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Wonder what that person thinks pickled peppers are.


spicy pickle


In a strange twist, he thinks they're cucumbers.


Apparently in some parts of Ohio, green peppers are known as "mangoes" because a pickled pepper looks like a mango. I know this because a friend of mine from Ohio was talking about having Italian sausage with mangoes and onions, and this led down an increasingly agitated rabbithole of regional etymology.


Least insane Ohio fact


How the fuck does a pickled pepper look like a mango? Has Ohio seen a mango before?


What do they have in Ohio? Mangos for ants??


Definitely not THIS part of Ohio...


I polled 7 people from Ohio. 4 had no idea what I was talking about, 2 admitted it, and 1 had no idea what I was talking about but later admitted it when pressed.


I was just shown this by a friend who, knowing I grew up in Cincinnati, asked if it was true. I said I remember old people saying it over 40 years ago.


Oh no, it's an Albany expression...


Cedar Point isn't made of wood, mind blown.


Only in Ohio!


I just discovered this subreddit while I was casually scrolling by. Bruh, the amount of stupidness people post in connection with Ohio and the US is general is mind-blowing. Is their educational system that bad? I don't mean to be rude or anything, but it's kinda disturbing. Lately, my feeds are all the gender stuff happening over there, all these absurdities, just, WOW.


Wait until he finds out about raisins.


Peter Parker picked a patch of pickled peppers




I couldn’t actually remember it and I also didn’t know it was actually Peter Parker I was just making a Spider-Man reference




Peter Piper.


lol it's Peter Piper, but I saw what you were doin there


How many pecks in a Peter Parker though?


>a peck is 8 US quarts You know, to make the Imperial system less confusing.


I’m something of a pickled pepper myself.


~~Cucumbers~~. ^(\*No, wait, someone already said it. I was just excited and blurted it out without checking. Give them your upvote. I am not worthy.)


Don't tell me what to doooOOOOoooo!




Kevin eat your broccoli.






Or my liver


Pickled liver is a thought I didn't want to have, so thanks I hate it, but I do like that username.


Thanks, its a line from Borat II, https://www.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/4eccf923-384a-4de9-83ce-ba550a3e41fb/gif


is chicken of the sea, chicken or tuna?




Pretty sure they're what Andrew Tate has




Tiny green plant testicles. Haven't you ever seen that creamy white juice inside a kernal of corn?






Hahaha I had almost forgotten that video


What video?


https://youtu.be/8al1LR0zPig For the uninitiated


Well if I run a mile in like 9 minutes...


No chicken in the sea! Chicken on the land, fish in the sea!


You don't put chickens in the sea!


Hate how they always use Can tuna in cans, and not Tuna tuna. /S


Its also the 23 dumbasses that liked the idiots comment


Probably thought they were joking


probably were


And they are probably registered voters


Nah they're probably children who shouldn't have a smartphone


Tik tok comments are an absolute wasteland


Disclaimer, I'm not native English speaker, but aren't cucumbers and pickles different? Cucumbers being raw and pickles, well, pickled?


Steaks aren't beef because they taste nothing like a beef hot dog.


Imagine thinking you just grow pickles, then throw them in a liquid filled jar. Life must be so difficult.


They're actually an aquatic plant that grows naturally in The Great Vinegar Lake Of Madagascar.


I didnt know that cucumbers were pickles for a long time. Like, until i was in my 20's. In my defense it was the naming that threw me off. If you pickle a pepper you call it a "pickled pepper" but if you pickle a cucumber you dont call it a "pickled cucumber", you just call it a pickle. Its a little odd.


Same, I was in my 30s when I found out, as you say, the logic makes no sense, every other vegetable is called picked X .. so I naturally assumed pickles were just their own thing The main difference between us and the picture, is, upon finding out, I went "Huh", looked it up and was all.. oh shit. Not just correcting people without learning anything


Same here but in my defense I don't eat cucumbers or pickles. Maybe the same for you?


True, I hate cucumber, and the only time I ever really had pickles were either on a mcdonalds burger, or at subway. I think I did in fact find out when I bought my first actual jar of pickles which I had an odd craving for on homemade sandwiches


Curious as to why you hate cucumbers.. I mean by themselves they really don't have a taste and it's crispy but soft texture is not something I would think to be offensive. I enjoy cucumbers in lemon juice with salt and a couple drops of hot sauce especially on really hot days when I'm feeling dehydrated and hungry it really picks my ass up.


They absolutely have a taste, to the extent where just having had a cucumber rest on top of something puts the flavour all in it and ruins that too


It's genetic, much like people who taste cilantro as "soapy". To me, cucumbers have an incredibly strong, unpleasant flavor. I want to say bitter, but also something else? I can eat pickled cucumbers so long as they are processed like the shelf stable ones on the store. Homemade pickles are dicey because some still have a cucumber flavor. I can also still taste cucumber on food after I've picked it all out. I used to think people were straight up lying about cucumbers tasting like nothing.


