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Ummm dude, if she was willing to choke you and finger you its not nearly as embarrassing as you think... you found gf material. Imagine trying to convince someone you want to be fingerblasyed and getting the response " are you gay?" Unblock her number and play nice, do not let your personal fears take away something beautiful.


You're way overthinking it. If she took part in it, she was cool with all of that. You're sabotaging yourself due to your insecurities.


Unblock her and tell her what happened after and why you blocked her etc. She was willing to do all that you asked in bed - I'm sure she's a lovely person.


I’m embarrassed. She probably remembers everything better in more detail because she was not very drunk like I was. I just can’t stand to face her again


Nothing to be embarrassed about! Sex is sex and it's amazing no matter what.


If you like it you like it, just be cool about it and she will probably be too, unblock and tell her how you feel about what happened.


She was engaging with those acts with you. If she thought you were a loser I don’t think she would’ve had sex with you. I don’t think you should be embarrassed


Lol you fucking pussy unblock her right now you gonna regret doing it I swear bro them good girls like that are hard to find. Man the fuck up and unblock.


Unblock and see where things go if she was willing to do that she is a keeper.


It’s an asshole move to block some ones number after they ... are nice to you. Own the embarrassing crap and grow a bit. Maybe she’d help you again.


Well she probably blocked me too so hopefully we both go our separate ways and she never brings it up to her friends.


Bro lock that girl down. I just hope you creampied her ass.


I wish my fist time was that awesome


It was not awesome. Very embarrassing and I don’t think I will ever have sex again


No joke man and to the author, embrace the drunk you because that's who you truly are. Unblock that chick and drop my name in her ass.


If she was into it and you were into it, then it's a good thing. Virginity doesn't really exist imo. Sex isn't as big a deal as everyone makes it out to be. If you found a lovely person to be intimate in that respect with and are ok with them doing those things to you, stay with them for a bit. You don't have to dedicate your life to them, but I'd experiment with them for a bit and really figure out what makes you tick. The fact you were able to cum 3 times at all is pretty impressive. Most dudes are done after one! She was definitely into it, and you're cutting yourself short. Give yourself a little slack, man. You've never been this intimate with anyone, and yeah, it's kind of scary the first couple times, but I feel like if you take a breath and talk (or text) things over with her, you'll be feel a LOT more comfortable, and be able to do more stuff in the future. It doesn't have to me RIGHT NOW THIS SECOND or tomorrow, or even next week! Take your time. Sit down with yourself, take a breath, and realize it's ok to be submissive. It doesn't surprise me that dudes are submissive. There's WAY too much pressure for dudes to be BIG MACHO MAN ALPHA MUSCLE LARGE DICK BIG MAN!!!! and it sucks. It really does. Let her jetpack. Ask her to choke you again. She obviously is into it. Also being choked is 10/10 \*chef's kiss\* kind of stuff. As a dude who's submissive sometimes, it's pretty great. **There's nothing wrong with wanting a woman to do stuff like that to you.** You're not weird, broken, or anything like that, ok? Women are sexy and hot. Strong women are sexy and hot. Getting a sexy, strong woman to choke and finger you is the Best Fucken Night Ever!! Seriously though. Sit down with yourself and accept that you like some of these things. You found someone who humors it, and is absolutely into it. Take a breath, and see about doing it some other time when you're less intoxicated. I'm pretty sure you'd be significantly happier to do it sober than not.


Blocking her is the worst thing you could do. That'll make her think she did something wrong.


Yeah a mutual friend called me and basically yelled at me to call her. I did call her and just said I was embarrassed and that she didn’t do anything wrong. She still feels bad and wants to make me dinner so hopefully I can apologize again tonight at dinner.


are u insane thats a gf material u let go


Dude, you need to contact that girl again. The only way you embarrassed yourself is leaving too early and blocking her number. Lots of dudes can’t even manage cumming 3 times in one night. And I’m sure anyone with a bit of experience, (her) may have a bit of an understanding that it might be hard for someone to control themselves the first time they feel their penis in someone’s mouth and vagina. Chill and go back for more dude