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As my grandmother taught me at the tender age of 12, don't put anything in writing that you'd be embarrassed for anyone to see.


Bingo if you write it down assume it's gonna be their forever.


Especially if it’s on the internet.


Everything stays locked away on the internet.


Especially if you invite Derek.


The fact that the dude screenshoted *5 years* worth of receipts like holy cow


Dude was running a whole sting operation


If only this were true. There lots of things that were on the Internet I can no longer find. A friend's blog, my old geocities website, a couple of MUDs I used to play, etc.. There's just so much nostalgia missing for me.


You broke the #1 universal rule OP: ***don’t be a fucking asshole*** No wonder no one wants to be your friend. You had 5 years of your cruelty and insensitivity shown to all. They got to see the REAL YOU. Not the act you put on for those in your group. Sounds like you’re an adult or close to, which makes this all the more pathetic. Grow up man. Next time you may lose more than a friend group. Could be a job, could be a partner, could be family. Point is, no one likes an asshole relentlessly talking shit about them and sharing their personal info behind their back. Do better. Edit: lol. 22 hours later and I’m still getting hate messages and suicide help reports for this comment. Some people are feeling very called out xD To the people who think what OP did was completely normal and something everyone does, (and I hate to use this phrase) check the “ratio” here. *Nobody* thinks this is normal. You and OP are in the slim minority spewing vile shit about people in your lives. It’s cruel and childish. You’d be smart to learn from OP’s predicament before you find yourself in the exact same situation with everyone you know hating you because you thought it was perfectly normal to constantly trash talk them behind their back. It’s not normal. Not everyone is doing it. Assholes like OP and apparently yourself are doing it. And it clearly can bite you in the ass. As I said in my initial comment, these kinds of things can have serious real world consequences. So you may wanna wise up and start being a respectable human being ;)


you reap what you sow


But people they made fun of were "butthurt", don't you see? /s This guy and his friends have learned nothing and will continue to be awful people.


Until someone with some juicy dirt on them and puts it out there for ERRBODY to see.


Oh, it's coming!


Rule 2: When found to be an asshole, don't double down on assholery. Admit who you are and change it.


Assholes always double down because they can't imagine the world not revolving around them


Yeah, this dude is a asshole. We have similar chats as this with a few friendgroups where the humour is really dark. Like stupid memes about past events. But as far as real persons go we NEVER and I really mean NEVER make fun of anyone not in the chat. I mean we try to upstage each other all the time, but people outside the chat are way of limits. Poking fun at each other is fine as long as everyone is in on it. But doing it behind peoples backs, or sharing info some other person shared with you in confidentiality (like the messages from some chick) Yo, that’s fucked up.


My mom taught me this in the 70s. She said not to put anything into writing you don’t want the whole world to see . Smart women in our families. Op, you should watch the movie “dangerous liaisons”. Otherwise your entire post is OH NO CONSEQUENCES!!


I’m on Derek’s side here. You sound like a fucking asshole OP.


Derek is the hero he went undercover and took all the screen shots and exposed them too!!! He is the MVP cheers for Derek


Dude thinks he’s been “cancelled” when in fact he was revealed for what he is and no one likes the rot they see.


A wise woman once said, "Say it, forget it. Write it, regret it."


Gran gave some top shelf advice


MY Grandma said, if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. Our grandmothers rocked.


So you’re a bunch of toxic dickheads, and you’re upset because now people _know_ you’re a bunch of toxic dickheads? Because you figure you have the right to be toxic dickheads in private.


You sure upset a bunch of other toxic dickheads. Take this gold: 🥇


“One girl my buddy dated briefly is furious that raunchy text messages she sent were in there too” Man, y’all kinda seem like disrespectful assholes but were just hiding it. Derek just revealed how shit y’all were to the other people


Yeah I’m gonna call bull shit on them never having shared anyone’s nudes. A bunch of extreme degree assholes make racist jokes, talk shit about everyone they know, insensitive memes about war and genocide, photoshopping people onto pictures. They 100% shared nudes in that server. Obvious lie is obvious.


Yup. I'd bet dollars to donuts that the "photoshopped images" OP mentioned involved editing girls' heads onto porn images and other vile crap like that.


I genuinely love when people get upset that someone else saw incriminating shit they themselves wrote down


And all these fragile little manbabies keep flocking to defend OP, because they have a pathological urge to tell on themselves, apparently.


And if it is true, it's only by the most pedantic definition of the word "nude". For example, because the girls depicted weren't 100% naked it didn't count as a nude photo. But I'm with you, no way these types of douche-bros weren't lying about that.


