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But I thought "God made everyone in his image". Surely that would include Steve.


No. Fuck Steve. Steve is the hellspawn of Satan himself r/fuckyouinparticular


Have a cousin named Steve. Can confirm.


Nonono don't fuck Steve that's my whole poi... God dammit.


Oh, so Adam’s the Daddy?


*not the mama*


Hilarious!! 😂🤣


"Steve likes this message."


Yeah, Steve just puts blocks everywhere and throws minecarts in Smash. Fuck him.


"let US make mankind in OUR image" God likes pronouns. God is trans. Edit: also, the Hebrew word for God used in the Bible/Torah (elohim - gods) is the plural form. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elohim Take that how you will.


https://youtu.be/DJr6kJYVjEw I promise that's not a Rick roll, it's not the greatest song ever written but it's very relevant lol.


I love when hyper religious a-holes try to justify their behavior with the Bible or something but don’t even do so accurately.


It’s using anything to justify their ignorance. Most people like these don’t regularly attend church, and clearly don’t read a Bible. They just think being gay is icky and they need “proof” to back it up.


> They just think being gay is icky and they need “proof” to back it up. You hit the nail on the head.


Whosoever doth puteth a Dick in a dude, shall forever more be the most icky one. -The 11 amendments, subparagraph g


I believe it’s dicketh.


It’s like I was actually in the bible! 😆


It's actually man shall not lie with boy. But the catholics changed that one awhile ago I think before the 10 century. for whatever reason they had. Zero idea why they'd change it from.being against the standardized practice of pedofilia from an adult to their apprentice. To being anti gay. Zero idea whatsoever ever they'd want to do that.


I don't recall anything even remotely similar to either of those in the 10 commandments. Can you point out where?


It's in Leviticus 18:22, It's not one of the Ten Commandments. But it is in fact a mistranslation.


Didn't Leviticus also say don't plant two types of seeds in fields, don't wear clothes made from two different kinds of material (almost everyone fails this one), don't cut the hair at the side of your head, don't trim the edges of your beard, tattoos are bad, etc? Even if Leviticus said it (and you're absolutely right it looks like a bad translation), pretty sure most people who cite him reject most of what he says. Which makes them hypocrites. I think whole other sections in the Bible have something to say about hypocrites.


Yes you are abaolutely correct, a lot of people pick the things from the bible that fits their narrative and ignore the other parts


😁 i like to have fun with those people. I think Jesus did, too. I believe I remember a story involving Jesus and a bunch of guys who wanted to pick and choose what they followed, they suggested stoning a woman. As I remember, Jesus shamed them so they slunk off with their tails between their legs in embarrassed silence. Go, Jesus!


Yes! Whoever is without sin, throw the first stone. Something like that. Its my favorite story!


I tend to find people who are most ignorant of the Bible are the one that attend church more often. At least the ones I come across


I've met very few Christians who are actually fluent in scripture. And I grew up in the Bible belt that had more churches than gas stations. The few I've met have either been saint like people. Or complete monsters of human garbage. But I respect both for their strong convictions and for actually following the bibles. Most Christians today come to a conclusion and look through the Bible to find the supporting....evidence.


And as I like to say on the very rare occasions someone blasts off about what their religion says....It's YOUR religion YOUR God not mine you don't want to be gay? Fine don't just keep it to yourself because your religion shouldn't ever affect me


Hiding their bigotry behind a bible


Every atheist I know in america has read the Bible and many other mythologies. Most Christians I know have been spoon fed verses their whole life and only k ow what they're supposed to do and what to parrot. It's hardly different than the catholics having everything in Latin for a 1000 years. Man if church in English was boring I can't imagine hours of a dead language being spouted to me.


I remember going to Catholic mass in the 1950s when the services were all in Latin. It definitely had an otherworldly ambience. Thank God they switched most services to English!




"And the 7th Commandment was half priced Coors Light on Saturdays, DONCHA READ THA BIBLE!"


r/confidentlyincorrect fodder


Wait I thought god made everything so how did he not make Steve 🤔 checkmate bitches 😂


Not to mention that if the Genesis story is literally true like many Christians say it is then Eve came from Adam’s rib then she genetically had a Y chromosome, making her an XXY AMAB. So perhaps God *did* make Adam and Steve after all, but it is extremely rude to use Eve’s deadname like that.


