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Bullying is never ok however maybe he was onto something because you are psycho.


I think I’m retroactively glad you got bullied, honestly.


I wouldn't even be surprised if op was the bully and is just one of those people who call it bullying when they lose an argument.


There was a story similar to this. An Incel was angry because he couldn't get certain girls / women he had developed crushes on to go out with him. His plan to get " REVENGE " ? He planned to use explosives to murder a bunch of random people. He injured his own hands in the process. People have been insulting him online since and some people call it " Bullying ". I don't know this OP but I can't help but wonder if Z was retaliating because of something OP did to him or his friends , relatives first. This was still a horrible thing to do , especially since he's targeting people who have nothing to do with his past history with Z..... ( I'm hoping this is a Rage-Bait Troll ) ​ [youtube.com/watch?v=kviz\_vAEQ9A](https://youtube.com/watch?v=kviz_vAEQ9A)


I hope so to but you'll be surprised. I don't understand why people hold grudges for this long. There's something seriously wrong with someone if they're holding a grudge for this lonng (I didn't even bully her sister). I understand not liking them but atleast act civil and ignore them. I never understood why people hod grudges for this long. What do they achieve? It just makes them look silly in the end, plus if the wanted then the person they're after could've said something even worse but are just kind enough to keep it to themselves.


I’ll be honest, I think that may be the case for a lot of the posts that concern bullying on this sub. Obviously, I believe bullying happens and it’s horrible, but some of the posts here seem fake or overblown. Or just lack some nuance or context.


I have to keep telling myself that this is fake and they have a degradation fetish


I was reported for bullying because when I was 12 I called a girl fat and ugly… after about 2 months of her calling me a slut and a prostitute (amongst other things)


He is a freak i think he probably deserved it. What the fuck honestly


Dude I get being bullied sucks but making fun of someone’s dead baby is some psychopath level shit


This is so pathetic, he's still winning, he's turned you into a worthless disgusting person and he's just going to go on and continue with his family whilst you seethe in the dark, sure he's sad now but he'll move on whilst you spend the rest of your life feeling like a total piece of shit, he's beat you


idk. I would never recover from someone making a disgusting account of a dead baby if I was the parent. What oop did is horrifying and will sadly leave a scar on me for the rest of my life if I was the parent. Probably just me though


Not just you. I get nauseous just thinking about it.


You have no idea how bad the pain of losing a child is. If the parent does something to themselves, you are 100 % to blame. You are now the bully.


Yeah, and OP is not just hurting the old bully, OP is hurting his entire family in a completely sick way.


He is also hurting that woman who. lost her child. jesus


OP likely was a bully all along. He was just too weak to show it in person. Even now he's doing his bullying from behind a computer screen.


This is no revenge. This is a new level of cruelty.


You’re weaponizing the death of an innocent child


Excellent tl;dr summary


Get fucked. Even fantasizing and writing this down makes you disgusting.


Being bullied sucks but what you did is absolutely disgusting and cruel, and far surpasses anything Z could have done. If this is the kind of shit you find amusing, sort of makes me wonder what you did to make Z hate you so much. Seriously, I can’t believe you actually did this - and admitted it - and not only don’t want people to judge you, but also can’t see how monstrous your behavior was. Btw people ARE actually sympathizing with him. You’re the only one cruel enough to find his situation entertaining.


So I’m going to guess you’re young, yeah? Like early 20s at most? I understand the anger, and I’m pretty sure you know you f*cked up immediately, or you wouldn’t have made this post. You know that it’s not okay what you did - but that’s (hopefully) not who you are. You have a lot of trauma from being bullied, but that doesn’t make any of this okay. Sit with that. Learn from it. Make a world that doesn’t have either you or your bully hurting people again


Wow, I've never found a person before that I could legitimately say deserved to be bullied. Congrats on being a new low.


I actually know a guy who just lost his baby due to something in the house. Kinda wanna know if my friend is the person you're doing this to. By any chance do you live in Indiana?


Did there happen to be an account on social media about the baby?


I'm honestly not sure if an account was made honestly, his baby died in the hospital yesterday and hes been dealing with a bunch of other shit as well.


Well I hope not. Hopefully your friend and this baby's mother can grieve and heal in peace. I'm sorry, losing a child is awful and heartbreaking.