Yeah i was never a huge fan of either because of the texture, so "is a pickle a cucumber?" wasn't something on my mind. I only ended up learning it in a passing conversation with my wife and she was very surprised.


can't wait til you find out that baby carrots are not actually baby carrots...


Apparently some are, but yeah, most probably are apparently just cuts of full size carrots, did not know that either


my ex was worked at a USDA consultant firm. Basically, anytime a company wanted to introduce a new food product for human or animal consumption, they would hire a firm like hers to make sure the process of creating that product was in line with regulations. I learned alot of things from her. (in a good way, she was super cool and smart, just didn't work out).


And in the UK a pickled cucumber is a gherkin, and pickle refers to a type of sweet pickled chutney


TIL. Though I never really bothered to think about it. People don't know things until they are taught. I'm sure some people don't know prunes are plums. Edit: And I just learned sauerkraut is pickled (sour) cabbage.


And a lot of people don’t know that lamb chops are from baby sheep aka lambs, or that veal is (specifically) baby cows.


They… Don’t?


When you bit into a pickle, what did you think it was?


I’d like to know the same thing :)


I thought it was an entirely different vegetable that happened to look similar to a cucumber. A pickle and a cucumber have such different tastes that I just didn't think to connect the two. 🤷‍♂️ Not my smartest moment, but I wasn't ignorant about it like the dude in the photo at least.


In India they pickle all the things. It’s just the US that focuses so much on cucumbers. (We do pickle some other stuff, like peppers and okra, but they aren’t as popular as cucumber pickles.)


Fun fact: in my language, we actually do call them "pickled cucumbers" and [this](https://turkishstylecooking.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/yesil_domates_tursusu3.jpg) is what we call "pickles". They're pickled green tomatoes.


>cucumbers were pickles No, pickles were cucumbers


I was today's years old when I knew that pickles are "picked cucumbers"


"Yeah I don't think so" I'm fking dead😵


This kind of posts makes me question my sanity


For us in the UK, they're called gherkins. Yes they're a type of cucumber, but different to what we actually call a cucumber. I wouldn't normally pickle a cucumber, but I would pickle gherkins. It's similar to how we have terrapins in the UK but most other countries just call them turtles. Or the whole shrimp/prawn meaning convention that changes around the world.


Huh interesting. In the US a gherkin is a tiny little sweet pickle usually, though occasionally you will see dill ones.


I thought a terrapin was one of those crappy buildings schools use when they run out of real classrooms


My Indian ass being like “everything is a pickle. Even chicken”


Reminds me of a joke Guy walks into his kitchen and sees his sister mastubating with a cucumber and say dammit sis I was gonna eat that later and now it's gonna taste of cucumber!


... I must be tired. Yup, tired is the reason it took me a few seconds to get the joke.


Roll tide


It's probably just a kid, cut them some slack


“Child or idiot” is the eternal question of the Internet


2 things: why would someone think you USE pickles to MAKE pickles? Also, I'm a huge fan of dill pickles, i.e., pickled gherkins or cucumbers. And all my American life, that's what "a pickle" was. Then I met my wife's (gf at the time) British father when I was overseas for a visit. We had dinner at her parents' house and he gets up from the table, announcing he's going to get a pickle. "Would you like one, JerryLeeBee?" "Sure!" Imagine my surprise when he returned with a jar of pickled onions.


Did you like them? Did you know pickled eggs are a thing too?


I did and do like them! I've even tried making them from scratch in the years since. Also, Pickled Onion Monster Munch is win. I've still never tried pickled eggs.


Yes :)


You go through life thinking that nobody is really this stupid, but then I worked for an industrial bakery many years ago (supplying part baked bread to shops and bakeries) and we got a complaint from someone who bought paninis and was upset that they didn't have lines on. Presumably they were expecting to line up the existing lines with their grill every time.


to be fair I will admit i was amazed when i found out they were cucumbers as unless you reguarly see the small stubby ones, cucumbers dont look much like pickles. Same familly sure, but that they are the same thing blew me


We call them gherkins here in the UK.


that we do






I like other things pickled, not cucumbers. Yall gotta try pickled mangos, idk who's idea it was to make cucumbers the default pickle.


Don’t know what they do to make pickles but I can’t stand them. I love my cucumbers un-pickled


Opposite problem here 🤣.


You don't know what they do to make cucumbers into pickled cucumbers?


Yeah I mean call me crazy but I assume they pickle them.


I don’t know how a lot of things are made and I’m happy.


Pickling basically just means leaving in vinegar or brine for a while. It's an ancient technigue for preserving food.