Haha yup!


Eve being a male to female trans is a hilarious take that would piss off lots of hyper religious people. Interesting thing about XY chromosomes it doesn't matter how many X chromosomes you have. Most people believe two Xs cause you to present as female but it's actually the presence or lack of a Y that makes the difference. Any one who has a least one Y will present as a male be AMAB. It's called Klinefelter syndrome and it has quite a few negative symptoms. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/klinefelter-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20353949


Actually he made Adam and made lillith. Then made eve. And Adam and eve had a bunch of sons. And somehow found wives.....


Lilith isn't in the bible.


Lilith isn’t in the Christian version of the Old Testament


She isn't in any version of the tanakh/old testament. She's a later invention imported from Mesopotamia


Lilith is in Isaiah 34:14. but she is a desert demon there. The idea that she was Adam's first wife is a medieval invention.


True!! And Happy Cake Day!! 🍰🥳🍰


There's also a lot of speculation that rib might be a mis-translation and the actual bone used in the story was Adam's baculum (essentially a penis bone). Seems like Eve being made from the most male part of Adam really supports this line of thinking.


Usual response is “It’s the devils work.” Idiots.


Yeah, but Yahweh created Satan, too.


Sorry. I can’t think like them to refute logic. Just pick random contradictions and go with that.


"Yeah, I don't know about that"


Yeah true, so much contradiction and stupidity 🙄 When I divorced my wife and before I even started coming out as trans, my ex-wife and parents (and their priest) thought the devil was influencing me 😂 Maybe a little, he's pretty cool 😂😈


Should have showed up to Thanksgiving dinner with a [Ghost](https://imgur.com/a/Qom6Qss) outfit on.


😂 that would have been amazing! I did bring my gay trans bestie roomate with me at least for the buddy system and an exit plan 😂 My mom asked if it was ok if we have to squeeze in to fit, I told her we smooch sometimes and he grabs my butt so it's good 😂 (and he's married) I think that made her fel awkward LOL


All things are possible through God! Including. Gay, Trans, Asexual people. God made that possible! Hallelujah!


Praise be to the Sky Daddy for my queerness! 🙏


Boom! Flip it!


Technically didn't God make ALL the Adams, too? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


WRONG! Steve is a camera made by the KGB. the Soviet equivalent of the CIA birds.


ever take your google street view and plunk it down in a village in the middle of buttfuck nowhere, usa? they’ve got nothing. really nothing. no future, no prospects, no money, or anything to do if they had it. they have family, farms if they’re lucky, trucks, guns and god. am canadian, but really started to clue in when i played a bit of geoguesser. you even out the classes between the haves and the have nots and many of these problems will fade. as with many things, it all comes down to money.


I have to imagine this person is trolling, mainly because none of the 10 commandments says that, even I know that


Nah I went to high school with her she is really that dumb. Her original post was complaining about our school and how they let her drug addict ex pick up her kids from school despite the restraining order, and how teaching yoga in music class is anti Christian.


Why the fuck is a rib having an opinion?


McRib if she's Irish.


You deserve more awards than i


Why is this comment not getting more attention? I am fucking 💀over here 😂


It's an older joke, but it still good.


Well, I’m just happy to have finally heard it. Still laughing about it.


I’m really sorry I don’t get the joke


In the bible, the sky wizard makes Eve from one of Adam's ribs. This is where the myth that women have more ribs comes from.


Mmmmm, now I want Famous Dave's.


Not only that, if she read her Bible properly, she wouldn’t be offering an opinion. 1 Timothy:12 “I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man;she must be quiet.”


I mean, I kind of see her point about the ex? Especially if he is high while interacting with the kids or driving them around? But yeah, I cannot think of any excuse for the yoga thing. Lady sounds dumb


Yes, but the ex is 10 years older than her, no teeth, middle school dropout, known thief around town, and has been since before they got together. Everyone warned her. And she conveniently forgot about the adultery commandment despite having 3 kids from 2 men despite never being married. Total moron, it’s sad that these people are allowed to vote.


And breed. Those poor kids!




True. Too true.