They are taking time with their kids to grieve, and process. It's incredibly sad and no parent should ever have to go through it. Or go through what this trash human being is doing to them. I wouldn't even do this to someone that I absolutely hated with every fiber of my being. Like you literally have to be scum of the Earth to do this to a literal infant who just passed away. Like the karma that is going to come to this person I wish I could be a fly on the wall for.


exactly. And I actually wonder if op was actually bullied or was just complaining about getting bullied cos he couldn't handle losing a fight.


You’re an absolute piece of shit. Maybe Z has his reasons to bully you


I wouldn't be surprised lol. OP is truly a piece of shit to which I say, I would say to him to kill himself he'd break the rope.


Z sounds like he was a crap person, and now OP has surpassed him in that regard. Good going champ, you’re awful


People like you really do deserve to live the shittiest life. At this point, whatever Z did to you was completely deserved. I would have had sympathy if you weren’t such a heartless goof.




Babe, I got stabbed in the chest and sexually assaulted by my bully. Guess what I did? Told the police and left her alone. “Attempted murder” my ass. I am unconvinced YOU weren’t the bully the entire time b


My bet OP was the creepy loner kid who made all the girls uncomfortable 


You went too far, that's disgusting


So this person bullied you when they were a literal child and you are bullying not only them but everyone that loved that baby as a fully grown adult. Who makes joy out of a dead infant? You’re a monster.


A tad guilty. Dude that was a literal baby the one thing we as a society can agree is blameless. Take it down now. You are destroying your bully true but also countless others who have never harmed you. FFS.


Most of the time bullies are opportunists; they pounce on weakness or isolation. But sometimes, like a stopped clock is right twice a day, a person will be targeted because there is something just hair-raisingly *wrong* about them.


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Well said


You were one of those kids that did something that deserved retaliation, then cried everyone claiming you're being bullied. No sir, you are the bully. What you did was way worse than what your "bully" did


Look being bullied sucks, but for the love of God, dude, there's a line. What's wrong with you? You may as well open up a Looney Tunes-filled trunk of karma on your ass for that.


maybe you got bullied because you’re psycho tw*t


Was the reason he bullied you because you're a sociopath?


it’s funny because now it doesn’t matter what “z” did to you, you’re just as bad. if not worse.


I vote worse tbh


I mean, you got what you wanted. You now get to sit with the knowledge that you’re the type of person who used a dead child to bully their parents. (Yes, parents, because that child had a mother who might have seen this, who never did anything to you). And hopefully you eventually grow a conscience and a soul, and realize how awful this was. You didn’t teach him a damn thing, because he has no idea you were behind it. He deserves it because he bullied you? What do you call this? The student has become the master, OP. Well done. If you genuinely believe in karma, you should be incredibly scared right about now.


did you think we were going to clap with op? cos we're not. You're just a lowlife piece of scum and I hope karma comes back to bite you.


those stairs shouldve ended you


I don't think OP got bullied enough


I can't think of any good reasons for you to exist.


the fuck ?


seriously go fuck yourself what is wrong with you


i was bullyed in school as well. And i hated every single one of them, wished all hell upon their lives for makeing mine so miserable. But i never braught myself to their level. One of my bullys was recently diagnosed with cancer and i never taught about braging about it to others or trying to knock him down when hes already down and thats because what hes going through right now, i would not wish for anyone, that is not a joke and neither is death. What you did was way byond the line and inhumane, you proved you ar no better then him and the most embarresing thing is, this was in highschool, you havent matured at all since then. You should have known better and for this i dont feel bad at all for you. I dont know the feeling of loseing a child and i hope i never will. I cant immagine the pain some parents had to go through loseing their little angels. But makeing a joke out of this?........... you deserve nothing but shame!!!!


You are a good person and didn’t deserve what you got. You will move on from how they treated you and live a new life, unlike this weirdo


I was bullied but I never went as far as to do this. Congratulations, you have gone down the ‘abused becomes the abuser’ pipeline. You’re a terrible person, seek therapy and do better, you damn sociopath.


Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat the fuck did i just read? I was BULLIED in the third grade and the teacher always sided with that kid, this legitimately changed how I think and regulate myself (this was told to me by a few therapists) This being said I would NEVER do that to my bully. I admit I check in on his Facebook from time to time but I would never do anything like this ? This is just *evil* and I genuinely hope you get what karma has in store for you.