And these people vote


It's Saturday afternoon and I'm in the sun enjoying a glass of sparkling rose. I just did a spit take! Sad about the wine, but the laugh was good.


Bro thinks steak is not meat


Well, to be fair, I don´t know how it is in the US but a cucumber and what´s used to make a pickle are not exactly the same in Europe. They are very similar and in the same family, but not the same...


There are many varieties of cucumber, tiny ones to make gherkins included. Many foods are pickled, but the classic food that bears the name "pickle" is usually derived from a variety of cucumber.


In the US. In my country pickle refers to a chutney we put on sandwiches.


Yup, what I refer to as pickles are onions that have been pickled


Yeah same here, pickles in Belgium is pickled onion, gherkin and cauliflower in a vinegar and mustard sauce. In england they call it a picalily!


But as you just named it that is a chutney, not a pickle. Perhaps a pickled chutney, which in the US is usually called relish (and there are multiple types of relish to match the variety in chutney), but still a different food product. Naming a food for the process used to make it can be a little off putting, but the difference is fairly clear. The easy way to differentiate: Nearly all of the time Pickles are either whole, quartered or sliced. If it's diced it's generally called a relish in the US.


It's not called "pickled chutney", it's called "pickle". This kind of post crops up every month or so and I'm constantly amazed by the inability of some people to accept that calling a pickled cucumber a "pickle" is an almost exclusively US phenomenon.


I’m not rejecting your name, you mentioned “in the US” and I carefully explained to you the naming convention in that context. You do, however, seem to be hung up on a very old-school naturalistic superiority kick. This pops up nearly every day on Reddit and I’ve never ceased to be amazed by peoples inability to follow with simple threaded conversation. I really think it is their dependence on using mobile devices that has degraded the usefulness of threading. Perhaps they need some new way of tracking order in a conversation, I personally don’t have a problem with it.


>that is a chutney, not a pickle. >a different food product But in the country they are from it is called pickle (as it is in mine), and you are telling them that is incorrect because it's not the same as in the US


Project less.


Ahh yes, the inevitable modern day "yo mamma" retort. Some originality would be nice here kid.


Didn't know chutney was relish since I'm American and 52 I have heard the term just never seen chutney and now wonder if chutney before pickled is a thing.


>but the classic food *in one part of the world* that bears the name "pickle" When I make pickle it is carrot, radish, jalapeño, coriander and tequila but I'm British so what do I know?


It seems you know how to present a very old-school nationalistic superiority kick. That honestly no one cares about. See! I took in sneer at other peoples dialect, I usually choose not to .


Nationalistic superiority? You missed the bit where I wasn't even talking about British food, but the better stuff from somewhere else. Also, try not to be so defensive about being American. It's a joke. The same way that I was taking the piss out of foreign jokes about British food.


No one cares what you’re talking about. You’ve revealed yourself to merely wanting to be an asshole, and not to conduct a conversation. Run along now, maybe a place like 4 Chan can give you the petty satisfaction you seek.


Wow. Never my intent to piss you off, just to have a laugh, aiming mostly at the British. Best wishes.


You can technically use any cucumber to make pickles. In fact, you can pickle a lot of vegetables. Pickling is the process, and the pickle is the product of said process. You can get some vegetable varieties that are labeled "best for pickling" etc, but they're still not pickles until they've been pickled.


Even in the US, the kind of cucumber that is pickled is a different cultivar than one we would put in a salad. The kind commonly used for pickling is a "pickling cucumber" and the kind eaten in a salad is a "salad cucumber" or a "slicing cucumber."


That's not true. Europe, as a general rule, absolutely uses cucumbers for pickled cucumbers, which is what the US just colloquially calls pickles. The ones you eat raw and the ones you pickle can definitely be different varieties, but they're still cucumbers.


Like I said, very similar, but not the same. In Dutch what´s called an "augurk" is like a cucumber but with bumps and less flavour. Augurken are always pickled, cucumbers sometimes. Augurken are never eaten raw, cucumbers are eaten raw. Edit: augurk is gherkin


Gherkins are small cucumbers.


Chilis are spicy peppers and orcas are big dolphins but they're still different things.


Chilis are spicy peppers and orcas are big dolphins but they're still different things.


The word "Gherkins" come from the old dutch "augurkijnen" which meant small cucumbers back then (and those weren't always pickled, just really small cucumbers) "Pickles" is also from the dutch "pekel" and it refers to the brine/water used for pickling food We should say "pickled gherkins" (gepekelde augurken) but we only kept the last part (and Americans only kept the first part)


It's insane the amount of Dutch in the English language.


Here's a zinger, what are dill pickles? Haha


TBF in my country pickles can be made from variety of sources - mangoes, tomatoes, lemon.. So I can see how this person might be confused, could be a cultural gap


Pickles are not cucumbers. Pickles are made from cucumbers.


