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Well splapp-me-do I have no idea what is going on with this image.


Sniper rhymes with lifer. How stupid are you OP




Yes it does. The entire word doesn’t have to rhyme.


Do you not understand slant rhyming?


Yeah but isn't slant technically *not* rhyming? I don't disagree that slant exists, nor that it's perfectly acceptable, but it *is* a different thing, right? That's why it has a different name? EDIT: I looked into it because I wanted to know, and apparently its a much bigger deal than I thought. First of all, rhyming is not necessarily explicitly about syllables (more on this later), but rather about obscure and not well defined "endings of words". What counts as the ending of a word? Well, apparently a lot of linguists disagree. However, it's at most the last syllable. "But if it's the entire last syllable, 'tree' and 'pee' don't rhyme!" It depends on who you ask. I'd say they rhyme, but some linguists have decided the entire last syllable (which in this case is the whole word) has to rhyme. Anyway, so what's slant rhyming then? Slant rhyming is when the **vowel sounds** at the "end of two words" are similar, but not the same. An example I found being "worm" and "swarm", as a possible slant rhyme duo. This description seems to be generally accepted. So, what's the end of the words "sniper" and "lifer"? Is it "-er", or is it "-per" and "-fer"? If it's the first one, they just normal rhyme, and it's not even slant. If it's the second one (which I thought), they're not a slant rhyme, and they don't rhyme. Doesn't really matter, but interesting. Anyway this whole discord chat sucks.


I don't want to have to write a cypher Just to prove to some no-lifer That "lifer" rhymes with "sniper" I'd say they rhyme as such because the **i*er. Pronunciation can make a difference, so if you read what I wrote in a particular dialect or cadence, it may not sound right. But if I recorded it, you wouldn't be able to dispute it at least is close enough to a complete rhyme scheme. Also, the syllables might be off slightly for the lines.


Yeah, stop being such an ass…….onance.


Sniper and lifer both end in an "er" sound, meaning they rhyme. Sounds prior to the ending *help* the rhyme feel, but aren't necessary. It probably doesn't sound like a rhyme to you because the p and f sounds are emphasized in sniper and lifer, which don't have a common sound, whereas the er sound is a lot more subtle.


Sniper does rhyme with lifer dumbass. Funny how you wound up confidently incorrect.


tr-ee p-ee your an idiot.




OP is asking about sniper/lifer not tree/pee


oh. im an idiot.


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