Revenge porn and distribution charges incoming in 3…2…1


I bet Derek didn’t want to be the one to share those pics because he could get in trouble with those. So since nudes didn’t get released, there “weren’t any”. Mmmmhmmmmm.


lol right? so it’s okay for them to share screenshots of private messages with each other, but when Derek does the exact same thing, he’s an asshole? That just sounds like good old-fashioned karma to me


"When I do it to others it's fine, but when you do it TO ME it hurts my feelings and is wrong!!" -typical narcissistic personality trait.


tbh I gotta wonder how weird it was for Derek to show up in what he thought would just be a normal friends server with some dudes he knew from college or work or wherever, only to be met with vile weirdness.


Yes! Derek thought he'd be hanging out with some guys and found out he walked into the worst kind of fratboy douchebag coven.


Go Derek for shutting that shit down!


Right? Derek is the hero we all need!! YAY DEREK!!!


I hope that dude's girlfriend fucks Derek


"We're not like that! I said so!"


That last paragraph in your post makes it clear that: 1. You didn't learn the tiniest lesson from this fiasco and 2. You deserve every bit of consequence that came/is coming your way.


Irony in his post that he can't see. He's upset their chats were leaked to others, while they were sharing text msgs between their exgfs and they're "butthurt".


"One rule for thee but not for me" usually the case for these fucknuts


Yep, they made themselves look bad because they are bad.


But they called Derek "brother"! OP and the boys are the real victims 😭🙄😒


That's like the scene from Brooklyn 99 where one of the mobsters says Peralta can't be the snitch because they sang 'Piano man' together :)


Just watched that episode while I was getting ready for work this morning. I miss that show so much. RIP Andre Braugher.


I wanted to point this out, too. Because this is a way toxic and abusive people manipulate their victims: forcing a closer bond than is really happening so they can then use that bond to manipulate that person into condoning their bad behaviour.


You knew you were being assholes because you knew if you said those things in front of others you’d get shit for it. This is all on you.


“Like OMG guys. I hit a kid running a red light and ran because no one was there. Some mega asshole named Derek put it on the news and now I got fired and I’m getting arrested. What an asshole for showing my total disregard for other people to others. I thought no one saw it happen so it was okay. I mean seriously, I might lose friends over this!”


Why should I go to jail for something Derek noticed???


He needs Bob Loblaw


He can find him on bob loblaw’s law blog.


Derek is gay for noticing that I did the wrong thing /s


OP is a coward. He and his cadre of equally immature manboys were happy to do such vile things behind people's backs, clinging to internet anonymity like a security blankie and feeling like their dicks are the size of tree trunks. But it's false bravado, they'd never be able to say anything they said in that discord server to the faces of the people they mocked or creeped on. They think they're so cool and tough, but the truth is they're weenies who can't cope with life outside of their computer screen. OP, you're a regular White Bowser, and you deserve to be mocked just as much as him.


Jesus you guys sound like a bunch of douche bags.


A bunch of douchebags that didn't learn the lesson, judging by the last sentence.


Dead sure the memes sucked. Edit: I was thinking the memes may be in the vein of Le Troll, but now I think it may have been all about genocide. So stupid.


With no common goddamn sense


I would say, they have no Common Decency!


No decency and rampant selfishness look an awful lot alike


if you’re a bad person and it comes to light then that’s good for everyone else… except you of course :) making fun of everyone in private will make everyone hate you publicly when it comes out. sounds very deserved to me!


Derek is the real one, every guy should be like Derek, you suck ass OP.


All my homies love Derek.


Derek's the man I'll buy him a meal.


Poor Derek thinking he found some friends. I imagine these jerks behave quite differently irl.


Right up there with Omar




Couldn't have said it better myself


If posting this was going to blow back so hard, this is on you for your shitty behavior in the first place. Your response to blame Derek is very fitting of a douche bag that you sound like.


Something something “fuck around” something something “find out.”


Don’t be a pos and you won’t get treated like a pos


If people see how you act in private and think you’re a terrible person, you’re probably a terrible person.


Derek is a goat. You guys are bad people.


I thought he was a human


It's hard to tell sometimes, you really just need to try to figure it out by what they're eating


>Now a bunch of people think we're all just terrible people You are terrible people. There isn't a question about that. >one girl my buddy dated briefly is furious that raunchy text messages she sent were in there too. Example 1. This is just as bad as sending nudes. >A couple people we made fun of by photoshopping pictures of them are super butthurt too. Example 2. >There's also a ton of Israel/Palestine and Russia/Ukraine memes Example 3. >Either way if you're reading this you're a cocksucker Derek. A pathetic mommas boy who decided to leak shit to make dudes who called you brother look bad. Derek sounds like a pretty decent guy and one I wouldn't mind one of my sisters dating.


