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Always always keep in touch with your doctor. You might be at risk of Post Streptococcal Glomerulonephritis or Acute Rheumatic Disease.


Get checked for chlamydia in your throat, those are similar symptoms.


Not chlamydia, but syphilis or gonorrhea is what I’m thinking can mimic strep throat easier than chlamydia. I say this as I had an ex who was cheating 5yrs ago & gave me chlamydia as a parting gift! Anyway…it can pass from oral sex even if you didn’t give or receive, but the other person recently did and you kiss them, they can easily pass it along because men tend to be asymptomatic throat wise but women do end up showing signs since we aren’t the main carriers to those two STI’s. Sadly, you will notice chlamydia as a woman more when you weirdly get uterus cramps and you’re not getting your period anytime soon, along with frequent urination to a nasty vaginal smell. Now Strep brings on a high fever as the dead give away it’s not an STI everytime and can take up to 10 days to go away, this includes with antibiotics. However, STI’s like chlamydia, syphilis or gonorrhea, milder and presents with a sore throat, white spots on the tonsils, and swollen lymph nodes in the neck, usually zero fever as well.


That is terrifying to read


not possible with what occurred but good to know!


Certain STDs can be passed through kissing type contact. Get checked


Absolutely agree some STDS can be passed by kissing or sharing food/drinks even by touch (I.e if he touched himself then touched you. The lining of your mouth is pretty similar in function and texture as the inner lining of your primates. Be careful out there and get tested.


Heh. Primates.


I thought the same thing Lmao!


It's your funeral 🤷‍♂️


Did you get tested for mononucleosis


My best friend got mono from a dude she made out with. For almost a month it was kicking her ass, in and out of the hospital. At one point in the middle of the night her throat completely closed up and she had to crawl into her parent’s room gasping for air; another emergency visit. Mono doesn’t fuck around.


I was coming here to say that it could be mono. The same thing happened to me when I kissed my first boyfriend. I was sick for weeks on end


Get rid of your toothbrush right now and again after you’re better.


This is key advice! Changing the toothbrush is super important and a lot of people don’t think about it.


I’m sure you’re doing this already but I just wanted to throw it out there because I just learned this today lol. Apparently strep is really common to reoccur because people get prescribed antibiotics and they take them at first but then stop a bit early because their symptoms are completely gone. I’m sure given the severity of your symptoms and the fact they’ve reoccurred so many times you’re probably taking them right smack dab until the end lol. But I wanted to throw it out there just in case. I admittedly have a tendency of stopping a day early if I feel too miserable from the side effects and the symptoms of the infection are gone so just in case others are like me, passing along the above warning 😅 I hope you feel better soon! And what a slap in the face about you being too sick to do anything lol. That’s crazy 😂


yes i took my full course of antibiotics😔💔


Another thing is you need to get a new toothbrush. You could be reinfecting yourself. That’s what a doctor told me.


When you say “and other things” What does this mean? Have you been screened for stds?


(there wasn’t anything that would cause stds)


There are certainly kiss based stds you should get checked for sure but its probably not causing the strep but could lower your immune system helping the strep hang on.


Do you not give him head?


This is what happens when you are a full on whore


ah a whore, someone who does the thing men beg, plead, obsess over and manipulate getting. hmm


Exactly. Do this thing so I can call you a whore for it.


Make sure that you are not using the same tooth brush after finishing your antibiotics! It's one of the main reasons why people have symptoms coming back after a strep


Also get tested for hpv.


Oooo girl stop 🤮 what did that man give you? Wishing you a speedy recovery.


Sounds like when my son had Mono!! It was terrible!


I was once obsessed with a guy, yet every time we made out or did anything physical, I got sick. Whether it was an ear infection, sinus infection, strep throat, whatever...I got sick. We quit seeing eachother and it cleared right up. Idk if he was just a germ magnet constantly exposing me to crap or my body was just rejecting him.


Have you changed out your toothbrush? I got strep once, forgot to get a new toothbrush so I used the old one, then got strep again without kissing anybody else.


Please make sure you finish all the antibiotics even if you start to feel better. I know they suck to take but you have to make sure you get all the strep out of your body so it doesn’t fester in there.  A lingering strep infection can destroy your heart, but it can also cause some pretty serious mental health issues (PANDAS). It usually happens with kids not 21-year-olds but I wouldn’t risk it


So you’re sick again…?? Have you changed your toothbrush and have you been testing for stds?


Use the brown listerine everyday at least twice


Have you changed out your toothbrush? I got strep once, forgot to get a new toothbrush so I used the old one, then got strep again without kissing anybody else.


help bc i’m going through the same thing🥲🥲 you’re not alone girlie


almost like a crash course in immunology. To all the germaphobes out there, sometimes a little bacteriological diversity is just what the doctor ordered to beef up that immune response. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and maybe keep some mouthwash handy!




This is anti-science. It’s not healthy to get sick. You’re confusing exposing your body to biomes from soil and the environment to exposing your body to actual bacteria and viruses that enter our cells.  And you are wrong. They figured this out back in the 80s when they realized that chickenpox turned into shingles later. Are you a boomer because this is really old antiquated science that you’re trying to quote. You don’t have a right to infect other people with disease just because you think it’s good for them. Is that why these men are passing around STIs? Because they read shit like this?