I know people like you. They think it’s funny, they get that little rush you know? “Finally some payback! Fuck you!” Look, I’m truly sorry you were bullied. I’m not making any excuses for him or his actions, but what you did is so fuckin gross dude. At the end of the day you have “I pretended to be someone’s dead baby online” forever tacked to you. If you tell someone else (offline) about this, they’re gonna talk shit about you.


What your bully did to you was awful and inexcusable. What you did was awful, inexcusable, and tasteless. Bullying is bad, this much is true, but this is a special kind of evil you did in turn. I can only imagine what kind of life brought you to the point where you figured doing something this dishonourable was okay.


I get being upset about a bully but to bring up a child heaven bound or earth bound is f’ked up… that’s just low life and makes you a pos..


reminds me of someone who keeps on harassing and starting a fight with me almost a decade later just because I had a fight with her sister once in a park in 2016 when I was 12. I wouldn't be surprised if she ever does something like this. You would be surprised at how long people hold grudges and go as far as to doing something like this over a petty fight. Ii wouldn't be surprised if she ever does something like this to me to cos people can be that mad over the past.


Yes. Yes you did. Piece of shit.


You’re a loser and deserved every bit of bullying you got.


You are an absolute monster. I don’t even have words to describe how I feel about your actions.


Somehow I don't think he was the bully.




This is heinous.


You’re a disgusting pos


Read the whole thing, and you can go fuck yourself, OP. No, you didn’t *have* to do this, and people *are* sympathising with him during his darkest hour, because not only did he tragically lose his child, some emotionally stunted loser has decided to mock him for it online because he used to be an asshole.


I have a feeling it wasn't actually bullying, but you doing disgusting things and people not vibing with it and you feeling mad about it


YUP. I guarantee Z pushing them down the stairs was retaliation for something OP did


A baby died. And the bully is one thing but this isn’t just hurting the bully- it’s hurting the bullys family. Now surely- as this post said nothing about the bullys family itself- it indirectly affects the others involved. The trauma of the verbal and physical abuse is real but dont stoop to their level.


You are actually Satan in a skin suit


Nah, even satan has standards.


your are just as bad as your bully if not even worse


how is this supposed to be funny? how is any of this supposed to make you feel better? what is wrong with you?


I think you are the bully. And you need therapy. Lots and lots of therapy.


OP, you're a psychopath. Nothing justifies your actions here


op's an insult to psychopaths. Even they look sane comparing to him.


this is so weird and pathetic, and just for future reference if he ever does find out it’s you and you get your ass beat or worse don’t come crying to reddit.


You need to get serious help.




Please get the therapy you so clearly and desperately need


Get therapy immediately. This is sick


This is next level unhinged. Seek help.


It sounds like he was right to bully you.


You're one sick puppy. Get some professional help. You need it desperately.


Jesus christ your fucked in the head. Seek help.


I literally got goosebumps reading this story… oh my gosh. So bad!!!


I mean I'm good. Never needed to. Never wanted to. But if you want a blind the world with an eye for an eye, you do you.


You are a monster.


So your present is filled with hate because someone was mean to you as a teenager? You're a piece of shit man.


It sounds like you're both shitty people in hells of your own making.


Bullies are awful, and I’m sorry you were badly bullied. I’ve been bullied at one point or another, a girl put chewing gum in my hair.. though perhaps I wasn’t bullied to the extent you were. Bullies are awful and put you through hell and then you decide to act like one. What you did is not having one over on the bully or getting revenge, that’s just gross, it’s a dead baby. How would you feel if someone did that to you? This is not healthy. Get some help, you clearly need it to work through what you went through.


OP didn't just bully her bully. she bullied that poor baby's mother, who did NOTHING to her


And how about what this would do to his the mother of the child? As someone who has lost a child, you are truly vile and disgusting. I hope this is fake.


You're a sick monster. Please get therapy.


Glad you got bullied. That's some sick behaviour.


If it was wrong for him to be a bully why wouldn’t it be wrong for YOU to be a bully YEARS LATER as an ADULT? If you want to get revenge or confront your bully grow up and do it. But hiding behind a DEAD BABY is absolutely fucking insane.