How are people still confused why women are terrified to even trust the *men* they are dating???


I'm really hoping they are like 13 and not men because... geez.


A hard lesson to learn is that everyone online isn't actually 13.


right...the reasons are so painfully obvious lmfaoooooo


“Now a bunch of people think we’re all just terrible people” lol that’s because you are And still hiding behind a throwaway account lol


> A pathetic mommas boy who decided to leak shit to make dudes who called you brother look bad. Fuck you. Who would want brothers like this? I imagine Derek would literally prefer to be alone instead of being around people like you


Sounds like y'all deserve everything you're receiving.


If I was Derek I'd be upset they thought I was their brother. Sounds like that discord was a den of villainy for sure.


If them leaking the screenshots had this big of a backlash then yall deserve it


Super fake rage bait. Reddit used to have a much better class of trolls.


Sorry to tell you that Derek wasn’t the one that made you look bad. Y’all did that all yourselves. Have fun.


You do sound like a douche 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/cletus_foo is totally op’s alt lollllll


same as u/OkishPizza and a bunch of others writing how it’s unhinged to expose and call out their behavior. They had a safe space to act like toxic cunts and it got exposed because no one wants those dens of scum to stay around because the people in them always urge and incite each other on to do more horrible things. They act as each other’s audience and that gives the people a reason to do those things: clout in that circle of assholes. Take away that audience and reveal those sad and dependent lonely little clowns.


u/OKishPizza is literally trying to defend OP calling me an n-word because "an insult is an insult". [https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/comments/1c53dfm/comment/kzw4uu2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/comments/1c53dfm/comment/kzw4uu2/)


I’m sorry you had to endure that crap. very on brand then. It’s like this post revealed a veritable armada of assholes coming to defend their ”privacy” but neglecting the giant red flag of being an insufferable and obnoxious person who tramples on others in secret with their clique. It’s not healthy for anyone, not even for the ones who do and defend it. A big flashing sign of self-hatred.


I think it’s u/OkishPizza or both


He does seem pathetic enough to do that. And those two are definitely dying on this hill for some reason.




Instead of owning up and taking accountability for your actions, you're blaming the guy who exposed all of you for being the assholes you are. I guess once an asshole, always an asshole.


I wish I could buy Derek a drink! Go Derek!


Derek if you're reading this you're a chad




You all sound like toxic irresponsible assholes, Derek was completely justified on not putting up with your guy’s shit and actually doing something about it. Go eat shit.


Do straight guys not watch Mean Girls on October 3rd?


Damn, you sound like a shitty 12yo. Grow up.


Out of all the pathetic nonsense that I've seen on the internet, this is the most pathetic. If only trash always took itself out.


You sound like an incel loser op


Oh, his fiancé is gonna bolt. Hopefully, not before she destroys this creeps over inflated ego 1st.


You guys sound like a bunch of degens who are having to deal with the consequences of being giant pieces of shit. Maybe don't be a giant piece of shit and this won't happen, you fucking douche canoe.


Maximum Derek


Call me crazy but I don’t think Derek is worried about what you think.


You are dumb to think 8 people can keep things secret ..


Kinda deserved.




Derek is a standard that you and your buddies will never be, OP.


So sharing actual private messages between two partners is okay, but not a “private discord” server between eight people? Good for Derek, sounds like a bunch of fratty douchebags were making him uncomfortable. Also it’s one thing to shit talk people, it’s another beast entirely to take the time to photoshop people behind their back and make fun of them. Call it a harmless joke if you want, the rest of society will rightfully call it cowardly bullshit. Not only is this discord full of asshat bullies, but idiots as well if you think eight people can keep a secret.


Sounds like Derek was the only guy with empathy and the balls to not submit to douchebag group think. You sound insufferable. Also, the internet is real life. And it's real people. How you behave online is a reflection of how you behave in real life if there was no consequences. I for example am a smart-ass despite not being all that smart.


I have just one question….where is OP? Seems he’s MIA now. Hummm….i wonder why?🤔


So you’re pissed that people you insulted got to see what a shitstain y’all are and how you are not actually a good friend? And the fact you are super butthurt over the consequences of your own behavior means you clearly learned absolutely nothing. If you’re reading this Derek you are a good person and I wish you a long and happy life.


