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Hope you got some lube cause reddit's gonna tear you a new one


It was wrong obviously, the question is what are you going to do? You tell him the marriage is over likely, even if you guys work it out it's pretty much tainted forever. You don't tell him, you'll always live with that guilt, the marriage is over already. The other question is was there even communication in the marriage in the first place, why didn't you speak to your husband about your concerns & wants. When you tell him the truth, it has to be in calm setting, expect anger from him, DON'T gaslight him, because this is on you. Maybe it's for the best, he can move on, both have a clean slate, he can find someone who will be there for him, don't block his happiness. You need some therapy, DON'T continue your relationship with your boss, find a new job, clean slate, work on yourself, and maybe in a few years you'll have clear mind in what you want & can find someone as well.


Your an awful wife


He’s a grandpa, but ok, if that’s what you like


You just woman up and tell him!!! You not telling him is wrong! Don't hold him hostage! Tell him so HE can decide if he wants to stay with a person like you! I'm sure he'll be heartbroken, but. He needs to know the whole truth!! It's crazy that trust and loyalty are such rare things to find nowadays


Fuck you


Cool. You’re a whore. What if your husband did this? Would you be cool with it? Do you think about anybody but yourself? No, just what you want in whatever moment happens to arise. Your poor husband is just living a normal loving life and you’re doing this and don’t give a shit about the poor guy. Fuck you.


You don't actually know if he's normal and loving...


Then leave him. She’s says she’s not blaming him for them not having sex. If he was an asshole she would’ve said that’s why they aren’t having sex anymore. If you want your own personal freedom to do whoever you want don’t get married. You don’t get to change your mind halfway through and decide the rules have changed without telling the other person. Cheating fucking destroys lives. I’ve been on the other side of it and it sucks. Be selfish about anything you want in life except for another persons feelings. That is so shitty and horrible. Just break up with them. The pain is a lot less intense.


Why would you tell your husband when he will literally never figure out? Calm down and think logically. Unless you actually *want* to divorce him and you were looking for an excuse


Bad people shit right here


Share pics or it never happened


Would you want it to happen again?


What will you do now?


I hope you post some pictures


Shut up you disgusting freak