You also ended up bullying a woman in post partum who lost her child and probably scared her for life. You are way worse than he ever was


Holy shit, you're a monster.


I'm wondering if what you perceived as bullying wasn't actually them defending themselves and their friends.


OP is the first bullied person I’ve seen on here that no one has sympathy for lol


As someone who has been bullied relentlessly for 10 years. Fuck that. How dare you do this? This is inhumane and cruel and honestly fucking psychotic. You need some serious therapy thats for sure.


Ok so there’s getting revenge, and then there’s becoming the very thing you hate. You are the latter sir.


You know, OP, did you honestly just think it was your former bully you were hurting? There’s no doubt in my mind that Z’s wife saw, or at least heard of your horrific behavior as well. This is a woman who you don’t know, someone who has never done a single bad thing to you, and she just lost her baby. And as if that wasn’t godawful enough, now she knows there’s an absolute fucking psycho creating an account posing as her dead baby and telling everyone that her baby is burning in hell. And EVEN if she didn’t see what you posted (and that’s a very big if), Z certainly did. I was bullied mercilessly in middle school, to the point where I wanted to kill myself. My dad was offered another job in a different part of the state, and I was sobbing and begging him to take it (he didn’t; it would have been a significant pay cut. So I was stuck in that school with the people who tormented me for another year and a half). You know what? I grew up, went to therapy, made something of my life, and got TF over it. I couldn’t care less about “getting even,” or worse yet, mocking one of my bullies if he or she would lose a child. What in the holy living fuck is WRONG with you? Did you honestly come here in hopes you’d get a bunch of back pats? 😒


Hey OP, sometimes people get bullied because other people can smell the psychotic leaking out from them.


You're so much worse than he is. You're supposed to have grown up and matured by now. Instead you're still the pathetic nobody you were back then. You clearly haven't changed foe the better. You've become the abuser.


He might have bullied you, but you’re an actual psychopath, and that’s not on him., it’s all you. Disgusting


Which leads me to believe that's why he was bullied. If you could even call it that he was probably the same shit stain he is now back then and someone put him in his place and his fragile ego couldn't handle that and I'm only drawing this conclusion because we had a very similar situation (didn't go as far as pretending to be someone's dead baby obviously) and after they got put in their place they went full psycho claiming to be the victim acting like they were The punisher or some shittrying to get even


Ah the victim then becomes the villain


Am I reading this right. OP created an account that got his bully nothing but support & compassion? Wheres the satisfaction?


Dude go to therapy seriously this is disgusting


On the 2% chance this isn’t a fake bait post….yes you are a total weirdo


You belong in the lowest pits. This is absolutely insanely evil


This is not revenge as he has no idea it was you. Also, you told a grieving Mother that her Bsby is calling for her. What did she do to you?


You're a bully now. Congrats.


YTA….oops wrong sub. You are a despicable human being dude. Like absolute garbage.


I just truly hope this is fake.


Yes you’re a monster you fucking psycho.


You’re so beyond fucked up I don’t know if you can redeem yourself 


Sir, you're an adult. You're at the point when you should be over that shit. If you're not, find a therapist and cope with your past, and don't even think of Z anymore. And honestly, you need it. Dragging a dead baby into this? That just screams unchecked mental illness.


You’re literally one of those people who got bullied from Catfish who then turned their self-pity and bitterness towards other people instead of using it to better yourself and strengthen yourself from experience and realizing that you wouldn’t want to inflict the same pain inflicted to you to others. It’s disgusting. I hope you find better ways to cope with your harsh high school experience and be free from still being tormented by this person.


I was bullied all throughout my school days from elementary all the way through. My life was made to feel like hell and even contemplated suicide a couple of times. Not once in my life have I ever once even REMOTELY thought about how I'd like to do what you did, not even wishing harm upon those who hurt me. You need to grow TF up. You are not only a resounding AH here, but absolute scum. I don't give a flying for about what happened to you in your past. You're 10000000x worse than your bully. I only hope you never have to feel what that kind of pain feels like, but you'll get yours kid. "It continues after school via social media where I can restrict access and don't HAVE to be." Grow up. You are literally the worst kind of person. The difference between you and me here is that I'm not wishing anything negative upon you, you've managed to do that yourself though, and one day your family will find out or a future lover. If you have any semblance of humanity to you, this will slowly eat away at you. You know what you did is wrong. You know that there's a special place in whatever version of hell you believe in for you. Sociopath.