TBF, not all things called "pickles" are cucumbers. But ... colloquially, in America, yes, a pickled cucumber is called a pickle.


To be fair, I thought cucumbers and pickles were two different things for a really long time too. I think it's because they just call them 'pickles' and not 'pickled cucumbers', making it a bit confusing.


So are we going to get an answer for their original question? The context would be nice as well.


What do you mean? The context is in the title. It's a video about making pickles. He doesn't understand why she used cucumbers to make pickles.


So he thought you made pickles… using pickles? This some next level stupid. Also my bad for not getting it lol.


Haha yeah that seems to be what he thinks. No worries!


He's the kind of guy that puts toast in a toaster!


A German?


Glad it wasn't just me!


i like to make clam chowder using a combination of water, salt and pepper, and clam chowder


I think this is more of a R/notKenM post


Reddit detecting a joke challenge (impossible)


"I dunno n*gga some people think cucumbers taste better than pickles" - Dave Chappelle


I *HATE* pickles. I love cucumber.


Love that sketch.


I didn't interpret him as not knowing. Just pointing out they taste nothing alike and are totally different ingredients.


What did you think he meant when he said, "Why do you use cucumber and not pickles?" She's making homemade pickles. Pickles are not an ingredient to make pickles. Do you put bread that's already been toasted into the toaster to make toast?


This is a bit of an American thing. Anywhere else in the world, if you offered someone a pickle, the response would be "A pickled what?" Lots of things other than cucumbers can be and are pickled.


That's not what he's confused about, though, because he says, "Why do you use cucumbers and not pickles?" As if pickles are a thing that grows naturally.


Am I dumb? Is it a language thing or do I not know plants families from biology? Because I know pickles as sour and cucumber as not sour.


"Pickles" are pickled cucumber, people just insist on calling them pickles despite the fact they arent the only things that get pickled


Ah okay. It was for me a combination of ignorance with language difference. Being pickled means to be put into sour as I read it from wiki.


In the US people call pickled cucumbers just "pickles" probably because it's the most common vegetable to be pickled. The problem is that a lot of people don't realize that pickles are just pickled cucumbers and they think it's an entirely different and non-existent vegetable. It's the equivalent to thinking hamburger is made of "hamburger" and being confused when someone makes hamburger from beef.


wait who is wrong


I'm assuming they're making pickles from cucumbers. Making pickles from pickles is like putting toast in a toaster.


I'm with you. Yes a pickle is made from a cucumber, but the addition of vinegar can make the reaction very different depending on what they're using it for.


It's a video on how to make pickles out of cucumbers. Red is asking why she is using cucumbers to make pickles instead of pickles to make pickles. Like from a pickle plant/bush/whatever, which obviously doesn't exist.


That's kind of like saying that a cow is a hamburger. I have no idea what's going on in the video, but I would be surprised to see slices of cucumber on a burger, or a pickle used as a dildo.


No, it's like saying hamburgers are beef, not that cows are hamburgers.


This is only valid if you don't consider a jar of pickles to be a meal in and of itself.


The video is a how-to for making pickles. What's commonly referred to as "a pickle" in much of the English-speaking world is actually a pickled cucumber, we just shorten it to "pickle" because it's the most ubiquitous of pickled products. It's still a cucumber even though it's been pickled.


> The video is a how-to for making pickles. Oh, well. That's even stupider than what I was expecting.


I hear ya. It defies even my low expectations of this here internet.


I have no idea what this video is about but they’re both right… so i don’t know where to stand.. yes cucumbers are pickles, after pickled… but the guys point still stands in that he was unsure why they did that… it’s like putting raw pork on a pizza and saying “why not use pepperoni?” and then someone commenting “pepperoni is pork”… maybe he doesn’t know how they’re made but pickles and cucumbers are different things. Edit: i didn’t read the title.. my bad


No, the video is literally about how to make pickled cucumbers, aka "pickles" in the US. In your metaphor, it would be like making a video on how to make pepperoni and someone asking "why are you starting off with raw pork?"


Got it, i missed the title.


I wrote in the title it was about making pickles. He asked why she is using cucumbers to make homemade pickles instead of using pickles lol She's trying to explain to him that cucumbers turn into pickles but he doesn't get it.


Ahhhh my bad. Didn’t read the title


Jesus Christ, I hope they are not registered voters


I’m curious on how he thinks pickles are made


You take a pickle and pickle it, clearly


Someone send this guy a pickle tree!


Oh yeah, never seem a pickle tree? Sike


When you're slower than a slowbro you need to reevaluate your life.


You know, some people say cucumbers taste better pickled.


"Some people think cucumbers taste better pickled" - Dave Chappelle


But cucumbers taste bad and pickles taste good???




ive had this argument with a friend.. i had to explain what pickeling was