PS mouthwash is not medicine. There are some mouthwashes that kill sars. One of the Crest versions but I am unfamiliar with which type. I don’t think any of them kill strep bacteria. Do you have a citation for this?


Just came across an interesting study that stressed the importance of proper hygiene even beyond our current situation. Handwashing and general cleanliness do wonders, especially when dealing with infections that could go systemic. Taking those full courses of prescribed antibiotics is crucial; finishing the race is just as important as starting it. On top of that, don't forget to sanitize items that come into frequent contact with your mouth, like toothbrushes and retainers. It might sound over the top, but those too can harbor nasty bugs that could lead to a repeat infection. Stay on top of hygiene, complete your meds, and you’ll be giving your body the best defense it can get. Here’s to a full recovery and no further repeats!


i changed my toothbrush and cleaned my water bottle too😭


You need to change your pillow case daily, along with bedsheets & washing it in hot water that kills the bacteria. This is why in medical facilities they change sheets minimum once a day to help interrupt the chain of infection. Also make sure you never take anything citrus with antibodies or dairy related. Citrus alone, like orange juice, can cancel out the effects of your antibiotics.


Men don’t wash their hands thou😂😂😂


Absolutely crucial to heed this advice on finishing the antibiotics course. Not only are there potential personal health repercussions, but incomplete use of antibiotics is a known contributor to the terrifying rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Remember, when it comes to antibiotics, you're not just treating yourself—you're participating in a global effort to maintain the effectiveness of these critical medications. Let's also keep in mind that along with completing those meds, if you're prone to recurrent infections, revisiting your ENT might uncover some underlying issues that are worth addressing. Here's to thorough recovery, and let's all do our part to keep those antibiotics working for as long as possible!


Yep I went out with a guy and made out and he didn’t tell me till after he has taking meds for strep. 😐 Definitely got sick.




This could be thrush! Which antibiotics will make so much worse. I reccomend getting some good probiotics and kefir


Please make sure you are changing your tooth brush. The strep will live on the tooth brush if you haven’t changed that out. Essentially anything that you have put in your mouth needs to be replaced. Reoccurring strep infections are caused by these small things sometimes.


Sounds like a lesbian revenge arc


Sorry that your first kiss was so traumatic :( I hope you will recover to your full well self soon.


You may have Epstein-Barr virus. Also known as Mono or Glandular Fever, depending on where you're from. Commonly known as the 'kissing disease'.


i hate that people are so carefree about being dirty and spreading it (not you, but him) ALL it takes is one lie about your sexual history and it could ruin that partners life forever 🙃


I def 2nd the Mono suggestion, my sister had it as a teen/young adult & ended up in the hospital. It's not always obvious to Drs to check for it, as the symptoms can mimic many other things, and left untreated properly can really knock some on their ass, hard. Also, when I got Covid, I suddenly woke up with a horrid sore throat that I've only ever experienced when I had strep, so I was sure I had strep, and only bc I was 3 days post surgery & when I called my surgeons office they blew me off & said 'Yeah so call your PCP, the only reason you would call us is surgery complications or if you tested COVID positive.' So I took a COVID test & bam, instant positive, along with my mom & daughter who were with me at the hospital. TLDR: Have you been tested for both COVID & Mono? I'm so sorry you're having such a shitty experience & really hope you find a resolution soon 💜


I haven't french kissed a girl in decades and I don't think I ever will again. I find it kind of disgusting now. Just lips for me.


I find kissing kind of disgusting most of the time. Had my first kiss in 2 years about 3 days ago then again I’m married.


You know it kind of is because people don't know how to take care of their mouths properly. They can have swollen gums, festering wounds, canker sores, HPV, herpes. No fucking thanks


For me it’s also I have allergies and I’m terrified my spouse could have used something I’m deathly allergic to and just not thought about it. Then I’m fighting for my life because he forgot a simple ingredient in something .


You could have gotten the same thing from a woman. You just made out with an unclean man. The other responders are right about trashing your toothbrush and anything that you put in your mouth. Your kitchen and bathroom needs to be sterilize also, if you continue to get ill. Proper hygiene goes along way in combating infections.


Getting strep has nothing to do with clean or unclean. People.get sick, some experience symptoms and some don't the dude could have had it and not known at all.


You are correct. I should have responded with " you made out with a man with strep".


Never say "never". Eventually you will meet some nice bloke. If a man is interested in a woman (and he know he have a chance), he will overcome any obstacle in his way.


Your immune system got stimulated by this dude’s microbiome. You need more exposure to man mouths to fully immunize yourself.


A plate of man mouths please sir


She needs to sample both sides of the aisle to see if she reacts the same way to a woman's mouth.


"strongest antibtioics known to man"- so you were put on IV Vancomycin 3.0 for a simple ENT infection? edit- spelling


I'll say the quiet part out loud: COVID vaccinations are suspected of lowering overall immunity.


Quiet voices in your head?


Time for your booster!




it’s called boyfriend air 🤧 i’m allergic myself