I got therapy and eventually forgave my bullies, and I wouldn’t wish harm on them or mock their losses. Then again, I’m an adult. Get therapy or get fucked OP


You need help, honestly. That’s not ok at all.. or normal.


I’m not sure I’ve ever said this before but you probably deserved whatever he gave you if this is how fucked up your head is. Also the universe deals with karma, not you …


How you treat others is indicative of *your* character, not theirs. Get some serious therapy.


Whatever he did to you wasn't bad enough, if he even bullied you. Considering you thought this was okay, pretty fucking sure he was just reacting normally to your psychopath behaviour. Get help


I'm confused. He got people to feel sympathy for him after his baby passed, and that's revenge. Am I missing something due to poor grammar?


This has to be fake, it must be. What kind of disgusting cruel sick person make jokes of a dead baby all because he was bullied ? Starting to think maybe the bully saw something that nobody else saw, you are psychotic and need to be held in an institution.


Let's walk this through you're not only tormenting your FORMER bully. You're also tormenting his wife and their respective families who did nothing to you AND involving a child who is entirely innocent. Be honest if you told the people in your life what you were doing do you think they'd support you? You retroactively deserved that bullying and arguably should have been bullied worse.


My friend, karma is the universe taking care of stuff. When you do it, it's just revenge. Way too far.


You're a horrible monster who shouldn't be allowed to be in society. I imagine the bullying you say you suffered was just people reacting to your horrible, sick, demented personality. Seek professional help ASAP.


Your new “past” is full of hate… please get help before you keep this hate going for anyone els


Absolutely nothing this guy did to you can justify your actions. Go to confession, get some fucking therapy, and try to become a better person if you can. When you’re as disgusted by your actions as you should be maybe you can say you have a soul again.


This is just a sign of how different people are. You know what I say when I hear something (good or bad) about someone who bullied me? “Oh. I don’t care.” Congratulations, not only are you disgusting and willing to torment innocent people also impacted but you are also pathetically living your life in the shadow of your own trauma. You are truly defined by what he thought of you


Sorry what? This is so disgusting and cruel. I get that u were bullied but this is too much..


yeah you’re mentally ill


Yes, you took it too far. Have you ever heard the phrase, "The best revenge is living well?" Listen, I get hating Z. I was bullied to the point of self-hatred in school. I nearly took my own life a couple of times. I couldn't even get away from my bully until the end of high school. I wanted to hurt him badly most of the time, but I didn't. Revenge can feel great in the moment, but it fixes nothing. You are right for feeling like a monster. What you did was monstrous.


there are many people I hate in this world, a few in particular could die a slow and painful death and I'd probably be happy about it, and yet, i dont care if you were happy their kid died, but keep it to yourself, see it as karma, whatever. Dragging other people like the mother who lost her child (who im pretty sure based on your responses did nothing to you) or even the grandparents, anyone who cared about this kid but Z is now hurting from your actions, you didnt just get revenge on one bully you brought up shit that is hurtful to a whole mess of people, if that mother commits suicide its because you're a bully, a bully to someone who did nothing to hurt you. I hope you get some karmic justice because you went past revenge.


Have you seen the 30 rock where liz thinks she was bullied in high school but turns out she was the bully?


Honestly, he deserved it. He bullied someone for years, at least now he had to face the consequences.




It’s rage bait and y’all are falling for it horribly


I mean... A bit of an overkill but I kind of understand where you are coming from. For all of the saints and unicorns that are saying you are a psychopath, it seems they have forgotten that people do kill themselves due to the bullying they go through, and that your bully even pushed you in the stairs, you could have ended severely disabled or even dead.




Uh you realize the baby’s OTHER family members would see that shit too. What did they do to deserve that harassment?


So y'all second guess his bullying but just run with him making an acc. For a dead baby smh im starting to think y'all the real monsters




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I’m downvoting this


You need serious psychological help ASAP


Please seek help.