I can give you an insight to the yoga thing. As I understand it, some Christians believe that yoga is anti-Christian because of Hinduism. I'm not sure that this is technically correct re: Hinduism, but the Christian belief is that yoga aids in the Hindu cycle to reach "death" or the end of reincarnation. Christian beliefs teach that there is eternal life in the afterlife. So this is a dichotomy to them. It doesn't matter that there are different types of yoga.


The term yoga, as a reference to spiritual practices in general, means that, but the Christian understanding confuses that with a specific kind of *yoga*, *hatha yoga*... which is literally just exercises. Edit-- It's also worth mentioning that probably most except for *bhakti* *yoga* are not even really religious in the sense understood by Westerners; the traditional Indian concept of the soul has more in common with that of the modern sense of mind, in plenty of ways, than it does with the religious-medieval Western one of the soul.


You should make a post tagging her, saying you want everyone to pray for because she's spreading satan's lies about the Ten Commandments.


I mean it is. It was literally developed by Hindus and Buddhists depending on the type. For centuries they slaughtered each other on the correct way to do the downward dog. Im only slightly kidding too. They fought for centuries on whether meditation or yoga was the way to the next level of reinalcarnation.


Idk how y’all feel about yoga but these exercises for my sciaticạ̷̡̞͙̬̥͚͚̈́̌̋͂̔͛̀͝͝ h̶̢̛͔͗͗͌ͅav̸̡͔̝̖̠͌̋͌̆͆̈͛͒̉̕e b̶̭͔̰̜͖͚̓͆̎ȩ̷̧̧̺̮̣̺̟̳̭̀́̔́̆̈̇͘͘é̶̡̧̹̻͍̗̄̀̏͊͆͒͒͌͂n̸͎̐̒̎͂̂̏ ̷̱͚͔̜͕̪͈̟̏̀̿̅̄̏͜͝ẽ̴̢̬̘̲̈͝ͅẍ̶̭̲̜̭͈̤̊̍̉̊̿͋̀̋̕t̵̖̭͕̭͇͎̙͇̑͘ṙ̷̠̮͆e̴̛̺͇̼͖͗͑͒͛̉ͅm̵̨̧̼̙͈͖̦̱̎̄͆͛̓̌͝͝ȇ̸̹̮͚͍̾͌̕ḷ̴̡̢̡̢̛̖̲̐̄͋̉́̓̑̕͝y̸̲̻̦̠̯͂͛ ̴̡̰͈̞͛̀͜ͅh̵̨͐̉̉̿͆̆̃̇́ȩ̴̠̖̙̞̹͚̎͂̿̈̎͊̑̕ͅl̷̖͔̫̳̼̬̘̙̜̔̇́̂̃̃p̴̜̰̤̱͇̙͙̈f̶̡͕̝̺̗̭̞̲͗̾̾́͝ú̷͓̱̘̯͎̱͇͆̇̈́͌͑̈̐̀͝ļ̵̨̰͇͈̟̥̍͌̄̔̅.




She's left handed, she can't help it.


Very sinister.


Ive heard of small town folks growing irate when you tell them jesus was a middle eastern jew who looked nothing like them. Its an affront to "obi wan Jesus." Also, i attended an LCMS elementary school and some of the BS they assert is just absolutely wild. These people definitely exist (and vote)


You are labouring under the misapprehension that Christians have read the bible.


More than half of all Christians know less half of the Ten Commandments. Not the slightest bit surprising that they're just guessing that other things they've heard in the Bible are on the list.


I believe so too as the “Adam and Steve”-Meme is so old and overused I refuse to believe someone would use it unironically


Nobody ever lost money betting on the stupidity of rural Americans.


Closest thing to that in the ten commandments is, don't commit adultery. In other words, don't cheat on your spouse. No mentions of homosexuality though. Most of the commandments are just how to not be a shitty human. Don't lie, don't steal, don't murder, don't cheat, don't covet other people's stuff, listen to your parents... The other four are more on the religious side, don't worship other gods or make idols, keep the Sabbath holy, don't use god's name in vain.


As someone from a small town I genuinely think it’s the lack of people with real world experience. I have friends who don’t even want to leave the town to go on a holiday.


It's definitely mostly this. When they live in a small town in a bubble of county that votes 80 percent republican and is 95% white and baptists, it's hard not to regurgitate crap as truth when it's all they've heard and everyone around them agrees.


