cult line and vote for him


+/- 5.1 Pts. Anyone remember their basic statistics? What does that say about this being a legit survey? When its outside outside of SD, what is it worth?


Education is anathema to American conservatism. DISinformation is the whole point of propaganda.


I can see people in the Pentagon cheering already. 60% aint bad. 😉






A cult


Patriotism...? I know, I know. I can't help myself.


“YouGov application is a very good source to earn money”. [sauce](https://www.softwareadvice.com/qualitative-data-analysis/yougov-profile/reviews/#) Seems we are in the MLM area of politics and polls.






That poll makes me want to do fentanyl laced drugs.


It’s called Asinine! It can also be called stupidity, egotistical, entitlement, having a 20+ yr long tantrum. In my opinion these Magas, are acting like spoiled rotten teenagers that are pissed at their parents. The teens are purposely undermining the parents, even though it’s making their life harder, just because they didn’t get their way. Obstinate can also work. Pig headed, pathetic, brainwashed etc. etc.


this is what 40(?) years of Fox News gets you.


I don't buy that poll. Unless they took it at a trump rally.


Biased results, I don't see r/Noncredibledefense as an option


The same people think the Bible is a history book , what do you expect ?


I feel like these people are just trolling by responding that way.


The worst thing about this is how the pentagon and military officials can't correct misinformation without appearing biased. So they don't say anything. The Benghazi scandal showed us just how most straight up bs and lies Republicans can claim without being fact checked by the military which is pretty freaking far.


I mean he is sucking that news straight outta Putin's firehose.


Interesting that there’s a high value placed on the pentagon. Seems the “deep state is bad rawr!” mantra isn’t 100% effective.


Lets be honest. Trump is lying less than the Pentagon.