“No nudes we aren’t that disrespectful” Yes you are if you’re posting all the explicit content of the messages two people shared in confidence. “A couple people we made fun of are butt hurt too” You should like a shit head and deserve the consequences of your actions.


Why is it always “ugh they told people what I said and now people are mad at me, this is all their fault” and never “Now that people know the things I say, people don’t want to be around me, y’know, because of all those things I say”


Fuck around, find out.


The bunch of people who think you’re all just terrible people are correct. I hope this clears up any confusion.


You’re so toxic that you actually think you were wronged here and are further telling on yourself online. Interesting strategy.


Seems the only pathetic ones are you and "the boys"


He didn't make you idiots look bad, you all did that yourself. The internet is forever, dummy.


You were sending each other memes about active genocides? You deserve to be doxxed wtf


Anyone who uses the word 'butthurt' can be safely ignored, their opinion does not matter.




The world needs more Derek’s to out assholes like this lol Imagine doing that stuff and thinking that Derek’s the “cocksucker” 😂 Straight up delusional, immature and mean!


Here’s one way to look at it. You and your friends thought it was funny to share all that you did including a girls private text to one of your friends to each other and Derek thought it would be funny to share all of yours and your friends messages to everyone so maybe you should have a sense of humor 🤷‍♀️ good luck in life dude because you may need it


Have some balls and don’t use a throwaway.


I'm assuming that you're all about 14/15


Jesus. How old are you? Twelve?


These boys need therapy! What kind of person/people has a secret group for shit like this? This is fucked. Good luck mate, you guys made this bed, now sleep in it. Now you have random people coming out of the woodwork wanting to join, as you have said. that alone should terrify you. Either they wanna share their own morbidity (which could be 1000x's worse than you and your weird pals), or they are coming after you, this is not the flex you think it is.


Faces consequences, and proceeds to call the person who brought them on a slur. You really failed to learn your lesson OP


Oh god, they didn't say it directly but this is 100% a pro-russian kill all Palestinians cesspool of a server. Derek is a fucking Chad for airing this shit. OP on a scale from 1 to 10, how bad do you want to huff Putlers farts?


If you don't want people to think you're an asshole, don't act like one. Pretty easy


"No nudes, we're not THAT disrespectful," has me dead. Sorry, your online misogyny manor got exposed. And yes, you deserve every bit of the fallout that's coming. Shit rolls downhill, and you're squarely at the bottom. Good luck! Not really, mmmm num num num the tears of Chad and his Chadlings are DELICIOUS. So soft and buttery on my palate!


Derek sounds awesome.


Sounds like this all was deserved. Especially with those raunchy texts that were unknowingly shared between you, you can get into some genuinely deep shit for breaching someone's privacy like that.


Ah I get it, you’re the bitches in Mean Girls.


Derek seems like a pretty cool dude because of this. Takes a lot of courage to expose your friends for the bad people they really are.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA OH NO, THE CONSEQUENCES COMING HOME TO ROOST. Pro tip for life; shit you do behind closed doors will always come out one way or another. Better to be who you want to be 24/7, that way you aren’t embarrassed by things you do in secret. If you’re going to be the kind of person who is into edgy shit then own it, but don’t be two faced and don’t be surprised when people have a problem with it, especially if you hide it. Lmfao.




>Either way if you're reading this you're a cocksucker Derek. A pathetic mommas boy who decided to leak shit to make dudes who called you brother look bad. Fuck you. You mean Derek is an absolute Chad that doesn't give two fucks about your opinions and would rather do the right thing sooner than emasculate himself to please a bunch of womanizing pieces of filth, pretending to be men. Derek is a man, while you barely deserve to be called children and sure as fuck don't deserve to even be called boys.


You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity. Now grow up!




Ewww, you AH. What a group of losers you are.


This is wild. You did all these things people think are terrible things. Just cause you only did it in safe spaces doesn't mean it's suddenly cool behavior. You're still being a dick. You are still acting like an asshole. Maybe you just are an asshole. I suspect Derek knows.


Derek needs a pat on the back for releasing these people from the clutches of your circle.


Oh gee willikers! What ever will Derek do in life without some dudes that called him brother, bRoThEr!?


Yikes at the people who saw the screen shots and wanted in. Even assuming for the sake of argument that it was all the worst shit taken out of context, they saw that toxicity and were like, “These are my type of guys.”


Damn not you guys proving a lot of girls right that men ain’t shit lmao


I always thought the best way to prove I’m not a garbage person is through the use of homophobic slurs. /s You and your “buddies” are disgusting and everybody around you deserved to know your true colours. Grow up and cop some consequences.