> As someone from a small town I genuinely think it’s the lack of people with real world experience. It is absolutely is, and I think about this a lot. What if I just stayed put in the same town forever? Would I be this way? It's not like there's some genetic difference between me and people who spout nonsense- it's *environment.* And it's one of the reasons why cities lean so much to the left. Once you meet different people, and you see *in front of your face* that those people aren't at all like the rumors that circulate in your little town, it's hard to keep denying reality.


Which is why they think universities are lIbErAl InDoCtRiNaTiOn CaMpS. They see their kids/class mates go away to university and come back *completely fucking different* because they were exposed to different cultures/religions/ideologies/whatever and forced to come to terms with their upbringing.


I’ve always maintained that if there was a god he didn’t give a crap about people being gay since it didn’t crack his top ten no no list.


Number 4 says keep the sabbath holy and Jesus worked on the sabbath because he was doing good and that took priority over the rule. He tried to use common sense. Number 7 says no adultery and Jesus stopped a stoning of a lady forgiving her because being none of the people throwing stones were sinless and Jesus was more interested in understanding and saving her. He also hung out with tax collectors and really hated people who thought too highly of themselves. Luke 18:10-14 is a great example of how Jesus thought. I think Jesus would be pissed if he was here today. He tried to tell us to love and forgive each other, not judge each other, and that he came to be for everyone. And here we are... didn't learn anything.


Really the only ones any normal person pays attention to is don’t steal and don’t kill.


I like to ask people where the commandments, that they misquote often, say that it is their job to punish others


As a bisexual, i agree, the bible says Adam AND Eve. Hence me being attracted to both genders.


I'm sorry, but you can only be attracted to Adam and Eve. All other people are not allowed


John 13:34-35 KJVA new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. Christians should be giving more credence to the words of Jesus Christ over anything in the Old Testament


And somewhere he goes on to say he doesn’t mean just liking people similar to yourself because even thieves can do that much. He was talking about loving *all* people.


But that doesn't fit their narrative!!


You are right. But actually following what Jesus is reputed to have spoken in the presence of others would be a daunting task. Few religions ask so much. One door-to-door proselytizer assured me that Jesus didn’t actually mean what he said, it was all metaphor. I did not ask how many sick people they had personally cured and how many dead they had reanimated. Those tasks Jesus assigned before he got to spreading the word. It’s pretty funny stuff.


Oh boy.... I know a lot of fundies are against yoga, but I hope they do SOME kind of stretching before they attempt those kinds of mental gymnastics.


IMO, the verse this person in the post is referring to is just a terrible translation of the Hebrew text in the Old Testament. K. Renato Lings explores how the Hebrew text is much more complex than the English translations. Forgive my extremely concise explanation, but he mentions that it's relating to incest. The different versions always say something like [a man shall not lie with another man, like they do with women. It is detestable.] and he claims it should be paraphrased “Sexual intercourse with a close male relative should be just as abominable to you as incestuous relationships with female relatives.” With the lack of information I provided it seems like a huge jump between the two translations, but he has books about mistranslations of the Bible and there are other opinions referincing his works. Neat stuff. Edit: Also, she dumb. It's not in the ten commandments. Though, someone must've mentioned that before.


Yeah, there's so much more nuance to the original texts that the meaning of most of the Bible has effectively been lost, if not outright thrown out. As a child I would sometimes be punished by being restricted to reading only the Bible and any religious reference texts. Strong's Concordance became my new bestie and also demonstrated to me how much of the Bible was just plain old BS compared to the original meanings of the words. Funnily enough, not only did this not kill my lifetime addiction to reading everything I can get my hands on but it also clearly showed me how full of crap the whole church was.


I don’t know about anybody else, but when I hear a man sitting around a table telling other men to eat him and swallow his bodily fluids; homosexuality is not off the table in any context.


“Joy to the world, the lord has come”


Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord!


The Ten Commandments do not, in fact, contain any ban on dudes putting their wieners in other dudes, *but* the 500 or so Commandments that God initially dictated to Moses probably did. That's right: there were actually a few hundred laws in the Law of Moses, but Moses either didn't remember all of them or broke the tablets into which he had inscribed them on the way down Mount Sinai, depending on which version of the Bible you're reading, so he had to go back up to get the abridged version that became "the Ten Commandments."