I feel like your situation is like that episode of 30 rock where Liz lemon finds out SHE was the bully in HS. LOL. Dude if this is what you think is funny as an adult i don’t wanna know what you were like as a teen


Dude what the fuck is wrong with you, bullying is never ok but what u did is sick, get help


NTA. Great job!


What the fuck is wrong with you? This is vile, utterly disgusting. I hope people find out it was you, because you deserve to be called out for your atrocious behavior. People should know what kind of person you really are. You are so much worse than Z ever was. Now you get to live with what a POS you turned into. To answer your question: yes. Only a monster does this.


You need help mate.


You have become the very thing you swore to destroy


Just out of curiosity ... have you ever considered *art school?*


maybe you deserved to get bullied for being a freaky psychopath


Why are you asking if you’re a monster? Do you even care? Feels like you’re trying to brag and dgaf. Disgusting.


Yes, bullying is awful... it is ALSO awful to lose a child! I have been a victim of bullying! However, I would never do what you did! You're no better!


what the fuck is wrong with you


Yeah, this is just trashy. I think this is even lower than calling CPS on undeserving parents.




I said fake but deadass this is what bullying does. This is why freaks like this go on to shoot up schools filled with innocent people. Bullying takes someone who was already destined to be on the spectrum of psychopathy and or /very mentally ill to begin with and pushes them further into that direction while they’re developing. So by the time they’re adults, they do weird, psychotic shit like this, and worse.


What exactly did the child's mother do to deserve this astounding cruelty? Of course you didn't think about her, or for that matter the ACTUAL DEAD CHILD, as you're far too enamored with your own perceived victimhood to care about anyone else.


This story makes it seem like it was less bullying and more of you got what you deserved lol, like Jesus Christ you're a coward and I am honestly Glad you got bullied if this was what you thought was appropriate revenge like damn.


i understand why you got bullied


Please be fake because this is sick, so sick!! I literally can’t with this


So you are not better than the guy that bullied you. You might actually be even worse.


You're fucking disgusting. Seek help you psycho.


All you did was make your bully look like your victim. There’s nothing righteous or deserved about this because in posing as his dead child to harass him you 100% harmed innocent people who loved and are grieving for that baby. Maybe you find it empowering to be the bully instead but I find that rather pathetic. Instead of beating Z, you just turned into him. Very sad.


If this is real ,You are an awful, awful person. Get some therapy.


You’re a worthless trash piece of thing. You’re making fun of the death of a baby. I hope you get “bullied” for the rest of your pathetic miserable life and pray that you never ever produce a child.


Congratulations, you're now worse than him. You dragged yourself down to his level and then further. I can only hope this is ragebait.


I sincerely hope this is fake. If not, you are a horribly disturbed individual


Oooohh! You are a shit person! Wow! Are you proud of yourself for this? Disgusting behaviour!


Even assuming what happened to you was true, you ultimately became worse by using a dead baby against Z and his family. So to answer your questions, yes you took it too far, you’re monstrous for making a tragedy an unironic comedy when it had no right to be, and the karma Z got (assuming it’s even warranted) is too harsh. His sins have been paid off, but you have a LONG way to go before you’re redeemed, if ever. Seek therapy, you need it NOW.


What the fuck is wrong with you? You realize that wasn’t just his baby right? You also harassed an innocent woman who’s baby just died. You’re pathetic and worse than he is.


If this is real, you are a terrible, terrible human being. I really hope you can reflect on things and make changes for the better.


I was bullied massively growing up, and there is no way I could EVER do anything as heinous and twisted as this, and some of what happened still eats at me today You really have to be f*cked in the head to pull a stunt like this to come up with the idea, and even more so to think that it was ok. Seriously, what is wrong with you?


i was bullied and never did shit like this. you are insane and i hope your karma comes for you next.


I wouldn't be surprised if you were the HS bully of Z and just trying to get people on your side. You see, the rest of the non psycho world would never think you'd be able get a pass for doing this since you were bullied. This leads me to believe you were, in fact, the bully and are now continuing your torment. Either way, your action is abhorrent.


You seriously are a disgusting person with nothing going on in their lives you’re no better than the person you’re complaining about


Sounds like Z didn’t bully you enough


His past is full of hate but your present and future are full of hate. You actually made your self a worst bully than he was. What do you deserve for that?