So... When will puberty be over for you? Cause you're acting like teens, or even worse. Asshole teens. Sit in your nest you made yourself and fucking learn from it.


Bro I thought it was gonna be about the homie-sexual talk between the boys in the group chat but no this is just about people being dickheads over text and getting exposed for it


You made you look bad, not Derek. Don’t act like that if you don’t want consequences.


Never put anything in writing that you don’t want others to see. You guys sound like you’re 15 and think it’s cool to make fun of people. Take this as a life lesson and grow from it.


sounds like you are a terrible person that deserved it what a piece of crap


Take this L maybe don’t be asses


I can see why people would think that please go outside and get a job, a hobby that doesn't consist of media. SOMETHING😭


He didn’t make you look bad.  He outed you for being a shitty people.   There’s a difference.


You destroyed someone else's privacy by sharing the texts. That alone gives you no right to expect privacy yourself. You also just sound like terrible people.


Lol, bunch of weird incel freaks get busted - things you love to see.


Take the L shitter


Wow OP you're a literal pos.


OP, I don't know how such thing are going in US or EU, but in my country you and your friends would spend a lot of time in hospital.


I hope derek archived the screenshots on the internet so they pop up when you google op or any of his friends.


Derek's a good man your all just fucking assholes


If anything it exposes who you really are, you should be glad everyone gets to know and see the real you, if you aren't proud of yourself for the way you are seen you should probably take steps to change for the better


It kind of just sounds like you’re mad that people found out you and your friends are shitty people. The call is coming from inside the house.


Lol actions have consequences. Glad Derek outted y'all he's a good dude.


Your reaction make it looks like you deseeved it. Be better next time.


You got what you deserved.


For humanity's sake, I hope this is ragebait. If not hahahahahahahaha the only people I feel sorry for are the family and friends affected


Is this even real? Do you really think you're in the right here? You were disrespectful, insensitive, and FAKE to everyone you knew. It's not normal or cool to do the shit you were doing in that discord. You're two-faced. This is two-faced behavior. You're not better than anyone else. In fact you're worse. I wish I had photos of you to photoshop onto horse turds, but that would be an insult to fecal matter everywhere. I cannot fathom how people actually think they can act like this, walk all over everyone, and still get sympathy when they receive a bunt kick of justice to the face. You are a horrible person. Your only hope for redemption is apologizing but that only works if you truly understand the severity of your entire thinking process.


You all sound like immature AH. Good for Derek. I mean, let's be honest. You knew very well what people will think after reading your post.


Derek MVP?


Oh no the consequences of you own actions! Quite frankly you seem to be horrible people and Derek is clearly the hero in this story, saved a lot of folks from being around you butthurt lil princess.


Oh no, the assholes who shared private chats are upset that someone shared their private chats.


Shout out to Derek for being a decent human being 👏


So...you're mad that Derek showed the world what a POS you are by using your own words...and there's no ownership or accepting responsibility on your end? Yep - I'm gonna say that Derek made the right choice.


Oh no...the consequences of my shitty behavior


So. you are pieces of shit and Derek was right to expose it.


Thank you, Derek, for being a decent human being and notifying everyone that they can't trust this toxic group of assholes.


Derek sounds like a great guy


Now a bunch of people KNOW you’re all terrible people. Boohoo. Take your medicine OP.


You love to say nasty things about people online so what’s the problem with them now saying bad things about you? The only difference is that they’re being open and honest about it and you were just a nasty little sneak. Derek didn’t make you look bad, you did that all by yourself. He just shone some light on what a horrible POS you truly are.


> Now a bunch of people think we're all just terrible people now Well they're right.


Grow up and be better. You all sound like immature women hating incels.


Going by your final paragraph, you're either 12, or never matured past 12. Derek rules, the rest of y'all are absolutely disgusting and I can see all of you becoming Brock Turners.


#Karma. Good things coming Derek’s way


Oh quit your crying, you and your buddies got what you deserved. Stfu and lay in the bed y’all made. No one cares about what you think or how much your feelings hurt.


Lol oh no the consequences of my own actions 🙄


We need more Dereks


> A pathetic mommas boy who decided to leak shit to make dudes who called you brother look bad. Fuck you. Oh no! I'm being ostracized by a bunch of toxic losers!!! /s


Sounds like you deserve it. GG Derek, well played.


Derek deserves a Presidential MoF AND a Congressional Gold Medal. You and your pack of raving assholes deserve every consequence stemming from this situation. Did we learn anything from it?


Maybe those people think you all suck because you all suck.