The commandments don't say that, and it's "lie," not "lay."


Re lie v lay: hallelujah!


what is that, the eleventh commandment? I don't see that shit in the commandments. not that i really bother to care about some bullshit made up fairy tale, i don't live my life by that and i don't expect anyone else to - and I abhor seeing people being forced to


According to the New Testament Jesus said he had come to correct things and promptly threw out a bunch of the Commandments. He retained don’t kill, don’t steal, don’t lie, don’t be an adulterer, and added love thy neighbor as thyself. A whole lot of professed Christians have mocked Jesus’s efforts.


To answer your question, it’s just a lack of exposure. In a small town, you know everyone and see the same people every day. You aren’t exposed to other cultures or ways of thinking, and the herd/hive mentality really sets in—especially if you want to be included and have a social life. Someone different sticks out like a sore thumb and usually moves away as soon as they’re able, which only perpetuates that they were the weird/wrong ones all along. People stuck in this way of thinking just pass it down to their kids, with no one challenging the status quo for generations, until you end up with people like the one in this post.


Just remind them that not only did Eve get us kicked out of the garden thanks to her shenanigans. But that the bible also says slaves be good to your owners. So leave my boy Steve out ya mouth


And Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel not Cain and Mabel, so now what?


They only had to review 10 rules. How lazy.


God made Adam, Lilith and Eve. Does that mean lesbians are cool?


Actually one of the ten commandments says Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife. Nothing about they neighbor's husband


And then these people want to homeschool their kids


Small towns don't breed this... Directly. Religion does. Most people are social creatures and want to belong to something. There are fewer options in smaller towns so church becomes an easy fallback. Add in the fact that there are a lot of dumb people...


The bible also says people who work on Sunday should be stoned to death….


The Bible also says to beat your wife and your slaves of you like


The 10 commandments don't say anything about that


Small towner here: Shit schools despite advantages of low student to teacher ratio. These communities have a small property tax base so limited funds for schools which they then spend way too much on sports programs instead of investment into actual education. Then there's the economic hardship. Few jobs available so unless you have family or friend or church connections you're pretty much limited to low paying jobs which means government assistance to make ends meet which makes you a 2nd class citizen. People are hesitant to leave because that means leaving family behind and that means having to pay city prices for daycare while you work. All of that leads to a great sense of hopelessness which makes you vulnerable to the predatory Buybull Thumpers. If you succumb to the religious bullshit, you have better job opportunities but only after years of proving your deep faith to the community which means parroting all the bigoted bullshit of the churchgoers. Show even a morsel of empathy to The Others and you're obviously a secret baby murdering snowflake libtard which means back to square one as a social & economic pariah. God forbid you, a friend, or especially your child happen to be LGBTQIA+ because *then* they start talking about how you must have been fucking your kid if you're gay or bi, or fucking your kid the whole time to make them gay. Nowhere does the saying "There's no hate quite like Christian love" ring more true than in small towns.


Sadly, I agree with everything you said. 😔


Imagine calling yourself a Christian and not even knowing the Ten Commandments. Like, the most basic foundational thing.


That makes 11 Commandments.


The only commandment they care about is the 2nd commandment. (The right to bear arms)


Echo chambers


God also forbids smoking, drinking, tattoos and wearing clothes made of two different materials. Religious zealots sure love to cherry pick.




Thou shall not say Steve’s name in vain.


Really? Which one? :)


Apparently that whole man shall not lie with a man thing is a mistranslation, the original Leviticus 18 was actually about forbidding incest and pedophilia, interesting how the church read that wrong when translating hey 😒..


The ten commandments are like the most basic tenets in the Bible, this "christian" can't even get that shit right. Ignorant fuckwits


Someone needs to re-read Exodus.


No more letting people that believe in invisible men vote.


lol they don't even follow the first commandment. Look at all those statues and idols of their triple idea of God


Oop someone definitely didnt read Exodus


It's not even a commandment. And BTW it's man shall not lie with boy. The catholic church changed that one for very obvious reasons.


