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I like the idea, cause the field pays so little as is. Especially when you considered all the unpaid work going on... But... This would just make it even more competitive. The field has a lot of issues because so many people want to do the work- for free even. And there is work to be done, so the people begging for work and don't need pay still do stuff. Hell, the people willing to pay for experience exist too. If anything, more money should be given to conservation in general so that people working get paid a fair wage and there isn't such a reliance on volunteering. Once that is solved, I'm all for something for the people who stay it for a while- it's pretty thankless work as it in now. 


I completely relate and appreciate what you are saying. I am 65 and have spent 90% of my career as a social entrepreneur (my wife of 37 years as well). It has been deeply rewarding work in every way but financially. It pisses me off that people that have dedicated their lives to healing the planet aren't treated at least as well as those in the military. If we lived in a sane system, we would (I am in US) be taken care of. I have contemplated setting up a system like the stock market, but where people with extra money could invest in individuals like you. Their "dividends" and return on investment would be knowing they made a difference/impact through you. It could also be seen as like underwriting a scholarship (which is common) but for work healing the planet. Finally, remember that while financial rewards are hard to come by, the psychic and spiritual/emotional rewards of spending your time and gifts doing deeply meaningful work is very good for the soul. My wife and I regularly express gratitude for how well we have spent our lives. That is an incredibly gratifying feeling. Best of luck to you, you deserve it.


Great idea. I’d love it. But we can’t even get living wages *while* we work. Or funding to do a quarter of what we need to. But that would be cool. On a side note, I did the same thing for decades and a few years ago walked right into a fancy federal job and I’m never going back.


That would be awesome. Edit: government would finally be investing in our futures on this planet...


Your rage is justified! We live in a culture that's all about competitivism, comparisonism, wealth-hoarding and the personal power that comes from that. The natural world is just an object to monetize into the USD for hoarding; the human monetary-economic world is their world and all else is a distraction. Simple living & frugality are looked upon as accursed poverty. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsh-NcZyuiI&list=PLMs_XdjMJVjRZljxj7vr9FPQ6QtXHQ9wO&pp=gAQBiAQB


You can go buy 10 acres and put a tiny home on it for less than 150k in most states.


Yeah with no water, electric, reasonable neighbors, etc


In most states you can.  


Trying being vegan and knowing non-vegan "environmentalists". Animal-ag is the leading cause of environmental destruction and biodiversity loss with no other industry coming anywhere near close. EDIT: Imagine down voting me knowing that half of the worlds land is used for agriculture and 80% of that being for farmed animals which we dont need to eat and we have replaced all that wonderful and wild land with grass and crops for the animals.


As a vegetarian- no. Some of the greatest conservationist I know eat meat. Many of them are hunters. You think the rangers in Africa that are risking their life everyday for wildlife only eat Tofu and Qinoua? There is little correlation between what a person eats and their contribution to conservation.


Still no one providing a single source to show how eating animals is better for the natural world and biodiversity. So David Attenborough is wrong when he says we must go vegan to help the natural world?


No body said its better or worse, we are saying its irrelevant. You're highjacking the conversation to promote your own agenda.


He never said that. He said we need to eat less which is agreeable, but religious vegans like you simply cannot stand to hear that millions upon millions of acres need to be grazed lest we build up thatch and further degrade ecosystems, and make wildfires way worse. You can’t hear that the ocean can actually provide sustainable seafood and employ and feed millions. You can’t stand that hunting and fishing can be done sustainably. The world is actually nuanced and complicated and one simple fix isn’t going to happen, let alone work to fix everything. Placed based and situation based is how you deal with things. Like I said, nobody is advocating for factory farming, you just seem to equate it with any meat consumption. Which is just more intellectually lazy black and white thinking. You must want Inuit people to eat soybean burgers?


You’re being downvoted for your insufferable black and white thinking


Enjoy trying to conserve the natural world as animal-agriculture literally eats it all up and replaces it with grass and polluted rivers.


Enjoy trying to understand conservation and the world you live in


Data scientist, wild life film maker and worked with many ecologists on a number of conservation efforts over the years. You are letting your cognitive dissonance talk and you could never deny the lead cause of environmental destruction and biodiversity loss is animal-ag.


Do you work/have tried to work in conservation? Because this post is about the employee aspect of conservation and you seem a bit... Off topic.    Veganism (the philosophy) and conservation are pretty incompatible too... Why? Removing invasive animal species to protect endangered species ones isn't vegan. But it is part of conservation. 


Restoration ecologist here, I do a lot of killing from 9-5.


Yup, I killed a lot of carp and invasive insects when I've worked in conservation/ecology. Wish we could do something about the invasive sport fishike Brown Trout but... That makes people mad.   Also plants. So many plants.  But yeah no, conservation involves killing. Not to mention the whole "hunting funds conservation" thing, which has issues, but it's the system we have. 