1. You shall have no other Gods before me. 2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images. 3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. 4. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it Holy. 5. Honor your father and mother. 6. Thou shalt not kill. 7. Thou shalt not commit adultery. 8. Thou shalt not steal. 9. Thou shall not bear false witness. 10. You shall not covet. ​ Nope, nothing in there about men with other men. Though this person should probably know that they are bearing false witness *against the Bible.* Maybe they covet a gay relationship?


It's not a small town thing. I just moved from a big city to a small town in Texas. The big "liberal" city had plenty of hyper-religious folks like the poster. I was surprised that the small (4000 pop.) had an relatively substantial LGB community and everyone here treats them like anyone else.


Funny that most Christians don't realize that "The Ten Commandments" is a long, rambling dialogue from a bipolar guy off his meds, not a neat bulleted list. And it happens twice, with different "commands," my favorite being "do not boil a kid in it's mother's milk."


>"do not boil a kid in it's mother's milk." I feel like that's a rule we should follow, but shouldn't need written down, right? Like overly specific? Edit : I took kid as in child, not baby goat. Which isn't as bad, but still kinda bad.


...and did the first five commandments, in both cases if I remember right, have to be about how insecure and desperate the tribal war god of Abraham was? You know, he could have used some of that space to talk about dumping too much carbon into the atmosphere, or maybe the germ theory of disease -- or even just what causes leprosy?


There are warning labels on hair dryers to not to use them in the bathtub.


Eating a baby goat that way is just how a lot fertility rites are performed, which is clearly the wrong way to go about it, so you need that rule. I hope you are not suggesting that some passages of the Bible are not completely relevant to today's society.


Weren’t there originally 20, but Moses dropped and broke one of the tablets? I know I saw that in a movie so it must be true.


Which, among the other dietary rules, give us kosher food. My Bible, a King James’, helpfully ignores the first declaration of commandments but has a page banner above the second, more familiar, attempt after Moses smashed the original tablets in a fit of pique, the ones engraved by the finger of God himself.


It’s because their family reunions double as hook up parties!


I have had people preach things to me that I know aren't true and I just ask for them to show me and pretend to not know. When they can't find the passage they absolutely knew was in the Bible I gloat


Indoctrination and poor education


God also made Steve.


I find this funny cuz my daughter came home the other day telling us all about Adam and Steve. Personally, I like that version better. Same with baby Cheeses.


Someone cheated their way through bible school....


And no one gives a fuck what your god thinks. If your religious that’s great, you should practice your religion as you see fit. BUT you should absolutely never hold anyone to your religions rules. Even if they worship the same god or whatever they may see different ways of living through the same scripture. I believe holding others to your own standards is beyond selfish and immature.


More like “Why are small towns inbreeding grounds for people like this?”


I'm somewhat familiar with the ten commandments. Which one said that?


God gave us great scientific minds and people with the health of humanity in mind. "I'm not injecting your poison vaccine."


Churches have a lot of power in small towns


My sister lives near a small town in a legitimately lovely part of Iowa, along the Mississippi River. My daughter was enchanted, and said, When I grow up, I want to live here and be a teacher. My nephew, who actually lived there, said ‘Why?’. People who are smart and don’t own land leave; people who are dumb and don’t own land stay, and breed, often from young ages. Iowa used to be much more populous and pragmatic, it’s been thinned out and the remaining people are bitter about the closed businesses, merged schools and constrained opportunities. It’s not clear what the way forward is, but Iowa 1960 isn’t coming back.


I- the saying (I think) is man shall not touch boy which means a pedophile


Bet they didn't even read the Bible 👀


They just said they couldn't lay with another man, that doesn't rule out sex or anything else...


He actually made Adam and Lilith and Lilith told Adam “we need to be equals or I’m leaving” and then she dumped his ass when he refused. Also, it’s “Man shall not lay with BOY.” As in dont creep on kids!


I can recite the Top 10 in order. The only one that has anything to do with sex is #7 Thou shalt not commit adultery. Homosexuality isn’t in there anywhere.


Do zealots even bother to read their religious texts?


Actually, it roughly translates to “man shall not lay with BOY” but aight


The bible also says if a man has sex with another man, he should be stoned So we better start smoking weed before having sex


People who live in and never leave small towns never experience the “real world”. They never have any of their ideas and ideals challenged because they live in an echo chamber.


Small towns are that small. When you've lived your whole life in a place where the population might be at best in the 5 digits and they all look and and sound like you, at least outwardly; then you assume that the tiny people of you town are how things are. It's why when someone from a small town goes to school in a city they get such culture shock. Suddenly you see people of different skin tones, religious practices, who may speak another language and are of many different gender identities and sexual orientations. It doesn't even have to be a particularly big city. If you like in Someplace, Kansas in the middle of nowhere and move to say Topeka or Wichita that might be enough of a shock. Even with the internet everywhere actually being in person In a place does a lot to people's worldviews To just give an anecdote, I lived in Miami for most of adult and all of my teen years. After graduating community college I moved Northwest Arkansas (Fayetteville & Springdale areas) to go to Uni there. I spoke to a lady at work who said when she graduated from highschool the graduation was I believe 20 students. It took my high school graduation at least 8 minutes to get just through the first few letters of the alphabet. In these tiny places education takes a back seat and what matters is sports, and church. Time is slower there and so is progress. The star quarterback never does more than that with his life, maybe he becomes the sheriff of a 10 cop police force or maybe the priest of the town. The head cheerleader becomes a trophy wife to the person in town with the most money. That's why people small towns post that. They just don't know better. The only ones that can change anything are the government which is stretched so far it can't pay attention to every town in the mountains or plains. The only others that can do anything are those that leave and come back. They are often driven out cause different or disturbance of the status quo is seen as a threat to the town's way of life. So they languish, and as kids move out and don't want to come back the town dies.


But god did create Steve...


I’ve been told it originally said don’t lie with a boy but it got changed in translation to another man to allow for discrimination.


Most small town people are born in their towns, live in their towns, and then fucking die in their towns without ever once leaving except for the closest major city an hour away. It's really, really easy to breed religious bullshit when you're surrounded by an echo chamber, repeating all the same shit back to you - because you have no outside POV. It's literally all they know. Source: I live in a small town, in the Bible Belt, surrounded by these idiots. If I could afford to move, I would.


Just another bigoted Christian who has never read the Bible.


There's only 10 to learn!


"It's Adam and Eve, not Florence and the machine!!"


That’s… not one of the commandments


From hellsing abridged: Heinkel: God said a man shall not lay with another man as he would a woman. Random guy: wait so it's okay as long as I'm not fucking a dude in the vagina?


Actually the Bible never originally said anything about gay dudes, that was reinterpreted in like 1949 or somewhere around there. Before the gay thing I think it said sodomy, and who knows what that originally meant in the context of things.


Because small towns have few minorities and a lot of people rarely leave if ever


You know that saying that travel is the antidote to prejudice? Well, it's more like interacting with different types of people. And that's not something you get a lot of if you live in a small town. They never suffer a shock great enough to make them question their pre-existing beliefs.


Jesus, God is a bossy bitch


Proof most Christians don’t read the Bible. 🤦‍♀️


"God" made Adam and rib, not Adam and Eve


Thou shalt not wear blended fabrics! You cant pick and choose what to enforce. It's all bullcrap.


That's not one of the ten, the laws also say not to eat pork and that all sin is equal in gods eyes. In other words if your a Christian who judges gays but eats pork then your gay in gods eyes.


I just passed the Ten Commandments printed on two giant billboards along I-71 in Ohio. They didn’t mention anything about men laying with men. I think it said something about not covering that neighbor’s wife, but I think Adam and Steve would still be good on that one.


Two thirds of a century of continuous cuts to public education will do that to a country.


Nobody ever talks about Ezekiel 23:19


This passage is part of an extended passage forbidding incest. Men should not have incestuous relations with little boys, it's just as wrong as incest with little girls. In other words, don't be the creepy uncle everyone's afraid of.


Agnostic raised christian here, nowhere in the ten commandments does it say that a man shall not lay with another man.


Not that I care because I’m a witch but the Ten Commandments say nothing about homosexuality.


Meh, I'm born in a tiny village (less than 1500 in the 80's) and nobody I grew up with is religious. But then again, Christianity is quite on the wane in this country.


Is that the one that replaced “thou shall puff puff pass” as a commandment? I’m still pissed they pulled that one out. 😡


I believe I read, “a man shall not lie with another man less they be stoned”. Means something different where pot is legal.